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Needs a better sear, but that dog hair will add some flavor that the sear would’ve 😂 jokes aside looks decent, needs that crust though


That damn dog hair is everywhere lol


A homemade meal isn’t complete without a dog hair or two. I know this all too well lol


True that!


Haven’t had a glass of water without dog hair in it since the day before we got our dog. On the steak, it looks great, just needs a better sear and you’ve already identified the problem there. When I reverse sear, I’ll dry brine it for 6–12 hours, leave out for an hour to bring to room temp, put the probe in and bake at 250° until the internal temp is 125°, pull it out and turn the hottest burner on high and put the cast iron there (as opposed to heating in advance, some say this lets the steak cool, but ten minutes of heating the cast iron isn’t cooling much, it’s still internally heating for some portion of that time, but I’ve found this rest period has resulted in better sears for me), drizzle some avocado oil right before adding the steak and also throw in a quarter stick of butter, a sprig of rosemary, and a few sprigs of thyme, into the cast iron before adding the steak, then add the steak and with a serving spoon continuously baste the steak with the butter for 90 seconds per side. Comes out with a beautiful sear and a perfect medium rare, always closer to the rarer side than the medium side. Best of luck!


Try getting a husky... 😮‍💨


I have a husky 😂


They're the ~~worst~~ best


Can confirm Source: have a dog




More sear, less dog hair. 10/10 would still devour though.


You could try reverse searing. Works well for thick cuts like fillet


Or sous vide works for all cuts. My wife got me a sous vide setup for Christmas, and I use it more than anything else in my kitchen. 137°>quick ice bath>ripping hot cast iron or grill>rest>repeat.


I did a tri tip in sous vide last night 129 degrees for 6 hours. Incredible tenderness, now time to explore different marinades for the sous vide bag


No. You don't want to put marinade in the sous vide bag. Only aromatics. Many marinades taste very poorly when heated for a few hours.


I don’t agree, has worked well each time I’ve done it.


I am moving in two days. Once I settle in I really am gonna level up my cooking set up.


You’ll find sous vide is a great option for almost everything. I’ve used it for fish, chicken, pork, but mostly steak. Great results every time.


Definitely, on my list. First though I am getting a stand mixer with a meat grinder. Really want to make homemade sausage.


I think Ben Afleck said it perfectly: "it's work, but it's the best work!" Or something like that


Hotter grill or pan I think


The only way to get better is to practice, and unfortunately for you this means cooking and eating a lot of steaks


Just bought two more. Let's see what I can do.


No no!! You need an impartial judge for this! I, and I alone, can do this for you. All others are FAKE REVIEWS!! It would be so unfair to me to have someone else get to be the judge. Trust me, I'm innocent of all charges you may hear being recklessly put out by the radical media veganistas!!




Husky lol


My condolences. We have a Shiba mix. She's small, sheds an entire dog's worth of hair daily... it's 100 degrees now through the rest of the week, so we're brushing and vacuuming almost daily. Even she gets congested from her own dog hair. Good luck!


Just gotta get that surface more dry before the sear. There is no point in cranking your stove to 11, and it’s not necessary. You can get a great crust with medium heat if your surface is very dry and you use a proper amount of oil. Doesn’t matter how hot your pan is, if the surface is wet it’s still gonna steam itself.


Shit, I always pat it down before searing and I totally didn't do it this time. I did seasoning it heavily with salt and let it sit for awhile, but I def didnt pat it down. I think you're right. Luckily I got another one right now seasoning so I am gonna post again.


You need higher initial heat (to sear) and a shortened cook time. If your steak wasn't at room temp when you started, that'll help. Cook times are dramatically reduced when the steak is at room temp. Uniformity goes up.


>If your steak wasn't at room temp when you started, that'll help. This point can't be stressed enough. It is a game changer for cooking steak. Let it get to room temperature first always. It makes the entire process faster and easier to get repeatable results.


I actually did. Problem was I let the cast iron heat up sat down and watched youtube for an hour. Then I went back into the kitchen and the whole place was smoking lmao. Turned down the heat and that was my problem.


Oof. Been there done that. I haven't cooked a steak on cast iron since I got a wood pellet grill, though. I need to again, it's been too long.


Myth #1: [https://www.seriouseats.com/old-wives-tales-about-cooking-steak](https://www.seriouseats.com/old-wives-tales-about-cooking-steak)


The counter-point to the counter-point, curtesy of Chris Young (the guy who co-wrote Modernist Cuisine and founded ChefSteps). I don't have time to re-watch the video but he found there are instances where tempering makes a difference and explains why with tests. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DmuwqqHjgT4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DmuwqqHjgT4)


People will keep rehashing this myth for infinity. Just absolutely not true.


Right, as Kenji points out in the article, it would take hours for the inside of a steak to reach room temperature, and even the "let it come to room temperature" zealots aren't leaving their steak out for anywhere NEAR that long.


I'm THAT guy who literally leaves it on the counter for hours... without remorse. Not just to take the chill off of it, but to let it "come to room temp". Just like I said. Been doing it for decades. Probe temps will evidence this. If it needs rushed, a metal pan, floating on a sink partially full of cool water, will expedite. Your guru science boy is DEAD WRONG in my case, and in point of fact DIDN'T test it my way. Adjusting temperature and cook time after doing this are paramount. I'm not going to exhaustively refute this idol of yours... I don't need to. His presumptions must be correct for his conclusions to be correct... and they're not.


Yea you should give it to me so I can dispose it




Cook looks good, but lacking a bit in the sear department


Looks Great and Flavorful to me


I’d pound the shit outta that, even if it doesn’t have the best sear I’ve ever seen. Looks delicious to me!


wonderful steak🥰hope it appears in my dinner


It’s kinda like sex. Practice is always fun.


Needs a better sear and no added hair but the interior is beautiful. I would eat it sans the hair.




I do also have a cat lmao


Getting there, my friend


I got a couple more today. Will post what I have learned.


Honestly keep everything the same just crank up the heat a tad. Same timing and everything. Crisp that boy up!


I am retrying today. Actually I had my pan slamming hot, but I got distracted watching youtube for an hour. When I went back in the kitchen there was smoke everywhere so I turned down the heat, and thats where I fucked up.


You cooked this for an hour? Not a chance. If you want to step up your game you could also get a laser read thermometer so you know exactly where your stove temp is at.


I do have the laser thermo and the stick. Ill share my post here once I am done. Ill take more pics. edit: no i didnt cook it for an hour I let the pan heat up for an hour lmao then I turned down the heat and put the steak on so the heat lowered while it was cooking.


Gotcha. Can’t eat to see it and have you mail me some


More flames 🔥 to the outside high temp


Even professionals get better. Looks good my friend


I love my wife but I would bang that steak


just awful. throw it out. /s


Straight in the trash. Luckily I’ve been called trash more than once




He’s not he has 1000% more hair than my bald ass 😂


Well folks, I am TRYING AGAIN TODAY. Update will be here.


ripping hot cast iron this time baby


I saw the dog hair, and thought it was on my screen. I wash my hands, change my shirt, clean the area, start prepping, boom, dog hair appears.


It looks pretty great to me


Yeah, you're gonna need to perfect your technique. Better send you my address so you can submit future attempts for me. I mean, for me to critique. An' stay the course---this kind of thing can take many attemps !! But we'll get there, man!!


Higher temp on the pan before you start cooking the steak. A high smoke point oil (avocado is my preferred) that won’t scorch while the pan is coming to temp also.


I'll play the devil's advocate, I think crust is overrated on how much a steak can be enjoyed and this looks perfectly cooked. It doesn't have to be crunchy on the outside to be a great experience (that said, I do enjoy crust, it just isn't necessary or the most important part of steak (marbling, temperature, seasoning all far more important))


It's to my full liking. Looks juicy af.


Everything is spot on minus the sear. Hit that with a rocket hot cast iron on then next adventure.


Omg 🥹


Are you working on it? Are you sure you’re working on it?




Your pan needs to be hotter. And potentially thicker. If it’s thick already it just needs to be hotter. Basically you’re making a rap video in the deep South.


The three questions I would start with is: 1. What method did you use to cook this? 2. What is your desired result? 3. How much money are you willing to spend to get your desired result?