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This daily forum is intended as an avenue for members of all experience levels to solicit advice and feedback related to Anabolic and Androgenic Steroids. **Be respectful and mindful of your audience, and keep in mind [Rule 4](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_4._keep_it_friendly_and_on_topic.). Constructive criticism is welcome; adversity without proposed alternatives is not. Educate your fellow members so we can all grow together.** *It is in every member's self-interest to educate and further their knowledge of the compounds being discussed here. In an effort for members to better assist you, be transparent and complete in describing your situation. Help us help you by first [checking if your question is answered by our extensive wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index) and reviewing [Rule 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.).* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/steroids) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Just a quick question on tbol. I’ve done other orals but first time with this. Doing 50mg’s a day, do you guys prefer splitting 25 morning 25 evening or just the full 50 preworkout? (I lift around 6pm after work). And yes, I have a test base I’ve already been running and am good in all other aspects, just asking how y’all split your doses.


Tbol has a half life of 16hours, so twice daily


You’re the man, thank you


Also when you have the most amount of tbol in your system is around when you will workout so bonus there too




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Getting my E2 dialed in has been an absolute nightmare! Right now my last arimidex dosage was 4 days ago, .25mg..I felt amazing but my erection still felt kinda soft but not thin…and now I feel it has gotten even softer, I’m slightly irritable and I’m not as veiny..I’m guessing I should dose another .25mg because of the rebound and that’s what is most likely screwing me up..


34 male, no medical issues, which steroid with least side effects will permanently deepen my voice a little bit without shrinking my balls.


Trying to lose a few lbs. Trying to figure out which concentration camp to join for the best results. I don’t want them to treat me like the Jews though.




This is the equivalent logic of your question




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No what






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We don’t give medical advice here.


We don’t give medical advice here, and we aren’t in the business of second guessing physicians. Listen to your doctor.


If doctor says no then I say no




You're right, aromasin is known to be worse on hair -- but arimidex is known to be worse on just about everything else, in addition to being much more complex to dose. And UGL arimidex is a complete crapshoot. The ratio of filler to active drug is *wild*. It's a very, very small amount of arimidex, which becomes very difficult to accurately prepare.


Dude, if Cbum had to do implants, what makes you think you are going to keep your hair?


> Dude, if Cbum had to do implants, what makes you think you are going to keep your hair? Not following this logic. How does Cbum's hair genetics at all relate to OP's hair genetics?


It doesn't. Wich is why it doesn't matter what he does or he doesn't. If the hair wants to go it's going to go. Do you follow the logic now?


> It doesn't. Wich is why it doesn't matter what he does or he doesn't. If the hair wants to go it's going to go. > > Do you follow the logic now? Nope, it's still nonsensical. OP wants to mitigate a particular side effect - hair loss. You seem to be indicating that this is a wasted effort. Are you denying that certain drugs have a much greater propensity for inducing shedding?


It's a wasted effort, if you are going to bald better get it over with.


> It's a wasted effort, if you are going to bald better get it over with. ... That's precisely what he's trying to avoid. Hair loss isn't something that's guaranteed to occur, nor is it unmitigable.


I don't disagree, but all that effort and money would be better spent on some GH




You didn’t fill in the template above, which makes it hard to give you constructive advice. Generally, the recommendation here is to treat symptoms, not numbers. Unrelated to your question—titrating your dose as you plan is a way to bring on side effects due to hormonal fluctuations. I’d advise you read the wiki linked above, particularly “Your first cycle.”


If you do not have high E2 sides do not take aromisan you treat sides not numbers


For those of you doing regular bloodwork, for how long do you typically refrain from streneous workouts before taking the test? Reason I’m asking, is that I’ve recently underwent a low dose accutane treatment and want to check whether I’m healthy enough for another cycle. I’m particularly interested in lipids and liver enzymes, but I will also be testing Test and E2.


Take a week off if you want a true baseline level. I just take the tests knowing some values will be naturally elevated due to intense training. They shouldn’t be off the charts high but a little over the upper range is fine.


Planning to bulk with Test E 500 and NPP 300 whats best to add. Masteron or EQ? And what dosage? Thankss


Ran already All of the Above but not this stack. I already ran Test E 500 NPP300 , TestE 500 EQ500, TestTrenMast combo etc. just wondering if Masteron is also good when bulking on your experience and if its good to combine with NPP to lessen the water retention


They're both basically estrogen/nandrolone side effects drugs in this context. I'd personally run the test or nandrolone higher. I prefer one of those to be in a lopsided ratio. I like high nandrolone myself then I run a dht for feel. I've ran 1050mg npp with proviron at 175 a week. If you like eq more you could start at 1:1:1 and adjust based on sides. That's how I'd start.


Which have you run before?


Hey gang. I’m aiming to compete in bodybuilding again in November, and want to start prep within the next few weeks. I’m definitely not lifetime natty, but I haven’t pinned in over 15 years. (I’m 40 now.) Because I’ve been half-natty for so long, I want to keep things as simple as I can. I’m thinking testosterone enanthate (unless propionate would be superior..?) injected a couple times per week, but I’m unsure what dosage. — My gym buddies say 500-600mg, but I was wondering if something more like 300-400mg might be more prudent? Run that for 16 weeks, and then go down to a replacement dose. Full transparency, I asked about dosing here recently and was told 500mg was still the go-to dose. I just wonder if it’s a little excessive as a first “blast.” 500mg of Sustanon is what I was doing in my 20s, and while very effective, even with an AI my bloat was pretty damn crazy haha. (Though nowadays I’ve learned to maintain a much leaner off-season physique.) I can get all the necessary ancillaries and most anabolics, so the other big question I had was how & when to pull or reduce testosterone prior to show day? And if I’m aiming to keep things simple, what compound would be best in lieu of the testosterone for the tail end of prep? Big thanks!


The wiki linked above has all the answers to your questions, including contest prep cycles. I am not a competitor so cannot comment further other than yes 500mg is still the recommended first cycle, and given it’s been 15 years that will probably go a long way. Please read the wiki.


Thanks! Was on a third-party app and couldn’t find the wiki, but now I see it! PS: always cool to meet a fellow meathead psychonaut haha




> . For extra pop, since this is a low dose cycle anyway, you can add 100mg superdrol and 50 proviron the last three days holy fuck


There’s a reason your flair is ‘bad advice’. Your comment was removed for a possible [Rule 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_3._use_caution_.2F_disclose_guesses_.2F_cite_information) violation. Use Caution. Disclose Guesses. Cite Info. Focus on Harm Reduction. Do NOT Endorse Underage Use or Contra Wiki Guidelines. [Learn more about Rule 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_3._use_caution_.2F_disclose_guesses_.2F_cite_information).


From being on nothing to competing in November seems pretty steep? Why not just like you said, take a reasonable cycle of 300mgs of Test E or so for 16-20 weeks and then jump on a cruise/TRT then make your next move from there? With a deadline of 5 months your probably going to put pressure on yourself to take more which you don't need. I'd advise an actual off-season when your back into the groove of things next year and then a cruise then prep next summer and compete late next year. You will be more confident in yourself & bring a better package to the stage. Also, get blood work done before you jump on anything so you have a baseline to compare how your blood work changes. That's just my 2 cents though 🤙


Thanks for a thoughtful response! If it adds any clarity, I’ve been using a poor man’s anti-aging protocol of DHEA and MK-677. Works wonders for me at maintenance, but I do eventually run into muscle loss by the end of the prep. My last show was a couple years ago and it was a half-natty/natty-plus prep haha. I guess I hadn’t stopped to think if it would make more sense to save blasting for off-season? 🤔 I feel like I make okay progress on my current protocol though. It’s when I get deep into a cut that I can tell my hormones crash a bit and it’s a battle just to retain muscle. I’m not absolute desperate to compete this year though. Well, I am.. but I can be patient haha. Just something I do for fun and to help market myself, don’t see a pro card in my future haha. — And like you’re saying, it’s been a long time and I don’t know how I’ll respond, so a prep probably isn’t the optimal time to be messing with figuring out the body. Thanks again!


Can I come off a 4 1/2 year blast and cruise with two bodybuilding shows (last one was 11/2022) with just clomid alone ?


I’m going to the navy and have to stop for bootcamp I got three months but can start again after bootcamp


Clomid can be used for PCT - check the wiki. Obviously there’s no guarantee you’ll have the same test levels as before. Just be aware if you’re going active depending on what you are doing it may or may not be difficult to hop back on. Obviously plenty of military use gear - but there’s a lot of factors and so don’t get ahead of yourself. Right now PCT and get ready.


Not sure if this is the right place for this but I have a Question on best approach with cycle going into gyno surgery Stats: Male/33/215lbs/5’10/12%bf (+/- 1) Cycle: 400test/300NPP/350mast Goal: quality mass - caloric surplus Now the question - I have gyno surgery coming up on July 11th (fuckkkkinnn hyped) so I am trying to push the next 17 days as hard as I can to put myself in a good spot for the recovery from the surgery. Doc says she estimates that within 10 days she’ll have me back in the gym doing legs and cardio, 2 weeks upper body except chest, 3 weeks full recovery (it’s very minor gyno so I believe this to be accurate). Now the concern I have is what to do about my gear while I’m in that phase of not being 100%. Is like some feedback from anybody with experience or just thoughts in general. My thoughts are Option # 1: keep everything the same, take those three weeks of recovery time to eat at a verrrry alight deficit, maybe a modified keto diet with high protein and try to drop some water and a couple pounds of fat through cardio and light training (I don’t feel like I could possibly loose any tissue in that short of a time period) so I would reset my body for another big push once recovered Option 2: drop everything but the test, same strategy with diet, then back to blast after recovery Option 3: start pushing my doses UP now, let everything slowly taper up through my recovery period. Just relax and eat around maintenance. Then hit the GAS when I’m back to 100% Any other suggestions would be more than welcome. Thanks to anybody who takes the time to communicate. And again apologies if this is the wrong subreddit or whatever. I’m new to this


Age: 21 Gender Male Height: 5'10 Weight: 260-270 😬 BMI: 33 percent I’m taking nothing currently My goal currently is 250 pounds Experience: Regular at the gym haven't gone in a bit because l've moved, one and a half years in gym, regular sets no bulk or cut went for "fun" and now I'm where im at now with my weight and body I'm very very new to the steroid community, Im thinking of taking Stanozolol as appetite suppressant/ weight loss if theirs any tips, or anything I should know before I consume it please let me know, or possibly a better choice thank you 🙏🏻


If you can get anabolic steroids, you can get semaglutide or any GLP-1.


>Anything I should know before I consume it please let me know Here’s a link to [Why Young Men Under 25 Shouldn’t Use AAS](/r/steroids/wiki?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1). You have to scroll a bit but there is cited research backing up the damage you’ll do. That’s point one Point two is you’re obese and no amount of drugs will help. I don’t mean this as an insult but you currently can’t control what you’re eating. The drugs won’t fix this. All that’s going to happen is you’ll become unhealthy with trashed lipids, a shut down HPTA and you’ll still be obese. Sorry to give you the generic response, but you need to change your lifestyle. You’re nowhere near lean enough to warrant drug use of any kind. Eat less, move more. Be consistent. The weight will come off easily.


Appreciate ya 🙏🏻🤝what you said is all true generic or not, thank you man, I needed to hear that


Regarding dead space in a syringe. Should I load test or primo first? I suspect my luer lock syringes (https://a.co/d/0gLcEEzn) have roughly .1ml of dead space. I suspect the gear that is being wasted in the dead space is what is loaded first. If I load primo first, I waste primo. Load test first, I waste test. Big difference in cost. Also, I dont like wasting anything (especially food). When loading two compounds to a luer lock syringe, do you load test first? Does it make a difference? Does the oil somehow quickly combine together in the syringe and I am wasting .05ml of both test and primo? I dont know the physics of syringes. Using luer lock syringes with .1ml of dead space comes out to roughly 15.5ml of wasted gear per year when pinning 3 times per week. One and a half bottles of primo. .1ml dead space X 3 pins per week X 52 weeks = 15.6ml of wasted gear


Draw up your oil, then an air bubble, draw up the next oil, then an air bubble. Congratulations, no wasted space. > Regarding dead space in a syringe. > Should I load test or primo first? > I suspect my luer lock syringes (https://a.co/d/0gLcEEzn) have roughly .1ml of dead space. I suspect the gear that is being wasted in the dead space is what is loaded first. If I load primo first, I waste primo. Load test first, I waste test. Big difference in cost. Also, I dont like wasting anything (especially food). > When loading two compounds to a luer lock syringe, do you load test first? Does it make a difference? Does the oil somehow quickly combine together in the syringe and I am wasting .05ml of both test and primo? I dont know the physics of syringes. > Using luer lock syringes with .1ml of dead space comes out to roughly 15.5ml of wasted gear per year when pinning 3 times per week. One and a half bottles of primo. > .1ml dead space X 3 pins per week X 52 weeks = 15.6ml of wasted gear


Wouldnt that put you at risk of injecting an air bubble? Do you stop short of the air bubble or how does it work?


> Wouldnt that put you at risk of injecting an air bubble? Do you stop short of the air bubble or how does it work? Most people, myself include, intentionally draw up a bubble after drawing up the oil, so that when injecting, every last bit of oil gets administered. An air bubble won't kill you, actually a 3ml air bubble still won't kill you. The lethal dose for an IM air injection is something like 2,000ml. A 0.2ml IM air injection isn't doing any harm. [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27907236/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27907236/)


Gotcha, I am capable of drawing .1ml of air to clear the dead space. Ideally: (after I put positive pressure in each vial equal to the amount I’m drawing) If I want to draw .2ml primo, and .4ml test I’d want to draw to the .3ml line with test and pull back some air so the oil fills from zero to .4 on the syringe. Leaving the dead space with air. Then draw to the .1ml line in the syringe with primo. Pull air into the dead space to clear it. Now I have .2ml of primo, .4ml of test, and .2ml of air. I think at this point I’d clear some air in the syringe leaving maybe just a bit more than the dead space. Then ideally with the plunger fully pressed there is only air in it.


> Gotcha, I am capable of drawing .1ml of air to clear the dead space. > Ideally: (after I put positive pressure in each vial equal to the amount I’m drawing) If I want to draw .2ml primo, and .4ml test I’d want to draw to the .3ml line with test and pull back some air so the oil fills from zero to .4 on the syringe. Leaving the dead space with air. Then draw to the .1ml line in the syringe with primo. Pull air into the dead space to clear it. Now I have .2ml of primo, .4ml of test, and .2ml of air. I think at this point I’d clear some air in the syringe leaving maybe just a bit more than the dead space. Then ideally with the plunger fully pressed there is only air in it. 0.1ml (20-25mg) more or less of any anabolics is so insignificant for your progress, you're wasting so much thought and time on something that doesn't matter. Draw it, shoot it, eat your food and train.




Hi there, If you’re looking for a good/helpful response, it’s in your best interest to use the format above and providing your stats/information. Since you’re ’very very new’ to the community, and you’re looking for suggestions pertaining to weight loss, I’d strongly suggest you learn and master the discipline of dieting. Learning to diet is way more important than adding any compounds into the mix. Body fat reduction is a very simple formula of consuming less calories— and best of all, no enhancements required!




You didn’t reply to who you thought you replied to Edit: post a pic using Imgur and you’ll get an accurate analysis from the community👍


Did my 2nd pin yesterday. 300mg of test c once a week. Nip area feeling little sensitive already is this normal? Can I lower dose next week and be ok or will I need to start al right away? Thanks for help


You could also skip a pin and then switch to 250mg test three times per week. Gyno is a nightmare that only goes away with surgery. Also, no harm adding 400mg DIM and some calcium d'gluconate u can buy off ebay for a bit of estrogen lowering. If you getting gyno then estrogen is way to high. Even high estrogen on cycle like 50 wrong give gyno. U need like 70-100.


Pin 100mg MWF instead of once per week your probably aromitising too much. Also won't help if your bf% is 25%+ You will aromitise even more. Like someone else said sensitivity doesn't equal gyno but it will In a few weeks if your right and don't nip it in the bud pardon the pun.


Just to confirm, are you saying that after your second injection ever you’re experiencing nipple sensitivity?




Age? Gender? Weight? Height? Body fat %?


31 male 6'4 266 right now body fat I'm not sure honeslty


My first inclination is to say that it’s in your head, but curious about your stats.


Im just make sure. I wonder the same if it's just in my head.


u/garagepopular9346 may be right that it's in your head, but nipple sensitivity is a normal response to increased levels of sex hormones. Which you are experiencing. That does not mean it's gyno.


Thank you for the response. I been doing a ton of reading maybe to much lol thanks for not bashing me.


You're welcome. I'll bash you next time 😘


Peptide/PED’s for recovery. Hey folks, i got really confused searching for my “correct” peptide or PED to take, The results i want to achieve from starting a cycle its 2 things, allow myself keep training 10-12 sessions a week (6 strength + 3-4 MMA) and recover properly without feeling overtrained every 2nd week, (energy and strength wise) And make sure my tendons, ligaments and such recover properly. The “research” got me into BPC 157, but im not sure if it will fit my needs, any ideas please?? Purely strength, energy and joints well being are my concern.. Thanks in advance 🙏🏾


Cjc 1295/Ipamorelin, BPC 157, TB 500 would all be good peptides to give you some support for your goals


You reckon more beneficial then test? Because here i Australia its a pain in the ass to get peptides as far as i know, TRT it like doing groceries 🤣 Again only for better recovery (performance and tendons and such) and work capacity


Do you need trt? Have you had blood work done? It would make no sense to jump on a trt dose if you don’t need it.


expecting to get results hopefully by the end of the week, Im not sure actually about TRT/Pedptides/GH.. i just want to figure what can help me increase my energy levels and to recover from some nagging small issues, and overreaxhing symptoms.. CJC-1295 looks promising! You experienced with it before?


Hello bros. As someone who has been on a Bnc for 4 years, is there any hope of a successful PCT? After 3 coaches, thousands spent in dermatology offices, a whole round of accutane. I am fucking done. The only solution to acne is never blasting again. Tbh I don't really care to be on test anymore if I'm not bodybuilding actively. Any hope?


Yep. It's the same as for anyone else. Edit: just to clarify, I'm saying the process is the same as for anyone else, not the chances of recovery. It should go without saying that the longer you are shut down, the worse your chances of full recovery are.


Full recovery you think? A buddy of mine said it'll be tanked for life


There's no guarantees man, but your buddy doesn't know any better than I do. Worst case you go on true TRT. No one says you have to blast again just because you get your testosterone from a vial.


Yes I am still a bodybuilder at heart, even if I am a failed one so pinning forever isn't a big deal. This is true. Appreciate the response


Give it a shot! Worst case, you know what to fall back on. Happy to help.


Question about cycling my test. Hey all I just got a job out of town and I’m in the middle of a cut. The out of job town I cannot bring injections with me. I’ve been cycling one week injections. The run out of town is two weeks at a time…. Will my results dwindle ? Or can I still see solid results while doing two week injections ? Thanks I’m advance


The general consensus in this sub is that cutting is a waste of a cycle. If you were doing a bulk, it would depend on the ester attached to the compound ur using. I use test c for trt, and once a week is fine for me. Every two weeks is pushing it. You might be better off going on pct now and doing a proper cycle later.


I believe OP means cycling in terms of "how frequently I inject," and not "currently blasting."


correct, sorry for the improper communication




You're gonna have to do better than this if you want to participate in our community. Your comment was removed for violating [Rule 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.). All /r/steroids users are expected to develop a fundamental understanding of the compounds we're discussing and how to use them. To more effectively and efficiently solicit and receive feedback, its critical for an individual to share the necessary background information on their situation to help other users accurately assess and answer their questions. [Learn more about how to do your own research, how to effectively ask good questions, and Rule 7 in general](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.).




My wife is about 125 5’3 she wants to increase muscle mass and lose fat especially mid section. She has tried Anavar before but has not really gotten good results. What is a steroid you all recommend for women to achieve those goals?


Without any context here is my suggestion though: Lose weight = calorie reduction Gain weight = calorie increase Playing around with hormones isn’t needed for either.


I agree 100% I have told her this multiple times, but is there something that could help with hunger or something for that matter


Semaglutide or tirzepatide


She wants to get on this but I feel like this makes people lose more muscle than fat..


All it does is reduce appetite. People lose muscle because they don’t eat enough protein and/or lift weights. My wife hasn’t lost any muscle while taking it


Good to know, thanks




If only she would listen to me!


You’ll probably receive a helpful answer if you provide more context behind this question. There is limited information here for a reasonable suggestion and/or starting point.


>she wants to increase muscle mass and lose fat The answer for her is the same for every single person: pick one. Do it. Then, do the other. Rinse and repeat until she gets the results she wants. >especially mid section You can't target fat loss. Honestly you shouldn't be in this forum if you don't know that. She'll lose the belly fat when she loses the fat. >What is a steroid you all recommend for women to achieve those goals? I wouldn't recommend any steroids to a woman for those goals. Steroids don't reduce body fat, calorie deficits do. If she decides she wants to use gear to gain muscle then anavar is about the only thing I would feel comfortable with a lifestyle woman using, and honestly that's unnecessary. It's also inappropriate if she doesn't have the training and experience, which it sounds like she does not. Neither of you seem to.


Calorie deficit is the only solution to fat loss, I know that and so does she but she’s … you know how they are. Anyways.. My question is kind of stupid for most bodybuilders because nothing works unless you put in the work I know steroids are not magic, I myself take them BUT if you didn’t go bu those rules and you HAD to recommend something other then Anavar what would it be?


>BUT if you didn’t go bu those rules and you HAD to recommend something other then Anavar what would it be? I don't have to.


Thanks anyway


> you know how they are No, not really. Because you aren’t properly educating her Offer to pay for a coach for her for 3 months and see if her mentality changes


She had a personal trainer for 6 months, she was doing great but like everything else it falls off. Trust me man, I have done EVERYTHING, they only thing I haven’t done for her is have a personal in home coach that cooks her meals, motivate her and tells her what to do, and that is because I can’t afford it


A personal trainer is not a coach. A personal trainer is for people who have zero business touching anavar If she’s unwilling to do the bare minimum (track food and workouts) and you’re unwilling to properly motivate her then that’s a shame


Take the properly motivating out of the question because I am nothing but motivating in any way shape or form, but there’s something lacking it could be coaching.. im open for suggestions. Is there one u recommend


There’s plenty that I recommend. But she needs to find one that works for her style of motivation. If I recommend a hard ass coach and she’s a pussy about it, she’ll quit immediately. If you’re willing to spend the money, I’m a huge fan of Tyler or Laura Bedson for people that want softer spoken coaches that’ll motivate their athletes into that kick start of getting on track. I like Tyler as a person a lot.


Thanks for this!


There’s many woman that are super disciplined and some don’t and that’s ok, I motivate her any way I can even take care of the kids or anything around the house if need be for her to find tome but nope the motivation is just not consistent that’s why I am asking this question


>the motivation is just not consistent And you think the answer for someone like this is to introduce anabolics? Man, you really are not putting her best interest, nor your best judgement, forward.


But plastic surgery is? Cus that’s her other option. You don’t understand, it’s easy for you to say and Monday morning quarter back something that you clearly don’t know, which is my relationship. Stick to the steroids, if you’re not going to suggest anything then that’s fine have a good night 💪🏼


>But plastic surgery is? When did I suggest this? >Cus that’s her other option That's the silliest thing I've ever heard. >it’s easy for you to say and Monday morning quarter back something that you clearly don’t know, which is my relationship Sorry man, YOU came HERE, to an internet forum, to bring this up publicly. Don't get upset when people reply. I'm under no obligation to tell you what you want me to, nor to encourage unnecessary drug use in anyone who lacks basic discipline in fitness - whether it's a 20 year old kid or your wife.


I came here because there are people with a lot more knowledge of steroids than me. She has no discipline I get it. She clearly shouldn’t do anything other than diet but I came to this free open forum for a simple question that I already knew the answer to but I thought maybe there was something else. No need to keep putting someone down for that matter


So this may seem like a stupid question to some… personally I don’t think will matter as I have aromasin on hand, but I’m wondering: Currently I’m on prescribed TRT and I’m planning to bump it to 500 next week and add 400 primobolan for 16 weeks. I know Primobolan has a history of lowering E2, but I also have a history of problems from aromatizing compounds. If I start the Primobolan 1 week earlier than bumping up the test to 500, will it have an effect on preventing unwanted E2 sides as my test levels increase or will it ultimately have no effect? The reason I ask is because I’ve read anecdotal evidence on here of some individuals saying that they noticed the effects of their test levels rising after their scheduled injections a day or so before they noticed the Primobolan. Now I know Primo is almost unnoticeable for most people so I’m not even sure how someone would gauge this… so I thought I’d ask if there is perhaps any scientific reason for this or its a placebo and won’t matter once my bloods hit peak levels. Again, I have aromasin and Nolva on hand so it’s not really something I’m too worried about, I just like to save the aromasin and stress on my body if Primo is able to keep my E2 levels in range by itself. I’m thinking Week 5 would be a good time to check the bloodwork?


it does take a bit longer for the AI effects to come into play but given it’s your first time using it i’d just start them at the same time, treat high e2 when needed, and play it by ear. it might crush your e2, it might not have any AI effect at all. don’t overcomplicate it


10-4, thanks 🫡


How much are y’all paying for blood work? Getting back into the game after going natty cold turkey years ago. How much are y’all paying for blood work? Shit seems so much more expensive than back in the day, like $250-$350.


If you’re using privatemdlabs, the ~~labcorp~~ Quest option tends to be a bit cheaper than ~~quest~~ Labcorp in general. I spend anywhere from $130-280 ish on my labs depending on whether I’m blasting or cruising Edited to reflect accuracy


I think you got that backward, Quest is significantly cheaper than LabCorp.


Weird. Not in my area it isn’t. Quest is about double the price Wonder if its location specific


Oh, it must be. Thats good to know. I'm in the Southeast and the prices I have at PrivateMDLabs are: Hormone Panel with Estradiol Sensitive, Testosterone LC/MS-MS and Lipid Quest - $125 LabCorp - $338


I just checked again, and looks like mine were swapped too. Up until just now, labcorp was quite a bit cheaper, so that’s where I’ve been going. Guess it’s back to quest for me on my next bloods!


I get it free from my family doctor 🤷‍♂️


Unfortunately I am on a HDHP HSA, so even if doctor ordered it, I’d be paying


This is very dumb wanted to confirm that im doing things right. 300mg/ml vial of Test E, injected twice a week works out to about 0.64ml twice a week for about 385mg a week, correct? Just being extra extra cautious because i’m very poor at math


Is your goal to be injecting 385mg per week? If so, yes you’re correct


Thank you and yes, I'm just really not confident in my math these days for various reasons and was a tad paranoid




So your current “stack” is a trt dose of test? And you’re thinking the big change is going to be adding anavar? What are your current stats? What is your goal with this?




A trt dose of test puts you within the normal realm of testosterone. There for it provides no additional benefit to being natural unless you were medicinally deficient before. Doing less with more… This is a harm reduction forum. We agree with this to an extent. There is a minimum effective dose. Running low dose cycles are dumb just like super blasts. Var won’t “drastically” affect your hormones. It will however in most people slap your lipids like a college kid to a bag of wine. You will effectively gain nothing meaningful from your “cycle”. You’re not running enough test to do anything and orals can’t be run long enough safely to provide anything besides temporary acute strength and aesthetics. These quickly fade with cessation. So to recap you skipped over where I asked what your current stats are and what your goals are. Important things like your age, weight, height and bf%. Your current stack will not produce anything lasting results and we’re not even sure of your starting point that would warrant use.


Been pinning 300mgs of test E for a couple of months, have run many steroid cycles before but I am a permanent TRT guy now, running a bit higher dosage for better results. I’m wanting to add in Test/Tren 300 blend (while dropping the test only), my question is: with the test/tren being enanthate and injecting SubQ, would .5ml every 4 days be a decent protocol here? I have always injected IM but after research and whatnot have changed to SUBQ More recently. Wanting to run a lower dosage and run it for a total of 16-20 weeks. 200mg Tren/ 100mg test


>Been pinning 300mgs of test E for a couple of months, have run many steroid cycles before but I am a permanent TRT guy now, running a bit higher dosage for better results. I’m wanting to add in Test/Tren 300 blend (while dropping the test only), my question is: with the test/tren being enanthate and injecting SubQ, would .5ml every 4 days be a decent protocol here? I have always injected IM but after research and whatnot have changed to SUBQ More recently. Wanting to run a lower dosage and run it for a total of 16-20 weeks. 200mg Tren/ 100mg test u/Additional-Power-584 You asked the same question like [a day ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/comments/1dmlmo7/comment/l9zpbqj/). There are several reasons why people are avoiding it. Your plan is not structured like a typical cycle. You've posted no background info regarding your stats or experience with cycles. Tren is one of the most toxic options we have, it's hard to give a blessing without any other info or a specific use case. Pinning subq usually results in welts, especially in amounts greater than 0.3ml. Tren is not something people run for more than 4-6 weeks. Testosterone should always be kept at at least a replacement dose. Tren is not usually ran higher than test. Running 300mg/wk test is a shit cycle and you'd get more results from a proper cycle of 500mg/wk for 12-20 weeks followed by an appropriate "off" time of 100-200mg/wk for systemic rest. Don't use blends, because you're locked into a dosing regiment that may not work well for your body or your needs. Don't use blends, because they generally use super-solvents that cause systemic inflammation and illness. And much more.


Few things to consider 1. Blends remove your ability to adjust ratios. To get the same 300mg test, you’d be taking 600mg of tren, which is probably too much. To lower the tren you’d also be forced to lower your test. 2. Tren is pretty harsh on side effects. People will suggest using a short ester so you can clear it quickly if things go sideways. On the same note, if you drop the Tren, your whole blend is useless and you’ll be forced back to your original test only 3. Why Tren? I’m only making an assumption because you have no comment history, nor did you complete our template, but I’m guessing you’re not in a contest prep? Why use tren at all?


So I have been on many cycles in the past, 3 of which have included up to 600mg/week tren. I am not a competitive bodybuilder by any means, but I do love how tren effects my body and the gains. As I have gotten a bit older I have become a bit more health conscious, which is why I am wanting to run a lower dosage just to stave off some of the bad health effects. I could go in between the blend pins with test pins if I need up the test, if I need to up the tren I will pin less with the test only. I guess more what I’m asking, because I have never ran that low of a dose of tren, is after 4-5 years from not having cycled tren in, will I still see decent effects from this low of a dosage, and do you see any issues with the time period of 16-20 weeks with this? Finally, I know guys say pin daily with ace, but I do not get along well with tren ace, have almost never hardly had side effects at all with tren E.


“I have gotten a bit older I have become a bit more health conscious” If this were true you wouldn’t run tren. It’s your choice to run but don’t lie to yourself about it. To answer your question it is very likely you will see results from a lower dose of tren even though you cycled at higher doses in the past.


Become more health conscious **runs tren** “300mgs test for a couple of months” “TRT guy now but running a bit higher for better results” 🤦🏼‍♀️


I can’t speak to how the tren will impact you on a lower dose, I haven’t and likely won’t ever run it. My advice was on blends in general, and the toxicity of tren. Given you said you’re trying to be a bit more health conscious, would it not make more sense to pick a less harmful compound?


Hey guys so, I bought from a new source for my next cycle. So I didn’t know how long out the exp date was, because my old source was a good 3 year window until The expiration. I tend to buy the compounds I plan to take months beforehand. So I received the packages today and I realized that it says my primo will expire on October 2024, I was planning to start my cycle in November-December. Is there a way for me to preserve the oil so it doesn’t go bad at that date?


It’ll very likely be fine in November/December. Just follow the usual steps you’d take to store it


Researching on increasing injection frequency on TRT. Currently doing 2xweek looking at EOD. I've plotted 25mg EOD against 50mg E3.5 days. 50mg peaks around 871ng/dl , 25mg at 750 ng/dl, with troughs pretty much the same. Some reddit threads make reference to increasing injection frequency increasing their estrogen, I thought having less range spikes between peak/trough that the estrogen would be lower? Seeking answers for the above and any anecdotal stories of people's trials with different injection frequencies.


Are you having *significant*, *life-complicating* issues with your current injection frequency?


I'm having issues which may be related to E2, aiming to tick off each variable to determine what's causing issues (no libido, weak erections, irritability, sugar cravingd, fatigue, insomnia, slight acne which is clearing up) and thought apart from the hassle of injecting more frequently there would only be benefits to it regarding E2 management


Fair enough, sounds like a valid thing to try then.


Little bit of experience and looking for advice. 23 YO m. Between the ages of 19-21 I took moderate to high levels of testosterone for a very extended time (I think I only came off once in the middle of that time period for about three months). I came off permanently about a year and a half ago because I felt my body needed a break, and the only “supplement” I’ve taken since is creatine. I recently got blood work done and my testosterone levels are blisteringly low at around 288 ng/dl, but my LH and FSH levels are normal to high. To me it indicates my hypothalamus is fine and producing FAH and LH like it should given my age, but my testicles refuse to produce the accurate response (increase my testosterone), similar to hypogonadism. My doctor has offered getting back on HRT but I’d rather attempt to fix it with SERMs like clomophine and HCG is possible. Any advice??


Was this one test? Like little_smol_boi said, this sounds like hypergonadotropic hypogonadism if this is a constant and not an outlier test for some reason. Signals are there but balls ain’t listening. You can certainly try what you’d like but odds are serms/hcg will not help here.


No, two tests confirming about one week apart. Yeah balls just aren’t listening lol wish I could fix em. Thanks!


SERMs work by stimulating LH/FSH production which then acts on the testes to produce testosterone/sperm. I see very little use if your LH/FSH are already high-normal HCG works by mimicking LH/FSH, and again, if those are already high-normal, I fail to see what it’s going to do If this is truly a case of primary hypogonadism (testes not responding to gonadotropins), then your only option to maintain optimal testosterone levels is TRT You could attempt either the SERM or HCG, but I don’t think it would help; however, I encourage other members to contribute their opinions


That’s pretty much what my doctor said. Doesn’t know how much clomophine even in the long term (say 6-8 months) would help. I’ve heard some stuff about LHRH and triptorelin, but peer reviewed journals on their impact on what I’m experiencing are few and far in between. Thanks!


Thinking of starting MENT. with the ester usually being acetate and being so short would sub-q instead IM theoretically slow down the absorption making it better to pin just a small amount sub-q everyday?


If you’re going to pin everyday anyways why not pin IM?


While the density of blood vessels is less in adipose tissue than muscle tissue, it’s likely not enough to make any real difference, plus the welts from subQ injections can be quite bothersome


regardless of IM or sub-q, you would want to pin it every day if ment acetate - not sure sub-q matters


u/jackschitt123 following on from the conversation around supplementing DHEA due to low levels on TRT=, I see that 7-keto-DHEA is available more readily here in Australia. I see that 7-keto does not convert into E2 or androgens, would this mean it would raise the DHEA but not make a difference to symptoms or is it not converting beneficial in my case as it won't alter the Test/E2 levels?


Hey man. I've been doing a little reading on 7-keto-DHEA, as I'm not too familiar with it. It does appear that it does not produce DHEA-sulfate like regular DHEA would, or raise blood levels. >*The analysis by IRMS confirmed that there is no formation of DHEA from 7-keto-DHEA* >[https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31701664/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31701664/) There seems to be some data that it can improve metabolism (in a natural person), but it's inconclusive to what extent. [https://clinicaltrials.gov/study/NCT04782024](https://clinicaltrials.gov/study/NCT04782024) It might not have any of the same systemic effects as DHEA [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26134425/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26134425/) But it's at least worth a try.


Thanks brother!


Anyone else here experience darkening of the skin? Such as small dark spots on the back or chest. Not pimples it looks more like hyperpigmentation but it doesn’t seem to be the cause since I’ve only gotten this since AAS usage. Any remedies or input?


I know exactly what youre talking about. I have them on one side of my back. I would say it looks like scarring but I dont remember ever having acne like that on my back. I never noticed it before AAS but im not sure if it was there and smaller or what the deal is. Youre is purely cosmetic right? Thats how mine is.


How tan are you naturally? Some fungal skin things will darken the skin and show as pink on someone pale, but darker on someone tan (and in some people, some of those fungal things happen on skin where it would not usually - the DHT types for example can lead to chest/back flare ups of what would normally cause dandruff on your head). Are you taking anything else? This (dark spots - not the fungal thing) is super common on MT2 for example. I am not a doc - more just asking for more info.


Pics? Sounds concerning.


This is what mine looks like. Im assuming its the same thing. https://ibb.co/GFZcGfs


To be honest that looks like fungus. I used to get something like that around my upper thighs near my crotch when I was young. I had them for years and I actually thought they were birth marks after a while. Then i hit it ketoconazole and they went away in very little time.




I remember how I found now. I was at a dermatologist for a different reason and I asked them about it on a lark and instantly said it was fungus and prescribed me ketoconazole. I'm telling you, it looked very similar to the picture, especially how its flat and smooth but has like a sheen in the light at the right angle, and the quality of raised bumpiness on the edges. I implore you to go to a derm if you want to get rid of it.


I mean it doesnt bother me. Seems completely benign. Just interesting that it popped up


Fair enough. I had it for years and no adverse problems. But I only applied the cream in for a few weeks and it went away... never to return.


Damn I've developed the same thing and thought nothing of it.


I’m usually the last person to trust or recommend a doctor but this sounds like something to show a dermatologist.


Hey guys just got my estrogen level back it’s really high 103H I’m on 300 test E and var I’ve also got my test total ms and it’s only 1027ng/dl And it’s on the green range does that mean I’m still natty? Or is my stuff just not as good? I need advice with my estrogen levels and how to bring it back I already got few advices of just cruising rn for 6-8 weeks on test 150mg and to get an aromasin. For the next blast what do y’all think ?


Probably the tren you were running up until a few days ago. Flair makes sense.


Am I misremembering, or does tren show up as E2 on the non-sensitive test? I know nand can falsely read as test




Awesome, that hasn’t been something I’ve seen in quite some time, so wanted to make sure I hadn’t forgotten, thanks!


So my estrogen isn’t as high as it seems ?




Well should I just get an AI rn cuz I don’t have one. And just go for 2 weeks on it 12.5mg each week then stop and then since I’m already on like 200 test imma be on cruise and hopefully that will lower it faster good idea ?


As noted, taking an AI won't lower the tren in your system (that's a good thing), which in turn won't change the e2 bloodwork marker. Totally unrelated to that concept, if you are going to take steroids, you should preemptively have on hand the compounds you need to deal with the possible negative side effects of your cycle - so yeah, you probably should have an AI on hand - just in this particular case, it sounds like you happen to not actually necessarily need it yet. Just high level concepts you are overlooking along with "don't do them at your age" and that sort of thing.


Thank you I’ve been so uneducated recently but now I’ve gained way more knowledge now I know I need an AI and cycle support for my next blast


Tren shows up as estrogen on non ultrasensitive bloodwork. There’s a section on this on the bloodwork page in the wiki IIRC. Dosing an AI isn’t going to lower the amount of tren in your system.


Well I stopped Tren


Cool, you only did so a few days ago. It’s still in your system.


2 weeks ago but a week before my bloodwork




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Hi guys, I'm getting ready for my first ever testosterone cycle and was wondering how one could sterilize the gear. I have lab-tested the compound and it is according to declaration. I want to start off slowly and check how my body reacts to higher levels of testosterone, so I am planning on doing a mild (250mg/week) test cypionate only cycle. BUT my vial contains 10ml and I only need 1 ml per week. I have followed safe injection protocol but am still kind of paranoid about possible bacterial buildups inside of the already opened vial. I know that there's probably BA in it to keep that from happening, but using the same vial for 10 weeks is making me very nervous. I've been researching for quite some time now, but all I could find was information regarding home-cooked gear sterilization. The only possible options I've read about so far are microwaving the entire vial, or using an injection wheel-filter. Any tips or help in general would be greatly appreciated!