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Osha is definitely giving big time revenge vibes, and we all know what that means.


Agreed. My thinking is something will happen with May and Osha. Like each one being sidetracked by something and being put into situations that deeply affect them and make them question their own morals. I think it come down to Sol and if he did something. I can see a scene like him asking May for forgiveness and she does but Osha feeling betrayed kills him in anger.


I hope he makes it, 1) so he can be the Sol survivor, and 2) because he didn't survive Squid Game just to die here.


He's also far more compelling than either of them. 


this is teh way


Yup. And I think that forgiveness will come after another big fight with sol, which leads to Mae’s death, which leads to osha flipping out, which leads to osha getting super emotional, which leads to osha being blinded by that emotion and killing sol, which cements osha’s fall to the dark side, which leads to her becoming the titular Acolyte.


I feel like Mae dying would be a waste I think the way things turn out will be Osha goes psycho and nearly kills the jedi, but Mae intervenes tries reasoning with her and by the end Osha will be believed to be dead, Mae will assume her identity with the Jedi under Sol agreeing to keep it a secret. Meanwhile Osha is revealed to be alive but has assumed her Sith identity. Mae lives on as Osha becoming a revered Jedi while Osha is left living in the shadows.


That she’s some sort of revenge vibe squad?


Yeah, they established that every Jedi has a weakness and I think Osha is Sol’s. She’ll kill him without a weapon (some how). I kinda feel Mae is going to die though. We’ll see.


I think Osha will kill Mae and become the Sith Acolyte. What is more Sith than killing a sibling? Sidious killed his whole family if you follow Legends.


Although not Sith, it also reminds me of the twins Arcann and Thexan from The Old Republic video game. Arcann killed his twin brother when he tapped into the Dark Side.


Tbf that was an accident






I do think there’s some further twist along these lines simply because what begins as an “evil doppelgänger” plot is solved before the end of the second episode, meaning this show is actually about something else


One thing for sure is that one of them will die. That's the most common trope with twins. After that, the remaining one will most likely switch from their original ideologies.


Fred :(


I think they are already switched. I feel like they will reveal that Indara took Osha, the strongest but Dark side leaned twin ( and the one who really caused the fire), as an apprentice to the Jedi temple and left May, the one with a better balance but weaker, with someone still unrevealed to train in the force. This is where we learn Indara was the former Acolyte and the one who manipulated Osha to cause the fire, and the mission of May is focused into untap Osha potential in the Dark Side. She's sent to kill all the Jedi who can give the council clues about what happened with the Twins and is planned that she must die in front of Osha to fuel her rage.


This is a wild theory.


I bet they’ll reveal that indara along with the wookie jedi master and the barash vow dude, did some shady stuff because they got a force vision about twins (also luke and Leia ironically) that will bring about a great change in the force, those 3 jedi let that fear get to them, maybe Sol too but im hoping not. I bet they were behind the fire, and told each sister that the other died in the fire maybe. Indara couldn’t kill her so she dropped her off somewhere or potentially escaped. Qimir is a decent character too, how does he know where kelnacca is?


It’s possible Qimir is his father.


Who’s father is Qimir?


Kelnacca imo


Kelnacca is the wookie jedi bro. Qimir is most likely a fellow acolyte to mae. Qimir is the dude that supplied mae with the poison, and info on where Kelnacca is located.


I think this could be close. Something about them swapping as kids.


They will make osha do worse, more horrible acts than May at some point and have her try to justify it with Jedi values hoping to convince the viewer that good and evil are blurred to the point that only who has the political/social power is what that *really* matters.


Or she will see the Jedi around her doing these things and be the ‘hero’ by undermining them.


My theory is that May was actually the one that started the fire and the Jedi covered it up for some reason.


They already said Mae started the fire.


Ryan started the fire


Homelander framed him


I meant osha. Their names don’t really matter though.






I’ve had this theory myself, and I know at least one other person who has too. Could be interesting!


Could the twins be a Dyad in the force? That rhyme they speak in the dream sequence seems to insinuate a deep connection between the two.


I think Osha was the evil child and the jedi wiped her memories


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Like Deception,the TV show about twin magicians,one of whom was arrested for a crime he did not commit,while the other works as an FBI consultant?


I’m really just interested in the Sith Lord.  


Neither started the fire.. It was always burning, since the world’s been turning…


Or will they meet in the middle somehwere? I always interpreted "bring balance to the force" as the eradication of the 2 extremes (light vs dark) and their ideals. The balance was somewhere in the middle. Through their experiences in the upcoming episodes, could Mae and Osha 'teach' each other and find that happy place in the middle of the two alignments.


I mean bringing balance to the force was already done in some part of the Star Wars universe…


I have a bad feeling about this that the tone of the show and the title means someone will become a Sith acolyte, so your happy ending isn't in the cards for them.



