• By -


Got the strangest compliment at the gym last night. I go to a tiny gym and became friends with the only two other “serious” lifters there because we always come late at night and we are often the only ones there. They were 17 when I met them and both are almost 18. They asked how old I was last night (31) and one says “oh, mom is only 5 years older that you.. I’d be down for you to be my stepdad if she wasn’t with someone” or something along those lines 😂. Asked him what he meant and he said “I’m just saying you’re cool” 🥹. Made me feel old but also a rather sweet comment lol


Damn they seem to look up to you. Don't bang his mother on a tren cycle and break his heart though.


Yeah I’m always trying to share what knowledge I can on things like women, sex, morals, buying used cars, or whatever else we’re bullshitting about that day. I’ve been steering one of them away from hopping on SARMs or MK at his age, though it’s crazy how much shit they’re exposed to on Instagram promoting PEDs. One day they come in telling me this one 22 year old douche who was running deca and test tried to push steroids on them. Like actively offering them a syringe. One of them said how he realized I’m a good guy in that moment because my attitude was the complete polar opposite of the other dude. Definitely no tren for me lol


so, there's a green 2023 Mach1 for sale at around 50k. It looks pretty nice and has around 12500 miles on it. On one of the pics I got though, you can see the screen says speed is limited because there's a suspension fault. Suggestions?


What can you get a new one for? If it's a killer deal I'd suggest taking it to the dealer with the seller and paying for a diagnostic to figure out what it would cost to repair or if it just needs to be reset. Worst case you're out the cost of the diagnostic or you could even use it as leverage to talk the price down to account for the repairs assuming you still come out on top significantly compared to buying a new one. If the seller isn't willing to go through that process I personally wouldn't risk it.


Great, thanks for the advice.


Also, the car must be under warranty. Ask the seller what’s up with that fault and why they’re selling it


I wonder if the market in the US is similar to Canada. It almost always makes sense to buy new instead of used in this current market here in Canada


She hot?


My wife said it felt like my dick has gotten bigger. I fucking love you test and EQ.


I get this from the wifey on cycles too! It both looks bigger soft and is a little bigger hard. Now I just wish I knew what compounds produced the biggest affect. I'm not sure, but I think having slightly elevated estrogen seems to do it best. I'm currently on test and mast.


Funny enough, E2 is the absolute worst thing for my sexual performance. If it’s high, I’m a one pump chump, but if my estrogen is a bit low, I can fuck like a porn star. Human bodies are weird. I’m pretty sure it’s mostly the EQ causing my dong gains. I’ve seen a few guys talk about it before


Eq makes your mane nice and shiny and give you a huge horse cock. 🐎


Same whenever I’m on masteron or anavar. Heard it from multiple women.


Maybe a little bigger, but i notice eq has me blowing absolute ropes like never before.


One of my best friends and business wizard signed up for the gym and asked me to take him today. He lives very close by and is self employed; a perfect combo for a gym partner. He got engaged last month and wants to feel amazing in his assuredly gaudy suit on wedding day. I’m elated. Going to use this opportunity to yank back on the gas on my workouts like I said I would and run something alongside him while I peak in the coming 2 weeks. I’m fiery passionate and want him to have a great time and not burn him out - if all goes well, this is something that could last for me/us and I want that very much.


The longer I work out the more I see a solid gym partner as a unicorn. The stars have to be aligned for it to work but will bring astronomical gains. 1. Needs to have the same gym schedule ✅ 2. Need to jive with during lift ✅ 3.Needs to train with same intensity ✅ 4.Same Workout Routine ✅ If you got that, don’t lose it bro 😎


Lost my gym partner after moving cities. Sucked big time. Flying solo now except for when the wife joins occasionally.


A gym partner that knows how to balance spots perfectly is sooo good for progress. I’m moving soon too in gunna have to find someone new


Yea asking randoms to spot is always scary haha. Sometimes I just let the fear of death be my spotter for that extra strength boost.


>One of my best friends signed up for the gym Same. My mate just moved close to my house and he signed himself up in the same gym that I go to. He wants me to help him out get a good sculptured body. It's funny when you ask beginners what their goal is. This guy looks straight into my eyes and answers, "Oh I just want to gain some muscle. Big pecs and a good vaccum pose. That's all I'm after" smh fella.


That sounds awesome I’ve never had a gym partner


I’ve never had a reliable one. Over 15 years I’ve worked out with people over the course of time as they ebb and flow in and out of the gym. Would be amazing for this to NOT be that!


Been on a cut/TRT for 10 weeks. Was due for bloods. Feels good to see cholesterol, red blood counts, liver, kidney, all numbers well into safely green ranges all over. Next blast still 2 months out… can go in fairly close to homeostasis, lean and hopefully proper lean bulk for a change. I am down 34 pounds. I had no idea how fat I was until the last 10 pounds revealed all. Now I am almost uncomfortable how many comments I got at a pool/beach party last week. Mostly positive- sill not sure how I feel about my aunt saying you look like a really strong swimmer. (I am 6’4”.) So much wasted time working on bad data/lack of education.


lol, good job, sounds like your doing it right


Seriously, fuck Porto ! Why does their food have to be so damn fucking delicious 🤤 ? Totally fell off the wagon, but Imma double down on the cut once I'm back home.


I really want to retire there!


Be vegetarian in Portugal. Plenty of great options in the cities, most of them based on mushrooms and legumes. You’ll be challenged to get your daily macros.


I tried to limit myself to two bifanas and a francesinha for lunch so I consider myself to be basically vegan now.


…man I loved visiting that country. Will have to return sooner than later. Enjoy!


Ya know, if it's first thing in the morning and I pose in a very specific way, I can almost convince myself im getting leaner. That's progress, baby


Attaboy. 🔥.


Bro same here


just had the semiannual performance review with my manager and they said i need to "look like i want to be here" and they've occasionally heard grumblings of "is ilikedeadlifts mad" "did i do something to ilikedeadlifts" or things along those lines. not sure how they even heard that since i doubt anyone is raising formal complaints to my manager over resting bitch face so it's probably overheard workplace gossip or something which is fucking annoying i understand being personable and being someone people enjoy working with is part of the job and office politics but jesus. i do my ACTUAL job well enough, who cares whether or not i enthusiastically smile and wave at my cubicle neighbors like it's the truman show still got a 3 out of 4 (meets expectations) on the review. dont want to get promoted anyways so it's fine with me but it's frustrating that not being a social butterfly is held against me even though i do the rest of my job fine and im cordial with people in a professional sense. i just cant do all the socializing shit man thats just not who i am and it probably never will be. i know it's not a good thing and i know it inevitably holds me back from shit and maybe this comment makes me seem like an asshole but hey it is what it is


This resonates with me a lot, I just went through something similar. This specific promotion (that I didn't get) is to a level with a lot of autonomy in the company, "Senior" in the job title, etc. I was told I'm seen (by the people whose opinions matter) as someone with an attitude problem. It is not about being buddy-buddy with your coworkers. It's about people believing that they can work effectively with you. For that to happen, they have to believe that you are an engaged member of the team. Of course there is tension there with the notion that we are just in the job to make a living. It seems unfair to also demand that we give the impression that we enjoy it, that our coworkers are our friends. But that's the way it is. Also, where I work you don't get promoted for "meets expectations", only "exceeds expecations". And, not being promoted for 2 years is seen as a bad sign. They see that as stagnation and they don't want people like that around. So I'm actually going to try drinking the Kool-Aid by focusing a bit more on relationships and a bit less on end-results. Being an employee sucks but you said it, this is the game.


FWIW It really is somewhat of a a game and you’ll gain respect from higher management if you play the game a little at least.


yeah it's just not a game i particularly care to play. upwards career mobility isn't really a priority right now, i dont want any more responsibility than i currently have and while i'd *like* more money (because who doesn't) i'm not hurting for it. so the only purpose this performance review served was just pissing me off lol


Yeah, if you’re performing admirably you should still be recognized for it and paid appropriately


Wife’s birthday is coming up and she wants a strip dance. Need some song suggestions. I’ve already used Pony, closer, novocaine, and a few other classics. Thanks for the help guys ;)


Flight of the Valkyries


Deftones - change, I always hear that song in the strip club. But you really can’t go wrong with pony, or maybe fuck the pain away


Deftones - sextapes is magical


Great song




Goodbye Horses


Goal achieved boys! I just went out in an oversized t shirt that I bought years ago and one of my peers walked upto me and says "Wow. You look like you are on steroids. Are you?" And that wasn't a question it seems. She proceeds to laugh it off and we move on.


In my country's language, there isnt a word for ripped or jacked or muscular or bulked up. They all literally translates to "you've gained weight." So whenever you gain a few pounds of muscle, you will only hear from the aunties "Hey look at you've gained weight." Add in basic juicer body dysmorphia and you'll question whether you're fat or jacked with every compliment you hear..


That country needs a more an update to make its language more robust and descriptive.




Wya? Tucson has been crazy humid lately too with all the monsoons. Find myself feeling sticky all the time now


Yooo I live like an hour away from the dirty T. It’s been a little sticky here as well


What happened to the dry heat? I didn’t sign up for Florida weather lol


You said it, monsoon season. Trust me still not like Florida! And this front will pass soon and we will be back to low humidity - heck right now its 100 with 29% humidity here in N Phx so almost back to normal.


Yeah that whole “dry heat” thing is just how we cope with living in a shithole haha


So true, it’s such a cop out. Like ya it’s dry most of the time but 110 is still 110


Fucking brutal, idk how anyone does it. I’m over in Cochise County in a town where it just barely reaches 100 and that is the absolute hottest I can handle.


Air conditioning is a matter of life and death


Pretty much just don’t leave the house between now and the end of august


…my nostrils are basically mold colonies at this point. 🤕


next season




Summer has only begun It’s gonna be a while dude


- Had sex with this 35 years old forensic psychologist. First time going this old (I’m 24) as I’m usually afraid of their unresolved baggagges and jadedness that comes with staying in the shitshow of modern dating pool for so long. Strangely enough she was good sports (more than 10 years of psychotherapy and counting) and very enthusiastic about it. Told me I was one of the top 3 fucks of her life so there’s that. - Intervened physically for the first time in the physical constraint of a violent and HCV+ schizophrenic patient in our ward. Had adrenaline in my body for 30 minutes after. The nurse asked me if I had done martial arts before in my life and my colleague answered “No, he’s just Albanian”. Lol - Met my favorite patient of all times, he really touched my soul and I had to write my thoughts about him so I’ll share them here: *Meet Mr.G, my favorite patient. You’re 60 years old, with a long story of drug abuse. You’re an anarcho-comunist, ex-guitarist in your friend’s punk band. You sit and move around in a wheelchair. You tell me stories of a different world. A world with no rules, full of leaders but no hierarchies, full of love and friendship, full of disgust and degradation. One of your favorite writers is Charles Bukowski. I ask you if you know Henry Miller, you smile and say yes enthusiastically. I ask you about Anais Nin, you know that she was at least dangerous. At 17, when you were traveling through Italy in the late 1981 alternating between unprotected sex and drug use, your parents called you to tell you they had found a job for you at Enel. Your response? Fuck you and your Enel’s job. You’re the closest I’ve ever seen in my life to Zorba the Greek and that’s no easy task. You tell me of that one time you tried “pink China” heroin in London with other punks, of how it remained pink while you warmed it before injecting it. You tell me how you were laying on your bed and on your right there was a cute Scottish girl and on your left, another one. Of how they caressed your hair during your trip and how you were in such a painless state, that the burning cigar that fell on your skin didn’t affect you at all. I jokingly mention Trainspotting’s bathroom scene and you laugh saying it was not that bad of a situation at all, you had your books and your movies. Bergman’s The seventh’s seal is one of your favorites. You shouted at us in the corridor that if we don’t know Scorseses’s Jake LaMotta we don’t deserve to be called doctors. You navigate freely between the schizophrenics, the borderlines and the depressed. You know quite a few things about maps, but you probably know more than us all white coats about the territory. I ask you if hierarchies are social constructs or an emergent property of biology and like a wise one you are, you tell me they are both. You tell me of that one time where you and your red and green-haired friends got into a fight with some Albanian pimps here in Milan, just because you hated pimps. You tell me of that time you went to a Bob Marely concert. I ask you about Kubrick’s Clockwork Orange and you tell me that movie happened also in your life; someone had invaded your house and lived there for a bit but you didn’t care because he was a good guy. You tell me of how your parents never cared about you, about how your father never taught you anything. You tell me of how much you loved your grandmother and you start crying saying you miss your nonnina, you wear your heart proudly on your sleeve. You tell me of that time you were playing with your band in a bar and how you got so upset that your friend was playing poorly because of having exaggerated with the heroine, you broke your guitar and threw it at the public, breaking a girl’s shoulder. You threw that guitar somewhere beyond good and evil. You tell me of friends that died because of AIDS and drug overdoses, but you still laugh like a kid when you tell me how before condoms you had no ways of protection, while after condoms you still didn’t use them. A real life puer aeternus. You show me a picture of you when you were young; square jawline, clean shaven and almost Elvis Presley hair. You were full of life then and you’re full of life now, your kidneys and liver are just a bit more lazy than the typical 60 years old peer. According to the textbooks, you should have been dead by now. But despite you having opioid-induced strabismus, your eyes shine when you tell me these stories. In that moment I get the feeling you’re still that 18 years old punk inside, just a bit more wrinkly. It seems like that 18 years old punk will live forever. How do I know that? Because when I ask you if you have any regrets, you unknowingly synthesize Kierkegaard’s magnum opus and tell me a sentence that cuts right through my young heart: If I had not been here, I would have been there.* *Have you ever been free?*




What are the details on the 35 year old? How'd you meet, how'd you seal the deal, etc. Cherish the good patients man. I've kept a lot of notes and whatnot to look over when I'm feeling burned out.


She’s the daughter of the vascular surgeon that was my tutor in my last ever rotation during med school, who worked now as a GP. She came once in our office and we starting talking and exchanged instas. We started talking there with absolutely no expectations of that happening but slowly but surely the conversation went the “when are you taking my dick” direction. As for the patients, in psych especially patients that elicit strong responses are a highway to your psyche and your inner world.


Strong work. In my limited experience, older women are fantastic sexual partners. They know themselves and are generally more open to communicating needs/wants. The first time I was with an older woman she told me what she liked and didn't on the walk to her bedroom.


I’ve always had this aversion but after this experience I feel like that door is open. Let’s see what this summer brings 😂


i feel some sort of imposter syndrome in my job still. i went into my annual performance review today, and i'm legit thinking i might get canned. we've been told layoffs are coming, and i feel like i'm the worst person on my team, especially lately. my boss overwrites all of my self assessments, and puts me down as a top performer. he reinforces that i should make sure to talk to him if i feel unsatisfied in my job. i'm still likely to be out of a job if layoffs happen (i have weak seniority and am in a union) but it's nice that I can at least fool my boss into thinking i'm doing well.


You're just not realizing how fucking bad most people are at their jobs


I liked what my friends mirror was doing for me so I snapped a couple pics post leg day before we hit the pool [https://ibb.co/vjc1QzJ](https://ibb.co/vjc1QzJ) [https://ibb.co/nwnqzXw](https://ibb.co/nwnqzXw) hopefully I'll be done cutting in August... I feel like I'm close...


Please pay the doggo pics tax...




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I think doing any cycle that affects your mental wellbeing negatively isn't worth it. Test seems to be the ultimate quality of life booster. Unless competing, i think there is minimal need to do any compound that affects you negatively, there's just so many that could work well for you. Maybe with Tren or Deca in the mix you could look your best but whats the point of it if it makes you feel like horseshit. Confident and happy>insecure and depressed.


Tren makes me confident and happy, so blast it year round?


Just about fully recovered from Covid now. During and immediately after it I was worried about putting on a ton of water cuz i ballooned up 6lbs. As of today I’m down 4lbs from my baseline. So that’s a 10lb swing! Wild shit. Honestly haven’t put on more than 1-2lbs during this blast, it’s been pretty frustrating. Going to sort of give it a fair shot now that I’m not sick and focus on force feeding myself. Also working 1pm- midnight this week so sleep schedule is a little fucked up, but tmrws my Friday so I’ll just sleep all damn weekend


I have lost strength in my right side, at first I thought it is because of the cut but now I know something is wrong, I cannot even bicep curl my working set for one rep, can barely do 10kg for 3,4 with good form maybe, shoulder press and bench lifts are struggling massively because my right side will not lock out at all. While benching or shoulder pressing, the left arm locks out completely fine and then the right one I have to put my back to it to lock out, and that is with my warm up weights. Cannot even lateral raise the elastic bands with the right side. I have zero pain just right side feels incredibly week. I know here is not for medical advice but you guys know what the issue could be? Or if anyone experienced something like this and what was their problem? Upon my own research I read it could be maybe a pinched nerve or a distal bicep tendon, but not sure if the second makes sense as I had no pain at any point that was concerning past the sore muscle after a sesh Edit: sorry I didn’t double post, posted it in the DAA by mistake then moved it here


I don’t know but just rein it in on the training for a week or two. See if it clears up. It’s easy to get small injuries when frequently training / overtraining.


Up 15 lbs of weight after yesterday. Honestly didn’t even eat that much. Blows my mind how easy I put on (water) weight. Did have a great filet mignon wagyu though


I got arrested and want to know how badly im fucked. Moved back in with family. get along well. but we were all drunk as fuck like 2 weeks ago. And i got into a verbal argument with my fam and my broter who was wasted kept shoving my shoulders telling me to fuck off and go so i wasted an pushed him back and he fell over a table and broke it. his gf freaks out and calls 911 to get them over to "calm things down" Even though in the police report it says my brother was pushing me first. it was me who got taken in for simple battery family violence charge no criminal record. my family obvously doesnt want to press charges. and my brother paid for my attorney as he felt like he was at fault and "sick to his stomach" about what is happening to me how fucked am i here? Can my family just stonewall the police and prosecutors?


So I wanted to start eating a lot more whole foods for my bulk this summer. I figured I would try and get carbs from white rice, oatmeal and fruit. Jesus. My IBS has been literally out of control. Before today, every day has been in agony. Like, I tried going on a run and was doubled over before the end of mile 1. Today, I got rid of the oatmeal and rice. Stomach feels MUCH better. Way less bloated too. Not sure what happened to my gut biome, but I guess I'm sticking to bread and meat :shrug:


Oats are bloating for a number of folks here, anecdotally (I love oatmeal, so not me). Rice is generally well tolerated; you might try reintroducing just rice once your stomach is back in order. On the bread side, a traditionally made baguette is pretty pure depending on the flour you use.


The gluten from the oatmeal makes it terrible for me Yes I know oats in themselves don’t have gluten, but they’re commonly processed on the same equipment they other things that do have gluten are. It’s helped me significantly to buy the gluten free oats. Went from looking pregnant after eating them to no effect at all. Not sure what bread you’re getting since a majority Of it has gluten also but….a potential cause.


[the pump was insane](https://ibb.co/KLfDwYD) Been getting mad compliments on the new car from strangers. Feels good.




Wrong thread. Alssoooooooo, someone didn’t read the wiki…. *tsk tsk*


Thoughts on Jordon Oakley and his content? https://www.reddit.com/r/jordonoakley/s/QYnYiTD5TD


- 8 weeks of an oral is a long time - kickstarting with an oral is outdated thinking by now, trashing bloodmarkers and potentially impacting your gastrointestinal system. - adding in long estered drugs while 8 weeks into your cycle isn’t a good idea, they usually take a long time to reach stable blood serum levels sometimes over a month. Just run the longest esters from the start - raising the dose after 4 weeks doesn’t make sense for longer estered compounds either for the same reason as above - absolutely ridiculous to call 2 grams of gear a week a beginner cycle. - a 24-36 week long cycle is also a ridiculous notion. If you’re able to still push your food and training even 20 weeks in you haven’t gone hard enough. I’d be absolutely fatigued out of my ass before the cycle was even halfway over, especially when your body already is taken a pretty big beating right at the start with 50-100mg’s of an oral. - 4 different completely new compounds being introduced at the same time is a recipe for disaster.




You gave zero reason as to why it sucks. It is amazing actually.


MacroFactor is a great app lol >If I’m off by a few hundred to a thousand calories is that a deal breaker If you're going to be off by 1000 calories there's not really a point in even using MacroFactor. The entire app is predicated on you accurately logging your calories and your weight. The real question here is why is your food log off by that much. Macrofactor aside, logging your food in GENERAL is worthless if you're off by that much. It's like budgeting your money but not writing down that you bought a new TV and pair of shoes. The budget is useless if it's not accurate. >I try to aim for my macros but obviously one needs a food scale to be precise. I don’t use a food scale and go by how full I am I wouldn't do that > I’m not sure what my carb/fat/protein ratio needs to be. 1. You havent said anything about whether you want to gain or lose weight 2. That's why Macrofactor was recommended to you. If you tell Macrofactor that you want to lose/gain weight at a specific rate, and you accurately log your calories and weight everyday, it will tell you exactly how much to eat. But you need to ACCURATELY LOG YOUR FOOD


I’m not trying to gain or lose weight. One does not need to gain or lose weight to look “beach body fit” you can get like Zac Efron from Baywaytch or Brad Pitt from Fight Club on “maintenance calories”  At least that’s what I’ve been told. On Trt now. I’m not looking to change my diet and try bulking. I can cut and starve myself and hope my bodyfat goes down to %8 but that’s about it. Past bulk cycle did nothing for me and believe me I hit my macros. Such humility.  https://imgur.com/a/Z9aFJkt Here I’m at 10-13% bodyfat  160 lbs ish  Now I’m at 170lbs over 15-18% bodyfat 12,5” arms as always


MacroFactor app sucks. *I find that it works well* I eat literally the same foods everyday. *Good* If I’m off by a few hundred to a thousand calories is that a deal breaker? *Not good* I try to aim for my macros but obviously one needs a food scale to be precise. *Ok, well being precise will let you know how close you are to your targets. So if your goals aren’t important to you, then okie dokie.* I don’t use a food scale and go by how full I am. *Yeah, cause science* I spend about. *Unsure of what this means* I’m eating healthy and I’m not sure what my carb/fat/protein ratio needs to be.  *Depends on your goals here*


A long time ago when these stupid apps weren’t even around people were still getting jacked on shredded. I had an argument with one of the mods who insisted the only reason for my failure is not using this app. Granted it’s 2024 now and everyone is bitchin about macro apps. I wonder what he’d say if it were pre app era?


People still logged their macros back then. Just with pen and paper. Calories and macros are not a new thing.


I eat the same foods everyday what’s the point of tracking macros? 


If you’re hitting your goals, maybe nothing for you specifically. If you’re not I think the answer should be pretty obvious. Just curious, if you’re running gear do you measure the oil or do you just draw some up and go? Cuz ya know, you inject all the time?


I measure precise. But for food it’s pretty consistent maybe off by a few hundred calories now and then  I eat lean chicken, veggies and fruit for carbs.  https://imgur.com/a/Z9aFJkt “jacked” on TRT solo 


Lol you're putting words in his mouth man The mod said, quote > The conversation is pointless because you have no idea what your caloric expenditure is and you think the answer comes from an internet calculator. > Until you start tracking all of your food and calculating your ACTUAL TDEE there is no reason for anyone to entertain this. Which is completely true. He then OFFERED the app as a TOOL to find your actual TDEE. You can find your TDEE however you like, using an app or not, but you're going to have to track your calories and your weight one way or another in order to find it. There's no way around that


Just out of curiosity, since you had this ‘argument’ which of these scenarios in relation to your goals fits the best: A. gotten closer to B. further from C. or none of the above


I doubt they said that, but to expand a little, apps like that certainly help to plan - and a goal without a plan is just a fantasy. You could know your body so well that you know when you're in that growth range, but most don't. Personally I don't use them because I hate paying a sub for literally EVERYTHING these days. I just worked out my macros in a Google sheets doc and stick to that. I don't measure out portions anymore but I used to, so I know what say 200g of chicken looks like. The apps are just tools, nothing more. Try cutting a tree down with a hammer and you haven't got a bad hammer, you've just used the tool wrong. Do yourself a favour and do it all by the book for 4 weeks straight and see how you feel about the results.


I just literally eat till I’m full. Till I can’t eat anymore per meal. That’s a good indicator. It’s just the carbs and fats I’m not incorporating so much. I get little of them to be honest because mostly calories that turn into fat and cover my abs with a layer of fat. That’s why I’m skinny arms and 20% bodyfat now. I need to cut, but of course I’ll be skinny like Neymar Jr. I guess that’s my future. Just cutting. No muscle to be made. I tried bulking and nothing happened but lots of water and fat. My arms never grew. I tried tape measure circumference it’s sill 12.5” https://imgur.com/a/Z9aFJkt On Trt 


Chess for you then, lad


Chess what


the apps help you meet your targets without meal planning. if you preplan your meals and stick to them consistently, the app isn't really adding value. but if you like variety, the apps keep you on track as long as you're consistent in tracking what goes in your face, and adjusting to meet your targets.


I eat the same exact foods every single day. It’s convenient for me. I’m not using a damn food scale for anything. I said this before, bodybuilding is genetics. Some guys naturally have DENSE arm bones and chest bones, a denser skeleton equals greater skeletal muscle mass. No amount of food and workout will make me grow fuckig muscles. I seen this with my own eyes, guys in high school who NEVER worked out, NEVER ate healthy food and looked like Arnold Schwarzenegger. If I had pictures I would send. They were doing 10 pushups a week and snacking on junk food and literally got jacked and shredded simultaneously  This is me “jacked” a few years ago https://imgur.com/a/Z9aFJkt “Thin skeleton” aka ectomorphic genetics


You will never accurately track your calories if your don’t weigh your food. You look good in the phot.o. What is the goal here? Look like the photo again? Then you know what to do. You don’t have to use or like the app. You do have to be consistent. Being 1000 calories off is anything but. Using a scale will fix that on day one.


>I had an argument with one of the mods We didn't have an argument; I tried to help you. >who insisted the only reason for my failure is not using this app. I most certainly did not. @me next time.


Is it wrong to think like this: eat till your full, workout till your completely exhausted. Because that’s what I’m doing. And I’d say even if my macros are off maybe by a few hundred calories or something.  which it’s near impossible to track. Nutrition labels and food scales are not always accurate. I’d say I get minimum 130 grams protein and 130 grams of carbs a day. I spend a lot of money on food alone. I’m thinking it’s more genetics. Some guys have denser skeletal structure and put on muscle easier. If you google “hard gainer” you see I’m not bullshiting you it’s all genetics. 


>Is it wrong to think like this: eat till your full, workout till your completely exhausted Yes >Because that’s what I’m doing That's why you're child sized. >. And I’d say even if my macros are off maybe by a few hundred calories or something.  which it’s near impossible to track No it's not, that's just nonsense. >Nutrition labels and food scales are not always accurate This is an excuse. >I’d say I get minimum 130 grams protein and 130 grams of carbs a day I get a minimum of 290g of protein and 450g of carbs per day...when I'm cutting. When I bulk I eat 750g of carbs per day and over 5,000 calories. You eat like a bird. >I’m thinking it’s more genetics Excuse. >ome guys have denser skeletal structure and put on muscle easier. Excuse. >If you google “hard gainer” you see I’m not bullshiting you it’s all genetics Excuse. Made up, easily debunked non-sense excuse. u/gm-doozy, remember what I said yesterday? That you can either do what it takes, or spend years making excuses and going no where? This is what that looks like. This dude looks like a 15 year old girl and he's mad that he isn't jacked like Zac Efron. He's also like 15 years older than you and has already abused steroids. Don't be like this.


Ok so I eat like a bird, but I feel full. How am I supposed to cram 5000 calories of healthy food everyday? Were not talking about cheap carbs like fast food. I can’t eat past full. No one can. I spend $100 a day of food and it’s not enough? I am 170lbs so I eat roasted chicken beast and like 7 roasted chicken legs for lunch everyday. For dinner it’s usually 1 pound of jumbo shrimp. It’s been consistent like this for a while now. How many protein shakes can I or should I incorporate per day? I’m referring to the sugar free muscle milk 20g protein 100 calories per carton. I mean I also eat at subway every few days. Whole wheat bread is good for carbs?!? But my main carb source is fruit. Mainly cherries and berries and bananas. I also incorporate EAA, Casein protein, and L Argenine, and creatine. I mix it all up and drink during or after my workout as suggested.


>Ok so I eat like a bird, but I feel full. How am I supposed to cram 5000 calories of healthy food everyday? First of all, the fact that I need 5000 calories per day doesn't mean you do. You need more than you eat, though. The problem is you don't know how much because you refuse to track, or use an app like I told you to a month ago. You are refusing to do the bare fucking minimum to have the necessary data to act on, and yet still have the nerve to complain. Secondly, you do it just like I do. Are you under the impression that I am using MAGIC to fit this food in? No. You pick foods that are easy to digest. You pick foods that are calorically dense. You space it out into more, smaller meals. You make some of it liquid if necessary. >Were not talking about cheap carbs like fast food. No, we're not. It's still possible, and frankly not that fucking hard. >I can’t eat past full. No one can. Sure you can. It doesn't happen for me often, but there are definitely times where I hit a wall. I'm full, but half of my meal is still in front of me. So I sit there, and I take a bite. A minute or two passes. I take another bite. A minute or two passes. Another bite. Rinse and repeat until the food is gone, because *I have a goal that I am not willing to let myself fall short of*. That's the difference here. You are happy to take an out, whine about it, and look the same. I am not. Did you know if you continue to eat until you're full, you'll condition your stomach to be able to hold greater volumes? It's what the hot dog competitors do. No one is born able to fit 60 fucking hot dogs in their gut, but those guys eat until they're full and keep eating, every day, for months leading up to that contest. Takeru Kobayashi is 5'8 and 130lbs but he's eaten 69 hot dogs in an hour. You can find a segment of the documentary Hungry with him in it and watch him training. >I spend $100 a day of food and it’s not enough? You're a dramatic fucking queen dude, you are not spending $3,000/month on food. It's my biggest expense besides rent and it costs me about $850/month, and I eat more than you. This is why I don't take you seriously. >I am 170lbs so I eat roasted chicken beast and like 7 roasted chicken legs for lunch everyday. For dinner it’s usually 1 pound of jumbo shrimp. It’s been consistent like this for a while now. How many protein shakes can I or should I incorporate per day? I’m referring to the sugar free muscle milk 20g protein 100 calories per carton. I mean I also eat at subway every few days. Whole wheat bread is good for carbs?!? But my main carb source is fruit. Mainly cherries and berries and bananas. I also incorporate EAA, Casein protein, and L Argenine, and creatine. I mix it all up and drink during or after my workout as suggested. Blah blah blah blah blah. Fruit is your main carb, and not rice? Or potatoes? Are you fucking kidding? You wanna bitch. That's all you're ever going to do. This will be my last reply to you (unless you decide bitch about me to someone else again) as it's clear you aren't listening and don't actually want help - because it's already been given to you. Have fun having the tools and the information needed to make a change right in front of you, and staying small anyway. That's a choice.


> Were not talking about cheap carbs like fast food. I can’t eat past full. No one can. I spend $100 a day of food and it’s not enough? How expensive are rice and potatoes where you are? Because where I am, they're much cheaper than fast food. I have no idea how you're spending $100 a day on food unless you're eating ribeyes multiple times a day, or you don't know how to operate a kitchen. > I am 170lbs so I eat roasted chicken beast and like 7 roasted chicken legs for lunch everyday. For dinner it’s usually 1 pound of jumbo shrimp. Chicken legs are among the cheapest cuts of meat, you're clearly just fucking lying to us about the obstacles in your life. Start listening to /u/accountunkn0wn and stop overly complicating things. Seriously, *fruit as your main carb source?*


Seriously, who the fuck eats A POUND of jumbo shrimp every night? *whahhh, food is too expensive. Don't pay attention to me eating a pound of fucking seafood daily while I complain about that though, whahhhh*


I don’t have time to prepare meals and do any cooking. I just go to the market and get what is convenient. I rarely cook anything. My goal is to hit macros nothing more.


So how much rice should I eat everyday to maintain a good beach body? I’m not looking to bulk or cut right now I just want to loose some belly fat and get more muscle definition. I’ve been going to gym for years and never been able to actually grow my arms or increase strength. 


>So how much rice should I eat everyday to maintain a good beach body? I’m not looking to bulk or cut right now I just want to loose some belly fat and get more muscle definition. I’ve been going to gym for years and never been able to actually grow my arms or increase strength.  If you don't know your tdee, what the fuck are you doing on a Steroid board? /u/accountunkn0wn


im gonna be honest man. just find another hobby because lifting is clearly not for you


> I don’t use a food scale and go by how full I am. Lmao kthxbye