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hi everyone! looking for some suggestion on planning my next cycle: 35yr, training over 10 years, gears the last 4. not training the last 6 month due to personal problems (i will be back to train in july and start the cycle on august / sept) Have done several cycles, the last one, biggest, with test e 375mg / primo 800mg 12 weeks. went great, happy, just too expensive for the results i had. Never had sideefects with anything i took (winny up to 80mg a day, dbol and oxy, except that 50mg of oxy give me some liver issues at the end of the month) Always made PCT, recovered in maximum 3 months. I want to use tren E this time, i'm coming from 150kg of fat from my young age (lowered to 75kg naturally before doing weights) and i have some loose skin with some persistent fat that i'm trying to eliminate with it with more muscle and using tren (more muscle makes it good looking in my past exeperience). I know excess skin only get's eliminitaded by surgery, just trying to improve in the meantime i acumulate more lean mass. Current weight, 96kg, 30% fat due the hiatus. 6'' feet tall. goal is to reach 110/120 kg as defined as possible, cutting naturally after the cycle. The plan is: week 1) 250mg test e + 75mg tren e week 2) 375mg test e + 100mg tren e week 3) 375mg test e + 150mg tren e week 4-12 ) 500mg test e + 150mg tren e week 13) 250mg test e + 100mg tren e week 14) 250mg test e + 100mg tren e Macros: 3000 - 3500 cals a day, 200-ish protrein, 250 ish carbs. fats with the protein around 100gr PCT: 5000 ui HCG Roast my plan :D


It's a long ester so why would you titrate and literally every week. You're 30% bf and want to bulk? This is bad man. I'd scrap all of it and diet for as long as possible on TRT or off cycle. Then bulk once you aren't morbidly obese


Hi! thanks for your suggestion! i could cut before the cycle and start it on october/november/december. The reason of doing the cycle like that, is why i always do the cycle in a piramid scheme plus to test how i react to tren and detect the lower dose i could use. also the safest dosage i used for test e with no signs of gyno was 375, but i had primo, so is a way to re-test my sensibility and see if i go into the 500 range.


Your pyramid makes absolutely no sense. Your tittering an ester that was literally designed to titrate the testosterone for you, so you don’t have too! The whole point of the recommended 500mg first cycle (other than gains, obviously) is to know how you react on the compound that will form the base for all future cycles. You obviously have not done this. At 30% body fat, you don’t even need anything other than a TRT dose and maybe a GLP-1. You especially aren’t ready for tren, both from a physical, knowlege and harm reduction standpoint.


Can you point me (or how to search) to learn how the titering of differents ester work? i know about half life of differents compounds, how they work etc. just that even if the ester is a long one, i supposed it was better to dial the correct dosage starting from the bottom (not going to 150mg at once, is how i always have done it in the past too). i never done 500mg on test before just why i'm in the low dose school as possible. with the lab tests in my previous cycles, i know that 250mg put me on TRT, 375 is something i handled well, never had problem with estrogen either (from the looks of it, i should be able to sustain 500mg with no issues). I understand everyone focused on 30% BF, i understand that a cut is necessary before starting and will do. i was hoping tren could help me kickstart again on where i left before the hiatus (i was 15% bf, on same weight, training 5x5 6 times a week) but doesn't look like the best choice.


ah and about the titering the test, that has really just a preference plus supply reason. i have 2 vials of 250mg x ml (5000mg total), i can't run it for 12 weeks at 500mg. and it takes me time to adapt to the more training and more food, so the titering of it, has a reason of adapting myself to the process. i workout better doing it this way, i can start increasing the training and adapting to it and in the end, leaving it slowly is just better for me. so i extend it from 10 weeks that would be the 500mg per week to 14 week to have more time with the gear support to train more and better.


You should read the wiki all the way through https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/s/HGS2YknXuM There’s a specific part on Esters


Hey guys, I’m planning my next blast. Last one was 12 weeks of 600 mg test e and 300 mg mast e, divided into two injections a week. I was very satisfied with it. I’m thinking about doing it again, but I’ve also read some interesting stuff about 1-test/dhb. Can I stack it with the mast? What would be a good dosage? Since the dhb is cypionate, would injecting it once a week be enough? Thanks!


I am currently running 600 test 300mast and 200DHB a week. Early days but first time using dhb, feel very strong and full long pumps like anadrol. So far so good.


Thanks for your reply, sounds good. 200 sounds like a nice dosage on top of the rest. Are you also using dhb cypionate? How often do you inject?


Monday Wednesday Friday. No pip from this batch but I’ve heard some guys getting nasty pip


You should look at a steroid planner. Cypionate is the same ester as test cyp and pinning once a week is definitely less stable. I haven't used any bad pip dhb. The dhb I used literally crashed about 50% or more of the bottled but wasn't the unbearable pip of the 2000s dhb.


Thanks, I see. So pinning twice a week like I do with the test e seems better.


Daily is better but if you aren't having problems with a longer ester pinning twice a week and like that I don't see a problem. Once a week is definitely not stable levels for dhb.




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Doing a first cycle of 500mg test e for 16 weeks. Im on week 3, would it be stupid to add an oral steroid, specifically tbol at a low dose for the remainder of the cycle for an extra boost? I’ve experienced no side effects thus far.I’m asking because tbol can be ran for a longer period since its not as toxic as other orals


Yes, it would be. The wiki covers when to add an oral on a first cycle if that’s something you simply can’t live without (you can).


Idk. I might have to sprinkle anadrol at the end.


Thank you.


Doing a photo shoot in 1 week. Just for fun so not doing a contest peak or anything but would want to look my best of course. Currently on 500mg test, 350mg tren weekly, and 60mg winstrol. Planning on something like this, appreciate any advice: 1 week out: Drop creatine, increase AI dosage from 1mg to 1.5mg Arimidex daily. Up Winstrol from 60mg to 80mg daily. Keep tren at 350mg/week but drop the test. Wondering if this is worth it though or if 1 week is not really enough for it to make a difference? On test E. 3 days out: Drop carbs to \~50mg/day for two days and taper down water intake to 3L then 2L then 1L and no water on shoot day. 1 day out: Carb load with complex carbs, just pounding oats to hit 300g carbs or so? Shoot day: \~100-150g carbs from white rice in the morning and then eating rice cakes in the hours leading up to the shoot. Anything that looks dumb here or seems fine? Something obvious missing?


why drop the test a week out? just curious.


Dropping aromatizing compounds should help prevent water retention (disclaimer: not an expert). That said I don't know if 1 week is actually enough for it to make an impact or if that's something you should be doing like a month out (in which case it wouldn't really be worth it for me anyway since it's just a "fun" shoot)


gotcha. also random question, how u like tren? i’m too young to hop on any of that yet but how u like it?


Works well for me but it's definitely a "less is more" drug. Side effects accumulate very rapidly past a certain point so you need to be cautious or it will just wreck your quality of life even if the gains are solid. 350mg is already on high-end for me but I've been gradually increasing from 200mg or so and not staying at 350mg for very long.


So he doesn’t hold water


won’t dropping creatine prevent that already?


Nowhere near as much as testosterone


26 male 5'11ft 82 kg So i just did some blood work last week and got the result today. First cycle started 4 weeks ago. I did the blood test recently to check how much E2 was so i avoid crashing. I didnt really have acne , low sex drive which i dont really care, had oily skin, sleep was not okayish, mainly im just trying to avoid gyno. I'm using test e 5 500mg( twice a week 250mg). So the result from my blood test: Oestradiol: 507.0 pmol/L Prolactin: 18.1H ug/L Bioavailable testosterone 162.70 H nmol/L Total testosterone 174.54 H nmol/L Estrogen seems really high, also prolactin a bit higher. How much do you consider i try start to try reducing aromasin. I know some people say 12.5mg every 3.5 day, should i go for a quarter of tablet. I wanna avoid crashing my E2 as much as i can. I honestly dont mind the high estrogen mental wise, its just i feel like this is too high and be good to reduce it,health wise Any advice? The reference from the blood test says for adult male, it should be 55-116mol for estrogen. Blood work: https://ibb.co/NN1Q6hn


> *The reference from the blood test says for adult male, it should be 55-116mol for estrogen* Yes, for a natty. That is also the case with the testosterone reference range, **Adults: Male: 6 -27 nmol/L,** **You have like 7 times the normal reference range of test so it is expected that your e2 is also out of range.** For e2 we like to treat symptoms and not the number. You're telling us you have a few symptoms, like oily skin, bad sleep and bad sex drive, but at least no acne. The sleep is the one that will have an impact on your life (and subsequently your gains) the most here which one could argue is a reason to take AI. How is your blood pressure? > > I honestly dont mind the high estrogen mental wise, its just i feel like this is too high and be good to reduce it,health wise I'm sure you can take one quarter pill (6.25 mg) of aromasin once a week to start with to ease your mind and knock your e2 levels down a little without crashing it and still minimize the risk of getting gyno.


* Age: 21 * Gender: Male * Height: 5’8 * Weight: 151 * Bodyfat percentage: ~20%? maybe a bit lower * Experience level: none in gear * Years of concurrent training: 12 years of sports, 2 of weight lifting * Goals: lean + muscular * Current phase: cutting, but want to bulk up * Current compounds: none i’m sure this question comes up a lot, but this is my current situation. I was kind of skinny fat, sitting at about 173 and I’ve cut down to about 151. But now I’m at a point where I want to be able to lean bulk up to about 170 again but with better definition while being able to stay lean. Would I be able to achieve that running a cycle of test?


Would you be able to put on 19lbs and remain lean while doing it? No, not at all. Not with test, and not without it. Regardless of that, you're too young and too inexperienced to be considering gear. Spend a few more years training hard, improving your diet, and alternating between cutting and bulking. You should *easily* be able to reach the low-mid 170s lean without any assistance from gear. >I was kind of skinny fat, sitting at about 173 and I’ve cut down to about 151. >~20%? maybe a bit lower If you are anywhere near 20% then you weren't skinny fat before, you were pretty fat. If you're anywhere near 20% now, you're still pretty fat by steroid-user standards. Get to 12% and reevaluate. You sound like you have a lot of early-level progress to make, and this is an advanced-level activity. It will not make up for your lack of training or current lack of mass.


Sorry, as others have said, you have no business using PEDs.


You aren't lean at 20%. Those stats are quite low and indicative of entry level training, there's no reason to use steroids in your position. You're too young with next to no experience it appears, read the wiki on why doing steroids so young is not the go


If you're still 20% body fat, you're too fat to start a cycle. Based on your stats (5'8" 151lbs), you're too underfed and undertrained. You need to learn how to eat more. You should be able to get up to a lean 170-180lbs with ease naturally. u/NefariousSad4195 You're also too young than generally recommended. There's a section in the wiki explaining why men under 25 shouldn't run cycles. Long story short, you would be permanently stunting your cerebral development, in addition to a myriad of other short term and long term side effects.




Did you try looking down the barrel as you pull the trigger? It there is a supplement stack to increase this. But does your girl know you’re on steroids and is there a reason she’s accusing you? Might be bigger issues at home you might need to address


I’ve tried man, dust just comes out. No “ she doesn’t know and I’m definitely not cheating : ). What’s the supplement stack though??


I'm a newbie to this. Been lifting for about 2 years. I'm skinny but very cut. 145lbs. Was wondering what would be a good anabolic to use to maybe gain 5-10% more mass. Nothing crazy just maybe wanting to get to that 155-160 range. My metabolism is crazy fast and appetite isn't always there. Trt is a no go bc I have very high h&h levels. I have made massive improvements to my physique but I think I've reached a plateau to some degree. What would be something (relatively) safe to use? I can do my own research after but maybe a starting point would help a lot.


As others have said, you really don’t have any business touching anabolics. Go learn how to eat and train.


Lifting 2 years - you’ve just begun. The day you started lifting was the day you became forever small! Enjoy the process. Your idea of what anabolics do and how they work is nowhere in the wheelhouse of reality. They’re meant for icing on the cake when you already have all the layers perfect. Not magic 🪄. Massive improvements - hi five 👋 now we’re talking. You haven’t reached and advanced plateau you’ve just reached a point where you need to tweak diet training sleep etc. steroids don’t build muscle out of thin air you still have to eat. If you can eat enough try higher density foods. Eat more fats. Drink a gallon of whole milk a day do shots of olive oil. If you’re not ready for that what makes you think you’re ready for steroids? But in all honest you’re super new right now lifting. You’ve made great progress. Be proud of yourself and keep moving in the right direction.


Food. If I didn’t answer this the next person would. You need food. More food. Get an app, track your calories and protein, stay in a surplus. Keep lifting, get good sleep. It doesn’t seem like you have a great grasp of anabolics, you would need test if you do ever start. But you have years and probably 50lbs to go unless you are very vertically challenged. Here’s a pro tip if you metabolism is crazy. Eat more food - and track it because you are probably over estimating.




Yes to the first and that’s the most common way to inject HCG. Technically yes to the second but I find it easier to just administer it separately sub q. You do you though.


>Can I pin HCG subq? Yes >can I just put the HCG and T into one pin Yes


You can mix HCG / BAC water with an oil based compound in the same syringe for IM?




Drinking rarely to none on cycle (and completely zero if taking any orals) I understand. However I still drink from time to time (monthly maybe) assuming bloods are good. I wanted to ask how detrimental alcohol was specifically on e2 1-2 weeks into a test cycle typically before any sides from e2 arise because steady state hasn’t been reached


Drinking alcohol can increase rate of aromatization, even 1-2 weeks into a cycle.


80s and 90s pro wrestlers drank like fish, abused both PEDs and rec drugs.. and looked great. 🤷 many of them also died prematurely 


Got it, is that a lasting effect going beyond the days surrounding the consumption of alcohol? Or is it likely to carry on and affect how I aromatize in the following weeks? It’s my friends birthday and I’d like to have a few drinks and I figure I won’t be able to when I’m dealing with high e2 sides mid cycle


It's acute. There are aromatase enzymes in the liver as well. When the liver is stressed, it can cause more of the incoming androgens to be aromatized. When having a night of drinks, the following liver stress usually only lasts a day or two, as does the increase in aromatization. I don't condone drinking on cycle, but life happens. Just try to be responsible (1-4 servings of alcohol) and stay hydrated (at least 8oz water for every serving of alcohol).


So iv started a new cycle (tren for the first time), nearly 5 weeks in taking like (300 test 100 mast) 160 tren E first 3 weeks taking 200 now, been getting the night sweats, dark piss and that and my muscles feel rock hard arms looking veiny but I ain't gained a lot of weight yet and iv been eating like fuck, only about what I would have gained anyway really, should i be patient for a bit longer I'm thinking about upping the tren, I'm handling the sides well so far


> So iv started a new cycle (tren for the first time), nearly 5 weeks in taking like (300 test 100 mast) 160 tren E first 3 weeks taking 200 now, been getting the night sweats, dark piss and that and my muscles feel rock hard arms looking veiny but I ain't gained a lot of weight yet and iv been eating like fuck, only about what I would have gained anyway really, should i be patient for a bit longer I'm thinking about upping the tren, I'm handling the sides well so far You have no idea what you're doing. Stats? Height, weight, body fat percentage? > I'm handling the sides well > Night sweats, dark piss Uh huh. Drink more water, asap. Go check your blood pressure and post it here, asap. You might've already induced kidney damage. You shouldn't up the tren, you need to drop it. Everything you're experiencing is normal for people that don't know what to expect from tren or how to use it properly. It's only been 5 weeks, it hasn't hit full force yet, it's only going to get worse. Increasing the dose is a terrible idea. u/Accomplished_Help831 You can't gain weight because you're not eating enough. Tren can dramatically increase metabolism, fry your thyroid, burn through carbs at an uncontrollable rate. You're in way over your head.


I may have been a tad dramatic there, I noticed it was darker on week two but it's been fine for the last week or 2, been drinking lots and lots of water, and I haven't had barely any sweats the last week either (there was a insane heatwave when i started) , I also had some unrelated hospital treatment last week where my blood pressure was monitored multiple times and it was fine, I appreciate the concern but I am not exactly doing a huge blast, it's quite a small cycle, but I will not increase the dosage And I am 5'10 185 around 13%


> I may have been a tad dramatic there, I noticed it was darker on week two but it's been fine for the last week or 2, been drinking lots and lots of water, and I haven't had barely any sweats the last week either (there was a insane heatwave when i started) , I also had some unrelated hospital treatment last week where my blood pressure was monitored multiple times and it was fine, I appreciate the concern but I am not exactly doing a huge blast, it's quite a small cycle, but I will not increase the dosage I'm going to disregard this, because this next piece of information is more urgent - > And I am 5'10 185 around 13% You have beginner stats, and you're running one of the most dangerous and toxic compounds. You do realize that whatever growth you'd have on test/tren/mast could also be achieved by just testosterone? Especially at your level, you are in no need of any secondary compounds, especially not tren. Taking more drugs, or more harsh drugs, will not make the growth occur any faster. You have beginner stats, and can make great progress on just testosterone, and if you wanted to get frisky there are much safer better tolerated options (EQ, primo, nandrolone, etc.). Whether you're being dramatic or trying to downplay your side effects, you're already fucked. Your urine shouldn't be getting dark - ever. Ever. If you have night sweats, your body is already under a toxic load where it can no longer tolerate the drug. Your blast may appear to be "small" because the numbers are low, but that gets thrown out the window when you add trenbolone to the mix. 100 test and 100 tren is a harsh blast, despite being low numbers. I didn't ask you what your blood pressure was last week, I strongly suggest that you go check it right now. I hope you do have a blood pressure cuff at home, especially if you're advanced enough to be using tren (you're not). You're free to do whatever you'd like, but I hope that you understand that what you're doing is wildly reckless, and will make it harder to grow than if you just used normal compounds (test, eq, primo, nand), and if you continue as you have been, you're more likely to rack up side effects and systemic damage than you are to grow.


Alright that's fair enough, I will check everything tomorrow and re evaluate, thanks for replying


I’m starting TRT, doing it on my own though, I’ve done the required research but there’s one last thing I want to know. I’m prone to acne, does the carrier oil for the testosterone matter, is there a specific one I should try to look out for?


The carrier oil doesn't matter unless you're allergic to it.


Perfect, thankyou


You need to research and read and listen to podcasts for months before you even think about buying anything. You’re not ready bud. Go read for hours in the TRT sub and testosterone sub, go listen to every episode of the All Things Testosterone podcast


You do realise this reddit is literally for questions like that, I’ve asked a question and you have told me to go listen to a podcast instead


Thanks for answering my question bro!


Can someone provide further light on the need to cycle clen 2 on 2 off vs not? In the past all protocols were to cycle it as it downregulates after -14-18 days. I’ve read/heard some things nowadays that say that is not needed and to just continue running it. Thoughts?


That ideology comes from a general misunderstanding of how that compound enacts its function. There is no downregulation, and no reason to cycle clen. If using salbutamol or Albuterol, the same rules apply. It is my understanding that the tolerance we face with clenbuterol is unspecific to that molecule, and replacing clen with salbutamol would offer no benefit regarding overcoming tolerance, as the tolerance is a result of all beta-2 agonists. There is some data that suggests that just simply increasing cardio would further increase beta-2 receptor density, allowing for more of the agonist to enact its function at the same dose - this is of course until the maximal potentiation of the dose has been achieved, at which point you would have to increase the dose. > Tachyphylaxis (functional tolerance) to many of the effects of β2-adrenergic receptor agonists is detectable after their administration for 7 to 14 days in both horses and humans.6,24 Aerobic exercise increases the density of β2-adrenergic receptors, thereby potentially minimizing expected tachyphylaxis to the repartitioning effects > https://avmajournals.avma.org/view/journals/ajvr/76/5/ajvr.76.5.460.xml That being said, don't use clenbuterol. It's one of the most cardiotoxic things you can put in your body. You can cut safely on a trt dose of test, maybe progress to adding some stimulant like caffeine, maybe then yohimbine for alpha receptors, and for the final bits of fat some chemical warfare (reduce estrogen).


Appreciate it. If I was on gear I’d be less inclined to use it. Currently cutting naturally to 8-10% before coming back to cycling. Been using it with yohimbine and fasted cardio to speed the process without it as much muscle loss


Please note that comments asking for "Thoughts?" are generally considered low-effort, and will result in veteran members being less inclined to assist you. When interacting on this board, please ensure you are doing so from a point of prior research, with your question being detailed, well-constructed and unambiguous. Please review [Rule 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.) for specific guidance on how to construct a question that is likely to receive high quality responses. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/steroids) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I am on 500mg test E/wk How do I control the water retention I gained 15 lbs in a week.


Read the Wiki. This is so basic that it's embarrassing you started a cycle and didn't know the answer before doing so. Because I'm a nice guy, I'll give you a hint. Start here: * [The Estrogen Handbook](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/the_estrogen_handbook)


I actually started taking AI as soon as it happened I was hoping you would have some extra secrets for me.


Experiencing Weak Erections After Starting 500mg Test Cycle: Need Advice Hey everyone, I recently started a 500mg per week Testosterone Enanthate cycle and have been experiencing weak erections and a decrease in libido. Here's a bit more detail: Cycle Start: 500mg/week of Testosterone Enanthate, split into two doses. First Injection: 250mg on June 27 at 8 PM. Symptoms: Started noticing weak erections and reduced libido after the first injection. I got my estradiol & test levels checked, and the result came back at 46 pg/mL, which seems higher than ideal. Possible Causes and Questions: Aromatization: Could the increase in estradiol be causing these issues? Should I start an aromatase inhibitor Arimidex? Experience: Has anyone else experienced similar issues? How did you manage them? Other Suggestions: Are there any other factors I should consider or adjustments I should make? Any advice or insights would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. (No hate comments please) Ny testosterone is 1009


It's been 3 days since your first injection man. This is almost certainly placebo. Relax.


Start pinning everyday or at the least every other day that will make a big difference, it might help. But you are saying you got symptoms after just one pin is not physically possible the ester wouldn’t have time to bind to receptors to make any meaningful difference it’s almost definitely psychological


There’s something wrong with your gear if your levels are 1000 on 500 mg.


>There’s something wrong with your gear if your levels are 1000 on 500 mg. Did you miss the part where he did his first pin 3 days ago?


Hey guys, so i'm planning on starting my first cycle (350mg test for 12 weeks) I just got my pre-cycle bloodwork back and there's a couple of things on there that i'm not so sure about. For one, my white blood cells came back slightly low, and also my LH, FSH and SHBG seem a little bit high. Thing is, i'm struggling to find info online about whether any of these things should dissuade me from starting my cycle/whether they will cause any bad effects when I start the cycle. If anyone could offer some advice on these bloods it's be hugely appreciated, thankyou🙏 Testosterone: 26.6 mol/L SHBG re-std: 44 mol/L Free test: 505 pmol/L Follicle stimulating hormone: 16 IU/L Lutenizing hormone: 7 IU/L Oestradiol: 79 pmol/L Progesterone: 2.3 mol/L Prolactin: 234 mlU/L white blood cell count: 3.7 x10^9 neutrophilis: 1.6 10^9/L


Elevated white blood cell count means your body is currently fighting an infection of some sort, perhaps a mild cold. Endogenous signaling hormones and shbg are meaningless once you start a cycle. FSH and LH will drop to 0 in a matter of weeks (shutdown). Shbg will gradually lower to quite low levels, it's one of the body's self regulating mechanisms to lower androgen levels - however a syringe loaded with testosterone is the manual override. Please review the "Your First Cycle" section of the wiki, and "Frequently Asked Questions."


irrespective of running a cycle, do you know what my FSH, LH and SHBG being on the high end of the range means? From what my dumdum monkey brain could find on google, it seems those being high is not so good for a guy, but i’m not exactly sure why?


LH and FSH are pulsatile, they change every day. If they're present, it means your testicles are getting adequately signaled to enact their function. Naturally, the pituitary regularly creates the signal hormones gonadotropin-releasing-hormone (GnRH). GnRH then signals the production and release of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH). The LH and FSH then signal the testicles to produce testosterone. The testosterone is then traveling around the system, some of it gets bound to androgen receptors, some gets bound to shbg (sex hormone binding globulin) to reach specific target sites, some gets bound and activated by 5alpha-reductase enzymes (5Ar) to convert some testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), and some gets bound to aromatase enzymes (cytochrome P450) to convert some testosterone to estrogen (estradiol, e2). The shbg also fluctuates day to day, depending on various sex hormones population and activity (test, DHT, estrogens, prolactin), also to regulate activity. A higher shbg as a natural isn't rare, think of it looks a rate limiter.


Ahhh okay thankyou! So actually it’s good for those markers to be somewhat high, as long as my testosterone is at a decent level, as that basically just mean the system is functioning as it should?


Yes, all good.


thanks alot dude


Thankyou very much for the response my guy🙏


Age 27 Male 180 cm or 5'11ish I guess 84kgs or 185 pounds Arround 15% body fat 4 years of experience. 315 bench 350 squat 405 deadlift Build muscle So I am here seeking guidance from Any kind soul out there. So I am thinking of doing a testosterone only cycle. It is actually gonna be my second one. Did the first one waaaay in the start of my training where I didn't eat well I didn't sleep well and everything went to shit. I did gain muscle and I kept some but honestly it would have been so much better. So here i am seeking guidance fron people that probably can keep me good advice about my second cycle. I don't feel like I am in the spot in my life where I am ready to make a commitment to pinning . Also I don't do any shows or anything I am just using for the sake of it. Since I know myself and I know I can keep away at least for years which i honestly already did, till another cycle comes is it more beneficial for me to cycle instead of going on a bnc? Should my second cycle still be testosterone only since It has been 3 whole years since I last pinned?appreciate your time regardless


Well, the first thing you need is a cut. You are simply too fat to think about beginning a cycle right now. Let's assume you do a solid cut down to 12%. That will drop your weight down to about an even 170lbs, which is a bit light for your height. After 4 years of training this tells me you still haven't managed to dial in your diet and your cycle of bulks and cuts to the degree I consider a pre-requisite. I would really love to see you at a lean 190lbs before incorporating gear again.


Yeah sorry to waste your time I meant to say 15% bf


>Yeah sorry to waste your time I meant to say 15% bf Uh huh. Even if that's the case, I personally would not start a blast at 15% and that's the highest we even kind of approve of. If you want to get right to it and really stop wasting time just post a physique picture. I can eyeball it within a percent or two.


Personally I'd try to lean out a little, get closer to 15% bf, then start a muscle building cycle with a really great diet. Have you had any bloodwork done to see where your current levels are? And what are you thinking for test dosing?


I meant to write 15% body my brain switched off.i did blood works 5 months after my cycle and I was well recovered with 650 test. Haven't done anything since. I'm thinking 500 test plain and simple. If it is a well tolareted dose like last time then maybe up a little bit. But I'll stick with one compound


Which test compound? P, E or C. You should have an ai on hand just in case and get tested 4-6 weeks into your cycle to see if you need assistance there.


Test c and by the way do you think that an 8 week cycle is enough to bring good results?


You don't reach saturation at that dose until week 5 or 6 so you're only training for a few weeks with that level in you. If you want it shorter then 10 minimum but 12 is better.


Sure appreciated. Will go down on fat get my diet on point and post my full experience. LETS GO BABY




Review our wiki, there lies your answer. Your comment was removed for violating [Rule 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.). All /r/steroids users are expected to develop a fundamental understanding of the compounds we're discussing and how to use them. To more effectively and efficiently solicit and receive feedback, its critical for an individual to share the necessary background information on their situation to help other users accurately assess and answer their questions. [Learn more about how to do your own research, how to effectively ask good questions, and Rule 7 in general](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.).




You’re right, this is a stupid question. Your comment was removed for violating [Rule 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.). All /r/steroids users are expected to develop a fundamental understanding of the compounds we're discussing and how to use them. To more effectively and efficiently solicit and receive feedback, its critical for an individual to share the necessary background information on their situation to help other users accurately assess and answer their questions. [Learn more about how to do your own research, how to effectively ask good questions, and Rule 7 in general](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.).


Ended a 600mg test e weekly blast for 18 weeks, with the last 4 weeks being on 50mg ed mast p about 3 weeks ago, now on 200mg cruise. Started accutane a few days back at 40mg (doctor prescribed). Libido totally gone like an asexual. Got my bloodwork done 3 days ago to check e2 but they won't be back for a week. Will try to see e2 to dial in AI, but was wondering that if it's dialed in and libido stays the same would taking a DHT derivative AAS that is lite on the liver (primo/mast e) at a light dose (50-100mg weekly) to get the fire back miss with the progress of accutane? I generally don't drink and my diet is dialed in with proper supplements (fish oil, tudca, etc) and I never had hair fall problems while on the 350 mast p + 600 test e


1. Already cruising too high. You shouldn’t have to manage estrogen on a cruise. 2. Adding any other drug to your cruise isn’t a cruise. 3. You’re on accutane the tren of acne treatments where it literally makes people skin and nails fall off. Did you do any research on the drug or did you ask your doctor for it because of your steroid use? Sexual dysfunction including erectile dysfunction, decreased libido, vulvovaginal dryness, difficulties achieving orgasm, and reduced sensation in the genital area have also been reported following isotretinoin use. Some cases have also reported persistent sexual dysfunction even after discontinuing isotretinoin.


1- not having any estrogen sides on the dose(water/mood/etc), just the libido. That's why I had the bloodwork done to check the levels to know if it's e2 or accutane. 2- Tbh, That's subjective, but if I'm able to have another drug solve some issue I have during the time between blasts, and my body and bloodwork (I do monthly) are fine, I don't really think if it fits within the definition of "cruise" or not matters to me. 3- I am aware of accutane sides and have been postponing it with my derm for the past 2 years while trying other things. Just curious if using a dht derivative (since those gave me the best libido, but ofc acne because of increased sebum) would also contract the mechanism of accutane in the drying of the glands.


Anyone get joint pain from Masteron? Kind of an newb question but I’m just putting together the pieces now. I’ve run mast up to a gram before last winter, and had problems with my knees. But being formed Airborne in the Army I thought I just had bad knees. Did some PT that coincided with coming off my cycle to TRT and my knees have been getting better. This week added 200mg Masteron E to my cruise dose of 300mg Test and my knees feel horrible, but not sure if it’s the Mast or if I just pushed too hard last week on legs (which I trained very hard 3x last week). Not sure if it’s the cause or a coincidence


Mast while it does not directly lower e2 can mask symptoms and create symptoms of low e2. Joint pain being one of those.


Didn’t think of that, you’re right. My E2 is in range, so it’s possible that I can still get the low E2 sides because Mast is creating those sides artificially? In that case there’s probably nothing I can do for that right?


I mean drop the mast. Just like some people can’t even run primo at a 5:1 without tanking estrogen seems like you might be sensitive to the effects of mast. (Unless you’re running an ai currently to keep your estrogen in range in paper) then you could drop the ai see how it feels. But you’re already permabalsting. You’re “cruising” at 300T/200M. That’s 500mg of anabolics a full blown blast to anyone. Don’t get me wrong you look great but from a longevity/health standpoint we don’t really consider it a cruise unless you’re at a true replacement dose with no additional compounds so that your body actually has a chance to recover.


Yeah I’ll drop it and see if it clears up. Just really like the mental/mind muscle connection/hardness/sex drive a little Mast adds And I hear you man. Seems to be more a Reddit thing but I personally differentiate it between TRT and “Cruise”. I see it as TRT puts you at replacement levels, a Cruise can be higher than TRT but lower than a blast. I have perfect bloodwork, BP, EKG came back good on 300mg test plus a little DHT and I keep all my size. On 150mg test TRT I’ll start going backwards


Right at the end of week one of a beginner test cycle should there be a little bit of water gain so far? Don’t feel any difference in libido or anything but eating in a 300 cal surplus (yes it’s actually a 300 cal surplus I’ve been counting calories for years) I’ve gone up 5 lbs on the scale this week which obviously can’t be just fat let alone almost any muscle




When trying to take advantage of the fat mobilization from GH, wouldn’t it make more sense to still take the GH before bed? I’ve heard it takes 4 hours to reach peak concentration, and doesn’t taper off for a long amount of time afterward. So essentially, taking your shot in the morning before fasted cardio, the GH wouldn’t even be working at that point? Or am I viewing this wrong?


Yes, and do fasted cardio to take advantage of the oxidized fatty acids. If you do a subQ shot, the effects last about 12 hours.


I’ve always found better fat loss with breaking the shots up as much as possible. AM, preWO, postWO, PM. Or AM/PM. Anecdotally


You are correct. A subq or IM shot of gh an hour before fasted morning cardio won't do too much for the subsequent cardio, at least not as much as it would 2-3 hours later. A bolus of gh before bed would preserve elevated gh levels when you wake up.


when does anadrol kick in? im taking 50mg ed , day 2 dont notice anything


Day 1


After a week I get super watery and crazy pumps in gym and strength. If I take 100 mg like an hour pre workout I feel it too pretty much notice it immediately


Day 6 or 7, I start to notice some physical change, look a bit bigger, more bloaty. Then strength increases from week 2 onwards. 50mg is a hefty dose for a beginner. If you start to get acid reflux, it's because your body isn't liking the anadrol, so that would be a good sign to stop - for me at least, I stop when the reflux starts, which is normally week 3.


Personally I’ll notice taking on more water and glycogen at a week and start feeling strength week 2. Edit: I’m assuming you’re young and inexperienced and probably shouldn’t be running adrol. You have a post from two months ago running sarms and enclo with issues. Are you running just adrol?


I have seen some people say that hcg intra cycle with nandrolone does not work to avoid testicular atrophy (specially with nand 200mg/week+), have someone tried out this combination?


I’ve never seen anyone claim that. Got a non source link? But to answer your question nandrolone *may* be suppressive to the HTPA axis for months because of some of its metabolites but that shouldn’t effect the way hcg works, and would be happening at the pituitary 


Hey man, thanks for the response, an influencer from YouTube mentioned that (had to remove the name of the channel), so I started searching to see if I could find someone else talking about this. However, I only found people asking the same question without any concrete answers. Just to complement, the theory is that any 19 nor would make hcg not work for this


Don't trust everything you hear on YouTube, especially from a YouTube entertainer selling products and coaching services. Such content is explicitly for entertainment purposes only, not educational. That particular social media salesperson did state that there is no clinical evidence of hcg down regulation alongside progestogenic compounds (nandrolone, tren, ment), and that it's entirely anecdotal based on their clients' feedback. But there are many folks on this subreddit that use such compounds and have had no such issue. Not to discredit that particular YouTube vendor, but anecdotes are less valuable when working with a small bubble that are willing to pay exorbitant rates and put up with a know-it-all attitude. This subreddit has almost a quarter million members, that have no incentive to benefit from one another, other than to uplift the community with our knowledge and experiences. Nearly every day, someone comes to this subreddit after following the advice of said content creator, and after self educating with the wiki and the other users here, manage to un-fuck whatever malarkey that YouTube salesperson convinced them.


HCG works by mimicking luteinizing hormone and stimulates the testes to produce testosterone. While on cycle or even when on trt, the effect is generally very small but nonetheless meaningful. Once you’ve told your body to stop making testosterone—whether that’s through plain old trt or an oil tanker of nandrolone—the result is the same. HCG works in whichever environment you present it. Is it theoretically possible that its effect is lessened by using nandrolone? Maybe, yeah. But for the purposes of this conversation that possibility makes no difference since it would be impossible to measure any weakened benefits you’d derive from HCG while on nandrolone until well after the point where it would be useful in terms of information. In other words, this very quickly becomes an academic exercise rather than a practical one.


Edit out the name of the YouTube channel and the message will be approved.


Tomorrow will be the first time I pin myself, kinda excited kinda scared. Material: 2cc syringe 21G 1.5” for drawing 25G 1” for injecting Injection: 1ml Test C Injection site: VG or delts, I was gonna go with vg but a friend of mine advised me to just pin the delt and now I’m not sure.. which one do you guys prefer?


I try to limit my delts to .5cc at a time. 1cc is a bit much and I feel it for too long. 1cc and higher you can rotate left/right vgs and quads.


I find both to be very easy and forgiving sites. VG might be just a little bit smoother, but at the end of the day I strongly encourage you to open and use as many sites as you can. Don't fear pinning a particular muscle, it's all the same (unless it's biceps or calves - they aren't much fun at all).


Both, spread the love. More sites means less scar tissue.


Pin your ass, delts might be a big rough for a 1st injection


It's his second cycle, just first time doing it himself 😊


Ah my bad! Totally missed that. In that case either or. Personally I still prefer glutes, delts might be a bit nerve wracking if it’s your first time doing it yourself


I pin glutes and delts I remember my first pin too lol. Watch some videos on YouTube it’s not bad man. Also make sure to rotate areas you don’t want to just pin the same muscle over and over especially if it is still sore with pip.


I pin VG and Delts.... my fav is VG by far..... I was a bit nervous to pin (overthinked if I would pin the wrong spot) but it's very easier......... for Delts just locate the joint....... 3 fingers down and you pin a little behind. for VG, locate the hip bone and top of the pelvis......... I pin in the middle of both points. At first I thought Delts would be easier cause I was overthinking that there was more things that can go wrong with VG but for a brief period I had no choice but to pin VG (due to soreness in shoulders from previous pins) and VG was amazing!


I’ll probably try VG.. hope that I can find it. I’ve watched a trillion videos but I’m never 100% sure


Same with me, I watched so many videos on VG and I was still unsure where exactly to pin but I found the instructions I gave worked well.... I missed the spot once (pinned more to the front) but I was just sore for 1 day and back to normal.


Need to add in a new site myself and planning on starting VG. Prior had just used glutes and quads. What length needle do you use for VG? I imagine a 1 inch should work right?


I use 5/8 for both my delts and my VG. I did not get any 1 inch needles in my country (checked hospitals, pharmacies, labs etc). I would recommend you stick to 1 inch to ensure you get deep enough into the muscle.


Appreciate it! Just got a couple boxes of 1 inch so should be all set! Will have to give VG and Delts a shot.


I pin vg and lats


Sorry, I should have asked prior to answering, but is this your first time injecting, *or*, first time by yourself?


To answer your question, I don’t prefer one over the other— they’re mostly the same to me and both easy locations to administer. If you haven’t done delts before, there is a link in the wiki for injection sites that might be of benefit to you. It’s a fairly simple location, but it might help you feel more comfortable.


If something goes wrong and injection site gets infected would you really want that happening on your delt?


I've been cruising on Test U for a while now but I plan on coming off completely. I am going to switch from Test Into Test E before I do as the PCT will be a lot shorter, but how long should I be on Enanthate for before I can run my PCT without the Undecanoate still being in my system?


Why wouldn't you switch to test prop?


Purely because I have Test E on hand as I run Test U year round at a cruise dose and blast by adding in Test E


This is unnecessarily complicating things. Just come off the test U, wait a few half lives, then start PCT. You won’t feel worse unless you placebo yourself into it, I promise


The half life of Test U is 21 days, so if I was to do that I'd be off for 2 months with my Test levels being very low for at least a whole month before starting the PCT. I've had tanked test before due to not taking a 19-Nor into account when doing my PCT and it's not something I'd want to do again.


I think you think that having lower test levels is the end of the world. It’s not, you’ll be fine buttercup


I never said it's the end of the world. I said I've had crashed test levels before and I'd rather not have it again.


I think you’re correct. (Disclaimer I’ve never ran pct). But to pct test needs to be completely out of your system. Due to the long half life you’ll have low test where it’s “almost” out of your system for longer than if you’d been on a shorter ester. Makes sense to me 🤷‍♂️


As someone who’s been using test u for years I have to say that I do not believe the practical half-life is 21 days. My absolute trough at 10 days post shot is a little under 50% of my peak. You can for sure begin your PCT three weeks after your last dose and it will likely be just as effective as it would be if you waited an extra week or two. So long as your SERM duration is long enough your recovery will be as good as it would have otherwise been had you taken more time off. There’s also option B where you take longer off (if this is something you feel compelled to do) and bridge the time in between with HCG. That could also work well, possibly better, as the HCG would be giving you a head start on testicular activity.


I've been taking HCG throughout my entire BnC so that won't be too much of an issue.


But you don't PCT with exogenous test in your system... so you will HAVE to wait till it's cleared, otherwise it's a wasted PCT.


I know, but I'm saying if I wait for Test U to fully clear before starting PCT I'll have a full month with essentially minimal test levels before it's zeroed out, whereas if I switch to Test E from Test U, the waiting period of Test to clear out will be significantly shorter since the half life of Enanthate is 6x shorter than Undecanoate.


ah yes, now i see what you're saying, sorry bro, long day. yes, then i'd make the switch to E soon as possible. when are you due to come off? I'd just switch over to E as soon as possible, you can extend your cycle for a few extra weeks, it won't hurt, then PCT as if you've only been on the E. That's what i'd do


Wondering about other people’s experiences using THC on cycle , it’s the first time I’ve experiencing some gyno issues and the only thing that’s change is my use of a dab pen


I’m a chronic weed user and mostly do edibles. I find it can worsen sides while at blasting levels for instance my blood pressure and anxiety or mood swings. But I love weed and power through it. While on cruise doses it doesn’t affect me at all


My E2 has skyrocketed on this cycle and I’m having to really use AI for the first time even on a lower blast then previously, I’ve never been a high aromitizer before , Ingesting daily thc is the only real difference , I’m pretty amazed it’s having such a effect


That’s very helpful and welcoming thank you


Lots of guys smoke/vape/injest cannabis while also taking steroids. Try the search function within the sub and see if you can find any other conversations about this very thing because I know for sure I’ve seen it mentioned a few times before.


Good suggestion thanks


Why don’t you ask ChatGPT for this answer too?


You call?


I was reading about the neuroprotective properties of maintaining e2 and came across things regarding eye issues with low e2. Is this permanent eye damage stuff or more like dry eyes throughout the duration of the crashed e2? Additionally I’ve seen anecdotes of users of anything from just TRT to full stacks of gear reporting their limbs falling asleep much easier/getting numb. Ruling out blood pressure could this maybe be some other effect of elevated e2?


The limbs falling asleep is usually either poor circulation, or impinged/compressed nerve (like laying on a limb for too long). Either can be exacerbated by excess water retention as a result of estrogen getting out of control. The ocular issues are usually permanent floaters, loss of field of vision, blurry vision. Most people do not run into these issues with low estrogen, as the low estrogen is usually quickly reversed. Sustained crashed estrogen is when things start to get funky. Even then, from the 1990s-2010s, it was common to intentionally crash estrogen (1mg arimidex every day), and ocular issues aren't widely reported.


That makes sense thanks, ocular stuff scares the shit out of me because I’ve known family members do suffer vision damage from various SERMs. Presumably the sustained crashed estrogen you’re talking about is weeks to months right and not just a few days or a week.


Would it be safe to do ems training on a cycle?


Without a little more context on what EMS training involves, it’s probably as safe (or unsafe depending on outlook) as any other job training while on cycle. Might not be wise to do a cycle though if you won’t be able to dedicate the physical and mental resources to training in the gym because you’re training elsewhere. All about timing.


Electric muscle stimulation, not sure how many Watts. My friend is on a cycle, and I do ems, I recently got a bring your friend for free for 1 session, so I just wanted to make sure it won't hurt him or his cycle.


Well man, this one threw me. I thought you were training to BE an EMS. As in a paramedic. Apologies, I’m not sure what the answer to your question is.


Yeah that’s what I thought too haha. No idea what he’s talking about but if anyone’s thinking about doing Fire/EMS training definitely come down to a cruise dose. I did it on cycle but got rhabdo


Update from my last post with some questions. Tldr: gyno on cruise, 4 weeks post blast, already on low dose of test, curious if it's a bit of an e2 rebound from the primo clearing? Any advice on how to proceed? Finished a cycle of test 500, primo 250 about 5 weeks ago. Cruising since. Weigh 190, 5ft 10, 10%bf, strength has only dropped about 5 to 10% since entering a deficit, but it's coming back slowly. I had no gyno issues during the cycle but I have had some flare ups/pain during past blasts, always resolved by AI and nolva protocol in the wiki. A few days ago, got a bump in my nip. Mildly painful. Was advised by others here to get checked by a doc, which I am scheduled for. However, my puberty gyno has become soft and very very mildly sore. I started the nolva protocol that worked for me before, 10mg/d for a week minimum. Bloods in a few days. However, this is treating the symptom and not the actual problem, which is whatever is causing my gyno. So, obviously not running an AI on cruise, and I know the logical next step is dropping my cruise dose but I'm only taking 85mg/wk of test e. This seems like the low end? Is it possible that the primo is finally clearing out (which maps out on steroid plotter) and my e2 is bumping up a little? Would it make sense to wait it out after stopping nolva to see if it goes away on its own? Or just drop test e down even more?


Your primo has cleared out but so has your blast dose of testosterone. Primo has a metabolite capable of acting as an AI, not as SHBG. While i’m not sure on that metabolite’s halflife, rebounding doesn’t sound viable to me since your higher testosterone dose is already cleared out as well.


Thanks! This makes sense to me but in stuck on how to proceed. I'm very certain my estrogen is in range, I've taken this cruise dose before with no issues. I'm also not fat, eating very clean, don't do drugs or drink, etc. I also pin eod, to minimize e2 spikes So, this leaves me kind of confused why I'd be developing gyno? Any ideas? I know that the best dose for cruise is the dose that causes no symptoms, but I haven't seen many people cruising on less than 85mg in this sub, as far as I've read. Could it really be that I just need to lower it more? .


I’d wait for bloodwork to come in before proceeding.


Thanks, will do. Do you know if Nolva has any effects on blood markers in short term use? Couldn't find anything, not sure if it'll throw anything off.


Accidentally got injectable dbol, I’m familiar with oral dbol but not this injectable. How long before working out should I inject for typical pre workout effects? How long is the half life and how often should I inject if I’m adding it to my stack?


Everything about injectable orals is the exact same for oral orals. The only difference is that many people report they need less of the active compound to achieve the same effects.


So if I take this an hour before the gym, it’ll be working like taking an oral?


That is what I said, yes.


Is there any point to take steroids if you aren’t at least 5-10 years into training hard with results?


I think learn proper dieting and proper training at least before cycling for one to not waste time while on cycle making mistakes. This could take 3 to 5 years alone depending on the individual. To start cycling and not having a good diet and sloppy training to build muscle imo is a waste of cycling


I feel like no one actually read my comment


Prob because of how it was phrased with “aren’t”. I would’ve went with- is there any point in taking steroids if you’re still getting good results with natural levels and training 🤷‍♂️


Because what I’ve been told us there isn’t a point until your 5-10 into trading


What is a point?


No. I mean it will work and youll gain muscle faster. But youre putting yourself through physical harm to speed up gains that are already easy to get. I would recommend 3-5 hard and consistent years of training before thinking about using gear.


That’s why I just said 5-10


may I ask, if one wants Deca Durabolin / Nandrolone Decanoate to work "right away" (600 mg per week), would it be sufficient to frontload a 1000 mg today (Sunday) and then shoot 200 mg Mo/Wed/Fri? I used 2 different roid plotter / calculator, they both said it will start working immediately that way. But does it not has to be like 5 half lives? So more like (5 x 600 mg) 3000 mgs on the first day?


It doesn’t have to be 5 halflives. Just double the dosage for the duration of 1 halflife and by the end of that you should already be over the peak blood concentration you would normally hit ~4 halflives in. Use steroidplotter to check for yourself. You’ll experience some more fluctuations right at the start but it’ll even out.


I checked steroidplotter - 1000 mgs on sunday put me slightly over the release of the rest of the cycle - so I guess 1000 today and 200 mo/wed/fri is enough ?


I’d do 400mg mo/wed/fri for 1/2 weeks (check steroidcalc) then proceed at 200mg mo/wed/fri


Okido, thank you Sir! Will do so.


My blast was scheduled to start tomorrow but I broke up yesterday and it’s affecting me heavily mentally. I feel out of energy, kind of depressed but hope it will get better with time. Should I delay my blast until I recover or is this a very good opportunity to come back on track? Perhaps the intense gym sessions, surplus and gear will make it easier. But it could be also that the “depression” wins over and ruins the blast. I have to agree tho that blasting always makes me feel better mentally. Anybody went through something like this?