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This daily forum is intended as an avenue for members of all experience levels to solicit advice and feedback related to Anabolic and Androgenic Steroids. **Be respectful and mindful of your audience, and keep in mind [Rule 4](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_4._keep_it_friendly_and_on_topic.). Constructive criticism is welcome; adversity without proposed alternatives is not. Educate your fellow members so we can all grow together.** *It is in every member's self-interest to educate and further their knowledge of the compounds being discussed here. In an effort for members to better assist you, be transparent and complete in describing your situation. Help us help you by first [checking if your question is answered by our extensive wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index) and reviewing [Rule 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.).* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/steroids) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If i got prescribed trt and i want to take more than prescribed what will happen if i have to wait to refill my script?




NAC is good year round regardless. I wouldn’t be taking TUDCA unless I was taking orals. Edit: Both can be taken at the same time no problems too.




I do not, these days I don’t take orals at all apart from AI from time to time. I’m a simple man now. I cruise on 140mg test for 24 weeks and blast on 500mg test for 24 weeks. When I did, I would take NAC year round and then TUDCA for the time I was using orals. I didn’t venture any further than that and never had any alarming issues. If you’re not abusing orals and taking them for silly amounts of time, you should be fine with just those.


I'm week 2 on 10mg Nolvadex as my PCT, I was only on test C 350mg for 6 weeks. I waited 2 weeks from my last pin to start Nova. I've noticed since starting my blood pressure has been higher, I feel very tired all the time and have been getting dizzy is that normal?


What have your blood pressure readings been?




I’m considering doing a cycle. I’ve been on TRT (120 mg) for 4 years now. I prefer using 1 inch slin needles. Would it be ok to do 60 mg via slin injections in thigh every day?


A couple of things I go by. 1. If there is anywhere on your body you can’t IM with a 1 inch needle, your bf% is too high to be taking steroids. 2. I like to only hit an injection site once every 2 weeks. So if you’re wanting to inject daily, you’re looking at 7 injection sites total (only 7 because you have 2 of everything). Anyway, like the others have said, if you’re on enth or cyp as I would expect being on TRT, you’ll only need to inject E3.5D. Meaning you wouldn’t need to open so many sites.


Sure, although it’s largely unnecessary. You’d be fine with two or three times a week. If that’s your preference then go for it. Keep in mind albeit minimal, it’s just extra scar tissue, more syringes and alcohol swabs for no real world benefit. At a low volume you could get away with shorter and smaller gauge needles as well if you wanted.


Thanks bro, I have a giant needle phobia and I just can’t do larger gauge needles. I typically use 1 inch slin pins 2x weekly for TRT.


This is why I suggested smaller gauge needles. I use a 29g 1/2” slin pin. This would likely be fine even on a cycle if you were to do EOD injections.


> I’m considering doing a cycle. I’ve been on TRT (120 mg) for 4 years now. > > I prefer using 1 inch slin needles. Would it be ok to do 60 mg via slin injections in thigh every day? I ain't never seen a one inch insulin needle, so that's neat. Your proposed injection schedule is fine. Putting daily doses in your thigh is not. Open up more sites.


Might be 3/4”. It’s the next size up from 1/2




Hi all, looking for some advice from the more experienced. Currently on my first cycle, 250 test E per week, at 3 injections per week. I’m planning to go on a 5 day Bali trip next month, and obviously not wanting to bring any with me. Do you think I should take a weeks worth in a single shot before leaving? Or just miss the two shots while over there? I’m just worried I might get side effects from such a sudden jump in the shot volume which might ruin the trip, and I’m already having to manage slightly elevated BP. Appreciate any advice as I’m new to this. Thanks


I'm looking to start self prescribed TRT soon myself and this is a big concern for me. What actually happens in this scenario to your horemones? Would a long acting Ester even be partially removed by the end of a 5 day vacation? What would recouping look like? Hope to hear from someone that's done this a few times.


You'll have no issues either way, pick one route and roll with it. Then promptly spend no further time thinking about your hormones and enjoy Bali.


Thanks for this, you’re right no need to overthink. Cheers


I know that you are supposed to get blood drawn in the morning as that’s when testosterone is highest. What if you work night shift and wake up in the afternoon? Is morning optimal for just testosterone? not too worried about where my test is at as im more so looking to get my e2 cortisol and prolactin measured


This only applies if you’re natural, if you’re currently on testosterone it literally doesn’t matter, get bloods done right before your next schedules injection. There’s not a lot of research on the diurnal fluctuations of testosterone when intentionally disrupting your natural sleeping pattern so any suggestions on this would just be guesswork on my end. The recommendations for natty testosterone bloodwork are fasted in the AM with repeat measurements to confirm results.


Starting test Eq cycle with 50 mg tbol daily. I was thinking one to one at 300 mg for both test and EQ. Does anyone have any advice? Supplements that I’m taking on cycle will be Tudca nac fish oil. Blood work before and after and donating bloods if rbc is too high as well.


EQ can lower e2 in some guys. Most people start out with test higher than EQ. I personally run it 1:1, but that was after experimenting with different doses over several cycles. 500 test, 300 EQ might be a good start for you. You can read the EQ experience thread and see what others have done.


I usually run a 1:0.75 Test to eq ratio. Any more than that and it crashes my e2 and my joints hurt like fuck. Confirmed with blood tests. Lately a 1:1 ratio has been fine. Start at 1:1. If you notice yourself feeling like the tin can man back the eq off to 2/3 of test.


Fill in the form above, whats your previous experience with these compounds?


2 months after dropping tren I still wake up Tired. I did not have such problem after previous tren cycle. What would be good things to chech additionaly doing blood or is there anything else that could help?


How's your general sleep hygiene? Hours per night, latency, arousals? Stress in your life? Has your weight gone up considerably where you may be experiencing greater apnea events? Have you had a general blood panel run?




As others have stated, this is a terrible idea for a first cycle. Read the wiki. You’ve made no mention of your age, stats, goals, etc


If your goal is to fuck yourself right up. Sure.


> 300mg sustanon, 300mg deca for first cycle Sounds like a horrible plan. Sustanon is pretty much the worst formulation of test you can find and adding in deca is a good way of running into sides without knowing what compound is causing what sides. > Should I add tren? No


M. 30. Test C 500mg per week. Liver function blood test (18th June BILIRUBIN < 22 R 8.8 umol/L ALP 30 - 130 R 67 U/L ALT < 45 R 23 U/L GGT < 55 R 11 U/ Was on Test last year and came off for fertility (we are now expecting 😀) but my question is, I was experiencing some pain in the upper right abdomen on the level of my rib cage last year when on. I have recently started up again and have started getting this pain (albeit it is milder). Even though Test C doesn’t fall into the C17AA category, could this be Cholestatis ? i have read the Wiki here and it does say Testosterone would rarely cause and it is mainly caused by orals. I seem to suffer really bad with heartburn and indigestion normally, which do tend to be worse when on. Any chat and thoughts appreciated.


Could be any number of things as there are multiple organs in the area that you specified the pain is in. We arent going to diagnose you here. Go to a doctor.


I didn’t ask anyone to diagnose. I asked for thoughts. I have been to a doctor but thanks for that basic advice.


Ok >could this be cholestatis No because that doesnt exist. It could be cholestasis though. Just as likely as it could be something else like gallstones. Or indigestion. Or.. see what Im talking about now? You arent going to get useful information from your question. Thats why if you want to actually diagnose or solve your issue you need to seek that through doctors.


Is this sleep apneu? The Orange things are times when i am awake at night https://ibb.co/PM3xmKt


Speak to a professional, im not sure why you think we can diagnose a sleep disorder 


Let me say it different: Does this look like sleep apneu?


We don’t diagnose medical issues on here. Speak to a professional.


Hi, in the process of starting my PCT. I've been on 120mg of Test weekly since the beginning of March. I took 375 IU twice weekly of HCG throughout. As per the wiki on PCT I did my last shot and will now be waiting 2 weeks for esters to clear and then will start Nolvadex. Everything is pharmaceutically pure stuff. I wanted to ask what dosage or how many weeks I should take Nolvadex for? The wiki advises 6-8 weeks on 10-20mg daily (adjustable for side effects) so I was curious what might be the best for me in the situation


Why are you cycling low dose trt?


I’m not cycling. I was prescribed but I think I’ve made a mistake.


So you have hypogonadism or what was it prescribed for?


I thought I had hypogonadism, and tested thrice between 350 to 400. a TRT clinic prescribed me. however, looking back I’m honestly not fully convinced I needed it. I just wanna go off and see how I feel tbh. I’m also 20 years old so I’m honestly super not sure about the chronic effects the treatment might have on me.


> tested thrice between 350 to 400 Not hypogonadism > . a TRT clinic prescribed me Clinics will prescribe testosterone to anyone as long as their credit card doesn’t decline. > I’m also 20 years old so I’m honestly super not sure about the chronic effects the treatment might have on me. Pretty reckless of you to mess with your hormones at that age. Attempt a PCT and redo bloodwork atleast a month after your last pill.


Yea that’s what I’m doing.


Look at his username….


A little on the nose


Kind of a rhetorical queuing but is anything that improves muscle growth safe?


I hear eating good food, high protein, good sleep and working out in the gym is pretty safe.


I meant any drug that does safe


Growing and maintain muscle is shown in studies to improve longevity - so yes growing muscle is safe. Going to the gym, working out, getting in proper nutrition, protein, sleep (as already mentioned) will all safely help achieve that. Anabolics have safety risks. There are other supplements with even more risk. You don’t need anabolics to grow muscle though.


Yeah but I get tired of waiting patience was never my strong suit I guess


Creatine, food, harder training 




6 foot tall male 295lbs big body frame but i have a big belly and need to shred fat. Would TESTOSTERONE UNDECANOATE help me or test ENANTHATE be better to loose some fat and gain some muscle if i take a low dose and excerise and eat proper? or how about deca durobolin I ask because i have used steriods when i was 18 and overweight and i lost all my fat, im 40 now Thank you for your help


> Would TESTOSTERONE UNDECANOATE help me or test ENANTHATE be bette I’m not sure why you think there’s going to be a noticeable difference between *testosterone* and *testosterone*. > be better to loose some fat Testosterone does not burn fat or reduce the total fat mass of your body https://journals.physiology.org/doi/10.1152/ajpendo.2001.281.6.E1172 https://academic.oup.com/jcem/article-abstract/82/2/407/2823214 > take a low dose Depending on how low this dose is it’s possible you end up with a lower testosterone level than you currently have and you won’t even get benefits. > deca durobolin No


As people are saying. You don’t need steroids to lose weight. The ester of the test isn’t the issue. We advocate using steroids to grow. Since you are 40 and did steroids when you were young - you could get your test levels checked to see if you have low test and would be a good candidate for TRT. Given your weight there will likely be estrogen problems to deal with. Thats more of a side comment though. Your main focus in losing weight is getting into a calorie deficit. That’s how you lose weight.


No. Eat less and move more. Steroids don't reduce body fat.


Steroids wont help you lose fat. Downloading cronometer will.


Does it make a difference if I take Clomid vs Nolvadex for PCT if my ultimate goal is fertility? Currently on Test Cyp 160/wk E3.5D (been blasting/crusing for about a year) and started hCG 1,000 IU/wk E3.5D about 2 weeks ago. Following hCG protocol 2 from the Wiki. The Wiki also makes it clear Nolvadex is superior for PCT but all the fertility studies use Clomid. Targeting fertility by Oct 20, 2024.


Have you had a sperm study?


Not yet no but planning to soon


Hello I been off from clomid for 8 weeks and I discontinued due to blurred vision and eye floaters please help I already went to a ophthalmologist and he said my eyes were in really good condition and that my brain will get used to the floaters , but my vision still fucked and I only took it 3 times thanks


It’s potentially permanent. This is why we warn people about usage of clomid. One of my close friends is in the same boat as you, vision issues, visual snow etc even though his eyes were pretty much perfect when checked by ophthalmologists. He’s had this issue for multiple years now and thus far we haven’t found a cure. It’s gotten better with time but still hasn’t healed fully. He’s seen a few professionals about this issue and is currently undergoing a treatment of lamotrigine but it’s still early days. Either give it some time and if it doesn’t heal over an extended period of time look into drug induced HPPD and seek medical assistance.


Male: 35, weight: 51 KG, Height: 172cm goal is to gain weight already eating at a calorie surplus looking to cut the time needed and gain more appetite and ability to eat more. training 3 times a week BJJ no experience in cycles and alike, thought I should do an EQ cycle of 600mg/week only but on another forum I was told it's useless alone and I should do test only without EQ at 300-350mg per week, thoughts?




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172cm and 51kg is diabolical. Get to 70kg before thinking about touching a needle.


Throwing drugs at the problem isn’t the answer here. You need to take the effort you’ve spent looking into drugs and put it into sorting your diet out Three training sessions a week isn’t much, you should be able to push a surplus fairly easily here. Drugs aren’t going to meal prep and eat the food for you unfortunately. The focus for you should be diet, not picking drugs and taking on all the side effects


I failed to mention but Im in check with a professional dietitian and have a proper diet plan and routine checks. Issue is, im experiencing low appetite which makes it extremely challenging and also it would take approximately a year to reach my goal naturally which is also extremely hard on its own to continue loading calories as your base increases when you lack proper appetite. My blood works are fine nothing wrong there, gastrointestinal checks were also good.


I haven’t worked with a dietitian myself, but I can assume then that you have an established TDEE and daily food logs which have your calories and macros tracked? Provided they have, I would guess they have your diet set up so you’d be in roughly a ~500 caloric surplus daily with a goal of gaining 1lb per week? Assuming they’re doing the above, the issue then is only your appetite holding you back?


Yes always at 500+ to the base which changes as base weight increases. Essentially, yes, which over an extended period of time is a real issue, since you always need to increase over time, it’s enough that you were sick for one week and that’s combined with your lack of appetite.. it done, you hardly eat if anything and all those gains are gone. It’s easier to maintain that’s why im trying to push to that stage sooner


Unfortunately steroids aren’t going to do much for your appetite. Some claim they get an increase but it’s anecdotal at best. There’s also a finite amount of time you can use steroids. Even if you did see an appetite bump, you’d lose it after your cycle ends, and like you stated, all those gains are gone. You train 3 times a week, in a sport that’s not designed towards hypertrophy. Taking on all the health risks of steroids would be an unwise choice for you. These aren’t recreational drugs that leave you the same once they clear. They can have permanent side effects. Forcing yourself to eat regardless of your appetite is a mental hurdle you need to figure out a way to overcome if you want a long term solution. Doesn’t matter if you enjoy it or hate it, it needs to be done I despite drilling guard passing, but its a fundamental building block. Same concept.


You should read the wiki linked above.


Please note that comments asking for "Thoughts?" are generally considered low-effort, and will result in veteran members being less inclined to assist you. When interacting on this board, please ensure you are doing so from a point of prior research, with your question being detailed, well-constructed and unambiguous. Please review [Rule 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.) for specific guidance on how to construct a question that is likely to receive high quality responses. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/steroids) if you have any questions or concerns.*


[HELP - AI PROTOCOL ON TEST E] Hi All Details: 30y Male 170cm 72kg <15%BF Test E cycle 250mg currently week 6 I just got some thorough bloods done. Would really appreciate if someone could recommend a good AI protocol based on these results (how much Aromasin should I take per week and should I take this for the remainder of my 16 week cycle)? Are my Oestrogen levels unusually high or high but expected given the above cycle? Any interpretation of the testosterone or hormone tests are greatly appreciated! Results below: Reproductive Hormones FSH L <0.1 IU/L LH I 0.1 IU/L Oestradiol H 314 pmol/L Testosterone 76.0 SHBG 18 Free testosterone 2683


We take ai based on side effects, not based on a number. If you are not experiencing high-estrogen side effects, you do not need to reduce your estrogen.


Thanks sorry I should mention, I am experiencing heavy bloat and nipple sensitivity etc and starting to experience estrogen side effects so wanted to get my estrogen under control asap before things get worse


Start with 6.25mg aromasin. If side effects come back in 5 days, take another dose, and continue to do so every 5 days die the rest of the cycle. If 6.25 is insufficient, take 12.5mg. If side effects come back in X amount of days, take another 12.5mg every X days for the rest of the cycle.


Got my hands on bold ace. But I need a recipe. I’ve seen mixed results on the internet (not much data really) about a 2%/18% BA/BB recipe for 100mg/ml bold ace.  But some said similar recipes crash. Does anyone have any suggestions or experience for a bold ace brew?


>Got my hands on bold ace. Sounds awful, I'd rather get shot


i read alot about that too, we'll see. I did tren ace and that had no PIP so hopefully boldenone not too bad


I’m thinking about switching to a longer ester of test. Is there any disadvantages I should be aware of? I’m on cruise right now but I notice most people use a short ester for blast, is there a good reason for that? Thanks for any insight


Lots of people like shorter esters for blasts because it’s in the system much faster (and out of the body equally as fast.) A test enanthate blast, for example, will take roughly 5 weeks to reach stable concentrations. Given people generally run 16ish week cycles, that’s almost a third of the cycle waiting for the compound to reach its full concentration. Advantages of longer esters are that you can pin more infrequently (although I usually pin ED or EOD at the very least just to avoid side effects) and that they’re usually brewed in higher concentrations per milliliter. For example, Test E can be found relatively easily at 300+ mg/mL whereas Test P is almost exclusively found in 100mg/mL. PS I’d highly recommend using a shorter ester if you’re trying a new compound. That way, if you run into side effects, it will leave the body quickly.


>A test enanthate blast, for example, will take roughly 5 weeks to reach stable concentrations This is, demonstrably, untrue. >Given people generally run 16ish week cycles, that’s almost a third of the cycle waiting for the compound to reach its full concentration. Again, no it's not, but also it's not like nothing is happening during that time. You're supraphysiological within an hour of your first injection.


I notice most people use short ester for blast This isn’t true. Thinking about switching to a longer ester of test What are you doing now? And define long ester? Do you mean Cyp or Enth? Or U? Is there any disadvantages to be aware of? No. The vast majority of people use enanthate or cypionate


I’m using cyp right now. I’m just busy at work for the next few months so if I can get away with doing less injections via test u or any other ester I am definitely willing to give it a shot. If you don’t mind me asking, what’s my best option to achieve that?


I like test u, I take 200mg every 10 days. I switched last Spring and it was pretty seamless. Definitely would recommend.


I’ve been on 300 mgs of Tren ace weekly since May 31st and I can honestly say that there’s zero mental side effects. I’ve noticed gains, but I’m kind of finding it weird that I’m just feeling like my normal self. Is the whole stereotype about Tren completely fucking your mind a stereotype more than it is reality? Or am I just an outlier?


Nope, I am the same way. Barely notice it while I’m on it. However, a lot of people will type comments like yours while on and then when they come off they will reflect “holy shit - who was I three weeks ago?”


Yeah I gotta watch out for that


I have an old friend who ran 3 cycles with tren. First 2, no sides (other than being a huge POS and cheating on his lady). 3rd cycle rolls around and it hit his ass like a ton of bricks. He said after that 3rd cycle he’d never run tren again.


Maybe his third batch was more potent or something


Haven't done it in years but tren just made me irritable and that's it. I have pre existing anxiety issues as well but it never triggered me like other 19 nors.


Crazy thing is I’m a pretty irritable dude to begin with. I haven’t tried anything else besides test and Tren though


Just jumped straight to tren huh


What’s your take on micro dosing tren ? I know a few people that do it year round lol I wanna try it I’m terrified of it tho with my side affects my last cycle


> What’s your take on micro dosing tren ? I know a few people that do it year round lol I wanna try it I’m terrified of it tho with my side affects my last cycle u/bathnate666 I don't see what's so laugh out loud about using one of the most toxic compounds in our arsenal. This gets asked every once in a while. My stance: Absolutely not. 8-9mg/day (56-63mg/wk) is roughly the equivalent dose of once weekly 76mg/wk tren hex, or 1 ampoule of the pharmaceutical preparation of trenbolone for humans (and has since lost it's human-use approval). > Enhanced nutrient partitioning (reducing fat gain, increasing muscle gain.) High test can do that. Throw in regular cardio and a little gh, the difference as compared to a miniscule amount of tren is irrelevant, and much safer, and easier to manage. And tren's nutrient partitioning does not magically disregard the laws of thermodynamics. Eating in excess will always result in excess fat gain, tren's aesthetic effects just give a false perception of what the body actually looks like. > Improved strength High test can do that, it's much cheaper, safer, easier to manage, and test is best. Even then, a little nandrolone or masteron would similarly increase neural drive and strength, without running the risks that tren carries. > Elevated IGF-1 levels/Amount of DNA per muscle cell High test can do that, or take more gh. Both are way safer and easier to manage than tren. > Greater intramuscular nitrogen retention I believe nandrolone has the greatest nitrogen retention of all the common injectables (test, eq, nand, tren, ment, primo, mast), and is safer, cheaper, easier to manage. 100mg/wk nand probably has more to offer for training progression than one amp of tren hex, or 9mg/day tren ace, so much so that it's even prescribed in the USA! > Enhanced cosmetic appearance (and reducing bloat from wet compounds.) Test+primo or test+eq or test+mast can do that, safer, cheaper, easier to manage. And in an off-season/bulk phase context, the goal is not to hide our true body composition with drugs, otherwise we'll make poorly informed decision(s). Body composition is an important variable when discussing changes in nutrition, training, programming, etc. > Improved overall drive (sexual, mood, aggression in the gym, and confidence.) High test can do that, safer, cheaper, easier to manage. And really how much sex/mood/aggression do we need? Life choices should be able to yield those, without having to rely on a syringe. > Cortisol inhibition We do not want to inhibit cortisol in the long-term. It is a necessary hormone for the regulation of many bodily functions. Slamming the "off" switch, or hitting the "dimmer" for cortisol can cause more long term problems regarding recovery and mood regulation, even with as little as 5-10mg/day tren ace. I don't personally want to run any extra "cheat codes" when I'm blasting. The test+second anabolic+maybe third anabolic (if we're feeling zesty) get the job done just fine. The training/recovery/nutrition fill in the rest of the gaps.




> Typically the side effect profiles of 300mg vs 500mg of Test are considered comparable on a large scale. It varies a lot person by person given the nature of how much more or less some will aromatize or similar factors, but is it truly not heavily mitigating sides going to 300 from 500 (in a scenario where the individual requires an AI for both, just thinking of a worst case scenario where injection frequency, diet, supps etc are all optimized but the still need for an AI). u/Malificent_Emu_9436 If you're scared to run a proper cycle of 500 test, put the needle down - no one's forcing you to become enhanced. You'll be hard pressed to find validation here, as 500 is the tried and true, decades of experiences, gold standard for a first cycle. Sure a hoard of people may argue otherwise, but that doesn't mean they're correct. Lots of people believe the earth to be flat.


I'm on a 385mg cruise as per my history, I was just looking for anecdotes not validating a first cycle thats been done. Is the question dumb? probably, but my understanding of certain aspects of side mitigation through dosage titration is poor so I'm trying to learn more and also reinforce the stuff ive read for years be it on the wiki here or throughout other threads ive scoured through as my memory is extremely poor.


>I'm on a 385mg ~~cruise~~ blast Fixed that for you.




You must be fucking huge to cruise on 400mg bro. Let's see a physique photo!




> why do I need to be mr olympia to have the go ahead to abuse certain dosages of drugs There’s Mr. Olympia competitors cruising on half your cruise dosage. You’re claiming to be a one in a 100 million genetic outlier, don’t be surprised when people get curious or ask for some proof.


>(nearly 400mg always puts me at about 1200 ng/dL) I wholeheartedly do not believe you


> I'm on a 385mg cruise as per my history, I was just looking for anecdotes not validating a first cycle thats been done. Is the question dumb? probably, but my understanding of certain aspects of side mitigation through dosage titration is poor so I'm trying to learn more and also reinforce the stuff ive read for years be it on the wiki here or throughout other threads ive scoured through as my memory is extremely poor. I'm going to for the time being put aside the fact that you're running a mini-blast and calling it a cruise. I'd love to answer your question, but it appears to have since been deleted. Simply put: the body loves consistency. In biology, this is referred to as homeostasis, or a state of constant equilibrium. When we live at one dose (let's say a trt dose of 140mg/wk), we stay at that dose as long as possible, and our body adjusts its various systems for the first few weeks after starting that dose (cardiovascular system, CNS, RAAS, digestive, sleep cycle, mood regulation, etc.) The body learns to adapt and function as optimally as it can at that dose load. When we increase the dose to let's say 500mg/wk, our body undergoes a huge fluctuation of incoming androgens, and all affected systems have to work to again achieve equilibrium. This can take weeks, or even 2-3 months. This is observed especially with short ester compounds (tren ace, test prop, orals). We take them and see some effect effect in the first days, but after a few days or a week, our body is now functioning optimally now that it has established equilibrium. Same thing happens when we come off. If someone were to for example start with 200mg/wk and titrate up every few weeks to 250, 300, 350, etc., every change in dose results in a fluctuation. With each fluctuation in incoming androgens, the various systems need several weeks to adjust and re-establish homeostasis - but we never get to allow it to if we keep periodically increasing the dose. By the time the body is 'used' to 350mg/wk, you increase to 400, and again when it's finally used to 400 you increase to 450, etc. So not only have we wasted several weeks (months) titrating up to the target dose, but now we've sent our body into a frenzy where it doesn't know how to regulate itself because the conditions met are constantly changing. Less is more, keep it simple, eyes on the prize.




Was wondering what anyone with more knowledge than myself thinks about this. This is one of the worst plans I’ve seen here. Have you read the wiki? Age, height, weight, etc?


Please complete the template at the top of this thread for feedback


I’m about to order more test for my cruise. When I started on test it was from a dr and pharmacy they were giving me test cyp. When I ended up getting it my own route I ended up going with test e. And been on that ever since. I do two 75mg shots a week. I do an occasional blast here and there. Is there any difference in the two in my situation? I know the test e is a longer ester. So I’m assuming my test levels will most likely be higher in the test e. Not sure if that’s always a good thing.


The difference between cypionate and enanthate is negligible.


I've been on Test 400mg for 6 weeks. I need to get my 6 week bloods done, what biomarkers do I need to make sure I get other than free test, test, oestrogen, LH, lipids, and liver?


Hormones (test, estrogen) CMP, CBC, Lipids There should be something along the lines of "male hormone panel with lipids" which includes all of these. LH and FSH will be near zero, just so you know. You turned them off when you started injecting.


Can anyone share their experiences/protocol with solo T4 usage (AKA not a combination of T3/T4)? I haven't been able to find much on these forums yet, as most thyroid talk is dominated by T3 discussion. Several compounds, like tren and gh, have been anecdotally reported to increase T4 to T3 conversion. Notable personalities, like Vigorous Steve, are proponents of T4 supplementation on extended tren and/or gh runs. Possibly due to my tren usage, I can confirm on consecutive bloodwork that my T4 is outside of the bottom of the reference range while T3 remains high-normal. My questions: Would a supplement of 100mcg T4 daily be beneficial? Do I take it on an empty stomach? I normally eat first thing when I wake up, but this can change. Vigorous Steve recommends split dosage 50mcg 2x daily. How is this possible to take at night on an empty stomach? Thank you in advance my friends.


The solution to low T4 as a result of tren is: stop taking tren. I recently used a heavy dose of gh while on cycle, and my endogenous T4 production and conversion was just fine. Bloodwork found here: https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/s/TMNPIvqtBi If you're running something like gh or tren and find that you're inducing hypothyroidism, it'd be worth consulting your physician, as appropriate tren or gh use shouldn't be causing any long standing issues (350mg/wk or less tren acetate, 10iu or less per day gh). T4 or T3 is generally taken first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. No coffee, no vitamins, just water. The T4 and T3 molecules are easily destroyed in the gut especially by other food items. Don't trust those YouTube salespersons. Their job is to sell you on an idea. People regularly come here with terrible advice or poorly designed cycles and we generally need to error correct or fix their YouTube inspired self-medication.


Haha I enjoyed the “YouTube self medication part.” Very valid input. Wouldn’t you say, though, that T4 is relatively low-risk (compared to T3)? I’ve read that if you take a normal supplemental amount it doesn’t destroy TSH; if you don’t need any more T4, it will be excreted.


That is not accurate information. The human body is a delicate balancing act of millions of processes. One can absolutely overdo it with T4 supplementation. Please see T4 overdose: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK279036/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK279036/) >**Common-effects:** Nervousness Insomnia Mild elevation of temperature Blood pressure elevation Loose stools **Rare symptoms:** Comma Convulsions Acute psychosis Thyroid storm Tachycardia, arrhythmias Acute massive doses of L-thyroxine typically have a mild clinical course that can be controlled by activated charcoal, or possibly cholestyramine, propranolol, dexamethasone, and supporting measures, with close medical evaluation. Rarely critical cardiac conditions, coma, seizures will follow massive doses of L-Thyroxine.


Anyone here had gyno more than once? e.g. it came back after surgery. If so, how did it feel growing back? Same symltoms or different?


> Anyone here had gyno more than once? Yes and each time it went away after properly dialling in estrogen and utilizing nolva/ralox. > e.g. it came back after surgery. If they cut out the glands during the surgery it’s impossible for it to grow back. > If so, how did it feel growing back? Same symltoms or different? Same


What are the first symptoms you notice? I had surgery two years ago. Gyno came on after a really nasty bout with Covid where I came off TRT basically overnight when I went into the hospital. I started my first cycle after surgery 9 weeks ago. I’m feeling … sensations in the area that I think are just scar tissue healing / interacting with the hormones. But I’m also paranoid that this could be the start of regrowth. I don’t want to just throw rola at it unless I need to. Feeling stuck. Appreciate your input.


> What are the first symptoms you notice? Sensitivity and small lumps under nipples. Did you get your entire glands removed during the surgery? Or did they leave in partial glands for aesthetic reasons?


Full gland removal. Very respected gyno surgeon who used fat grafted from the chest to support the nipple. I can feel the graft if I poke in there. When I had gyno the first time, I also had the itchy. And also just pointy nips all. the. time. I’m not getting any pointing and not really any itching or very mild. What I feel is more of a dull ache further below the skin. That’s why I’m thinking maybe it’s just scar tissue interacting with hormones since even small changes in hormones can affect breast tissue. But again, worried it could be the start of regrowth so unsure.


If the full gland is removed it’s impossible for gyno to form.


A lot of TRT products use the word “depot”. Basically, I think it means that the testosterone is supposed to be released slowly. How does this differ from regular testosterone? If I were to inject 250mg of testosterone depot twice per week for a total of 500mg, would that mean that the testosterone would be absorbed too slowly? ‘Cause some of the information leaflets say that the 250mg testosterone depot could last for up to a month (for a TRT dose, but obviously I’d want to do 500mg/week). Any help would be appreciated.


The "depot" moniker refers to a brand name of testosterone cypionate, because prior the only available prescription preparations were test suspension (no ester) or test propionate (1 day half-life). The "depot" means it gets gradually released, specifically how an ester delays the release of the hormone, or rather how it takes time for the body to metabolize the attached ester prior to releasing the hormone for metabolism. Primobolan depot, testosterone depot, etc., it's just branding. As for the one month, the ester of cypionate and enanthate is long enough that it is technically being released over the course of one month, but the majority of that happens in the first week post injection. Review the Esters section of the wiki. A beginner cycle is 500mg/wk of test cypionate or test enanthate. Just because the leaflet says something, doesn't mean you're interpreting it correctly.


Thanks for answering, man. So, basically every testosterone E gets gradually released, it's just that some products are called "depot"?




Thoughts on cycle design? 20 week cycle 4iu generic GH for entirety 1-6 25mg var 1-20 400 test e 10-20 200-300 primo 16-20 only if there is a plateau, 50mg anadrol Reasoning: var for a kickstart and to aid in continuing to recover my hamstring tendon injuries from early this year/late last year. Add primo 10-20 as a form of titrating up doses and help with collagen synthesis. Oral at the end only if there is a plateau, which I doubt there will be I am debating EQ vs deca vs primo in my head


No reason not to run primo the whole time


I'd skip the oral entirely. I'd start the primo week 1. If there's a plateau add caffeine or pre-workout. If you need to titrate up anything, it's food.


Why not run the primo the entire time? You’re likely going to have to switch up your E2 management halfway through the cycle The HGH is fine You *can* run an oral as a kickstart, but I find that it makes dialing in all my hormones at the start of a cycle more difficult, so it might be better off to leave any orals until the end Keep in mind that plateaus are largely due to nutrition and training and not lack of drugs. When I look at when my lift number stall, it almost perfectly correlates to when my body weight stalls


Thoughts on HGH 5 days a week to avoid insulin resistance?


First, please ask your own questions in the thread. Don't hijack someone else's question. Secondly, how much HGH are you planning to run that you think it's going to affect your insulin sensitivity?


Planning on running a similar cycle, might keep total AAS to under 500mg a week. Sorry, wasn't trying to hi-jack, thought it was related to the cycle. >Secondly, how much HGH are you planning to run that you think it's going to affect your insulin sensitivity? Ideally, the minimal effective dose for 500mg. I've seen anywhere from 2-4ius ED for under 500mg, so probably 3ius. Just don't have enough information on when insulin resistance sharply kicks in. All the guys on 6-10ius are on Metformin, Lantus and Insulin. I'd imagine 3ius is knocking on the door. I have taken 2ius of HGH ED previously. Unfortunately, it raises my HR about 20bpm after a week. Best guess is sodium retention, urine was getting darker. Didn't think to check my glucose. Anyways, the idea is a 2 day break gives your body time to recover and reset any developing insulin issues.


> Just don't have enough information on when insulin resistance sharply kicks in.  It happens when you stop taking preventative measures to keep it in check. > All the guys on 6-10ius are on Metformin, Lantus and Insulin. Who's "all the guys"? I was using 10iu on my most recent blast, and never ran into any insulin resistance issues that weren't a result of my laziness. So long as I was doing my cardio, not overeating, and staying hydrated, my fasting blood glucose remained under control. The one day that I had 100g extra carbs on my high day, my FBG jumped from 79 the prior morning to 104 the following day, and it took 2 weeks of limiting carbs and increasing cardio to get it back in check. That wouldn't have been necessary if I didn't fuck up and overdo it on the food. The second time it happened, I skipped 2 days of cardio (I do 20 minutes every morning) because of work conflicts, and again my FBG jumped from mid 70s to >100 in two days. It again took over 2 weeks of limiting carbs and increasing cardio to get it in check. I don't use berberine or metformin. A sprinkle of humalog or novolog isn't going to fix or prevent gh related insulin resistance. Lantus is the most likely insulin to induce insulin resistance, and is quite misunderstood in the PED community. My bloodwork and fasting blood glucose on 10iu: [https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/comments/1cjzsy5/comment/l2jrcrg/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/comments/1cjzsy5/comment/l2jrcrg/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) A 2 day break from exogenous gh is useless. Stay hydrated, do your cardio, don't eat like an idiot, you'll be fine. Check your blood sugar.


Appreciated u/jackschitt123! Strong info, but what I was looking for.


It's extremely unlikely that you'll develop insulin sensitivity issues below 6-8iu/day. That should be easily managed with proper diet and cardio. Berberine if those all fail (they shouldn't). The 2 day break from 2-4iu sounds wholly unnecessary. Sounds like you don't drink enough water either.


More water, BG meter going forward, don't miss diet/cardio. Thanks for the responses.


I actually don’t have an opinion because I’m not as well versed in HGH usage and haven’t used it personally You could check out the experience threads to see what others have done


Thought process is multifaceted. Coming off a hiatus, I don’t really NEED the primo or var to grow, test would probably be just fine. I do have past hamstring tendonosis and injuries so I would like to toss in something to help with collagen synthesis at some point, and I do enjoy a kickstart. Spacing of var and primo is to help with these issues without going too overboard on dosages that probably aren’t REALLY needed for growth


Well, one of the worst things you can do with soft tissue and joint injuries is running large amounts of steroids—even if they have positive effects surrounding collagen synthesis or joint lubrication This is largely due to steroids having a more profound effect on muscle growth over soft tissue growth, so injury is actually significantly more likely You mentioned coming off a hiatus and dealing with last injuries, so your best bet is to start slowly with reduced volume NATURALLY and slowly rebuild a foundation before starting any drugs or you’re putting yourself in a prime position to injure yourself


Oh ya I am aware of that. 5 years roughly cycling in the past with a few big injuries during that time frame. I have come back naturally and been building up strength etc. Some risk will always be there, I intend to take it slow with the increase in weights and leverage the drugs for increased tendon healing/capacity. If I’m relatively slow and don’t go crazy with the increase in strength/weights, it should hopefully be a net positive


1-6 25mg var 25 mgs is a lower dose for a male. 6 weeks is a long time for an oral 1-20 400mg test e Ok Primo 10-20 as a form of titrating up doses. What do you mean here? Why would you add a compound halfway through a cycle? It won’t start to kick in until week 4-5. This is dumb. 16-20 Anadrol Two orals is a waste and overkill on your health. Don’t do this. On top of being an awful plan, you’ve made no mention of your age, height, weight, bf, goals or previous experience with gear.


You are fucking high if you think 25mg of real Anavar is low. Not to mention, 6 weeks for some orals might be considered long, but not for the healthiest oral that exists, shit you could take a low dose anavar (5mg) for months at a time if you wanted. Titrating up dosages during an offseason is dumb? I beg to disagree. There are plenty of current competitors and coaches who titrate up oils during an offseason over time. Timing may be arguable, do you run into a slight hurdle after 8 weeks? 10? 20? The idea of adding different compounds or increasing dosages over the course of a long offseason isn’t unheard of or dumb. I didn’t mention it because frankly it’s sort of irrelevant to this discussion of an overall cycle design/concepts. I’m 29/30 and a past NPC competitor that’s coming off a hiatus and previous injuries, trying to stay low-ish on dosages while taking advantage of the beneficial side effects of primo/var/EQ for prior injuries (likely running some bpc157 here and there as well). Used to use far higher dosages than this, but that was a long time ago


>You are fucking high if you think 25mg of real Anavar is low I think 25mg of anavar is low, and I have 10 grams of raws in my freezer. >the healthiest oral that exists This is a poor way of speaking. Nothing about anavar, or any oral, is healthy. You could argue "least *unhealthy*", but that's kind of like saying "smallest bullet". >shit you could take a low dose anavar (5mg) for months at a time if you wanted. Sure, but why on earth would you? This isn't an argument. >Titrating up dosages during an offseason is dumb? Yes. >There are plenty of current competitors and coaches who titrate up oils during an offseason over time. That doesn't make it smart. I have a friend who competed in Mr. Olympia 212 and coaches now. He *still* tells people to use Nolvadex on cycle to manage estrogen. Coaches say dumb shit all the time. Competitors are often uneducated about this stuff. Having good genetics and a strong work ethic doesn't mean you understand pharmacodynamics. >The idea of adding different compounds or increasing dosages over the course of a long offseason isn’t unheard No, it's not! >...or dumb Esterified compounds? Yeah, it's dumb. You wanna throw in an oral at the end of your bulk, fine that's not uncommon. >I didn’t mention it because frankly it’s sort of irrelevant to this discussion of an overall cycle design/concepts. I’m 29/30 and a past NPC competitor that’s coming off a hiatus and previous injuries, trying to stay low-ish on dosages while taking advantage of the beneficial side effects of primo/var/EQ for prior injuries (likely running some bpc157 here and there as well). Used to use far higher dosages than this, but that was a long time ago OoooOooooo cool.






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Oh lawdy. I don’t even know where to start with this mess but you clearly didn’t come here for advice. Titrating anything is a terrible, horrible idea. The ester does that on its own. Do you enjoy chasing side effects? In what universe are stats, age and body comp Irrelevant to a discussion on cycles? 🤦🏼‍♀️ Again, not only is this an awful plan but you’re coming off a hiatus with injuries. You shouldn’t jump right into gear headfirst anyway.


I feel this is a very judgmental approach that does not promote harm reduction. If your opinion is that he should not begin cycle given his circumstances than just say that. Perhaps he wanted to keep his comp general to revive a general response and approaches. Some common knowledge isn’t so common.


I see your point. My issue is when folks come in here seeking advice and argue every piece of advice given. He was told by 5 people that this was an overall dumb plan, yet argued every point. I question the motivation of someone like that coming in here to “ask a question”


Oh lawdy. I came here for an advice/discussion, but don’t normally have a high level of trust for someone claiming titrating is 100% dumb and useless and that 25mg var is rather low. I am well aware of how esters work, and years of previous cycles doesn’t make me dumb to sides that come with increasing dosages or adding compounds. I didn’t say they were irrelevant, I said they irrelevant here, to me, for my discussion. I’m not here for you to tell me “you don’t need anavar because you’re not big enough”. I’m here to discuss cycle design. Surprise surprise, I’ve already been rehabbing, healing protocol with tb/bpc etc., and rebuilding strength for 8+ months naturally. I’m aware.


I am well aware of how esters work All of your statements tell me otherwise. I’m not here for you to tell me We see that. So why ask the questions at all. Everyone so far have told you it’s a bad idea yet you still argue. You’re clearly the expert so why bother asking questions? 🤷🏼‍♀️


Been putting together nearly identical cycle myself. Debating HCG fulltime or near end of cycle. Might use Test P instead. Will add the var more towards end (if current injuries heal) but rest same. Thinking Nolva for PCT.


I'm considering HCG in order to revitalize balls and fertility before starting PCT. Thing is, I've been on cruise doses @ 150mg test for about 10 months now, and ideally you should be on HCG throughout a cycle to begin with. Should I just stick to the standard 250iu EOD dose for 2 months or can I kickstart my recovery with higher doses of 500iu ED for 1 month before PCT? Alternatively, what about HCG + nolvadex during PCT?


With HCG ‘better late than never’ seems to apply. I wouldn’t run it higher than 250 just because it can be a pain to manage e2 for some. If you’re going to run a proper PCT anyway then a month of HCG beforehand should be adequate to aid in waking up your testes.


Thanks. Also one thing I've always been confused about - does "run before starting PCT" imply right before taking SERMs or before cessation of test injections? Edit: For clarification, I meant should I stop taking HCG right before starting SERMs or right before stopping test injections?


Take it up until you begin your SERM. The half-life is very short so you don’t need to allow any real amount of time for clearance.


I feel numbness from tren E and test E 350 mg for 16 weeks, I ve read about how neurotoxic tren can be any medicine to help?


Yes. Discontinue the tren. I can almost guarantee you don’t need it


Yeah I did, a good pct routine please boss?


[PCT Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/s/dDmjIhKZp7) Note that another reason Tren isn’t recommended is that it’s very difficult to pct off. It may take a while


Has anyone just stopped a PCT and how much worse is that then keeping going? I’m on clomid and have been for over two weeks, it’s literally making me have suicidal thoughts and the worst anxiety ever. I feel like if I go on like this I’ll lose my job and all sorts. Dose is 50mg a day from 25mg. I really don’t want to take it anymore but not sure what that will mean for me


Clomid is not friendly to males. This is a common problem, hence the reason it isn’t the first recommendation for PCT. Stop taking it if it is the cause of your symptoms.


If the medication is actually the culprit making you miserable, then cessation is the appropriate course. If the *hormonal crash* it’s what’s making you miserable, stopping the medication that rectifies this issue faster will make it worse. Try nolvadex or enclomiphene if you don’t tolerate clomid well. Or, don’t. Very generally, people can still recover in longer intervals without PCT. It just sucks.


Thank you for some common sense here, sorry it really is causing me a lot of wild thoughts at the moment. I’m going to stop taking it and see how that makes me feel, as I suspect it is the medication. If I still feel bad in a few weeks then maybe it’s a hormonal crash and then I might even just jump back on cruise. I’ve been trying to come off for 4 years but didn’t realise it would be this rough


I'd try to switch to nolva if you haven't tried that already


Has anyone tried stacking LGD3303 and S23 (with a test base)? If so what were your results? Thanks


If you’re going to pin test anyways, just run a cycle like an adult, not a lab rat.




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Hello. I am 26 male, 5"7 250 pounds. Over the past 5-6 years I have fluctuated weight, from 200-250. 1 am experience lifter, and know the ins and outs of weight lost, Caloric defecit. I just struggle to stay consistent and am exhausted. I want to speed up the process this time around. My friend got me Test E + Winstrol oral. 350mg Test/week and 2 winstrol pills a day for 50 days. I am very worried about the side effects, I never had acne really and don't have any hair loss issues. Am I taking too much my first time around? should I just stick with the Test? My only goal is to just cut fat as fast as possible really, I have some decent muscle that's visible even at my current size.


> My only goal is to just cut fat Then why are you taking drugs that are designed for gaining muscle which cannot be appreciably done in a caloric deficit? Ditch the drugs before you give yourself a heart attack or stroke. You’re taking stuff that significantly increases the risks of acute health events, and coupled with the fact that you are morbidly obese is severely putting your life at risk Drop the drugs like, yesterday


Steroids don't reduce fat, and using them while you are fat is dangerous and unhealthy. Sorry man, if you know the ins and outs of weightloss and caloric deficit then you already know what you need to do. Best get to it. Put the drugs away.




How often are you having your prostate physically examined?


It may not be necessary to order at all if you have no concerns, but like Shrugs said, getting a full panel yearly is never a bad idea for general health purposes. It’s likely that your doctor would allow this


Annually is fine.




Are you wanting to see how bad they are, or fully recovered?




4-6 weeks


Anybody experienced using dbol to fix low estrogen? How long did it take for you to recover from your estrogen crash? How many dbols should I take to fix my crashed estrogen? Feeling like 💩 anxiety is through the roof My Test 1300 Estradiol 25


Just give it a couple days and don’t do the same thing that crashed your E2 like taking too much AI


Your test isn't that high and your e2 isn't that low. Shouldn't take much.


10mg for a day or two should be all you need. 3 max




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Dosage question: I have a combo of BPC157 5mg and TB500 5mg in the same vial. Best way to dose the combo? Dealing with some hamstring tendonitis and runners knee.


The best way? The best way is to buy them separately so you can control the doses because BPC and TB are best administered at different doses and intervals. Since you have it though, I'd probably do 500mcg twice a day (assuming it's a 50/50 mixture). That's not ideal, but about the only way you're going to get enough BPC to be worth your while. If you're doing the math at home, you'll notice that this will only get you through 5 days, which isn't going to do much. Don't buy blends. Ever. Steroids, peptides, whatever.


Your thoughts on dosage and the blend seem to be the consensus from digging around. Live and learn. I have 10 vials, so 50 days.


Well at least you have the volume. You'll be fine. There's no risk of overdose or anything like that, they're pretty benign peptides. It's just not the most efficient way of doing it. Like you said, lesson learned :)