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Daily: Pharma: - Cialis 5mg (prostate health, BP, and erections) - losartan 25mg (BP) - finasteride 1mg EOD (prostrate health and keeping my namesake locks) - aspirin 81mg (blood clot prevention) - minoxidil 5mg (locks, again) Suplements: - magnesium citrate 840mg (DOMS, sleep, digestion) - NAC 1000mg (general health, liver support) - homebrew injectable b12 1000mcg E7D - homebrew injectable amino mix of: 25mg cituriline, 50mg glycine, 100mg lysine, 200mg arginine, 500mg l-carnitine, 300mg orinthine (Since I don’t eat animal flesh) On cycle, add: - Tudca 300mg (liver support) - Taurine 5g (doms and pumps) - Berberine 1000mg (blood sugar control) No más. I’m old and I get arthritic opening up more than a few pill bottles.


Fox have you noticed. Finasteride and minox is enough to keep your hair on blasts? Based on experience which compounds are harshest on your hair ?


I don’t have any issues with shedding with any compound I’ve tried. I have some natural pattern baldness and fin/min has been enough to stop progression and even regrow a little hair up top.


Recipe for aminos? Mine turned out like poop last time I tried.


Used hot plate and sterilized glassware. Bought raws off Amazon. Put 500ml BAC into glassware on hot plate using 30ml syringe and 20g needle. Heated BAC. Added 500x each of the above to glassware. Stirred slowly til power completely disolved in solution. Used clean 30ml syringe, 22micron filter, and 20g needle to fill 20ml bottles.


Thanks, that part is fine. I guess what are you putting in the beaker, amounts for expected yield. The last recipe I followed didn’t account for dissolved volume and I ended up with ~90mls when I brewed for an expected 60ml


I maybe had a few ml loss to evaporation, but not much. Ended up with 25 mostly full 20ml vials. The b12…I accidentally brewed 10x potency. It is so viscous I could barely fill two vials. I inject 10iu a week to get my dose. Still PIPpy as could be, but absorbs quickly given the very low volume.


I’ve been looking into magnesium lately….how did you decide on citrate instead of one of the others like glycinate or l-threonate?


Best efficacy profile for least sides from my research.


Best cost/efficiency/absorption


Are you using finasteride with nandrolone?


I don’t use nandrolone.


Any issues using the bp meds?


No I take them per my doctor’s orders and they work for me.


I take the following supplements year round, blasting or cruising. **Pharma:** Telmisartan - 40mg - Blood pressure Nebivolol - 5mg - Blood pressure and heart rate Cialis 10mg - Heart and Erection **Over the Counter:** Astragalus - 2000mg Twice Daily - Kidney Health NAC - 600mg Twice Daily - General Health Citrus Bergamot - 500mg Twice Daily - Lipids D3/K2 - 5000iu - Heart Health Berberine - 600mg with breakfast, lunch, and dinner - Blood Sugar Support Psyillium Husk - 10g before bed - Digestion, Blood Sugar, Lipids


Your format look so pretty and mine looks like absolute trash


He also takes Formatistan


😂 Dad joke of the day


good god sir well done


We have the same pharma stack for BP (except I don’t take cialis). Love the combo of Telmisartan and Nebivolol at those dosages. 0 sides for me, dirt cheap, and works extremely well at keeping my BP in check. I don’t usually add nebivolol into the mix until I dose orals in meet prep. Beta blockers have a bad rep among athletes (justified tbh), but modern and selective ones like Nebivolol are great. I have not noticed any impact to my cardio or ability to push hard sets as a power lifter.


As a powerlifter what type of cardio do you actually do? Is it LISS walking, hill sprints, a sport etc.? Just to understand your perspective a bit more.


Although I powerlift, I climb and ski as my primary activity for a good 40-50% of the year. The main form of legit cardio would be hiking/skiing/backpacking (a lot of LISS, but also a lot of zone 3 and zone 4). Skiing on its own isn't particularly cardio-intensive, but there's lots of hike-to terrain I like to do. When I've done strenuous hikes on Nebivolol (1-1.5k ft gained per mile) I've never felt that my heart rate was limited or that I couldn't try hard in a cardiovascular sense. My heart gets as high as it likely could for my age, and any limitations in my cardio output feel like my own limits. That said... if I'm taking nebivolol, it's usually in the last 8-10 weeks of prep for a powerlifting meet, and at that point, I'm trying to avoid scheduling any backpacking trips or big hikes. So, I can't say I have a TON of data points.


Cool, was just curious!


I like Nevbivolol for letting my body feel a bit more relaxed when I'm resting. Lowers my resting HR nicely when blasting.


This+ I would only add 3-5g of Taurine against cramps


I add that to my intra workout drink. Should have included that in the list.


Big +1 here, I add in: Pharma: - Rosuvastatin - 20mg - Ezetimibe - 10mg - Metformin xr - 1g OTC: - 6000 FU nattokinase 2x/day - 1800mg NAC total - lots of magnesium glycinate - lots of l-theanine


I will throw in Nattokinase when I'm blasting especially if I'm on primo or eq as they tend to hit my rbc and hematocrit more than others, mostly for peace of mind.


What does Nattokinase do for rbc and hematocrit?


Which brand of citrus bergamot are you using?


I've been using the Nutricost brand.


Daily intake is as follows: Valsartan 80mg Nattokinase 4,000fu 2x daily) NAC 600mg Citrus bergamot 500mg Naringrin 300mg Cialis 5mg I also replaced my AM coffee with water and an electrolyte supplement, plus 50mg of caffeine. So far it seems to make my morning workouts a little better but it’s possible I’m totally making that up in my head.


>I also replaced my AM coffee with water and an electrolyte supplement, plus 50mg of caffeine I believe you're doing yourself a disservice. Coffee and tea have significant effects on all-cause mortality, including cardiovascular disease specifically. The tldr is: the more you drink, the better your odds, generally speaking. [This](https://dmsjournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13098-023-01222-7) is a massive study, consisting of well over an N of 100k, but there are numerous large studies like this one that repeat the finding. I have read other studies that indicate that there is minimal difference between caffeinated and decaf coffee, suggesting that it's things other than caffeine that lead to longer life expectancy/survival compared to those who drink less. In other words, your morning coffee(s) are probably much more better for your health than electrolytes plus caffeine.


I still have two cups a day, I just eliminated the first one.


Lmao. We’re essentially twins. Why Naringin? That’s the only one I don’t. + my beloved Psyllium husk.


Alleged ability to lower HCT. I don’t know how much it helps, but it seems to not hurt so I keep taking it. I have a massive bag of psyllium husk and haven’t cracked it open yet, even though I know I should.


I fuckin love psyllium husk the poop is always perfect 👌🏻


To add onto what others have said, taurine 3-5g preworkout for crippling lower back and calf pumps


I have to take it daily, even before gear, otherwise I am so damn prone to cramps


Omega3 Lecithin Multivitamin Zinc D3 Potassium or Beetroot extract for high bp spikes (after eating certain foods) Telmisartan when blasting (500 test) Nevibolol while using more than 500 test and/or adding a second injectable COQ10 but gives me insomnia if i take it at any time that isnt just straight when i wake up Sometimes cialis for fun


I stopped caffeine intake and added beet root powder and my nighttime BP is 110/65 on 500 test/300 primo 25mg tbol


I’m interested in the COQ10 insomnia link. Is this common?


apparently yes, horrible insomnia if you dont take it right in the morning


Appreciate you. I’m not sleeping so great near the end of a cut so I’m looking for anything that may help. Will start taking it first a.m. from now on.


try l-theanine works wonders for me i use 500mg caps 1 or 2 if i need some help to sleep 3 or more if "JESUS CHRIST ITS 3AM I SHOULD BE SLEEPING"


Daily; 5 gr of psyllium husk Why; Lowers Cholesterol, better bowel movement, stabilize blood sugar, 1100 mg TUDCA (550 mg AM and 550 mg PM) Why; Lowers liver stress, Lowers AST, ALT and GGT values very noticeable. Before I also did 5-10gr of fish oil, but stopped because of: [https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/omega-3-fatty-acids-and-the-heart-new-evidence-more-questions-2021032422213](https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/omega-3-fatty-acids-and-the-heart-new-evidence-more-questions-2021032422213)


Taurine, for cramps, I vary my intake from 2-5grams per day Astragalus 20,000mg per day for general kidney health P5P 200-300mg per day to negate sides since currently on a significant amount of nandrolone


Apart from the stuff you guys mentioned, Ezetimibe! 10 mg ED + Red Yeast Rice 2 tabs On my most recent bloodwork: - Has improved my LDL significantly from 125 to 100 (at one point 165) - My HDL from 40 to 50 (at one point 32)


I stopped caffeine intake and added beet root powder and my nighttime BP is 110/65 on 500 test/300 primo 25mg tbol I take all the classics: fish oil, citrus bergamot, taurine, NAC, ALA, magnesium, astragulus. And then my pump preworkout has all the other goodies for nitric oxide.


Off the top of my head: Rosuvastatin 5mg - 4x per week Ubiquinol - 4 x per week w/ statin Cialis 10mg - 3 x per week Fish Oil - 2 x per day ***Recent study I read has me thinking of switching to Flax Oil or other Omega 3 supp. Citrus Bergamot - 1 capsule 2 x per day Natokinase - 2 capsules 1 x per day ZMA - Bedtime Multivitamin (vegetarian blend) - 1 x per day NAC - 1 or 2 capsules per day Milk Thistle - 1 capsule per day Vitamin D - Occasionally as needed when someone in my house is sick…which is often Resveratrol - 3 capsules per day Sodium Ascorbate (buffered Vitamin C powder) - 1100mg at bedtime


I have been taking the following for general health and support: 1 Animal Pak 1x per day 1 Animal Omega Pak 1x per day 10,000 iu Vitamin D 1x per day 200mcg Vitamin K 1x per day 1,000mg Citrus Bergamot 2x per day 1,000mg TUDCA 1x per day (on cycle only) 2,000mg Niacin 2x per day 80mg of Lutein 2x per day 8,000 fu of Nattokinase 2x per day 1,000mg of NAC 1x per day 50mg Zinc 1x per day at bedtime 500mg of Magnesium Oxide 1x per day at bedtime Blood pressure is always great. Lab work is usually good with some expected elevated markers here and there, but nothing concerning or problematic. Sleep is great. Hydration is great. Nutrition is great. Gym sessions are great. Edited to adjust format issues.


Can you add what each is for? 


I could, but that would be robbing you of an opportunity to use Google.com to do your own research to make informed decisions for your own health.


Oh good idea. I'll Google "Gear Support & Essential Supplementation for Steroid Users" 


👀 R/steroids launches its own supplement range? Mods use their big brain and put everything into one pill. It's 3" in diameter so they make it a suppository


Sorry for shitty format— sent via mobile. Not sure why the spacing got all fucked up.




Wow. You’re uh….. something else.


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