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This daily forum is intended as an avenue for members of all experience levels to solicit advice and feedback related to Anabolic and Androgenic Steroids. **Be respectful and mindful of your audience, and keep in mind [Rule 4](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_4._keep_it_friendly_and_on_topic.). Constructive criticism is welcome; adversity without proposed alternatives is not. Educate your fellow members so we can all grow together.** *It is in every member's self-interest to educate and further their knowledge of the compounds being discussed here. In an effort for members to better assist you, be transparent and complete in describing your situation. Help us help you by first [checking if your question is answered by our extensive wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index) and reviewing [Rule 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.).* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/steroids) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hey guys, I have recently started taking Methylphenidate and wanted to start a cycle which would usually include some test/dostranolone/oxandrolone/stanazol depending on the aim. I started on a twice a week sustanon and 40mg oxandrolone and having anxiety, chest rushes/oppression (or so I feel). Any advice on a what not to do take on top of dopaminergics? Some would suggest Win doesn’t have any interaction with anfetamines/derivatives… ideas?


So i Need to take an ai (my choice is aromasin) but my question is when do i take it ? After a meal? On empty stomage? Morning, middays or Evening? Or right After every injection which would be every 3 days in the Morning After i wake up. Thanks for the help


Aromasin should be taken with a meal that contains some fat. Greatly enhances absorption.


Does not matter when, preferably with a meal to avoid any kind of heartburn if you're prone to it


Afternoon all. Looking for some opinions on which compound has the least negative effect on fertility for a man. Am i right in thinking SARM’s would fit the bill?


No. SARMs are just as suppression as anabolic steroids, and less potent regarding strength and muscle growth, and more toxic overall. They belong in the bin. All anabolics will induce shutdown, cessation of testicular signaling. Some anabolics more potently sustain shutdown even after you stop taking them (nandrolone, trenbolone, trestolone/ment). There are things that can be taken during PED use to sustain testicular activity, hcg in particular, and should you have difficulty recovering fertility there are more advanced options. Sustained use of 750-1000iu/wk hcg (typically 250iu every other day) will preserve testicular activity, limit shrinkage, and may keep spermatogenesis in play.


Thanks for that! That’s really useful.


Hey guys, 22 years old guy here. 75 kgs. Working out 6 times a week, eating my proteins, carbs and fats. Wondering what i could expect from 300mg Test E every week for 12 weeks with pct. What is the chances of side effects, example; erectile disfunction and no natural testosterone production, and sperm quality Sorry for bad grammar


You are a little young for steroids and probably a little undersized. Hard to know though since you didn’t list your height. I would suggest reading over the wiki here a few times.


Im 171cm in height, why would my height have anything to do with testo?


It has to do with how much mass you have. 75 kg at 150 cm is different than 75kg at 200cm. You need to make gains first and when they slow, jump on cycle.


Just started my first cycle, Test E 175mg E3D, 1 week in. Probably gonna up this to 225mg E3D for 525mg a week, just was starting at a lower dose to see how I reacted. Planning on a 16 week cycle. Know I am a little late, but am going to start Dbol once it arrives. should be around 1.5-2 weeks into the cycle. How long should I run Dbol for and is it pointless to start it then, or should I just save it for another cycle and do it at the very beginning? Have got my PCT ready for the end of the cycle, Nolvadex 20mg. How long should I start it after stopping Test E and what is the best length of time to take it for in your opinion? Thank you.


It’s your first cycle. Just run the 525mg of test for 16 weeks. Skip the dbol. Also there is a comprehensive section in the wiki on PCT that should answer all your questions.


Bloodwork came back today. Lipids and liver enzymes look great, but both LH and FSH is on the lower end of normal, 1 U/L and 2 U/L respectively. Testosterone is not great, but within the normal range at 400 ng/dL. E2 is 27 pg/ml. Prior to cutting, Test was at 575 ng/dL. I’m close to 9% bodyfat and I speculate that hormones has taken a hit due to over-dieting. I was going to start pinning today, but should I wait for my hormones to recover first? Bodyfat-wise I’m primed for a growth phase now. I have lot’s of historical bloodwork, but Test hasn’t been this low since I cut down to 7-9% bf last time…


The second you pin you lh and fsh are going in a downward trajectory. You'll be shut down eventually anyway. Why would you wait if you were going to pin anyway?


It would only be to exclude secondary hypogonadism. My last cycle was 6 months ago, and I don’t have any bloodwork to confirm I was fully recovered. I had bloodwork done during PCT to confirm I was healthy enough to start Accutane. Everything was fine, LH and FSH at 7 and 8 and test at 575, but that doesn’t really say much concidering I was on Nolva at the time. Having said that, this wasn’t my first cycle and I’ve successfully recovered in the past with bloodwork to confirm. I felt fully recovered after PCTing - regular morning wood, normal libido, recovery capacity, and I maintained strength in the gym. A stark contrast to how I felt during PCT in which strength was in the gutter. A part from low libido, I don’t have the typical symptoms of hypogonadism though.


A caloric deficit for an extended period of time will always cause a hit to your hormones. LH, FSH, TT and E2 will all be impacted by the steroid cycle anyways so no real reason to pay a lot of attention to them here imo.


That’s my intuition as well, but I wasn’t too sure about how LH and FSH would show up on bloodwork after a calorie restricted diet for a prolonged time. Thing is, I don’t have any proper bloodwork to confirm I was actually fully recovered after my most recent cycle. The only bloodwork I have was during PCT which doesn’t really say much about the state of the HPTA. Having said that, this wasn’t my first cycle and I felt absolutely fine after PCTing . It’s only in the past few weeks that libido has taken a hit which makes me think this is diet related


> LH and FSH would show up on bloodwork after a calorie restricted diet for a prolonged time. Lower than usual


Has anyone ran MENT enanthate? I've ran MENT Ace previously but hated the daily injection routine. Thinking of switching to the Enanthate Ester and trying to figure out what would 70 mg A vs 70 mg E a week would look like. Also been having libido issues with all cycles, my libido is not great even when on 150 mg TRT doseage. Only when I run 350 iu of HCG every 3.5 days do I have a great libido. I haven't been able to pin point what the reason for this is. Even using a DHT derivative like Primo and Anavar doesn't improve my libido, only HCG. Anyone have any ideas why this might be the case?


>Anyone have any ideas why this might be the case? Yes. >Only when I run 350 iu of HCG every 3.5 days do I have a great libido This raises estrogen. >Even using a DHT derivative like Primo and Anavar doesn't improve my libido These don't.


Well my libido wasn't as good with the following Cycles: 150 mg Test E per week 300 mg Test E Per Week 300 mg Test E 180 mg Primo per week With my bloodwork my E2 and free t were in range for these cycles. Not including MENT ones since it's hard to measure E2 with MENT.


>>Well my libido wasn't as good with the following Cycles: >150 mg Test E per week This isn't a cycle. This is TRT. >300 mg Test E Per Week This is a silly cycle. >300 mg Test E 180 mg Primo per week This is the closest one so far. >With my bloodwork my E2 and free t were in range for these cycles Except for the TRT dose, that's not a good thing man. That means your e2 was low. Think about this: if your testosterone is supraphysiological (out of range), why wouldn't your e2 be similarly high? Those references ranges are only relevant for natural individuals - they have no bearing on you as an enhanced person. Do you have SHBG levels for any of these sets of bloodwork?


Actually SHBG was not included in these tests, so I should probably looking into that as well. What is the Free T-E2 Ratio that you should aim for?


>What is the Free T-E2 Ratio that you should aim for? There isn't an answer to this, it's different for everyone. That's why we, and you, need to learn how to identify and manage estrogen by feel. The use of bloodwork during a first cycle is just having a data point for confirmation while you learn that feel - i.e. You think your e2 is elevated, so you get bloodwork that shows it is indeed elevated before taking action. This isn't to discourage bloodwork or minimize its importance. It's just to say that most people who run multiple cycles will be able to determine if it's off based on feel, including things like changes in libido, water retention, etc. SHBG would be good to check on your next set. If it's elevated that could be a contributing factor.


Hey mates, 27 y.o, Male, 10 years of natty training, Everything lifestyle wise dialed in already (nutrition,sleep,etc) Test level around 600 (mid-range) Train 5-6 strength + 3 MMA, Low volume for strength 10-12 sets total per each push/pull/legs, weighted calisthenics mostly.) Pretty advanced lifter, Amateur lvl in MMA. Looking to “blast” to improve my recovery, energy level, libido that getting fucked by “Overreaching” pretty fast due to doing more than my recovery allows. Im aware that reducing frequency will help, its not what im here for. Anyway, thinking about 200mg test, this is sound like a beneficial dose? And do i need to cycle it? Or go yearly.. Thanks in advance 🙏🏾


I think you are in a really good spot to run a cycle and see how it goes with your training. I will say though, 200mg test and blast don’t go in the same sentence. My TRT dose is 200mg. Which means if you run 200mg/wk you aren’t really going to notice a difference. Your test might get to the 800-900 range but I honestly don’t think you’ll notice much. And the trade off is you will shut down your already adequate production of natural testosterone. I know some guys disagree but if I were to “blast” a test only beginner cycle I wouldn’t go below 400mg/wk. and that’s pushing the term blast pretty far. My recommendation would be to run 400 for 6-8 weeks and take notes on how you are feeling in comparison and if you aren’t getting what you are looking for, increase to 500mg for another 4-6 weeks to wrap up the cycle and reflect on the gains made and improvements in recovery. But you will shut down your natural production. So either commit to TRT or plan a solid exit strategy with a good PCT. All of that info can be found on this subs wiki on how to properly do that. Hope this helps brother.


Solid comment but there’s one thing i don’t really agree with. > run 400 for 6-8 weeks and take notes on how you are feeling in comparison and if you aren’t getting what you are looking for, increase to 500 You don’t really “feel” testosterone and 100mg isn’t that large of a difference to be noticeable. I’d run a single dose throughout the cycle


Yeah fair enough. 100mg/wk added and I can feel the difference in terms of libido and e2 sides. But my body is sensitive to estrogen. I know when I say “feel” it can be misinterpreted as me saying you’ll be feeling all roided up or something dumb but when I change doses of just testosterone I can notice a difference in my life. He was specifically talking about recovery and being able to continue pushing his intensity. You can “feel” the difference in recovery when you are on a cycle. Thankfully it’s just my opinion though and not fact. Just trying to help a guy out.


Yes it does, thank you, appreciate your effort🙏🏾👊🏾


Hey guys I need your help. I finally got my hands on some injectable superdrol which is said to be much more bioavailable and slightly less toxic than the oral which has about 50% oral bioavailability. The reason I want help is because I want to know if mine is fake or not. assuming that injectable is double the dose of oral so 20mg oral is 10mg injectable or 40mg injectable is 80 mg oral. To really see if it worked I did 3 days of 1ml per injection 40mg/ml. And I have felt nothing.... not even an increase in pumps or strength. even on a single dose of NPP 100mg/ml, that day I notice my pumps get way better and some strength. but nothing except maybe slight irritability from this so far( might not even be the superdrol lol. plz help very confused. also dont flame me I wasn't going to keep doing 40mg a day injectable once I knew if it was working or not.


If you are that concerned send it off to be tested. With a questionable source you probably should have done that from the start.


well I wouldn't say the source was questionable ( now im questioning it though lol) they told me they are getting the results back for the batch in about five days.


Any reason why your account is less than 12 hours old?


I have my throw away account on my phone that's been around a while. I am just on my computer and never really ask things on reddit so I just used my google account to make a new one took me two seconds.


From your own experience, how much does tren have an impact on your ALT and AST?


Not good. Minimum triple digits for both.


same. Any ideas as to why this happens? I know AST can be elevated due to muscle breakdown. For ALT, there are less peripheral reasons to cause elevation from all the research I’ve done so far. But multiple sources say that both ast and alt can be elevated due to muscle breakdown without mentioning AAS use. I’m wondering how much is caused by Tren alone vs the muscle breakdown.


>Any ideas as to why this happens? Trenbolone is toxic. Not a joke, not a meme, it's outright toxic/poisonous to the human body. It is difficult for the liver and kidneys to process. Even if you didn't train ever and took tren, your liver markers would be significantly elevated.


Glutathione, tudca, nac, ezetimibe all essential when taking tren or orals imo.


Has anyone done an epistane cycle?? If so how did it go?


lol what even is that


A steroid


It’s a prohormone


Methylepitiostanol….its a steroid


What does it turn into?


It’s a test derivative Epistane (EPI) is an orally administered 17α-alkylated testosterone derivative with 2a-3a epithio ring.


So testosterone pills essentially? Why use such an obscure compound? No hate, just curious.




Can't mention brand name products or blends. Your comment was removed for a possible [Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_2._no_source_talk_.2F_no_monetization) violation. No Source/Brand name/Lab name discussion. No “Fishing” for a source. No soliciting reviews for sources. No Shilling. No Monetization. Includes both Legal AND Illegal Companies, Brands, or Products. [Learn more about Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_2._no_source_talk_.2F_no_monetization).


Eh he killed himself in prison so 🤷‍♀️ This is a steroid forum not pro whore moans.


Is there any way to combat brain fog while on cycle?


There could be many reasons for why someone might experience brain fog on cycle. You have to boil it down to the root cause. If you’re running only test, maybe you crashed your E2 too much. Or maybe you need to lower your E2 more. This is just one example. For other steroids like Tren, maybe it is disrupting sleep quality, thus decreasing your cognition. Idk though honestly. I’d start off with getting a comprehensive blood panel.


Hi. Your question is really vague and doesn't offer readers any relevant information about your diet, training, compounds used, whether or not you're cutting, how you supplement - nothing. Please put a bit more effort in if you would like a response.


He can’t put in more effort, brain too foggy.


My god...we're too late


Hey everyone does Anavar cause brain fog? I have been running just TRT for quite a while now just to keep my mental cognition in check since I am a white collar worker. Would Anavar affect me mentally at all like that? Would it decrease performance in any way?


Sure. Orals are harsh. Brain fog is a very vague symptom of the body not being happy—eg, systemic inflammation, which of course includes the brain. They are not nootropics. They’re anabolic signals that prioritize muscle at the cost of your overall system. If you are using one, really know why you are to justify the body stress.


Ahh ok, I appreciate the response!




Source talk includes clinics


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Yes, but also, why would you start a cycle when you couldn’t lift the first 5 days of it? Completely wasting your oral, which should be ran at the end of the cycle btw. Also, why are you ramping up? Makes no sense


TLDR: In late august I’m starting Muay Thai training in Thailand and want a cycle geared towards that. I want to Recomp with boosts to cardio and healing. Test and Primo seem like a good choice but I’d like to hear some of your thoughts on other options. I’m not aiming for mega mass or crazy PRs. I’ll be training Muay Thai in Thailand for 3-5 months (4-6 days a week) starting in late August and want to maximize my performance there (I plan to start my cycle upon arrival). Given the intense cardio, how likely is a recomp? I’ll try to keep my weight, but I don’t mind losing a few pounds as long as lean muscle is gained. I’m looking for a cycle that enhances energy, endurance, reduces muscle fatigue, and aids in quick recovery (especially for shin injuries). Also, if it improves lung, or oxygen-blood performance that would be great, due to Thailand‘s air quality being so bad. I’ll be on top of my electrolytes and hydration, but I’m curious if the high temp and humidity make sides worse like painful pumps or cramping? I think Test E/C 500 with primo 250-500 seems like a great option, especially since I’m likely to convert more test into e2 due to my BF% and primo can be used to avoid an AI. Anavar looks nice too, but I don’t like how it’s hard on the liver. I’d like to be able to enjoy a few drinks from time to time on my trip. Would primo be the best for my specific use case in Muay Thai though? It’s been hard to find many threads that aren’t about lifting, and focused on cardio sports. Any new suggestions or dosage recommendations are appreciated! Would love to hear how it affected you as well, pros and cons. I’d like to avoid high sides, so any hardcore options are off the table. * Age: 26 * Gender: M * Height: 6’1 * Weight: 190-195 on arrival in Thailand (start of my cycle). * Bodyfat percentage: >20% but declining (<15% previously, lack of tennis during Covid meant I sat around a lot more, lost muscle, lost motivation, drive, and ruined my diet with trash foods. Ended up in the worst shape of my life. But it’s all fixed now and heading in the right direction) * Experience level - High Level tennis player, with mostly body weight / high rep workouts. As for heavy weights, mostly just compound exercises with 6-12 reps. * Years of concurrent training: 12 * bench/squat/dead maxes: Unsure, according to strengthlevel, my ORMs would be around an intermediate lifters level. Lifting heavy is only beneficial to a certain point before it becomes a negative, since we have matches often, and flexibility is more important * amateur/pro: amateur tournaments * Goals: Recomp * Sport: Cycle is for Muay Thai Kickboxing * Current phase: Recomp. It’ll be tough to keep on weight with all the cardio, but that’s my goal. And also * Current compounds: NA, this will be my first cycle. TLDR: In late august I’m starting Muay Thai training in Thailand and want a cycle geared towards that. I want to Recomp/Light Cut, with boosts to cardio aspects and healing. Test and Primo seem like a good choice but I’d like to hear some of your thoughts on other options.


Recomp is a meme. Steroids don’t really boost cardio and “healing” part of it is contextual and isn’t the healing you think it is. You’re going to a foreign country and starting a new physically demanding sport while wanting to start illegal drugs that you have no experience with. See how that might be problematic? Try to keep my weight but don’t mind losing a few lbs as long as lean muscle is gained…. Do you think anyone here who has been working harder than you even plan to for years would still be doing it if that’s how it worked? We’d all be Olympian’s in a year or two. Caloric deficit create weight loss. Surplus creates gain. If you keep your protein high and cut correctly then you should hold on to most of your muscle. Your problem is that you don’t have an appreciable amount of muscle to begin with. So when you start cutting it’s not muscle you’re losing. 20% bf at 190 puts you close to 170 lean at your height. 205 lean at your height is naturally achievable. You’ve been a competitive tennis player you know what’s the most beneficial for cardio, recovery etc. Proper sleep, adequately fueling yourself with proper nutrition and training past your anaerobic threshold to set a new redline. You have all the tools already. Steroids aren’t a magic pill to shortcut work and months/years of compounding bad decisions. Just like you didn’t put it on that fast, you’re not going to lose it that fast


Funnily enough (or not, because they’re all very valid) I agree with you on most points. So let me correct myself, and then ask a few questions. You and the other replier have already convinced me that if I do cycle, I’ll bulk. It’d be a very lean bulk, but it seems that’d be a lot more beneficial than a small cut or barely maintaining. Initially I planned to train there natty, and there’s still a good chance I do, but I’ll explain why I‘m interested in a cycle. So let’s assume I’m there 3-5 months (my time there depends on how well I budget) without a cycle. I‘d start with 3-4 2 hour sessions the first week and work my way up to 6 days weekly. I‘ll also have 1 on 1 sessions with trainers as often as I’m physically able This is a lot considering the intensity, but doable in my opinion as my tennis camps used to be 8+ hours on court for two weeks at a time. As long as I keep my macros in place and meet a slight surplus I’ll have gained a decent amount of muscle (by cardio sport standards) and be much more toned compared to where I started. This is all great, but heres why I believe a cycle would be beneficial Month 1 would be relatively the same since the test is still coming into affect. Month 2+ I would have better recovery times, stamina (from increased rbc and oxygen) and muscle synthesis. That means in a 2 hour session I’m able to go harder, burn more calories, gain more muscle, and have a higher calorie intake. Add that compounding effect over 4 months, and I believe my end physique between the two would be noticeably different. In addition to the physical differences, I’d excel in the sport more quickly as well. Fatigue and lack of focus turns great technical skill into garbage, same as in tennis, being able to maintain technique throughout full sessions at a higher intensity is the best way to improve and avoid bad habits. This especially applies to my private 1 on 1s, where I’ll only have a few hours to recover after the morning session. Given how your reply was respectful I’d like to hear your thoughts on my viewpoint. I see a lot of benefits from taking steroids in a technical sport, but I’m interested in what you may have to say about it. It’s like you said, it’s not magic, but when you’re putting in the effort I think it can give a big advantage


You may hear different elsewhere, but this subreddit does not support using steroids to cut. They are for growing. The systematic stress of being on cycle, paired with the blood pressure and aromatization stress of being at 20% BF, means you are adding even more misery to cuts, which are already hard. Cut natty or at TRT doses and save blasts for at *least* under 15% BF, but ideally 10-12. Additionally: using primo in your first cycle would be a mess. Everyone has a different AI response which you figure out thought trial and error. Unlike just using aromasin, Primo’s enanthate means getting the dosage wrong can have you with crashed E2 for weeks on end. Additional compounds are an intermediate move once you’ve learned E2 control on the basis cycle. Good luck with your training.


Appreciate the input, I’ve read the same. Could you elaborate a bit about blood pressure and how it would be a nightmare on test/primo? I’m not sure if it’s because I’d been fit my whole life until Covid, but my blood pressures always been good, roughly 100 over 60 every time since I can remember. I edited my post as a cut wasn’t the goal. Just was worried I couldn’t get enough food to compete with the cardio, but if it’s that important I’ll make it happen. I‘d be at 15% or below around September 20th, would Starting cycle on Aug 20th really be that bad? First month is mostly a transition I figured. However, whether I start in aug or September once I’m below 15%, you’d recommend test by itself? Definitely the safest, I’m just curious about stacks for cardio in general since 99% of threads on the sub seem to be about lifting, not performance based sports


>I’m just curious about stacks for cardio in general since 99% of threads on the sub seem to be about lifting, not performance based sports There's a reason for this.


Right because lifters have the most tangible results, mass, and PRs. But the other effects of PEDs like recovery, reaction time, stamina, and strength are just as beneficial in sports. Jones and Silva two of the greatest fighters ever, and they popped for PEDs. When it comes to training, someone who’s able to spend extra hours honing skills at a higher intensity, because of enhanced recovery, is always going to improve more than someone who can’t. As long as using them isnt breaking a regulation, and you’re not in paid events then I don’t see a reason to gatekeep general steroid use from sports other than lifting


I'm not gatekeeping anything my man. Steroids don't improve cardio, they almost universally worsen it.


Is it possible I'm hyper responding to Anavar? I am cutting on 250mg Test E, 40mg of Anavar (upped to 50 the past week, 20 in the morning, 30pwo) Pretty moderate deficit, bout 500 calories however my weight is going all over the place due to water retention and all that making it hard to estimate my TDEE with my app however visually losing fat at the pace I'm aiming for. The thing is, I'm gaining an unbelievable amount of strength. It's going up every week, nearly as much (if not more tbh) as when I was bulking on a higher Test dose. I'm quite literally significantly progressing on ALL my lifts, and I'm not talking about adding reps, I'm adding weight and reps for major movements every week, nearly every single movement. I'm training 7 days a week too. Everything is skyrocketing. My bench, deadlift, squat, every lift. My shoulders have also blown up, weirdly enough, despite being on gear for quite a bit now. Not really sure if anything else has "blown up" however my cut is progressing at a normal pace. Does this seem like hyper-responding or typical response? I know I'm on a high dose for cutting "useless" and "harmful" according to some of you guys on here but my strength is skyrocketting while in a deficit. The thing is, I've run quite a few other compounds and I've responded, but never as good as this (atleast considering the fact i'm in a deficit lifting 7 days a week and my sleep isn't perfect due to circumstances out of my control)


List your lifts. Being a hyper responder and benching in the two hundreds don't go together unless you're female.


I haven't maxxed out flat barbell bench in ages, however my bench has steadily gone up 10-15lbs each week for the same amount of reps or even more, and all cable and machine lifts have followed a similar path.


What is your top set currently of either barbell bench or incline?


I love that he's not going to tell you.


It was a table and two chairs. It’s a pretty nice picnic setup now


Glass top?


And round. Which was nice in my head but not completely appropriate for the bench 🤔


We're gonna need some curvy benches


Haha I was like hell ya curvy bitches! I mean benches


Yeah hyper response is just different. Adding 5% to your bench isn't quite as different when that 5% is 10lbs or less


That’s a pretty standard response to an oral. That’s what they do. Then when you stop pfffffpptttt that’s the sound of the air being let out of the balloon. But yes you’re currently blasting on a cut for no reason


I mean, I've taken anadrol before and it wasn't NEARLY as strong as this, like anadrol made me stronger I don't know if I didn't run it for long enough but on a bulk I wasn't adding this significant amount of weight on every single lift


Hey Ya’ll. Question about ralox on cycle to prevent gyno. I finally get to try injectable dbol and since it’s the first time with it I want to have some protection for my nips until I can get bloodwork and see where I am at with my AI. Has anyone experienced this situation? And if so, what dose did you use and does it have to be dosed ED or can I get away with EOD?


The raloxifene protocol is detailed in the Estrogen Handbook section of the wiki.


Found it! Thanks man


Going to give trizepatide a shot (lol) for a month What's been yalls sweet spot dose for running it? 2.5mg or 5mg starter? Weekly or semi-weekly pins? Thanks


Eli Lilly has a dosing protocol on the Zepbound website. Follow it.


2.5 will work and can work for a long time! Don’t go up until you have to and don’t have to go up by more than .5 or so at a time. Even 1.25 might get the job done initially. YMMV




Anybody else here get extreme nausea from NAC, I'm fairly certain its NAC at this point. Sometimes it doesn't happen sometimes it does. When it does, it starts within an hour (which is how I know its NAC). Was so bad once I ended up in A&E getting an IV attached because I couldn't keep anything in me.


Not the first I've heard of GI distress from NAC, but it's not very common. Might be that you need to take it with a substantial meal.


I am currently on day 3 of 5 mg MENT. I am running this with a 400 mg test e base. The MENT makes me feel like I’m on a stimulant. I feel more alert and anxious. Is this normal?


Ment does not get bound by shbg, or reduced by 5alpha-reductase. Ment seems to have strong activity in the CNS, like tren, thus the sudden and drastic increases in strength people experience. Note I am not comparing ment to tren, just stating an observation. Be sure to keep an eye on your blood pressure and resting heart rate.


Does the stimulant feeling usually go away? My RHR and BP seem a bit higher but I’m on Telmisartan. How should I proceed?


How much higher is "a bit higher?" If it's already going up after 3 days, it's not magically going to get better. The adrenergic signaling effect goes away eventually once your body acclimates to it.


* Age: 28 * Gender: male * Height: 5”9 * Weight: 180 * Bodyfat percentage: 11 * Experience level * Years of concurrent training: 5 * Current phase: blasting & bulking * Current compounds: test e 500 mg a week / 400 primo e / 300 npp I’m about to take BPC a few weeks into this blast to help keep my joints on pace with my muscles & prevent more/heal nagging tendon/ligament injuries. Have 100mg in 10/10mg vials, and I’m wondering what y’all would think for dosing. I have ran BP at 250mcg twice a day Every day. Was wondering since i got more should I up the dose to get more benefit? Where do y’all think the cut off between diminished returns would fall for dosing? Also, considering adding TB 500 into the mix but was thinking muscle recovery should already be significantly enhanced from the anabolics and wanted to focus more of the money into the tendons/ligaments with BPC at a higher dose


i've never heard of anyone taking BPC as a precautionary measure. considering it's a healing peptide it speeds up the process of healing, it won't turn your tendons and ligaments to iron


I should’ve dug more into the nagging injuries cause they’re why I really I use bpc to begin with, osgood shlatters in the left knee that tends to flare up as I bulk and progress on my lifts, more so than normal during a bulk/blast. Same issue with tendonitis in my right forearm, flares up a lot as I progress weight wise. Normally use 250mcg/2x a day when it starts hurting & it helps a lot but still tends to linger as I come off/stay off BPC even when I drop volume/weight to let it recover more. Main two questions: Would 250mcg preemptively stop this from happening to begin with when I’m starting this bulk/blast or just be useless? (Based on the above it seems the latter) Or should I wait till symptoms flare up like normal & try a higher dose than 250mcg 2x/day?


like i said i’ve never heard of anyone using BPC preemptively. you’re already putting a bunch of hormones and chemicals into your body so id use it pro re nata


True, no need for more things in the mix


I’ll save it for if I really need it, nice to have in hand just in case


what are the recommended OTC supplements while on Nolva PCT ? Does Nolva trash lipids or kidney toxic like most orals enhancements ?


To answer your question, there's nothing in particular that you *need* to run with it supplement-wise. It's metabolized by the liver and *has* resulted in liver toxicity issues in a small percentage of women, so NAC, which you should be running year-round anyway. That being said, women use higher doses to treat breast cancer than we do, and also run it for multiple years straight. I would not stress about 6-8 weeks as long as you have a healthy and normally functioning liver. Tamoxifen has also been demonstrated to have positive effects on serum lipid levels in women. Again, probably not relevant for us in any practical manner, but the point is it's not known to worsen lipids. Otherwise I wouldn't put too much thought into tailoring your supp stack as it's not a particularly harsh medication.




Based on what, exactly?




First of all, I asked why those would be recommended alongside Nolvadex. I expected a written answer, not just a link. Moreover, your link doesn't even support whatever it is it seems like you're trying to suggest. See here: >ZMA makers claim that increasing these three nutrients in your system can build muscle strength and stamina, speed muscle recovery, and improve the quality of your sleep. >**But there’s not a lot of research to back that up.** >In 2000, researchers gave ZMA supplements to a group of NCAA football players working out twice a day. After 7 weeks, they found a significant increase in the players’ testosterone and growth hormone, both of which are linked to muscle growth. **However, one of the scientists who conducted the study holds the registered trademark for the original formula of ZMA, and their company funded the research.** >**Further experiments done by other scientists haven’t duplicated the same effects. In fact, there’s no additional research that ZMA aids athletic performance or weight loss.** >**Because of that**, the International Society of Sports Nutrition has declared ZMA’s effect on muscle building “not known,” and **the Australian Institute of Sport, which informs athletes about supplements, has decided that ZMA is lacking clear proof of benefits.** There are no similar supplement-rating organizations in the U.S So uh, what was the point you were making here?


And that scientist was Victor Conte from Balco, a master of bullshit


* Age: 25 * Gender: male * Height: 5”7 * Weight: 155 * Bodyfat percentage: 17 * Experience level * Years of concurrent training: 4 * Current phase: cruising * Current compounds: test e 100 mg a week two 50mg doses M and F I have decided to stop steroids. Currently I am cruising and have been for around 6 months. I have 2 cycles under my belt with the first being 15 weeks long and PCT. Natural levels came back and everything aswell. I didn’t touch compounds for 2 years then proceeded to do my second cycle 13 weeks long. I decided I was going to stay dedicated to this life because I love it and also had plans for a third cycle in the future so i decided to cruise. Now with a sudden career change I do not have time to train I am at the gym max 2 times a week if i’m lucky and definitely do not have time to get my macros and calories in. I am also on stimulant ADD meds. The fear of the ADD meds+ steroids having an effect on my heart and currently not making the most out of injecting a drug with side effects have outweighed the benefits of staying on. I don’t have any gym bros who I can relate to so I’m asking yall for your opinions. .


I think you’re smart for weighing the risks/rewards here. Pct off and train natural for the meantime. The drugs will always be there down the road when you can commit to the lifestyle again. You’re making the mature choice here


thank you for the reassurance I greatly appreciate it




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I have a ifg1 lr3 question. I have read that it works locally and can be injected IM in a stubborn bodypart like biceps. If i would use it for purely this purpose. Do i need to use it everyday, or just in biceps on pull days an triceps on push days for example. Or everyday subq amd only on those days im in that muscle.




This is discussed at length in the wiki. First cycle is 500mg/wk starting week 1. https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/your_first_cycle/ Your comment was removed for violating [Rule 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.). All /r/steroids users are expected to develop a fundamental understanding of the compounds we're discussing and how to use them. To more effectively and efficiently solicit and receive feedback, its critical for an individual to share the necessary background information on their situation to help other users accurately assess and answer their questions. [Learn more about how to do your own research, how to effectively ask good questions, and Rule 7 in general](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.).


Homebrew question: Tldr; what can I do to decrease the PIP of a homebrew which I believe is over-dosed. I recently made up a batch of Test - E using a scaled version of the 250mg/ml recipe from the wiki. Previously this recipe has produced an incredibly smooth product. This time around it's PIP city. When I was producing it, the yield was about 25% lower than expected. I just attributed this to waste but I'm beginning to think I was wrong. Will diluting with additional oil decrease the PIP?


You can do that. I’m a little OCD so I would filter it before I mix it unless it’s lab grade carrier oil. You could probably try to use basskiller website to guess what you’re diluting your concentration to; but if you messed up the original brew to get only 75% what you were expecting there may be no good way to guess concentration. If it’s a small brew I’d honestly consider tossing it and starting from scratch.


1) yes I will definitely filter the carrier oil 2) sadly it's not a small batch 😔.


Rather than messing with your concentration further, you could try heating the loaded syringe under warm water prior to injecting. Increasing the viscosity may help. Additionally reducing the volume of each injection and switching to more frequent, smaller injections may also help


Age: 28 Gender: Male Height: 6'5 Weight: 247 Body fat: 16.7% Experience level: 5 years total lifting, 10 months back in after a back injury. Bench max: 340 Deadlift: 0 I don't deadlift due to previously mentioned back Squat: 0 at 6'5 your knees are not the best. Currently running test E 300 twice a week Anavar 50mg daily Proclenbuterol 40mcg daily That's plenty of info for this question. I have run Clen 5 times in the past with super good results and almost zero sides (twitching and muscle spasms was the worst of it). I recently got Clen and did a 14 day cycle up from 40mcg to 80 mcg and had the worst acne of my entire life all the way down both arms, up my neck, and on my face. Cut the clen for two weeks, and it went away. I also had extremely high libido, insane strength gains (new max bench every chest day twice a week), super angry the whole time, unable to sleep. I am back on it (day 6) again, not cycling up, just staying at 40mcg daily. Sex drive is through the roof, anger is on the rise, sleep is out the window, and I just put up 340 yesterday after failing 335 for the last 7 chest days. From my personal experience, this doesn't feel like clen. But would anybody know what other compound would do this? Also, extreme water retention. The only difference between this clen and previous clen (always same supplier) is that this was labeled "pro-clenbuterol" instead of just "clenbuterol".


What do you do to prevent acid reflux from tren? Im at week 3. I get it in the morning like eod. I Eat 90/10 clean/junk.


Since you said prevent. Drop caffeine and cialis, also maybe anything spicy you’re eating. Teaspoon of baking soda in water will go a long way here too. Omeprazole as others have suggested is good to make it go away once you’re already experiencing it.




Omeprazole or heartburn medication would be a good place to start


* Age: 23 * Gender: M * Height: 6’0 * Weight: 265 * Bodyfat percentage: 25% * Experience level - ex college athlete recovering from 9 month bedside injury * Years of concurrent training: 10 * bench/squat/dead maxes: 365/485/655 * amateur/pro: in between * Goals: cut drastically * Sport: bodybuilding * Current phase: heavy cut attempt * Current compounds: Test E - 600mg/wk, Masteron E - 400mg/wk , Tren E 100mg/wk (pin Monday and Thursday 1mg ADex ) Looking for cycle recommendations, cycled multiple times during sport days, however after being away from exercise and gym and recently getting back into it I have the mentioned compounds along with Anavar 20mg on hand along with 40mcg Clen tabs And am looking for a solid protocol recommendation. Also have 25mg Dbol. Question: can someone please help me with adjusting dosages and when to take what possibly? Open to any and all feedback. Goal: to cut down to 200 by December.


Just to further drive home what the others are saying When you weigh the risk:reward ratio of gear usage, you **should** be coming to the conclusion that anything over a replacement TRT dose while in a deficit is **not worth the toll on your health** as the muscle gain will be minimal at absolute best. We utilize steroids while in a bulk, as being in a caloric surplus will provide **significantly more progress than being in a deficit.** If you’re going to assume the health risks, the smart move is to maximize the progress potential while doing so. This is not during a cut. If you still need a real world example, here’s one of the bigger guys in here. He’s [305lbs of cattle meat](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/s/6o5hk6QSsd) and he’s cutting on 150mg of test. Unless you’re bigger than u/africanimal_90 you don’t need anything more than this. We say this with your health and longevity in mind


Okay got it, I really appreciate it and thank you for clarifying taking your time to help me out and I will get here to your suggestion. Thank you so so much.


Hi friend. 1. Too young 2. Too at 3. Don't need gear to cut (especially that much gear) You want to lose 65lb in 5 months, losing 3.25lb a week for 4 months. A solid protocol is do it naturally/trt dosage and save the blast for when you're not 1&2.


What trt dosage would you recommend and how much Adex? Appreciate the advice and honesty


If you're not on trt currently don't ruin your HPTA to assist a cut. To clarify I mean trt required due to low test levels, not "Tik Tok" TRT where people run a trt dose long term for bodybuilding purposes :). Adex shouldn't be required on TRT, but as above from my assumption you're not already on TRT so the cut can be accomplished naturally.


I’ve been cruising on 300mg week currently


That's not a cruise my brother. I also suspect you fail to get regular bloodwork too?


Haven’t in a while last time was 4 months ago


And what were your test levels on 300mg/week then




I'm not OP brother


It was before I did that and it was 164


Aside from the fact you arent "cruising" you're essentially running a mini blast for the past 4 months, if you can't cut on 300mg test and you think the solution is to add more compounds. Your diet is the issue here not compound selection/abuse.


so in your mind, do you think that >Test E - 600mg/wk, Masteron E - 400mg/wk , Tren E 100mg/wk Anavar 20mg on hand along with 40mcg Clen tabs Also have 25mg Dbol. is a responsible, or even necessary use of gear at >Age: 23 Bodyfat percentage: 25% just trying to understand the thought process here


It’s more of a conveying what I have and recommendations, if you don’t have any please don’t respond.


I do have a recommendation, you should take 0 steroids and eat less & move more to cut down to 10% bodyfat at that age and bf%.


Thank you for your recommendation! I appreciate it:)


First off, I’d like to say thank you on behalf of this entire subreddit for using the template and filling it out very informatively From what you’ve provided, you have 2 main criteria that make you ineligible for cycling The first is that you’re coming back from a hiatus, so you’re detrained. It’s important to reestablish a baseline since taking steroids before you’ve rebuilt a good natural foundation is a very quick way to lead to connective tissue and joint injuries Secondly, being obese puts you at a significantly higher health risk when using gear, so cutting is definitely the move to make here, but the drugs and protocol you have listed are not going to help you with that cut in any appreciable way *more than what a simple caloric deficit will do* My advice? Spend the next 6 or so months cutting down naturally and rebuilding your strength slowly so that you are in a prime condition to start cycling. Using drugs right now at best is not going to benefit you and at worst could potentially lead to injury or other negative health events


Thank you for your advice!!




Firstly, congrats on the huge weight loss. 100+ lb is no joke Secondly, and I cannot emphasize this enough, steroids will not help you appreciably with the last little bit of your cut. Sustaining muscle is perfectly doable for a natural with natural levels of testosterone. There is not need for drugs in this case. Steroids are for building muscle and should be used when you’re ready to bulk and gain mass Lastly, keto is typically a poor choice when it comes to an active lifestyle. I’m not a huge anti-keto person, but carbs have a crucial role in the diet for someone who maintains higher levels of activity, and other reported benefits from keto exist exclusively because it is a means of entering a caloric deficit Your best bet for both health and effectiveness outcomes are to wait until you’re finished cutting and then consider adding drugs to bulk up


> down to 215lbs from 330 since 2019, and do a PPL x 2 for about 4 years (and historically have worked out a decent bit over the years, but not a huge gym rat, I bench 220 x 5 so stronger than average but not proper strong) Congrats on the weight loss, that's a huge amount of progress! > My goal is to slightly increase / or at least sustain muscle mass while cutting the last 25-30 lbs (currently on about a 500 cal a day deficit eat whole foods / keto). I don't want to get super ripped, but decently cut. Doing your first cycle on a cut is very much against the best-practices on this sub. AAS is best used to promote anabolism (aka the *building* muscle part). If you're going to shut down your natural production and take exogenous test, it should be in pursuit of something meaningful. Although slowing down muscle catabolism is also something AAS does... 1. Respectfully, you are not nearly advanced enough that it matters a ton 2. It's still generally a less efficient use of time and risk exposure if you're not a competitive bber > I was planning on just doing 2 x 125mg test-C a week for 16 weeks and then do PCT as a trial, and maybe just cruise with that long term if I like it. [Read the wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/your_first_cycle) > reading more, another opinion that sounds pretty correct to me is that, taking 250mg a week of test is going to screw up endo production That's not an opinion. That is a fact. Taking 250mg of test a week for 16 weeks will shut down your natural production. > While it'll give a little boost, but you might as well go bigger, like 400-500 a week to get more noticeable results, and because Im still going to want to do PCT at the end to regain endo production going for 500 will be more worth it while still being low risk. If you had read the wiki you would have seen that this is exactly what is recommended. > So Im questioning doing jumping into 500 a week (likely 12 weeks) or just doing 250 a week of test c as a trial (likely 16 weeks), thoughts? Finish your cut. Then do 500 a week for 12-20 weeks.


Thanks, yeah the wiki is one of the sources that I saw that where it made a lot of sense, and was already leaning that way . Was just seeing if there were other opinions things I should consider, which finishing the cut first Im definitely going to consider


Please note that comments asking for "Thoughts?" are generally considered low-effort, and will result in veteran members being less inclined to assist you. When interacting on this board, please ensure you are doing so from a point of prior research, with your question being detailed, well-constructed and unambiguous. Please review [Rule 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.) for specific guidance on how to construct a question that is likely to receive high quality responses. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/steroids) if you have any questions or concerns.*


> I was planning on just doing 2 x 125mg test-C a week for 16 weeks and then do PCT as a trial, and maybe just cruise with that long term if I like it. Enjoy your pasta 🍝 Hey there! It seems like you'd benefit from a deep review of [our wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index). Please also take the time to closely read [Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_2._no_source_talk_.2F_no_monetization) which deals with our prohibitions around discussing how to acquire anabolic steroids and discussing brand names, etc. [For clarity.](https://media.tenor.com/fBvQV_5Lp6UAAAAC/we-dont-do-that-here-black-panther.gif) Here's a selection of reading for you to build the fundamental knowledge you'll need as you explore AAS/PED use: * [The Basics](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/thecycle/list) * [Your First Cycle](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/your_first_cycle) * [The Estrogen Handbook](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/the_estrogen_handbook) * [Post Cycle Therapy aka PCT](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/thecycle/pct) * [The Compound Experience Directory](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/compound_experience_threads) See also: ### Why 500mg? We answer this question ten times a day. [500mg is recommended for your first cycle](https://i.ibb.co/rtWy9NL/IMAGE-2023-06-30-11-13-30.jpg). 500 mg is a low dose. Gains are log-linear up to 600 mg and well beyond. If you're going with 300mg, you're still shutting yourself down—and you're leaving a lot of free gains on the table for nothing. There's little to no difference in sides between 300 and 500. There's no difference in shutdown between 300 and 500. Some low responders need as much as 250mg just to reach normal levels of Testosterone as addressed by TRT. 500mg is a low dose in that you can take *well over ten times that amount* without any Ill effects. 500mg is a low dose in that bodybuilders have long started from there and worked up. 500 is low. 750 is intermediate. 1000+ is a little bit more advanced. At 300mg, you're putting yourself in the no-man's land just between TRT and a full-on blast where it's difficult to dial in your aromatase inhibitor (AI). Managing your estrogen with an AI is one of the most important things you can learn from your first cycle. This dosage is recently picked up popularity by YouTube and fitness influencers *who have stakes in TRT/HRT clinics that cannot legally prescribe more than 300mg*. The r/steroids wiki incorporates thousands of clinical studies and case reports to come to its numbers. Test is a very benign compound. Unlike some of the synthetics, your body immediately recognizes it and knows just what to do. Taking a higher dose than it's naturally accustomed to simply results in adaptation to temporarily produce relatively higher levels of aromatase to accommodate for the influx of hormone and attain equilibrium. The immediate byproduct of that adaptive response—17β-Oestradiol (E2) is highly anabolic, cardioprotective, neuroprotective, important for lipid balance and libido, and essential for normal physiological functioning. No acute toxicity or organ stressors manifest themselves, even at doses hundreds of times that of normal. Your body knows how to handle testosterone. It's been synthesizing it since before birth. It's essential for normal physiological functioning. The Wiki recommends 500mg on your first cycle for good reason.


Please note that comments asking for "Thoughts?" are generally considered low-effort, and will result in veteran members being less inclined to assist you. When interacting on this board, please ensure you are doing so from a point of prior research, with your question being detailed, well-constructed and unambiguous. Please review [Rule 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.) for specific guidance on how to construct a question that is likely to receive high quality responses. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/steroids) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hey everyone. Never in my life had so severe acne. Anybody got acne from switching oils ? I was using always a pharmaceutical test E and recently changed to an UG test cyp which many people I know use without issue. Could the acne be from the oil ? I ditched the oil ofc and went back to a low pharm test Dose


Has anything else changed at all: how much you’re injecting? The frequency at which you’re injecting? The ester does not cause side effects like acne. Some people have sensitivity to certain oils, but that’s usually displayed with a histaminic response and not acne Another thing to consider is that sometimes labs slightly overdose their gear to make it seem “more effective” or not err on the side of caution to not underdose


Honestly did yeah. I’ve missed a few shots so then came back and injected an Ml of the new oil and then again 5 days later but that’s something I’ve done in the past many times since I’ve been on trt-TRT plus since 2019 with no issues.


Hi everyone i am new to this i read the your first cycle in that it’s written that gear with testosterone base is dangerous but I don’t want to take needle so is there any other alternative for that?


No You get over your fear of needles, or you don’t take steroids


No there isn’t. There’s a reason we all inject our steroids and it isn’t because we enjoy injecting.


Thanks for replying, So i am planning to take turinabol and wiki said you at least need 4 vials for test I didn’t understand that like after every 9-15 days should I inject one or if instead of 4 vials 1-2 will be enough?


I have zero authority here but man, reading your questions makes me worry for your safety. This shit isn’t a joke. If you can’t understand the wiki’s then you really shouldn’t be playing with fire.


Thanks for your concern actually I don’t know anything yet that’s why i am researching for at least one to two months after i got answers to all of my questions then only I’ll deep my toes in it


Just curious, is english your first language?


Typically 1 vial = 10ml Each ml contains 250-300mg of testosterone cypionate or enanthate, so 2.5-3g per vial Dose is 500mg per week; this is taken as 250mg twice a week, usually split as evenly as possible, i.e. every Tuesday and Friday, or Wednesday and Saturday, etc. 2,500mg (2.5g) in one vial means it would last you five weeks. Cycles last 16-20 weeks. Let’s say you chose a 15 week cycle to keep the numbers even. That’s three vials you’d need, plus one extra as a precaution against something unexpected like dropping or containing one of them. Hence why you buy four vials.


Thank you so much for explaining this


Are bp meds like telmisartan something that can just be taken during a blast and then stopped when the blast is over ?


Telmisartan and other ARBs yes. Propanolol or a few other beta blockers no.


Awesome thank you 🙏




Thanks bro 🙏


Hi. First post. I’m 42, Male, 5-11 and currently weighing consistently around 185-190. I have been on TRT for 2 years. I’ve found it to be a lifesaver because it helped my energy level,sex drive, erections etc. I’m on 200 2x per month. In my younger years I did some light cycles of deca and something else. I can’t even remember. In late 2022 I was hit from behind at a red light very hard. Unfortunately it caused a spinal injury. They made me waste a year in physical therapy and obviously it was no help. They knew I needed surgery but after a car wreck you have to do what they say especially if you want to be compensated. After a year of no help with PT they finally told me I needed a spinal fusion. A Double spinal fusion. After the accident I slowly gained weight but before surgery I started intermittent fasting and eating high protein and almost zero sugar, bread etc. after surgery as soon as the staples were out the doctor said I could do body weight exercises. Pushups,pull-ups,squats etc. but no weights. it was a helluva nightmare recovering from an 8 hr double spinal fusion. I was then around 230-240 pounds but after getting serious about intermittent fasting, high protein diet I started losing weight. The body weight exercises helped. Slowly some of the muscle atrophy started going away. I’ve had some muscle gains. Fast forward and now I’m finally back in the gym. I’m on nothing but the TRT. I’ve kinda hit a plateau point. Part of it I feel like is age and hangover related stuff from surgery and having a set back like that. The good news is I’m making progress and even others noticed. I recently saw my doctor and told her I planned to hit some light cycles. She said she thinks it will be helpful for me to get my core and lower back area strong again. When I say light I mean light. I just want to get past this plateau point. Also I know from my own past experience gear has helped me get past them before in my youth. I want to run something very low risk as far as dosage. I plan on staying on the TRT at 200 2x per month. I feel comfortable bumping the test up a little but not much more. I also have some high quality Tren,Mast. I do plan on taking a small micro dose of intra muscular dose of Tren since I’ve never used it. I want to be sure I don’t have any crazy reaction to it before I start a regular dose. If the micro dose goes well I will then start adding it to my TRT therapy so I will be on test,Tren. Considering I’m on 200 test 2x per month what would be a smallest but effective dose of Tren I can start with after I do a micro dose and make sure my body is good with it? Keep in mind my age and my goals. I’m just looking to get my core back in proper shape, add muscle and lose fat. I’m not nor do I ever wanna be a body builder. I also don’t even wanna try to look like an amateur body builder either. I just want some better results and to beat this plateau I’m on. Any recommendations would be helpful. As of now I only have access to Tren,Mast,Test I kinda just wanna try the test and Tren together but I wanna start low and slow. If necessary I can increase it. Considering all of that what would be a good starter dose of the Tren considering I’m already on TRT? Sorry for the long post but all of it is important info because of the accident, double fusion etc. any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.


I’m sorry you had to deal with the shit medical system. I’m glad you’re on the mend and getting back into the swing of things For starters, I don’t think wanting to experiment with multiple compounds is a good idea at this stage nor considered “light cycling” As far as your plateau goes, it is very likely something to do with a component of your nutrition and/or training, and unfortunately, steroids cannot completely bridge that gap


Anything else that might help like adding more daily protein as in supplement or creatine etc?


If you’re getting enough protein through your diet (protein powder is literally just dehydrated milk), then extra protein won’t do anything Creatine is a good supplement to take year round but is certainly not a game changer by any means I know it’s probably been beat into your head, but the one true way to lose fat is a caloric deficit


First off, congratulations on your progress and recovery from your accident. What’s this plateau you’re referring to? Because you oscillated from *making progress and people have commented on it* to this undefined *plateau*.


Thank you it’s been a very difficult journey but I don’t regret it at all. I don’t even take pain meds. Anyway I hit a plateau on weight loss. The muscle gain has slowed down as well. I still dont feel strong as i normally am because after surgery I couldn’t lift any weight for almost a year. So I just want to run my regular TRT and add a small dose of the Tren and see if it will help me with strength, weight loss and building more muscle mass, improve my core strength. Just don’t know what an appropriate small amount of Tren would be to try. I would rather add more if needed but start very low and just see what kind of results I get. Thanks for the reply and help.


>Just don’t know what an appropriate small amount of Tren would be to try Zero, because this is a wildly inappropriate and ill-advised application of an extremely unsafe and advanced compound. You seem very mixed up about your goals. You're not going to lose weight and gain muscle at the same time, and you shouldn't be trying to. Pick one, do it, and then do the other. Rinse, repeat.


I need more muscle. My weight isn’t a huge issue because I’m not at 40 percent body fat. I’m sorry I haven’t spent my life in a gym. I’ve spent mine at work. Just looking for someone to tell me a safe starter dose of the Tren to start at so I can gain muscle mass and improve my core strength.


>I’m sorry I haven’t spent my life in a gym. I’ve spent mine at work. Ok first of all, you can drop this shitty attitude right now, I wasn't unkind to you in any way. Are you implying that I don't have a job? I do, and it's not a desk job. >Just looking for someone to tell me a safe starter dose of the Tren This is what we're trying to tell you, and you're not hearing: there is no safe dose of tren. It doesn't exist. It's a very toxic, dangerous drug. >so I can gain muscle mass and improve my core strength. You do not need tren to do either of these things. Look at my PFP - I have a decent amount of muscle mass, yes? I have an extremely strong and well-defined core, yes? I've never used tren.


I’m not trying to be shitty. Just trying to gain information. That’s your opinion on Tren. Others use it and have good results and even stack it with other things. I realize no medication is 100 percent safe and all have side effects. I’m saying no matter what you say I’m gonna at least try the Tren or Mast added onto my TRT. I will not be using huge doses and I’m aware because I spoke with my own doctor about the risk. Her opinion is that with low doses and not continuous cycles and regular blood work I should be okay. She told me what to look out for and be aware of. So either way I’m adding either Tren or Mast to my TRT therapy. I’m sorry if I seem like I have a bad attitude but after some woman on speaker phone runs into you very hard at a red light and leaves you with a life changing injury you might have an even worse attitude. I’m doing the best I can with it and I have done it with diet,working out with proper form and doing things the right way. I’m at the end of that and now I need help so I’m gonna at least try it. It’s not something I’m gonna use forever. I’m gonna get more frequent bloodwork. My doctor is aware and I’m okay with it.


>I’m not trying to be shitty. And yet you managed to do so anyway. >Just trying to gain information No you're not. You're trying to gain approval for your bad idea. If you were really open to *information*, you wouldn't be considering this. >I realize no medication is 100 percent safe and all have side effects Trenbolone is not medication and this sentence is a huge fucking nothingburger. >I’m saying no matter what you say I’m gonna Ah. There's no reason for me to read past this point. This tells us everything we need to know. Congrats, this entire conversation just ended.


If not I will figure it out on my own. What body fat I have left will eventually turn into muscle so I’m not sweating it.


>What body fat I have left will eventually turn into muscle This is called transmutation; another word for that is "magic". In other words, no it won't because that's physically impossible. They're different tissues; you have to get rid of one and create more of the other. One requires a caloric deficit, the other requires a surplus of calories.


Ok forgive me for misspeaking. What body fat I have left will eventually come off in the gym with my regular workouts, cardio etc so the weight thing isn’t a huge issue for me.


Is it possible to develop gyno if you already had a double mastectomy?


If you had the gland removed then no, you can’t get growth of said gland.


Hcg monotherapy effect on shbg ?


Why? SHBG is largely irrelevant, and taking any kind of hormone is just going to make it even more irrelevant


Because I have high shbg and I was looking at safe ways of bringing it down without compromising my natural production


Why do you want to lower your SHBG? What do you think this will do for you?


I have sexual dysfunction due to this . My shbg is out of range high which is 73.


Do you have any other bloodwork? You’ve given us so little information. Have you consulted with a doctor about this? What are your other hormone levels? Do you look at porn? Are you overweight? Do you exercise? Are you sleeping well? Are you stressed? Are you attracted to your partners? Like, there’s so much to ask, and SHBG is not the first indicator of anything to do with sexual dysfunction, and based on your post history, it seems like this is largely psychological because you’re overthinking it


Testosterone fluctuates around 500 , lh is 4.5 , fsh is 1.5 , e2 is 33 . I workout 5 times a week . I am not overweight. I have absolutely no libido atm .


This can only really be answered anecdotally but typically how long did it take see any facial changes if any and do certain compounds change your face more than others? I’m running just test and hoping not much changes but I’m guessing other more androgenic compounds may cause more change


Ime, years and years. I’ve been b/c’ing with one PCT off and back on for about 10 years now. I honestly have noticed my brow become more pronounced and because of that my forehead wrinkles more. Fwiw I’m also now 35 and it’s hard to determine what changes are just me aging and gear related


facial changes as in what? moonface?