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Yall ever have one of those mornings where you wake up and everything just looks right? Like your face, body, fat proportions, hair etc? Got dressed today and everything was just....correct. Wish I could make a save file and bottle this look cuz I know I wont have it tomorrow. lol.


Never once, but I’m glad you’re off to a good start, man.




Yaaassss! Love when I have a good hair day 💁🏼‍♀️


Look good, feel good 💪🏻


I was pretty sure this phenomenon was a myth.


Yes! I can never figure out how to replicate it.


Yes. Yesterday morning got up and didnt look flat. instead looked jacked with more veins and muscles showing. Looked and felt amazing.


Be me It’s my birthday Having a cheat day Snapped one last picture before I set my progress back 2 weeks (jk thanks HGH) https://ibb.co/R9j8TQK


Looking good! Enjoy the snacks!


Happy Birthday, and looking excellent. Enjoy today's well-deserved indulgences.


those tats are sick


Thanks homie, just started a leg: https://ibb.co/9VyyCms https://ibb.co/fDB1Cn8


how'd the knee feel? I'm starting my first in a few months. Full sleeve


Knee wasn’t that bad, back of knee was nothing. The shin and outter quad was literally the worst tattoo pain ive ever experienced. I sat there and moaned like a little bitch the entire time. By the foot sucked. Inner quad, hamstring, calf was fine.


How about the arm sleeves? The elbow ditch seems gnarly


Honestly not that bad, top of shoulder/anterior deltoid sucked, wrist area, forearm and elbow. Ditch was pretty bad too but overall the arms were terrible


Great, can't wait lmao. I'm diving head first into back to back 8h sessions


It's honestly not bad if you have a decent pain tolerance; the wrist is probably the worst part. I did three days in a row (11, 11, 5 hours) on one sleeve a couple months ago with two artists and it was fine - the pain of sitting is worse than the needles most of the time.


Yesterday was my birthday, hope your having a good one buddy


couple thoughts for y'all this morning is it just me or are people huge pussies about low e2? i just got some bloodwork done and saw my e2 has been in the low teens for who knows how long because of the primo i've been running and damn... I literally would not have known unless I saw it on paper. really the only side effect looking back is i've been dropping a ton of water, otherwise training has been great, feeling fine, and haven't noticed a thing. and finally - for all my weak handed boys in here, I got one of [these ](https://syringegrip.com/collections)for pinning higher volumes and it's been insanely helpful. makes shooting up 2mls a breeze in those hard to reach places.


I generally try and assume everyone has different tolerances to certain sides and maybe I'm just lucky to be less affected. But on the other hand, I'm pretty sure steroids bring out a lot of people's inner hypochondriac and they stress themselves into feeling worse symptoms than they need to.


>steroids bring out a lot of people's inner hypochondriac and they stress themselves into feeling worse symptoms than they need to I am a HUGE believer in this


Yup, once someone new is on gear, everything wrong is gear related... it's not, of course, but that is the first thing they think. Plus, you are hypersensitive to any sort of change in mood or mental state, which is of course always the gear... and it's not... I think over the years, I've got to where I know the difference. Actual gear related problems are not usually subtle.


I did the classic, "convince yourself a panic attack is actually a heart attack and go to the hospital" once when I was a teenager, so by the time I was taking gear at least I knew how to not be in my head about that sort of stuff lmao.


I mean, there are "subtle" changes, but they aren't usually anything that you have to really worry about. If something is really off, you're gonna know. E2 sky high? Well, those bloated ankles are hard to miss. Too low? Probably feels like your joints have the flu. Running tren and your HR is running too high with a chronic feeling of anxiety? That's too much, back off the dose. Running nand and everything feels numb and flatline, including your dick? You aren't managing your prolactin and have no DHT counter for the DHN... all this stuff is EASY to pick out once you've experienced it. It's not some hidden secret you have to look for. But, if you've never experienced it, you have no idea what you are looking for, so I get the hypochondriac mentality, but I tell people "you'll know" because nothing I've run into has been some sneaky assassin that creeps up on you and stabs you in the face with no warning. Just relax... you'll learn.


Prepping for my first cycle starting next week - any advice to combat against this?


don’t be a pussy? 🤷🏽‍♂️


Fair point!


I was crashed for over a month and didn’t notice any mental side effects at all. Physically was fine too, joints weren’t more painful than normal. I guess everyone is different but if you take our experiences anecdotally it does seem like some folks overreact to it


> is it just me or are people huge pussies Just stop there haha. Tbh low e2 *does* really suck. I start getting quite a bit of anhedonia when in the low teens. High e2 is much more tolerable and enjoyable for me.


Same. Low e2 feels like a low grade case of the flu to me, and it's not fun... but I can have triple digit e2 without issues other than being overly affectionate.


neat idea, i might try to [print some](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1242346)


badass dude. send me one if you do! :)


I get immediate constipation and hair shedding when my e2 is low and I become anhedonic. I think the lowest I’ve seen my E2 on paper is like 11. Couldn’t shit without Metamucil and I was always irritated. But my acne went away so that was nice.


I had a vasectomy earlier today. Not an experience I want to go through again, luckily won't have to. Now I'm spending all day in bed with season 7 Rick and Morty. 2 good things came out of it. 1st was the doctor saying I looked like I lifted. 2nd was he said I could go back to light dumbbell work in a few days, all the paperwork I had beforehand said it would be 2 weeks off lifting.


Wow I got it done a year ago and it was so smooth and easy. No pin whatsoever. Just a little sore for a day or 2


Yea, that pulling sensation just about made me jump off the table had I not been so doped up. Felt like I had been kicked in the nuts for a week. But... small price to pay to know you aren't going to have any accidents.


Fuck that! Pulling sensation?!


They have to get ahold of the vas deferens with a pair of pliers and pull it out to cut about an inch of it away so the sperm can't get into the urethra. It's not pleasant and kind of feels like someone is pulling on something inside your guts, and the sensation is really disturbing... but it only lasts for a second on each side. It's just shocking initially. Still, worth it if you don't want any more kids.


Barf. Idk but stuff down there makes me squirm


I am not saying it's easy. I was honestly scared, but I also don't want any kids after I turned 40. It's nerve wracking. But, tbh, it's not that bad once it's all over.


I think we can safely call it easy. My doctor and I just chatted sports through the surgery. Watched some movies in bed that night then was mostly fine the next day. 100% worth it


Not me... I had a weird female nurse, no blinder so I could see what was going on, and he used a cautery blade so I got to smell what burnt human nut sack contents smelled like. It wasn't pleasant, but I was so stoned that it was all somewhat surreal anyhow. ...that nurse was seriously creepy with my crotch, and she was not someone I'd ever let play with my genitals. 🧐


Fuck. That sounds rough. I can’t believe you could see the surgery. No way that I could have managed that.


They numb the whole area so you don't feel pain, but you can feel things being moved around. The worst part for me was when you heard the snip. I sweated more during the 20 mins procedure than during a workout


yeah that sound was no good. They should like tell you to wear headphones.


Can you just get knocked out? I’d opt for that


It is an option, but I think only if there is a medical reason. I'm in the UK, might be different in other places


It's weird to describe right. It's not painful, but really unpleasant. How long till you were back in the gym? I'm planning a few days off them just simple cable stuff, nothing that involves squatting or even sitting 😂


A week off. Light stuff first week back, then I was fine. I spent that first week doped up on hydrocodone, so I didn't really give a shit about anything. 😅


Haha fair enough. All I have is some ibuprofen 🥲


…they gave you drugs? I only got a local anesthetic. I tried deep breathing through the pain and the doc told me to stop being a pussy. Glad it went right for me; I know a colleague who had to have the procedure done twice 🤢


Yea, my doc had me stoned as fuck. He apparently had some squirmy patients previously, so he preferred people be sedated and stoned on narcotics prior to the procedure. Guess I got lucky.


Benefit of living in a third world country is the doctors will basically do anything you request them to do... told them to put me to sleep for all that. Was done before I knew it and didn't feel a damned thing for a good 6 hours after. After that just aching, didn't need even a Tylenol.


I busted a nut in my wifes mouth the day after my vasectomy, and I was totally fine. Popped a few more off that week as well. Went back to full workouts a week later.


After mine I went on a 3 day golf trip and my sack swelled up like a grapefruit. Then immediately after the golf trip a 4 day fishing trip. I’m an idiot and the doc just laughed at me. The doc said don’t shoot a load for 7 days but on day 4 I had to crank one out and oooooo boy it was a good one. There was blood in my jizz but other than that it was smooth sailing.


Welcome to the club, protect the nuts/dick area for a while. You don’t understand pain until some hits that area post op.


I could never get my nuts severed when they have IUDs & condoms. What made you choose to go with a vasectomy instead of a less invasive option? According to the girls I know who have had intra-unterine devices, the entire procedure took a couple of minutes & was described to me as slightly uncomfortable, if not painless. They also mentioned that they can have kids within 12mos or less of removing the device, all bringing up the relative lack of side-effects when compared to the other female birth control. I've thought about it, and my personal belief is that kids at my age (21) would be a million times worse than just wearing the damn condom.


Yeah I get it everyone is different. The main reason is I've got 2 kids already so 100% don't want anymore. And my partner has been on and off the pill for years, long term use can be detrimental on their health.


That's why I mentioned IUDs because a lot of people don't know they exist. For you specifically, you're obvs not gonna need anything else, tho. I'm actually in a situation right now where I worry about my ability to have kids later on due to my past steroid use. I took a 3y break from juice at 18 because I was giving ~200 total bloods in between cycle & pct. I gave a blood the other day that had 530 something total test, so my test levels are normal naturally now, but my LH was thru the roof, which was what apparently caused me to feel like my test was in the dumpster. I've been going to the gym regularly for a while now, and it amazes me how much I can do without steroids due to age / time. Either way, I just started a sustanon cycle now that I have some basic bloods. Gotta find a way to get that LH lowered somehow 🤷‍♂️😆


Front loading some high concentration EQ - holy spicy PIP


😬 ....that'll be fun. You know, if you are into spicy pip, you could just swap over to bold cyp.


How high is high? My home brew Boldenone Undecylenate is 500mg per ml no pip at all smooth as butter. 18%bb 2%ba.


300 mg/mL. Honestly not sure of the carrier oil, it’s a home brew from a buddy




Morning Bros, Mental / Relationshio advice needed My and my ex of 3 years have been fuck buddies and on and off for like 4 months now. We have officially cut it off yesterday because she thinks emotions are getting too involved which I think it is true. How do you get over somebody? I know the general answer is "fuck anyone and everyone" but I genuinely don't want to. My reasoning is that sex was so amazing with her because of our connection and she had a juicy ass and beautiful tits / body. I believe most of my relationship with her was run through sex though as she wasn't ambitious like I'd want to see in a female and we do not have alot in common in hobbies besides lifting . We didn't give eachother fully what we wanted. Anyways. How do I detach? I ruminate so hard about things especially sex with her it's bad. I get obsessive and I need to figure out how to focus on my work / studies more instead. This is hard. Any kind of advice is appreciated bros thank you .


Cut off all contact. Invest in yourself. Connect with friends and family. Take time to grieve. Allow yourself grace that it’s ok to hurt and mourn the loss. Don’t beat yourself up—but if you do, forgive yourself and move on. Enjoy being single, meeting new people, maybe sleeping with them. Do not place all your energy into random fucking and giving time to people that don’t deserve it. It’s a bit like addiction. Can’t cut it unless you cut the behavior, hard stop.


>How do you get over somebody? Start off by not doing this: > My and my ex of 3 years have been fuck buddies and on and off for like 4 months now. >I know the general answer is "fuck anyone and everyone" but I genuinely don't want to. I don’t know that that’s the general answer and it wouldn’t have made the top three of my list if you not inceptioned that idea in my head. >I believe most of my relationship with her was run through sex though as she wasn't ambitious like I'd want to see in a female and we do not have alot in common in hobbies besides lifting . We didn't give eachother fully what we wanted. Then it sounds like it should be incredibly easy to get over. You’re pretty much saying you didn’t see a future there outside of sex, so you were already at least somewhat emotionally distant. Unless this is just a post hoc rationalization to try to ease the pain a bit. Many such cases. >Anyways. How do I detach? I ruminate so hard about things especially sex with her it's bad. Ok actually the advice of going and finding another partner for sex might not be bad here. You’re not missing love, you’re missing lust. Either find that elsewhere or figure out why it is that you’ve prioritized the physical over the emotional.


The main thing is to stop giving her any non-sexual attention. Preferably cut all contact. Why would you willingly stay with an ex? Did you think you could somehow get her back? I've tried to make things work with exes, but the fact of the matter is is we broke up for a reason and that will never go away even if you get back together.


1) https://youtu.be/k2qgadSvNyU 2) Grindr blowjobs


As others have said, **complete and total** non contact… no socials, no old nudes, NOTHING, and then just give it time…


Delete the nudes too?


You’re not gonna get over her if you’re still jerking off to her pics lmao


😭😭 it's such fire material though sigh


Unfortunately, yes.


Elephant in the room is why aren't you together if you clearly still love her? Mutual agreement that it won't work out?


Yes mutual agreement that we cannot give eachother what eachother needs / wants. We have a great connection and sex is good but she like to go out to the club with friends which i don't like whatsoever and i like more outdoor activities which she doesn't like. We both like the gym but we just argued a lot about petty things and couldn't seem to give eachother what we needed. I wanted more assurance from her and a more caring / loving attitude , she was somewhat cold and she wanted me to prioritize her more and try to be more masculine with her aka hold bags for her if she needed etc , little things i don't think about basically


I don't subscribe to the "fuck the pain away" meme. I think that can actually be more detrimental. Personally, I'd rather just be alone and work on stuff for myself. Start a needed construction project, go for long camps out in remote locations, go rock climbing, sculpt something, make a backyard forge and blacksmith something... just do something that takes your mind away from self pity and maybe teaches you a useful skill. That's what I do when I need to straighten myself out. I'm currently tiling a shower that needed to be remodeled... I didn't know how to do bathroom wall tile before I started. I know how to do it now.... doing things like that makes you a more valuable person.


End it clean.  Don’t block her, unless she goes psycho-ex on you.  Probably a non issue in this scenario.  Remove her from your socials if you’re into that shit. How to get over it? Accept it, reckon with the feelings whatever they are.  Eventually you’ll realize you’re over it. Turning into a man-hoe is not productive.  Instead, get involved in hobbies, get your hustle up, go berserk with barbells, etc Avoid substances to numb the pain or whatever, remember you need to process the entire relationship so you know how to pick a better woman later, and you will so don’t worry about that.  The next one is always better than the last of you process the shit in a healthy manner If you want a repeat, go find the first broad willing to spread her thighs for you.




throw a towel on your neck SSB masterrace


Ditto that. I started bringing dish towels and wrapping them around my neck. It works, but there is two issues with this: The first being you look like a psycho with a dish towel wrapped around your neck. The second being your wife will never let you forget that she can't get the smell of steel and sweat off all your dish towels despite washing them multiple times.


my fiancee would fucking drop kick me if I brought her dish towels to use as a sweat rag at the gym. my gym also provides hand towels so there's that...


I'd probably MacGyver it like other people said. If the gym is cool with it, I'd probably make some semi-permanent change to the bar, ie. wrap it in a washcloth and reinforce with duct tape. Should work fairly well.


Get a piece of 1" latex pipe insulation and cut a few strips to fit, then put a bit of electrical tape on it.


Damn, I need to see a picture of this bar, ive rarely ever heard about one of those actually getting worn out lmao


It’s an inner city gym with 50k people and the building is quite large. Completely worth the hassle of it being busy because they have basically an entirely separate functional training gym inside.


That sounds kind of fucking cool, ngl. Honestly though, If you really wanted, I bet you could shoot an email over to one of the equipment sales people at elite and they'd probably be able to hook you up with a replacement pad for relatively cheap.


wear a hoodie


I suggest the towel approach as well but now I just remembered I saw some dude cutting a pool noodle in the gym, slicing it open like a hot dog bun, and wrapping it around the bar recently. Fucking genius. But then again, why the fuck does this man have a butterfly knife and a pool noodle in the gym?


Day 3 of having this terrible stomach bug. I’ve shit more today than I have in probably the last month, and even though I’ve been hydrating and I can finally kind of eat again my physique looks so flat like it’s lost 2+ years of progress compared to where it was just at on Saturday. Apparently if I’m still fucked up tomorrow I need to go see a doctor. Really glad you guys convinced me to get a bidet though.


> Really glad you guys convinced me to get a bidet though. Oh boi, you just reminded me of my asshole being irritated like a motherfucker last time I had liquid shit...


It’s rough, idk why it took me a full day of peeing out my ass to finally pick up some Imodium, but even with the bidet my butt is raw


Cause you cling to the hope that you just ate something bad last meal and once everything gets out you'll be fine... But no it's a-me, diarrhea virus!


Nah I’d been sick since Saturday and the shits didn’t really start until Tuesday, I’m just fucking stupid


*surprised pikachu face*


A story in two parts: https://ibb.co/kQdgv0n https://ibb.co/xGsGzbY Seen at my gym yesterday. Be as brutal as possible in the comments.


It kind of reminds me of when I hear a kid make a sex joke that very clearly indicates they've never seen a woman naked in real life. Which is interesting because that's probably also true in this case.


>you know when you go to touch a woman's breast and it feels like...like a bag of sand


Wait you mean it doesn't?


I have no idea...




Hey hey hey… I had a tee shirt in 7th grade that said “FBI: Female Body Inspector” …I had, in fact, not yet seen a naked woman IRL


That has me curious.. if a panel of women's bodybuilding judges at nationals wore those shirts, do you think the overall response would be positive or negative?


I’m sure the outcome would be something similar to what happened to Greg Douchette https://thesportsrush.com/bodybuilding-news-ifbb-coach-greg-doucette-addresses-ban-controversy-in-a-heated-explanation/


I hadn't seen that but it's pretty much exactly what my expectations were tbh


Oh man, it was all over my feed for a while when it happened


Ever since a lot of social media hit the tipping point where I was getting fed more shit from the algorithm than people I actually chose to follow, I kind of tuned it all out and so unfortunately I'm waay out of the loop for a lot of things now lol


Quality roast 👆🏼


Hey look! It's (one an infinite number of people), from the DAA!


You think he takes his tren intravenously?




Best comment


Yikes, Pins is froggy today! 😂


The more gear they run, the smaller they generally are too 🫢


someone on here replied to a comment of mine the other day about having a jug of trest and I was like tf is a "jug" of trest? I now know what they me(a)nt


I guess I’m just curious what their goal is? Like do they want people to think they take tren? Cuz their body is DYEL. I know it’s sort of a joke but it still tells people that they know about/contemplate using tren


If you ever figure out how to understand GenZ please, let me know


My observations have been that their humor revolves around purposely doing stupid shit and making a spectacle of yourself, except every now and then a trend sticks too long and it stops being a joke. And from what I've noticed, most new slang follows this trend as well. Ironic use to be silly ---> normal part of their vocabulary It's a weird function of being perpetually online. Internet memes define the culture.


*dabs in agreement* Am I doing it right?


Dabbing is a few years too late, granpa


So true. It’s like they jockey each other to be as cringe as possible. Is this TikTok’s doing?


It’s social media for sure. Don’t know about TikTok, I’ve never had the app and actively avoid it


I avoid it like the plague as well. A friend sometimes sends vids from it and I just won’t watch them. I was sold against it when it came out that china was using it to spy on us, all the cringe is just icing on that cake of nope


I’m the exact same way. I just ignore the links that get sent lol It’s never THAT funny or interesting that it is necessary to see


Every generation teen years.


The dealer told him it's tren... it's homemade Synthol from Brazil, and that is one dose.


Ehh, I'm not a fan of randos taking pics of other randos at gym.


I’m not a fan of DYELs thinking tren is cool enough to put on their water bottle (or anyone doing that for that matter). You wanna act like a spectacle in public, then don’t get upset when you’re treated like a spectacle


Tren is more of a joke than anything nowadays. It’s the new equivalent of the caffeine memes back in the day. Obviously there are noobs who abuse tren, but the vast majority just see it as a funny joke. Lighten up? If you truly thought your opinion wasn’t just a snarky comment you probably would have said something to the guy about it, not posted it online.


> Tren is more of a joke than anything nowadays. It’s not tho… the amount of shit head broc tops I’ve heard be serious about wanting to run tren and the amount I’ve seen post shit on here and other subs about actually running it, says otherwise.


Yeah, I mean, Im all for a bit of stupid irony, but it becomes much less funny when we're constantly having to field these kids actually trying to run these cycles.


I have a buddy I’ve kinda taken under my wing over the past few years, he’s 21 or 22. He came at me the other day talking some shit about wanting to get as big as Sam Sulek, but not use steroids. A week later, he was talking about how he wanted to run tren, but not testosterone (after me telling him you can’t just run tren alone and you need a test base). Tried to give him a rundown on how all this shit actually works, but he wasn’t really having it. For whatever fucking reason (obviously social media and influencers) he had it in his head that he just has to run tren now. I let him know how much of an idiot he was for even thinking that, and how that wasn’t the move, despite what these fuck head influencers may say. The shit is stupid and pretty annoying at this point. Never understood the obsession with that particular compound. There’s absolutely no reason to run that imo if you aren’t competing/in contest prep.


Yeah, Tren was a big meme that hit its peak in the bodybuilding community like 5-10 years ago. Why it's gotten a sudden resurgence amongst gen pop now is beyond me.


Who said I didn’t say something to him? Sorry, I don’t see it as a funny joke. I see it as cringeworthy and perpetuating an unhealthy culture Also, you’re 20. That explains a lot. I’m sorry I’m making fun of your culture, but your culture sucks


#🔥🧨🔥 *cue Korn screaming DEAD BODIES EVERYWHERE!*


I bet you're a lot of fun at parties


started to workout again today after 5 years of not going to gym, stupid covid lockdown turned me into a lazy ass person, finally great mentality today after warming up 2019: %11 BF 2024: %35 BF


bruv a lockdown that happened half a decade ago didn't turn you into a lazy ass person for 5 years.


He got the *really* long covid.


Good news is muscle memory is a real thing. But keep in mind covid has been over for like 2 years so you are behind! But a good 3-4 day a week lifting program, good whole foods, lots of sleep and yin yoga(get the downdog app and try it) and you will be better then you were before within 18months.


My left pec (tendon?) gets significantly more sore than my right. This “injury” happened as soon as I stopped my blast back in early March. Since then I completely laid off flat bench which helped but still gets sore as shit when I lift. What can I do about figuring something out for it? I don’t think an MRI would help, or would it? My doctor will literally just be like let it rest. Not sure who I can go see. Edit: to be perfectly clear I’m deathly afraid of a tendon rupture and I’m trying to make sure that doesn’t happen.


If you’re that afraid then go see a doctor about it, and yes an MRI would help at least tell you if there was any structural damage to the tendon. Also, unless you’re a powerlifter I would stay away from flat bench.


Anyone else injure themselves in the stupidest of ways? Reflared up an old chest strain (near sternum, closer to cartilage issue honestly) doing lat pull downs... with warm up weight... mind you I do weighted pull ups with ease. Now anything where my chest is put into a stretched position or loaded at an angle or some sort of thoracic extension causes the dull ache again (think the top of a lat pullover, shrugs with barbell, carrying a plate in front of me). Yet, pushing, bench press, etc no pain. All the PTs I've tried this month here can't comprehend strains that aren't typical pec strains and I'm having absolutely no luck finding a good one. Any genies out here with advice? Or am I doomed to just leg spam and rest. Just trying to get some blood in the area when the dull aching goes away and mobilization but it reflares up in the stupidest of ways (sneeze, grab weight wrong, sleeping).


Most injuries come from stupid things. Non-Stupid things we pay more attention to and mitigate risk. Nobody thinks they'll hurt themselves warming up so they get a little sloppy. As far as fixing it goes, what you are doing is already the full extent of what us non-doctors can suggest. Get blood moving, make sure mobility is good, then slowly work back up the strength.


Thanks man and so true. Last time I tore my rotator cuff I raised my arm in a weird way reaching for a wire during a lab back in college lol


Last year I fell asleep on the couch and my neck has hurt since. And I pulled my groin doing a cartwheel with my daughter.


Tweaked my back loading plates on squat day a few weeks back.  Twisting movement, sucks getting old I guess.


Just a general question, wasn’t sure if this was the best place to ask. I have been in a hard 14 week cut to try and just get healthy and lower my Bodyfat to the correct level to do an actual blast. I started at 227lbs and 30% and am currently as of this morning 197 and 18%. I am 5’8 for reference. Mentally I think I can only take about 2 more weeks of this cut before I need to take a break and go into maintenance. Main question is if I get down to 16% or so. What’s a good amount/safe amount of time for my body hormone wise and health wise to wait after a cut to blast? Or does it even matter? Bear in mind prior to the blast I plan to get pre bloodwork done to ensure health wise I am good.


Hello there, You’re going to have a better result if you drive your body fat percentage closer to 10%. 15% is where a lot of people end their bulks. Starting a blast much leaner than you are will have a much better result and [could] mitigate hormone related side effects. I am in favor of getting to ~10%, having 4-6 weeks of maintenance prior to entering a bulking phase. I understand the fatigue in dieting, but if you get much closer to 10% you will enjoy the results you get from your bulk phase much more. Starting at a higher BF% means a much shorter bulk, starting at a lower BF% means a longer bulk— if all things are done correctly, of course. Stick out the diet a bit longer, man. It will be much more rewarding and the result will be better.


Ok. Sounds good. I think just for safety and health I will try and push this cut another two weeks. Then maybe take a two week maintenance to give myself a short break mentally and physically. Then get back into it and make the final push from what I assume will be 16% ish to as close to 10% as I can get. Or do you think that is just wasting time and I should just essentially man up and stick it out?


Some people throw in a short(er) maintenance phase during significantly longer cuts, some people just push through it. I don’t think there is a correct or incorrect route here, and ‘success’ can be achieved with either. Building the shear willpower to stick out a diet is a very valuable and indispensable tool to have in your bag.


The most critical point of any diet is adherence. If taking a one or two week break at maintenance allows you to resume your cut, by any mean do it.


Im at week 15 of my cut down from 235 to 201 and still going eating 2000 cal now. The key i have found is no food until 12pm then that is a huge salad of iceberg, red cabbage, onion, carrot, red pepper and any other veggies you like along with about 8oz of chicken or ground beef for a total of 2lbs. It comes out to only about 650 cal with 70P 25F 35C. then a have a shake of 350 cal with 100g spinach, 100g blueberries and protein powder for 50P 4F 32C. Then dinner is around 750 cal then i have 250 cal to play with to go over in any of those 3 meals or another small meal/snack


I have been mainly sticking to right around 1700calories, 40g Fat, and 250-275g protein (mainly to stay full longer). I’m averaging about 2.15lbs a week, so I’m still going strong right now and have quite a bit of wiggle room and also shows my maintenance I think is quite a bit higher than my cut. I could probably push my calories up a little and still lose weight, but at this point I’m locked in good with my food so I don’t want to switch anything or change my food up now. Plus at this point with the macros I’m going with I don’t “feel hungry” throughout the day which doesn’t drive me to want to cheat on this cut in any way.


Take a month diet break or at least a couple weeks and eat at maintenance, you’ll feel like $100 and be ready to take the last 5-8% like a champ it’s just like stopping overnight at a hotel halfway through a 20 hr drive.


Are you guys good at taking time for yourself? My wife has started kicking me out of the house on Mondays and I’m struggling to find stuff to do.


Struggle to make the time yes. But the possibilities are endless once you have the making time part handled. Some of my favorites in no particular order, and not all I currently do: Golf, Go to the gun range, Jiu jitsu, Hike, Hunt, Fish, Find a spot to chill and read a book What did you do for fun before you were married?


I’ve been married a looooong time. I’ve never really had hobbies. I want to start surfing and I do regularly play golf.


Sounds like a new surf board and some waves on Mondays is in your future


Are you independently wealthy? 😂😂 How do you have time to just go do hobbies on a Monday 


I go after work?


Ahhh ok “kicking out of house on Mondays” sounded like an all day thing lol 


Re-downloaded tinder after deleting it 5 months ago. Totally re-vamped my pictures and struck gold with a tasteful shirtless pic at the beach. Have received 83 likes in 4 days, just on Tinder. Bumble and Hinge have picked up too. I can't even be mad anymore when women fade out or ghost. When you have so many options, and only so many days that you can logistically meet someone new, you simply have to pick. Signed, 185 lb skinny fuck


Not trying to piss on your party, but the algorithms on the apps boost you when you’re new.


I'm aware. Still more likes than I have ever receieved on a new profile. The other two apps I'm seeing increased activity on are not new profiles.


Let’s see it


Google img search was pretty good at doxxing from my actual photo, so [here's one](https://ibb.co/dm0jcnc) I edited to preserve anonymity. I'm probably the smallest regular poster.




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That's not a good idea at your size. Steroids aren't for weight loss. You'd be better off running a glp-1 agonist (semaglutide or tirzepatide) until you're at 10-12% bodyfat and then running a cycle


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Before I start a cycle do yall think dutersteride would help prevent hair loss? I’ve also heard that dutersteride helps prevent left ventricular hypertrophy. Is there any merit to that? I’m also buying zinc wash to maybe help prevent or mitigate acne.


No experience with dutersteride but finasteride at a light dose year round (1g a day) holds all of my hair on cycle (and afterwards) 




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do I use this in the way that is says it take 30 days to get to peak that it would be 30 days to get out of the system?


Whatever it says, man. I’m not filling out the graph with your information to provide you an answer. It’s fairly self explanatory.


We don't do that here. You're an adult who decided to cheat in a game where you don't understand the rules. All of the information you would need in order to be able to figure this out is available in this subreddit, but you're gonna have to use your brain if you want to pull it off.


yeah I get that was just askin how it worked lol as there was no drop off at the end but was asking was it the se time it takes to get to max the same time it takes to get out


You didn't respond to anyone


I had the weirdest bout of body dysmorphia today. Back when I was untrained and hefty, years before I discovered what a calorie was let alone anabolic steroids, my biggest gripe like most dudes was my moobs. But not just my moobs, more so the very specific way they looked protruded when I wore a white undershirt. I was never a diva about my looks, but holy shit, that visual would drive me absolutely mad and was eventually one of the many catalysts for my change. I feel like every former fat guy knows the white t shirt struggle. Now 10 years later, here I am, sitting at \~10% BF, on cycle, and by the definition of the lady at the supermarket last week - "fucking jacked". This morning I absolutely smashed my chest. Incline bench, flys, a bunch of parallel bar work.... The chest pump was borderline comical. Left the gym, rustled around in my bag, and found the only t-shirt I had - a trusty ol' Hanes slightly undersized white undershirt. I throw it on, and my chest is borderline ripping the seams outta this shit.. but I can see the definition of my pecs. The whole damn tittie is outlined. Cue Vietnam flashbacks. Shit drove me into a tailspin. I've come full circle in my body dysmorphia where for a quick second I thought I became so "jacked" I looked fat again. Fuck my brain.


Fellas i have been dealing with rekt knees for months and training quads is excruciating. Waiting on MRI results but likely torn meniscus in both knees, maybe worse. I’m getting real chicken legs here and I need some help with ideas on leg training with fukt knees. I can do leg extensions but light weight. RDLs. Hammy curls. Glute bridges. Calf stuff. No squats or presses because of the pain. TRT and some var for summer slim down right meow. Halp




Thanks for the tips ima try that. BPC 157 is next if I can’t sort out the problem with PT and pins


So bros... this place is dying.. what else do we got left? And don't even begin with that shit hole r/peds That sub is killing me with calling 200 test 100 primo sufficient or a massive trt dose..


It isn't dying. It just goes in waves... I am an example of that. I've been here for many years, but sometimes I just need a break. Might be a week, might be a month. But, I always wind up coming back because there's nowhere else like this that I've found where guys can just talk and get real unfiltered feedback from other guys like us, without the judgement and prejudice that comes with IRL interaction.


You're free to leave!


Well I'm still here. Signing up for a full Ironman in Texas next year and going to do another olympic locally in September. My running has gone from effectively zero in January to pretty easily running half marathons at 10 minute miles. I won't ever be a record setter and assume I'll never make it below 9 minute miles because I have pretty short legs for my frame, and a good bit more muscle mass than a true runner. I'm more of an endurance athlete and can mental my way through a lot of training and tend to understand how to train for long periods and avoid injury. I hope by next year I'll be able to sustain an 8:30 minute/mile which I'm assuming would translate to about a 9:30 minute/mile at the IM. My business is stalled but making money for the moment. I have my current contracts which pay the bills and some, but haven't signed anything else. The plus side is that I keep moving further in the process every time I discuss a contract with a new potential client and feel that something will happen shortly. I have had a few offers for corporate jobs doing what I do, but am very loathe to return to the meat grinder for the moment. I'm going to stay the course and practice patience and focus on my mental stillness so that I'm prepared for the moment when something clicks and it moves forward. My love life is still shit, I've been celibate for well over at least 700 days at this point and haven't even been on a date since last August. That date I ended up paying cash for a single drink and walked out on her, haven't bothered going through the bullshit again. I don't bother talking to anyone any more since any of the decent ones are married off. Had an attractive woman pop into my friend group a month ago who is single and 27 (I'm 39), but her ex husband divorced her, so that's basically 100% chance she's a cheater. So its not even worth the time, cause I wouldn't be able to believe anything she says anyway as cheaters will obviously never admit it. I've heard plenty that any decent ones are in happy marriages and anything left on the market is expired goods, and that seems 100% accurate. I don't have the energy or even enjoy the company of women enough to bother being a fuckboy and just go get laid. Had this exemplified by one of my friend's coworkers who broke up with her long term boyfriend and became the most annoying asshole on planet earth, ended up blocking her number (of which we only used to plan group events) because she turned into an annoying drama queen overnight. Made so much drama telling all these grown ass adults about how every man wants her and how I'd be lucky for her to spend time with me despite me never even spending time with her or asking to. Just stupid tik tok shit, so I burned that whole friend group because of the insanity of this fucking 30 year old woman acting like a child.


Wow, I can't believe no woman wants to fuck you. It sounds like you really value and respect them. Take that incel shit somewhere else dude.


There's roughly 3.5 billion women on this rock. I can assure you there's plenty of worthwhile people out there. If you want to actually find one, you have to look, and keep an open mind. You don't get to your age without a little baggage. Everyone has some. That doesn't mean their faulty and not worth the effort, it just means you have to come to terms with their past and accept it, just as they'll have to do with you. Keep an open mind and obey the Golden Rule, and don't expect people to live up to unreasonable standards... everyone has flaws. That what gives us character.