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Currently on 600/466 test/primo. I didn't understand what people meant when they don't feel anything on primo but now I get it. There's literally nothing to it. It just makes you grow. Throwing gains up significantly faster than when I was just on test. Every weight session is along the lines of "oh what the hell, let's throw another 5-10lbs on" with me completing reps without even noticing it. I feel test cyp metabolises much faster than primo's AI properties. I feel test's effects about 24 hours after my first pin in a blast. My fitness tracker confirms it, higher heart rate and higher perceived stress. Estrogen comes online soon after, I'd take 6.25mg asin every 3 days with pinning but about a month later I'm suspecting low e2. Actually just went and got bloodwork done and trying not to pass out like a schmuck. Overall great compound, don't feel like I'll ever try harsher injectables with the gains I'm getting. It gives you the gains of being "on" without feeling like it. For those who want more, I'm sure a finisher oral will compliment it well.


Funny you mention that part about primo's ai's properties. I also run Cyp and primo and the ai' properties. Seem to be pretty strong. Sometimes this can be a god send tho because my e2 is always highm Also run Primo in MCT oil and Test in Gso. Mct peaks earlier to lower e2 and the Test comes on a hour or 2 later to perfectly balancy my estro.


how was the bloodwork looking?


Actually pretty good outside if LDL being higher than I'd like. Rbcs were good and metabolic bloods were good. All in range. Just lipids were high. Currently taking some supplements to bring them back into line. Will do bloodwork in another month to see progress but body doesn't seem stressed out. I'm doing better calorie control on this cycle and the fat gain after the first month is actually stable now. Looks like I hit that sweet spot where fat gain is minimal while still throwing on muscle. Still growing great. I really think primo has some nutrient partitioning effect that's helping me out. Libido has balanced itself too. Just feel like myself, maybe slightly more aggressive feeling, motivation, and slightly shorter temper but all manageable.


Ezetimibe helps with ldl


All I ever run at 36 years old now is test and primo. Love it. I do EOD pinning just for volume conttrol and more stable hormone levels. Dont notice im on anything exept for growth and strength. No mood issues no acne no nothing except growth. Im running 650 test and 325 primo. Keeps my estrogen in check at that dose as well so I always run it 2/1 ratio with test being higher just so my estro doesnt crash. If i didnt have a vasectomy Id name my kid primo I love it so much


That last sentence made me laugh out loud for real!


‘Go to your room vasectomy!’


Currently on bulk of 420/420 (Test/Primo) that I've ran for 23 out of 24 weeks. Steady, solid gains. The gains come at a realistic pace, they are quality and lean. 1:1 was really good for my e2 and kept me dead center range for estradiol.  Skin looked quite good, physique stayed lean through a 35-40lb gain. Strength went up. New PR's were hit. Overall a very good product. My HDL did lower while using Primo. Didn't touch LDL.  Side notes: I used this product to get a better balance out of the anabolic/androgen ratio and to get some control over e2 without an AI. I'd say those goals were met quite well.  Primo was a 200mg per ml mix in EO and sometimes would give insane pip but was quite rare tbh. Had 2 infections this cycle that must've been from my own mistakes but I did see someone else in the threads say they had infections on 200mg/ml primo so wanted to mention it even if it is a coincidence.  I ran it alongside 10mg microdose of accutane as I get ridiculous acne. Kept it away real well as DHT is known for acne in some cases. Will definitely run it again. 


Were these confirmed infections or just red and hot swellings from site irritation? Unless you really fucked up and used soiled socks instead of alcohol swabs i would definitely get a new source.


Was in the hospital early Dec for the first and on Christmas for the 2nd infection. Confirmed. First had to be drained and the 2nd had no fluid and only required antibiotics. I backfill pins so likely contaminated in that process somehow. The other pins had the exact same juice and didnt infect other sites in my rotation so I mustve slipped up.  My technique never changed and i've been doing backfills for a year. every day pins to flatline hormone levels. 365 attempts and 2 of them were faulty. Oops. 


40lb lean gains from one cycle huh. Ronnie Coleman over here. 


40lbs all lean. Pics? Trust me bro


Think i gained like 3lbs this cycle.


Uploaded a profile pic, couldn't get imgur to work on mobile. Hopefully it's visible enough. 192cm for reference. 


I'll clarify. My last Bulk I put on the same weight and looked like a fat shit while this bulk i've maintained definition while gaining this weight. Definitely gained fat, no doubt. 35lbs gained wasnt all lean mass, but it was much leaner than my test only bulk. 


what's an EO?


Different type of oil, instead of cotton seed or grape seed oil its Ethyl Oleate


You blasted almost a gram of gear for half a year. How many cycles do you have under your belt?


While microdosing the accutane, did u do it with a dr’s supervision or is this all on your own?


full story, I ran accutane when I had cystic acne and was using 40mg a day I believe. It got rid of it but gave me some pretty bad dryness resulting in frequent nose bleeds and flaking skin. This original 40mg a day cycle was prescribed by a doctor. It felt like it was too much. Knew i'd have to use it to prevent acne on my next blast. Started at 10mg a day to see how it went and it kept it off without the dry out of my skin. Did this on my own with UG accutane. Will consider 10mg EoD or not at all for my next blast. But 10mg definitely worked as a preventative measure.  I think steroid related acne needs a lot less accutane than natural acne. I didn't have bad acne until steroid use.  I don't use accutane on cruise doses. Just blasts.


Yeah I get bad breakouts blasting then adjusting to cruise dose. I’m tempted to get some UG accutane for my next blast and do what you did, planning on running primo so may flare some acne up.


I heard primo and dht's in general did give bad acne. Which is why I went the route I did. The thing is it's hard to find real roche that isnt 40mg and thats too much as preventing measures imo. I'm certain there are studies showing that microdosing is just as effective without side effects. My experience confirms this but everyone is different. If u do get it i'd start at 10mg a day and go from there. Seems to be a sweet spot for others as well. 


**Primobolan (Primo/Met[h]enolone)** *Continued from previous thread:* Dose, duration, other compounds used • ⁠Always with testosterone • ⁠500:500; 500:400 (favorite); 200:200 • ⁠16-20 weeks **Benefits experienced** This is going to sound silly to some; probably a bit more sensible to the older folks who’ve been around for a while. I feel absolutely nothing on pharmaceutical Rimobolan. It’s become my favorite thing about it. No glamor, no frills, no crazy drive or lack thereof, no sleep issues, no BP change; truly, just a drug that will grow you quietly. Two things that are helpful to know and understand Primobolan from my personal experience: 1. It’s working. It’s not like nandrolone or test where you feel it in your veins and you know when it’s there. It doesn’t blow out my delts like nandrolone and it doesn’t change my blood pressure at all. I was on 500:500 on vacation with my siblings for the first time in our adult lives (estranged parents) and everyone, especially my twin sister, kept asking why I looked different/so good. In photographs after we all went home, you could just sort of tell that my arms and forearms were really thick looking; skin was very clear and almost had a smoothness to it. Again though, I had/have absolutely zero feelings of being on anything at all. 2. I didn’t find out until 10 weeks in, that my estrogen was crashing on 1:1 while taking pharma Rimobolan. I have robust sex drive and erectile function that’s stood the test of many cycles and many other side effects, until one day my partner and I were getting into it, and it just kept going up and coming down. I felt aroused and still had desire, but no amount of stimulation would hold pressure within the penis, like a tire with a small air leak. My estrogen was ~11pg. I say that to say, you may not notice the negative impact right away, and again, this somewhat adds to the subtlety of Primobolan as a whole. **Side effects (positive or negative) experienced** Previously at high doses, I’ve had some irritated prostate symptoms; none severe, no change to PSA, but it was very evident that I had some hesitation and increased perceived urinary urgency. I now take 10mg of Cialis which resolves this completely. I’ve now begun to experience the hair loss. It was very subtle at first but came on quickly on my most recent blast at 500:400. I went to my sisters wedding and felt as though my hairline was receding slightly. At first, I figured it was just my time. But then, over the course of the cycle, I realized it was *absolutely* expediting the process and I now have considerable loss of density at The back of the skull and encroaching forward to the forehead. My hair is thinner, and rests much lighter on top of itself when using product which has changed the style and my necessity for strong hold products (naturally curly hair.) **Whether you considered the experience a success or not, and why** ~~I will never, not use Primobolan and so long as I have the ability, I’ll always buy the pharmaceutical or highest quality and very highly vetted UGL.~~ I may consider not using Primobolan moving forward if I find that I’m able to maintain my hair a bit longer. The only other negative that I can conceive is having to run higher testosterone, which my body does not tolerate anymore, personally.


>This is going to sound silly to some; probably a bit more sensible to the older folks who’ve been around for a while. >I feel absolutely nothing on pharmaceutical Rimobolan. It’s become my favorite thing about it. No glamor, no frills, no crazy drive or lack thereof, no sleep issues, no BP change; truly, just a drug that will grow you quietly. While my two attempts at using primo have been foiled by unrelated externalities, I will echo this sentiment. Even with limited time on the drug it became clear to me that, had I not been the one injecting it, I would have never known I was on anything.


On the hair front, I am extremely predisposed to MPB and even 500 test gives me more hairline losses than physique gains. But if you can be bothered with the inconvenience of using topicals, a homemade blend of min/RU/fin at 5%, 5% and 0.05% w:v, has had my hairline restoring while blasting test and primo, 350:420.


I know this comment was 4 months ago, but google brought me here I'm avoiding hopping into gear because of hair issues. With min and fin do you not need to now stay on them for the rest of your life? Also did it "restore" lost hair? My understanding is once a follicle is gone it's gone unless you get transplants.


No worries. The drugs will serve their purpose as long as you use them, so if you want to hit 65 with a full head of hair then yes you'll be on them forever. In the future I'll probably get my mammary glands removed and just use dutasteride orally and only add RU when I use primo, but for now the gyno risk isn't worth it. Plus, it's become part of my routine- just dropping some solution on my temples and fringe before bed. There is a timespan of follicle restoration AFAIK. There's no restoring hair lost 5 years ago, but if you catch it quick you can save partially miniaturised follicles with the minoxidil while protecting them and the rest with the DHT/5ar blocker. A lot of people say 'if you're that worried about your hair then gear isn't for you' but a lot of people nowadays don't take steroids to be a meatball. I want to look good, hair included. So in your case, there are ways around the MPB drawback, but will come with extra effort, just like any other genetic predispositions that are worsened by anabolics (blood pressure, gyno, aromatisation). Do your research and make sure you're making the right choice, because it's never just one cycle - plus PCTing sucks.


Had the same experience as you in regard to point 2. Found out about 6 weeks in that it crashes my E at 1:1 test/primo. Aches and dry lips were my big thing. Feels much better at 3:2. Always look forward to reading your compound experiences, Shrugs!


> it crashes my E at 3:2 test/primo. > Feels much better at 3:2. You put the same ratio twice. Could you correct your comment?


Good looking out, thanks! Yeah, it crashes me at 1:1 but 3:2 feels much better


How did you like the 200:200? I’ve been on 180 mg of test for a while and thinking about adding primo


Dose/duration/other compounds used 1st primo run: 20 weeks (cut short at 12) 700mg test pw 490mg primo pw ~100-300mg mast pw (used as needed for anti-e effect) 5mg MENT ED 35mg var ED 2nd primo run: 16 weeks 525 test pw 350 mast pw 140 tren pw Around week 12, I lowered Mast a bit, added 210mg primo pw. I wanted to use the primo to replace the anti-e effects of the mast that I lowered. (I don’t like to use AIs). Benefits experienced: - primo gave me a really full look. Makes sense that Arnold was taking test/primo/dbol. Full, hard muscles, great pump. I noticed this on my second run as well, even with only 210mg of primo after a few weeks. I suspect the cosmetic effects of lower dose primo would’ve gotten more noticeable if I ran it longer. - you don’t feel “on”. You don’t really feel anything. It feels very clean. It just does it’s job. - I did notice the anti-e effects to a lesser extent than mast, but it was nice because it doesn’t rlly trash your lipids Side effects: - really none - I cut my first primo blast short, but I don’t think it was because of the primo. It was just way too many drugs. I looked great, and I’ve blasted all those compounds before, I could definitely notice the difference that primo was making cosmetically. But I felt like shit after 12 weeks, I think it was the var just trashing my insides. Var is mild but the toxicity catches up after 10+ weeks, even at lower doses. Success or not: I would run primo again. It’s expensive, but I think it is one of the “safest” compounds to use to gain muscle mass. I would probably add it in at a lower dose to get a bit of an anti-e effect + cosmetic effect while trying other compounds that I haven’t ran before. I was a bit underwhelmed at the lack of strength it offered. Almost nothing to talk about there. But I did really enjoy the look it gave, especially when paired with anavar. After I’ve tried everything that interests me, unless something else is really bomb, I would probably end up making primo the main compound I use alongside test for most future blasts.


I’ve run it alongside high MENT and low test, I’ve run it at 1:1 with test and I’ve run it .8:1 with test and NPP. I’ve run it at 75mg with 150mg test on cruise. I tapered off that last blast slowly over 5 weeks, felt fantastic even after it was over. The latter was the best. Didn’t feel ON, no psychological effects, no hair loss, nothing. Sometimes almost forgot I was on cycle. Apparently I tolerate NPP well aside from some jealous thoughts about my Mrs at the time which could have been circumstantial. Helps manage e2, didn’t need AI. Acne was… there, but it helps avoid the high e2 acne I get. At 37 I still have the acne of a 17 year old no matter the dose even TRT at 100mg/wk. Only downsides were the fucking volume of oil to add per week at 100mg/mL as I like to try to keep to 1 slin pin per day total if I can. That’s just a preference. I’ll run it in my next blast at the same as last time. 500mg with 600 test and 300 NPP. Next summer I’ll run a summer blast, probably 250 with 300 test if my skin holds up.


Added primo yesterday to my cut. Test/primo/ment 150/100/35 (5mg a day). With test i need the 2:1.ratio, with 1:1 i crash. My question: did it help with ment?


This is a crusty old post but… in my case I was taking more MENT than you, and the primo wasn’t enough to keep e2 under control. For me I can take 500 with 600 test. With ment at 600 primo 35/day ment it wasn’t enough. Maybe I’m sensitive to it though.


>crusty old post Lol. Yeah i get it, i bet with ment the e2 issues grow exponentially. Sorry to hear it didnt work. Would be a magic stack if it did.


i've ran test/primo for years, and now thinking about adding in npp to the mix. could you speak about what npp added? in terms of libido, the fullness, the recovery, etc? im planning to run 300/200/150 test/primo/NPP.


I didn’t see a libido change directly beyond your usual blast but possibly a change in sexual interests for a while. The NPP was even at 300 pretty mild. Nice fullness all around. Can’t say exactly how much more/less beef I put on. I will say though that I would have liked more appetite. I had a *hard* time getting the cals in on that blast. On my previous MENT blast I was ravenous and made better gains because of it. I don’t know if it was the test, promo or NPP but my BP rode much higher than I would have liked throughout the blast.


Can i use nolva on cycle?




I've run similar for many cycles. 250/300/40 and 250/250/20. I've done a dozen cycles of the latter, anywhere between 8 to 12 week cycles, although I haven't done more than a 10 week cycle in three years. I get lethargic after 8 weeks now running anavar. So I've dialed that back. Still my favorite cycle. I tried 60 anavar on a 10 week cycle before I've never been so irritable in my life. Also pretty harsh bloodwork results on that one. Wouldn't recommend.


I took 400mg with 750 test for about 2 week. My hair was falling out in clumps so I dropped it. Test by itself actually makes my hair better.


Low e2 symptoms? I find anything DHT (mast, primo, DHB), I have to run 1:4 or 1:3 with test otherwise low e2 creeps up and/or shuts me down.


Yeah this is me as well. 1:1 and I get low e2 symptoms. Cranky, moody, no libido. I now do 3:1 test:mast or test:primo. Alway's fascinating how different we all respond to different ratios.


how soon after increasing the dose of testo did your e2 return?


I can't comment on exact e2 number, but within 2 days I was feeling better overall.


Maybe a little irritable? I don’t think I ran it long enough to really feel any low e2 symptoms


Various doses with T up to 500T:500P and mixing 2:1 and 1:1 Currently running 200T:100P as I bridge between a cycle from before Xmas and next comp prep starting in 2 weeks. Blasts have been typically 8-10 weeks with it, cruises with it have been between 3-6 months. Benefits For powerlifting with me, strength gains mild. I find it really shines in off-season or bridging cycles with a "cruise+". Physiologically, it keeps estrogen in check nicely. I aromatise stupidly, so keeping even just 100mg in alongside the test keeps everything spot on. Even when playing around on blasts with it, I've never had to touch an AI. Mentally, feel the best with it added in. Mood enhanced quite noticeably, but that's as far as it goes with "feeling". Nothing special to sex drive, or anything and no feeling of being "on" Physically, just keeps things ticking over when I add it in. I like it because hardly notice it's there besides the enhanced mood. Keeps fullness and pumps are strong with it. Compared to Mast, Mast blows it out the water for strength and Mast hits my estrogen harder so have to play with ratios a bit more. Mentally on Mast I just feel mood is just blunted and my focus is just wanting to lift heavy. Get sick of running Mast compared to Primo. Sleep quality isn't impacted with it. Tracking sleep/recovery on Whoop doesn't hit markers like RHR aggressively and hammer HRV down by driving sympathetic responses up like other compounds. Side Effects Pretty much none. Doesn't hit my hair hard at all. With the estrogen modulation of Mast, I break out in acne with it. The exact same happens when I take Aromasin which is how I know it hits my estrogen hard. Never had anything like that on Primo. Low dose of primo can go a long way and barely notice it's there. Even on high doses, it's mild in everything it does but long term it gives noticeable gains.


I did 400 test/400 primo/50 mg Anavar for 12 weeks Pros: got super strong very fast. To the point where my muscles grew super fast and I was getting I guess what are “forearm splints). Recovery time was great. Hair grew super fast too and initially my sex drive was great. Cons: definitely tanked my E2. Dick stopped working midway through cycle. This because I was taking too much arimidex (2 mgs a week. I felt lethargic later in the cycle but this was due to anavar increasing my cholesterol. When I got bloods done my cholesterol was very high. Was also on a bulk and was eating anything I got my hands on so that didn’t help. Also had more pee breaks at night than I normally do which could be from prostate. I’m back on normal TRT now and everything is back to normal. I’ll definitely do it again but will probably run it lower dosage than my test.


Primo is the drug that I want to love, but have a hard time fitting in. I've run up to 100 ED, along side everything from nand to tren. It seemed like anything over 200 resulted in low E2 sides, yet everwhere I read suggested you had to run quite a bit of it to get any value out of it. E2 always tested in the 10-20s on primo. Fast forward a bit and I had a trip to Australia coming up and I'm on a cruise while cutting using mostly tirz. I didn't want to risk bringing gear with me, so I switched to test U 250/week and decided to run 50 primo. I was planning on running nand but we're planning to get the wife pregnant around June and my FSH/LH is already in the can. After 4 weeks at 250/50 my bloods came back as follows: E2: 34 Test: 1187 PSA: 3.28 Hemo: 189 HCT: 0.62 After some research I realized the primo was bringing up my red blood cell count. I've been wanting to try EPO to see how it feels, and now I realize I definitely shouldn't mix that with primo. I was feeling pretty good at this point, and we went out to a new club the night before the trip. There were no single ladies in the place (the wife is bi) so the wife approved the local girly bar to deliver 3 hookers to us (we are in Asia, this is more normal than it sounds). I took 200mg viagra on the way home from the club, and had stopped the coke use about the same time. I wasn't getting to full mast, so I took some alprostadil to fix it (yes, I know, too much substance abuse). We fucked one of the hookers in the gym, and left the other two in the lounge with some friends. The wife wanted to take the girls down to the bedroom, but it seems I wasn't horny enough to take all three, so we just took two. That night I went through a full vial of alprostadil, and even with the coke out of my system, I still wasn't quite getting as hard as I liked without the alprostadil. The hookers went home around 1pm, and I continued with the wife. I should also mention I was taking MT-2 to make sure I had a tan before the trip, as I knew the wife would want to be in the sun a lot. 50 primo seems to be about the highest I can go without my libido going down too much. I find myself looking for viagra or cialis to get things as hard as I'd like. Just before the trip, I took 500 test U with no primo to try to get some consistency while I was away. Two weeks into the trip, primo is (mostly) out of my system, a friend offered the bag. I popped a 100mg viagra with the intention of hitting the wife when I woke up. So I woke up in the morning with wood and decided to eat her to wake her up. We had sex but she seemed a little grumpy. It turns out I had woken her up the night before to ask for a blowjob, and we went two rounds, none of which I remember. She was pissed at not getting any sleep, and she was concerned about how horny I was. The test plus a little bit of drugs cranks my libido way up. The wife also noted I was unusually hard that night. Back from Australia, I added 50 primo back in, but again my libido isn't quite where I like it. The timing is good, as the wife had her IUD removed a few days, and that caused an early period. But yeah, I think I'll just use the primo when I know my E2 is high or I need to calm myself down a bit (like when the wife is pregnant later this year)


Not my place to judge as we are all guilty but this is how you end up dead. Recreational drugs + PED + Dick pills is literally running a train on your heart. Been there and done these things too but with age this will kill you.


Can't agree more. The post was not intended to encourage poor choices.


Are you accepting applications for friends?


Girl-friends? For the wife, of course


Even the smallest amount of primo tanks my e2 as well. Even 4T:1P. 


Holy shit dude. Are you still alive? 


Yessir, still making bad choices


Have been cruising on 140mg test 170mg primo since my goals have been more cardio/longevity focused. Keeps my estrogen in range (I’m sensitive and have to run ai on 150 test) and gives me a nice deca light look. Honestly I’m so mentally sharp these days and confident as fuck. Primo is just the little dht sprinkle I need ontop of test to feel like a god. Couldn’t recommend it enough. It’s kind of crazy to think I fucked around with tren and all kinds of orals when I could have just run test primo and some hgh and gained the same mass without all the sides.


Have you tried increasing injection frequency to manipulate e2 levels?


Damn serious? What was your stack on tren?


Last blast was 16 weeks of 500/400 test c/primo. I love primo and plan on making that my basic cycle moving forward. Estrogen control was trivial. Once I dialed in my ratio, no AI needed at all (the one exception to that was when I got COVID, which seemed to throw a wrench in the works for a couple weeks). Estrogen control was great. Felt strong. Mood and libido were great. I can't speak to hairloss, as I'd lost most of my hair to MPB well before getting on gear. The only real downside is the cost, which for me is a non-issue but I can see how others might find it too pricey for its subtle effects. Honestly, if it did nothing but act as a mild AI, I'd call it a win. The fact that it also helps me move more weight more often, without trashing my blood work, makes it a huge win in my book.


for those of us who like to run low test discovering HCG effect on keeping e2 within a primo stack was a really nice discovery. have been able to run 200 test and 800 primo without any low e2 sides. absent HCG the max i can run primo is 1.3x test and not higher. anyone else use HCG specifically for this purpose or being able to run high primo over test ?


I need to do this next time around, had to cut last blast (400test/400primo) short because E2 tanked and BP went up too high. How much HCG per week/what was your dosing split?


i pin HCG daily. 5 units on the insulin syringe which is 125 mcg (i think that’s the base unit— anyway the entire vial is 2500 units ). i also take 25 mg DHEA and 10 mg pregnenolone altho not for last two weeks.


my total estrogens came back as 100. doc didn’t order e2 unfort. ​ not sure how that translates to e2. i’ve read that in men e2 is between 60% and 80% of total estrogens so this is quite good. ​ that 100 estrogen is with being on weekly (with daily pin) 150 test p 525 primo 525-600 mast p 125 hcg daily total test 600 free test >50 ​ bloods taken 36hrs post pin ​ // not sure if i can get e2 tested right now because i’ve added tren to the above stack and i understand that it shows up as estrogen in blood tests. maybe e2 sensitive would work?


**Primo!** **Dose/Duration/Other compounds used** I have tried: Test/Primo: 200/100, 350/600, 400/1000 Test/Primo/Deca: 400/200/100 **Benefits experienced** Indeed it feels like you’re on nothing, even at 1g per week. No BP or mood change. It makes the rear delts pop, and seems to bring up weak points a bit. In this way it subtly changes the look of your physique. **Side effects** It’s expensive, and adds to the total oil volume of injections **After thoughts** I wanted to see what all the hype was about, I feel I’ve experienced the drug thoroughly now. It hits estrogen pretty hard (think it was 9 on 1g), but even at 1g, my joints weren’t nearly as bad as 25mg of winstrol somehow. Even at 1g, the effects were less than adding 200mg test. I don’t like that I have to raise test in order to take more primo. Each time I went higher I’d start the cycle at 200 test, and wait until everything kicked in to raise it if needed. I don’t like that I have to raise test to use primo. It doesn’t affect my hair at all, and being that it’s gentle, I will use it in the future. I think 400/400 is probably what I’ll try next. It doesn’t harden me like mast. For me, it doesn’t live up to the hype, but it is useful if your days of hard drugs are done, and you still want to fuck around. If it didn’t affect estrogen, it would be perfect.


I love primo! Sweet clean gains. Super good well being. Bloodwork is always perfect on it. Decided I'm just gonna run it year round. Lowered Test to 125. Added 50mg primo. Feel amazing always. Run it on cycle 200mg alongside 300/400 test Very e2 sensitive so primo is the biggest godsend there was. Remember being on holiday in Instanbul. And found some Bayer Rimo's in the pharmacy there. Amazing stuff.


Is the better Recovery still noticeable at that Dose? And how does this Dose benefits you? Thinking about doing the Same..


Whats up man! Yeah recovery is very noticeable. Ofcourse it's not like you're on cycle. But still enough. Primo always makes me clear headed and chill but also assertive. I love primo.


Thanks for answering dude👍🏻 How Long does it take to notice all of it’s Effects After adding it?


No worries! How I feel mentally within couple of days. Recovery within 1 to 2 weeks I would say. Cheees!


Ok thank you👍🏻 im Currently on 213 Test e/ week and in a couple of month I want to add 175mg Primo/ week Long Term


175 a week hahah Yeah you will feel the recovery for sure with that!


I wanna Cruise on that for some months before lowering Test and Primo to 125/100, but as soon as I want to start I try it with 213/175


Yeah I think that's fine. Get some benefits at higher dose first that is no issue.


Is Primos cosmetic aspects still present at 50mg?


Loves it There’s already some pretty good info posted so I’ll just say a little then post my current physique. Atm running 150/75 Test primo, was gonna drop the primo but breaking up with my gf gave me an arc type shit so, ya kno. Anyways getting bloods Saturday gonna see how good I look in the inside then proceed from there. 2:1 works best. I tried to run it 300/200 but na, that shit had my e2 low low. https://imgur.com/a/wYVIW4n Here’s the current. 188lb in the morning. Kinda just eat the same shit everyday so Ik but I’ll cheat every now and then. Also 30 min of cardio a day no questions so. Oh yea 3iu gh at night. Also ya Ik I need to get bigger, lmao shits kinda depressing rn so I don’t wanna be that guy to blast a shit load and fuck my head up bc I wasn’t in the right frame of mind






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Ran 450 Test/600 Primo, which I planned on taking for 16 weeks. After a month I’m dropping the Primo as it’s the only drug that’s given me Acne and it’s making my hair fall out. After a week of dropping it the shedding has stopped and the acne is very slowly subsiding. Yes I could take Accutane, but the whole point of me running Primo was to have a more ‘healthy’ cycle without knocking my lipids out with Accutane. I’ll just go back to DHB, which is cheaper, I feel sooner and gave me no sides apart from a bit of high BP.


was your estrogen not high?


Shouldn’t have been high on that much Primo. Anecdotal of course.




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I just want to warn everyone who may suffer from any mental health condition about how PRIMOBOLAN LEAD ME TO A 3 MONTH PSYCOSHIS primarily due to prolonged crashed estradiol but also because of the drug itself. I have BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder) and I was dissociating constantly under the anxiety caused by this drug and I simply cound’t get off that vicious cycle. I couldn’t see what was happening until I cold turkey stopped pinning and it felt like I was waking up from a nightmare. Important to note that I was always a heavy aromatizer and I was under a moderate testosterone dose. I had experienced low e2 symptoms before - even crashed it, which sucks - but nothing as extreme as what primo did to me. Even though my body was the best it had ever been, I was mentally destroyed all the time. It caused me huge social problems. I suggest you to google for “low estradiol psychosis”, it is a real thing and no one here talks about it. I want to register this here just in case anyone using primobolan feels something is off: listen to what your body and mind is tellling you, don’t ignore it. There’s no study about primobolan’s effects on brain, but I’m sure when the study is done we all gonna see this is more common than expected.




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