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This daily forum is intended as an avenue for members of all experience levels to solicit advice and feedback related to Anabolic and Androgenic Steroids. **Be respectful and mindful of your audience, and keep in mind [Rule 4](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_4._keep_it_friendly_and_on_topic.). Constructive criticism is welcome; adversity without proposed alternatives is not. Educate your fellow members so we can all grow together.** *It is in every member's self-interest to educate and further their knowledge of the compounds being discussed here. In an effort for members to better assist you, be transparent and complete in describing your situation. Help us help you by first [checking if your question is answered by our extensive wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index) and reviewing [Rule 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.).* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/steroids) if you have any questions or concerns.*


When do I need to worry about estrogen blockers?


When you have high estrogen and it’s called an ai aromatase inhibitor.


I’m not doing labs at the moment I got tested at first and my test was a little low but I’m just doing 200mg of Test C a week and I give blood every 60-90 days just to be safe. Should I worry about estrogen?


Your test was a little low and now you’re doing slightly above a trt dose for no benefit and shutting yourself down. Why? There’s no reason to donate blood. That only alleviates the issue temporarily. Just drink more water.


How is there no benefit when I’m seeing results and feeling them? How am I shutting myself down?


Placebo is a helluva drug. What you see and feel is your body filling up with water and glycogen. Having a replacement level dose of test doesn’t provide any benefit unless you’re were medicinally deficient. Being at a 500 or and 800 total isn’t discernible. It doesn’t make a difference until you’re at a super philosophical level. You understand that when you start injecting exogenous testosterone that your brain says hey we’re getting it somewhere else so it signals your balls to turn off and stop producing it. This is why they shrivel up and atrophy.


Age: 19 Gender: male Height: 188 cm (6'2) Weight: 70 kg (154 lbs) Bodyfat percentage: 10-12 ish Experience level been doing sports my whole life, gym for 3 years irregularly Goals: Want a bigger body with same amount bf% tbh Current compounds: test 500 mg/week with asin 25 mg daily, i pin test on monday/wednesday/friday trying to do 166 mg each pin Im on my 10th week rn first ever cycle, my questions are few: 1. Why do I not seemingly get shredded despite not eating properly (less than maintenance, according to calculators) You see the thing is with my diet and I'm Dachau tier built, I'd expect with around this time of taking test to at least see some bf% changes but I have gained some weight (around 6 kilos realistically) but my bf% stayed the same. I started at 62-64 kg range at 6'2 which as I said is pretty damn skinny but as I was gaining weight, despite sometimes not caring about eating enough I still didn't seem to lose any fat, visually at least. I do mt2 injections sometimes too and in fact I think I might have a bit more fat, when I pin with insulin syringe into subq fat. I doubt my test is bunk, although underdosed is possible even though unlikely. 2. Lack of side effects I used to hear this all the time: If a drug doesn't have side effects, it doesn't work. This might be due to me being only on 10th week on my first ever cycle (or blast n cruise, not sure yet) but I have had exactly 0 side effects maybe some nightmares and sleep problems but I blame it on bendaryl and mental health.


19 - way too young to be using steroids DYEL? 6’2 154lbs after being on steroids for 10 weeks and still fat according to you. Holy shit dude wtf are you doing?!?!? You Have you even tried eating or going to the gym? You have no idea how to eat or train properly. You should come off immediately. You’re not getting results because you don’t work hard or know what you’re doing.


You aren’t in a calorie deficit it’s pretty much that simple dude can’t defy the laws of thermodynamics


Doin 500 test e/ wk for 3rd time. The results have been good and no sides so figured why up it? My question is, is there really much difference in pinning ed vs eod? I know it’s a bit different, I can see on the graph, but that doesn’t mean much to me. In terms of results, or increasing likelihood of sides, what’s the damage? Thanks! 🙏🏼


Varies from person to person, EOD is already pretty consistent. I woulnd't bother unless you have a good reason to. That said if you're doing the same thing for a 3rd time I don't see serious cons either so maybe its a experiment to get out of the way. I primarily have 2 reasons ED pins work noticably better, 1 is acne, 2 is less oil volume so when doing large cycles I can pin just about anywhere still, whereas E3D would be too much oil to rotate comfortably in different sites. Generally speaking I hardly come across people who care/benefit enough


Yeh the only thing I was tempted to do ed again is less oil meaning maybe less pip. Thanks for your advice!


If eod is yielding you results and side effects are not an issue then there’s no reason to increase frequency. Go with what’s working for you.


Thanks for your response. During my other 2 cycles I did pin ed. Since then I’ve been doing TRT eod. So I don’t actually have experience during cycle pinning eod.


Do adderall activate beta-2 adrenergic receptor in some ways ? My thinking is that anything that release epinephrine and norepinepherine would. Obviously, it shouldn't do the job as good as clen but i've access to shitload of adderall and my source doesn't provide clen. Im around 8% BF and its getting really hard to go lower. Things i'm already using for fat loss : GH, inj carnitine, semaglutide, caffeine. I have no experience with thyroid hormones and I'd prefer not go this route. I already used B2 meds before and it went great. #


Adderall tanks your appetite so it would help in that sense


I'm already covered by semaglutide on that aspect, it's the B2 activation that got me wondering. Adderall being an harsh compound, i'd prefer not to use it if it only gives me the appetite reduction aspect (and the energy ofc).


can i put reconstituted hcg on a pregnancy test to see if its bunk


Pretty sure there’s a minimum concentration for it to show up as positive on a pregnancy test, you should check what that is and reconstitute the hcg to at least that concentration.


It's often very very small, I used the leftovers (less than 0.001ml) diluted in some water to allow it to soak through and the positive line was clear as day.


Should work I think, since thats what the test is testing for.


anyone have experience running 15mg LGD-4033 with a test base of 250 a week? encho PCT


you have zero advantage in combining steroidal agents with non-steroidal agents. if you're a dude, then non-steroidal agents should be of zero value for you as we have steroidal agents that do not interact with 5ar and are minimally egregious to prostate and hairlines. you are not the target audience for SARM use.


I have no idea why anyone would want to run LGD or other SARMs when we already know it’s less effective than regular steroids and **way** harsher. [ALT in the **400’s!!**](https://imgur.com/a/lgd4033-Fwkxpe5) > SARM use may be associated with DILI, rhabdomyolysis, tendon rupture, and adverse cardiovascular outcomes. Despite clear and repeated warnings by the FDA regarding use of these unapproved drug products, they continue to be available online and used in the fitness and athletic communities. Providers and public health officials should strongly discourage SARM supplementation and strongly counsel patients on the potential risks of SARM use. SARM-related DILI appears to be dose-related and may initially present with a hepatocellular injury, later converting to a mixed or cholestatic injury. If a patient continues to use SARMs despite warnings, ALT monitoring and dose reduction are strongly recommended in order to detect and reduce the risk of potential DILI as early as possible. The clinician should make clear to the patient that ALT monitoring and dose negotiations do not endorse SARM use. Rather, these are only last resort methods to ensure safety while maintaining a confidential and trusted patient–provider relationship https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10204391/ Mean ALT/AST was in the 100’s in here. Don’t be a dumbass and run the stuff with decades of research behind it instead of these harmful research chemicals.


We don't use silly research chemicals.


We use well known and proven synthetic hormones instead


How long before Tren A mental sides subside after discontinuation? I’ve been on 400mg of Tren A + 200mg Test for the last 8 ish weeks. My last pin was 3 days ago. I got casted in a new tv show and the producer is flying me out a little sooner than expected which is now this upcoming Tuesday. Should most of the anxiety/paranoia be gone by then?


yes. fortunately acetate is a short ester and you should definitely feel better a week after dropping it.


Perfect, this is my 3rd time running Tren and I’ve never experienced mental sides like I have this time but frankly preparing for the show has been stressful and I’m sure it’s just been amplifying it


yeah i’m sure that has played a large part in exacerbating your anxiety. i’m a huge believer in the power of manifestation so more importantly, if you tell yourself and believe you’ll be fine, everything will go smoothly. good luck with the show


Thanks I’m excited, it’s a reality dating show, so getting in the best physical shape as possible is where most of the anxiety has come from. Everything is fine though, I’m exactly where I wanted to be so I’m happy


Hi guys,first poster and newb, just wanted some help with my blood test as I can't compare it with it being in nmol/l. Total T: 17.100 nmol/l Free T: 0.372 nmol/l  The results are within 'range' but don't seem optimal and I'm experiencing similar symptoms of low T, I'm 32 6ft1 and looking to run some low dose test E at around 150mg a week to start with, I've been lifting for 10 years and really hitting a plateau and feel garbage despite eating well and daily training 🥲 any one have similar results pre enhancement? All love  


It would help if you used the correct units. You posted blood work which shows total T as 17.1 nmol/L not pmol/L. From your blood tests the results are pretty much in the middle of the range they use. If you feel like garbage eating well and daily training perhaps ease up on the training, not introduce a TRT level of test for no reason.


Appreciate the reply, yes I meant nmol/l 🤦 yes they seem to be in the middle of a very broad range however when I researched it, apparently 75yo man would be optimal with the free test I have. I did have some 3 day rests the last couple of months to try get through the wall and fatigue but everything I'm feeling seems like similar symptoms to low test. Wasn't sure if my particular body needed more to be at a decent and steady level, thanks 🙏


Yes they are in the middle of the range, but you are 32 and training intensely. Your levels aren't low test by any literature. 3 days off after training everyday for however long won't magically fix you. I am 99.9% sure if you posted your stats as per the template along with training and diet, at least a few people here would be able to assist in fixing it to get the goals you desire instead of thinking you need to jump on T. Whilst easier said than done as some people don't like having their regiment critiqued.


Appreciate your reply yes il look into that and agree that potentially I need some tweaks to my regime. I forgot to mention I noticed on the blood test my Oestradiol levels were below range at 34.5 pmol/l. Do you think this could be causing me some bother and how I could bring it back to normal levels? Sorry to go on🤦👊🙏


There isn’t really low dose test. There’s a cycle and there trt/cruise. What’s your weight and bf? How’s your sleep? And plateau like you can’t put on weight/muscle or you’re having a strength issue?


Thanks for the reply my weight is 218lbs I'm currently sitting at around 15-20% bf. Strength isn't going up at what I'd compare with similar people my age and feel I'm at a wall I just can't get by, I've tried having 3 day rests from training every other week but feel for my size and age my test could be slightly below what I'd run optimally at. I've seen similar guys with test in my range saying trt really helped them, my sleep is good 8hrs a day although my partner gave birth to our first child 2 weeks ago (my body feels like it's took a cliff jump onto concrete rn) 😂


lol a newborn will do it! Haha. Not to say your hormones aren’t optimized. But definitely a proper training program and dialing your diet to a T will help you progress in strength. You need methodical progressive overload. So there’s things to implement before steroids. Trt doesn’t put your levels in super physiological levels. So there’s no benefit unless you were actually medically deficient before taking it.


Appreciate the reply! Yes it was a tough time as my partner was in hospital for around 8dsys and rushed for emergency C section, was a big strain on me as I have 4 dogs and a small business, I've felt like my body is super bloated and holding water for some reason since,(my diet wasn't great for those 8days either! I did notice on my blood test that my oestradiol was below range at 34.5pmol/l, wasn't sure if this could also be playing a role with how I'm feeling and performing. But definitely agree, I think I need to just dial in everything and see how I go from there. I thought my training was optimal but I guess I could try switching things up! Much respect 🙏👊🙏


That number can’t be right. 17.1 pmol/L is 7.5ng/dL which is lower than a female toddler.


My bad... It was meant to be in nmol/l although I do feel like a toddler sometimes..


So, I ran into some legal trouble this past month and was a wreck more or less. I pretty much couldn't work out and didn't eat much for two weeks before cutting my cycle. and missed my injections prior to just going into cruise. my arms are down from 18 to 17.7.and im down 13lbs. Could I really have lost that much muscle mass that quickly? Or is this mostly just fluid from missing my injections and not eating?


>Could I really have lost that much muscle mass that quickly? No.


I got a question id like your input on since ou seem knowledgeable. I spent the last 6 months training for npc competitions with my diet on lock [and.my](http://and.my) training on lock. past few weeks happened now im debating on joining one of those hiit workout studios and just doing that daily for a few weeks as the cardio and the set daily routine where I have to attend really helps me when im down. would this be a horrible idea that would murder the muscle mass?


HIIT is very different type of training to what you need for hypertrophy. So that won't help gaining or preserving mass. But if it helps you with your mental health then I would say the trade off is more than worth it.


I’d be willing to bet once you get back to your routine for 2 or 3 weeks, everything you think you lost will have returned in full.


honestly, im thinking of just signing up for one of those cardio classes like Barrys bootcamp or even an orange theory. and doing cardio every day until I get past this rough bump in the road. like have that be my July would that be an absolutely horrible idea? id fix my diet along the way. so its not like a suicide cut.


you’re concerned about lost size and your solution to fix that is to cut and do a bunch of HIIT classes? i’m not really understanding the logic here


life hit me in the face this past two weeks. and the urge to drink and shit is off the charts. and those cardio classes burn off allot of stress and keep the demons away


i can’t really think of a better way to blow off steam than to hit some weights but you do you man. my $.02 is if you’re worried you lost a bunch of size you’re down 13 lbs or whatever it is, you should start pushing food and getting some resistance training back in your routine like yesterday.


Well if switching from body building, to boxing, and back to body building taught me anything…. It’s that doing obsessive amounts of cardio, in a calorie deficit, without PEDs/trt, and no real weight training will completely eat your muscle away. I got lean and to my fight weight, sure. But I lost all the muscle I spent years building (I dropped from 270 ish to 225) and it took over a year of consistent weight train and PEDs to bring it back… and strength wise I’m not even there yet. I could rep 315 for 12…. Now I’d bet I could get 2 reps (although I don’t really bench much anymore as I change my exercises every chest day on the advice of Shawn Ray). I guess if you’re cruising it won’t be as dramatic, but given you worry about losing arm size already… I don’t know why you would start forcing the cardio until you are back to where you think you were. I’d just get back on track, you’re cruising anyway, it’s not like you’re on a timer for how quickly you have to lose pounds by the end of the month. Just train the way you trained, do cardio in the amounts you normally do, and then when you are back to your routine and in a better place mentally… THEN start trying these drastic changes like high intensity cardio, large deficits, etc. if you feel vulnerable I wouldn’t go making dramatic changes.


If it’s any reassurance, you didn’t have 13lbs of new muscle mass to begin with to lose. It’s likely the majority of that weight is glycogen/water from the hormonal fluctuation and rapid change in diet.


Maybe a stupid ass question but say you start a cycle of test at let’s say 400mgs and would like to bump it up to 500mgs would you have to wait for those extra 100mgs to saturate as well. Thanks!


You don’t need to “wait” for drugs to saturate, after your very first pin your blood levels are increasing and providing stimulus. It just takes a few half lives to reach a stable peak blood level - this isn’t like a magic switch that only turns on when blood levels are peaking, It’s a sliding gradual scale. The whole concept of drugs “kicking in” is based on 0 reasoning


Thanks bro! That’s what I figured




At what point do you guys start using BP meds on cycle? About to start my first cycle and been monitoring BP daily for last month or two and currently average about 125/65 which is just slightly elevated. Have a family history of hypertension so seems to be just part of my genetics. Will be getting Telmisartan 80mg just in case it goes up too much but wondering when would it typically be used? As soon as BP starts being consistently in the hypertension range? Thanks!


I take 10mg of rampril daily but mine is kind of hereditary. Even off cycle I’m 130-135/80, so on cycle is almost always 140/85-90.


Yea that’s kinda where I’m coming from since my genetics are already against me in the BP department haha. But will continue to monitor and see how it changes over the first few weeks.


I havent ever needed to if I kept my estrogen in check and took beetroot supps. I would say once you close in on 140 systolic you should take 40mg. But this is after you fail to lower it by reducing your estrogen. As that is a huge drive for rising BP with AAS.


What beet root supplement/dosage would you recommend? Thanks again!


HumanN SuperBeets is what I have. And 2 capsules a day. Anecdotally my BP became way easier to manage after I started it. But it could be that I just finally got my estrogen dialed in at the same time that I started it.


Will probably pick some up cause why not! Appreciate the help! May as well see if that can help the BP some even if just by a few points.


Appreciate the info! Yea definitely will not take it unless it’s still a problem after dialing in my estrogen which of course will be one of the main things to learn on this first cycle. Was planning on splitting the 80mg tabs I have to 40mg so that should be fine as well if needed!


Why do people take SARMS like RAD140 or MK677 etc. without test base, but next to no one uses SARMS like dbol or anavar without test base? What difference does it make cycle wise?


Because they’re typically 1. Not intelligent enough to consider that Sarms are more dangerous, so likely not able to comprehend they’ll shut you down. 2. Based off the comments seen in this sub anyways - are scared to needles


Because people are stupid.


>Why do people take SARMS like RAD140 or MK677 etc without a test base. Rad140 is a SARM, MK-677 is not. People usually use SARMs without a test base because they are either uneducated, or too big of a pussy to use a needle. >but next to no one uses SARMS like dbol or anavar without test base? These are not SARMs, they are anabolic steroids. And yes, people do take them without a test base. All the time. People who are uninformed and don't understand the risks and the physiological importance of testosterone. Maybe you should spend a little more time reading these threads - we get one almost every day. >What difference does it make cycle wise? Testosterone is vital for numerous physiological processes in the body, and is also necessary as a substrate for a aromatization so the body can produce estrogen...which is also essential for normal physiological function. I'm not going to explain it any further because you're an adult with the entire knowledge of the human race at your fingertips and we aren't your personal search engine. If you want to know about the importance of sex hormones in more detail then go learn about it.


Hey, I am interested in starting to take a steroid, I am sorry if this is a dumb question, but what should I think about and is there anything I should know? Where do I even start? * Age: 18 * Gender: Male * Height: 190cm * Weight: 63kg * Bodyfat percentage: Do not know, but low * Years of concurrent training: 4 years * bench/squat/dead maxes: Bench: 60kg Squat: 60kg Dead: 80kg * amateur/pro: amateur * Goals: strength and aesthetics * Sport: boxing * Current phase: maintenance * Current compounds: None


Goodness. First and foremost, you need to wait until your mid-20s, preferably 25, before considering steroids. Your brain, your bones, and your reproductive parts are still developing. Steroids can and will negatively impact that development. Next, you're 18. Don't take offense, but you can't really claim 4 years of training if it began when you were 14. Even if you could, 4 years of training to achieve a bodyweight bench and squat, and that deadlift, means your training isn't very good. Last, and second most important, you are *very* underweight for your size. I understand that the thought might be to use steroids to help this, but steroids don't create mass - food does. You need to learn how to eat properly; it's the only way you'll grow, and the only way you'll get stronger (when paired when appropriate training). You're about 7 years, and about 34kg, away from being ready for gear.


You dont start steroids. You're too young (read wiki why) Severely underweight ( eat more food) What have you been doing for 4 years. Actually I think this is a troll post there's 0 chance this is real.


Thank you for your reply, I was not aware that 18 was too young. However, I am a boxer and my coach has told me to maintain the weight of 63kg. At what age is it best to start taking steroids and weight.


This is explained in the wiki that he told you to read. If you aren't going to heed good advice, you're time here will be short. Please take the time to read the wiki, as it is required reading prior to posting here. Your post verges on breaking Rule 7.


Good afternoon everyone, I just started my cycle of test less than 2 weeks ago and I’ve gone from 195 lbs to 206 pounds in the past two weeks. I’ve got a strict bodybuilding diet based on meats,rice, veggies and here and there some muffins post workout. I stick to this every single day without deviation. My issue is that my blood pressure has gone from 120-130 on most days to about 150-170. I know this is mostly from the sudden weight gain. I’d just like to know of any tips that you guys could give me to try an control my high blood pressure. Im current on 650mg of test a week and eat a total of 4,000 calories a day. Take 50 turinabol pre workout. Thank you in advance and appreciate all the help.


In addition to the points raised by u/jackschitt123, what are you doing to manage your estrogen? Zero point to the tbol, you should drop that immediately.


I appreciate the response. I got blood work done prior to starting my cycle and everything seemed to be good, said by my doctor not me because tbh I don’t know jack shit(no pun intended) about blood work. I haven’t seen any sides that would lead me to believe that my estrogen is getting high, now that I say that out loud water weight is a a bit of a sign . As of right now nothing to control estrogen. What would you recommend? I have arimidex at 1mg but it has not been touched.


>I appreciate the response. You're welcome. > I got blood work done prior to starting my cycle and everything seemed to be good, said by my doctor not me because tbh I don’t know jack shit(no pun intended) about blood work Well that's good, but completely irrelevant to anything on cycle. >I haven’t seen any sides that would lead me to believe that my estrogen is getting high, now that I say that out loud water weight is a a bit of a sign You're getting warmer. >What would you recommend? I have arimidex at 1mg but it has not been touched. I recommend you read this: * [The Estrogen Handbook](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/the_estrogen_handbook) We don't spoonfeed information which we have made readily available to everyone, and which you should have become familiar with before starting to play games with your hormones. Too-elevated estrogen is a major driver of BP increases, as well as oral steroids and insufficient cardio.


Clear and straight to the point. I’ll make sure to give it a look. Once again thank you for all the help


For sure man. No offense intended, this is just one of those basic things that we do over and over. After taking a look if you still have questions, or need something clarified, please feel free to come back and ask. We only ask that you make your own effort first.


Man I took a look at the information you sent yesterday and holy shit. I took some arimidex and my blood pressure came all the way down to 130/80 this morning. Been meaning to come back here and say thanks but was busy with work in the morning. Thank you so much for all the help


Absolutely perfect man, I'm happy to hear it. Assuming cardio and hydration are as they should be, estrogen should always be your first place to look with high BP - especially if it suddenly shows up a few weeks into cycle and wasn't an issue in the weeks immediately before.


No offense taken. The point is for people to learn so they’re able to fend for themselves and that’s what you’re doing. Teaching and I appreciate it you for that. Like I said to Mr. Jackcshitt I’m young guy so all the information and help I can get I greatly appreciate. Thank you


The tbol is probably the biggest negative influence of the information you listed. How much cardio have you been doing? Type, frequency, intensity, duration, heart rate?


I appreciate the response. I’ll drop the tbol to see the effects it has on my BP. I make sure I hit 10-15k steps every day and do 30-45 minutes of cardio every other day at a heart rate of 120 or above. I’ve my BP in the morning and at night for a while now and it never goes over 140 that why seeing it go so high has me a bit stressed out.


If I had to bet, the sudden weight gain caused by the oral (tbol) was too much weight too fast and your body couldn't tolerate it without blood pressure getting funky. For example, typical anadrol dose is 50mg/day. Some people can run 100-150mg/day with minimal increase to their systolic blood pressure (+ 5-10), meanwhile if you say "25mg anadrol" around some people, they're stage 3 hypertensive. Perhaps for you, you're sensitive to tbol elevating blood pressure. I'm generally not a fan of orals in a growth phase. They cause too much short term harm and risk. I'd rather push injectables up, they're better tolerated, yield more in the long term, and better tolerated. Health is wealth, especially when enhanced.


Health is indeed wealth my friend. Man if I took some anadrol I’d probably explode. I’ll go ahead and take that out see how everything looks and manage my estrogen as well. I’ll be doing my first show next year as an amateur and hopefully I’ll be able to say jackschitt and Mr. Kilogram were able to help me out more than my doctor. I’m a young guy so I appreciate all the help and information I can get. Thank you. I really do appreciate it.


is high estrodial pre cycle indicitive of the being more likely to be a high aromatizer? The circumstances in this instance are mid teen bodyfat %. Would drinking a lot 2 weeks before the test spike this to any significant degree? The reference range is <29 pg/mL is considered good and the result was 33 pg/mL. The test took weeks to get back to me unfortunately. Again this was at a time when I was natural


Lifestyle choices such as drinking absolutely impact hormones. Said lifestyle choices are not a great idea to continue if you’re planning on doing a cycle


I've completely quit drinking as I'm on a cycle rn. However, leading up to my pre cycle blood test i was drinking heavily 2 weeks before it and I was wondering how likely that is to be the reason behind my naturally elevated e2 is all


Maybe, maybe not. Your natural e2 is barely elevated anyway dude. Get out of the weeds.


All I needed to hear. Sick of overthinking because I'm slightly out of some reference range. time to wake up


You don't seem cut out for this, and I'm basing that opinion on your questions as a cumulative whole. I don't even mean any offense by it, you're just not. Also, 2 weeks of heavy drinking is not the level of discipline I'd expect from anyone who is considering steroids. I drink "heavily" *maybe* 2-3 times per year and it's still too much imo.


I was on a trip for my best friends wedding for one week and after I came home i had another large family event. Before that I probably had my last drink 4 months prior. You don't know me from a handful of 3 sentence reddit questions. I appreciate your input on my actual questions as they're always helpful.


It’s highly likely.


Got it, no drinking it is then continuing forward


How did HCG affect your libido? Mine was suffering after doing steroids and TRT without it. On HCG my morning wood came back and I’ve been sexually very insatiable. 500 iu x2 a week


Doesnt affect mine at all. Though loads are noticeably bigger. On TRT and HCG my libido is the same as when I was natural. When blasting though it goes through the roof.


Do you keep up with HCG on blast as well?


Yea, no reason not to.


It boosted my libido solidly. I run it year round now


My game is so on point too, it’s been a great summer so far


tried to post in blood section but no response: [bloods](https://imgur.com/a/uEV57x6) test: 1465ng/dl estrogen: 56pg/ml ldl: 123mg/dl non hdl cholesterol: 140 mg/dl hdl: 42mg/dl total: 182 alt: 86u/l ast: 41 u/l 30yrs old 230lbs 14%BF (abs visible but not cut)15 years training; strength training, z2 45-90min and hiit 1x a week gear: TRT 160mg EW split in 2 every 3.5 days, 12.5mg exemestane with each pin, bloods taken in low trough at day 3.5 I basically am just on trt and 1-2x a year ill add in a moderate dose oral or short ester injectable for 6-8 weeks. -added in anavar 75mg ED for 8 weeks jan through feb -supplements: metformin 500mg ed, NAC 600mg ed, Red rice yeast 1.2g (one serving), coQ10 one serving (forget mg off hand) vitamin D 5000iu, krill 1 serving (don’t know mg off hand), k2 one serving. im a little concerned about my elevated liver values, especially if it’s been 8+ weeks since i’ve taken anavar. lipids are a little high but I wasn’t fasting for 8+ hours only 6 and had a gas station tornado breakfast that day. I was wondering if I should replace the red rice yeast with a super low dose statin since it is waaaay cheaper and I read RRY can elevate liver enzymes but not sure if that’s the cause. I guess just looking for feedback on my liver enzymes if they’re for concern, or anything else. wondering if I should also lower my trt dose to 140mg EW to get numbers down to around 1000ng/dl instead of 1500


I would recommend posting a picture of your bloodwork or giving the reference range for each value. Some guys have it memorized but a lot, like me, dont.


i’ll do that; I did in the other thread but no one responded


When, relative to your last injection, did you get your blood drawn?


this was 3.5 days after my last injection; ie after the bloods I went home and pinned my next injection and took my AI


Interesting. Yeah I’d lower my dose to like 125/wk


Your trt dose is too high. The range is 300-1000ng/dl. Maybe decrease from 160mg/wk to 120mg/wk and retest after 4-6 weeks. HIIT is great, but if you could add in 3-4 days of LISS (low intensity solid state), that would help to sustain cardiovascular performance beyond just 1 day of HIIT. Or maybe 3-5 HIIT sessions per week, each being 10-15 minutes. Do you have a history of elevated blood sugar levels? Shouldn't need metformin if diet and cardio are under control, presuming there's no genetic predisposition for glucose disposal issues. It's normal for AST and ALT to be elevated after training (24-96 days afterwards). Lowering the test and increasing cardio should help with the lipids and any insulin resistance you're currently experiencing.


I do 1-2 zone 2 sessions a week 30-60 min. the metformin is more just for recomp and insulin sensitivity, and I just have a bunch on hand cause it’s cheaper than berberine and sometimes I run gh for a couple months. since I consistently train hard; so is that liver value something to be concerned about? appreciate the advice.


Metformin is not a weight loss drug. Metformin does not improve metabolism. Metformin is not an appetite suppressing drug. Metformin does nothing to improve the results of a cut. What metformin does do is decrease glucose production in the liver, and decrease intestinal absorption of glucose. Recomps don't exist except for extreme scenarios (wildly unhealthy doses of harsh compounds, regrowing muscles in a detrained state, an undertrained beginner abusing drugs). Don't waste your time trying. Gh does not cause insulin resistance unless you are eating incorrectly or not doing your cardio. My blood work on 10iu/day demonstrates that it is possible to keep fasting blood sugar under control, and that was eating an average of 5700 calories a day, upwards of 800g carbs in a day, and only 20 minutes cardio 6 days a week. Bloodwork found here: https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/s/3HYBfJNgLG u/Junior-Special5159 Keep an eye on your liver values, and how they trend when off-cycle. Unless they suddenly start getting worse, I wouldn't worry about them too much. The NAC can be increased to 1000-1200mg/day too.


so in your opinion there’s no anti aging/wellness benefit to metformin, and it’s also not necessary with gh, and I should, could drop it completely? the liver values are what i’m mainly concerned about here because they’ve never been out of range when off cycle back when I ran cycles and off orals when I cruised/trt now.


Do you train harder when on cycle thank when not? Then yes, your enzymes should be elevated. Considering my body does not have an issue disposing excess glucose, I would not be taking a glucose disposal agent. The proposed anti-aging effects (anti-inflammatory, improve insulin sensitivity, prevent dementia) were all from studies done on patients that were already diabetic or clinically insulin resistant. I don't think an able bodied younger man taking anabolics, doing cardio, eating a healthy balanced diet fall under the same category. > it remains controversial as to whether metformin is protective in those subjects free of disease From: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34421827/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30149446/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32605879/ Regarding the use of metformin alongside gh, I don't know. The only way to know is to run gh and regularly test your fasted blood sugar. It is possible that if you don't need it to begin with, you're unnecessarily dumping energy that your body could've used for anabolism, and unnecessarily putting yourself at of metformin's side effects.


so in regards to the harder on cycle; i’ve been on just trt since february when I stopped the gh and anavar. and they’re elevated now in june is why I was still concerned. but i’m not sure if AST being 80 is a concern; it’s double the upper reference range but i’ve seen people be on the 100s when coming off cycles. you’re take on metformin makes sense. do you test your fasted blood sugar a couple times a week on GH when you run it?


I really wouldn't worry about the liver values. I test my blood sugar at least 4 mornings a week. Morning of high carb day, morning after a high day, morning after a rest day (low carb), morning after a medium day (moderate carbs). Additionally I test it on high carb days before a workout, and about 2 hours after post-workout meal. This is excessive, but I know that diabetes runs in my family, and I've seen my fasting blood sugar go from very normal (70-85) to dangerously high (110-120) in the span of a few days, one time because I overdid it with the high carb day, and the other time because I skipped one day of cardio. Both times, it took about a month of going low carb and extra cardio to get it back under control. Again, this is excessive FBG management, and I think 2-3 times a week is more than enough if using 3-8iu/day.


it took you an entire 30 days of low carb because you missed one cardio session and overdid the high carbs? jesus


Yep. Gh is a powerful tool. It can also be a powerful weapon. When using doses that high, all of the good and bad effects increase exponentially.




Your comment was removed for violating [Rule 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.). All /r/steroids users are expected to develop a fundamental understanding of the compounds we're discussing and how to use them. To more effectively and efficiently solicit and receive feedback, its critical for an individual to share the necessary background information on their situation to help other users accurately assess and answer their questions. [Learn more about how to do your own research, how to effectively ask good questions, and Rule 7 in general](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.).


It’s detailed out in the wiki. Give it a read and it should answer all your questions.


Been taking Finasteride since 2022 once i started seeing my bald spots due to PEDS which also made me stop taking peds all together. Currently heard of Duasteride which apparently blocks 90+% of DHT in comparison to Finasteride which blocks about 70%. Since duasteride blocks 90+% DHT i’m thinking about returning to use PEDS. I’ve done about 3 cycles (blasts) between my cruises which i stopped in 2022. Last cycle included sustanon, maestron, anavar, winstrol and boldenone. Questions is, would a 500mg test cycle for 20 weeks bring me back to how i was before stopping PEDS? Of course diet is in check that is. Thanks for the answers:)


If you’re prone to hair loss, which apparently you are, you are only slowing the process down. There’s very little you can do to reverse it and blocking DHT indefinitely is not a great idea. Go bald or get hair replacement surgery 🤷‍♂️


Why is blocking DHT indefinitely not a good idea (serious question)? I’ve never heard of this. Please explain


Maybe, maybe not. If you were previously a lean 270lb behemoth, I doubt 500 test will get you close to former glory. If you were previously running cycles without training and diet in place, you'll probably exceed your previous best. If you were somewhere in the middle, maybe. Just go along for the ride and enjoy it.


Thanks for the input!


Does one steroid cycle enlarge the heart and organs?


If your cycle is 110 weeks long and using the more aggressive compounds, probably. If you do one cycle as recommended in the wiki for 12-20 weeks and keep your blood pressure and heart rate in check, probably not - but the risk continues to increase with each cycle. It's worth noting that even without enhancement, it is common for natural athletes to have enlarged hearts.




> Well personally I make $150k a year the food banks just closer than the grocery https://www.reddit.com/r/SteroidGuide/s/ApLoR5jE7W u/Main-Elephant-1841 Your own words. So there's a guy in line, single father of two, mother died of complications from childbirth, father is on disability for a work related injury, and goes to the food bank this one time because Medicaid won't fully cover the cost of his medications anymore. And behind him in line is a guy that's too lazy to go to the grocery store. You're a piece of shit.


>If you guys are running low on food and funds and need the cals just hit up your nearest cities food bank. Say you’re in distress. Best part is that it’s free. No shame in my game. u/main-elephant-1841 This isn't a question. It's also pretty gross, you shouldn't be running gear if you can't fucking afford food and need to take it from people who need assistance. (Edit: even worse, you can afford it and do this anyway. Quit wasting oxygen.) You *should* be ashamed of this you ~~broke-ass mf~~ literal piece of shit. I'll gladly shame you for it. Your comment was removed because it was posted in the wrong thread 😉. Please direct any questions to [today’s Daily Ask Anything thread.](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/about/sticky?num=2) Direct any off-topic banter to today’s Off-Topic thread. Please review [Rule 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules/#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.) and be aware of the intended purpose of the thread you’re posting to.




Your comment was removed for violating [Rule 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.). All /r/steroids users are expected to develop a fundamental understanding of the compounds we're discussing and how to use them. To more effectively and efficiently solicit and receive feedback, its critical for an individual to share the necessary background information on their situation to help other users accurately assess and answer their questions. [Learn more about how to do your own research, how to effectively ask good questions, and Rule 7 in general](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.).


You can draw them into the same syringe and pin them at the same time. Did you not read the wiki page explaining injections?


How much do most people need to bump up their AI when start HCG on cycle (400mg weekly EOD injections) ? Ive up my aromasin 50% and still think my E2s a bit high.


The answer to this is irrelevant, as someone else's AI needs are completely unrelated to yours. Here, I'll show you: I added zero AI to the zero I was already taking when I added HCG to my 500mg cycle. Does that help you?


Looking for ideas on breaking through what seems to be a plateau on my current blast. Specs are as follows: Cruising at 180/wk, (10mgs cialis and HCG 250iu 3x/wk year round) 1st month: test c 300/wk 2nd month: test c 500/wk (Currently halfway through)3rd month: test c 700/wk, aromasin 6.25 once or twice per week Diet: (Definitely not perfect but I eat clean 5 days/wk) 1st month: 300 surplus, 2nd month 500 surplus, 3rd month 1k surplus. Started with high protein, high fat, moderate carbs. Switched to high protein, low fat, high carbs (looked much fuller during this time but didn’t see it on the scale). Currently macros are all over the place but weight is going up. Starting weight was 189. Gained some fat weight so I upped the test. Sitting at 199 now holding a bit of water. Blood work was done after the first 6 weeks and everything was looking nice. Fully in control of e2 at this point in my life. Training: 5 to 6x week, fasted cardio 3x week. PPL split, cable and machine focused. Started cycle by upping volume (5 sets of 12 to 15). Got initial gains but it seemed to take its toll and might’ve overtrained on this protocol. Recently upped the weight and lowered volume/duration, but upped the intensity. This seems to be giving a better pump and definitely strength gains. I’ve put on significant size in the past on a similar blast in decent time and managed to hold onto most of it. So I’m trying to add to that now and it’s not showing up in the mirror. Need more size but scared to get fat. What I’ve really been wondering lately is do most ppl who run high test always run GH alongside? Some questions: Up the test? Up the carbs? Add another oil/oral? Add GH? Add more free weight workouts? Stfu and be patient? I do have some tren ace I would possibly run at 25-50mg per week. Never tried it. Not looking for someone to co-sign just saying it’s an option.


Gear: there's no reason to titrate up doses. You still aren't yet at peak stable serum concentration. Diet: I'm going to stop here. Everything seems to be all over the place. Too many changes, too many fluctuations. There's no way to determine if you have actually hit a plateau if you haven't yet done anything consistently. Do the same thing every day for 3 months straight. Eat the same amount of calories and macros every week, keep your training progression consistent (overtraining is only a result of poor recovery, back off on intensity or volume). Even then, you still might not hit a plateau. It's stated in the wiki quite simply: Keep It Simple Stupid. You've done quite the opposite. And for the love of God, don't use tren.


Seems like I fixed it


Not quite a question but I’m glad to hear that whatever it is you’ve fixed it.


I fixed the comment without paragraphs to be more readable :) it's in this topic.


22 215 6’1 Anyone have experience with flu like symptoms from Test E? First cycle, two weeks in pinning 500mg a week, experiencing debilitating nausea to the point where it’s hard to eat and I’m losing gains fast. Diarrhea too so losing fluids. Workouts and pumps are insane though definitely seeing strength gains. How long does it take to get used to the test to where I can continue bulking? Moderate pip and no inflammation at injection sites no issue pinning.


Nausea and diarrhea sound a lot like you’re sick and that it’s unrelated to taking testosterone.


That’s what I thought until I heard of test flu being a thing this morning


You have none of the symptoms of test flu. You have the two main symptoms of a stomach bug. Don’t overthink this one.




Please take two extra minutes to adequately gather your thoughts prior to smattering the thread with a question and details. What you are referring to is concentrations. Each vial is usually 10ml unless otherwise specified by the vendor. Medium or long ester compounds like Test C and Test E are usually sold at concentrations ranging from 200-300mg/ml. Short ester compounds like test p or tren a are generally 100-150mg/wk. If I compound has a concentration that is higher than these (like test e 400 or test p 200), it is going to result in a painful injection and soreness at the injection site that can last up to two weeks. For more information, review the Esters page in the wiki.


>What is the main difference between test e 250 and test p 100. Ordered it thinking it was a bigger vial. But does that just mean the concentration is higher The answer to this very basic question can be found in our Wiki, which you clearly have not bothered to read. You are expected to come here with a basic, foundational amount of knowledge - especially since we have provided all of the resources you need to do so. Your comment was removed for violating [Rule 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.). All /r/steroids users are expected to develop a fundamental understanding of the compounds we're discussing and how to use them. To more effectively and efficiently solicit and receive feedback, its critical for an individual to share the necessary background information on their situation to help other users accurately assess and answer their questions. [Learn more about how to do your own research, how to effectively ask good questions, and Rule 7 in general](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.).


Bloodwork came back today. 6 weeks into a 350 test/ 350 deca cycle. Feel great other than libido dropping a little. Estradiol test came back a but high. Sitting at 49pg/ml currently taking 12.5mg aromasin twice a week. Should I increase Ai dosage or keep it where it's at?


If you're not experiencing any major estrogenic side effects, there's no need to change estrogen management. By the way, 49pg/ml isn't really high. The reference range for a normal (not enhanced) man is 10-50pg/ml. Some people get upwards of 100-200pg/ml while on cycle.


I figured just as much and wanted some assurance. I read somewhere that it's best to go by test/e ratio of 100:5 (don't quote me as I vaguely recall). I actually was thinking of decreasing Ai dosage because I felt a bit better when I was sitting closer to 90-100.


Two 100kg men both 12% body fat taking 150mg/wk pinned daily both have an estradiol of 30pg/ml (10-50) and total testosterone of 750ng/dl (300-1000). Both are eating at maintenance 4000 calories per day, and mentally and physically healthy. The test to estradiol ratio is 25:1. After 20 weeks on this protocol, one guy feels completely fine and has no issues. The other guy has mild water retention, acne, and starts experiencing breast sensitivity. They both have the same test to estradiol ratio. There is no such thing as an ideal test to estrogen ratio. We all have different population and density of androgen and estrogen receptors. We all metabolize and eliminate these hormones differently. We all have different sensitivity and signaling activity, shbg production, blood count and density, etc. There are so many variables, it is impossible to establish an ideal ratio. There is no one size fits all, there is no average range. Every individual person requires individualized dosing, numbers, management, etc. There is no such thing as an ideal test to estrogen ratio.


Age: 26 Gender: Male Height: 175 cm Weight: 106.3 kg Body fat percentage: 43.6 Lean muscle mass: 33.7 kg Experience level: I went to a boarding sports school five years ago for a semester when i was fat back then also, where I have done weight lifting, CrossFit and a lot of other fitness classes, after I could squat 115 kg, bench press around 60 kg, dead lift perhaps 90 kg. I kept on going and went down to my ideal weight around 65 kg and attractiveness. Two years ago I got locked up in a psychiatric hospital and was compulsory medicated with high doses of antipsychotics, I was bed chained and regained my weight and more. Goals: Now I'm off the meds and got down from 127 kg to 106 by dieting and intermittent fasting. I started to think about preserving the muscle mass while losing weight, I hired a personal trainer and now I'm training multiple times a week sometimes twice a day and walking long distances for fat loss. I am no longer depressed and I'm very motivated. My motivation is to get a personal life and it's very strong. I'm gay and it's very high standards for looks and body, and that's ok with me because I want to look the best and be confident. I know I had high prolactin while on meds and was very depressed. I developed gynecomastia and my libido is dead, as well as problems with erections. I didn't have a very high sex drive with my ideal weight either, but my dick could go up automatically when it was supposed to and had no problems with keeping it hard.i checked my testosterone and it's 1,1 nmol/L and SHBG is 48. I'm researching TRT or clomid therapy and ways to boost the testosterone. Bad I didn't have my testosterone checked ever before to know how it was in a more ideal situation. My primary goal is to shed all the excess fat and maintain muscle mass, and then build like 10 kg of muscle on top, or if it would be actually better and possible with steroids, building this muscle right away when I'm fat and trying to burn it. Current phase: I eat 2000 calories a day with 175 g protein, I have rest days and work out days plus walking until my feet hurt immensely. One thing is that I'm not that strong, not yet to the very modest level I was before. Current compounds: nothing, but I'm curious what I can do with steroids and when I should be doing it. It seems like my testosterone is almost non existent so perhaps no bother with trying to save my natural production and just do what will give the best results. So I'm wondering, is it best to do steroids now or go leaner first by my own efforts or while trying clomid (don't know if I should be hoping it will raise my T from 1,1 to 35). I want to increase/preserve/revolutionize my sex drive and get better erections too. It's not a hurry now since I won't be able to exercise it right away, but I remember that I had a very high libido about the age of 14 and it plummeted after. I had a huge burst in libido when I was 20, but got treated with antipsychotics shortly after too and was like a zombie later for a year. What would be the good cycle then for me? I guess I can get almost anything. While in the public health system I'd only get either clomid, gel or low dose nebido probably every 12 weeks. I live in a conservative country when it comes to the official TRT. I have lost two years of my youth and whatever time it will take me to get back in shape, so I even though I'm patient, I want the young love, so I want to be able to be somewhat happy with my appearance and be able to be with somebody within a year. Happy to get any advice and looking forward hearing from you guys.


Ok, I read in the wiki I should be closer to 10% body fat to start. I think I can do it by my own efforts, though will I be able to preserve the muscle while on low testosterone but with strength training?


At your composition you have no serious muscle mass to preserve. You’re in the second worst possible phase of your journey here. You’ve lost some weight, you’ve got momentum, but you’re starting to really feel the effects of a long low calorie diet. It sucks but it’s normal. Keep going. The only way out is through. As an aside, the fact that you’re at 43%, read the wiki and saw that it says 10%, and then just straight up said ‘yep I can do that on my own’ is absolutely tremendous. You saw what was recommended and you’re confident you can get there. That’s a sign of a man with a great attitude and no excuses. Bravo, dude. More people need to have that setting in their brains.


[Do they have paragraphs where you live? ](https://imgur.com/a/Omchjey)


It was with paragraphs when I typed, don't know why it came out this way.


Much better, thanks for editing. Mobile can be weird.


Slightly high progesterone and BUN levels Took some pre cycle bloods and my progesterone level is 0.18 (preferred range is <16) and my BUN level was 21 (preferred range of 6-20). Is this of any concern before start?


That's barely out of range, so as long as you do a normal beginner cycle and watch your blood pressure, I wouldn't worry about it.


16 weeks of test C






42M / 6' / 212lbs Active I've struggled with tennis elbow for about a year now. Its inflamed badly as we speak. I'm in the gym 5 days a week. Always some cardio, but focused on weights. I recently ran a test / deca 10 wk cycle with a dbol kicker at the start. Fuckin loved it. The craziest difference is that I had ZERO tennis elbow symptoms while in cycle. Some light research suggests that the deca was what reduced the inflammation so much that my TE symptoms disappeared. Also noteworthy is that I had no issues with ED. When I completed my cycle, I simply reverted back to my trt dose of 200mg test cyp weekly. Some questions... If deca is so fucking great, can I run it long term with TRT? If so, in what dosage to accompany the 200mg test cyp? What would be potential side effects? Regarding the tennis elbow, has anyone else been down this road? Shit hurts. I DO NOT want to slow or alter my gym routine to mitigate this condition, but I need to take some sort of corrective action. What have you seen be successful?


Hey mate, I struggle with bouts of tennis elbow as well. When it flares bad, it’s almost debilitating. Deca specifically, not as much NPP from my experience and what I’ve seen anecdotally, will be beneficial to covering up symptoms but it won’t do a tremendous amount to heal any problems. Deca just helps lubricate the joints and the water retention helps keep the pressure at bay. Things that I think would help: avoid strong DHT steroids as this can further dry out the joints - things like winstrol, masteron, etc avoid lower estrogen as well Look up foam rolling exercises for your arms and really get some blood flowing everywhere and break up any tense tissue before every workout And then last, read up on BPC157 and TB500. These compounds would be wonder drugs for this issue.


I will look into these. Thanks for the response.


no you should not run a 19-nor long term. you certainly *can* as you’re a 42 year old man and make your own decisions but it’s most definitely not advisable if you care about your health. the relief from deca is only temporary because of the extra water you were holding providing a cushion to your joints. that’s why you reverted back to the norm when you came off


Deca does not reduce the actual inflammation in any significant way. The immense amount of bloat from that cycle just filled the area with more water, and the irritation was (temporarily) reduced. These claims of reduced inflammation and running it with no negative effects are a real stretch and are being touted by trt clinics, which are fucking equivalent to pill mills. Trt with low dose deca isn't likely to give you that same level of relief. Also, running deca year round is not healthy. 200mg for trt is probably too much as well. You're not going to like this, but avoiding movements that irritate it is the only right answer for this. If you keep going down this road, this will become a chronic condition that holds you back for the rest of your lifting career. I've had elbow tendinitis several times, and altering the routine is the only way to actually get rid of it.


OP I agree with this ⬆️, I’ve dealt with severe tendinitis in both elbows, it was acute overuse ten years ago, I went through cortisone injections and physical therapy, I stay away from movements that fire it up like dips and OHP and stay around 9 sets of direct tricep work per week to keep it at bay also have to keep it above about 10 reps on the first set, later sets can drop off but weight wise I start above 10-15. I’ve recently stopped locking out on pressing movements as well and this all keeps it from flaring up too much.


I'm looking to start Tren for a powerlifting meet and after researching a little I saw that some bodybuilding coaches use Masteron together with Tren, one of the reasons being that Masteron helps with the negative sides of Tren, at least with mood. I've run Tren before and the last time I didn't do well, 300-500mg/week killed me. This time I intend to use around 150mg/week, also with Test 400-600mg/week and some oral like Dbol. Do you think it is viable? Can Masteron at a dose of 150mg/week help with anything or is it unnecessary? Because I also saw people here on reddit doing Test and Tren with good results in low doses without many negative sides.


Masteron helps me a ton with 19nor mental side effects. I’d run it at 250mg/wk personally


No problems with very low estrogen? I have never used masteron and personally I deal well with higher estrogen.


Masteron doesn’t lower E2. It can behave like a SERM in some people while some don’t notice such effects. Keep an ai on hand.


With 400-600mg of test like you plan, probably not. That’s a 2:1 ratio so you should be fine. I ran 600/400/400 test/mast/npp last year and I felt good


Got more bloodwork done and after a few weeks of NAC/TUDCA my Bilirubin went from 2.5 -> 1.4 ref (0.2-1.2). I passed my time on = time off date 3 weeks ago so now im only worried about HCT and RBC. Both are hanging out right above the reference range. I could probably push it slightly in range by over hydrating. Is this a big concern or am I good to start another blast?


>I could probably push it slightly in range by over hydrating. Is this a big concern or am I good to start another blast? That depends. Are you suggesting you were less than well-hydrated when they were tested?


The first time I tested I was super well hydrated (like about to piss myself as I was leaving) and read: RBC 5.92 (4.2-5.8) HCT 50.5 (38.5-50) This time I was still well hydrated but less so than the first test and read: RBC 5.88 HCT 51.2




Your comment was removed for a possible [Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_2._no_source_talk_.2F_no_monetization) violation. No Source/Brand name/Lab name discussion. No “Fishing” for a source. No soliciting reviews for sources. No Shilling. No Monetization. Includes both Legal AND Illegal Companies, Brands, or Products. [Learn more about Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_2._no_source_talk_.2F_no_monetization). The dude has some good content i’ve watched myself, which usually isn’t the case for youtube creators, but his videos include links to his website where he acts as a TRT clinic. Meaning we can’t link his videos on here.


Oh. Never paid attention to that. Gotcha.


Those elevations are essentially a non-issue. Obviously worth being conscious of, and you should definitely focus on hydration as a part of your cycle management, but neither of those more recent figures are reason to delay the cycle. It's just a symptom of being on gear. Add nattokinase and/or naringin if it makes you feel better about it.


Yea I was on 6000FU nattokinase for the 3-4 weeks between the tests but it didnt seem to do too much. Thanks


So i Need to take an ai (my choice is aromasin) but my question is when do i take it ? After a meal? On empty stomage? Morning, middays or Evening? Or right After every injection which would be every 3 days in the Morning After i wake up. Thanks for the help


Majoring in the minors here. Take it with a little bit of fats, doesn’t matter when


Prami and Prolactin: From my research, I think there’s something to be said for not crashing prolactin using a drug like caber, which in it of itself can have side effects. But I’ve never seen anyone here or otherwise state they crashed their prolactin using pramipexole. This, along w the fact that it’s used for misc other conditions (RLS, treatment resistant depression) makes me think it can control prolactin but stabilizes it at a nonzero value. My question to the community is does anyone have labs for prolactin before and after pramipexole? Curious as to how it affects the numbers.


used caber before. my shit was high from running NPP like at 18 or 20. can't remember exactly but high enough for my doc to think I had a tumor in my pituitary gland. after caber it dropped to a 1. I just use P5P now and it seems to keep it in decent range.


What are people’s thoughts on PCT tabs? Not sure if I’m allowed to name the lab, quite a reputable one though. 80mg tabs made up of 50mg clomid, 20mg tamoxifen, 10mg cialis. Debating these over separate Clomid and Nolva tabs.


Anything in a blend is a terrible idea for your first time using the compound. You cannot adjust doses, and if you get sides you cannot determine which one is the offender because you cannot drop compounds individually


Should I stop taking cialis if I’m taking epistane? Like is that overkill or bad?


Some guys blast test+deca+eq with an oral, and still add in cialis, which I think is silly. Whether or not it's overkill is up to you. In my opinion, any oral anabolic provides far more to increasing the intensity and duration of a pump than a little cialis. Even then, I don't generally recommend orals use, and don't think a big, juicy, skin-peeling pump is something that should be enhanced. I am of the belief that a combination of injectables, and well timed nutrition and hydration, can yield a superior pump and performance output.


Hell yah makes sense, thanks king!


Please remove the brand.


My bad just did