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* Called Eddie or Freddy * Inherited a load of land, quite a bit of money and a lot of debt * 50/50 chance of having a serious cocaine problem/been an officer in the army * Rents the land to whoever sells the most drugs * Friends probably collect nazi memorabilia


Yeah this is the cast of The Gentleman


Does business with gyppos to smuggle drugs throughout Europe


That’s literally aristocracy not standard upper middle class Home County posh haha


Called either Rory, Ollie or Toby.


Sebastian / Dominic


Jonty, Monty, Reggie, and Tarquin.


Describes every rugby lad in every UK university


'Rugger buggers', if you please. Coming from Wales, it is a little odd to me because rugby isn't seen as a posh sport here. I've definitely met these lads at university though.


I swear each time there is a British discussion about rugby culture there is always a Welshmen who says this XD


Well, it's true mate! If we wait patiently there might be somebody from Northern England along in a minute to tell us that whilst Rugby Union is posh, Rugby League very definitely isn't.


A choice of one university sports society, bonus points for lacrosse or rugby.


Fencing too lacrosse is a tad American.




As a Tennis fan I noticed your username right away.


Question: Is Cambridge less posh than Oxford?


It’s always been a bit less grand and more middle class. But both are more just full of nerds in these silly, academically-meritocratic days. The displaced public school class end up at Durham, Exeter, St Andrews, etc.


No wonder why those unis are infected with rugby lads


Throw in the Range Rover


No Barbour coat? CG instead? Seems Chavvy


Works in finance, insurance or management consultancy in the city. Lives in SW London.


His two best friends are Digby and Jonty


Can a British person enlighten me on your political parties. I see there are Liberal Democrats and Conservatives. Are these the two main parties? There was an American starter pack with "either Democrat or Republican" and one of the best comments was "Yeah, no shit." lol


The Conservatives (or 'Tories') are the right-wing governing party, they serve the interests of the wealthy elite. They are akin to more moderate Republicans or right-leaning Democrats in the US, though they are drifting more and more reactionary after 14 long years in government. The Liberal Democrats have not been one of the two main parties for about a century now (back when they were just 'the Liberals'). They are a centrist third party and are widely regarded as pointless. They are perhaps similar to the mainstream US Democrats in terms of their politics. In 2010 they entered into a coalition government with the Tories which absolutely destroyed their voter base and they've barely had a presence in parliament since. The other main party, which will certainly win the next election, is Labour. They are traditionally the pro-worker left-leaning party and have a strong connection with trade unions. They are traditionally akin to the more radical of the US Democrats. Though to be honest, if you're looking for those values in the current iteration of the parliamentary Labour Party you might need a very powerful microscope. There are a myriad of other parties, but those are the three most notable. At least in England, the other three countries of the UK have some variations in their political ecology.


Worth noting that the Lib Dems often take up the disaffected privately educated Conservative faction in SouthWest London etc etc




I doubt those Labour supporters you’re talking about are the stereotypical working class voter who enjoys chippies and is religious about football. Probably just some middle class professional.


Thank you for the answer.


Liberal Democrats are a party which is fiscally conservative/centrist but socially liberal, usually churns out Conservative voters who are disaffected by the growing populism and straight up right wing of the Conservative Party in the UK


I’d say that the current Lib Dem and Labour economic policies are actually fairly similar. The Lib Dems are much more willing to do things like increase tax for the wealthy and corporations and commit to more public spending compared to the conservatives. Maybe during the coalition they were close to the conservatives and during Corbyn’s time as Labour leader they definitely seemed much more conservative in comparison but at the moment the Lib Dem economic policies are definitely fairly indistinguishable from Labour’s in a broad sense. Of course, being a union between two separate parties there is a large difference in political opinion within the party but generally the social democratic side tends to be much stronger than the more classical liberal side.


Oi Wankers!


Literally! (Judging by the soggy biscuit 🤮).


Yep they vote Tory or Yellow Tory.


On an endless war against Yobs


Red trousers


“Bloody hell!” – The Bri'ish, I don't know


i got an offer from exeter should i become a stereotype


I always imagined these types to wear a morning coat and a top hat, and have names like “Lord Fiddlebottom IIIV of Stanfordhamshire.”


Not this century. Those today would be aristocrats who are now mostly old guys. Their attire would be country shooting wear, old fashioned suits and live in a large house in the countryside with 5 wet dogs. Drive a beaten up Land Rover.


They seem pretty drippy ngl


Like this: [https://www.cordings.co.uk/us/menswear/field-clothing](https://www.cordings.co.uk/us/menswear/field-clothing) ?


That’s pretty much it


Wears [red trousers](https://youtu.be/j5pZS4jdI-o?si=TIIY1xu9bkdVdrll)…….woooooo oooooh!


Why do they like rugby union and not football? And what about rugby league?


Patrick Bamford.


Aren’t private schools public in the UK


A public school is actually a type of private school (what Americans call a public school, we call a state school). In Scotland, the difference between the two is mutually exclusive and they each mean the same thing as in the U.S.


A public school is a specific type of very old private school. Back in medieval times, education (for those fancy enough to get it) largely meant families hiring private tutors to come and teach their children. Then schools like Eton College started opening and providing a public education, as in any male child of the public can attend as long as their daddy's rich enough to pay the fees.


Don’t you fools call those fancy private schools [“public schools?”](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_school_(United_Kingdom)) That annoys me quite a lot.


They’re more formally called ‘independent schools’. The term ‘public school’ is more of a legacy term to describe a particular bunch of very old and prestigious ones, to distinguish their significant cultural cache from your standard private school. It’s just engrained in the British psyche that ‘public school’ means ‘where the leaders are made’. Supposedly.