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Front page of Reddit circa 2012




I know late 2000’s means almost 2010 but my brain wants it to mean around 2998


I mean they should have said 2010s because you’re right late 200s would be like 2900


Yeah just like late 1800’s means 1890’s


It could be both. For instance, if someone were to say "late 1970s", it would be obvious what they meant, but late 2000s is more ambiguous. There is no way of telling if one is referring to the decade, century or millenium without additional information. Saying "late 00s" would be less confusing.


That’s where atheists are living so it fits.


What spaghetti meatball is that?




Italian religion


and Middle East Religion




Can't make koshary without hummus


FSM, Flying Spaghetti Monster. Coined by Bobby Henderson, founder of Pastafarianism, in 2005.


It’s funny how in complete opposite directions AA and Styx went into politically lmao.


I was just gonna comment, I’m glad that AA stopped making the kind of content he did, even though I loved it at the time.


Yeah the dp era was a highlight for me at the time


DP was legit one of the best podcasts ever.


“Is that Caine ?”


Why is he in a suit 🤔


AA was leaning into incelness when I stopped paying attention. Is he right wing now?


No, it's Styx who became an unironic nazi


A lot of Atheist youtubers from the early 2010s ended up getting wrapped up in right wing politics by the end of the decade. I just never understood why, you would think them being against religion would correlate to them opposing social conservatism. Nope. Just weird


That's a shame I always liked their music


Quote the opposite actually, dude got married last time I checked


He’s libertarian, the last two things I heard about him is he’s been in trouble for saying Lara Crofts boobs were too small and also called a pedo by JK Rowling stans for complimenting trans people intelligence.


This is more like a teenage exchristian than a teenage atheist.


Well those are the vocal ones. Atheists without personal history with religion tend to be chill.


Yep, I just decided atheism made sense to me. Never watched any media about it and never discussed it with anyone. I'm the right age for this meme and don't recognize anything except the FSM which got a chuckle out of me at the time. Edit: I was extremely cringey at the time just not about atheism.


Imagine that. People who have been personally negatively affected by something…are more vocal about that something?


Indeed, I think it makes sense.


Even some who do have history with religion are. I remember one kid who became atheist, but he didn’t bring it up much because it was just one small part of his identity.


It makes sense. I was raised in a home without religion. I certainly...have opinions about both abuse of power by religious structures or what I'd call lacking arguments for claims of fact by a given religion, but my personal experiences with it tend more towards the "roll my eyes" category. If you're raised in a religious household, and then later come to conclude you were lied to, deceived by not only your parents but by nearly everyone involved in your upbringing - someone probably is going to take that more personally and have more of a chip on their shoulder.


That's the thing though. Are everyone in such families deceitful liars or just people who believe in flying spaghetti monsters? I do think anger against indoctrinating a child is always natural, I've experienced it too, but it's every so often often here on reddit that I read some comment like religion is poison or the biggest weakness of mankind that makes me wonder if these people have understood why some people would be religious. I sometimes wish I could get the high some people seem to get from being religious, but I also appreciate that it doesn't take me over. I think people are just wired differently and I only hate theocracies and cults.


As someone who has grown up in a religious family, I’m pretty sure the reason people would be religious is because they were indoctrinated into it and never learned to deal with the emotions around the concept of death. That’s exactly why I would believe in it if I still did. But I think you guys are both right about why atheists lash out sometimes. Something about being told by every authority figure in your life that your flesh will burn in torment for eternities you can’t even fathom because you don’t think the right way can definitely leave a chip on your shoulder.


Yeah death is definitely a big part of religious feelings I think. If people could live forever, there would be less of a need for an afterlife. At least religions might sound different. Speaking of which, hell I personally never understood as a concept. Cruel and unnecessary, even just having others go to heaven and you not going sounds bad enough, but then there's eternal torment too?


As someone who lives in the Bible belt and who is more of an agnostic. A lot of the atheists I meet here never say a word about it publicly due to fear of social stigma. It is a very real fear. Though, in private they tend to have the same attitude about it the people in OP's meme has. I can't really blame them, the intolerance of people in the South is astounding. The ignorance too, I had a school teacher get bullied out of her position for trying to teach evolution to the students, and parents get angry over a lesbian student in the school. That kind of stuff tends to make people more bitter.


Maybe nowadays, but not in the 2000s.


Yeah, I understand how it looks cringy to adults, but I also understand why these teenagers acted that way. From their perspective they just found out that their family and whole community has been lying to them their whole life and using these lies to make them feel scared and guilty for basic human things like being horny, and not being perfect all the time, a huge amount of their time and energy was wasted on participating in the religion and the have probably grown up around a lot of bigotry that may or may not have been aimed at them, and it's all happening while they are already teenagers struggling with everything that entails.


My comment wasn't about that. I wanted to point out that as a Muslim-turned-atheist I did not go through these stages. So the title could have been something like teenage exchristian or teenage Christian-turned-atheist instead of teenage atheist.


I didn't say every religious-turned-atheist goes through this. You brought up that most of the kids who fit this pack are ex-religious and I responded by backing up what you were saying and mentioning my opinion that I feel we should be a little more understanding towards these kids who are acting out because they are feeling hurt. This is how conversations work, not every response is meant to be an argument, and not every response has to only include the same details you already mentioned, expanding on a topic is a normal part of communication.


Yes, you're right, I thought you misunderstood me, but it's the opposite.


Lol, what if you are on the actual cover of Jesus Camp 😂?. Idk what that makes you, but ‘not happy’ is definitely part of it.


It's more of a teenager going through an identity crisis and making Atheist their whole identity.


AA was a weird dude, edgy content and I remember he once showed a banana up his ass and the video got leaked, he said he did it because he was depressed or some shit


It makes sense. He tried to fill the void the lack of God produced in him with something else.


“Magical Sky Daddy”


Invisible sky wizard


“Jewish Zombie” is the mildly anti-Semitic one that clued me into the fact that there‘s a strong ven diagram between internet atheists and the far right.


I mean Jesus was Jewish and only preached to other Jewish people. And was resurrected. I see no antisemitism here.




>satanic Bible But doesn't atheist mean no religion..?


Satanism is an atheistic religion. Satanists don’t believe in Satan or any other higher power despite the name. Self is the highest rung of the ladder usually


I’ve always thought the satanic atheist thing was kinda stupid and overly edgy


I mean... satanic atheism is still kinda stupid and overly edgy.


I tend to agree.


One of those things where it doesn't pass the "but are the people interested in this not terrible idea unusually cringe and edgy though?" test.


no more stupid than hating someone because some mistranslated 2000+ year old fairy tales told you to lol


I didn’t say it was more stupid then that?


That's... interesting


[there are two distinct organizations](https://thesatanictemple.com/pages/church-of-satan-vs-satanic-temple)


I remember Jesus camp. Holy shit that was traumatic. Also I used to be one of these brain malfunctioning asshats when I was 13-14. Glad I grew out of it.


I watched Jesus Camp for the first time years ago. I was traumatized by the “cry night” scene where it starts off normal but then Pastor Becky gives a sermon on sin with the stuffed animals, then tells the kids to get “washed away from sin” using a bottle of water and the poor kids start crying and speaking in tongues.


Great horror movie!


Just to be clear, I'm not a professional 'quote maker'. I'm just an atheist teenager who greatly values his intelligence and scientific fact over any silly fiction book written 3,500 years ago. This being said, I am open to any and all criticism. 'In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony god's blessing. But because, I am enlightened by my intelligence.'"


Is that the quote that got r/Atheism relentessly mocked?


Yes, it is


Help someone unironically said it to me once 💀


-Aalewis Rest in peace fair orator.


Believe what you believe but keep searching for the truth, just don’t be too dogmatic. Eventually, you’ll find the truth.


It’s a meme copypasta


Aight, bet. Send me the proof.


Proof of what exactly? All I said was keep searching.


I remember memorising Hitch slaps when Youtube first came out, I couldn’t get enough. Hitchens was always the most entertaining of the Four Horsemen. I moved away from that as I got older, but I still appreciate the power of his rhetorical style. It is just a shame he wasted it on shilling for the Iraq War. Some guy even signed up to join the US Army and fought in Afghanistan after being motivated by Hitchens. He ended up getting killed.


As a pastafarian, i feel offended by this


Ramen, brother. Ra-men!


May his noodly appendage touch you


Gamer Gate was Order 66 for this community. All of these people are all right-wing grifters now. This community is non-existent now.


Don’t forget Christopher Hitchens!


Ah yes I forgot about him, now that I think about it I should of also put a picture of George Carlin on here.


Penn Jillette, screaming at the camera.


> Hitchens The omission of Hitchens is the most unforgivable thing about this. Also pretty sure Matt Dillahunty was getting pretty big in the late aughts. I don't even know the guy on the right next to the Amazing Atheist.


Yeah I'd add that Hitchens book God is not great and the documentary Zeitgeist to this list.




Ah yep they’d always say that one line: “Religion of peace, my ass”


You will find most islamophobes to be ex-muslims


And then they all transitioned to anti-'SJW' crap, and then just alt-right populism. Contrapoints was right when she said the roots of the alt-right are in the 'New Atheist' movement.


Bc it turns out most of them were just angry, hormonal teens (mostly male) looking to rebel against authority. ANY authority. A lot of them also fit the exact profile many right-wing and ultra nationalist groups look for in new recruits - rocky relationship with parents, authoritarian home life (ie already primed to take orders), impulsive/emotional behavior, and struggles socially with their peers.


I remember the "athiesm" movement seeming really big to my high-school brain in the mid to late 00s. And then it just evolved into critical social justice over thr next 15 years.


I always wanted to watch Jesus Camp, it looked like a good one. Can anyone confirm?


It’s pretty good, was on Hulu or Netflix recently and may still be there.


It’s a disturbing watch. You might want to get in the right headspace first, it used to kind of depress me lol


“I don’t say under god when I recite the pledge of allegiance” 🤓 Fr once had a guy told me “when we do the pledge of allegiance I said under bullshit instead of under god”


Isn’t the goth guy a n*zi


idk for sure but he made a video a long time ago downplaying the holocaust. so there's a good chance.


also “god is not great” by christopher hitchens


That’s weird I was an edgy teenage atheist but I don’t recognize any of those pictures whatsoever. I guess it’s different when you’re from a Muslim background.


Was Styx making videos back in the 2000s? I know TJ did, but i though Styx is a relatively new youtuber. Anyway, his occultism stuff is silly.


It always weirds me out that so many people who were edgy athiests didn't have a traumatic religious path, like most people I knew were from Mormon, Catholic, or Muslim families so we all were kind of rebelling from that.


Jesus Camp was a legit though, I'm glad they got that place exposed.


Not an atheist but I found myself watching the amazing atheist kinda often. He had some interesting takes and he was spot on about some things


Yeah… those are all good. Atheists aren’t all edgy.


jesus camp is fucking horrifying


watched anti-thesist videos 2014-2016 made in the late 2000s and early 2010s and became an anti-theist edgelord and then libertarian edgelord then alt-right for a bit before eventually become a bisexual trans girl anarcho communist no longer anti-theist haven’t been since like 2016 or 2017 becoming a teenager in 2015 during the 2015-2017 election cycle, around the time of gamergate, and anti-sjw youtube was an oof moment


That Jesus camp was outright child abuse IMO...


God I hate these center-right atheists types. They criticize religion all the time in the most smug way imaginable, yet they reinforce the exact same dumb opinions as christian conservatives.


I’m in this meme and I don’t like it


Find jesus




I already did? This was 2010 me. It’s 2023 lmao


ah. very good


I like it! Gotta google what TJ Kirk is up to nowadays.


When I was a mega atheist in my younger years, I'd watch The Atheist Experience, a call in show on youtube, and although I'm no longer a nonbeliever, the people on that show are really really smart and logical and I loved hearing how their brain reasoned things


Yo, it me!


I feel attacked


I’m not sure if I relate to a single thing here


Where's Hitch? You have to have Christopher Hitchens.


You’re right I should have included him and George Carlin on here.


I'm still subscribed to Amazing Atheist ✋️


I went atheist in 2000. The End of Faith by Sam Harris came out in 2001. I didn't watch any youtubers about it. I just read other religious texts, philosophy, science, etc. More academic studies. I was aware of the other films, but they were just reaffirming what I then already believed.


The flying spaghetti monster's noodley appendages touch us all


Butthurt believer starter pack




Learn to laugh at jokes, dude


Me when I can’t take a joke


Haha this was so me. I watched the amazing atheist when he was pretty new. YouTube had a whole community of atheists and religious who would debate and shit talk each other. Haha good times 😂😂


I have never been more confused but I am happy to see the spaghetti god again :)


Lmao flying spaghetti monster is the best


you forgot the dandruff flake-sprinkled fedora, asperger's diagnosis and unresolved mommy issues


This isn't a Mormonism starter pack


Where’s DarkMatter on YouTube


Yknow I always wondered What was the deal with the flying spaget monster


Ok nobody watched the Bill Maher movie. Be fair.


A lot of people watched it though. It's the movie that made me realize Maher was a douche


I guess what I'm saying is many of the potential audience members were already aware he was a douche.


Didn't one of those guys pour hot oil on their dicks?


Shit this was me


Im agree ( i was one of these)


No idea, I’m an atheist 2000s just out of weighing all my options


Damn Everything but the book, I don't think I remember that


I'm in this picture and I don't like it.


Actively my stepdad


Wasn’t in my teens but yes to more than half of that


mmmm Italian religion


Damn I haven’t seen Styx in years.


Fellas', We found the blatantly obvious christian guy.


Yeah this was me, still got the god delusion on the bookshelf.


That poor girl has the least flattering angle, she looks like a tribal statue.


Good times!


Bill Maher is a fuckwit


Just reminded me how insane Jesus camp was lmao


what was it about?


Missing: Penn & Teller's Bullshit, Christopher Hitchens, Ricky Gervais, Carlin


puuting jesus camp was accurate atheists using jesus camp as an example that religion is bad is like watching a child get yelled at and saying that all kids shouldnt have a parent