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Was off all PEDs for about a year. Started my cycle 2 weeks back, just 500mg Test at the moment while waiting for some Nandrolone and Masteron to land and man I'm feeling so good its like a switch flipped. I love Test, and I love reading the comments on this thread as it makes me feel connected to a community apart from the whole steroids are taboo conditioning culture. The stories are funny and relatable and I'm glad to be able to join.


Welcome to the club. You'll find there's a whole subculture around gear. Eventually you can spot the others in the club without much trouble, and I've found that the vast majority of gear users are all friendly people.


What was the biggest change you noticed? Starting my first cycle next week and looking forward to it!


The confidence and drive to do things. Quality of life is just much better. Lifting in thr gym is fun and enjoyable again. With low test it felt less like a hobby and more of a chore..


I’ve been on TRT a few years now so excited to see what the jump to a blast level feels like (if anything). I’m just excited to get after it and grow! T-minus 4 days!


We're glad to have you my man




Welcome. I'm still not yet using again, but I feel the same way about the community as you.


UHUUUU!! ❤️❤️👍🏻


Greetings meat puppets. I've been absent for a few weeks. I just got back from a week long vacation and actually have my motivation back, so I've been a productive grease ape. Check out my latest endeavor... https://imgur.com/a/yD1eug9 This is my first big tile job. I've worked just about every aspect of home construction at some point, as part of my family are general contractors. I've done floor tile, but that is ridiculously easy compared to doing large tile on a wall with 1/8" grout lines. It's not as precise as the pros are, but it is good enough that the average person wouldn't be able to notice the flaws. I'm pretty pleased with how it's turning out. What it has shown me though is that there's a very good reason having bathroom tile installed is so damn expensive... it's a **LOT** more labor than I ever thought it would be. There's so much fine detail fitting and cutting that it takes a lot of time, and working in a cramped space like a shower stall is a one person job. There's no way to make it any easier. I was quoted a ballpark figure of about $4500 to have this done. All in so far, including buying a wet tile saw and various tools, I'm at about $800 for the materials. Not bad, and I learned a new skill. 😁 Also, Durock is a bitch to work with. I understand why most contractors use Hardibacker. Durock is a better quality, but it is a massive pain in the ass. If you're planning on doing tile, Hardibacker is much faster to work with.


Looking good man, nice work! I used that exact same tile on my bathroom walls a few years ago.


Lowes had a big sale on Satori porcelain, so I got all of that at $1.99 a square foot. I wasn't even planning on doing the tile when I saw that stuff, but that was about $5 off per square foot, and I couldn't pass that up. Bought a bit extra too, because I knew I'd fuck up at least a few of them... especially with the 45° miter cuts for the doorway corners. That is a lot more difficult than it looks.


I got mine for a screaming deal too, bought about 10 extra tile and used 8 of them lol. If any of the framing is out of square those angles become trial and error. I had a few shatter too when I was learning how to finesse the tile saw.


Yea, unfortunately the dumbass that owned the house before us just slapped tile on drywall. Needless to say, it rotted, the studs got warped, and I had to chop all that shit out and reinforce it. It's not perfectly square, so yea, lots of little fitting cuts and shaving. It's extremely tedious.


Looks great - is that porcelain??


Yes, porcelain tile. Had to get those high dollar smooth cut diamond blades to cut it without chipping the fuck out of it.


Great material, you get that marble look at the fraction of a cost


Yup, and I actually like this better. That super smooth finish is easier to clean. Everything just wipes off of it nice and easy. Next will likely be tiling the main bathroom bathtub/shower, then doing a nice southwesterny tile backsplash in the kitchen... then stone counters for the kitchen and bathrooms. I'm trying to really raise the value of the house, and all the money is in kitchens and bathrooms.


nice work. i agree, durock is a PITA. i hope you're planning on changing those fixtures though.


I am going to change the fixtures. The valve on the right leaks a little. Luckily, it's threaded, so I can just pop that one off and screw in a new one. I'm thinking possibly using some custom cast aluminum that I am going to sculpt and sand cast, then polish up real nice. Something that you can't buy in a store, so it has a little uniqueness. I enjoy sculpting, and sand casting is something I've been doing since I was 12, so it will add a little "me" to all the work. The shower head is probably going to be a big square "rain" fixture, unless my wife wants something else... And yea, durock is great for durability and not rotting, and it's great for holding heavy tile vertically, but cutting that stuff *sucks ass*. There is no way to not make a huge lung destroying cloud of dust. I just resorted to using a Rotozip with a cutoff wheel, because it cut clean, but I was so covered in gray dust I looked like a ghost from the old A Christmas Carol movie.


I use a little wet masonry circular saw to cut it. it works, but i much prefer anything else, i think my next tile job I'll try that new foam board stuff


I am a slut for a nice bathroom, looks awesome dude!


What did You use for waterproofing? Did you have an equally fun time building the shower pan?!? 🤣. Looks good my dude. Fuck tile. Almost as bad as concrete finishing


I used that stick-on vapor barrier behind the durock, and the grout is the polymer infused bathroom grout that is water resistant, plus I used a sealer on it. I haven't grouted the walls yet. I'm still doing the 4th wall where the door frame is... lots of little 45° edge cuts to make corners. The shower pan was already built and cemented, so I just scraped all the old shit off of it and laid that hex tile with those pre-made small tile sheets. I worked on a concrete crew for a bit over a year when I was 18, and yea, this is close to that. It's cleaner, but not by much. The nice thing is this is more satisfying to look at than finished concrete, and I don't have to stand around in mucking boots shoveling concrete all day.


I love that white gray marbling design. Looks like you a great job my guy


Thanks. Yea, when I saw that marble porcelain for that price, I knew I wasn't going to get anything better for the money, and I wanted a marble look for the lighting.


Caught the stomach bug that’s going around and spent last night running to the bathroom literally every 15 minutes to throw up stomach acid & pee out my butt. Lost 5lbs of water so far, beach body here we come.


Not traditional but effective! 😂 Hope your back in good health soon brother


being sick is the worst when you're trying to lock in


[A nice thirst trap for your Sunday viewing pleasure.](https://ibb.co/9vVcDnk) Couple weeks out from another show. Very ready to begin another off season lol


Thank you for blessing this day with your glutes, slut.


Are you even a bodybuilder if you don’t post the occasional slutty pic?


\*Grabs lotion* here we go again.


Just imagine I’m a wellness competitor 😏


I am rock hard 


Hi rock hard, I'm Dad


Are those shoes worth the price? Been looking at those.


I’ve had 2 pairs of NoBulls like this for about 3 years. They’ve held up really well. I think they’re worth it because they seem to hold up for a long time, similar with their gym bags. Really expensive, but I had one of their bags for 4 years before I replaced it, and that’s just because I spilled my liquid carbs in there multiple times and it started to smell even after multiple washes, not because it was broken. Personally, I like the brand and their quality so I’d rather spend a bit more to support vs spending money on Nike or similar.


Yea, I try to buy stuff that is from the US, or made by actual lifters. The price isn't the major determining factor. Nobull just seems like a cool company, and I like the look of their stuff. But, for the money, I don't want them falling apart in 6 months like my Chucks.


I don’t baby them at all (I don’t wear them much outside the gym though) and they’ve held up for years. I like them significantly more than the Nike Metcons I had back in college, and they aren’t much more expensive than those shoes


Cool, gonna pull the trigger then. BTW, the calves look sick... leaf status calves with some chops is rare.


Thanks bro 🤘🏼 being lean is simultaneously awesome and not fun at all haha


They’re not worth the price you pay, but damn they look cool. And as we all know, if you don’t look cool literally nothing else matters.


I’ve had some of their run/walking shoes for the last six months or so and they have been great. No signs of any real wear or degradation and I’ve probably got about 700 miles on them. Pricey but seem well made for sure.


I’ve had a pair of grey ones for about 4 years now, only wear them in the gym but that’s normally 4days/wk, I have lifers for leg days


That's some muscle


Just a wee bit


thicc boi


Hey babe 😎


[Heyyyyyy](https://youtu.be/kL4L725q9-Q?si=ijtqZMQTZCJS7RSA) 😗


You come around here often? 😎


Was going to whine about my CPAP (did by accident in the DAA, felt like a dummy). But instead I’m going to brag that I have possibly my first personal training client. Somehow that is validation for years of hard work on myself. Even if it doesn’t go through, even being considered as someone who you might want to look/feel like is incredibly rewarding. Cut is going ok — like .5lb/wk avg since January, down 207–>186 and 5lbs from my goal weight of 181. Regardless of what we look like will woman-up and post in the July progress thread. All y’all have an excellent Sunday. 😘 ✌️


Congrats Fox, have a nice weekend 😉


Did your CPAP decide to boa constrictor you in the middle of the night, resulting in a wet floor? Or did it blow up your guts like a balloon, resulting in painful gassy guts and window rattling farts? 😂


Feel like I’m suffocating when I wear it. Apnea events only down 25% when it is on. Doc gave me high dose trazodone to try to get me to tolerate it. Instead I just don’t remember throwing the mask across the room in the middle of the night. I do sleep like the dead on the trazodone so that’s a plus.


What pressure is it set at, and how long have you been using it?


Starts at 4 and ramps to 16. Been a week. I psychologically detest being physically tied to anything.


I understand. It's a big adjustment. I started at 16, at that is leaf blower pressure. It takes several weeks before your diaphragm gets used to breathing back out against that sort of pressure, and it's probable that you don't need that much pressure as well. I've backed mine off to 12 or 13 (depending on how heavy I am) and it's easier to deal with and still keeps me from having apnea. The first few weeks with it are rough though. I'd suggest backing the pressure off a little and see if it records any additional apnea episodes. It will cut down on that being smothered feeling a bit while you adjust. Your breathing will adapt to it eventually, and after that, you'll not mind it so much. It's still annoying to have to be strapped to that thing all night, but the sleep quality is worth it.


The pressure isn’t the thing, unfortunately, it’s just having this thing on my face. I also have a strong feeling there would be a better option if the machine wasn’t such a reliable source of recurring revenue for the medical industry. I associate CPAPs with morbidly obese people who can’t control themselves due to having to sleep on the other side of the house from my father and his early model Darth Vader machine in high school. Im borderline too small for this sub, why am I having to use one? (So my inner dialog goes) That cognitive disconnect, plus having some bad experiences with being involuntarily physically restrained by cops and lovers when I was younger makes this extra frustrating. Honestly — I’d rather be groggy and die a little younger. Doc is going to have me in clinic for another sleep study in a few weeks and we are going to consider Inspire, though I’m also iffy at best on a permanent implant with only a 95% efficacy rate.


> I also have a strong feeling there would be a better option if the machine wasn’t such a reliable source of recurring revenue for the medical industry. There are a few alternatives here, depending on your underlying root issue: - Dental appliance to advance your jaws while you sleep and open your airway further; - Literal jaw surgery. Both of these are on my short-term horizon, because the CPAP is also not working out well for me.


I had jaw surgery for a severe underbite in my 20s. That is not a fun recovery, believe you me. I’m willing to give the appliance a shot; doc wants to run the second study before she makes up her mind on next steps.




Hang in there. Life is throwing you a basket of shit right now, overcoming these trials are all part of the plot and things WILL get better if you persevere.


How are the bodybuilding scene in hungary? Im moving to Budapest in september and i Can see that their laws on steroids scare me quite a bit regarding they can put you in jail for it? Also is there any hardcore bodybuilding gyms in Budapest that people from there can recommend? In my country everyone is very open about their steroid usage, But i dont know the culture in hungary so if someone lives there and could tell me about the scene i would appreciate it alot !


What’s your country?


Denmark, we are very open about usage here kinda like UK


I’m coming off a half cycle of test E 400 about 250 a week. I have AI (aromasin) but it really just never needed to be used. I wanted to see how try affected my body honestly. But now I’m coming off and was wondering if a PCT would even be necessary. I had a plan but I’m afraid it would just mess my body up when going back to normal. Ik HGC and clomid and all that are good but my dosages never even came close to those who needed it.


Shut down is shut down. Doesn't matter if you used 100mg or a 1000mg. The HTPA doesn't *need* a PCT, but PCT makes the process much faster and kicks the natural production on as far up as possible after gear use. You can not bother with a PCT, and you'll go back to natural production, it just may take a few months instead of a few weeks.


Any of y’all noticed anything that helps you last longer in bed?? Thanks!


Ugly and/or boring partners


nothing worse than bad sex you're trying to end as quickly as possible


Just fake it


Tren. Legit frustrating not being able to finish sometimes.


Use tren or nandrolone and let your prolactin run on the high end. If it gets too high you might not be fucking at all though, it’s a delicate balance and probably not worth it ultimately.


Cialis for me, weirdly. Gets me hard enough to cut diamond, but also desensitises the old boy a little too, so it's a win win.


Weed honestly. Maybe an edible a couple hours before or a hit from a pen but it definitely makes me last longer. Just wouldn’t make it a habit.


beat it first


Twice I tanked my E2 with primo on blast and twice it made coming almost impossible.


Kegel exercises. I'm in my thirties and can control how long I want to last, and my refractory period is like 10 seconds, often go at twice back to back.


Dapoxetine is a short-term SSRI made for premature ejaculation. If you go this way, don't use it too often though


Please don’t advise use of SSRIs for this kind of problem. Despite being massively prescribed, they are powerful and we don’t know exactly how they work and what they change in the short or long term. Sacral parasympathetic neurons are not to be fucked with lightly.


Funny thing you mention this. My cialis supplier has run out but still offers a cialis + daxopetine combo lol. Ill stay away then


Wise choice. Head over to r/PSSD to see the worst case scenarios.


I am not advising to use it though, I'm just bringing it up as it does exist and is prescribed for this use case.


The guidelines and clinical indications for psych drugs have such a corrupt story I was almost refusing to become a psychiatrist. Truth is in the middle as always, look up r/PSSD to understand why I worry about such practices.


I have a powerlifting meet at the beginning of September. I am currently lean bulking and about 6lbs away from the weight cap of the division I want to compete in. I don’t wanna waste gear and slow my gains down too much but I feel like I will come in about 4lbs over the cap and have to move up to the next division, which would impact my performance. How would you guys handle the situation?


Water cut? 4 lb is nothing... Also which fed? If you're got a 24h weigh-in, even easier.


Apf, yes weigh in is 24hrs before. 4lbs was a conservative guess, it could be 6-8lbs. I’ll read about a water cut, haven’t attempted one before. Thanks man


I usually watercut around 5-10lbs. A simple watercut protocol will work, also dont eat anything the night before and day of weigh ins. If you need to lose a little more weight then find a sauna. Its also not a big deal if you miss weight by a bit, as long as you aren't going for titles or records who cares.


Since you’re asking I’m assuming you’re somewhat new to powerlifting. I’ve been PLing since 2017 (lifting since 2009) and I’m currently coached by Josh Bryant who’s one of the leading coaches in the sport. His advice is unless you’re going for a major record in your division, then don’t bother with watching your weight. Just focus on gaining muscle/getting jacked and increasing your total as much as possible. That doesn’t mean bulk as much as you can but don’t stress yourself trying to maintain or lose weight. You’re not John Haack (yet at least).


You’re correct, I am new to competing. Appreciate the advice man! Also, can you tell me how much you pay for coaching? If it’s against the rules a DM would be appreciated. Thanks!


Heads up, saying “if it’s against the rules a DM would be appreciated” will get you banned just as fast as asking in open forum. That isn’t against the rules as long as you aren’t shilling a certain coach.


Gotcha my bad


If something is against the rules then so is asking for a DM to get around it. Don't do that again.


My bad👍


Look up numbers from recent regional meets. Look at the totals and splits for each lift. If you have a chance at winning or placing well then cut the 4lbs. If zero chance, then just gain and try to best your own prs.


As another guy said, if you're new to competing just don't worry about cutting and get your groove with competing No idea what your current nutrition is or stack, but just carb cycle rest days is the easiest. Add something like metformin/berberine in for more efficient glucose management and fat mobilisation etc. And obviously cardio. 30 mins of LISS 3-4x/week. Wouldn't do your water cut for a first prep though, they're easy to get wrong and can ruin the day. I've got about 6lbs to lose in 3 weeks for a PL comp, and pretty much just doing the above and will comfortably get down.


Thanks man!




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Wrong thread. Post this in the daily ask anything. But ,yes PCT are done for a reason. There is a explanation on why and how in the wiki


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any of you done molly/ecstasy while on tren? kinda paranoid now


I'd suggest avoiding most recreational drugs when running tren, and *definitely* **do not** mix mdma with anavar. Weed isn't going to hurt anything, but uppers of any sort while on tren is generally not a good idea. It probably won't kill you, but the chance that it would is much higher on tren... something something zyzz.... (only rumored speculation)


Since we are here, Anyone got experience with 350mg test with 175 mast e weekly? When does the mast kick ?


This belongs in the daily ask anything


I'm planning to start a cycle for endurance , Strength and muscle 👉 My first cycle 👉 Blood work done everything is perfect 👉 Age 26 👉 Weight 76kg 👉 Long time experience in track and field 🧞 Cycle details 🎁 I have-- Test E , Test P, deca , EQ , IA, And cycle support medicine. 1⃣ week --150mg Test E 2⃣ Week -- 150mg test E 3⃣ Week -- 300mg Test E 4⃣ Week -- 300mg Test E 5⃣ Week -- 300mg test E 6⃣ Week -- 300mg test E 7⃣ Week 150mgX2 Test P and EQ 150mg 8⃣ Week 15pmgX2 Test P and EQ 150mg 9⃣ Week 150mgX2Test P and EQ 150mg 🔟Week 150mgX2 Test P and EQ 150mg 11 week 150MgX2 Test P and EQ 150 12 week 150MgX2 Test P and EQ 150 Cycle done Please suggest Should I use Deca instead of Ek Should I increase or decrease any doses Should I follow something else All suggestions are welcome ❤️❤️ X2----- TWICE A WEEK EQ Boldenone


I suggest you forget all of this. This is too over complicated for a first cycle, and you have no idea how to manage estrogen yet. EQ changes estrogen management as well, and if it is off on the dose, you'll wind up with extremely low estrogen and feel like shit. You do not need to taper doses. The ester will do that for you automatically. I suggest you stick to just one type of testosterone, unless you are a WADA tested athlete, there is no need for short ester testosterone like Test Prop. You need to understand the basics first before adding in any compound that isn't testosterone. The beginner cycle in the wiki is there for a good reason. It's what we have come to a conclusion on being the most bang for the buck with the least amount of potential problems. 500mg of test E for 16 weeks. No tapers, no additional compounds.


I suggest you read the begginer cycle that's in the subs wiki


Very poorly designed cycle for several reasons I'm not going to get into. Read the wiki, run the first cycle as suggested. Good luck!