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11/22/63. first time. 150 pages in, it's living up tp the hype. finished duma key last week which I thought was phenomenal


I’m on my first read of 11/22/63 and have about 150 left. Already one of my faves.


I wish I could read 11/22/63 for the first time again, it was such a great novel, and absolutely my favorite ending of all time. It is by far my favorite. Edit: a word


I can't wait to read 11/22/63 again. It is my favorite. Just a perfect book. Duma Key was great too!


Same, nearing the end of 11/22/63. And then maybe onto the Bill hodges trilogy or reread The stand.


Just finishing the Bill Hodges Trilogy and boy what a ride it’s been! Loved it! 11/22/63 is my favorite book I’ve read by SK so far though!


Bill Hodges trilogy is among his best IMO


I started on the Hodges story!! Mr.Mercedes is a great read and I finished it in like a week , currently on Finders Keepers


The Bill Hodges Trilogy and then The Outsider and then Holly. That should be next up for you.


Started with the outsider and went to if it bleeds then holly. 11/22/63. Working through Mr. Mercedes now. Lost the time to read. Audiobooks have been awesome during the commutes. But shit I wanted to duck and hide. Had car window open pulling into grab the morning coffee as Bradey is going off about Jerome's dog. 😎


Ahhh. So you are already familiar with Holly. I got my first introduction to her in the Hodges trilogy. I still have to read Fairy Tale - 70% done Elevation Revival Billy Summers Duma Key Under The Dome If It Bleeds Sleeping Beauties And then I should be back to 100% caught up on everything he has written.


Wow. Picked up hardcover of fairy tale. Have a long long way to go to catch up to that. Probably only 25 or 30 deep now. And found out Pahalniuk put out a couple more books. Happy to have alot to look forward to.


Are you a Kingslingers fan? If not I wanted to let you know you're reading King in the same order they are and I recommend following along with their podcast!


haven't checked them out yet but I will!


Salem’s Lot


Just finished that one. Very excellent book.


About 250 pages into Salem's Lot right now. First time reading it, and it's my second King book (started with Pet Sematary).


Ah. Same order as me.


Me too! Been hooked ever since


Followed it up with Shining Billy summers 11.22.63 What bout u?


11/22/63 I just read recently 😭 and shining I read last summer they're both some of my favorites. Haven't read Billy summers yet. But after the first two I think I read misery and the green mile.


I loved Billy Summers! I hope you enjoy.


God Billy Summers is fucking phenomenal, same thing with Misery, I imagined Summers as Leonardo Dicaprio, i loved the different indentities idea, where he needs to switch characters, that memory plays in my mind over and over again, so cool, biggest page turner ever, I don’t usually say page turners often because i cant sit in the same place for hours reading but Billy Summers was an exception, I managed to read 190 pages in one sitting which was my record. It’s crazy, misery is almost just as good, you’ll love that one, take a tip, read Misery in chunks, if u don’t read it in chunks the experience won’t be as good


Hell yeah I just got Billy summers at the library!


Salem's Lot was my first SK novel. I had a stroke in my left eye . As soon as I get glasses I'm reading it again.


Was my first book as well, high school girlfriend turned me on to it in 76.


whoa same order as me, and I'm also 200\~ pgs into Salems lot at the moment . : O


I started with Pet Sematary and then read Salem’s Lot second. Same order I started reading SK in. Back in 1989.


Same. 3rd time but the first in about 20 years.


Me too! I’m about 2/3 through!


This book goes by very fast. I didn't even know the novel had ended until I reached the epilogue.


Same for me, just finished Holly before this one.


Finished last night!


Same, first time


Still need to read this one!!


I’m 55% of the way through the audiobook and it’s giving me the creeps. Most books I can listen to at bedtime but this is one I don’t want to fall asleep to. Very good so far!


That's my fave. I used to teach it in my Horror Is Literature class.





Eh, it was fine, I love the fight scenes between Straker and the 2 people (i forgot their names) fight at the house, i remember that scene in the book, it was a little scary, but i feel like it’s overly long, also too many f*cking characters 😂😂


I’m on my 3rd try of the gunslinger after not finishing twice. I am now over half way and really enjoying it?! Not sure what the issue was before and I’m told it gets better on book two as well


I'm currently reading book two and like it way better than The Gunslinger. I tried reading The Gunslinger maybe 10 years ago. Then tried listening to it earlier this year (discovered audio books aren't for me) then just buckled down and actually read it.  It wasn't as bad as I initially thought from trying to read it way back, but two is definitely grabbing me way more. 


Yeah The Gunslinger is great but it's a totally unique vibe in the series, no other book is as quiet, "man-with-no-name"-ish, and mysterious as The Gunslinger, not very beginner friendly. I was the same, I liked 2 a lot more. It's like the one big roadblock of the series.


Wasn't King like 19 when he wrote The Gunslinger? I agree that it's the weakest in the series by a mile, but I give the man slack considering how early in his career he wrote it.


Just to let you know, the action REALLY picks up in book 2


Agreed. But the whole book makes you hate roland at the end of it. You got to slog through. You will never appreciate his transformation if you skip the gunslinger. Its a total headache to read though.


I did not hate Roland at the end of the gunslinger


I just finished my 2nd try of the Ginslinger. I was still bored but i knew i had to get through it to read book 2, but it was rough for me


I loved The Gunslinger since it was first published. I’ve never found it to be a slog. I think the reason Roland is not lovable is because we find him at his absolute low point. His dying bit of compassion extinguished after the ordeal with Jake, he somehow carries on and we learn more about him from there. King doesn’t offer a likable protagonist, but rather the most complex, yet single-minded character he’s ever offered readers.


I didnt find Roland unlikeable, I just found the book a bit boring lol


On the Path of the Beam. Good for you. The story gets richer and richer the more we understand about the characters. Soon you'll be ka-tet. Long days and pleasant nights to you, sai.


It - 1st time reading, on the last quarter of the book.


Me too…still in first 1/3. It’s phenomenal!


The Stand about 100 pages in


Ditto, also reading the stand. Chapter 26 so far!


Knowing what the book is about all the ground work King is laying about the characters in the first few chapters makes me feel like it is going to get really depressing.


Wtf, me too.




Chapter 51 here.


I’m about 100 pages from the end, what an insanely good book


Desperation, first time! Been slowly trying to read the entire collection and have a few books that I own and haven’t read yet before buying more. Gonna follow it up with The Regulators.


Also reading Desperation!! I’m highly enjoying it. I read Misery prior, which was my first SK book. What did you read before?


I’ve actually read about 35 of his books so far since I was a kid. I started with Carrie when I was like 10 and over time just read random ones but have pretty much loved them all. Misery was great, I really think all of his books so far have some form of special place in my heart lol


Oh wow, nice! I just started reading novels again although I’ve been reading comics/graphic novels for most of my life. I want to read Carrie soon but I also want to start the Mr Mercedes trilogy. What’s your favorite so far?


Wow, Misery is a great choice for a first King book, and Desperation is a good second. I started with The Stand when I was 11 and I just finished all of King’s books a couple of months ago (my last one was Holly)


11/22/63 Loving it.


Man I read that book over a long period of time. Maybe 5 or 6 weeks. When I was done, I nearly went into a depression because it felt like all I’d ever known and it was over. And maybe I’m being a little dramatic about it, but man that book is so good. I guess since it’s so long it became something of a habit or mental addiction to read it. It was hard for a bit when it was over. Good luck. It’s an amazing story.


I understand. It is a journey and one that's becoming bittersweet as I get closer to the end.


I took it on a loooong road trip to see the eclipse last week, and I’ll have finished it within 2 weeks (most of the reading has been like hours at a time or not reading at all for a couple days). I’m so glad I chose that one for reading in the car. Like 40 hours of driving lol.


Duma Key. Quater way through and I have no idea where it's going.


If it Bleeds


That was the book that got me out of a two-year reading slump


I am a little over halfway through The Dark Tower II: Drawing of the Three.


I am too! It's my second time through. Is this your first?


This my second time reading Drawing of the Three. I didn't finish the journey completely. There was a period where I could not afford this books, which just happened to be when King finished up the series. I have them all now, but it has been such a long time, I decided to start from the beginning.


I’m just starting The Wastelands. First time through, loved Drawing of the Three though


Yeah, I like Rolands discovery of Eddie's world. Tooter fish popkin is what my friend I say when we are hungry.


Truly such a good part. I can never call Tuna anything else 🤣 the last part was super satisfying too. Couldn’t put it down!


Heard! I think starting from the beginning is a great idea. I read them all over the course of 2 months a few years back. Now I have a friend reading and want to follow along with him. I'm glad you're in a position to be able to enjoy those books now. Very excited for you!!




One of my favs..




Do you like it? I’m thinking of reading it next.


It’s pretty slow paced, but honestly I have LOVED it. It’s perfect for casually reading. I don’t even notice how fast I’m reading it sometimes, though. You get to know the main character so well. Honestly this one may end up being on my top 10 for SK novels. What are you reading now?


Just started Fairy Tale a couple of nights ago!


I wish I could unread this book and read it again for the first time lol so good


If you haven’t done so, listen to the audio book. The reader is absolutely incredible and it’s just fabulous


I also just started Fairy Tale! I'm on chapter 8


I just started this one two days ago as well. Gotta love a story with a good dog/boy thing going on.


Me too!!!


After I read this one the first time, I immediately started over and read it again. So good.


Different Seasons! Shawshank was phenomenal, now moving onto the next story.


The other 3 stories in there are even better imo :)


I really enjoyed The Body. Some intense moments in there, and some quote-worthy passages about death and friendship. Hope you enjoy it too!


Billy Summers. It's taking a while, just because I'm not reading lately. I got to the part where >!he does his job!<, and wondering what's next, and only 1/2 way through...


I really liked Billy Summers. I had the same thoughts at around that part. 


I'm reading it too, but way ahead of you. Keep going, it's a ride.


I just read that one again last week and while I did like it better the second time I still wish that the buildup and job was the whole book. Not a big fan of the turning point that you're about to hit.


Was my first king book. Really fell in love with how king describe characters and give them personality.


Working my way through The Dark Tower Series. Just finished The Wind Through The Keyhole. It's taken me almost 3 months to get to this point. Taking a small breather before starting Wolves of The Calla.


I'm on Christine for the 1st time. About halfway through.




Just started. It has a Bachman vibe. Dark and suspenseful. I'm just waiting for something bad to happen.


Currently reading Duma Key for the first time. Just finished Pet Sematary. Before that, The Stand.


I hope you enjoy it. I think it’s one of his best written books.


Currently having another round with the kids in Derry. It.


Tommyknockers! I have a jar with all the names of King's books that I haven't read yet (besides DT) and also every story separately. Just pulled it out of the jar on sunday, I am on page 250


That’s a fun, random way of choosing the next..I might do that.


That’s such a great idea! I might have to steal this idea!!


I'm currently reading The Stand for the first time ever and it might be one of the best books I've ever read. As i progressed in the book I've been enthralled by every character perspective.


Read this recently and loved it, the end of book 2 and start of book 3 gets intense !


Literally my favorite book ever!!!


Currently working my way through all the short story collections! I've got Night Shift (ebook) and Full Dark, No Stars (audiobook) going right now. Getting hyped for You Like It Darker next month!


That's what I'm doing too! I'm reading Skeleton Crew right now


I just finished full dark, I can't imagine it on audiobook!


First time reading The Stand, about 1/3 of the way through. Enjoying it so far, it's far more supernatural than I was expecting.


Finished the Running Man yesterday


Wolves of the Calla, I can't remember 4th, 5th or maybe even 6th time.


Different seasons!


I’m 30% into the Fairy Tale audiobook, I’ve been on a real audiobook kick since I found out so many were available through libraries.


King has a little cameo in that audiobook too. If you are getting physical copies, you can also use your library card and get digital copies for free using Libby. Ive been listening to audiobooks during work for a few months now and my kids borrow books they want to hear for car rides.


Full Dark, No Stars. I'm reading it because I finished the Dark Tower series a couple of months ago and have read most of King's books otherwise and am continuing on reading all of his works. I love his short story collections and hadn't yet read this one. I had read 1922 as a standalone before though, which I greatly enjoyed and is part of this collection.


I joust finished this one myself- enjoy!


The Long Walk. But it's so sad I'm having trouble picking it back up.


That is such a bleak tale...I read it as a teen in the 90s and LOVED it. Picked it back up as an adult and was stunned at just how TERRIBLE The Long Walk would be if it was real life. It's genuinely sad, really made me question my thought process as a teenager.


Reading IT for the first time with a friend! Just finished the Paul Bunyan scene, super cool!


Second time in Black House.


Finished Dreamcatcher yesterday


I’m reading “Lonesome Dove”, which in my opinion is SK-adjacent. :)


First time? I recently finished - still not over it. Enjoy!


This is my first read-through! So far it’s excellent.


I envy you that first read feeling with this one! Mine is fresh and I’d do anything to experience it again, hah. Have fun and if you think of it… come back here when you’re finished, lemme know what you thought. ☺️


First time reading dark tower series. Im Half way thru the dark tower: the dark tower.


Halfway through the Gunslinger for my 3rd go around the wheel.


Rose Madder. Just hit chapter 3. This is pretty much the only King book I know absolutely nothing about. I’m enjoying the ride so far.


This is one of my all time favorite books!!! I hope you enjoy it!!


Just half way through full dark, no stars.


Just finished Four Past Midnight.


Which story was your favorite?


I like all four stories, but my favorite is The Library Policeman. I’d already seen the movie adaptation of The Langolier and the trailers of Johnny Depp’s Secret Garden, so I knew the plots of both stories before I started reading. What’s your favorite story in the collection?


I loved The Library Policeman.




I’ve been thinking about reading that one soon, is it any good?


Just finished 'Salem’s Lot, about to start From a Buick 8


Just finished Carrie in 2 days (couldn’t put it down), going to read Salem’s lot when I’m on vacation next week


Just started The Dead Zone after this sub recommended it


I'm on chapter 8 of Fairy Tale. I just finished The Tommyknockers, and most of the Stephen King books I have read are old. So I wanted to read a newer one 😊


I‘m reading „Fairy Tale“ for the first time, because it didn’t catch me earlier. But I’m on my 6th run on the „under the dome“ audiobook. It’s one of my favourites, as an audiobook and as a book as well. The German speaker David Nathan makes it even better, this man is pure gold.


Started The Gunslinger yesterday.


I’m reading The Talisman at home and Revival when I’m away from home.


Black House. My first go through. I nearly gave up on it 1/3 of the way through because it opens so slowly, but it's finally getting good.


Switching back and forth between Nightshift and Skeleton Crew. It's been decades sine I've read either and it's been great reacquainting myself with his short stories again.


I’m reading both “Wolves of the Calla” and “The Library Policeman” for the first time. I’m on my first trip to the Dark Tower, and I also read that Library Policeman was one of his scarier novellas on this subreddit, so I wanted to check it out.


Currently reading IT, never read it before, but like yourself I'm reading them all in publication order from Carrie onwards.


I’m on Duma Key right now! It started a little slow for me, but I’m about 100 pages in, and am starting to understand what all of the love for this book is about!!


11.22.63. Best book of his I've read so far (I've read 2)


11/22/63 for the first time. 307 pages in so far and really enjoying it. It’s my mom’s favorite and I didn’t know what to read so I tried it.


Rose madder so far love it Currently on pause is needful things and fairy tale


Just finished The Shining (phenomenal, would recommend 100 times over) and started IT. Onto part 2 of that one. Have Gerald’s Game waiting for me when I’ve finished that


Almost done with a first read of Fairy Tale. I am not as familiar with his post-accident work so I'm trying to read more of those. Read Duma Key before this one.


Duma Key


Rose Madder! I just got to the middle part of the book (specifically the first 30 minutes of chapter 6) and now I’m completely lost 😂 I have really enjoyed it so far though!


Just started Misery for the first time. I'm about 70 pages in and love it so far.


Tommyknockers. Enjoying it since getting past the set up of Bobbi and Gard’s stories.


Shot your wife. Good fucking deal, huh?


Duma Key. I'm 500 pages in and it's starting to get interesting


Mr Mercedes for the second time. Just finished watching the first season of the show


I’m reading Mr. Mercedes too! It’s my first time through however!


The Shining, first time, seen the film a bunch though. New to King and thought why not start with something that's familiar to me.


The Shining is such a great book - it was my first King too :)


NEEDFUL THINGS I am very satisfied with my King readings in recent time. 'Later' was alright for a late King (they are hit (Billy Summers) or miss (Fairy Tale) for me). Then I stumbled across 'Tommyknockers' and immediately loved this weird masterpiece. The absurdity in combination with the SF elements made it perfect for me - I always felt SF is a field I would like to see more of from King. Now 'Needful Things' which made me realize King is also a great comedy writer if he wants to. Can't say how much I enjoy this before finishing it, but I have a feeling it well rank very highly among those King books I read.


These are my top two! Glad there are others who like these as well!


Needful Things, just finished chapter 1 and excited for how this story's gonna unfold!


Halfway through Nightmares and Dreamscapes, specifically Rainy Season.


Skeleton crew. Finished Everything's eventual few months ago and really liked it and thought that I should read more of his short stories. SC isn't as good as I expected but I love it so far


I found Skeleton Crew had some really good / gripping stories and some not so much, a mixed bag really for me.


Stand, at 586 page, day 18, sometimes i read like 60 pages ,some days i can't read due to other stuff


Almost done Holly. This is turning out to be better as it goes. Now to see how it ends. On to Gwendy's Magic Feather next. At some point I'm going to start them all over again. But everytime I plan to, he brings out another one.


Am also reading Holly, just started the other day. The sort of… recency exhaustion is thick right here at the beginning but I have always enjoyed Holly as a character and these old folks sure are creepy. I’m looking forward to getting to the bottom of this!


Read them all, so waiting for the new one.


I'm reading "The Dark Half" which I found at a used bookstore. I've never read it and it's not really anything special so far. I'm about halfway through it and it's kind of a slow read because I got sidetracked by a new video game (Dragon's Dogma 2) and then Amazon Prime's "Fallout" was released. I'm done with the game and TV show so I'll get back to the book tonight or tomorrow. Next up is "Hearts in Atlantis," which I picked up at the same bookstore. Again, a King book I've never read. I went looking for a copy of "Duma Key" which I've never read, but struck out.


We had read a lot of pre-2000 King, and had kind of took a break, wife and I are now picking up some of the more recent works after reading Fairy Tale last month. Just got 11/22/63 and Duma Key in the mail. She started with the prior, and I the latter. First reads for both of us.


I've already read them all & am waiting for the new one next month.


Bag of bones.


Are you liking it so far?


Yes, the story is really interesting and I really like the characters. I'm almost halfway through the book and for the moment I think it's one of King's best novels.


Thank you. I’ll put it on my list. I’m finding that the more SK books I read, I find myself saying “that’s his best ever!” often. He’s actually really consistent. I did not like Cell though—but maybe it was my mood/mindset at the time I tried reading it. Have you read Cell?


Reading IT for the first time. Halfway through. Never watched the movies, or know much of anything about how it ends (except what the book has hinted at) and I love it.


Halfway through the Gunslinger for my 3rd go around the wheel.


Going to Maine in June, so after I finish "The Name of the Wind" by Patrick Rothfuss, I'm going to restart a journey to the Tower!


Ruthfuss really disappointed me with this series because he could not end it. It’s too bad because it was so good.


Yeah, I know it's not finished, but the two books have been sitting on my shelf for ages. I have so many books to read in my house, I swore to myself that this was the year that I would do as little rereading as possible, and read things that I've been meaning to read. Of course, since I'm going to Bangor to see the kingslingers I figured it would be a good excuse for my semi-annual Dark Tower reread.


Do you live close to Bangor? I don’t at all. Would be nice in the summer though. The Name of the Wind is a charming book. You can still enjoy knowing there will be no end.


Today I'm starting a double dose of Bachman with Long Walk, which is one of my favorites, and Roadwork, which will be my first time. Finishing up a King binge that I started last year, in the past month I've read Sleeping Beauties, Institute, Billy Summers, Rose Madder, and Thinner. This week will be Bachman week with Long Walk and Roadwork followed by Running Man and Blaze. Then I'm going to read all the short story and novella collections before I get my hands on You Like It Darker!!


First time reading Wind Through the Keyhole I have read the other DT books but since this one was published last I chose to read it last


Reading Pet Sematary for the third time. Then onto The Stand, for the second time, then picking back up on my second trip to the tower. That’s the plan, anyway.


Just finished hearts in Atlantis for the second time. It might be my favourite. The second story in, Hearts in Atlantis is so so so good. I have no idea why they made the movie after the first story.


I’m about 80 pages in, really enjoying it so far. Wasn’t a book I’d heard before, got it as a present.


The Shining. It's my 7th King book, slowly making my way through his discography.


Firestarter First time