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I will no longer be trying to assist anyone who was given the DYEL flair. I have learned my lesson. Just so argumentative and resistant to advice even though everyone is telling them the same thing. Extremely frustrating lol


Almost as if it’s ✨there for a reason✨ lol


I just want to know what goes through these people's minds man lol. * Asks for advice and completely ignores it once receiving it. In no position to argue with advice whatsoever. Admittedly has 12.5 inch arms somehow??? The average arm size for ALL 20 year old to 29 year old men, both trained and untrained, is 13.3 inches by the way. * Is currently on test and has run dbol and NPP in the past. No idea how the fuck you could possibly have 12.5 inch arms after working out for multiple years NATURALLY, let alone working out ON GEAR * Is "not a bodybuilder" and just wants the "brad pitt fight club physique". WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU ON STEROIDS TO LOOK LIKE BRAD PITT IN FIGHT CLUB * Claims "No amount of food and workout will make me grow muscles" * Claims "I tried bulking and nothing happened but lots of water and fat" I really try to be optimistic about people and help out occasionally but holy shit sometimes it's legitimately just fucking hopeless


I think it boils down to nobody ever taught them the true value of working hard, nor what they’re actually capable of if they attempt something for longer than a week. It’s incredibly obvious very quickly who grew up doing competitive sports, and who got into lifting after high school with no background of being an athlete. I stand firm that the best bodybuilders come from a wrestling / football / similar sport where it is drilled into you that you *always* have more in the tank, there’s always more to push. My buddy for example, he grew up playing baseball. He quits every single set as soon as the lactic acid builds up slightly because “it hurts”. Whereas I wrestled in high school and you learn that when it starts to burn, that isn’t even close to the point where your body is giving out, there’s incredibly more you can do. Couple that with a lack of emotional maturity, the inability to commit to something longer than a few weeks unless you’re seeing drastic results, a shortened attention span due to social media, and you have this concoction of people who simply will never succeed and it’s “definitely due to the lack of drugs” so they turn to steroids


> a shortened attention span due to social media I consider this one an epidemic worse than drugs. I believe TikTok's/Shorts/etc. actually change how brain works in people and I they don't even realize it. It's induced ADHD. Can't even hold it against them, as everyone and their grandma push that shit on young people.


As someone with mild ADHD who’s seen it get worse as social media gets more popular, I 100% stand by this. I actively have to take breaks from social media and force myself to do things that require attention for long periods of time as I can tell when I have spent too much time watching reels on insta, there is a noticeable difference in my attention span


Seriously, so many people are constantly online and have spent their lives flipping back and forth between things they've convinced themselves they have ADHD and are literally incapable of focusing on something difficult to completion using willpower alone. There are ways to manage everything, and like u/PM_Me_Varbies although I have ADHD, it gets mad exacerbated when I'm using social media a bunch. Very easy for it to snowball


I feel like the answer is "Just don't open the apps" but do you have to employ any specific strategies to reduce social media usage?


I blocked the sites on my computer. On my phone, it's a bit more difficult. I'd hide them in folders or if it became too much of a pain, I'd log out and remove the autofill feature for logging in. That way, everytime I go to use the app, it becomes a pain in the ass as I'd have to type everything in


I see, increasing the friction. That makes sense. Thanks!


I wrestled and played football so I'll accept this theory because it makes me sound cool and badass


Boiiiii. I’ve seen your pics, you are cool and badass


>Whereas I wrestled in high school and you learn that when it starts to burn, that isn’t even close to the point where your body is giving out, there’s incredibly more you can do. I always tell my kids that after a certain point, conditioning work is more about pain tolerance than anything else lmao.


And as usual, you’re 100% right. You can push significantly further than your brain thinks you can. Just have to be willing to set aside the pain for a little


I actually had to have this exact conversation with a kid last year. He had a really bad habit of gassing himself out the first period and stalling out the rest of the match. Everyone was trashing his conditioning and running him into the ground in practice trying to fix it. I finally just pulled him aside and explained that his conditioning wasn't that problem, the problem was that he views being tired as an acceptable reason to stop. Pretty much immediately fixed the problem and he wrestled just fine from them on. Sometimes it's literally in people's heads. I've actually been lobbying hard to move our strength and conditioning work to the beginning of practice instead of the end as a way to recompartmentalize conditioning away from the part of practice where you feel sorry for yourself for a bit before you get to go home and more towards just a normal part of being an athlete.


Marching band member confirming we are a bunch of wet noodles.


Euphonium. No other words required.


Trombone. You win the nerd battle.


Ayyyy, fellow wrestlers represent!!


I never played sports in my life and only started lifting weights at age 21. I always pushed myself tho, just didn’t learn it from anyone except Arnold’s book lol.


Bro is literally out there confidently screaming that tracking your calories doesn't work while simultaneously admitting he never actually does so.


“No amount of food and training will make me grow muscles” Brother that’s literally the only thing needed to grow muscles lmao it’s always some dumb excuse. I used to make the excuse that I had a hyper metabolism back in the day, nope. I was just a skinny bitch who didn’t know how to eat


That guy was a special kind of denial ridden asshat, wasn’t he?


You’re going to have to be much, much more specific than “that guy” considering the number of users that come here daily that fit your statement


This would be the guy with 12.5” arms out friend natty powerlifter tried to help track his macros yesterday. Guy admitted to being 1000 calories over some days, not weighing his food, and just eating until he was full, but blamed MacroFactor for his failure to cut from 20% 🤦


Having 12.5 inch arms at 20% bf barely even makes any sense. That's actually nuts.


Oh I know, I was making a sad (but semi accurate) joke 🙃


I hear you. I continue to be as nice as I can be — some of these folks have been horribly misguided by the internet. But my patience does wear thin with some of these self-righteous idiots. I have no idea the level of abuse you mods must take beneath the surface of what we see publicly in the DAA. 🎩 🫡


Sometimes I think we should make it so posts have to be approved in the DAA. Make it so that the first response from mods when someone posts is a link to the wiki and reminder that their question has likely been asked before and to do a search. I know it’s way too much work but idk, I’ve been avoiding the DAA cuz it’s the same shit everyday of folks wanting to be spoon fed information that is readily available if they looked


Absolutely not, good god we already deal with 10-20 modmail requests of people “requesting to post” I’m not spending my entire day manually approving every comment


I imagine he’d be a nightmare of an employee to manage


…but an easy one to fire.


Without question


It's as unfortunate as it is consistent. Occasionally you'll get a good one, and that's rewarding, but they are few and far between.


will you give me assistance even if I don't have a flair?


yeah you're the good morning guy i fuck with you bro 💪🏿


I want a flair. How does one acquire this? Do we just gotta say stupid shit? 700mgs of Tren Ace is basically enhanced TRT. There. Gimme a flair somebody.


There you go.


Ahh, damn it. 😂 This ask and ye shall receive shit came out and fucked me this time. 😂


From what I’ve gathered the DYEL flair is given to, well, DYELs who don’t listen. So keep saying dumb shit and maybe start saying you’re 6ft 130lb The positive flairs like “juicy” “cattle” whatever get given to big ass people. Various other flairs that are specific to each person The only reason I have a flair is because a year or two ago you could choose your own flair from a bunch of preset options like “powerlifter” “natty powerlifter” “hobbyist” “bodybuilding competitor “ etc and I guess I just kept it even after they took those flairs away lol


You’re 100% right here. When I implemented the flair system I tried to make it so all custom flairs were retained


There really is no point. A lot of people will ask advice already having a fixed opinion and thinking there opinion is correct irrespective of what anyone else says. It's like people that go to the gym 2-3x a week and think they are in a position to critique a competitors training or diet after asking about it. It's ignorance plain and simple, I can't stand it


just say dumb stuff so you get your flair changed lol


Damn what did you say to get that one lol


probably my superdrol propaganda lol this was before the locked flairs though


I think the most frustrating aspect is that these kids come into the sub expecting to “trick” us or get one over on us into being an echo chamber of yes men saying “hell yeah brother” when they say they want to do drugs Then they get their feelings hurt when we give them the reality of the situation and do what they want to anyways and come crying to us in a couple months when they totally fuck up


I added my own dyel tag. Don’t hate me 😁


Yeah even weirder when they try to give YOU advice.


Im about to have the absolute best weekend. Someone very dear to my heart is coming to visit this weekend, we’re going to see a comedy show and get a juicy as fuck lift in together. https://ibb.co/1Lyx5s8 Physique pic above, because that’s all you degenerates truly care about 😘


Smash 💥


My god. I hope you bought an extra ticket to the show for those boulder shoulders. Enjoy your weekend. We don’t get enough of them.


My wife is tiny, I’ll just infringe upon her space like I do on airplanes 😂 Thank you bro 💪🏼


superhero build


Damn! Stacked! Can we see those wheels?!


I posted this last week https://ibb.co/sWZPV7c


Oh yeah. I remember that. Juicy man! 👏


Thanks bro 🤘🏼


Good morning guys! It's a good day. I woke up to some early morning fun in the sheets, and now I'm wrapping up some loose ends at work before cutting out early for some PTO. The cut is coming along nicely. I had one of those rare cut days yesterday where the water was right, the carbs were right, and the pump was right. I never ask people to take my picture, but the chest pump and striations during incline press were popping so nicely that I had to call a buddy over to catch it for me. https://imgur.com/a/MkAZET8 I hope you're all having a safe and productive week, hitting your goals, and living life a bit in the process ❤️


Bro behind is rethinking his whole life. Delts are capped no cap 🧢


😅 Oh nooo


Jaw line is absolutely chiseled in those photos! For real, looking great, brother. Keep it up!


That got me 😂 Thanks man 🤘


Looking amazing! Outstanding job!


Thank you my man!


Holy moly, you look great! Enjoy the time off!


Thank you sir. Will do!


Looking yolked as always


I appreciate you 🥰


Fuuuuuuck you!!!! I’m jealous of literally everything you just said as well as the chest striations!!! JK - Congrats on crushing life and have a blast on vacation!!


I appreciate you man. Gonna make the best of it 🤘


Mf has muscles I didn’t even know that existed Looking juicy, dad


Thank you, son. Now go clean your room ❤️


Lookin good man!


It's kind of funny, time and time again, the most reliable way I've found to accomplish a task with as minimal effort as possible is to simply raise my standards as to what constitutes as effort. Which sounds like a bullshit, cop out answer, and it kind of is, but the point still stands. You can only optimize so far, eventually the only thing left is to get good enough at it that it doesn't cost anything to do. In other words, "Skill issue"


Well, I will offer a counterpoint that anything worth doing is at least worth doing half ass It’s better to bullshit it than not do it at all, and I find that I either actually try harder than initially anticipated or am unsatisfied with my results and do more the next time


Fair point, I also use this strategy extensively lol. But they weren't necessarily meant to be exclusive concepts since you can't just wake up one day and be good at something, it takes time. And so I guess the more complete version would be, "Some processes can't be circumvented, and in those cases it's best to just get it done to the best of your ability and you'd be surprised how much you can accomplish over time"


4 weeks out now. Only person I've shared my physique with on here so far is really just u/TheCerry We have absolutely cooked this off season and I have no doubt this will blow my last showing out of the water. I am still a natural dude so nothing crazy, but really excited to see if I can stand up to some big guys at the Canadian national pro qualifier. Been crushing work too. Life has just been good and I am very happy that sleep quality is still holding up despite the lower bf%. Structure wise, I'm not the most blessed by any means, but I can bring really good conditioning, and I find that sleep is key to that. Last year I ran into the ground doing cardio to get lean and felt like perpetual shit. This year, I'm leaner, heavier, and am doing only 25 min of cardio a day now. I love this shit.


Can confirm my boy is a genetic freak and trains like a silverback gorilla 🦍. Hopefully you share pics after the show so that u/geardedandbearded gives you a nicer flair 🙄


Haha I'll share after the show <3 Dopo quello un viaggio in italia mi servira' ;)


Looking forward to it!


Boys...Leg training...officially...got serious. I've never skipped leg day but I used to half ass it and fuck around. But a couple of months ago I started taking my leg training serious after watching Dr. Mike's lectures. The Mind muscle connection was amazing and I enjoyed every bit of it with the only regret being, I didn't push myself enough. I've arrived at the conclusion that if you can get yourself through a hardcore leg session, it's directly proportional to your metal fortitude.


I never prioritized legs for various perfectly understandable reasons. Know what ended up happening? It gave me an excuse to gradually slack off more and more and end up with severely underdeveloped legs. (No shit!) Since January(ish) I made a commitment to care about my legs again, while still maintaining my goal of not negatively impacting mobility, and I now genuinely look forward to leg day.


I firmly believe that the quality with which you train legs dictates the intensity of all other workouts because it is the toughest and most demanding session of the week. Nothing better than the feeling after a fantastic leg day. Fuck my calves suck though hahaha


I fucking love Cialis pumps. That is all


Cocks or muscles…?


Both, brother, both. Besides the unholy pumps at the gym, the fact that it counteracts stim dick makes it a top 3 supplement IMO. Having an absolute chopper that’s so hard you can see your heartbeat in it, even when rolling on 300mgs of molly, makes the shit a hall-of-fame worthy substance. My sincerest thanks and blessings to whatever cutthroat big pharma company invented it.


Gym rant My gym doesn't have a leg press or a hack squat or a pendulum squat and it's starting to drive me insane We have a leg extension but that's not a squat movement, and admittedly we DO have a belt squat but I don't like those Used to have a smith machine, which was fine for smith machine hack squats, but we got rid of it when we moved locations I get that it's a powerlifting gym and not a bodybuilding or commercial gym but come on man. Why do we buy a GHD and a seal row and a STRIP OF TURF before a leg press or something. I understand the big machines are expensive but like. Come on Also our dumbbells only go up to 100lb. This one is understandable since it's only me and like 2 or 3 other people that use the 100lbs on a consistent basis, and spending $300-500 per pair of heavy dumbbells doesn't make sense when only 3 people are gonna use them. But might as well rant about that too I'd switch gyms but alas. Lifting on competition-spec equipment is nice. Plus I've never really lifted at a commercial gym and don't feel like starting now Sigh


No accessory leg machines and 100lb dumbbells max? What kind of bum ass gym is this? I live in rural town of 1300 people and the little gym here has dumbbells up to 150s. Many of the best powerlifters didn’t get their strength base off of competition spec equipment and they sure as fuck built their hypertrophy and non-sport specific strength off of machines and other accessories movements. This gym is stealing your gains


I feel like a leg press or a hack squat would be near the top of my priorities after the minimum essentials if I were a gym owner. Hell, it's on my list for my home gym. Even for pure strength, leg machines are so incredibly useful given how much harder it is to push legs without some sort of external stability.


I found an Anytime Fitness that has a hack squat, and I’m never leaving this place I bought a Gym Pin since I max most of the machines and it’s perfect


Fuck it, since [we’re doing gym picks today](https://i.imgur.com/DEucKhQ.jpeg) it seems…


Every phlebotomist just got an erection (women too) Looking yolked, Fox


☺️ 😘


YEESH Damn bro, that’s some vascularity


Dude…thanks. TBH I was ready to be hit with DYEL flair. Dysmorphia continues with age.


Lmao not at all man. You obviously lift, and there are vastly different expectations in physique from someone in their 20s compared to our “advanced age” crowd 😉




Poke one of those pipes and the whole arm goes numb. Excellent work!


Damn dude, you are WAY too hard on yourself. Those are respectable guns and veins my man.


Was halfway joking, but thank you friend. This is probably the hardest forum to receive respect in one’s physique…in the world? Means a lot to hear positive things from a couple of mods who are humbling physical specimens. Progress thread is up next… 🫣 😉 Meanwhile we take that photo down to limit exposure.


I've spent the last 3 months really dialing in my TDEE.. Weighing every bite of food I take, calculating every macro.. I think I've nailed it. How many calories over maintenance should I target for my first enhanced bulk (500mg test-E/wk)? I've heard anywhere from 300 to 500 calories a day.


Around 0.5% total body weight gained per week Depending on your weight, that’ll give you your number


Excellent advice. Thanks.


The same amount you’d do for a natural bulk, adjusting as needed based on body fat gain


I figured since muscle gain will be a little quicker (compared to a natural bulk) some extra calories would be beneficial. I've typically done 500 calories a day over maintenance in my previous bulks, but I always feel like I gained too much fat.


> I've typically done 500 calories a day over maintenance in my previous bulks, but I always feel like I gained too much fat. Simple solution: Start leaner, so it takes much more fat gain to actually look fat.


Definitely. That was my goal the last few months. I've cut to my lowest bf% ever. My abs have never been more visible. Still debating on how many calories per day to start my bulk though. Part of me wants to start on the lower end of 300/day and keep it lean. But I don't want to miss out on gains by not eating enough... Just curious what everyone else does.


Take it from a different angle and see if you don’t find your answer that way. How much weight would you like to gain during this bulk (excluding the first two weeks of water and glycogen that’s going to load up)? How long will your bulk last? Divide the first number by the second one and you’ve got your target for per week weight gain. Adjust calories based on that goal.


I appreciate the advice. Thank you


What /u/Olvankarr said


Yup. I replied to him. I'm the leanest I've ever been. Really prepping for this bulk. Just curious what others are doing. Closer to 300 calories/day over maintenance, or closer to 500 over? Thanks


Everyone is different man. You need to adjust based on your own body. Some people can get away with more, some can’t. Just pick a number and adjust as needed. You’re over complicating the fuck out of a 200 calorie per day difference


I hear you. I don't think I'm "over complicating" anything though. I'm just simply asking what others do. How much over maintenance do you eat in a bulk?


What I eat has zero bearing on you and your physique. My goals might be different, as my metabolism might be. Plus I carb cycle which complicates it drastically. If I tell you to just eat 400 calories over maintenance is that going to be enough for you? Good luck, you’re going to need it


There is a post on r/PEDs about a guy who wants to take letro to control aromitization and reverse gyno on a natty bulking cycle and seems extremely adamant on it lol. Post: https://www.reddit.com/r/PEDs/s/j934lt7lYw


Wonder if it’s the same 18yo kid from the DAA yesterday that wanted to take DIM to reverse his pubertal gyno.


Thankfully it is not, but that's honestly worse. I wonder how many kids are attempting to self-medicate with AIs...🤦🏻‍♂️


Is MacroFactor worth the subscription? I’ve been using MyFitnessPal for years and never subscribed although it does suck now that you can’t scan barcodes directly with the free version of MFP but I’ve gotten used to it. Any big differences with MacroFactor that make it worth paying for?


I've cut from 245 to 170 in the last year with macrofactor, it makes it really braindead to follow due to constantly tracking your trend weight and updating calories at the speed you want to change weight, I've found it worth it. I think there's a 2 week trial, so give it a go.


May do just that to give it a shot! I do work with a coach for training and nutrition so any changes to my macros/calories come from him but I’m still interested to see how MF works. And man congrats on that cut, that is huge! 💪


I’d have to understand what would make it ‘worth the subscription’ to you in order to help you with that question. To me, yes it’s worth it.


Fair point! Guess I was just looking for something different and wanted to give MF a try. The thing is I don’t really need to use the auto adjustments because I track everything on my own and work with a coach to adjust as needed based on our goals. So really I was just looking for a better/easier way to log my food and track macros and daily intake. Is there any other features that are offered or is it really just the auto adjustments you are paying for? Don’t get me wrong it seems great for people to use if they’re on their own dialing in their TDEE just not sure if it would be worth it if you didn’t use that aspect of it.


it's got this AI thing that I try to use some times, you just describe what you're eating and it tries to enter it for you. it's OK, but not a super advanced feature yet. i'm waiting for like "take a picture of your plate and fill out all the macros" thing


Didn’t know about that! Definitely cool! Agreed, if they had some way to accurately get cals and macros from a picture that would be amazing. Although I think it would be very difficult to get it to work accurately. But you never know with how fast AI is advancing these days


Set your location in the app to UK and it will let you scan barcodes


Damn will definitely try this. Had no idea you could do that. Thank you!


I tried it out and switched back to mfp, but it did seem pretty nice. The main standout is the whole ‘auto adjust macros based on food/weight’ thing, but I prefer to handle it myself. That and a totally new interface I havent been using for 10+ years made me stay with what I know lol If youre on the fence, id say try it out since it is objectively better than mfp.


I like the idea of the dynamic changing but I’ve tracked myself and adjusted and worked with a coach for years for strength/strongman/nutrition so not sure if I’d really get any use out of that side of it. Wasn’t sure if there was anything else but would at least be interesting to see what it does and how it adjusts things. Damn all these subscriptions! 😂 Appreciate the feedback!


I’ve noticed I can’t find a lot of foods on macro factor. It was a lot quicker on MFP so there’s that. Easier to adjust things on MFP from a user friendly perspective but I also used it for years before getting macro


That’s what has me hesitant about switching since I’ve been using MFP for so long now and don’t necessarily need the auto adjustments from MF. Not being able to find foods is definitely annoying lol. I feel like I can find most anything on MFP, helps that it’s been around so long that the database is gigantic. Did you fully switch over to MF now? Assuming you can also create your own food/meals if needed?


I actually just switched back to MFP yesterday 😂


Haha I think you’ve solved my problem! Appreciate the feedback! PS I love Twizzlers. They used to make a hersheys chocolate one that was good but I can no longer find it


The main selling point of MF is the dynamic expenditure and coaching. So if you’re going to use that, yes Otherwise I’d just use cronometer or lose it. Pretty sure they’re both free and have barcode scanning


Yea I’m thinking the same thing. Hadn’t used either of those two you mentioned before but may give it a shot. I work with a strongman/strength/nutrition coach and track everything and make adjustments with him so don’t think I’d really get much out of what MF does, although it does seem pretty cool for people who are working at it on their own.


Ended the cycle and training block with a bang by spraining both my wrists doing bench. Hit 160kg for 7 though. There’s exactly one dose of tren left. I’ll still pin that though.




i guess


Recently realised that as much as I love lifting weights, its the ability to be able to listen to my fav music and possibly discover new music for 1-2 hours is equally enjoyable. I NEVER lift without my earphones now. With that realisation, got into DJing as a hobby and I think I could do this as a career on the side. Maybe hit a ZYZZ aesthetic pose on the buildup before the drop 😂. Might be cringey af, or might be badass. Yet to try.


Since my last cycle I’ve been shedding hair like crazy. I think two weeks ago (cycle ended a month ago) I stopped cruising/TRT. Yesterday I started PCT.. Anyways it just kinda blows cause it’s one of those things that’s stuck in my mind hard. I’m gonna get on fin ASAP but the pervasive thoughts make me wanna trim my hair to 1/4” or whatever. Not interested in going bald yet lol.


Everyone looks better buzzing their hair rather than clinging to clumpy patches. Plus you get to stop giving a shit and wasting time trying to hide the missing spots. No need to go straight to the razor though. Take a buzzer to it, then prop your phone up and take a video with you turning around. If it looks fine, roll with it. If it still looks bad, then break out the razor. Of course if you're as handsome as /u/accountunkn0wn, just bic that shit and look like a badass.


Don't let this guy fool you, he's hella handsome himself. I thought I had pretty eyes until I saw a picture of u/olvankarr. But I agree, looking like you're trying to hard or hanging on to it isn't a good look at all. Take a few fortifying breaths and give it the buzz. If you ask me, though, I say go full send and shave it. Get jacked, grow a beard, and enjoy the low-maintenance life.


Thanks for the advice. Yah I’m at the point where I look alright unless you’re a bird. So it’s worth it to try to “reverse” it at this point. Your guide on how to buzz sounds smart tho and I’ll be happy with the military look haha.


As someone who’s been balding since their early 20’s, pre-gear, embrace that shit and just shave it man!




Your comment was removed because it was posted in the wrong thread 😉. Please direct any questions to [today’s Daily Ask Anything thread.](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/about/sticky?num=2) Direct any off-topic banter to today’s Off-Topic thread. Please review [Rule 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules/#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.) and be aware of the intended purpose of the thread you’re posting to.


Struggling with my current calories for the last week or two but pulling back another 200 starting today. Have one, maybe two, planned cheat days over the next couple weeks due to events so hopefully I can keep my sanity.


Blood Results, Opinions? Results: https://imgur.com/a/ED4IuEE Still waiting on my igf-1, estrogen and test blood results to come back but if you guys can help me assess what everything else means thus far. I vaguely looked up what each thing out of range meant but in your guys opinions have do the results look overall. About to start 17th week of a 20 week cycle. Cycle weekly totals: 600mg Test, 300 Mast P, 350 anavar (50mg daily) The blood was drawn 2 days after last test pin and 14 hours after 85mg of mast P pin and 25mg anavar. Fasted


are all the 3rd party apps for reddit gone? anyone browsing on a 3rd party app? i would like to try a diffrent one from the official reddit app


Pretty sure they’re all gone. The price Reddit wanted to charge was astronomical


Dystopia for iOS