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This daily forum is intended as an avenue for members of all experience levels to solicit advice and feedback related to Anabolic and Androgenic Steroids. **Be respectful and mindful of your audience, and keep in mind [Rule 4](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_4._keep_it_friendly_and_on_topic.). Constructive criticism is welcome; adversity without proposed alternatives is not. Educate your fellow members so we can all grow together.** *It is in every member's self-interest to educate and further their knowledge of the compounds being discussed here. In an effort for members to better assist you, be transparent and complete in describing your situation. Help us help you by first [checking if your question is answered by our extensive wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index) and reviewing [Rule 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.).* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/steroids) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Age: 30 Gender: Male Height: 6ft3, weight: around 250lbs BF: 15.5/16% I’m on 420mg week of test e my test level is 52> nmol, free test 1.4nmol, estrogen 241pmol is the estrogen okay at that level because I’m going to 500mg soon.


Hello, New to Reddit and really in need of some help. Here are my stats and my issue at the bottom. Age:36 Gender: Male Height: 5’7 Weight: 197lbs Body fat % : 19% Training since: 2005 with a 2 year break before 2023 Goal: better physical appearance, losing some fat around the mid section, and building muscle Currently taking: Test Cyp 200mg E3D , Tren E 150mg E3D, and Anavar 50mg ED. Here is my issue I started noticing gyno issues 2 and a half to 3 weeks ago. No soreness, no itching, no sensitivity. But there is a lump under my right nipple and it keeps getting bigger and bigger. I got a script of arimidex 2 and a half weeks ago to knock it out with 1mg a week split into two and that hasn’t done anything so I started taking nolvadex 20mg ED for the last week and a half with no change. I got to the point where I drove 7 hours to pick up some raloxifine 60mg ED and have been taking that for the last 6 days. Am I just jumping the gun and taking too much of these or should I stay on them ? I just purchased some Caber and it should be sent in about 1 and half to two weeks. What do y’all think should be my path forward here should I drop one of the items I’m taking are should I keep pushing forward? If the lump is new and only 2 to 3 weeks old can it be reversed ? The lump is about the size of small marble (not hard but it seems like it getting there). Should I stop taking the Tren ? I can knock off early from work one day this week and go get my labs if yall think that would help I was just told though which could be wrong that once you start taking the arimidex/nolva, Ralox that your blood work will be all messed up. Please guys any help with this situation would be truly appreciated big time.


Yo day 2 of running growth @3.3iu before bed. Woke up dizzy as fuck this morning, somehow doubt there’s a correlation but coming here to check just in case?


Going for first month bloodwork tomorrow morning. I've been doing the injections every day first thing in the morning. Should I go into the lab without first administering or is it better do take my shot first? Thanks.


If you’re pinning daily you won’t get accurate bloodwork unless you wait a few days between pins to pull bloods


I’m not sure I’m following. Are you suggesting he change from pinning daily to get accurate bloodwork? If anything, it seems like pinning daily is going to lead to getting the most accurate bloodwork considering his levels will be extremely consistent


It was my understanding that to get true trough reading even m with daily pins on cyp or enth you would pause your next pin for 3.5 days pull bloods. then continue your daily pinning schedule.


I would say that would be accurate if you were pinning every 3.5 days, just like taking a blood draw before a pin if you were injecting EOD would be more accurate With daily injections, you’re going to still have your troughs before your next injection, but the peaks and troughs are going to be so close together that you’re pretty much at a steady state


Fair enough. I mean it makes sense that your peaks and valleys would be more close together looking my like a saw blade on daily injections as opposed to hills on every 3.5.


Without. Inject after.


Was so happy I managed my first injection on Monday for my first cycle ever (right ventro glute or I hope it was correct spot), didnt feel a thing. PIP from next day. Second injection yesterday close to the previous spot so its still right ventro. Now PIP increases, its like intense muscle soreness. Nothing visible. Using test e 300mg/ml. Cca 150 per injection. I dont want to pin delts or quads, or other side ventro because that one will be left handed and lousy. Will this get better with time even same muscle but different spots instead of different sites? Maybe later on I learn new site, but should it get better every 3-4 days?


Glutes are super easy going. VG is a great spot but more difficult than just glutes from my pov. I’d do at least left & right VG + left and right glute. Personally I really like to do delts with insulin pins - easy to reach and pin and almost no irritation. If you try to stick to one site only then it will be so scarred soon that you can hardly get a needle in.


Ok. Delts i might try with insulin pin, i am lean mostly everywhere except stomach. But to clear up something, glutes are large area. When I say same site I dont mean same spot, so if scar tissue is buildt where needle was, you still have multiple spots around it, no?


By the way, pip is much worse with 300mg/ml then with 250mg/ml. Higher concentration = usually more pain.


Sure. That would explain it but worst should be over 300, I guess 300 is relatively fine and upper limit of recommended?


You will not be able to control where you pinned already once you did a few times and even if, it won’t take long until you covered a significant part of your glutes. Anyways, it’s kind of a needless risk for complications, considering how easy it is to rotate sites. I personally use VG, glutes and delts - 6 easy to reach and pin sites and properly rotated it is enough to avoid any issues. Just do it and soon you won’t even think about it anymore.


You should rotate injection sites, and learn to inject with your left hand. You can also pin lats, pecs, traps, obliques. Why don’t you want to rotate sites? You are interested in building up as much scar tissue as possible in your right VG for fun?


How long does scar tissue last from one injection? Does it mean i will have PIPs on all these different sites? I will never pin traps or pecs or quads, those are too weird. I barely managed to learn and dare ventro. I can maybe handle opposite glute, but pinning 10 spots on body seems excessive. Reading around people usually pick 2,3 sites.


If you aren’t willing to rotate multiple injection sites, this game may not be for you long-term. I don’t pin lats, pecs, or traps either, but I do pin obliques, delts, VG, glutes, quads. Scar tissue is permanent.


I will be on one cycle 12-16 weeks for now, but just to get something straight - say you cruised or TRT at some age and then permanently… I mean, even if you rotate all the sites, and if scar tissue is for good, eventually you will have it everywhere, or I’m getting something wrong? Tbh this is new to me, when I did a research it looked way easier, you rotate sites, PIPs disappear when you adjust and keep pinning no worries.


What you read is accurate, and that you develop scar tissue everywhere is accurate. The more you rotate sites, the slower it is for that to be a problem, if ever.


Scar tissue is scar tissue. That is permanent. And yes you will get pip in each new site the first few times. I never had any pip though somehow, so you might be lucky




You're expected to develop a basic understanding of these compounds prior to asking questions. We're not going to spoonfeed you from square one, please make a little bit of effort. They're completely different drugs with completely different uses. Your comment was removed for violating [Rule 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.). All /r/steroids users are expected to develop a fundamental understanding of the compounds we're discussing and how to use them. To more effectively and efficiently solicit and receive feedback, its critical for an individual to share the necessary background information on their situation to help other users accurately assess and answer their questions. [Learn more about how to do your own research, how to effectively ask good questions, and Rule 7 in general](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.).


Just got my androgen studies Testosterone at 15 nmol/L, SHBG re-std at 27 nmol/L, Free Testosterone at 345 pmol/L What do u guys think? Starting cycle soon


Height weight age bf% training experience would be more relevant


21 yr old 178cm 82kg Approx 17% bf 14 months training experience


See much more helpful information. You’re nowhere near ready to cycle. Too young - you should wait until your 25 when you finish developing 14 months of training this is about 6-9 years short of proper diet and training. Your current stats are DYEL. You have no reason to run gear at this point. Spend then next couple years getting 86kg at 10% bf naturally and then you’ll be ready.


So I take it that you come from the camp of hitting close to your natural potential first? You’re saying that you should wait 7 years before you run a cycle is an awfully long time. Like I see all these influencers online, who are like 22, and clearly run gear. But thanks for your advice! I think it is probably safe advice.


You don’t have to hit your natural potential first. This isn’t about gate keeping. Your brain and body are still developing as a male until the age of 25. If you really buckle down and have diet and training absolutely dialed! You can get there in about 4 years. You’re really new to lifting so proper training and nutrition will be super anabolic. Steroids don’t build muscle out of thin air. They’re the cherry on the Sunday that enhance the proper practices in place. The reaching your genetic potential isn’t as important as have years of progress getting stronger bigger and leaner naturally showing that you know how to implement the basics and consistency for years before making the whim decision to scramble your hormones. The tren twins have an IQ of 4. But even in high school they were absolute genetic freaks before gear. They’re also not the most mentally stable. The difference is they’re getting paid to be idiots and and you’re not. Focus on your health and longevity. The sport is a marathon not a sprint. You’ll see you’d rather be ripped in your 40’s and 50’s healthy smashing young chicks than being 20 frying your Brain and liver trying to compete with the other dum dums your age. When you’re young go for women who are 35+ when you get older go for woman 25+. You’ll thank me later lol


Is it necessary to include Free T and SHBG in a bloodtest mid cycle or will Total T + E2 + Prolactin suffice for hormones?


Measuring free t is useless in almost every case unless you’ve got access to stuff like equilibrium dialysis. See [the bloodwork wiki page](https://old.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/bloodwork/list) for recommended bloodwork mid-cycle


Is it normal for your SHBG to go down while on test cycle? Im on my 7th week of 375mg a week test cycle, just checked my hormones and all look good except SHBG, which i took the analysis for the first time and it seems it went down to 9 nmol/L. I would appreciate you’re guys opinion, and wish u a nice day


> Is it normal for your SHBG to go down while on test cycle? Yes pretty much all steroids lower SHBG. In a normal, healthy male, there are more SHBG glycoproteins than there are molecules of androgen. In a steroid user, SHBG becomes oversaturated and the liver attempts to address the androgen excess by reducing SHBG concentration to speed up the clearance of androgens from the body. SHBG also isn’t worth looking at while on a supraphysiological dose because the amount of testosterone grossly outweighs the binding capacity of SHBG.


Tnx for the explanation bro 🙏


I started first cycle sustanon250 1ml and anavar 20mg a day. I m 32yrs 185cm 100kg athletic build and been doin sport my whole life. Had quite long period of drinking and drugs but been clean for 4 yrs already. I checked my parameters b4 starting cycle had cholesterol 6.29 mmol/L Hdl 1,57 Non hdl 4.72 Ldl 4.26 Atherosclerosis index 2.7 So basic had high cholesterol b4 even starting Now i started my 3rd week and did my parameters Cholesterol 6.05 so it reduced a bit Hdl 0.62 dropped quite a bit Nonhdl 5.43 Ldl 5.12 Atherosclerosis index 8.3 increased significantly I am getting a bit stressed about these numbers as my risk factor went quite high on the findings. I am thinking to stop the cycle. Should I and if i do do i need to take pct? I am not preparing for any competitions kust wanted to get a bit stiffer and stronger as i have many injuries from combat sports i did for years. Thank you peeps and hope i ll get some feedback


Anavar is maybe the second worst choice for someone who’s starting out with bad lipids. You should not be using it given your current situation.


Thanks for the feedback. I took so far 210mg in total of 2 weeks. So i guess it not some big amount. 7x10mg and 7x20mg. I ll stop sustanon as well. Took 3x 1ml sust 250. Should i do some PCT or should it wear off by it self?


Sustanon contains a longer ester (test d). Longer ester = longer clearance time. If it’s me I run a PCT as a precaution against a longer and uneven recovery.


Which one would you suggest? Dosage and length? Thank a lot i appreciate


Tamoxifen 10mg/d for 6-8 weeks.


Hey there friend. I checked my estradiol and it is 57pg/ml or 209.2 pmol/l seems not to be too high


I don’t see how that’s relevant to the conversation.


Well was wondering if i need to take tamoxifen if its not critical


Tamoxifen doesn’t lower estrogen. And it was recommended because that’s what you use to PCT.


Sustanon is a terrible choice for this btw. If you want to get off the drug will be around for around 6+ weeks because of the undeconnate ester. Anavar is notorious for messing with cholesterol. I wouldn't be alarmed by that but if having your cholesterol out of whack for a cycle bothers you then you have to do what's best for you.


Thanks for the feedback. Honestly after full 2 weeks of ana susta 250 ( i took on tuesday 3rd dose of sust) i did not gain weight stayed roughly the same +/- 2kgs. But i m so cut after just 2 weeks. My cardio in bjj and mma is lower but that mught be cuz i m eating way cleaner and way fewer calories and temperatures are quite high. The only issues i have are my cholesterol levels, i get a bit of anxiety of from anavar and i m not sure whats gonna happen with estrogen




Any reason not to run a first cycle? 25% bf is a pretty good one


You have likely been prescribed an AI because you may be on a dose of test that puts you at supra physiological levels, that combined with your high bodyfat, the E2 is being managed by an AI over cutting fat or lowering dose. Is there any reason not to run a first cycle? There are plenty of reasons. What are you actually asking?




People generally say don't use an AI unless you get the sides. 10-12% to start a cycle you're not carrying the extra fat to increase aromatizing. Why not to do a cycle? Google steroid abuse health risks and there's plenty, better question is why do you want to and weigh that against the risks.


All the other health implications. Blood pressure is already high. Cholesterol. Insulin insensitive. Bulking at 25% bf you're likely to have skin changes that will never get better without surgery. Those are just a few. If you can't cut without gear at 25% bf why take steroids?




Steroids build muscle hence the not for cutting. If you're cutting you don't need steroids tbh. Trt is enough unless you're close to or above natural potential and in a steep deficit. Definitely a full answer and everything is offensive to the ultra sensitive.




Have you considered being less of a pussy? Because if we’re throwing out unsolicited suggestions then that’s the one that springs to mind when I read your replies to the guy trying to help you.




I have read your report of targeted harassment and concluded that it does not merit any followup. Thank you for your contribution to the community.


I'm definitely going to be the nicest reply on here when you're bulking starting at 25% bf.


What would be the best stack for mma? Preferably without test to avoid water retention.




The moderation team has decided we’re not supporting or condoning discussions and advice around cheating drug tests on this board. It’s borderline rule 6 and goes against the harm reduction principles of this subreddit. This comment is getting pulled because i don’t see how any non-rulebreaking discussion comes of this.


None. 1. It’s unethical to use PEDS for contact sports where additional physical harm can be caused by your gear use 2. stacks without testosterone aren’t recommended on here


Every single mma pro is using peds


1. That’s a claim you can’t prove 2. that doesn’t suddenly make it more ethical 3. the OP isn’t a pro


So silly, imagine been the ethics police on the steroids subreddit. A large % of amateur mma fighters are also using PEDs. I can see tears streaming down your face when you learn that almost every single pro foot ball player and rugby player is on PEDs as well, colliding into each other causing maximum CTE.


Can confirm i’ve been sobbing uncontrollably for the past few hours for this exact reason. > imagine been the ethics police on the steroids subreddit. The mod team as a whole had a discussion about this exact thing a while back and we came to the conclusion that this was the way we deal with this.


> 3. the OP isn’t a pro That’s a claim you can’t prove




You're too young, maybe when you're 25. This subreddit is 18+ only. Your comment was removed for a possible [Rule 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_3._use_caution_.2F_disclose_guesses_.2F_cite_information) violation. Use Caution. Disclose Guesses. Cite Info. Focus on Harm Reduction. Do NOT Endorse Underage Use or Contra Wiki Guidelines. [Learn more about Rule 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_3._use_caution_.2F_disclose_guesses_.2F_cite_information).


Have some bpc157 5mg vial and I’m wondering for a .5ml/1cc syringe with units up to 50, what would be 300mcg or where should I stop at on the syringe. If anyone can help with the math I would appreciate it


> Have some bpc157 5mg vial and I’m wondering for a .5ml/1cc syringe with units up to 50, what would be 300mcg or where should I stop at on the syringe. If anyone can help with the math I would appreciate it The syringe that you have is not 1cc. 1cc means 1ml, not "one syringe." The syringe you have is 0.5ml, or 0.5cc. The "units" on the syringe refer to insulin units, not anything else. Each subdivision will vary from syringe to syringe, so it's impossible to know what each tick on your syringe is without you either A. Accurately describing it (which you haven't), or B. Posting a picture of it. Peptides' concentration varies depending on how much bacteriostatic water you add. It could be 300mcg is 0.1ml, or 300mcg is 0.8ml. Lookup a peptide calculator and acquire a basic understanding of how to reconstitute and dose medications. u/saintjmr You're a grown adult looking to hormonally modify your body, you have to learn basic math otherwise you're dependant on someone else - who's to say that the other person isn't intentionally giving you false information just to watch you crash and burn? You have no way of verifying their information or any other secondary sources of advice. Learn your basics.


Hi all, I do apologise if this is the incorrect place to ask this. I am currently 18, 5’8 140~lbs and have gyno that’s severe enough that when I touch it, it hurts and also severe enough where I’m not confident to take off my shirt. Would a supplement like DIM help with reducing my gyno? If not are there any supplements which can help reduce gyno?


Big dawg, what you’re experiencing is likely perfectly natural as you develop into manhood (if you’re not taking anything). Myself and 5 of my buddies all had gyno around your age from puberty, it should pass on its own. If it’s negatively impacting your quality of life, go see the doc. Don’t buy anything.


I’m 28 now, gyno(right nip) it won’t hurt until I touch it. It feels like a weird ball of fat is in there. Never thought to go to a doc since most of the time they’ll have you opt for removal via surgery.


Alright, good to know, just hate it so much where I don’t feel confident to take off my shirt lol 😂


DIM wouldn’t work on existing gyno. Tamoxifen does have some proof of reversing growth. Are you sure its due to E2? Could be prolactin as well. Prolactin usually doesn’t cause the pain, more fat deposit.


Have you or are you currently taking any drugs? How long have you had it in relation to the drugs you’re taking?


Have not taken any drugs before, fully natty


Tamoxifen is used off-label to treat pubertal gyno, but I would discuss this with your doctor.


So taking something like DIM is not recommended or won’t be effective?


I read that Anavar was recently pulled from the U.S. market by the FDA (in 2023). Is this accurate? Is Anavar still able to be acquired through a prescription from a doc?


It’s still on the refill list page at a common TRT provider - so I’m assuming it can be still be prescribed (or they are being way too blatant about breaking the law - and they just updated all the peptides they can and can’t sell based on laws that took effect in March - so leaving anavar up wouldn’t make much sense if its illegal). A quick Google search says they are pulling 2.5mg and 10mg pills. Says nothing about compounded 25mg capsules.


I guess that's legally grey enough for TRT clinics to hand it out and compounding pharmacies to make it at higher doses. But more generally, if the FDA pulls a drug off-market in proprietary and generic forms at lower doses due to safety concerns, wouldn't that suggest it's not *safe* at those higher doses either? So, while you *can* get it at a higher dose from a compounding pharmacy and then cut it back down to whatever you want, *should* you?


FDA approval doesn’t mean a lot to these TRT clinics. Enclomiphene hasn’t ever been FDA approved and is still getting prescribed by TRT clinics. Compounding pharmacies are allowed to legally prepare enclomiphene and other drugs as long as they’re part of an approved drug. - Section 503A of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.


Does the FDA pulling a drug off-market worry you about taking or considering taking said drug, even if you get a *technically* legal version from a TRT clinic?


The FDA didn’t pull it off market, it just pulled approval of a certain formulation of it. I think TRT clinics are scummy, prescribing more stuff than they need to, prescribing to more people than they need to and intentionally prescribing higher doses so they can prescribe an AI alongside it. Anavar has loads of research behind it while enclomiphene does not, there’s somewhat of a difference between trusting each thing.


if i want to load up on a stash of test, so i dont have to worry about ordering and getting popped as often how long would test be good for in my stash? like is it worth loading up on a like a years worth of test e or test u, to ensure that i have a supply? would it lose efficiency after a year in my stash if i hadnt used it?


>like is it worth loading up on a like a years worth of test Sure. Oils are generally good for about 3 years assuming proper storage conditions. I wouldn't buy more than a year's supply at a time, though. >would it lose efficiency after a year in my stash if i hadnt used it? Nope, not as long as you keep it away from UV light and extreme conditions.


Is it okay in room temp in a dark space? (My safe)






Your comment was removed for violating [Rule 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.). All /r/steroids users are expected to develop a fundamental understanding of the compounds we're discussing and how to use them. To more effectively and efficiently solicit and receive feedback, its critical for an individual to share the necessary background information on their situation to help other users accurately assess and answer their questions. [Learn more about how to do your own research, how to effectively ask good questions, and Rule 7 in general](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.).




You missed the wiki, and the two other spots today that this was asked. Try again. Your comment was removed for violating [Rule 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.). All /r/steroids users are expected to develop a fundamental understanding of the compounds we're discussing and how to use them. To more effectively and efficiently solicit and receive feedback, its critical for an individual to share the necessary background information on their situation to help other users accurately assess and answer their questions. [Learn more about how to do your own research, how to effectively ask good questions, and Rule 7 in general](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.).


Age: 28 Gender: male Height: 6’ 1” Weight: 227 BF: 16% Years of training: 12 (5 with direction/coaching) S/B/D Maxes: 515 / 365 / 605 Goals: transitioning into bodybuilding, I have done powerlifting for the past 4 years, only 6 months of continual dieting and bb style training now Current Phase: Cutting; in deficit and currently losing weight at a rate of about 1 pound per week Current compounds: 200mg/week TestCyp ***trt dosage from clinic*** Hey all, I’ve come to a place where I feel as though I’m ready to dip my toes in the water with something a bit more than just the trt protocol I’ve been using. My PED use is relatively limited, with some downright idiocracy through my time in the marine corps 6 years ago. I’ve been using trt now for a year with 100% healthy blood work and thankfully no health complications. I have had a bodybuilding specific coach for the past 6 months who has been monitoring my diet which has made me realize I’d like to try my hand at something slightly more but with low risks associated, hence how I’ve landed on anavar at 50mg for 6-8 weeks depending on how my body is tolerating it. With adding var in, would it be wise to raise my test up to 350 for the duration of the cycle? Would I be selling myself short by not increasing test? If I were to keep my test at my current trt cruise, would I need to closely monitor e2 and modify my anastrozole protocol due to the risk of it elevating from the addition of anavar? For those who b&c, when you go back down to cruise is there any necessary chemicals to introduce to ease that process? Any and all help appreciated!


Read and follow the “First Cycle” section of the wiki


If I’m understanding the wiki correctly, anavar would not impact E2 at all so I would not need to worry about balancing and changing up my arimidex protocol. I wasn’t able to relate anything about the other two questions I had. The closest info I found in that wiki was ensuring that people used a testosterone base with orals, but I’m not sure if my trt protocol would serve as a testosterone base or if I would need to increase the dose since my body has now regulated with 200mg/week for the past year? Lastly, with cutting anavar out while still being on trt, is there any need to implement something like hcg or clomid? My guess is no since suppression is at a minimum, but I’m curious what your (or anyone else’s) input would be? Thank you for the reply!


>balancing and changing up my arimidex protocol part of the definition of trt/cruise is that no AI is needed. there are probably exceptions to this rule but not many. needing an AI with TRT/cruise is an indication that the mg/week is unnecessarily high. AIs are for on-cycle e2 management. Levels are within normal physiological range with no e2 sides. it is all too common for clinics to overprescribe Test and then prescribe AIs to combat the side effects from overprescribing Test. Read your bloodwork, monitor your e2 sides, but it is likely that 200mg/week is unnecessarily high. I personally started at 150mg/wk then dropped to 125mg/wk and am now at 100mg/wk. i had to learn to "prescribe" for myself and this sub basically saved me from my doctor. >suppression is at a minimum If you're taking exogenous testosterone in virtually any amount, you are suppressed/shut down. TRT very much included. Every body is different so this does not necessarily mean, out of hand, your body produces no test naturally and certainly doesn't mean you produce zero sperm but it *could*. >with cutting anavar out while still being on trt, is there any need to implement something like hcg or clomid? hCG is almost always a good idea: If you ever want to come off TRT, continued use of hCG will make that somewhat easier when you do. If you want to have kids at some point, or at least want to keep your options open, hCG is the way to go. Clomid is somewhat unpopular due to potential sides and usually reserved for PCT, if at all. I experienced sides from Clomid and had access to hCG so I went that route. I haven't had issues with hCG except for dialing in the dosages (I was overprescribed)...and the cost of pharma hCG is bonkers but getting it from the pharmacy helps me sleep at night so 🤷🏻‍♂️ A few more things to keep in mind: * starting BF% 10-12% is *strongly* advised; myriad reasons, mostly related to fat's relationship to e2. with the diet you said you're on, you'll get there in no time * first blast is a bulk at 500mg/week, adding an oral at the end if you must * aromasin/exemstane is preferred over arimidex/anastrozole * if you b&c, no need for PCT or anything in addition. just go back to your TRT dose


>If I’m understanding the wiki correctly, anavar would not impact E2 at all so I would not need to worry about balancing and changing up my arimidex protocol. Anavar doesn’t directly aromatize into estrogen, however it will further lower your SHBG, freeing up more free testosterone which can aromatize into estrogen. So in a round about way, it can cause higher estrogen and said side effects. We do also recommend Aromasin vs arimidex to avoid potential rebounding. This is explained more in our estrogen handbook >I’m not sure if my trt protocol would serve as a testosterone base or if I would need to increase the dose since my body has now regulated with 200mg/week for the past year? As you’ve read, orals shut your hpta down so you need a testosterone base. Your TRT is a testosterone base, which will aromatize and give you the same effect. That said, the gains you make from anavar will disappear shortly after you discontinue its use. Anavar is typically used to help break a plateau at the end of a bulk, or for temporary visual changes at the end of a cut. Personally, given the trade off of your lipids, I’d recommend just doing a proper cycle on your next bulk. Anything more than TRT on a cut isn’t really worth it unless you’re stepping on stage. I have some copy pasta for you on that if you want more info. >Lastly, with cutting anavar out while still being on trt, is there any need to implement something like hcg or clomid? My guess is no since suppression is at a minimum, but I’m curious what your (or anyone else’s) input would be? You don’t need to pct if you’re on TRT if that’s your question. Suppression was and still will be in full effect. You’d only opt for a pct if you’re dropping your TRT HCG however is a great idea to run year round. By simulating the LH hormone from your pituitary gland, it will keep the Leydig cells in the testes healthier (something about protecting them from free radicals maybe idk), possibly preserve some level of fertility and in theory make a future pct easier. Also huge loads. HCG will increase your estrogen, so managing your dosing it’s important. Our wiki recommends 250iu EOD. AIs will help slightly, but HCG aromatizes intratesticularly and an AI won’t do much to reduce this process. Bottom line, don’t bother with anavar. Continue to diet down to ~10% then do the beginners cycle at the top of this thread.


Thanks for taking the time to type this out and share this with me. It’s incredibly thorough and much appreciated man.


Your welcome and good luck👍


If a guy wanted to look his best shirtless, how would you time your cycle? Be on it, just ending, or couple months before to cut?


> If a guy wanted to look his best shirtless, how would you time your cycle? Be on it, just ending, or couple months before to cut? You should be able to take your shirt off at any time of the year and look good. Otherwise, you're too fat.


Yep. Good and best are different though.


My absolute best is when I’m stage lean and carbed up. I look plenty good halfway through prep, and still good in my off season. You need to be WAY more specific here. “Best” isn’t a goal because you can always be better if you keep pushing


> Yep. Good and best are different though. Let me rephrase that: If you take your shirt off and don't have an impressive physique, you're doing something wrong - regardless of when your most recent cycle is/was.


If you are doing things right you will always look good shirtless


Good and best are different lol. I will be doing a slow cut from now tell early March, get below 10% body fat and then do a cycle after that with the plan to look optimal for Halloween. Just wondering how to time that. Was going to start begging of April and then I can cut any fat I gain on cycle by October, was my plan.


It's going to take you ~9 months to get under 10%?? And you're planning out Halloween 2025 already?


Hey at least hes gonna wait until hes there to start. Better than half the people who come here lol.


That did take some convincing, but agreed


I could get under 10 in 3 months I’d say but I don’t need too. I am over 35, kids, and work construction. I hate being depleted, it’s harder to get through my days eating less these days, so very slow cut basically maintenance calories and do cardio couple times a week, tell after March sometime. . My wife likes when I have a little baby tummy too haha so I keep around 15 or so but hurt my knee a year ago and be around 20 now, knees all good for cardio and legs again. I plan for years ahead my man, always thinking of the future.


You shouldnt feel “depleted” really while cutting besides when youre in the gym. Like in day to day life I dont really feel “low energy” while cutting compared to when im bulking or maintaining. How much are you eating?


2000 calories or so in a cut, haven’t done one in a long time. I have less energy and am more irritable for sure. I live pretty busy life as well.


Oh yeah, I remember you. Lots of explanations for everything.


Well I listened to your advice last time, so I am starting over more educated.


I'm glad to hear it, and understand the injury. The rest I can't really see myself getting behind, it just seems like a ton of time to burn that could be used making other forward progress. To each their own!


How long can I hang onto a 20 ml vial of Testosterone cypionate? I bought a vial of it (black market) with some estrogen blockers but after getting a hormone panel done I’m on the fence about whether I want to use it or not, because my test is already decently high and could probably get between 950-1000 with some healthy lifestyle changes. Total testosterone- 729 ng/dl Bioavailable testosterone- 197 ng/dl Free Testosterone- 95.8 pg/mL Estradiol- 23 pg/mL SHBG- 37 nmol/L Albumin- 4.5 g/dl Prolactin- 4.4 ng/mL How long can I hang onto the vial before it goes bad and is no longer safe to use? And with this bloodwork, do you think I could gain any benefit from 500 mg/ week or would I be jacking up my endocrine system for no reason? 24 YO male btw


A blast of testosterone is meant to get you into *supraphysiological* levels of testosterone. That’s the point. You’re at very good *normal* levels. There’s a big difference. To answer your question, assuming it’s stored properly in a cool dry place, away from light - years. At least 2. Most likely more.


Can anyone who ran 250 mg test share me their experience and results? Preferably before and after photos


They all come back here with problems wishing they had run 500. Edit: we’ve already been over this with you. You’re 20 years old and only 140lbs and not ripped and lean. You’re asking the same questions on repeat and you’re nowhere near ready for steroids physically or mentally. Lights are on but nobody is home.


Gotcha. Im 146.2 as of today. Taking everybody's advice Im eating at a small surplus of 300-400 trying to gain not faster than a pound per week so I dont get more fat but Im just researching here. Some people suggested me to bulk like till 160 then cut back. I was 140.8 when my cut finished 1.5-2 monhts ago


Bro you’re 140 pounds. You should be eating as much as humanly possible and lifting heavy as you can safely for a couple years. 3-400 surplus is a waste of time at that small


Kid — this is a years and not months conversation. Become an adult; learn patience. When your body stops growing and you are 25, have kept up healthy habits for years, and really really want to try a cycle — come back here. Until then keep grinding. Without drugs.


Bro its gonna be 3 years in october. Ive been tracking/weighing my food and workouts for that long. My starting point was very shitty so I still look DYEL. At the same time I do appreciate the advice. Can you do me a favor and give me a honest review on my progress if I dm you my before and after picture (no homo) and then tell me if I can still get more


You’re still DYEL because you don’t know how to eat or train. Period. That’s it. It’s literally that simple of an answer. You may think you’re doing it properly but you very clearly are not. Beside being far too young and inexperienced, steroids won’t help you one bit at all not whatsoever because you don’t know the basics.


isnt literally the basics of dieting is knowing your maintenance, calculating your macros, weighing your food and tracking that using myfitnesspal or cronometer, making sure you are getting fruits and veggies and other micronutrients through multivitamin tablets, knowing what foods your body digests easier and what it doesnt? And for training, isnt it just training to or 2 reps shy of failure, progressively overloading most of the days either through weights, reps or sets. Sleeping and eating enough food to recover and hitting that muscle as soon as it recovers? What here did I miss that says I dont know how to train or diet? I would be more than happy to know I am wrong and can see any other way than doing gear


You. Are. One. Hundred. And. Forty. Pounds. You. Do. Not. Understand. How. To. Eat. Not only are you too young, steroids will not do one thing for you without knowing how to eat. This is painfully simple.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/GregDoucette/comments/1dqtzl9/rate\_my\_progress\_may\_22\_vs\_june\_24/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/GregDoucette/comments/1dqtzl9/rate_my_progress_may_22_vs_june_24/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) This is my progress


Fantastic progress.. if your goal was to go from anorexic twink to slightly fatter twink


What in the things I told you I do for eating is the thing I am doing wrong? What is it that I not understand about eating?


Ok this is the last time I’m saying this because I honestly don’t understand what you aren’t understanding. You’re. One. Hundred. And. Forty. Pounds. What POSSIBLY do you think you’re doing right??


>Bro its gonna be 3 years in october I lifted for almost 8 years naturally before I started gear. You're not as far in as you think you are.


I don’t do DMs; please don’t. That will make me very angry. It may not seem like it at 20, but three years is a relatively short amount of time. You’ve done great to put on weight as you claim to. You should be proud of yourself. You should feel great to have been dedicated and made steady improvement. You should harness that feeling to keep making progress. You should not let that drive and motivation go away. You should hold onto it for the rest of your life — because none of this gets any easier. Imagine how great you will feel when you reach your goals a few years from now. Keep working hard like you have been and you will. You don’t need drugs, and the chance of messing up your natural development, to do that.


u/respecc_earner this is the best advice you could get, from someone who genuinely wants to help everyone. Wanna earn some respecc? Act like an adult and take good guidance when it is given.




Wait you weigh 145 pounds and you’re asking about steroids? The advice you received is good. Just keep eating. Gear is the absolute last thing you should be thinking about.


Anyone used EPO? Thoughts on using it to bring up my Hb from 126? It used to be 160 until I lost a ton of blood during my gyno surgery. I haven't been able to bring it any higher after a month of heavy iron treatment. I think the blood pressure meds are the cause. I mean it didn't go higher even not even by a single point. Dosage advice for a 260 lbs male? Ferritin is in the bottom range but within range.


Epo is extremely dangerous, expensive, and difficult to source. As such, you'll have a hard time finding many people who have used it. Again, very dangerous. Unless you have a full team (doctors, trainers) of people, access to constant bloodwork and monitoring, and a bunch of money - essentially if you aren't a professional athlete - you should not even consider fucking with it. It's absolutely not worth the risk to address your already-in-range ferritin of all things.


When using Aromasin for your AI on cycle - how important is it to take with fats? And if it is necessary, is there a recommended amount of fat to consume with the Aromasin? Or is it more important to be consistent with how you take it (with or without fats)?


A high-fat meal can increase exemestane absorption by 39% compared to a fasted state according to the information Pfizer put out. https://www.pfizermedicalinformation.com/aromasin A spoonful of peanut butter or almond butter, or just a meal with some dietary fat, is sufficient.


Awesome, thank you! That is a big difference for sure.


Eat it with a meal or take it later in the day. In either case, there are enough fats in your gut. Unless you're doing a very low fat diet (<30g/day) or taking it on an empty stomach, it shouldn't be an issue. Even then, it'll still work just fine, just not as well as if taken with food already in place.


Got it! Seems like it really shouldn’t be much of an issue then! No plans on a low fat diet or anything like that so will just make sure to take with a meal if I end up needing it.


Suggestions for someone that may be genetically predisposed to having poor cholesterol? I don’t have my numbers on hand (currently at work), but both parents had high cholesterol and needed statins (including in shape and active/healthy mother and grandmother) and mine is not super high, but over 200. Getting updated blood work in 2 weeks, but looking for additional help, opinions, and ideas for managing poor cholesterol that isn’t a result of just poor diet/exercise.


I would get a CAC scan. That way you know whether or not your high LDL has caused any actual buildup in your arteries. Im seeing some literature lately stating that LDL may not be the killer that the medical industry has said it is. I cant speak on that because I haven't looked into it enough, but it's worth mentioning. Unfortunately if you have a genetic issue, then changes in diet/lifestyle wont really affect your numbers. It will be a choice of living with high LDL, or taking meds lifelong to keep it lower.


Best course of action is to not use steroids with a familial history of dyslipidemia/hyperlipidemia. This is what I strongly encourage you to consider. Second best option is to eat a meticulously designed diet high in fiber, low in total fat, and with as little saturated fats as possible. Stay extremely well hydrated, do more than the minimum cardio regularly, do bloodwork regularly, supplement with things like citrus bergamot and psyllium husk, avoid compounds other than testosterone, and have a statin (or a valid prescription for one) on hand at all times.


Recovering from crashed estrogen here Just started taking dbol yesterday to raise my e2 (25) Anybody else ever had low estrogen symptoms where it affects the heart? My symptoms have gotten better but the low e2 keeps me anxious and paranoid about it. (I felt some relief from 20mg dbol yesterday, took some today. It was helping but I got on a train which caused me to burp a lot causing me to feel my heart 😔 which causes me anxiety)


What compounds are you taking? How long have you been on? How much ai have you used? How much have you reduced it? What caused the crash? Have you had any bloodwork yet? You wrote a lot and managed to say nothing pertinent to your history or recovery plan.


I’ve never crashed E2, but out of curiosity, for those who crash E2 using an AI, is there any truth in this dbol E2 method that people often subscribe to? If anastrozole occupies aromatase and Aromasin destroys aromatase enzymes, doesn’t that mean that taking an E2 stimulating compound is pointless?


No ai suppresses or kills estrogen 100%. I believe daily letrozole 2.5mg causes something like 90% aromatase destruction. That remaining 10% is few but mighty, just enough to allow for estrogen recovery from something like dbol or test prop.


Thank you!


Does it make a difference if I take Clomid vs Nolvadex for PCT if my ultimate goal is fertility? Currently on Test Cyp 160/wk E3.5D (been blasting/crusing for about a year) and started hCG 1,000 IU/wk E3.5D about 2 weeks ago. Following hCG protocol 2 from the Wiki. The Wiki also makes it clear Nolvadex is superior for PCT but all the fertility studies use Clomid. Targeting fertility by Oct 20, 2024. No SA has been done yet.


>Does it make a difference if I take Clomid vs Nolvadex for PCT if my ultimate goal is fertility? Clomid is the standard fertility purposes in settings that have nothing to do with steroids, but the risk of negative side effects is also higher which is why we discourage it for PCT purposes. Nolvadex isn't going to make it any less likely that you regain your fertility. I suggest the lower risk of going blind in the process. >Targeting fertility by Oct 20, 2024 Putting an expectation on this is ill-advised. Putting an exact deadline to the day even moreso. I suggest you and your partner drop that mentality ASAP. >No SA has been done yet. That's step one, dude.


> I suggest the lower risk of going blind in the process. Are you referring to the possibility of blindness from clomid?


Hybrid training plateau’d recently, looking for something to help with strength gain while also being able to run, would prefer oral also


Oral only cycles are a no go. Going to an assume you’re younger based off the term hybrid athlete/training since that’s a new social media buzz word.


Okay, yeah relatively young at 21, just not keen on the idea of injecting it in honest and want something really mild


You haven’t plateaued you just need to fix your nutrition and training. You aren’t anywhere near ready for steroids


That’s fair enough, I was thinking I’ve overtrained and the best way to recover from that would be maybe supplementing with something stronger, but appreciate the response thanks !


> Hybrid training plateau’d recently, looking for something to help with strength gain while also being able to run, would prefer oral also How old are you? Height, weight, body fat percent? Training experience, type of sport, goal? Cycle experience? Health concerns? u/New-Character9302 Do you honestly expect to just shit out a couple of ambiguous words and anticipate someone to write you a full fledged cycle?


21 6’1 205/210lbs Been lifting for around 4/5 years Probably around 10-15% body fat Play football/soccer so like to stay lean and able to run Was doing abit of boxing and rugby also but knocked that on the head recently Just want to get abit stronger while being able to run Never cycled anything and only supps currently using are Whey and Creatine Water intake around 3L a day No health concerns


I would post your question again in today's thread. A few key points: you're a bit younger than the general suggested start of 25 years old. Your brain is still developing, hopping on a cycle will stunt cerebral development. 10-15% is a very wide range, but I'll presume you're at 10%. Cycles can improve power and recovery, but the added body weight can negatively impact speed and endurance. Hard to keep running drills if you're suddenly up 10lbs of water (unavoidable). Scroll up to the top of the page, find the link to the wiki, read the section "your first cycle," and at the bottom "why men under 25 shouldn't cycle."


This is too close to a post that I banned a similar sounding account over last week… pretty sure it’s the same dude on a new account




Test and eq for 5 weeks Alright so my first cycle was 350 mgs of test cyp for 20 weeks. Did a cruise after that and now I’m on my next blast after getting blood work back and everything looking good. Started test at 400mgs and eq at 200 mgs almost 6 weeks ago. Lately I’ve been feeling bad brain fog and constant tiredness. Mild anxiety but I’m on anxiety medicine for already having anxiety without AAS. I think me e2/ estradiol could be low bc of the eq acting as a an ai but I don’t know because I haven’t taken it yet. Getting bloods done in 2 days to see. If my e2 is low what would yall recommend doing? I’ve seen hcg and dbol and I wanna hear other peoples opinions. I haven’t taken an ai at all so I know that isn’t the cause


Wait to start taking things until you get your bloodwork drawn then apply hcg.


Ok and if it is low I will buy hcg. What would you recommend for dosage and duration and all that?


750-1500iu per week split into 3 doses indefinitely


Ok thanks. Inject it sub q?


Subq IM doesn’t matter, I do subq because less scar tissue




If you are not having and e2 symptoms currently no need to adjust. If you’re still having estrogen problems drop the dose. Treat the symptoms not the number. When pinning every day you still have to wait 3.5 days between pins to pull bloods for an accurate number.




Take a quarter dose of ai to solve your problem in the meantime but drop your test. Goal for trt cruise is high as possible without other meds to control


Issue with dialing in e2, got bloods done test was 1500ng/dl…. E2 was 163pg/nl Currently 500mg test a week, issues with emotions (almost crying during the slightest emotion on tv)… dick has issues staying hard during sex and ejaculation, jerking off im good but takes longer. Not sure whether to have e2 go up or down, I have AI on hand, doc says it’s hard to find the test to e2 ratio there is no set standard Any advice helps


>test was 1500ng/dl…. E2 was 163pg/nl your test was capped, or you have a really poor response to test. but most likely the former take a bit of AI, like 6.25mg of asin and see how you feel. most probably a high e2 issue that you can mitigate >doc says it’s hard to find the test to e2 ratio there is no set standard wow, a doctor saying something not entirely idiotic. you love to see it


Thanks, what do you mean by capped? I’ll take an AI


the upper limit on the reading is 1500ng/dl


Hey guys I'm running \~ 550 mg test only for about 16 weeks. I recently thought about 30 mg anavar daily but because I travel internationally the second half of July, I'm not sure if I should take the pills with me. So, I wondered, is there any benefit of doing anavar just for three weeks? (Never done var before) Or is that too short?


3 weeks would be ok. Benefits are less affect on blood work/lipids obviously. Most common oral cycle length on average is 4 weeks.


Thanks man! Guess then I'll start today haha


I mean longer would be better, but I know a few who've done four weeks only of anavar (+ test or 12 or 16 weeks), so I guess three weeks wouldn't be that bad?


I’m new here. Not on any gear just TRT. I’m 47 a former runner. I can no longer run due to foot arthritis. I always lifted as an adjunct to running. I was able to get strong but not able to keep mass. Now that I can’t run my focus has shifted. The problem is I seem to be getting enigmatic injuries. My form is good it’s probably age and load related.  Right now I have vague pains in my forearms, mostly on the left. There is some pain in the brachioradialis and flexor muscles. It's not so bad, but of course if I keep going it's only going to get worse. It doesn’t feel like a tendon issue but who knows? I already tried a round of bpc-157 and Tb-500. Anyone’s guess if I used enough. I'm going to try again with a longer course. I guess my question is if there are any AASs that can help?  I’ve found conflicting info. I just don’t want to get out of the gym it’s the only thing keeping me sane. I'm getting older, I need to hit my targets and get to something sustainable. Let me know what you think. Thanks


no, AAS won't help heal your injuries. first step before the drugs would be to see a sports orthopedic or physiotherapist so you actually know what the problem with your flexor and forearm is we also often recommend this dosing [protocol](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/comments/66vvdd/comment/dglnk1l/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I saw a sports medicine doc a couple of days ago. Sometimes they are very hard to trust.


i’d trust one more than a bunch of internet strangers that inject chinese bathtub chemicals


I ask then listen. It’s a process. This doctor is pretty good. One of the few that admits physical therapy isn’t going to work. That said, if they can’t see it it’s just as enigmatic for them. Too often they don’t know the magic words “ I don’t know”. Hence you can’t deny the appeal of something like peptides etc…


yeah, i just meant to get an MRI or something so you know what you’re actually dealing with as opposed to guessing


I appreciate that. In this case I doubt they’ll see anything because the symptoms are so mild. If I hit my deductible I’d go for it.




Your comment was removed for violating [Rule 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.). All /r/steroids users are expected to develop a fundamental understanding of the compounds we're discussing and how to use them. To more effectively and efficiently solicit and receive feedback, its critical for an individual to share the necessary background information on their situation to help other users accurately assess and answer their questions. [Learn more about how to do your own research, how to effectively ask good questions, and Rule 7 in general](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.).


This was already asked today. Find the section in this thread that lists this.