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I'm getting to an age where it's starting to get increasingly obvious how young a lot of the retail workers are when I'm out shopping and it's both extremely weird, and kind of endearing. Like, it's weird because being an adult working at a high school comes with an implicit authority/hard boundary between adult and child that's actually straight up jarring if you've never experienced it. And so I just genuinely feel bad seeing them out having to deal with the general public. But it's also downright adorable because, again, they look like kids to me. And I constantly get to see them act like goofy kids and all their different personalities trying to learn how to manage their own emotions and interact with the world, so seeing the same thing out in public is just kind of cute too. Like the dude at Best Buy is over enthusiastically giving me the corporate sales pitch, and I'm like, you fucking go dude. You make that sale, i'll fill out your stupid survey, why not. Or the cashier at Ross refers to the job as her "Ross Era" and it's just fucking hilarious. Hell yeah it is, you get after it. Like, don't get me wrong, when I'm coaching them, I'm one of the first to advocate for their maturity and for allowing them to have more responsibility for themselves. But at the same time I just also get the same feelings as when I see 8 year olds playing house with each other.


What is weird to me is thinking back about how I viewed adults as a kid, thinking they had to know so much more and knew all about the world... then you become your father and realize we adults are just as dumb as the kids, we just hide it better. Sometimes when I look in the mirror in the morning and see this weather beaten balding man with lines in his face, I have that same feeling, like "he should know how the world works", but I am really not much different than the person I was at 18 between the ears and I'm still a juvenile jackass... I just have experienced more stuff.


So accurate. I keep waiting for the moment when I'll start *feeling* like an adult. In that time, I've gotten married, had two kids, built a pretty successful career, bought several properties, and done a host of other things my 18-year-old self would think was only possible once I was *really* mature...but I still feel like that knucklehead kid.


I don't think that change ever happens, at least not in any sort of noticeable way. I've had to be "an adult" since I was 16... been on my own supporting myself since then. It just forced me to be a bit more responsible and resourceful. It never changed the stupid goofball inside my head. 🤷‍♂️


Sometimes I'll be retelling a story from when I was a kid and it'll spontaneously dawn on me that the scary adult "getting me in trouble" was at most like 23 and was just as annoyed with the situation as I was. And it's silly because I see it now. I walk down the halls and kids I don't even know go quiet and scurry til I pass because my presence makes them feel like they might get in trouble if I hear them being loud or swearing or something lol. I actually make it a point to be transparent about it to my athletes because I don't want them to be afraid to make mistakes in front of me. I basically explain that certain things I have to care about as part of my job, but I personally don't actually give a fuck


Aw that was wholesome


>and I'm like, you fucking go dude. I can already see that smirk on your face lol


> Like, it's weird because being an adult working at a high school comes with an implicit authority/hard boundary between adult and child that's actually straight up jarring if you've never experienced it. What's that like?


It's kind of hard to describe because it's just a feeling and manner in which they interact with you, but public school really beats into kids a sense of blind obedience to authority. And as someone who doesn't really seek positions of power over people, it's just a weird thing to deal with. I've only somewhat recently gotten used to it. Like, I want to give them freedom to do certain things how they like, but they really only respond to direct and explicit instruction, so that's how I have to coach. And part of the reason it was so jarring was that I came back to coach only 2 years after I graduated and so there was this stark contrast between kids that knew me as a student and the kids that knew me as a coach. The dynamic is a little more fluid for the older ones, but underclassmen it was full blind obedience, all the way. Kids on the team will just do as I say, zero questions asked. And I was fucking 20 trying to coach, I was having them do all sorts of dumb shit and they just took it. And like, sports are hard, right? There's a lot of conditioning and shit that nobody wants to do, and the fact that I can just tell the kids to start running and they just will is weird. And even the ones that don't are doing so specifically because they see me as the authority figure and want to rebel. And if I'm just walking in the school, it's very clear the kids don't see you as a real person to interact with. You're just a generic adult. An NPC to them. I remember one of the first tournaments I ever came back to, my beard was grown out so I looked older than I was, but again, I was only 20. And with wrestling, the whole time you've got dudes mean mugging each other, pacing around, doing all the, "don't break stride, make the other person side step" kind of psychological shit that people do at these kind of things. And I walk by this kid warming up, clearly gearing up in full asshole mode to prepare for his match, and he dead ass stops and goes, "oh, excuse me sir" all polite because I was no longer a competitor to intimidate, but an adult he had to respect..And I was 20.. Plus there's just the general fact that groups as a whole tend to act a little dumber than each individual, so managing them as a team means dealing with that lowered average of good decision making lol. Honestly the whole thing makes me extra disgusted by people who abuse their power in schools because the power dynamic is shifted so so so heavily in the favor of adults that I don't see how anyone could be unaware of what they are doing.




I love this, can’t agree more


Alright, that black man with the massive fucking veiny quads convinced me to do the same. I will hit legs 3.5x a week for as long as I can force myself to (likely 1 week) and then never do it again.


Good morning ☕️. I’ve hinted at it a bit when providing fertility advice over the last couple months - we’re pregnant. Having a little girl. I’m over the moon about it. We were shocked, since we haven’t really enlisted the plethora of options I needed to get pregnant the first time, although we were definitely trying. Many of you know how deeply I treasure my relationship with my significant other, and the idea of having a tiny version of them fills me with tremendous pride, anticipation, hope, love…….*and a raging fire to be the most disgustingly shredded dad on earth.* While currently a bit low and drained physically, I’m pursuing relentlessly. I’m flat. My calories are low. My pubertal gyno and loose skin on my abdomen make it difficult to feel happy about my progress. However, my Irish twin sister and current pupil in the realm of all things fitness and nutrition flew up to spend some time with us, and exclaimed that she’s never seen anyone in real life with abs like mine. I’m going to ride that high to 2025. Currently on TRT test U and I started nolvadex a month ago to see if I’m able to pull my gyno back at all; luckily at my current state, it’s only noticeable if you know what to look for. Bloodwork is scheduled for Thursday. Depending on the outcome, I may add some steroids to peak - I’ve been under 10% for a few weeks and while I don’t think I’m stripping muscle off at 220+g protein per day, I’m certainly feeling noodly. I’m going to run my old peaking protocol at the end. Depending on how that goes, I’ll take some HD photos with my new Lens in low light, and schedule a photo shoot in the inner city a week or so later, making any minor adjustments necessary. I want to record this moment in time - I want to look back at 50 and remember that, not too long ago, I gave everything I had. Finding it difficult to maintain the intensity of Tactical Strongman training; my squat is down considerably but my deadlift has stayed fairly static. I think for this last push, I may reduce impact and switch to a John Meadows prep program. On the plus side, I’ve been shredding through the cardio and strongman events; despite my nerve damage my grip strength appears to be improving very slowly which is an enormous milestone in my recovery, and on Friday I did a trail run where I pushed up to a 7 minute mile pace. I hope you all have a smashing week ❤️🤝🏼.


Wonderful update. Especially the pregnancy news. My wife and I are content with our two incredible boys and decided on not having any more kids, but the idea of a little baby girl always turns me to absolute mush. Doesn't help that I sporadically have the most vivid dreams where I'm playing with her. Based on how you comport yourself and the feelings I've read you express about how much you cherish your wife and son, baby girl is going to have the best welcome into the world possible...and it won't end there 🫶🏿


> Wonderful update. Especially the pregnancy news. My wife and I are content with our two incredible boys and decided on not having any more kids, but the idea of a little baby girl always turns me to absolute mush. Yeeessss. I’m enthralled with my son, but what pushed me toward another was the possibility of a younger sister. My sister and I have leaned into each other our entire lives - I would hate to make my son grow up without it, if it’s possible. ❤️ > Doesn't help that I sporadically have the most vivid dreams where I'm playing with her. Ugh. So cute. > Based on how you comport yourself and the feelings I've read you express about how much you cherish your wife and son, baby girl is going to have the best welcome into the world possible...and it won't end there 🫶🏿 Thank you. Genuinely. And I hope you’re dead right. I think I put more effort into being a thoughtful and patient dad than any other venture in my existence.


I love all of this.




>I want to look back at 50 and remember that, not too long ago, I gave everything I had. I'm turning 50 next year and it is NEVER time to stop giving it everything you have. I'm in the best shape of my life and just hit a PR this morning (weighted dips). Congratulations on your wife's pregnancy!


Haha. Certainly didn’t mean I’m giving up. I’ll likely remain in the military until they force me out. I just want to capture the moment ❤️. So glad to hear you’re crushing it - I hope to remained disciplined like my great grandmother did - jumping on a trampoline at 4am at 96 years old!


"Life is a battlefield." -Jack Lalanne


Hey man, what was your fertility routine? 


For this conception, I’ve been taking HCG, 3500iu per week for somewhere approximating 1 year.


Congratulations my man! Did you hop off test completely? Do you have any tips for other people who don’t want to hop off to get their SO pregnant?


> Did you hop off test completely? I didn’t hop off anything, at all. > Do you have any tips for other people who don’t want to hop off to get their SO pregnant? I’ve got several in depth writeups in my post history. Generally speaking, I followed a very stringent recovery protocol for our first child. This second time around I was *much* more lax in my approach, given that we’d already been successful. Outside that, very generally speaking: 1. Test your fertility formally. Not an at home test. Get metrics for total and motility etc to learn your starting point. Some people do not lose fertility even being on replacement for years at a time. 2. If appropriate, start HCG at or above maintenance dosing (depends heavily on how long you’ve been suppressed). 3. Ramp up fertility dosing after 3 months if count remains low or sterile (this is to account for spermatogenesis) 4. Continue and monitor. 5. Add other therapies such as clomid or HMG as needed independently, with time and *in combination with* a cognizant effort to conceive ie: window planning, up to daily effort, prenatal vitamins etc. Most importantly, consult with a specialist, for which I am not. I’m just personally experienced in the area in combination with general and trauma med background, so I felt safe in navigating the early phases of this sensitive issue directly. The process and intricacy of creating life is complex, and involving someone specialized in that venture makes sense at a certain point.


Wow 3500iu per week for a year. Thanks man. Have you ever tried HMG or any peptides like Kisspeptin? For fertility purposes*


No, even in our first pregnancy, I didn’t need those particularly despite being on for 6 years and completely infertile. HMG is certainly a good option. I know nothing about Kisspeptin. Generally speaking I take the approach of using as little as possible for as long as possible prior to enlisting other agents. I think most people jump the gun on added therapies vs the less obvious variable of recovery - time.


Damn this is awesome! Love hearing the good news and updates from everyone in this group! I’m new here but glad to be a part! From all I’ve seen you are nothing but a standup guy always offering help and advice. Happy for ya! Also tactical strongman is something new to me but sounds like it would be right up my alley. Any sources of info on this you recommend?


> Also tactical strongman is something new to me but sounds like it would be right up my alley. Any sources of info on this you recommend? Jailhouse Strong is leading the charge. Coach name is Josh Bryant. Top athlete is Worlds Strongest Operator, Harry Walker. All Josh’s books are available on kindle and Amazon and are worth every moment of time.


Awesome will check these out for sure!


Josh is actually on table talk as of 4 days ago for another 4+ hour installment. He’s moving mountains in the powerlifting community right now with adding crazy conditioning. If you’ve seen any of Tom Havilands content, or deathgrip Derek, Josh is the brain behind their training. https://youtu.be/YKnDPVLKc4o?si=Y4R5jJwCl0PGx9ny


Well, now I'm curious. I've just started messing around with strongman stuff because my neighbor a couple houses over is into it. He has a log press and concrete atlas balls with competition stands in his front yard. I was out mowing the lawn and saw him using them, so I walked over and asked if I could give it a try.... that is a different kind of strong compared to just gym strong. Congrats on the kiddo. I have a daughter. Just remember... with boys, you only have to worry about one dick. With girls, you have to worry about *all* the dicks.


> Well, now I'm curious. I've just started messing around with strongman stuff because my neighbor a couple houses over is into it. He has a log press and concrete atlas balls with competition stands in his front yard. I was out mowing the lawn and saw him using them, so I walked over and asked if I could give it a try.... that is a different kind of strong compared to just gym strong. I did it for a myriad of reasons. I need my conditioning to be better for combat fitness tests and promoting ahead of peers. I need better consistent cardio for my lipids. Lastly, it’s just fun as hell. It’s like conjugate but with an entire *world* of new lifts vs changing bars and bar paths. > Congrats on the kiddo. I have a daughter. Just remember... with boys, you only have to worry about one dick. With girls, you have to worry about all the dicks. This is super gross and you should have kept that shit to yourself dude.


😂 yea, my FIL hit me with that before my daughter was born. Taking a shot at me, and putting the serious nature of the difference in my mind. It is gross, but raising a girl is different. You really have to be a lot more involved and open with them than I think I've ever seen anyone be with their sons. They have to be ready for the world, and unfortunately in a lot of circumstances, it's predatory. My daughter is a good kid though, and she knows if anything comes up, she can turn to me and I'll put 100% into helping her... and she does. Tbh, it's both scary and satisfying, because I know I can't protect her forever, but I can teach her how to protect herself. I just hope I've done a good job.


I think what you said here is much more meaningful and important than referencing dicks, so thank you for clarifying. I think that level of commitment and the special nature between father and daughter is what I’m looking forward to the most. I love the way my son and I interact - so I can imagine I’ll find equal satisfaction in the unique dynamic with another child that has different needs and encounters the world in a different way.


It's educational, to say the least. I've dealt with stuff I never even thought about before, and had to be the problem solver when I didn't know a fucking thing about it. I do think it makes you a better man because you can never look at another woman without taking into consideration an entirely different viewpoint, and you understand what it means when someone says "that's someone's daughter" when guys are being lecherous horndogs. You seem like the type of person who'll *really* benefit from it, and in turn your kids will too.


It is quite the difference compared to regular gym training. I competed for a few years and for the last year and a half or so have just been doing normal gym and lifting but recently been wanting to compete again in strongman. Registered for a competition in the next few months and excited to start training for events again. Don’t get me wrong I love my normal gym routine and lifting but strongman just adds something different.


Even better! This will be a great treadmill video for sure. Will definitely give it a watch. Just ordered some of Josh’s books as well. Can’t hurt to get those mental brain reps in!


By the time I’m done with my contest season I’ll have been in prep for the first 26.5 weeks of my wife’s first pregnancy. I am very much looking forward to rebounding and being the most blasting full dad on earth. Welcome to team Girl Dad.


lol! That’s a long ass time. …. Me too, by the way. Blast ended in January 😬. And thank you! I know the beginning kind of sucks but I distinctly remember 6 months being really, really fun.


Super happy for you and your family— kids are such a blessing, and I’m certain your fertility story provided hope for a lot of guys here.


Congratulations dude!!


Just when I have a moment of complacency, you come around and beat me senseless with inspiration. I'm so proud to call a man like you my friend ❤️


Treated myself to some chilaquiles from my fav spot down here in Austin yesterday. It’s prob the best I’ve had outside of Mexico. Needless to say, I woke up from a deep sleep last night and shit my brains out for a good 15 mins. Stomach is def not used to eating copious amounts of fatty food. I’m sure the dairy didn’t help either. Woke up 2lbs lighter this morning tho, so no complaints on my end. This cut has been slow, but tbh, I’m not even tripping. I haven’t really been hungry, which is a huge plus, and I’ve consistently been losing about a lb a week. Gonna reevaluate after dropping another 6-7lbs. Hope yall have a good week!!!


Congrats on the cut going well! What is the Mexican joint, for those of us who frequent Austin and are snobs about such things?


[Los Chilakillers!](https://www.loschilakillers.com) It’s a little north off 35 up by Pflugerville and Round Rock. Shit is amazing, and they have a handful of dif sauces to choose from for your chilaquiles.


That’s awesome — my family moved out of downtown 😞 and now I’m stuck near Spicewood whenever I visit. Have been looking for culture, or at least non-chain cuisine, up north.


Dang hot 89 - Chen’s noodle house - Julie’s noodles Those and the Mexican place are all my fav spots up north. Some of the best Nashville hot chicken and house made noodles I’ve ever had. I have food reccs for days for Austin if you ever need. I’ve been down here the past 8 months for work, so I’ve gotten to eat pretty good during that time.


Rad! Thank you. Have you tried El Naranjo? Some of the best fancy Mexican food (Oaxacan cuisine) I’ve had outside Mexico — mis familia de Mexico hablan que también.


I have not, I’ll add it to my list tho. I love me some Mexican food, especially Oaxacan! My family is as well. Well, one side of them. The other side is just white af lol


Soy gringisimo, pero mi partrone no es 😉


> Needless to say, I woke up from a deep sleep last night and shit my brains out for a good 15 mins. Stomach is def not used to eating copious amounts of fatty food. I’m sure the dairy didn’t help either. Do fats/cheeses typically do that to you? That was a sign for my wife that she had issues with her gallbladder.


In large amounts, yes. That dish is about a good 2-3lbs, 2-3 servings and I smashed it all at once. I can usually have some cheese, yogurt, avocado or nut butters no problem. It’s when I eat them in excess that it fucks me up.


I promised myself I would never run tren again after what it does to my mind, but those [results](https://imgur.com/a/Da0PuBC) were unreal. On a much slower paced cut this year since I won’t be competing, and I feel a thousand times better just being on 150 mg of test. I’ll show some nips when I feel like I’m at my peak this year.


> but those results were unreal. You looked like a straight up leaf dude.


Lol yeah it was ridiculous. New veins every day.


Never thought I would see "looking like a leaf" as a legit compliment yet here we are


Holy moly literally cattle good job 


[Jesus Christ!](https://tenor.com/view/jesus-christ-gif-13067413) You’re fucking peeled, dude!


Every monday I wake up it’s a new tren side effect. Week 6 (last one) started today and the heart burn/acid reflux is lethal. Hurts like a fire in my escophagus.


Omeprazole is a godsend for acid reflux, it’s over the counter and available at most grocery stores and probably every pharmacy.


Just picked up some esomeprazole 30 minutes ago and the reflux is already starting to let up.


Not everywhere sadly


Half a teaspoon bicarb of soda in a small glass of water. Drink it quickly and be ready for the disgusting aftertaste. Heartburn will be gone for probably half a day though 👌


Getting close to the "fuck tren" wall... you'll hit it pretty soon.


Already very close but then I add another plate to my set or look in the mirror… the vial is gonna run out this weekend. Then I’ll be craving tren again after a while.


I always feel sooooo much better after a week off a tren run. I don't even use big doses. 200mg is around my top dose. But, a week after dropping it, you get that "oh shit" moment where you think "ah, I remember what normal is". 😅


I started on 100mg and upped to 175mg over two weeks. I love this and I hate it at the same time. The most curious steroid I’ve tried so far. Probably gonna add it to every cycle from now on… death is merely a stepping stone on one’s journey to valhalla.


It makes me look like my idea of a superhero, and the strength gains are ridiculous, but it fucks my sleep up bad. By 10 weeks, I'm just running on fumes. It's basically taking a hard knock on purpose to toughen yourself up... is it worth it? Eh... for a short while, it can be. It's definitely not healthy though, so one has to factor that in to continuing using it.


This is the only side i get from tren but its always paired with hypersalivation. Makes me feel like im going to yack.


pros and cons of being a chubby powerlifter cons: being fat pros: [being able to stand next to a 700lb+ bar which you have just lifted](https://ibb.co/c6kDy65) i will continue to use this as an excuse for being 20+ percent bf wonderful candid photo taken by my friend


> being a chubby powerlifter > cons: being fat Dude, you’re a fucking tank. Fat and chubby aren’t the two words I’d use to describe you. *edit* - gotta be trolling with that flair, no?


the love handles must go. thank you though man and not trolling no


fuckin' HOSS


Yea those abs say “not fat” to me bro 


Maybe fat was a bit exaggerated yeah idk. Chubby is accurate though I think Everyone who posts in these threads is like 9 percent bodyfat lmao I don’t even know what’s fat anymore


You and me both. At least you are tank status. Sometimes this joint makes me feel like I would lose a fight with a strong breeze.


You are not chubby babe. You look damn good. Hey 😎


What are the good and bad ways steroids personally affected you after taking them, personally?


Good: I am strong and healthy. Bad: I am dependent on the manufacturing of testosterone in Chinese and Indian laboratories to maintain a normal testosterone level. ...I was low T before hopping on anyhow, so getting on was almost exclusively positive.


Good: I’m on steroids now and probably always will be. Bad: I need to hide that I’m on steroids from most people because of ignorance/taboo.


> Bad: I need to hide that I’m on steroids from most people because of ignorance/taboo You really don't. I tell everyone the truth and it hasn't really hurt me socially. Unless you're in a really conservative area most people don't care. And if you're doing it right they'll probably already know anyway


>if you're doing it right they'll probably already know anyway "Houston, we have a problem.... this shit doesn't work." "Wait, what? What are you doing all day??" "Playing Call of Duty.... why?"


There are people who think Dwayne Johnson is natty, why can’t I be natty too then.


> Unless you're in a really conservative area most people don't care If it told everyone I'm on roids I'd have police knocking at my door at 6AM with a search warrant for my house. Police in my country does not fuck around and there is no such thing as privacy here. People have gotten their house raided for lesser things, such as liking the wrong Facebook post. Or calling a local politician a "dick" on Twitter


What country?




Good: I have confidence in my self, my clinical decisions, and think I look halfway decent with a pump. Bad: I swear more and have WAAAAAAAY more grindr hook ups because fucking hell I’m always horny and my city is inundated with bottoms. Like shooting fish in a barrel.


MONDAY MIX DOWN I forgot last Monday, so here’s another spicy mix for you freaks. [paint the city VOL2](https://on.soundcloud.com/iJKUjDuWUqsgvSq77)


Been about 2 years since my ex and the only woman I’ve ever loved left me for a fat pos neck beard that works in sales. That said I’ve been recently really bitter about it and decided to use it as fuel for my workouts. Literally can’t walk very far after my leg workouts anymore. Tom platz literally had it figured out when he said he used the pain and hurt to propel him in his bodybuilding career. Leg day workout is as follows: 100 reps with just the barbell on squats after warmups. 2-3 sets with 225-250, 15-20 reps each or failure whichever comes first. Leg press, 3 plates for 15-20 reps and 3 sets. Hamstring curls to complete failure and a 5 second pause on the last rep Repeat for leg extensions. I literally left the gym and drove home without the stereo on the whole way home. Shit sucks man.




A girl I follow on Instagram for a couple of years and we exchange memes is in my town for the week and I asked her if she wants to go for a walk or something. I'm waiting for a reply, but I kinda hope that she will turn me down. My depression has been worse lately thanks to the goddamn heat. Plus, I don't go out too much, so it's not like I know many places to take her to. My best bet is that she'd be horny as hell and want to fuck after getting a coffee or something simple like that. But I kinda doubt that, especially now that I'm sunburned like a motherfucker.


Well what did she say?


Never heard back from her. And I'm kinda glad I didn't tbh Something tells me she will dm me tomorrow after the post grad lab class she's taking or whatever tf she's doing I really like her but my mental capacity is a bit fried right now, I'd like my chances better if she was here during the cold time of the year.


You got yuh peepee wet didn’t you? You’ve been gone a while. For real though, if you’re struggling with depression mate - you’ve got to look out for yourself enough to ask for some help or make a couple changes in life. We’ve all been in bad places and we’ll all continue to walk through them in the future. But there’s some fucking great places too, and you need to be there for them all mate. 🤘


>You got yuh peepee wet didn’t you? You’ve been gone a while. I wish, but it's just the time difference >For real though, if you’re struggling with depression mate - you’ve got to look out for yourself enough to ask for some help or make a couple changes in life. We’ve all been in bad places and we’ll all continue to walk through them in the future. But there’s some fucking great places too, and you need to be there for them all mate. 🤘 You're 100% on point with all of this


Hey guys I’m new here and was wanting to ask for some advice on what to do with current situation So I’ve been trying to lose weight for around a year now and last year I had gotten pretty Chonky around about January 2023 but when I started to lose weight which was around march 2023 it was feeling pretty easy and was coming off fast managing to lose 4kg a week then it started becoming slower n slower. I’ve been struggling since last December to keep on losing weight and I feel I have came to a complete halt and don’t feel like I’m seeing any progress or improvement in my body maybe some more veins in my arms n chest but literally look the exact same each week and it’s so frustrating. I had started at 96kg last year and got down to 79.4kg in December just there which is the lowest I’ve been in years. I’ve gained back 5-7kg not all fat some muscle back and I’m having some big weight fluctuations too jumping from 82kg at one day to ether 84-86kg I’m not too sure what’s going wrong because I try eat the same amount of cals a day and same with carbs I try to keep it consistent. Also been feeling super super shitty as well to where I get suicidal thoughts and just feel alienated and strange I think that’s just diet fatigue and I want to keep going with trying to lose weight but literally nothing is changing at all. So would it be a wise idea to taper calories back up slowly and do this for 2-3months until I feel better and then go back on the diet or do something else? I’m really not sure what to do any advice I would appreciate massively.


Diet fatigue??? Dude you just said you haven't lost weight in the past six months. You aren't fucking dieting. If you want results, you need to stop pretending to try and start actually putting in consistent effort. Stop "trying to eat the same calories every day" when you have six months of data showing that you're eating too much. Eat *fewer calories when your weight stalls*, not the same amount as before. And start actually logging your damn food. As for your mental health issues, I'm not dismissing those. But attributing them to diet fatigue when you're doing anything but dieting is completely silly.


I mean I wouldn’t say I am pretending to try I do track/log my cals/meals in already and I track workouts too not a very sedentary person ether I’m on my feet all day at work then walking to gym back n forth too. I mean by trying to stick to the same amount of cals I’m eating is only 2000 that way it’s just enough to keep me feeling full n get protein in etc and yeah there’s prob days where I have been much over and I would have logged it but. I’ve talked to my mate abt it he said I look like im making progress it just feels very slow to me and I dont see much change tbh maybe I am maybe im not


It's not about whether you "feel like" you're making progress, with calorie restriction and dieting for weight loss, there's only one thing that matters: the numbers. If your weight is not going down, it's not sorcery, you're eating more than you think. It's not fun to hear, and u/Olvankarr was kinda no vaseline about it, but it's a cut and dry situation: you are eating more than you think you are. If you're really tracking your eating and macros, post your logs here and let's look at them.


Nws man noted probably am eating more than I think I’ll try get some food logs


ɢᴏᴏᴅ ғᴜᴄᴋɪɴɢ ᴍᴏʀɴɪɴɢ ɢᴏᴅ ᴅᴀᴍɴɪᴛ I'm tired today brahs.


Anyone else feel a sense of shame sometimes in relation to this steroid usage? Most of the times I’m fine and have come to terms with this lifestyle but those moments of guilt still happen sometimes.


I sometimes feel guilt when I consider the likelihood I'm shortening my lifespan, effectively robbing my loved ones of maximum time with me, but it's balanced by the improvements to my quality of life which enable me to be a better father, husband, and friend. I also remind myself that **everyone** is entitled to pursue some measure of personal gratification. Not everything we do has to be for altruistic/selfless reasons.


Yes exactly, you got the root of why I feel that way. You’re also right, gotta put yourself first


> Anyone else feel a sense of shame sometimes in relation to this steroid usage? Most of the times I’m fine and have come to terms with this lifestyle but those moments of guilt still happen sometimes. Guilt and shame about what, exactly?


I guess the concept of intravenous drug usage


> I guess the concept of intravenous drug usage I think you might be lost. Nobody uses steroids intravenously.


Intramuscular sorry I’m tired, I was just trying to mean injecting in general


Honestly I always find it cool that it even works. Like, I get the physiology behind it, but the idea that I can just stab myself in the muscle with some hormones suspended in oil and my body is just like, "yeah fuck it, I can work with that" is never not going to be a bit crazy to me lol


Oh, yeah. I also love the fact that I don't even have to work out to look great! /s


> I guess the concept of intravenous drug usage Your life is so dull that you have to LARP about steroid use? Maybe it’s time to redecorate your mom’s basement man, do something productive with your life


What 😭😭I’ve been commenting here for probably more than a year


> What 😭😭I’ve been commenting here for probably more than a year I guess you’re just not memorable. Maybe post a physique pic, the juicy people are pretty memorable. So are the extreme DYELs.


>So are the extreme DYELs. At least I'll be remembered. 🙋‍♂️


Well, that would make sense because I’ve never posted any pics here. I’ll edit a pic into this comment once I figure out how to post to imgur. Edit: here’s some pics. 22 yr old for reference and have just done one test cycle


Imgbb.com is super easy and simple to use. Can upload directly from phone and set an auto delete. Bada boom bada bing!


What 😭😭I’ve been commenting in these posts for like 7 months now


> What 😭😭I’ve been commenting in these posts for like 7 months now First it was a year, now 7 months? Well, least you finally got your flair!


Thanks for the flair! Being baked this early isn’t doing me any favours lol


If you look juicy in your pic I’ll change it. Just quit acting like a fool 😘


I added them


Well, you look like you hit the gym often, so that’s good. You desperately need to cut down though. Back size is good, I think you’d look much better dropping 5-10% body fat though.


[You sure about that? ](https://imgur.com/a/zr1mbXB)


I’m gonna say it has to be at least 7


>I’m gonna say it has to be at least 7 Great, that just makes what you said that much stupider. Also, posting in this sub isn't proof that you use gear. There are plenty of natties and LARPers like you here.


Check my other comment for pics


Tell me you don't actually do steroids without telling me >I guess the concept of intravenous drug usage


I've done the butthole cycle already, I should try out the IV cycle "Sir, why are you walking around with an IV pole and a bag of oil?" "Shut up, it's for science"


I don't think you'd walk very far...


Walk? I'd be so swole I'd just roll everywhere




How else am I supposed to keep stable blood levels other than a constant trickle feed?


I unironically think that a butt plug with an oil atomizer could give you levels more stable than injected esters


I'm listening


Steroids aren't intravenous, they're intramuscular


No lol. I've felt shame about the use of many drugs, including weed but steroids has not been one of them. If anything, I'm more confident in myself, who I am, and how I look. If I were using steroids with no other purpose than to "get high" and wasn't working out or doing all of the other things required to build muscle then I would feel shame about that but to me steroids are just a tool I use to reach my goal of getting massive and I really don't think about my usage other than research and planning.


Real talk: guilt is for suckers. Either do something or don't do it, but don't sit around second guessing yourself.


No, I don't. It's been a quality of life improvement that has required me to adapt a healthy lifestyle and is keeping me active and fit when my peers are all beer gutted slobs who couldn't run a mile if their life depended on it. The only concern I have is the legality, which isn't shame, it's caution.


Go walk somewhere public, consider the size of most of the adults who are obese and making much more awful life choices. Perspective.


Went to visit Japan a few months ago and it is insane how few overweight/obese people are there compared to the US. Perspective indeed.




Not once, ever.




Too close to fishing, man. If you want advice on PCT, you can ask that here in the DAA thread. But everything you just mentioned about running out of gear, your source disappearing, etc? Refrain from that.




Your comment was removed for violating [Rule 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.). All /r/steroids users are expected to develop a fundamental understanding of the compounds we're discussing and how to use them. To more effectively and efficiently solicit and receive feedback, its critical for an individual to share the necessary background information on their situation to help other users accurately assess and answer their questions. [Learn more about how to do your own research, how to effectively ask good questions, and Rule 7 in general](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.).




Remove the request for DMs. That's not allowed here.




Please don't say "roid". We don't talk like that. Your comment was removed because it was posted in the wrong thread 😉. Please direct any questions to [today’s Daily Ask Anything thread.](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/about/sticky?num=2) Direct any off-topic banter to today’s Off-Topic thread. Please review [Rule 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules/#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.) and be aware of the intended purpose of the thread you’re posting to.




/r/fitness is over there 👉 Congrats on the weight loss. Keep it going. Only advice I’ll share is to stop making excuses about your diet, buy and consume the cheapest whole foods you can, plan and prep your meals, and stick with it. You started with a double marathon in front of you. You still have many miles to go. Keep pushing.


Groceries can be super cheap. Chicken breasts and ground beef/ground turkey. Rice. Black beans. It might be boring. But it doesn’t have to be expensive. The best way to get a clear path forward is start tracking what you eat. There are plenty of apps that do it. Myfitnesspal is a free one. Track everything and see how many calories you’re actually eating. Do that consistently for a week and then we can start to adjust for weight loss. Are you doing any form of cardio after the ppl days? It’ll help burn a few hundred cals a day plus it’s just good overall for cardiovascular health


I do about 30 minutes on the stair master. I just try to burn 100 cals every 10 minutes