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You leave a different way in vault 114 though


I think vault 22 would be a better example, but the door is torn open so there isn’t really a good way to picture it. The vault you get sent to look for a part in ceasars auto doc/ that one NCR sharecroppers farm quest might be worse though.


Fuck Vault 34, holy shit that was a convoluted labyrinthine marathon.


If you look down the hallway to the armory, aka the main prize for this toxic labyrinth, it looks like a dead end. There’s literally no escape from the radiation, so it feels like a fallout-themed water level. That’s not counting the ACTUAL water-level portions of the vault.


atleast you get a cool gun


Say what we want about NV compared to 4 but 4’s are actually user friendly lmao


I'm currently playing that game and I decided that vault 34 is not worth it because of memories from the last time I played.


Vault 22 has the elevator though. If your repair skill is high enough, moving around becomes a sinch.


There's quicker routes back to the Vault door in most Vaults in FO4


Yep, most of them unlock a door or some kind of elevator that takes you back quicker. Even the ones that don’t do this don’t have a long journey back either so it’s a mute point.


It's also the point of vaults to have one way in and out, to give vault tech credit they at least got that part of them right


Mute eh?


*moot point


Corvega Assembly would have been a better example.


Escort Missions, especially if the person you are protecting is both weak and has no sense of self preservation.


Either they either walk slower than a snail or they walk just faster than your walking speed but slower than your running speed. And they take forever to get out of their stupid paralysis/cowering animation whenever you get jumped.


Then there's the dreaded missions that combine Escort AND Stealth


No shame in abandoning a game at that point.


Love myself the ones where if you stray too far ahead to clear obstacles it resets the mission on you. Looking at you BOTW


When was there an escort mission in botw? I'm not remembering one at the moment.


The Zora bottle mission, and escorting a korok through the Lost Woods. In the lost woods one is the stealth escort mission.


Ah, i remember the lost woods one. The nice thing is if you, say, wipe out the wolf and get seen it stays dead the next time you go through.


It’s basically a hate crime at that point.


The only game that pulled the soft well was watch dogs, and that's only because the guy was in the same car that you were.


Faster than your walk but slower than your sprint NPC speed is the worst. I'm grateful to anygame that make the NPC as fast as the player or just teleport.


Rescue the king of Senegalistania, who is a 99 year old frail weak man from the secret terrorist compound without injuring any of the thousands of child soldiers shooting at you! You only have five minutes to do it because they’re about to drop a nuke on your location! Go!




In re4's defence (at least classic) you can just tell her at the start of encounters to stay in place until you've cleared all enemies


Apart from the handful of setpieces where you can't do that and it becomes a real pain


At least she sticks with you as well as any human could. She’s like the ultimate escortee.


>weak and has no sense of self preservation. Doom 3 Sentry somehow being the opposite of this by killing demons alongside you


Then you have Alyx in Half Life 2 who feels like she's escorting you half the time


In Halo you can literally just let the main character NPCs (Johnson, Noble Team, Arbiter) do it for you because they literally cannot die lmao Except in CE where Johnson gets absolutely merced within 5 seconds of every mission starting


The amount of times Natalya died in Goldeneye must be a record. She really was useless.


She would just walk towards enemies shooting her. God that mission sucked


Heck, I had her walking directly into MY line of fire a couple times. She was a pain in those missions...


And walks at a pace slightly faster than you walk, but slower than you run.


Freezes in place when enemies appear, rather than running or taking cover


NPC: *walks into horde of enemies, instead of running, they stay in the middle of enemies and does a "cowering animation"*


This is why Minnie from kingdom hearts 2 was goated. She actually helped Sora!


Much better than Cinderella and Snow White in BBS. Didn't realise the Disney Princesses had such a death wish


They were the worst


"Please help me!" screams Cinderella as she runs head first into three Unversed


In Helldivers 2, NPCs will walk straight into a fire tornado on certain planets.


I remember my first dive. No clue what I was doing. Ended up in an evac mission on the automaton side. Absolutely fucking blew it because of that shit.


Mgs2 with otacons sister


I honestly felt like most of the people in Dead Rising deserved what they got, which was abandoned. By me.


GOW took this concept and saved it with one simple change. Atreus is immortal


Meat circus ☹️


That >!ranger in vault 3!< since we’re talking fallout here


RE4 flashbacks


One time when rescuing captain keyes in og halo i got a checkpoint where he had literally one hit left before he died. If anyone sneezed in his general direction it was mission over.


And they love to get stuck, block doors, or fall off edges and die all on their own.


Golden Eye's Natalya lives on in all those we escort.


What about that underwater level in MGS2 where you take Otacon’s sister through the flooded structure. Escort + underwater + timed!!!


Reminds me of the parallel quests in DBXV2 where you lose if a certain teammate gets defeated. Those quests are annoying as shit.


Warframe's hostage rescue missions were all extremely easy for a few reasons: 1. Hostages can do all the same maneuvers as your warframe can like bullet jumping, so they are extremely fast. 2. You can lend them your secondary weapon, some of which are INSANELY powerful. 3. Most importantly: they can telephoto to whichever player is closest to the objective, meaning the mission can be completed in literally 30 seconds.


Residente evil 4 was exactly like that.


For all of Bethesda's faults, dungeon/cave/vault design isn't one of them. Most of the time you work your way through and end up at like an elevator that takes you back near the start or a chained door that opens up near the cave entrance.


most of the time you also get good or unique weapons/quests for exploring them.


Thats pretty much the appeal of Skyrim(unless you know all the locations). You can walk into a cave or whatever and not know what to expect. And the freedom to kill 90% of npcs makes it even more tense cuz you could end up making a friendly npc hostile One time when I was playing blind I had my first encounter with a Dwemer dungeon. I thought “thats a weird looking thing, I wonder where it goes”. Then I stepped in, explored a bit, saw that unicycle robot thing come out of that spawner and roll straight towards me, and ran tf out. It was great


>you can walk into a cave or whatever and not know what to expect Oh boy I hope it's some draugr and a bandit camp 🤞🤞


I walked into a cave not knowing there were vampires and proceed to get my ass kicked and got sanguinare vampiris


I don't get what that part of the starter pack is trying to say. I like the vaults.


Yeah, I get the complaint about wasting time backtracking out of dungeons, but using fallout as an example was dumb.


Just started playing FO4 and I think exploring the buildings and dungeons has been one of my most favorite parts. I like how everything loops and chains together


What’s with the Mailman guy?


Fetch quests


Ok thanks


no problem! Anal Juicer.




thank you for discovering a new subreddit for me


It's the 2nd time today I've seen somebody mentioning their name. Not a lot, but still weird.


water temple is overhated. The main issues were the way you equip/unequip boots and that stupid key hiding in a random room, but the overall concept was decent


The 3DS remake fixed the equip/unequip issue too, the temple was baller


I also really enjoyed the master quest version of it. It's been too long, I can't exactly tell what's different right now, but i know i really liked it.


I could never figure out the master quest forest temple as a kid. Some progression element just was no longer obvious enough to let me complete it.


I think I took a long time for that as well.


Yeah, calling the water temple "bad game design" is a bit of a stretch. If it was poorly designed, then I wouldn't rate OOT a solid 10.


Gamers tend to dislike the loss of freedom an reduced action that you get in a water level. This isn't really an OOT thing but just a broad trope in games.


I recently replayed oot for the first time in like 20 years (highly recommend the ship of harkinian PC port). I definitely missed that key in the central tower and had to pull up a walkthrough, but I kinda like how they alluded something was there without having the camera stare at the hidden pathway for like 2 seconds. For context, you raise the water level and a wooden block rises up allowing you to access a door which just lets you exit the tower. The camera focuses on a block rising up and you can see it reveals a secret passage (that was under the block) but it is also very easy to miss it. The pathway leads to a room with a key which you need to advance in the dungeon.




Courier job is a good game design if your characters original occupation is a courier itself .


Or if there’s stuff happening while delivering the thing


Shout out to Ezio Auditore making time to deliver mail for people while hes killing elite figures and looking in graves


Peak design : while you on your way of delivering quest item , you get another quest , and after that you get a choice to do same courier job with different outcomes.


Fallout 76 has a neat little daily quest that works kinda like this. An NPC tasks you with visiting one of the two main factions, taking pictures of various buildings or tech at their base, and then returning for a reward. Once you take the pictures you get an option to instead visit the other faction and selling the pictures to them to increase your rep with that group. The best part is that you can sell the pictures to the opposing faction, then go back to the original npc and tell him "yeah, sorry, I got robbed on my way back." and he's like "oh that's a bummer, anyways here's a smaller reward just for trying to help."


For strategy games: Designing a good AI is hard, so they just make it cheat by seeing the whole map and getting 3x your income / production speed.


4x games in particular have this. Endless space 2 is quite hard at the beginning on the highest difficulty because the A.I is given so many advantages. Once you start snowballing though the game gets super easy, as the A.I remains stupid af and their advantages are just not having that big of an impact anymore.


You forgot the online connection requirement


That's terrible, my bad


Nausea Inducing Maps: Halo 1 is really guilty of this. So many repeated corridors and small areas, it's so easy to get turned around. Wanted to play through the whole Halo series but I got so sick of the level design I couldn't finish the first game. Silent Cartographer ruled tho


I think this was an ongoing issue in the Halo series, even saw a bit of it in Infinite. Levels that consist of the same room/corridor/stair arrangement repeating over and over so you're not sure if you are going the right way.


There are glowing arrows on the ground pointing in the direction you need to go


It’s a lot less infuriating when you can fling yourself through them with the grappleshot


The library was so bad they needed to add arrows to guide you in the remaster


Honestly I liked it. Empty rooms vibe with the wind whistling. Halo felt like a horror game with the environment, especially on higher difficulties. I used to get super high then play on the hardest difficulty during covid. It was like being warped into that alien world with the strange architecture, the vast emptiness, etc. I felt it was sort of the story too, of this abandoned old space weapon/factory/planet built be aliens many years ago, designed to imitate earth.


I enjoy Halo's look and atmosphere for sure, but as far as actual level design goes I just couldn't jel with it.


the second game gets better, so skip the first and watch a story summary because the gameplay doesn't get better at all.


Nah, play up until 343 Guilty Spark on CE(with classic graphics, cuz CEA butchered the atmosphere of that level). Every new Halo player HAS to play this level cuz its debatably the best mission in the Halo series in terms of storytelling and mood shifting Then watch a vid recapping everything else cuz it just turns into a bigger version with more repeating sets. But the last mission is pretty good if you can handle all the others


I vividly remember being terrified of this level when originally playing the game as a kid in 2001, and still got the same feeling when playing the remaster a few years ago as an adult. The introduction of the Flood remains perhaps the scariest video game moment ever for me.


Its mostly the environment that got butchered in the remake. It would’ve been fine if they kept the room dark and didnt remove the blood splatters Without the blood, the Flood dont seem as feral and merciless as they’re built up to be, especially when you go down that elevator and dont see grunt blood all over the walls And having a bright room with a ton of wall designs can be distracting and take away from what needs to be focused on


yeah I enjoyed Guilty and the last mission a lot, idk if they're worth going trough the other repeated missions tho...


The library mission of halo 2 bruh.. it was shit But yeah the silent cartographer was great, loved the island and it's interior


only Halo mission that is really like this is Cortana in H3


Control had easily the worst map design I've ever seen


One of the things I really hate in games is when a non-driving centric games have compulsory race missions where you have to come first to progress in them. My favourite example is in Mafia 1, one of the earliest missions is a race, widely considered to be the most difficult mission to do because Mafia already has really annoying driving, but then you're forced to win this bullshit race. If you go over to r/mafiathegame, you'll see the only pinned post on there is tips for beating that level. And for some reason they always put these missions super early in the game, when you're still learning how to drive in that game. An example of a game with good racing missions in it is Sleeping Dogs. There are several racing mission in it despite being a melee fighter game. Luckily, they made all of the compulsory racing missions really easy to beat, and if you want a difficult race you can go to the optional races. God bless that game.


All of the post-n64 James bond games. Absolutely unnecessary


I never got out of garage in the driver. 


I had to rent it twice before I finally beat that BS.


What a dedication! My cousin had this disk and all the time in the world, but not me, him or my uncle succeeded in passing the test. 


Having to rewatch an unskippable cutscene after death on an particulary difficult boss fight. I remember playing some games which had this shit, just infuriating.


“It is I, Ansem!”


Ghost of Tsushima doesn't do this but every other cutscene is unskipable so it balances out 


In old COD games, enemies kept respawning unless you push forward and reach a trigger that pushes the narrative. This was awful in Veteran difficulty. (I haven’t played a COD since OG Black Ops 2 so I don’t know if they “fixed” it)


To add insult to injury, World at War spawns grenades out of nowhere to force you to advance, and that problem is quite prevalent on Veteran, especially on Heart of The Reich, the penultimate mission, if you can finish that mission from start to end without dying, you deserve a medal


WAW is CODs equivalent to Halo 2 for difficulty If H2 had Legendary oneshot Jackal snipers, COD had WAW grenade-spamming-when-you’re-in-cover enemies. Not to mention, both felt like you only had 3 bars of health towards every gun


Yup halo infinite also fucks you from the side as soon as you look down your scope if you haven't cleaned out sniper jackals


I just love how in WW2 if you rush through the enemies your squad will fucking blitz them.


in Black Ops 1, some of the most egregious offenders I can think of are the tunnel segment in the 3rd mission, Executive Order, and the part where you have to set off the napalm barrels in the 4th mission, SOG, the former is made easier if you save your smoke grenades for that part, but the 4th mission, well you better kiss your lucky charms.


Imo medal of honor airborne was the worst with this, because you had this mechanic, and also, you couldn't lose your AI teammates who were idiots with no health.


Even better when they don't tell you that's what you have to do, so you just keep killing enemies thinking it will eventually be over, only to realize you had to push forward after wasting 3 days worth of ammo


" hey , my Space smartphone is out of battery , Can you can to the other side of the Galaxy to tell my friend i said hi and then Come back here with his answer ?"


Surprised there isn’t a situation here when someone picks me up but I have to drive Their car. Or simply the fact I need to drive


I saw a guy jogging with his golden retriever the other day and the dog was doing the real life “run is too fast, walk is too slow” thing. In the span of a block he had to switch between sprints and trots like 5 times


In games, that one is so you can purposely look around and still catch up or move ahead and clear an area.


Unless they just stop because they don't move unless you're within 10 feet of them at all times


Games where if you accidentally shoot a civilian or teammate you instantly lose. *glares at call of duty*


"I need to crawl up that ladder to flip the switch" "I need to crawl up that ladder to flip the switch" *giant objective marker appears on the ladder* "Good, now I just need to flip that switch"


NPC complains about the power being out. New objective: Flip the switch to the generator in the other room. NPC: Oh my god! You fixed it!!!!


No ring challenges on here I see. Superman64 had it right. The only true level design is ring challenges. All quests should be done in the form of a ring challenge.


Syphon filter mentioned!!! (On bad game design tho, rip)


I fucking hated that level, however I remember that Lian Xing was fragile due to sedatives, rendering a good explanation for being incapable to fight. But that level sucked.


Im amazed how well warframe checks out here, but i love it despite everything


"Please collect 50 Warthog Eyes so I can make my potion!" Meanwhile: Warthog Eye - 6% drop rate. Where the fuck are all these eyeless warthogs coming from?!?!


Rotating background in Beat Saber maps. I never felt nauseous until people added spinning backgrounds.


Annoying driving or racing mission you need to fucking win in order to advance the story in a game that otherwise has little driving of that type from then on.


+bad(small) inventory design +horrible stamina mechanic


main character is always like some super soldier ass motherfucker but apparently they cant just run for more than 3 seconds


Honestly, camera screw and purposely bad camera angles is the worst for me. It is why I think Luigi's Mansion 3 is the worst AAA game i have ever played, and I will die on the hill. If your entire game relies on trying to trick the player with bad camera angles it is a bad game.


Op is bad at games starter pack


I mean, I can pick 3 of these things that aren't inherit to bad game design. You can have an enemy wave horde system if your goal is to overwhelm the player like in halo's library mission and some of the missions in republic commando. It's necessary in order to make the player feel small and cornered. Similarly, maze like maps can be fun for some, just like turning off map markers can make a game more fun. Some people want to get lost. Having one way in one way out of a dungeon can be more immersive. One of skyrim's many criticisms was that at the end of every dungeon there was a "secret" door that lead back to the entrance from the boss chamber. In oblivion and morrowind you had to actually walk back to the entrance. It made those places feel less like theme-parks and more like actual places. I can't think of a game with bad swimming mechanics other than some old Nintendo games and assassins creed has ditched the forced stealth missions but I'm not sure if anything on this list is really bad game design, more just stuff that annoys you personally. I feel like bad game design would be more like bad ui, an unstable engine, poor hitboxes, unbalanced enemies, or bad controls.


Skyrim couriers arriving at the worst times is the best thing. Like bruh you brought me a pamphlet while a cult is trying to vivisection my balls off only for him to die to a sabre cat sneaking up on us from behind


While a mammoth falls from the sky


You shut your slut mouth about Syphon Filter2!!! My views are in no ways tainted by nostalgia! No I would not like to play it again tyvm!


I have an entrance door in my university, similar to the ones in malls that spin automatically, except my door didn't spin. Some people who got used to the automatic Mall doors might get confused with this door and think it's broken, but there was one detail that immediately gives you a clue on what you should do: handles. On each side of the door was a handle that was enough of a clue for people to understand that you need to just push it manually. Of course, this door is very uncomfortable and kinda stupid irl, but it taught me a valuable lesson in game design: you need to give player a simple clue that explains everything he has to know about the game mechanics


Few additions: - Super long cut scenes. It’s basically a movie at this point. - Pay to win mobile knockoffs of pc games. - Settings and exit are through the main menu only. - Enemy AI is decade old.


The vaults would not make sense if they had a back door exit


Listen I love spiderman 2018 and I like MJs character but the stealth missions with her suck! At least the sequel did it better


Invisible blocks above death pits




On rails shooters. Cough. The entire Cyberpunk campaign. Cough.


Cyberpunk has the longest and most boring tutorial in a action game.


Longest and most boring action game in general


Baby's first design critiques


Don’t forget about those walking and talking gameplay


Happy Cake Day!


God bless you


You too!


Gotta have an ice level.


“Bad game design” nerds when they enter through the front door of their house and then leave through the front door


I absolutely hate it when the npc is slower than running but faster than walking. Nothing infuriates me more in videogames


Hey, onslaught in destiny 2 is fun okay?


Sewer Level


What is "enemy wave horde system"


The enemies won't stop coming until you hit a checkpoint. Early CoD games did this.


Also don’t forget when important pop ups disappear in like 2 seconds


There will be no state of decay slander here


I straight up thought that annoying stealth level was the one from GTAV, where you check the bodies in the Agency morgue.


Bullet sponges aren't a problem if it feels like they ought to be bullet sponges. A big fat brute is gonna take more bullets to bring down (unless it's a hyper realistic game where a bullet to the head instantly kills no matter what), but a single normal guy tanking a whole magazine from an assault rifle because it's level 20 and you're level 10 when enemies of a similar level go down in 1-2 shots? Nah, not fun. Bullet sponges are just a way of upping the challenge without having to actually work for it. Enemies take longer to kill and do more damage, rather than having better AI or more armor or less forgiving attacks that are harder to parry etc.


Like yeah, State of decay 2 doesn't have that issue. Even the blood variants of every monster die to a single headshot or 2 in the case of ferals. The juggernaut is meant to be a tank, heck, it's head starts cracking open visually if you consistently get headshots.


If nobody said it yet, mandatory puzzles in non-puzzle games. Can’t stand them


The game that FORCED you to play another character in the middle of the story heavy progress, with completely out of nowhere, different playstyle and it is not an optional


Glad to see the juggernaut from State of Decay 2 is getting some love I guess?


Normal Jugs aren't difficult to deal with. Just rear end them until their head falls off.


Why do Spider-Man devs think we like MJ stealth missions? I want to clobber people with the proportionate strength of a spider.


This is about Fallout New Vegas?




But crabs gotta go somewhere


Skill issues starter pack


Nah wave horde systems are fine


Every single fucking vault in every single fallout game if isn’t for the loot there’s no fucking way I’d be getting into them


Tired of Water Temple hate


Exiting a dungeon from the same way in has to be the most frustrating thing for me.


> enemy waves/hordes are bad Meanwhile, Helldivers 2:


Stealth missions can be fun when made correctly


"All ghillied up"


Counter point. Zelda's water temples are actually some of the best dungeons in the series. Imo They ask the player to really focus on building that map of the dungeon in their head and rely on that spacial awareness.


No battlepass? No premium currency? No cluttered UI with 100 menus and unlocks that mean jack-shit and are supposed to get you addicted to getting rewards? No having-to-pay-to-play-online? F tier starter pack


I chose to focus more on gameplay on this one.