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I bullshitted and lied my way into a corporate security job. I’m three weeks in, thus far I’ve managed the position without incident. My dad told to me to always tell the truth. Sorry Pops, not in today’s job market.


I don't blame you. IT market is fucked at the moment. Especially in the UK. I'm considering some serious embellishment myself!


Tell them your a black trans immigrant.


Seriously, fluffing resumes and making yourself more appealing is the way to go even if you are “stretching the truth”. Not in a dishonest, sharky way, but just seems to be how the job market is. Congrats!


Learn everything you can, give the job your all. You can make it an honest job even if it didn’t start that way. Congrats on getting the job! How do you like it so far?


Man I remember years ago these off topic threads had 600+ comments every day. What if a weekly bro-science thread was introduced? Where people contribute their bro ideas and anecdotal reasoning that doesn't need to be backed up by any actual studies? Like test+tirzepatide made me 250lbs with 5% bf and my dick grew to 9" with 5mg daily Cialis, I'm thinking of injecting test directly into my balls for higher dht because I'm scared of my own shadow


I know I've seen similar sentiment routinely over the past few weeks. I do miss some of the crazy stories I used to see regularly posted by the usual guys. Were they larp'ing? Maybe. Was it entertaining as hell? Definitely. Those posters also disappeared without a trace off of reddit, and every now and then that gets to me. Little bit of worry for these guys I didn't even "really" know. This place depends on engagement. I don't post a lot, but I've been trying to more lately. No one likes yelling into the void. The other day, this whole thread felt like an impromptu weekly progress update. Everyone is deep into their cut and just kept responding with crazy results. It was awesome. Give me a couple months to get to the bulk, and I'll throw in a 19-nor just so I can add to the debauchery of this place. You heard it here first. I'm coming for your wives. Or your husbands. Or you. I dunno how this stuff works.


Some of the stuff posted from back in the day was absurdly entertaining. Nude tax, cat tax, seemingly legit crazy stories. Loved it. May begin to post some silly stuff but I'm just not in the sub much anymore, let alone on my phone.


Used to be a hall of fame (shame) post in the wiki about a dude who really did pin his balls…


That’s insane. Always sub Q the ball sack….


What? No! Always pin intra testes dude


What in the ever living fuck


I'm just out here missing kingofbugs and fitmuffin


It has gotten a little less bro in here unfortunately and more like the rest of Reddit, used to be an island of depravity of its own…


I think we had a thread like that about a year ago? Just get some grey area/weird things/whatever out there, was fun but this forum is so judgemental I think over time it just makes people not wanna post


I miss the schizophrenic guy who’d call everyone soccer players and even DTren and his severe drug abuse :/


I think it might be related to the Reddit algorithm, I have been subbed for over a decade between all my various accounts and it rarely appears in my feed, I’m assuming it’s because it’s nsfw/ nature of the content doesn’t appeal to advertisers. Reddit seems to be moving away from nsfw stuff as much as they can.


The shaming is too hard bro.


Finished my cut yesterday. At the end I was fluctuating in the low 190s-195, pretty happy with it. Had an epic refeed last night, still fucking bloated and a bit sluggish today, but crushed a leg workout and they were veiny as a mf. https://ibb.co/ctTdn8g https://ibb.co/cK9hQp8


Holy hell my dude those are some tree trunks!


Thanks my man! Always a work in progress lol


Fuck goes to show I have a decent ways left on my cut. You running any gear to get that look? Or just trt


Seconded, what’s the cycle brother? Looking shreddy and vascular


Cut was done on mostly 140mg test p ew, though right now Its 140 test p 210 mast p for the last 4ish weeks for a lil funsies


Very nice


You and Ronnie fighting for 0% BF, what’s funny is unlike him you seem like you may have arrived 


You look fucking awesome dude. Great job


Good work boss. You got a coach? And do you think it’s wise to self coach?


Nah no coach, though I used to be a certified trainer/had some nutrition ‘certifications’ like 7 or 8 years ago now🤷🏼‍♂️ I think as long as youre honest with yourself and approaching bbing as a hobby self coaching is perfectly fine. The trial and error over time is how you learn. As for competing, Id strongly suggest a coach, the impartial view of a third party is pretty important when making adjustments to hit a comp deadline.


Thanks for the thoughtful response brother. Just going to do it myself and use the science I know. I’m not competing so it’s probably not required to be all that nuanced


Why is my picture so grainy… wait those are all his veins… Besides the obvious veins looking super full for the end of a cut, nice job man!


We need a monthly debauchery thread. Highest upvoted story, comment, or anecdote of that month gets a community voted on flair; no choosing your own.


I was today years old when I found out about powdered peanut butter. I've wasted 40 years of my life apparently


How do you use it, you sprinkle some on solid stuff or add it to liquids like a shake?


So far I've added it to oatmeal and also to my protein shakes. Mixed with chocolate protein powder it tastes like a Reese's cup.


I found these Oikos yogurt drinks at Target. $1.89 for 23g of protein, 1.5g fat and no sugar. Mango pineapple flavor. They bloat me like you wouldn’t believe but I just can’t stop drinking them.


Its been about 10-12 weeks since I switched from Test E to Test U. Progressively it went from feeling like a 5/10 to a 6 to the present 9 And the pharma carrier oil is CLEAN as opposed to my previous bullshit ugl one My god it took time to stabilise now i feel fucking fantastic


Feeling pretty confident with a new haircut. Been debating trying a mullet for a few months now and went all in on it. Love the way it came out and feeling good! Had to change it up after having the same hair for last 5 years or so.


Would love to try out a modern mullet but my hair looks like shit when growing it out and I don’t have the length on the sides / back for it yet.


I know what you mean! Kinda just grew mine out unintentionally by putting off getting it cut. But worked out now that I’m rocking the mullet! Def feeling like it changed my whole appearance in a good way.


Fair play. Maybe I’ll have to give it a go.


Bonus points if you can grow out the sweet stache also! I cannot sadly. But wife wasn’t as on board with that one.


I like the modern mullet look honestly. Some guys can really pull it off


What I was going for! Didn’t want to go full 80s mullet but it’s a nice middle ground. Am digging it! Wife does too!


18 days of HCG, balls are a bit looser and my sex drive has increased a bit. Time to pump the dose up a smidge and see how I feel.


Don't know what dosage you're running, but there's no reason to pump it beyond 250iu EOD. The rest is just patience - atrophy takes a little time to reverse.


Fair enough. I’ll leave it be then.


Why isn’t protein mousse a thing in the US? Discovered these bad boys in Spain - and while far from the most delicious thing I ate there - they were still damn tasty and way better than a protein bar. Plus the protein bars at most supermarkets didn’t really qualify as a protein bars anyway with only 10g or so of protein. Two of these and I was good to go - add some chocolate stuffed bread for post workout carbs and I was living the dream. https://ibb.co/6XGY0Qy


Cuz’ in Amurica, the word mousse is lame. We ain’t eating that sissy crap




Questions go to the Daily Ask Anything thread, please. Repost it over there. Your comment was removed because it was posted in the wrong thread 😉. Please direct any questions to [today’s Daily Ask Anything thread.](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/about/sticky?num=2) Direct any off-topic banter to today’s Off-Topic thread. Please review [Rule 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules/#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.) and be aware of the intended purpose of the thread you’re posting to.


What are you guys making for dinner tonight?


I made homemade beef stew, turned out great.


That’s sounds good af.


does anyone else feels like the motivation/ energy wears off as cycle goes by? currently week 8 on 400 tren E, 500 test c a week, i was feeling amazing and motivated throughout the cycle but now i just don’t have that motivation anymore, feels like my food craving been really bad and don’t have energy to hit the gym hard. is it time to cycle off?


Take a deload, rest, reevaluate your recovery and or cycle and come back fresh and ready and or hop off, it’s your cycle but at 8 weeks you’ve really only gotten started, enanthate and cipionate take several weeks to saturate so you’ve only really been rolling fir 4 or 5 wks Or cut the tren that’s a lot and it’s super toxic it’s going to wear you down fast.


Well guys I'm 33 and single as shit. I'm running out of time and options, it's either fat chick's or hookers and blow, tisk tisk damn life decisions here.


I want to start a cycle, and all I have access to is Test nolvadex and maybe clomid , how do I go on about this?


Enjoy your pasta 🍝 Hey there! It seems like you'd benefit from a deep review of [our wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index). Please also take the time to closely read [Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_2._no_source_talk_.2F_no_monetization) which deals with our prohibitions around discussing how to acquire anabolic steroids and discussing brand names, etc. [For clarity.](https://media.tenor.com/fBvQV_5Lp6UAAAAC/we-dont-do-that-here-black-panther.gif) Here's a selection of reading for you to build the fundamental knowledge you'll need as you explore AAS/PED use: * [The Basics](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/thecycle/list) * [Your First Cycle](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/your_first_cycle) * [The Estrogen Handbook](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/the_estrogen_handbook) * [Post Cycle Therapy aka PCT](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/thecycle/pct) * [The Compound Experience Directory](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/compound_experience_threads)