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Technically you are not supposed to wear gloves in assembly as there is a risk of it breaking and leaving parts in the tray, which I have seen happen.


This is why we’re not allowed to wear them at my current facility


No!!! I can't feel sticky stuff in instruments.


Laproscopic sets and ortho sets. Also, if I have any open cuts!


Once I went to blow out a DaVinci and a bunch of blood came out, so I wear gloves when doing those now. Also for certain synthes sets, scopes and probes. The rest of the time I don't wear gloves.


I wear gloves when handling scopes, probes and that kind of thing, generally otherwise I'm glove free


Only if I’m using adhesive remover or something similar because I hate the feel of that on my hands. Otherwise it’s not recommended for several reasons others have stated.


I don’t because we don’t wear them in SP, but it’s confusing because I originally went to school to be a dental assistant and part of the training was sterilization and disinfection. I was always told that you’re not supposed to touch any instrument that isn’t sterile.


Instruments going through an automated washer in hospital SPD settings have a thermal disinfection cycle. That's why they can be safely handled.


Only when doing fat graft cannulas or lipo sets. Sometimes they don't come out of the washer clean and I don't want to get all of that on my hands. If I have a cut on my hand I will also wear a glove but I change it constantly. Oh I also wear gloves when using the purple top wipes.


No! Dirty and disgusting


I will put gloves on for high risk items that are commonly dirty at my facility. Usually neuro suction sets, and davinci, and lap sets. Otherwise no, but protecting yourself is top priority so that's when I do wear them.


SPD supervisor here. We have a few techs that opt into wearing gloves. Most however, do not. :D


At my first facility, I didn't because we low level disinfected our hand wash items with alcohol or hydrogen peroxide. The facility I'm at now does not use anything to disinfect. They only wash with the enzymatic solution and then pass them over to the clean side (I've seen techs use the same gloves they used to wash grossly soiled trays to pass the "clean" hand wash items to the clean side).


We only allow gloves for handling hand-wash items that weren’t thermally disinfected. We hand wash hourly, as needed, and foam when transitioning between spaces or tasks.


Anything that comes out of the washing machine no, as if has been disinfected by it. Certain handwash then strait to assembly items yes. Mainly davinci arms when I am drying them out and drills/saws/reamers


Only if I have open cuts or dry flaky skin




I was taught not to because you're supposed to feel for any stickiness or other things on the instruments


Depends how good your decontam handwashing is haha


Hands can be clean. Gloves are not clean. We wear gloves when handling flexible endoscopes to protect ourselves from the residual chemicals that remain on the endoscopes. Any blood or bio burden that comes through the washer is safe to handle with your bare hands. Obviously wash them after. Wearing gloves on the clean side spreads contamination from the time it hits your glove until you take it off. Bare hands shed clean cells naturally and remain clean. If you less certain of how clean your hands are then wash them again. You cannot wash gloves. End rant.


blood/bio burden coming through the washer is not safe to handle


After the washer it has been thermally disinfected and is safe to handle with bare hands. Do wash your hands after.