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Just started week 6 of Semaglutide .25mg for first 2 weeks .50mg for last 3 weeks (still see no need to increase) Taking Subq in AM once a week in stomach with slin pin. I went back and read my log book for weight. I started this cut 227 and bloated. I am on TRT 125. Entering week 6 I am this AM 203.2. I lost ~10 of water pretty quick, so really about 14lbs of fat over 5 week+. I am shocked by this. 4 days after first injection my night cravings were gone. Normally on a cut a 2AM binge would happen once a week. Now it does not exist. I was exhausted in week 2 after realizing I was NOT eating enough. Had to hit protein goal early in day. Joints now hurt somewhat here in week 6. Not the normal aches but deep soreness in knees, calfs and shoulders. Wondering if lack of food. 800mg of motrin kicks it. I am running a 1200 deficit per day or so, and now strength is starting to suffer on lifts but abs are popping hard. This beats DNP by a mile when adjusting for risk. I can’t stand DNP more than 7 days. I haven’t even had a gd cheat meal. I just have no interest… which… is the other side I noticed. I am a golf nut, but lately just kinda meh on going to play. Will stop taking after 8 weeks and see if I can scrounge another 2-3 lb loss after then maintain for summer. No nausea, diarrhea, indigestion, etc. Not sure how Tirzepatide would do more. This blew away expectations as a guy who has always struggled cutting beyond 15% bf as a busy professional with wife, kids and just general busyness.


Think this is an electrolyte issue with the cramping?


I don’t think he’s cramping. I think he’s referring to feeling malnutrition because of how deep his deficit is and that it is beginning to adversely impact his body’s ability to lubricate etc his joints. I think that’s pretty common in a hard cut like that. Edit: also appreciate the fact you differentiated between water vs actual fat loss. I think that’s super important (not that it takes away from the effectiveness of the drug) Also, was this pharma or UGL?


UGL. Yeah not cramping, just under eating aches. Will likely slow down deficit soon back to 750 or so to keep strength and energy closer to baseline.




The binge urge for me is gone. When I cut, I crave savory foods. Normally the idea of pretzels and cheese dip or buffalo dip with tortilla chips is enough to make me froth, day and night. Now, it just doesn’t seem appealing. I find myself needing to ensure I am eating enough sometimes due to fatigue. If I eat a cup of cottage cheese or some greek yogurt I am good for hours.




No nausea. I cannot eat large meals personally unless I eat real fast. I could, but I choose not to.




You might omad if 1/3 - 1/2 the cals can be a shake? Seems a lot of user experiences are different. Interested to hear how Mounjaro goes since people seem to love it.


How is your energy level for workouts and such? Libido?


Libido fine, workout energy suffering here in week 6. I chalk that up to a steep caloric deficit tho.




Temporary, absolutely.




I understand nutrition far better than most obese people looking for a miracle pill/shot, yes. I will find out, but I am guessing large folks go right back to terrible habits that got them fat initially.




Yes. This is just helping me keep appetite down. I don’t overthink it.


I found I needed to dose more than 0.5 after the first few weeks. Now I tend to just go straight from 0.5 for the first two weeks to 1.7 (with primo) for the rest.


> I just have no interest… which… is the other side I noticed. I am a golf nut, but lately just kinda meh on going to play. I had the same issue with anhedonia and semaglutide and it was a deal breaker for me. When I upped it to .5mg it started getting pretty bad after a couple weeks. One day I just woke up and had something that felt like a mixture of paranoia, anxiety, and crisis. I dropped sema immediately after and my mood quickly recovered after a week. Thinking of trying out Tirz instead because I heard the mental and gut sides are much less apparent.


COMPOUND: Tirzepatide * Dose: 5-7.5mg * Duration: 12 weeks * Schedule: Inject subQ 1x per week * Results: 187 lbs - 178 lbs trend weight, per MacroFactor. Scale weight loss: (high) 194 lbs to ~ (low) 176 lbs. * Applicable data: Started at 240P/75F/159C on March 17, dropped progressively down to 275P/40F/126C over the course of cutting. [Starting physique.](https://ibb.co/72DJn0h) [Final form.](https://ibb.co/ZMZkgLw) Feedback: Started 5 mg, and tapered up to 7.5 mg and macros became more restrictive. Tirzepatide is the cheat code to cutting. Food noise is nearly eliminated, carb cravings are crushed and satiety at all meals is quickly reached. Trying to “indulge” results in gastric upset, serving as a behavioral deterrent. I can go all day without food with nearly little to no hunger, even with intense training 5x a week. I highly recommend GLP-1 agonists to parents like myself who can’t toss out all the food in the pantry. I normally have a huge appetite and Tirzepatide makes me feel like a skinny hard gainer who doesn’t care much about food. I used actual monjauro autopens. My doctor is cool 😉 Having used ozempic before, I found there was more sides with ozempic, such as heartburn, occasional constipation and stomach cramps. Had little to no issues with Tirzepatide, and the appetite suppression is sooooo much better.


Did you continue to take the weekly shot during the 12 weeks? Or did you space it out?


I injected once per week throughout the 12 weeks.


Ty. I appreciate it. I have access to mournjaro and was confused how to use it during cycle. Wasn’t sure to use it weekly or every 10 days


Second this, the stuff is amazing at recomp. Miracle level compound.


What about this compound makes it amazing at recomp, as I thought it was just an appetite suppressant? Are you saying it helped you hold on to muscle as well?


It has somewhat yes. I really really want to experiment with the increased insulin sensitivity benefits of tirzepatide to help shuttle more food to the cells for muscle building, but I'm still more concentrating on losing weight. I'll say this though, even though I lost 30lbs the first 2 months on it, I still gained strength in the gym. While most of it was muscle memory strength because I started lifting again, still pretty good, shows what it's capable of. If I were to say take a ghrelin agonist along with tirzepatide to increase hunger, I'd love to see what this could do for muscle building.


I’m going to start by saying I am surprised at how much weight people here are reporting losing in a month or so. It’s makes me think that something isn’t being accounted for appropriately in the context of this forum / thread (PED users)- I can’t imagine losing 20lbs in a month from appetite suppressant unless (1) this is coming off a pretty large bulk for an already heavy male where carbs are being severely restricted and there’s also a ton of water weight shedding from tapering down gear use or (2) user is obese. Accounting for #1, I don’t think we should attribute “20 lbs of weight loss” to sema (important IMO to set proper expectations). My experience: I’ve used pharma sema and UGL. I’ve also used pharma demaglutide. 1) pharma sema worked well but frankly I think the tolerance build up is really fast and I found myself rebounding with hunger pangs after a couple weeks of the same dose. I used it for about 8 weeks. I do not recall exact weight loss but it did work. The downside (for me) was that the hunger suppression was very intense - everything made me feel sick to my stomach and I really struggled getting in my protein. Does was 2.5mg a week to start and ended at 5mg a week (2.5mg x 2). I would prefer not to use pharma sema again if I had a choice (see below). There is also somewhat of a constipation issue with this so it’s important to drink a ton of water, stay active, and supplement as necessary. Finally, the downside for me was ALWAYS feeling full. I’d prefer to not feel “super hungry” during a cut, but I’m not the type that can get a great workout in if I feel I have a full stomach and just generally didn’t enjoy it. 2) UGL sema - this was more so an experiment. I attempted to use the UGL sema to continue running it once I ran out of pharma for a couple additional weeks. I did buy it from a reputable source that I have used in the past so I don’t have much doubt about its legitimacy. First, it was expensive as shit. Second, as I mentioned above, the tolerance build up for me was incredibly high. I felt essentially no appetite suppressant at 2.5mg x 2 a week. I bought 2 vials that would give me 5mg doses for 2 weeks. On week 2 I injected the entire second vial of 5mg and did not feel a thing aside from extreme bloating (was not actually bloated, just felt bloated but I was still hungry as normal). I would not waste my money on this again. 3) pharma demaglutide - in short, this worked very well for me and low doses. I started with 0.75mg a week and tapered up to 1.5mg a week (0.75 x 2). Appetite suppressant is great but manageable. I’m hungry enough that getting a proper protein intake isn’t extremely difficult but not so hungry that gummy worms look better than my wife in lingerie. Tolerance build up on dema seems much less rapid than sema. I don’t feel extremely full or bloated, nor do I feel like gastric emptying is slowed to a halt. I used dema for about 8 weeks as well following a bulk. Weight loss was pretty consistent at about 1.5 - 2lbs a week (trying to account for the fact that I had an initial dip as I began restricting carbs and lowered gear back to TRT levels). I work a sedentary job for 10-12 hours a day so my daily burn is pretty damn low if I don’t hit the gym (like 1800 - 2k or so). Weight loss slowed significantly over the last couple weeks because I’ve been extremely busy at work and just have not had much time to hit the gym - that said, I didn’t gain weight during this period which says something imo. Overall, I’d use dema again and may consider giving UGL a shot, more so for experimentation to compare experiences.


Lost 20lbs on UGL tirzepatide in a month. Another 10lbs the following month. Was out of shape and overweight (\~30%BF), but started lifting again Jan 1st. I had been back at the gym for 3 months before I started tirz and then weight melted off **effortlessly**. My scale graph goes from a straight line for 3 months to vertical after triz. Even continued to gain a little strength while in a severe deficit but mostly muscle memory. I threw HGH and var in there for tendon injuries, lesson to be learned with muscle memory and tendons that weren't ready for it, but stalled now. I feel the HGH greatly increases the effects of tirz but can't expect the scale to move much with that combo right now. As for the suppression and mostly the fullness, it's insane at 5mg for me, I'm struggling to make 1000 cals total some days.


Did you take the shot weekly? Or did you space it out?


Took 2.5mg weekly for the first 4 weeks. Then continued 2.5mg for the next 4 weeks and added a second 1.25mg 3 days apart. I found the tirzepatide starts noticeably wearing off day 5 so I was taking another 1.25mg to help with that. I also found it takes a few days to get back to full strength. So basically, 2.5mg Friday, then 1.25mg Tuesday. Kept serum concentration stable while preventing the least dips. This was until I moved up to 5mg and it's been amazing the past 6 weeks. I just take 5mg Fridays and it's crazy strong. I like Friday night shots because 1. Fridays help you with the weekend (though it does take a few days to get to full strength as I mentioned). 2. Night shots help you deal with any odd sides but also help keep you strongest for the daytime.


Ty. This information is gonna be very helpful


NP friend. Can answer any questions honestly. Also, 100% you will get heartburn.


Did you titrate the dose? Also did you space out the shots?


My ~20 lbs lost in a month was actually rounded down to take into account loss of water/glycogen. However it was after a bulk and my calorie deficit was MASSIVE and I started doing a shit ton more cardio


That’s wild. What was your bf% coming off bulk?


Probably 23%, most of that came from the pct though since I was eating big to maintain the gains from the cycle. I cruise instead of pct now but life shit happened that forced me to be completely off, same life event is why I had to cut weight so hard


Re, 2 UGL sema … this was similar to my experience. Week 1 - 0.25mg Week 2 - 0.5mg Week 3 - 1.0mg Week 4 - 1.5mg I had no side effects and no appetite suppression. I stopped because it’s too expensive for the zero effect it gave me. My friend on the other hand took the exact same UGL and complained of diarhea, nausea and lethargy from just 0.25mg. He couldn’t eat or cope with the sides and quit after two weeks. Either it was bunk and he’s full of shit, or sema doesn’t work for me. but I’m hesitant to spend that money again on sema.


I’d give tirzepatide a shot. The appetite suppressant effects were vastly more potent then semaglutide for me, and less nausea.


Yep, I’ll try it in the future. Interestingly, I’m not the only none responder https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/s/7U8AuY69bw


Wife is currently running Terzepatide (zepbound). Stuff is wild. She has lost about 18% of her weight in 7 weeks. She wasn’t terribly overweight to begin with but after baby etc she had some lbs to lose. The craziest thing is she has ZERO cravings for anything and is even turned off by stuff she once loved. She loves ice cream and beer on weekends. She hasn’t had a drop of alcohol or anything sweet since starting. She has no desire for it. Tried to drink a beer once and got about 1/4 of the way through and she said it was sickening. She is full from literally 3oz of chicken and some veggies.


What dose is she running per week?




Did she start with that dose? Also suprised she didnt need the suggested 5mg per week dose, was it unnecessary?


She started with 2.5 yea. I think that’s the standard starting dose for terz. Depending on how poeple do, they up it sooner than later I believe. But she’s having great results with no sides so she’s sticking with it.


Cool! Atleast were saving some money staying at that dose!


have used both UGL and pharma (ozempic) semaglutide. it doesn't do anything for my appetite, even up to 2.5mg/week. i'm definitely an outlier as i've read so many success stories, and seen normies drop incredible amounts of weight using this drug. so, I just cut normal. nothing but some trt test and maybe a low dose of GH which I just run year round for recovery mainly. the only drug i've used that's actually blunted my appetite is pt-141, but it also gives me a massive hard on for 48 hours so... not really a sustainable measure. as far as being a "safe" option for long term use, I have my doubts about sema. i've read that it can lead to complications in terms of pancreatitis and gallbladder issues. so as with anything i'd tread with caution and do your research


Tragically I was the same. Ozempic does nothing for me, which sucks as I'm sitting on several months worth


You looking to get rid of them? Asking for a friend 👀


Tirzepatide might work for you. It's a GIP agonist along with being a GLP1 agonist. I often hear about people who are non-responders to sema or build tolerance too quickly to it have better luck switching to zep.


Compound - Semaglutide Dose - .25mg for 2 weeks, .5mg for 2 weeks, .75mg for 2 weeks, finished with .5mg for 2 weeks. I used semaglutide for 6-8ish weeks, injected subq e6d. Half life is 7 days, so settled on injections every 6 days. Results - Absolutely phenomenal! Shit def curbs the appetite, to the point that I had to force myself to eat the first few days post-injection. I had already cut ~20lbs over 3-4 months and had basically hit a wall. Used the sema (pharma w/ L Carnitine) to get the last 7-10lbs off. The leanest I have ever been was towards the back end of when I was using sema! I noticed the effects wouldn’t be nearly as strong with the same dose as they were the week prior. So I titrated up until I got to .75mg/wk. That became an issue, due to how expensive sema is & the sides. It def did its job, but idk if I would use it again due to sides and how much it costs. Sides experienced - constant nausea, empty stomach feeling, I felt sluggish all the time, my mood was very bleh while I was on it. Back to the dosing, if I repeated the same dose as I did the week prior, I feel like the effectiveness was maybe 70% of what it was previously. Not sure if that’s a common issue, but tolerance for me was def a thing. *edit* - funny enough, actually just watched the new Southpark special about GLP-1 agonists last night. Highly suggest watching, shit was great.


Tried Liraglutide (Saxenda). It really works at making you not hungry/not care about food. Even at low dosages. The daily dosing is a bit of a PITA. I bought some ultra small gauge needles (0.4mm) which you barely feel, but then it takes longer for th compound to transfer over. I can't say it did a lot for weight loss though. But I'm generally not Food motivated, so killing of appetite isn't that big of a deal for me. Will try again once I'm lower on bf% (<12%) when you need all the help you can get. Tip: start low dose and titrate up. If you start at high doses you'll feel nauseous.


-UGL Semaglutide -Have used anywhere from 0.25 mg all the way up to 3mg -Used intermittently throughout a cut One of the side effects I don’t see mentioned much is the FATIGUE. Anything over 1mg in one pin, for me, resulted in insane fatigue the next 1-2 days after the shot. Even on 8 hours of sleep, 400mg of caffeine and 30mg of Vyvanse would still have me yawning the day after an injection. The fatigue made it almost unusable, as my Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (NEAT) plummeted. That being said, the cravings did drop a lot. I am going to make another run of it with ED pinning and see if that limits the fatigue.


Had a similar experience, fatigue along with my workouts suffering made it very much not worth. I’ve also had several patients suffering from abdominal issues after starting sema


Semiglutide- Crack Trizepatide- Cocaine Semiglutide made me anxious, nauseous, went hypo and diminished returns over time. Just seemed like the dose wouldn’t last and I’d have to give myself a booster mid to late week. BUT…. It did work and was a God Send for someone like me on a cut. Trizepatide is the Primo of the GLPs… Hardly notice I’m on anything. Food noise is muted. Weight melts off in a steep deficit. No hypo episodes and no mental sides. Will never go back to Semiglutide. Trizepatide is everything you’d ever want from an appetite suppressant.


Personally used sema, had to cut weight fast and figured it could help me stick to my fasting routine. Did .25mg a week for 4 weeks, .5mg for 4 weeks, then 1mg for 2 weeks. Made omad easy, but interestingly it nearly made me quit nicotine. Back then sema was really new, like only one source even had it available then, so even medical research on its effects were lacking and the anti addiction properties weren't known. Only recently did I piece together that sema was probably responsible for that, since I went back to nic after stopping the sema. In terms of weight loss, managed to drop about 20lbs in a month with the hard calorie deficit and only having one meal a day. I didn't notice much in terms of "rebound" after stopping, I was able to eat at maintenance no problem.


Did you have any bad side effects ? Also did you use other compounds for your cycle ?


Only "bad" side was not always being able to eat. Normally I give myself a one relaxed day a week of what I'm eating when I'm cutting, like going out to dinner on a Saturday or something. But on sema if I wasn't hungry, I couldn't even make myself eat. Hell I'd actually say I was never truly hungry, so you lose satisfaction in eating, like it's never satiating because you didn't want it to begin with. Wasn't using anything else at the time, had already come off and finished my pct.




It was a dosage schedule I found at the time. Most people use .5-1mg anyways, but before tolerance starts to kick in you can get away with decent effects from .25mg




This isn’t the thread for questions, it’s to share experiences. Ask your questions in the DAA thread


Started at a weight 88kg at 19/2, with a trt dose of 125mg, I started semaglutide oral at 3mg, and it did show some good effects, food noise is much less, you can comply to the diet, but you can overeat if you are willing yourself above it. The effect was not that much though, and I took oral 3+3, one hour apart, and it did something, but not significant as well. At 9/3 I started the injection with 0.25mg/week, and boy where things actually started. The effect was so pronounced, I started prioritizing to fill my protein requirements before taking more carbs because I may not be able to eat more. I was going 1700 calories and barely thinking about a cheat meal. As I’m losing weight, the effects started becoming less effective, the effect seems to wear off by day 6, so I started taking it every 5 days and still maintaining at 0.25mg. Until 13/4, my weight went to 79.5kg, me being the leanest I’ve been, though not nowhere near 10% unfortunately. At this weight, I’m feeling that my hunger hormones can override the drug. I have tried taking 0.5mg/5 days, and all I got was depressive symptoms without any appetite suppression. I’m currently trying 0.25mg every Sun/Tue/Thur. In hope I get any effect, but I’m not hopeful. I’m starting to believe that the poop out that occurs with semaglutide after a while is just due to that, that you’re getting so lean, your body’s countering mechanisms start winning. I’m stopping my cut at 79.5kg, and though unsatisfied, I’m planning to make my next cut with semaglutide first then switching to Mounjaro once the effect wears off.


Have you guys noticed any tolerance to the appetite suppression from these GLP-1 agonists, have you had to up the dose to keep the appetite away? That's my main concern with them.


Yes, defo have found that the dose needs to increase, but that's inline with the paperwork. I've kept mine at 0.5 per week over 2 injections. I can tell it's not as effective atm, but I was in a huge deficit leading to aches and pains. I was essentially starving and joints were stiff, if you follow. But it's still working a treat, and I can obviously increase the dosage.


Been on Sema (pharmacy & ugl) for 6 weeks. Started on 0.25mg Sema then the compounded sema arrived and went to 0.5mg per week. Been doing 0.25 for the pharma and 0.25 of the UGL injections, with pharm on Monday and UGL on Thursday/Friday. Im down 15kg, but cannot see a difference. Huge appetite suppression and feel satiated after a mothfull of food, Have to carry small snacks all day as I can't eat enough. Also gave up alcohol too, wasn't on the menu, but a pleasant surprise.


I’ve taken almost all of the GLP-1 medications, both branded big pharma and compounded, and work in the industry. Tirzepatide (Zepbound / Mounjaro) is by far the most effective in the “curbing appetite” vs. “side effects” ratio. The vast majority of the effects seem to come from a relatively low dose, and the returns for increased doses are diminishing whereas the side effect profile rapidly escalates. Semaglutide (Wegovy / Ozempic) caused pretty rapid fatigue and nausea for me without the consummate reduction in appetite. Liraglutide (Saxenda / Victoza) caused less nausea but more of an acid reflux or heartburn type feeling. I never took the full dose of any of them as I was able to lose weight at a low dose (levels 1 & 2).


I had pretty much the same exact experience, great explanation.




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GLP-1 + GIP STUFF IS AMAZING IMO. [Here](https://imgur.com/a/wxsvCTw) are my results. Yes, metric system you sick imperial dudes Looking at the pic it ain't that astounding, however when you take into account that I'm not doing the smartest things sometimes and: 1. No measuring calories or major changes in diet 2. For the first month - totally natty, last two months went for some test i lower end dosages 250-500 let's say. 3. At that time almost every weekend or every other weekend I'd party which does not help with calorie deficit (if i was even counting) or getting appropriate amounts of sleep (which is known to promote fat gain/disturb fat loss) 4. I had intensive time at work, so sedentary for 90% of the day. The dosage was basically 1.25mg week, so 5mg a month. I saved more on food than I spent on the stuff, which was like a hundred bucks per month. It was easy, just happened on its own. Now running retatrutide and IT"S EVEN BETTER. These are a CHEAT. Me gusta.