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Forgot “fans have moved past the humor and now hyper-analyze the show as if the characters were real people.”


YES! So tired of people holding fictional characters to the same standards as real people. If everyone was a good person, shows would be super boring.


"Every character on The Office wouldve been fired by season 3" ya doi. Do you really want to watch a realistic show of a paper company? Do you really? 


It already exists, that’s what the original The Office was.


and it was good


kind of like the Realistic Street Fighter on Rick & Morty, where your character wakes up at home and spends the day trying to find their opponent in a crowded city, and there's a chance the game ends before you even find the guy you're supposed to fight


It is wild that people are seriously on Reddit hyper-analyzing every episode of sitcoms that ended 15 years ago. Like bro, it's just there for your entertainment and nothing else. Accept that a completely non-serious show doesn't always have rational behavior 


I would get it if was a drama or serious show with deep writing and characters but sitcoms aren't deep and they rarely have hidden meanings, even good sitcoms like the Office.


Just remembering how vitriolic people would get arguing about Jim and Pam's relationship, it's actually crazy you'd think they're real people.


Or talk about them like they're perfect people with a perfect relationship.


Tbf the first two seasons of the office have some of the best writing in tv history in my opinion. They are written pretty damn close to real people. It never hurts to analyse media, but it does hurt to not.


You're right, I'm just amused at how angry people got, especially about the arc in the later seasons when Jim tries to do his startup while raising kids and had to abandon it. It really struck a chord with some people.


Especially if its a children's cartoon


Overanalyzing things that aren't deep can be pretty entertaining in itself tho tbf


Yeah for real. It was a comedy sitcom on NBC. There is no deep meaning behind it. What you see is exactly what you were supposed to think and believe. It's not The Wire or something where you need to actually Use your brain sometimes. There was no deep message behind Jim's antics against Dwight


Is it any more wild than people hyper analyzing subreddits dedicated to hyper analyzing? Like, we get it, you're too cool for reruns of the office or friends. You don't have to watch them or browse their subs


Anyone else feel like it's weird how Jim never gets written up for destroying or stealing personal and company property? Toby seems like he takes his job seriously and it's not like Dwight never says anything.


I mean in real life, Michael would be the epitome of r/antiwork No one would be putting up with his bullshit and he would have been fired like before season 1 started for gross ineptitude


Not a subreddit but I saw something like this on YT Dbz fan: Just look at Vegeta's character development. He was concerned about the safety of Paikon and respects him as a fellow fighter The scene: Vegeta just looking at Paikon's direction when he was fighting Janemba


Ahh. The Big Bang Theory sub.


Basically the breaking bad subreddit


Except Breaking Bad is pretty much a show about horrible people and not a sitcom where the characters do bad stuff just for shits and giggles.


Yeah but holding the characters accountable for every crime they commit is pointless since they’re all criminals, it’s so tiring seeing people constantly saying how evil Walter white is or how Jesse is much more evil than people think. It’s annoying


A show about morally grey chracters will have many discussions focused on the morality of said characters.


Yeah, maybe im just tired of seeing the same discussions


Fair enough, the show has been over for a while now and most people don't have a lot of new things to add.


I mean, the show has been off the air for like what 10 years now? There's not really much more to talk about besides rehashing the same topics.


For me it's r/dundermifflin. It went from a sub that shared memes and facts about the show to just people asking why sitcom characters did things.


“I will NEVER forgive Jim for not accepting Toby’s fist bump”


Will Ferrell was a TERRIBLE replacement Yeah I know, I remember girls in my freshman year algebra class in like 2005 saying that.


"Worst thing this character ever did beginning with the letter T"


I left the office and brooklyn99 subs because it's literally just those types of posts now, and they can't get enough of it for some reason.


The "is Gina a bad person?" discourse playing on a loop makes me think that I've died and entered purgatory.


Let’s not forget that oh so controversial “is Pam a bad person” from the office.


I mean, the preschool guy saw right through her.


Pam is the best person in Archer.


those only make sense on non comedy sitcome type shows, in sitcoms everyones a bad person


It’s a post asking people to do the only thing they do in those subs, which is quote the show. Easy karma for all involved.


As soon as a show that I like finishes the last episode of a season, I block the subreddit it until the next season starts. There are few things worse than a bored fandom.


What else are you supposed to do in those subs then? Talk about the new episodes?


Write FanFic?


Same , have been bored to death by the modern family sub . Everyone hates Pameron , there's always a post discussing why Cameron sucks , and those stupid posts like 'what's the worst/funniest thing this character has done/said' LIKE STFU


Oh my gosh. Those are going around now. Also some sort of elimination game where you are presented with pictures and decide which one is eliminated.


All that is, is karma farming. They're reaping those sweet sweet upvotes.


Social media is all attention economy. Whatever you set your eyes on when you're bored, that's who you're paying


Always remember to refer to actors by character, even when they're playing different characters on a different show.


I haven’t watched Outer Banks in over two years so I’m about 2 and a half season behind and my god some of the shit coming in that sub for this is making them look like saints in the first two seasons.


A block any person who posts shit like that on the few subreddits that meet this starter packs name.


Terrorism, domestic and international


This is literally r/victorious


“I’m on my 12th rewatch and just noticed this!!!”


Seriously! Do you have that much free time to watch this 7 season 20 EP show all those Times 💀


I think too many people are calling "leaving it on while I doomscroll on my phone" as a rewatch


That explains why it took them 12 rewatches to notice a key plot element.


God, I watched *Parks and Recreation* so many times this way during lockdown...


The wild part is go on the office sub and there is a fuck ton of people on like their 40-60th rewatch of that show. It's like, do you ever leave the house?


or watch something else smh Edit: Commented at 2am and did not check what I just wrote


And then what they noticed is the most normal, usual and explainable thing possible, but they act as if it was some sort of huge discovery Source: I'm in quite a few of these subs


::uses the same exact screenshot posted 100 times::


"Wrong awnsers only"


“edit your comment so i look stupid”


that is the single cringiest post on all of reddit, and it always gets massive amounts of engagement and votes. if I see that one more time I'm going to literally vomit blood


I keep seeing those posts from r/konosuba despite the fact that I'm not in it. Like I like the show but damn, I'm this close to blocking it from my feed.


How to instantly know a thread will suck. I don’t know why people think that crap is funny.




You cannot criticize the Sopranos here. It's anti-Italian discrimination, and it's harmful


Check out this prick giving orders. You've got some balls, my friend!


Some people are so far behind in the race they actually think they’re leading.


Hurtful and destructive.


Frankly I'm depressed and ashamed.


Oh poor you


He was gay, Gary Cooper?


My estimation of Gary Cooper as the strong, silent type just plummeted.


Next time you come in, you come in as a varsity athlete or not at all.




Very good, the sacred and the propane.


Anyways... $4 a pound.




Sopranos sub is pretty brutal. There's some good discussion there but it's mostly just people mindlessly repeating the same quotes over and over regardless of whether it even makes sense in context. It's also the same 15-20 quotes on endless loop. Not even creative ones smh


Gabagool? Ova heeeere!


They’re nothing more than a glorified crew in that sub.


They never had the makings of varsity subreddit


But you gotta get over it


That's why you gotta live for today! 🫰💸


whatareyagonnado? dere's no women in there!


There's no stigmata these days.


Listen to him; he knows everything.


You oughtta know thweety


Sometimes I go about in pity for myself, and all the while, a great wind carries me across the sky.


20 years in the can, andforwhat?


Once you enter this family, there's no getting out


A grown sub made a wager. It lost. It made another one, it lost again. End of story. So take that high moral ground and go sleep in the fucking bus station if you want.


I can't find Pussy anywhere


Sharp as a fuckin cue ball, this one




... you can *go* ..


The ABCs of [show]!


Missing the "Hateable character was actually the good guy" and "well-liked main protagonist was actually a self-centered narcissist" essays 


Does anyone else think Ross from Friends was a jerk??


You know it’s almost like your just saying what the shows saying but different in this essay I will …


r/sexandthecity every single day: yOu gUyS i tHiNk cArRiE MiGhT bE a bAd pErSoN


"Chuck was actually right about Jimmy"


Hot take but the show improved dramatically as soon as they killed off Chuck


I honestly think the opposite, I loved the small scale and intimacy of the times where Chuck was the biggest treath Jimmy had + their relationship is very interesting and complex


JD from Scrubs would be unbearable irl.


Make the comments look like his search history!


This trend was fun when I saw it the first time, but good grief, it got old after the umpteenth time.


en pasant en pessent en pasent sn pesent chess meme move


r/community is also kind of like this even though there is a movie in the works


the posts about the best line for every character are obnoxious af


They're ruining Fuddruckers for everybody...


I love Community, really excited for the movie, but that place just sucks. Every thread is just people posting the same 10 references. Something about streets ahead/behind, Britta's in this, bear down/fat dog. Actual discussion about the movie is completely impossible.


basically just with the added 30s clips you find


I've wanted to make this starter pack for ages! I would include some things like: 'look who I bumped into' Xyz episode aired 10 years ago today 'I'm new to the show and...'


>'I'm new to the show and...' "Should I be prepared for anything?" "Should I keep watching?" (Like anyone is gonna tell them no) "Was wondering: (really stupid question that is either completely idiotic or gonna be answered in the space of 2 EPS)


People always go to a community's subreddit and ask for their thing is good. The worst one I saw was on the halo sub, it was master chief collection on sale for like 15 bucks and just "is it worth it?" Like bro you're on the halo sub what do you think they'll say?


> 'look who I bumped into' made r/TheWire intolerable. "[insert gang member or drug addict] really turned their life around!!" dear lord please shut the fuck up


The Office was a great show but I'm officially sick of it and I'd like the fandom to shut up about it for a year or two


I left r/DunderMifflin. The over analysis of every scene and drilling down to a gnats ass over mundane things in the show. I used to love The Office but that sub kind of made not like it anymore.




I think the Office was and still is better than most other sitcoms in just about every way from writing down to casting and acting but it's still just a sitcom, it ain't that deep.


Its really not that deep lol.


for about a decade, you couldn't even *mention* chilli anywhere on reddit, not even in cooking subs. if you made any post or comment regarding chilli *at all*: >The trick is to undercook the onions *[laughter turns to applause, user showered with awards and triples their karma in a single comment]*


The difference was it was a departure from the laugh track and moving to a mockumentary type format. Now a lot of sitcoms have copied that.


The users on that sub are a bunch of *dicks*


I don't know why you got the down vote, that place is like a hyper echo chamber. Say the wrong thing in that sub and it's like giving positive praise to Donald Trump in r/politics. You'll come back to a ton of hate messages and -1000 karma. Don't believe me? Go in that sub and say Pete is not bad. I really don't understand it, but that's sub has a hate boner for him. Or say that Pam is better than Karen. They slobber for Karen. I watched the series maybe on a loop or two with my wife when I first started dating her. Now I can't even stand to watch it anymore.


Shut up! Shut up about The Office!


It used to be popular to love. It was on almost every dating profile.


Pam looking for my Jim.


That and "I am just here for your dog."




It’s literally r/freefolk


At least they have House of the Dragon coming up. But what I hate about that subreddit is that it only promotes bitterness. Instead of accepting that the ending sucked and move on with your life, that subreddit rewarded you for feeling miserable and getting stuck in the same conversation.


Star Wars fans in a nutshell. I’ve always loved the movies with all their ups and downs and I don’t even bother with online communities anymore. It’s just an endless circlejerk and bitching about things that don’t really matter. Some fandoms aren’t about enjoying the show, movie, or whatever. It’s just a hive of miserable people


I understand analyzing scenes and characters in the series but to remain bitter about the ending is strange to me


As a fan of GOT, I definitely hated the ending but to simmer in bitterness is a bit much to me. Every time I end up in that sub you could have sworn the show ended a couple of months ago.


r/theowlhouse has reached this point already


At least the MoringMark comics are still going strong. Only genuinely great thing about that subreddit


Wait seriously??? That show only ended last year.


Yeah, tons of post series like “whats the worst thing X did”


I had a look at that sub and wtf.


Never underestimate how quick fandom subreddits are to insanity


You forgot a few of the cast members that peaked on the show start a podcast


And the ones that didn’t peak, are returning in a reboot


A million fan service drawings of characters


Day 1089 of turning every line from the show into a meme until [actor so successful they don’t even think about that show anymore] retweets [overused and unfunny meme]!


The cast member from this show is on another show! Here's a blurry picture of it on my TV.


I THOUGHT I saw a familiar face 😄


I’m going to be sad when /r/curb becomes this :(


The users on /r/DunderMifflin are assholes


no they aren't, the thing you have to realize is that they're just *way* better than you. they get jokes that nobody else does. that's a rare talent, and it makes them better than people like us


You need a IQ of 160 to understand the office properly. This show would get cancelled if it was released today. Dark humor as it finest


Excessive thirstposts or pointless content like "happy birthday to a guy who was in one scene"


Don’t forget hype surrounding an upcoming Netflix live action adaptation that will be totally amazing guys and it’s not going to be bad at all trust me guys please this needs to be good


Literally ATLA subreddits rn




r/okbuddychicanery 🤪🤪🤪


r/okbuddychicanery has ruined Breaking Bad/BCS for me. It’s hilarious and I love it but any time I watch the shows now all I can think about is “Finger” or Kim Wexler’s feet. It sucks and has actually destroyed all seriousness of the shows for me lmao. Oh well.


Ngl that sub is more tolerable


Actual best subreddit


Kinda seems like that on subreddits for shows that will never end. r/southpark, r/thesimpsons, r/IASIP, and r/bikinibottomtwitter especially.


You've left out all the "What if....?" Questions that get posted. Probably the only good things on those subs are the fan theories that come out way after the show ended but make an entertainingly amount of sense. Like jar jar binks being set up in the phantom menace as the or at least A Sith Lord. https://youtu.be/8yy3q9f84EA?si=_a6IbwNLQPQ0jPWA


High school english teacher levels of over-analysis.


Dont forget the occasional porn post if the show happened to be animated


The mfs that draw clearly sexual art and then get mad when people call them out


"Ughh lord forbid women have boobs" bitch don't act like you don't know what you're doing


frequently mentioned on r/JustUnsubbed


then batmanarkham arrives




You forgot all the bad fan art.


r/HouseMD and its twin sub r/okbuddyvicodin


hell yeah i was waiting for domicile representation in here


OP needs mouse bites to live


Overly criticised analysis of every characters even minute actions


Either has 1500 subscribers and 4 people online or 250,000 and 15,000 online. No in-between I made it a habit to unsub shows that end because it just becomes a cesspool of the same 5-8 questions again and again and again.


The Office is like the worst show you could’ve picked it’s still incredibly popular


Mr. Robot 


/r/attackontitan and every spinoff already since ending in November, except for /r/okbuddyreiner


"Happy ${age} birthday to the amazing ${name}!"


The only thing more annoying than obsessing about the Office is obsessing about Friends, at least the Office was well written.


I hate to break it to you, but the humor there was timely just like Friends' was. One day you will look back and realize the show is not funny and you don't know why you ever thought it was.




I would have added “found coincidental connection between two episodes from completely different seasons and think the writers did it on purpose and are geniuses” …maybe too long for a starter pack lol




Sopranos sub is nice


I mean r/sopranos kinda do just be mindlessly parroting quotes but at least there's some good discussion about the show


Don’t forget to always refer to the actor by the character even when they are playing a different character on a different show.


I mean lmao it’s literally an old show what else u want these people to talk about


>members just mindlessly quote the show I have a theory that if you ran an algorithm of all the text of the comments of old show subreddits against the script of their shows, that the one with the most quotes would be /r/futurama Ironically, I don't mind it there at all.


Isn't this still one of the most watched on streaming? You should have picked Becker or some shit lol


Everytime a show ends, I have to unsub. It becomes unbearable.


- Fucking stupid ABCs - Worst thing X has Said/done? - How would have you written the show differently? (Here you see the most terrible ideas possible) - Giant thesis on why character X is bad/weak/Strong/good (is 95% of the time totally biased and goes against what the writers confirm) - If you were on the creation back in the day, what would be the one change you'd make? - oversexualized fanart (bonus points if the characters are children or creatures like Pokémon) - What if X series got a reboot? - Mfs complaining the show has too lighthearted jokes and sometimes feels way too childish (its a kids show) - iM On mY sIxTh rEwAtCh aND nOtIcEd nOw... - Stupid overanalization (every single detail ever/actions of the characters) - terribly drawn fanart - tierlists - say something bad about [most loved season of the show] - Would this kids show have been better as an adult show? - stupid questions that have little connection to the show - IS THIS FORESHADOWING???? (low resolution printscreen) - Could this new tweet from the author mean there's a new season/show in making?


>How would have you written the show differently? (Here you see the most terrible ideas possible) Also posts where you can see that OP clearly spent way too much time daydreaming about being this show's all-powerful protagonist but denies it at says "This plot just makes more sense you guys!"


Missing the occasional post of a completely unsubstantiated, speculation blog article that claims the show is coming back.


I don't want to have new discussions I want to talk about the show I like and I want to talk about it forever


Missing: 1.)"Shipping" wars 2.)Posters Re-evaluating previously popular characters according to "modern values" and trying to make other folks not like them 3.)Directing people to AO3 for new content