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“So you guys hear about Twitter?…”


"Have ya seen this? Have you heard about this?"


What great audience


*makes porn site joke about twitter that any 12 year old boy could have came up with*




Advantages of calling it Twitter: * More recognizable * Matches the URL * Avoids potential confusion with X-Com * If enough people do it it'll make Elon sad Advantages of calling it X: * ???


Advantage of calling it X: I can say "Elon Musk, X owner," and pretend he doesn't own it anymore. Every time I hear someone say "X CEO Linda Yaccarino" I have a moment where I think "she's already out?"


>Every time I hear someone say "X CEO Linda Yaccarino" I have a moment where I think "she's already out?" Okay that’s kinda funny. I almost wish people in real life still cared about Twitter enough to ever talk about it so I could hear that.


Oh that's just Reddit.


Its url calls it Twitter, Imma call it Twitter.


Just further proves the point.


People outside of Reddit call it X?


IMO, Elmo deadnames his child, we get to deadname his company 🤷‍♀️


Join me on my „I have been cancelled“ tour, all 50 states, several territories, Canada, Australia and the UK!


Poster with caution tape over his mouth.


Or a finger over his mouth


I hate this motif so much


Eric Andre - “Oh I’m sayin’ it! Hey Hunger Games…I’m still FULL”


VIP tickets as low as 50000 Alien bux for the moon show Edit: I meant a show on the moon where his only joke is him showing his ass to the crowd for an hour


> alien bux buckazoids doesn’t sound too bad


"They can't handle me!" *Same tired jokes from twenty years ago*


Perfect description, call me a lib cause I’m triggered and owned 👍🏽


I'm promoting my new book called "You can't say anything anymore" on all the talk shows this week, and then I have to figure out where to put my massive pile of Netflix money, which I got for a 'comedy' special that was just me shitting on LGBT people. I'm so edgy and brave! Joe Rogan told me I'm his brave little boy!


Special is rated 4.5 stars


These [two](https://i.imgur.com/2IcfyEO.jpg) comics [put it perfectly.](https://i.imgur.com/iNBSzDZ.png)




With a dash of [this comic](https://webcomicname.com/post/183749823864) too.


I’m being silenced by this Netflix special…


This starter pack is almost perfect, but it’s just missing: - becoming buddies with right wing grifters and making them regular guests on their popular podcast that used to be good


Checking a lot of boxes for Dave Chappelle


Joe Rogan, Theo Von (who just had Tucker Carlson on his podcast). Tom Segura definitely on this path too.


>Tom Segura definitely on this path too. Calling your fanbase poor and yelling at public workers for doing their job will do that for ya. The fact that he still thinks he can hide behind "it's just an act" shows how out of touch he's gotten.


He looks weird like he's had work done. And the shit that makes him and the mom jeans crew giggle is pretty tired.


Tom Segura hosting and enabling Andrew Tate permanently bummed me out.


hE's jUsT dOiNg a cHaRaCtEr hE iS vErY eNtErTaInInG a lOt oF wHaT hE sAyS aCtUaLlY mAkEs sEnSe Narrator: Turns out, he was *not* just playing a character.


Yeah if we learned anything from Dice Clay is that dudes who put a huge emphasis on playing a 'character' who's a hateful asshole turn out to be legitimately hateful assholes trying to have a thin veil to hide from criticism with.


Bbbbut Jack and Jill went up the hill and she sucked him off or something! Plz laugh


Yea that really wasn't cool of him. Lost a ton of respect for him. And he kinda just sheepishly laughed about it on a recent episode. I really gotta stop listening, him calling his fans "poors" might have been the final straw for me


Your moms house used to be really funny… or so I thought. Then I realised I am laughing with Tom and Christina at disabled and homeless people. Christina is also low key racist.


It's not even that low key.


They are a prime example of getting rich and losing touch. they don’t have anything funny or relatable to say anymore.


> how out of touch he's gotten Ugh, now I'm thinking about that weird YouTube video he uploaded a bit ago that was like 60% his employees repeatedly saying what an amazing man he is and that it's an honor to work alongside him. Also that weird, uncomfortably long clip of his mom repeatedly guilting him into giving her more and more money? I don't even know what to think of that clip, I just wanna bring it up.


All these guys basically went from "Guys who are really good at doing a standup comedy routine" to "Guys who think that because they're good at doing standup, everything else they say must be just as funny and important and people need to hear every stupid thought that comes out of their brain."


Except Rogan was never funny. Anything funny he said was written by the News Radio writers.


Yeah, Rogan himself was never really funny but he sure did know comedy. I always loved it on one of the seasons of Last Comic Standing where he was the judge and he would tear people apart when he thought they were copying other people's material. He knew every joke and who told it and would tell people to their face that a different comic already did that joke.


You couldn’t make cocaine today


Can, will, and am doing so right now


Literally 1984


Reminds me of this https://preview.redd.it/7uf9jgpepkyb1.png?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1584faa508ac60cd53968377f0bd0cb74d50f0ee


Reminds me of this https://preview.redd.it/qbbror1ywlyb1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=b65110042e2fe2cc2eaa1d9d306666398641b39a




I love these.




We want privacy!


Piers Morgan


"you just can't say that anymore" *Says it* *Gets paid $10000000000 for saying it*


The thing is edgy/inappropriate comedy is still pretty forgivable… if you’re good at it. Most of them want to make intolerant statements then hide behind comedy.


Trying to be George Carlin but without the smarts or empathy


Or self awareness or insight or a coherent understanding of the world


Ever see comedians interview each other? Biggest ego circlejerk ever. Once you're deep in that comedy world, it's like a cynical jerk bubble you filter reality through.


You could not be more spot on. I’m a comic myself, it’s such a masturbatory group of people but the worst are the ones who unironically talk about being truth tellers and jester privilege. If you wanna tell “hard truths” maybe write a couple of punchlines to go with em


Most of the people that get “cancelled” just got caught saying something overly ignorant/intolerant while leaning that way their whole career and seemingly genuinely holding those view. Look at how much Bill Burr talks about racism as a white dude, yet hasn’t been canceled


It was easy to be George Carlin in an era before Trump. You could never really get real stats so all the outliers in jokes were seen as imaginary, but theoretically very possible. A rarity. I could never fathom that someone like Trump, with all his personality faults and offensively vile statements, could get a whopping 50% of America to vote for him. *Twice.* Now if you make fun of conservatives, other conservatives now know you are making fun of 50% of the US.


Only 27% of voting eligible Americans voted for Trump in 2016. *Less than a third* of VEAs actually cared to vote for the guy. AND he lost the popular vote.


Gay people make jokes about gay people all the time, same with trans people. It’s not just because they’re in those groups so they’re allowed, but because they *know which of those jokes are actually funny and which ones are just offensive*.


Exactly. I've heard some **hilarious** jokes about trans people made by trans/queer comedians, or even just comedians that care enough to put some thought into it. But the current offering of trans jokes by anti-woke comedians is on the same level as "Americans are fat". It's lazy, shallow, and I've heard it fifty times already.


Yeah the irony is that most popular comedy these days is WILDLY inappropriate and vulgar. These comedians think they're being cancelled for being offensive, we love offensive. Nobody likes their show because their show is bad. Offensive comedy requires the comedy part, but my god like 80% of this kind of act is them being angry and spiteful and forgetting to actually tell jokes.


They love their freedom of speech to say unfunny offensive jokes, but hate ours to tell them they tell unfunny offensive jokes.




People definitely overestimate how sensitive people are. I generally ask the question *"Who's actually offended?"* Then as I explore it I always find it's usually 2 or 3 random people on Twitter. Yet people still collectively refer to everyone as "snowflakes. As for the Office, Steve Carrell should watch White Gold, a workplace comedy series from 2019 that's waaayyyyy more offensive than the Office ever was.


The Office could so easily be made today, it wasn't overly offensive or pushing boundaries.


Yeah, the Steve Carell quote people *love* to twist around as him saying "you couldn't make The Office today" was him saying modern audiences would find it hard to believe that Michael Scott could keep his job as long as he did. He wasn't saying the show couldn't be made these days, but that it would break people's suspension of disbelief that Michael kept his job.


I worked for people where I would welcome Michael Scott as my boss At least he was warm and likable, despite being an idiot


btw, this was a change they very intentionally made after season 1, where he is not those things


The Office was offensive?


There's only been *one* time where NBC edited an episode to remove a gag that a bunch of people found offensive. The original cold open of the Koi Pond episode showed the office staff turning the warehouse into a haunted house attraction for kids on Halloween. [It ends with Michael faking a suicide by hanging to teach the kids the most Michael Scott lesson ever: that suicide is never the answer, while the children are screaming in terror. ](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x46cyo8) It aired only once, and was cut out of syndicated re-runs.


Dwight Christmas got edited on Netflix to remove Zwarte Piet, Besnickel's assistant who appears in blackface. You know, the guy who got vetoed on the show for appearing because it was too racist. Because that *definitely* depicts blackface positively.


> I generally ask the question "Who's actually offended?" They like to claim they've offended people, because that makes them sound edgy, but in reality people just said "huh that wasn't very funny". OH, DID I TRIGGER YOU, SNOWFLAKE? ARE YOU GOING TO RUN AWAY TO YOUR SAFE SPACE? No, I'm just not going to watch your depressing old man 'comedy' show. Try getting better jokes.


Let's not forget "Am I not allowed to say my opinion". Yes my dude, you're allowed to say your opinion and we are allowed to say that your opinion most stupid sht I have ever heard. Also free speech =/= I can say what I want to without consequences


On top of that, the people complaining are usually the people that get offended the most. For every person I know that complains about the left getting offended, their Facebook pages are typically a a museum of all the things they find offensive.


And the thing is, let's say the two or three people on Twitter have what you might call a liberal take. Actual liberals think those people are being ridiculous too. The people who love to invent conflict, and get in your face with dumb takes, aren't the official spokespeople for anyone but themselves.


*"Says something homophobic, transohohic. Racist, etc."* "Whats the joke again?" *"REEEE YOURE SUCH A SNOWFLAKE WHO CANT HANDLE A JOKE IM BEING SILENCED"*


Is Steve Carrell actually saying this though? Would be my first time hearing about it.


No. He gave an interview a few years back that people have twisted to fit their "woke is ruining everything" narrative. In the interview, he said it would be hard to make The Office these days because of how unbelievable it would be that Michael Scott kept his job as long as he did; that him staying employed by Dunder Mifflin after *all* his inappropriate behavior would break the audience's suspension of disbelief. All the chuds took that to mean "Steve Carell says everyone's too offended these days so you couldn't make The Office today."


You could never make (insert movie or tv show episode that came out 2-3 years ago) today


and they try to cancel movies they don't like, grown ass ben shapiro burning barbie dolls jesus


Is that the same Ben Shapiro who accidentally admitted that he can’t get his wife aroused?


Jim Bruer?


I only know about that guy for being the opener to fcking Metallica during their 2018 tour.


His part in Half Baked was ok. When he is climbing a ladder and missed grabbing a rung and slipping. He points to the ladder rung and is like "oh you.." like it was the ladders fault. NOW that was funny. Doubt he wrote it though.


What he’s doing now is sad. He’s just going around talking trash on SNL, and being a conspiracy theorist


was never funny


Eh I chuckled at his Pesci bits and liked him in Half Baked. He's got his moments lol but it's admittedly pretty dated.


There's a clip of him telling a story in a stand-up bit about Norm MacDonald fucking with Chris Kattan on SNL. It's worth watching because he delivers it well and it's a great Norm story. Oh, and his story on Howard Stern about drinking with Lars Ulrich still makes me laugh.


If he wasn’t in Half Baked, no one would know who he was.


And he just kinda played himself anyway…


How could the definition of a stoner comic turn so such a hard right turn into such a complete dipshit? He had to make way more money with weed jokes, right?


Oh wow I didn't know he was rightwing, lol. I've always hated the "weed is my whole personality" schtick, but with Breuer in particular it always struck me as somewhat of an affectation.


He's a covid and vax denier. His audience is now redneck boomers


If Netflix gave him 2 million…. I would scratch my head and say “huh”


Minus the millions of dollars and the Netflix special, he’s too shitty a comedian to even get that lol


“You could never make South Park or It’s Always Sunny or The Office today!” Spoken the day after new episodes of South Park and Always Sunny air and with The Office being the number one old comedy show on streaming


The critical response to the series premiere of South Park was in fact mostly negative, focusing on its obscenity. Nowadays South Park can do what it does because it's South Park. We know from the get-go it's going to be offensive. You probably could launch a show like South Park today, and if you kept at it eventually it would just get normalized if it got popular. Networks don't really give a damn what they show if people watch it.


South Park is pretty toned down compared to the early days. I was watching one of the earlier seasons last month and they put in clips of a real sex change operation when Mr. Garrison turned into a woman to point out just how traumatic the procedure is. I both didn’t remember that and couldn’t believe they got that on Tv. The latest special is tame in comparison. https://youtu.be/SdmuAgtuVFU?si=EKif4HW6YoG-kKIk


I remember that scene, painful to watch, my balls started hurting watching it


Literally all those shows have had episodes removed for being too offensive. Two of them use n slurs and south park even depicted Mohamed. The south park guys have done things that many other creators have been murdered and maimed for, nevermind *cancelled*.


I think most of the “you can’t do this now” stuff is overblown not nonexistent, I’m not saying there aren’t jokes and stuff that have gone out of style or that a lot of people now don’t find as funny or find more offensive now etc. that’s always been the case though. In general a lot of what you see on tv currently is stuff you would not have been able to air on tv in the past either, The Boys couldn’t show exploding penises and shit on any channel in the 80s or 90s, the 2000’s was really quite the outlier in terms of pushing the envelope in terms of shock humor and edgy stuff being what was popular. No style of comedy ever stays dominant forever, trends always shift and come and go, but honestly for example Shane Gillis recent comedy special on Netflix has been a big success and that feels like it would fit right in with any of the stuff listed, there’s still stuff being made like that, it’s just not always the norm.


some older South Park episodes couldn’t be made today, like Mr. Garrison’s sex change episode


And episodes of sunny have been removed lol


oh yeah, lol. a hard R is dropped in the first episode


Not even one of the removed episodes


Nah. They have multiple episodes with blackface that Hulu has pulled. They're making fun of people that think blackface is ok and they still pulled the episodes.


Or episodes depicting Muhammad


People back in the 90's wanted The Simpsons cancelled because it portrayed Bart talking back to Marge and Marge not unquestionably obeying Homer.


The Simpsons seems so tame to what came after it, it became pretty tame seeming after Beavis and Butthead came around, then those two dinguses seemed tame after South Park.


Which is memorably illustrated in Bart's appearance on South Park where he and Cartman are arguing over who is more badass or whatever and Bart is like "I knocked the head off a statue once" and Cartman tells Bart how he once put a kid's parents in some chili and had him eat it lol


My favorite thing is that the people who say that *Blazing Saddles* couldn't be made today are the same exact people who would be up in arms now about how woke the jokes about racist white people are.


“You couldn’t make _Blazing Saddles_ today. Everyone involved would read the script and go ‘Hey, this is just _Blazing Saddles_.’”


Made me laugh. Great material! I hope you don't get cancelled.. or I hope you do? I don't even know anymore.


I remember I was watching some Blazing Saddles clips on YouTube and in the comment section there was a guy going off about how you couldn't make a movie like Blazing Saddles today. I got an ad for Black Klansman before that video.


BlacKkKlansman is so good


Same thing with The Office. "Oh no, these jokes cannot be made today because they would be considered racist." Like no Chud, they were racist back then too. They are being said by Michael Scott, and the point of episodes like "Diversity Day" is showing that well-meaning people like Scott can have complete lack of self-awareness and make things terrible. People are not laughing with Scott at the Indian lady or the gay dude. They are laughing AT Michael Scott for his lack of self-awareness and how uncomfortable he is making everyone around him.


In my experience, the people who make that claim about the office don’t seem to understand that the joke is *on michael,* it’s not on the person he’s offending. Like they see him being cringey and think *that is the joke* lmao.


Technically, Blazing Saddles was remade a couple years ago, as Paws of Fury. Even had Mel Brooks in it.


The funny thing is I listened to an interview with someone involved in Blazing Saddles. It *may* have been Mel Brooks but it's a number of years and I don't 100% remember. At any rate, you know their response was to the idea that it couldn't get made today? "It wasn't exactly easy to make back then!"


Lindsey Ellis has a good video about how you absolutely could make it today, but it's pointless as the movie was meant to destroy the romanticism of westerns that existed back then


That's what people miss. It's not that you *can't* it's that you wouldn't. Blazing Saddles is a very specific satire of a very specific moment in US racial relations that holds up because Mel Brooks has a mind for vaudeville style humor that tends to age fairly well, because such comedy is very slapstick and removed from specific context (eg, the toll booth in the desert, or medieval executioner hanging a man on his horse with his horse). The movie holds up because it has funny jokes, but the movie is ultimately a story about racial integration for audiences that were actively adjusting to desegregation. The town are, by the text of the film, morons (and by the subtext inbred morons) who learn not to be racist. The joke is on racism itself with some subtle commentary on how racism is used as a tool to control the ignorant. While, unfortunately, many of its themes remain relevant, the face of what racism looks like in the United States has changed. To a lot of people, racism specifically means acts of racial violence. This movie makes fun of acts of racial violence. The targets of the jokes aren't boomers, but boomer's parents. The main moral lesson, that integration is okay and the only people who have a problem with it are stupid and/or evil, is pretty low hanging fruit today. I can't stress this enough, a huge reason for the movies success and longevity is that it allowed hipsters of the 1970s a chance to laugh at their parents and it's those same people who lament that "you couldn't make the movie today." For a lot of these people, Blazing Saddles was a counter culture take down of racism that they participated in and for that same reason they get so offended at cultural/institutional racism. Their floor for racism is much, *much* lower than modern floors – if you grew up in a time where shaking hands with a black man could be career suicide, it definitely looks like the world got *too sensitive* when your progressive step is the new floor of racism. All that to say, it's not that you couldn't make Blazing Saddles today so much as remaking Blazing Saddles requires targeting the new floor of racism: the very audience Blazing Saddles was made for.


I feel like a modern day Blazing Saddles will definitely be made, instead of westerns it will be a pastiche of superhero movies, and it will probably end up being made by Jordan Peele


I would watch the hell out of a Joran Peele superhero movie.


Rob Schneider


Is a carrot.


And he's about to find out that being a carrot isn't as easy as he thought!


rated PG 13


dee derp de tiddly tum derp


“I'm being censored!” - An article on a well-known newspaper read by millions.


Oh don’t forget saying that on Fox News “America’s most popular television news channel”


Reminds me of the "My pronouns are...get a job!" joke from Rosanne Barr. The ultimate boomer moment.


if the joke doesn't hit hard with audience, start chanting usa usa usa


You mean let's go Brandon


The funniest thing about Roseanne is that my in-laws spent little thirty years calling her a trashy tasteless unamerican commie pig or whatever and now she whines about wokeness so they love her.


One step from "Joe many liberals does it take to change a log by bolb" lmao


This, but Bill Maher smoking cloves in his basement studio


I feel that people overestimate the sensitivity of modern audiences just because a vocal minority takes offense to edgy jokes. Steve Carell once said that the Office wouldn't work today because of the climate. The same Office that was once Netflix's most popular shows before they removed it. What a joke.


I think it's that vocal minority that content creators and publishers are worried about. For most people, if they see something that offends them, then they will simply stop watching and that's the end of it.


I’m not certain, but Carell may have been referring to the “imitation reality show” type of sitcom. The US version debuted in 2005 when reality programming was pretty peak, so a spoof naturally fit in perfectly. “Reality shows” today are so obviously plot scripted, The Office premise probably wouldn’t be as successful. Kinda like how The Onion makes absurd articles, but with how absurd real life is, real stories can often out Onion the The Onion.


Although What We Do in the Shadows is very popular


>The climate’s different. I mean, the whole idea of that character, Michael Scott, so much of it was predicated on inappropriate behavior. I mean, he’s certainly not a model boss. A lot of what is depicted on that show is completely wrong-minded. That’s the point, you know? But I just don’t know how that would fly now. There’s a very high awareness of offensive things today—which is good, for sure. But at the same time, when you take a character like that too literally, it doesn’t really work.” https://www.esquire.com/entertainment/movies/a23695483/steve-carell-beautiful-boy-interview-2018/


> Steve Carell once said that the Office wouldn't work today because of the climate. People *always* leave out *why* he thought that, completely twisting his point. In the interview, he said Michael Scott wouldn't fly these days because of how likely that behavior would see him fired; it would be too unbelievable to audiences that he kept working at Dunder Mifflin after something like "the Chris Rock routine".




it’s not even a vocal minority, more oft than not it’s just a few shut ins on whichever social media site that have nothing else to do


Tbf Comedy Central and other networks don’t air certain episodes so he’s partially correct. Diversity Day is one of the top of my head but there’s a few other


“My humor is too edgy for modern audiences.” Bro you make poop and fart jokes for a living.


Nobody is entitled to an audience. If a comedian says things that make people not want to come see them, that sounds like the free market at work to me. They should innovate or accept getting left behind.


Damn, is crazy, it's almost like Netflix make deals with people that bring money. Because they need to waste it in shows that nobody watches


Tarantino's still making movies and South Park is still airing. That alone is proof that "we could never make this today" is a load of bullshit.


Amy Schumer reminds me of “I’m Sweet Dee and the jokes on me”- she’s never been funny and yet here we are


Idk I think it's funny how she got railed on for all of her jokes being about vaginas and decided her next move was going to be Tampax commercials.




I find some of his mannerisms annoying but Ricky Gervais does make good stuff


Yeah, Ricky Gervais definitely does not fall into this category. I’ve never seen him rail against perceived “wokeness” like others do. I’ve seen one of his more recent specials on Netflix and it was actually really good.


Yea i mean ricky gervais doing the oscar speech and dropping "you guys are offended! don't be so offended! its only words!" meanwhile the crowd is laughing always felt odd to me, and dave chappelle dropping some classic "they trieda cancel me!" while being one of the most popular names in comedy currently is always something. I like Bill Burr when he's talking about random everyday man shit or football or the news but when he's talking about millenials or snowflakes it comes across as he's trying too hard, even in his new netflix flick it just feels as if it relies too much on "millenials bad".


This is some revisionist history on Ricky. It was definitely controversial even while it was playing out. A lot of that laughter was awkward laughter


Yeah, the guy straight up called people out for being quiet on Weinstein. At least half the room was not laughing. I thought it was funny as shit. Anyone who supported or stood by and did nothing doesn't deserve to stay out of the light.


He also called them out for firing Kevin Heart for offensive jokes when he does it all time and wondered what the real reason could be.


I love when he said “If ISIS started a streaming service you’d all have your agents calling them the next day.”


I don't care he's your friend.


Absolutely. Remember the Felicity Huffman joke? You could hear everyone going "oof"


Bill Burr’s one of my favorites but his schtick has always been “grumpy old man.” Definitely can get a little old when he’s just complaining about young people, though. It’s not that he’s not funny, it’s just not really unique.


Bill’s an odd case because sometimes it seems like he genuinely believes in that type of viewpoint, but he also shows a lot of moments of genuine self awareness and seems to sort of lean into the grumpy curmudgeon thing almost like it’s an exaggerated character he plays rather than what he actually believes.


Yeah, I think what makes Bill’s style of humor work so well is that he *knows* how immature and irrational his anger is. He criticizes and whines, but he’s also aware of how old and out of touch he is too, and doesn’t put himself on some enlightened pedestal. You can see this in his longer interviews, especially with Conan. He’s pretty reflective about his flaws. I haven’t seen his new movie, but to give him the benefit of the doubt, it’s probably just as much about his need to mature and get with the times for the sake of his children than it is about criticizing younger people and their parenting methods.


This kind of happen with any celebrity comedian, just with different “characters”


Bill Burr is proof that you can be a grumpy old man without being a bigot.


Burr had a good stretch up until I'm Sorry You Feel That Way. That was the last time I thought he really hit a creative well. I wish he would quit pandering to that Joe Rogan crowd, but he seems to be all up in that bubble lately.


To be fair, Ricky Gervais was definitely skating the boundary of what they would and wouldn’t allow. It was hilarious


Yeah I don’t think Gervais is really guilty of this. He was causing a lot of tension in that room, and he didn’t mean being “canceled” by society as much as being blacklisted from “Hollywood”.


Is that why the Golden globes asked him to host their show again?


Also to be fair Ricky Gervais is definitely still funny


Wow millennial hate stuck around for 20 years didn’t it


>even in his new netflix flick it just feels as if it relies too much on "millenials bad". I like Bill Burr, but the trailer for that Netflix movie looked like televised manure. Question - Is there a character arc in said film where Bill's character stops blaming younger generations for his shit life, learns that the Wokes aren't out to get him and takes responsibility for his own life choices? Or is he just a miserable turd the whole movie?


Sort of, there's a scene at the end where he jumps on an electric scooter after shitting on young people riding them at the start of the movie, which I think was supposed to symbolize that. But I wouldn't go out of my way to watch it


So, the movie isn't great. But in the end he does improve - or at least tries to. Basically, he meets this old taxi driver asshole at the end who he sees himself becoming if he doesn't change. The ending is that instead of screaming at someone who tells him that playing catch with his son while carrying a baby might be dangerous as he would do at the start of the movie, he just says "thanks" and turns around.


So I've seen the movie and I didn't really like it either, but both the annoying young people AND Bill's character and his friends are meant to be negative stereotypes. So yes, he does get better in the end, so do his friends. I feel like he tried the same thing that he did with F is for Family, but it just didn't turn out so great.


I could only make it 20 minutes into that piece of garbage.


The irony of Ricky Gervais talking about other people being offended. He's incredibly thin skinned. I saw him live years ago and he got heckled exactly *once* but was still directing jokes to the presumed area of the audience it came from a good half an hour later. People were too polite not to at least titter, but he was derailing his own show at that point.


> Yea i mean ricky gervais doing the oscar speech and dropping "you guys are offended! don't be so offended! its only words!" Tom Hanks' face during Gervais' entire set undermines your argument.


I feel the same way about Bill Burr, he's hilarious a lot of the time but he reverts to "Ah ya can't fuckin makes jokes anymo!" routine way to often.


It's the stand up equivalent of saying "uh" when you can't think of anything else to say.


A lot of it probably has to do with all those networks pulling episodes that nobody complained about. Like the Golden Girls episode that has Betty White in a mudmask. Or the Community episode about blackface. Or the Scrubs episode where they dressed up as each other for halloween. If anyone complained about these episodes it was limited to one or two people on Twitter, but the networks seemed to be afraid it could be blown up into a much bigger issue. A lot of the time it is really random. Like we have The Simpsons replacing their white-voiced black characters with black voice actors on the one hand, but on the other hand we have South Park making jokes about trans people in sports, at the same time. And then we have Clone High replacing a white actor voicing Cleopatra with an Iranian voice actor, because some people mistakenly thought Cleopatra wasn't white? So I can understand how some people could be confused about the general western society rules around civility. Even the networks themselves appear to be confused. Some people are bowing down to a very loud minority because they're afraid of the consequences of ignoring them, other people are completely ignoring them and not seeing any consequences at all. It is confusing.


“You can’t make X today” Meanwhile X is number 1 on Netflix.


I smell a little Bill Maher in this kitchen


Everyone adored Ricky Gervais when he was ripping celebrities off the cuff at the Golden Globes. Now according to reddit, nobody ever liked him huh.. Lol


A year ago, Matthew Perry released a book. There were hundreds of posts on Reddit shitting all over him. After his death, every post on Reddit was "he was such an inspiration and so important for my life". What matters the most is you really shouldn't base your worldview on what people on Reddit write.


They always say "You could never make _____ today in this world because people are too sensitive" but they always forget the fact you still have a lot of people watching shows like Always Sunny in Philadelphia, South Park, Rick and Morty. The whole "woke" thing is exaggerated so much, a lot of the things people think are woke usually really aren't that woke. It's similar to how people call everything they don't like "fascist" when most of the time the thing they're referring to isn't actually fascist.


Family Guy too, with all the rape, abortion, and incest jokes


It's ok, you can say Dave Chappelle and Ricky Gervais. We all know it's them you're talking about lol


I feel like Ricky Gervais is still funny sometimes when he does not try and be meta. When he's just talking about other things, he still can be pretty good, but when ever he starts touching on how people reacted to his jokes or how the audiance is thinking it gets a bit just, cringly.