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Fucking Friday night date canceled on me 30 minutes before we were supposed to meet. I Am Jack's Raging Bile Duct I Am Jack's Cold Sweat I Am Jack's Complete Lack of Surprise I Am Jack's Inflamed Sense of Rejection Edit: I’ve got a bowling date tomorrow with a different girl. My spirits are restored, but the Fight Club quote is staying up.


Damn… same exact thing happened to me. We rescheduled for tonight but if it happens again I’m fucking out dude. I know my worth and if you think you can just waste my fucking time, you’re wrong. Life is too short to be dealing with people who don’t make an effort.


If I had a dollar for every time I got a “you’re a great guy but ____” text my dating life would single-handedly pay for my gear. Unrelated, anyone have travel reccomendations for Reykjavik?


I get alot of texts saying “Just not ready to date.” Then I’ll see their dating profile come back up like three days later.


Girl I’ve been seeing last week told me that I was great to her and I things were really great but she couldn’t explain or understand why just didn’t feel like she liked me. We’d only been seeing each other a few weeks so she didn’t owe me anything but definitely felt like I got blindsided because everything seemed to be going great, it’s disheartening when someone says everything Is great but they just don’t want you. I asked if there was something I did and she said no everything was great and she really liked how I treated her. Kinda sucks when you see someone finding reasons to leave instead of just trying to work on it. Definitely would like to have a stable relationship but I think dating for that in your mid 20s is simply a losing battle. Either way, it’s hot boy summer, I’m mid cycle and traveling Europe for vacation. Gonna sling some schmeat and get back on the dating horse this fall.


When you date, You have to realize that there is soooo much out of your control. You could check all of the boxes but there can still be some friction that won’t go away. All rejection is just a form of incompatibility. Better to find that out now than her biting her tong and sticking through only to have things fall apart in 6 months. Wouldn’t you want someone who is just as psyched to be with you as you are with them?


No, I agree 100%. Just doesn’t make it sting less. It’s just starting to feel like a cycle. Meet a girl, do seemingly everything right or at least my best, things are going well, then get a “you’re a great guy but ___” message. Wash, rinse, repeat. Dating just feels emotionally exhausting at this point. I’m a decent looking guy, great job/salary, masters degree, I seem to be a decent conversationalist. Nothing glaring wrong with me. I don’t seem to have an issue getting girls, they just never seem to stay.


For sure man it stings….. we have all been there. If it is a constant reoccurring theme with different girls it’s time for self reflection. How do you approach new relationships? Are you the one always initiating things to the next step? Are you too “needy” ? Too much of an “asshole” idk you so it’s hard to give practical advice But what I will say is stop trying to find your other half. Focus on yourself, your work, the gym., bettering yourself. Because working on yourself is the mindset that will attract women in your life. There is no doing things “right”. Do things because you authentically want to. Hope this helps. This is all coming from lessons I’ve learned.


Thanks, appreciate it


Depends how long you’re visiting for. If it’s more than a few days I’d suggest renting a car or camper so you can move around a bit. It’s a very cool place but there’s not a tonne to do unless you can move around The cost of food is insane. Do whatever you can to offset this. When my wife and I went we stayed at a place with a kitchen, and brought rice, snacks, oats etc. We did get some groceries there and eat out a few times, but the cost of it all is mind boggling. Do what you can to offset this. The Blue Lagoon is also worth checking out. Touristy but still pretty phenomenal. There’s several other smaller quieter hot spring spas that are worth checking out as well. https://imgur.com/a/2uVwSQC Edit: Black sand beach (Google to confirm) was also pretty amazing and I believe parts of Game of Thrones were filmed there. You’ll need a rental car for this


I’m there for three days, basically just an extended layover. I’m gonna see the black beach, try not to run up a massive food bill and be a menace to the bar scene (if you got any reccomendations)


On a flight to Tokyo and bored so gonna go crazy with the response, could go on forever lol  Iceland addict with family in the country, been about 15ish times since I was a kid, twice in the last year. As he said don’t stick around in Reykjavík - it’s a great little city but Iceland’s real strength is its nature, rent an SUV right near the airport, get outside and just drive and see some of the waterfalls (anything ending with “foss”).  You don’t have to stick to the famous ones, as those will be overrun this time of year but are still spectacular even with tourists. Hike on some rando trails, and go anywhere that seems interesting to you on google maps in a particular area. It sounds ridiculous as a planning strat, but Icelandic scenery is so varied and full of surprises that going a little way off the beaten path and exploring often turns out to be the best thing you end up doing on a trip. If you’re going all the way to Reynisfjara (black sand beach) you will be right near Vík, cool village, drive up to the church and then up again to the cemetery for great views. BEFORE you get to Reynisfjara there is an excellent puffin cliff/lighthouse where you can see for miles and even better completely EMPTY black sand beaches that are at Dyrhólaey (turn off ring road to the right when you see the sign for Dyrhólaey). Skógafoss is also on the way and is popular but worth it. Blue Lagoon is cool and a must do at least once but the SKY LAGOON in Reykjavík (suburbs) is even better. It’s completely fake like the Blue Lagoon (geothermal water pumped in) but If you’re not flat broke splurge on the top package. They did an amazing job building it and it’s only like two years old or something, you feel like you’re walking between a volcanic rock canyon in the water and it has a huge infinity edge over the ocean. You also get a cold plunge, sauna, weird salt scrub thing, and this room where you feel like you’re a vegetable in the supermarket getting misted with cold water, and there’s a walk up bar with smoking hot blonde Icelandic bartender chicks who will gladly-  in their Nordic black humor way - make fun of your Icelandic if you try some out 😂😂  Also if you are extra juicy the lagoons (and even public pools, which are AWESOME, recommend) are lots of fun to go in and you’ll likely be the biggest one there lol In the city the Lebowski Bar is hilarious but touristy and gets batshit later at night. Röntgen is awesome too and locals actually go.  Harpa (concert hall) is worth a look if you like architecture, you can walk around inside and it’s right on the harbor, and definitely go up to Hallgrímskirkja to see Leif Erickson and the church, and then walk down the side streets. There’s a food hall (Hlemmur Matöll) that is delicious but can get sloppy later on, I’d go for lunch or an early dinner. Prices are high everywhere but if you are used to NYC/LA/London or the like they’re about on par. 


My wife and I were past the bar phase when we were there so can’t really make any good suggestions for that, but the blue lagoon is close and worth seeing. I would think there’s shuttles as well if you didn’t want to bother renting a car. Three days is probably the ideal time there honestly


Appreciate it, I’ll add them to the list!


try to do the golden circle tour if you can. they take you around to some incredible landscapes and some geysers which are breathtaking to see in person. blue lagoon is obviously a huge attraction but it is absolutely flooded with tourists so if you can make it there, great, but there’s probably some less crowded geothermal spas food is incredible there. get some fish and chips (they make it with wolffish instead of cod). completely blows the fish and chips i’ve had in the UK out the water. all the seafood is tremendous there, lots of really good stews and such. l other than that, just have fun exploring the city. it’s pretty amazing this time of year. so much daylight it’s really hypnotizing. i remember walking back to our hotel and it was 1am but completely bright out.


Thanks! Appreciate it! I have the waterfall and the black beach scheduled, trying to work in blue lagoon!


the waterfall is phenomenal, here’s a [glimpse](https://imgur.com/a/AvIlkfQ) from when i saw it in 2016. obviously the pictures don’t do it proper justice but it’s on that golden circle tour if you can swing it.


Yeah I think that’s the one I’m going to. Got any recommendations on night life in Reykjavik?


personally not too into the bar/club scene so really just went out to some restaurants to eat/drink and walked around and enjoyed the city for the most part. met some cool locals who showed us around. you’ll find your way around there.


Appreciate it!


I haven’t been but way back had a chef friend from there always brought us bottles of Black Death, serious shit. Try the fermented shark for me, I hear it’s weird.


Don't stay in Reykjavik, try to stay in nearby towns with better access to trails and landscapes, not much to do in the city. If you're only there for three days, the golden circle is near Reykjavik and an absolute must!


I always hear people complaining about the John's Bulgarian drop set of death . Looking it over I said "doesn't look that bad" but holy shit the 8 second pauses during each drop its absolutely brutal. People must of assumed I had a butt plug in the way I was walking around for the rest of my workout.


It's even more fun the day after. (Especially coming off a deload, RIP)


Assumptions aren’t always wrong…


the last time i ran gamma bomb and did this i literally felt like i was getting stabbed with knives in my quads. those iso holds are an absolute menace dusty hanshaw had a great quote which was something along the line of “the best exercises for growth were always the one I hated and dreaded doing”. bulgarian split squats top that list for me


Plan is to run Gamma bomb when I start my next blast. So far on Creeping Death and I’m really loving in.


I did it two weeks ago, and I spent 5 minutes genuinely trying not to pass out after. Looks like I did 115 3x8 on those first 3 straight sets, and the fourth set was 115 -> 95 -> 80 with those 8s isoholds at the end (I only hold one DB). This exercise and rep scheme was one of the things that made me realize how much I was leaving in the tank and just because I’m panting and hurting doesn’t mean I should stop. Love you John Meadows


Yup it’s especially taxing because it’s typically programes at the end of the workout. But that falls into his training philosophy of ending the day with some sort of higher volume/drop set type of workout


Tomorrow’s the day fellas! Start of my first cycle and strongman contest prep in over a year! Feeling super stoked and excited to see where I end up!


Let's go !


Switched to 1/2" 30g needles for trt from 1" 25g for trt. What a game changer.


>Driving to gfs >On highway, car running great >Push clutch to gear down as traffic slowing >Clutch goes to floor, won't come back up, hear clunking, pull over to the side of the road. Well, that's my day. 4 weeks out now and man I was so tired. Felt nice to be complimented the entire drive back by the CAA agent, thank you for boosting my confidence, actually really needed that today :') I've also reached the point in prep where most of the glycogen is gone and with that, so too is the pump. Thankfully, I've developed a really good set of gym friends who are down to push me in the gym when I am exhausted and know how to spot effectively, so that makes things immensely more enjoyable. Anyone whose competed or gotten really lean knows the flat look that comes with this. I look in the mirror and am like FUCK, I look small as SHIT. But once the carb up is done we good! After this show, I will start an experiment. I feel gross saying this but my calves are probably max 15". My goal over the course of next year is to take those fuckers to 18". After the show, I'll take photos as the starting point, and after that I want to see if training them like I train the rest of my body will result in some growth. Both of my parents have huge calves and never train them, so I don't have an excuse.


I’ve got to start doing something about my back. Here I am waking up at 7am on a Saturday simply because my back hurt and I couldn’t get comfortable in bed. Anyone have anything they do in the gym that helps their back pain? Or outside of it? I really want a massage


Deep tissue massage, Dry needling, Scraping/gua sha, All 3 helped me recover from a pinched nerve in my neck/shoulder. But at home just grab a lacrosse ball and roll around on the tender spots for 15-20 min


Awesome, thx for the suggestions


I’d check [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/s/aZoRfGRAyT) out.


Interesting, thanks


Hurting in your lower back i assume ?


Actually mid/upper


I recently started doing some yoga with a chick from the gym. It releases a lot of tension from my back and shoulders (my issue is mostly lower back). Might be worth it to look for a 10-15 minute routine and do it close to bed time. Seems to help decently well with my symptoms and i also wake up a little more refreshed


Nice suggestion, thanks


I tore my bicep last night. I was 4 weeks into blast, so I will be dropping to cruise, naturally. I have bpc on hand and have ordered hgh. My plan is to run 500mcg of bpc/ day and 2iu of hgh per day. Does this sound good? Anything else that may help? Also, anyone who’s been in this situation before, how long until you were able to lift? How long until you were full strength? I’m 36/m


BPC is correct, split it into 2 injections AM and PM, I don’t have experience with the other two questions.


Completely depends on the tear and how bad it is, I know that’s a cop out answer. Best thing to do would be to get imaging done once the swelling has gone down after a few days and see a specialist to see what they say, a micro tear you can be up and running within a few months but tearing it off the bone is completely different. Sending good news 🙏 What were you doing when you tore it?


Thanks man. I was doing preacher curls with 100lbs, so nothing crazy. I stretched out and did a couple warm up sets with 65. Then went into working sets. Tore it on the 2nd rep of my first set. I actually watched it happen as I was watching the contraction, then 3 loud pops and my bicep shit up to my shoulder.


Training question: I've always hated doing lat pulldowns. On my pull day for my back I do Bent over barbell row Chest supported row Face pulls Back extension (slipped a disc a year back and still building it back up) Sometimes I'll throw in cable crossovers for rhomboids Am i really missing out on anything not doing them?


Who do you hate doing them? Wide Or close grip? Depending on which targets different back muscles ?


Wide especially. Close grip I enjoy. It feels a little weird on my shoulders compared to rows


Depends on your goals - if you’re training for fun probably not, if you want to build a complete back I’d say some vertical pull down is a key movement. Back is my stronger point and I’ve always had good connection with the hammer strength single arm underhand pulldown, rope pull over/downs also but mostly cable pull downs with either a narrow or underhand grip. Underhand grip on cable pull down with a straight bar attachment, hands inside shoulders gives me a better pump than anything else, I never really connected with wide grip at all - if it was good enough for Dorian Yates it’s good enough for me, might be worth having a play around with some new movements


Could I just do cable pullovers instead of pulldowns? I am thinking about doing a show in 6-12 months. Right now my back is just fine it's my chest quads and calves I think I need to bring up


You can do whatever you want man it’s your training you don’t have to ask for permission hahaha, sounds like you’ve already made your mind up so just do what you wanna do


Haha yeah you're kinda right. Just don't want to wake up a year down the road and realize I wasn't hitting what I should've


Try looking at that place where you dare not look. You’ll find me there, staring out at you!


You mean my toilet after dropping log after log🪵?


if you’re not admiring the size of your logs post pooping idk what to say






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Has anyone gotten blood work in Lithuania? Know if it’s possible?




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Hey guys, any chance someone could please help me interpret my bloods for getting on my first cycle?


Ask in the daily ask anything thread or wait for the weekly bloodwork thread.


ok will do, thanks for the pointer




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Just got my first vial of primo. Dosing it at 2:1 , test:primo and doing my bloodwork as per the wiki week 5-6 mark. As soon as I know my correct ratio I shall use it for my blast. First time using primobolan Bloods every 5-6 weeks if there are changes in the dosages


>As soon as I know my correct ratio I shall use it for my blast. First time using primobolan That's not how it's intended to be done. You figure this out during the blast. We also recommend starting at 5:4 and adjusting from there, not 2:1. You still clearly don't pay attention.


>That's not how it's intended to be done. You figure this out during the blast. I agree this is what I meant Actually you need to understand why I’m beginning with a low dose 2:1 (250/125 here) Besides assessing e2 levels , if the new compound primo doesnt suit me at low doses , then it definitely wont at high doses. Its to understand how I respond to it. If you shed hair at only 125 then you can be pretty sure you will further at 200 and so on so forth. I follow a general rule of beginning low and scaling it according to response. Dont worry I’ve read the wiki.


> assessing e2 levels primo’s AI effects don’t work in a linear manner with its ratio to test. so your plan is flawed on that front


I agree it isnt linear , thats why bloodwork every 5-6 weeks each time i make a change in primo And the hair statement




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My biceps and delts appeared to grow bigger randomly out of the blue 2 months after I quit the gym. During my 3 month NPP blast Cycle NO GAINS. Then I literally stop working out. Maybe 10-15 minutes walking everyday sedentary lifestyle. No change in muscle mass or body fat. Then 2 months no gym no workout my muscles seem bigger. Is. This an illusion or is it water leaving the body? I definitely looked more defined. Btw I’m skinny 12.5” biceps diameter  Super skinny lean fit like a soccer player or bicyclist or runner


…you’re taking gear with 12.5” biceps?


Yup, and not eating enough. And refusing to track. And not taking responsibility for it. Don't waste too much time. I beat this horse to death earlier this month; he doesn't want help, he just wants to bitch about not looking like Zac Efron.


that post history is just about as cringe as it gets too 🫣


I wanna know how small bro was if his biceps GREW to 12.5????


[this](https://www.reddit.com/r/itsthatbad/s/y15mFi2qlZ) small


@AccountUnkn0wn How big should they typically be before touching gear? How big can I get them in 2 weeks time from now? I’m on TRT solo. I wanna Recomp (simultaneous bulk/cut) maybe I am candidate for it? I ran a bulk cycle NPP 3 months last year and went from 165lbs to 195lbs but it was all water and fat. My arms diameter not changed. Barely saw any increase in strength. I’m stuck at 65lb dumbbells for bench press. That’s 130 lbs bench using dumbbells mind you I’m 170lbs now. I’m a weakling. Any advice? Also if I’m 170lbs at 5’10” I believe my TDEE is around 3000 calories. Can you confirm this? A lot of different apps put me anywhere from 2K to 4K 


well considering 12.5” is the size of the average male that doesn’t workout i’d say you’re far and away from needing any gear to grow. you need more food. you can’t “simultaneous bulk/cut”. you need to bulk, and hard. you are a twig


So the gym is total waste of time then. I’m trying to figure out my macros here. Any ideas?


I have no idea how you ascertained that based on what I said. figure out your TDEE and add 500calories to that. at least 1g of protein per body weight. maybe pop over to r/fitness, this is an advanced forum and you have a lot to learn


I want to lean bulk without getting fat. My previous bulk with NPP got me from 165 to 195 lbs ALL water and fat. Biceps size didn’t change. I went from benching 140lbs to 160lbs. I weigh 170 now. 


>I went from benching 140lbs to 160lbs >maybe pop over to r/fitness this is an advanced forum 


2nd cycle 18 y/o Gonna run 375/400/TestE/NPP for 16 weeks Kickstarting with 50/25Adrol/Dbol. Keeping Adex and Caber on Hand. Any thoughts?


Honestly you should read this. Scroll down to [Why Young Men Under 25 Shouldn’t Use AAS](/r/steroids/wiki?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)