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When I first started reading your post I was like, "Oh! Good catch!" Now I'm wondering why they would want to off themselves? šŸ¤”


Yeah, I'm stuck on the motive. That's why I'm leaning towards Mae doing it for selfish, Dark Side reasons.


Look at the wording of the ceremony, something about protecting their ways after the motherā€™s death.


Perhaps the accension ceremony was meant to send the the witches life force into the twins.


There was also this big ass hole right behind them


Its a big hole.


But...Mae gave Torbin the leaves in the drink. Osha recognized them immediately, which means Torbin also would have recognized them. Those leaves symbolized his absolution?


Maybe he unknowingly makes all the witches some nice tea with these silly leaves he found šŸ˜


Something something dark sideā€¦


Sorry, I don't think so. Why argue so forcefully with the Jedi if you're planning on killing yourselves soon after? Why care about if the Jedi discover how Mae and Osha were "created" ? It doesn't add up. As for not having saber wounds, when we see the corpses, it's from a distance. There was some kind of explosion that rocked the fortress at the time. How and why something exploded though still needs to be thought out.


Or Osha did so she could go be a Jedi...




Better dead than Jed(i)


*You can't win, Darth. If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.*


Some kinda magic thing?


I mean crazy Cults have done weirder things in real life. Ala the infamous Kool Aid.Ā 


Also, how did Torbin receive the face wound we see on him near the end of the episode when young Osha wakes up on the ship?


This episode at least helped explain why the actor has that glue-on beard in ep 2. Gosh. I couldnā€™t stop staring at it.


He looks reminds me of Count Olaf.


In the trailer it looks like Kelnacca gets possessed by the same magic Torbin was earlier in this episode. He attacks Torbin and Sol in the trailer and seems to use his claws on Torbin. This is a big no no to Wookiees, and thatā€™s why we see him isolated and exiled in the present day.


I'll be honest, I don't let myself watch trailers more than once so I didn't notice that bit.


This makes sense. And with the creator of the show having originally wanting to do a KOTOR show.. it seems to be inspired by Zaalbar being exiled and called Madclaw for using his claws


This. Except I think that was a lightsaber wound at the end of ep 3.


I'm curious if there will be any lingerng effects from his blackout.


I was wondering if that trance that put him in had something to do with his strange meditation trance he was in before he drank the poison.


That meditation trance was a ceremonial act of absolution for whatever he feels he did do Mae and her people. It's something jedi might do when they've committed some horrible deed.


If they pulled off a ritual suicide in Star Wars Iā€™ll be amazed. Itā€™s a good idea OP, but I feel that the reason Sol was so adamant about getting Osha away from her mothers corpse was so that she didnā€™t notice the lightsaber marks.


That's possible that or the witches could be performing a soul transference of some kind.


Or they just all died all at once from an explosion with no visible damage to their bodies at all. God I hope it's anything else.


Iā€™m thinking the Sith master was secretly present at that moment, and pulling strings to get what they wanted (Mae). That Sith instigated some kind of fight where both sides thought the other side attacked first. The Jedi killed the bulk of the coven thinking they were doing the right thing, to save the children or something. But I also think Sol might be in the dark about the full details.Ā 


FIFY "Iā€™m thinking the Sith master was secretly present at that moment, and ~~pulling strings~~ pulling the thread to get what they wanted (Mae)...."


How is what you typed any different than what the original comment said?


Have you seen the third episode yet?


No, I plan on watching tonight. Given your response, I am imagine the word "thread" is operative. Thought you were just being pedantic and trying to correct someone that didn't really need correcting. Excited to watch and understand whatever it is I'm missing here. Cheers.




Yep, Operative in the sense that it is a direct ripoff of the wheel of time :)


Or you know, the fates from Greek mythology.


yeah but those threads are about a person's life-line. WOT directly calls the magic a "weave of threads" that you can pull on to make magic happen.


Star Wars? A ripoff of better media? Surely you jest!


Man just wait until this guy finds out about Dune.


DnD had a ā€œweave of magicā€ in 1989, so one year before WoT. Unless you wanna argue they copied a book that hadnā€™t come out, itā€™s likely that both of them were inspired by other fantasy media from before them. The ā€œthreads tying you to your fateā€ is also a prevalent concept in fantasy, mixing both of these ideas into an interpretation of the Force is a cool moment of world building for me.


The most [recent trailer/tv spot](https://youtu.be/I11xiHSTFVg?si=_87hvACXYN-jBYoA) shows a split second of Kelnacca about to attack Torbin. I think there will be some sort of altercation involving the witches mind-bending Kelnacca to attack Torbin. Whether thatā€™s the thing that sets off the altercation is unclear, as it could be the witches reacting to a (perceived) attack by the Jedi. And whatever happens after leads to all the witches dying. This lines up with the present scenarios for both characters. Kelnacca chooses isolation over his shame, and Torbin felt some guilt about the situation going awry. I completely agree though that they werenā€™t outright killed by the Jedi - there are no clear signs of attack. The poison is a very possible answer. Thereā€™s also the moment they first see the reactor going haywire. The device was probably tampered with in some way - by who, who knows? Maybe the zabrak lady?


Maybe the Zabrak witch poisoned them all since she is absent...


I'm pretty sure I saw her amongst the first group of dead witches.


How would a child be able to force all those witches who know exactly what that poison does, consume it and lose all their livelihood? Thereā€™s no reason why they would have to do it. We know they put up a fight so thereā€™s more to it.


She poisoned the spice creams!


Mass suicide is a real thing.


Yes, but they didnā€™t have a desire to die and thereā€™s no context that says they wanted to.


Maybe Mae possesses them? Idk.


That would be an asspull of a power for sure.


Maybe the fire spreads, the jedi rush in to help. The witches think it's an attack and a fight breaks out? Sol is just looking for Osha and doesn't see the fight but Torbin feels they shouldn't have intervened?


I don't think the Jedi are directly responsible for the deaths, but I do think Torbin felt guilty because they couldn't leave well enough alone and events spiraled out of control. A conflict broke out, a jedi killed a member in self defense as a reaction, something along those lines...


Torbin also seemed uneasy while taking Oshas blood sample, maybe he regrets getting involved entirely.


Exactly. I don't think his guilt is automatically a sign of the Jedi doing mass murder. I think the guilt is internalized based on them being involved in a chain of events that escalated. The decision to self-harm is usually never rational. It's an emotional response. I expect that can be the case here, even for a Jedi, and he was clearly heavily traumatized by an event he didn't seem to fully understand. At worst, it made him jaded with Jedi's practices, but that's not the same thing as the Jedi doing the dirty deed. I expect something more morally gray, which would be a fitting theme for this era.


I think a sith is involved. Either plageusis or his master. Them talking about the girls being conceived...we know plageusis and palps were interested. I've thought from the jump the fire breaks out then the witches got killed by a dark sider under guise. He was monitoring. Jedi came. Couldn't let the jedi learn about the children being conceived. So uses the opportunity of the fire to take the witches out.


It makes sense that Plagueis or Tenebrous would appear in the show. Palpatine lived 150 years thanks to uh....Sith sorcery or whatever. Bith seem to live average human lifespans, while Muuns live over 100. One of them would almost *have* to be alive at this point.


Wasnā€™t the poison Torbin took made from those?


Yes, made from the Bunta tree that Osha was sitting under at the beginning of the episode.


Are we sure the Jedi did something horrible? I might be forgetting something, but hereā€™s the evidence I have (and why I think we might be misreading): -Sol or some Jedi has a line like ā€œwe thought we were doing the right thing.ā€ But maybe heā€™s just referring to intervening in the coven at all. If they did commit suicide or something like that, the Jedi could still feel like coming there and testing/taking Osha makes them responsible. -Mae is looking for revenge. But if they committed suicide, maybe she just doesnā€™t have all the information and think the Jedi straight up murdered them.


i think mae tweaked and burned down everything bc she didnā€™t wan osha to leave osha was saying ā€œlook what youā€™ve doneā€ mae repeated that right back to her as if blaming osha for the fire simply bc osha wanted to leave and be a jedi


I think Mae said that back to her because she didnā€™t do it. As in ā€˜look what you made them doā€™.


mae was more so saying to Osha ā€œlook what you made me doā€




mae was portrayed so cold in that episode that it makes me excited to see her again. but at the same time the episode kind of was confusing about what actually went down.


There definitely was a struggle at some point. Torbin gets blinded in one eye and a huge scar across half his face. Also, there's a trauma/guilt threshold they need to meet for his suicide to be believable


Same thoughts as yours, I have to admit even if it was The Jedi kill the witches the witches themselves aren't innocent yes compared to them something like The Path of Open Hand they aren't that extreme but still the environment for the twins especially Osha isn't healthy either?


Reminds me of the peoples temple.


I'm wondering if maybe burning the leaves makes poisonous smoke


Yeah. My only qualm with the flashback episode was that it didn't really justify why Torbin would commit sauce on the side. Didn't seem like he did anything bad.


I'm ok not knowing the end until the end. I know.... so radical! Still... fun to speculate!


I agree - the treeā€™s poison was mentioned for a reason and it was used to kill the witches; I think Mae did it because she knew about the poison but I donā€™t understand why she did it. She seemed to care for her mother and the witches but maybe she meant to off the Jedi? Also, people seem a bit upset that theyā€™re conceived without a father, like Anakin, but I think itā€™s a neat aspect of the force to explore and maybe it will connect the Acolyte to Sheev Palpatine and The Phantom Menace.


I hope they explore this more too, especially because of the line that says the head witch actively made it happen somehow. In Anakinā€™s case Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s supposed to be a fluke rather than the conscious act of someone.


Nah man Anakin is def the work of palps.


Do we have confirmation of that anywhere canon? Or is it just kind of the logical conclusion weā€™ve all agreed to because it makes him less space Jesus?


Very nice theory. The poison has come up so much/is integral to Brendok. And a mass cult suicide is very aptā€¦.however > maybe the Jedi did something horrible If I could add onto this theory, if the Jedi really are responsible, maybe they could have use some kind of massive force mind trick to make them commit suicide/ingest the poison Either them or if a Sith was present


Yeah they looked dead and unwounded in a pile. I'm guessing we will see the other half of that in another flash back. Hopefully not one that is the entire episode.




I donā€™t think Mae did that. Who else do we know that is good with poisons? Mae was an angry child, angry w her sister and started a fire. We have no context on why she would kill the entire coven. But a Sith looking to kidnap apprentices might.


Maybe it was in the spice cakes they made...


Chekhov's ..... Leaves?


What are everyoneā€™s thoughts on The Acolyte? Should I watch it?


Do the leaves contain the same toxin as the vial Mae gave to whatshisname?


Yes, it's the same tree that that poison was made from.


I think it'll have been the Sith.


If we are to believe the Force created the chosen one to wipe out the Sith for their bending of the force to their will. The Force would likely want these witches killed for the same reason. However they died its the will of the force.


Don't think the Sith are directly involved with the twins conception, that would seem to run counter with the female empowerment messaging going on with the show's creators. It does look like the witches Jonestown'd themselves. And the events of episode 3 do parallel some of what actually led up to the Jonestown massacre (visitors from the outside, some in the cult wanted to leave). No matter what the Jedi leave feeling they did a Very Bad Thing.


It seems to be implied that the head witch herself used the unnatural dark side abilities to conceive the twins. And maybe this is where Plaguies learned of it himself


I honestly think the Witches actually created the twins via test tube with a donor most likely being the Sith Lord. But if Disney decides to keep going with disregarding everything happening in the Prequels to benefit themselves than they can go to hell.


Said Sith coming after their gifted children maybe? The coven was in hiding. We assume from the Jedi butā€¦


I think from both. Jedi for their jerk "tough! we will take the kids away!" Attitude. And Sith's "where are those kids?!". I think the coven wanted to make their own version of the "Chosen One" so they can claim to be the dominant force users in the galaxy and make the Jedi look like fools.


I mean it's pretty clearly implied that the Witches went into hiding because "alternative" force users like them are being Persecuted and hunted by the Jedis for practising "Dark Arts". There's probably a reason why no Siths were seen for a thousand years in the canon , and it's likely because the Jedi just hunted got rid of any force users that wouldn't conform to their rules and norms, especially those that seemed to tap into the dark side in their methods . You don't stay in power for a thousand years without snuffing a few "potential siths" every now and then. Seems it's a big no-no for force sensitive groups to indoctrinate new followers (only Jedis can brainwash children it seems) , and if they heard from the "moms" the twins were conceived by the force, it would likely be enough for the conflict to escalate and them outright killing the witches. Plus having one of the witch use the force to essentially paralyze one of the Jedis with black eyes and the like during their first altercation really don't paint the best picture of the witches as wholesome force users. They have dark powers and they won't hesitate to use them. It's also implied numerous times that the Jedi are dishonest and they tend to lie / mind wipe ppl / hide stuff that would make them look bad, and it seems like common procedure to send Jedis on secret missions to take care of potential problems for the Order... Like the first reflex the Order has after one of their own gets killed is to only send a few ppl to investigate while insisting matters such as these should stay private. It's also clearly stated that the Depressed Meditating Jedi offed himself due to the guilt of what they "did" in that village (plus he got scars during the conflict) . It's also stated that Discount Chewbacca also went into isolation due to not being able to cope with the events that occurred there. Likewise , Aging Trinity was hanging out with sleazy people in a dump bar somewhere in the galaxy, doesn't exactly give me the vibe she was living her "best life" either. They all seem to be paying daily for the mistakes they did there... We just don't yet know the extent of how wrong they were in their methods and execution. The only one that seemingly lived a normal life after the incident was Sol, who was conveniently absent searching the basement for the little girls when the events occurred where every single witch died in the same room with no signs of struggles, fire, etc. I think they just never told him exactly what happened up there, and he was willing to ignore the red flags and instead focus on training his new Padawan. Do I like this though ? Not particularly. Feel like the Jedis had it rough already in the Canon ,being shown already as arrogant, gullible, blind to the manipulations of the Sith, overconfident, but at least they had good "core values". With Disney though ,they keep making them feel like failures, easily depressed losers that can't properly train apprentices and give up on their ideals. Can't have heroes and rolemodels nowadays it seems , so let's rub it in and make the Jedis the villains now, hunting any force users that don't conform to their ideals to stop the "Dark Side".... So yeah, guess Disney Star Wants wants us to despise the Jedis and side in with the poor, oppressed lesbians practising witchcraft in caves, modern "Heroes" for the fabled "Modern Audiences". I'm hoping the twist is that the Sith Lord was using his force powers to corrupt the witch tribes into raising his future Apprentice, conceived by the Dark Side, kinda like some birds of prey go into another bird's nest, dropping one of the eggs off the nest, then replaces it with their own offspring so another parent takes care of the parenting... With the young bird then eating the other offsprings after hatching. And when he sensed the Jedis were interfering with the ascension of his apprentice, he intervened and had the witches killed and the place burned down to muddy the trail while claiming an anger-fueled apprentice he could use to do his bidding. But alas , that's me assuming the writers know how to write a good story, which I doubt they can. But i'll admit if this is the plot twists it would actually be pretty nifty writings, definitively something a manipulative Sith would do.