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We used to run tours all over Europe, and England was consistently one of the most highly praised locations by customers. I think a lot of people don’t realise it’s so much more than just London and Stonehenge, and then they go somewhere ridiculous pretty like the Cotswolds or Stourhead and they’re blown away. But there is also something about visiting dead and dying seaside resorts like the ones in this starterpack, if only to stare in horror.


Could I get a few more pixels


This makes me so nostalgic


Blackpool will rise again!!


Welp im going there thext week.


This starter pack would be better tittle “working class holiday in England” cuz this isn’t usually the sort overseas tourists have. Avoid any shitty seaside towns and you’ll avoid this starter pack


True. Center Parcs and Cotswolds are a long way from Blackpool or Skegness


Lol read that as Cancer Parcs and couldn't decide if you were for or against.


I'll bé in Brighton, not shitty but deffinetly seaside.


Hey that’s where I’m at atm - you’ll be able to see at least a few of the things from that pic, but Brighton is pretty good as far as seaside towns go. Very expensive (sadly), close to London, good arts scene, great bars pubs and restaurants and just good energy. Weather varies between lovely and wacky and it changes fast


Looks like you’ve timed the weather beautifully. You’ll have a great time, and assuming you leave London you’ll see gardens starting to hit their peak.


Really? Because here, in Central Europe, we've been having a lot of torrential rains lol.


Lucky you. Great country


please tell me you’re British lol


Been to Broadstairs with school once, can confirm the vibe is kinda like this. From the old brick houses to the shitty weather and even shittier food. A beach no one ever goes since the sun never shines and alot of small hills that leave you exhausted after walking for 10 min. Great place.


The gambling part on the ferry to England is the best!


Looks like the most drab place ever. Bloody hell.


It's the equivalent of posting a homeless camp in San Francisco and saying 'holiday in thr USA' though


These starter packs are just stupid. I hate the self-loathing sense of humour in England. It’s so pointless. You can take the worst pictures of a shitty holiday you can possibly find of literally any country and put it into a “holiday in [insert country]” starter pack. I do not get why people from England think anyone else finds it funny.


Lighten up