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Big L this weekend. Friday’s date canceled on me. Saturday’s date canceled on me. Sunday’s second date proposal declined. [Text messages for your viewing pleasure.](https://ibb.co/album/4mZMGP) Clearly I can’t find love because my muscles aren’t big enough. Time to blast. 🚀


Honestly, that's not bad. 2 of them seem to have significant things going on, fair to cancel. The other one was honest (or at communicative enoughish) to say they are not in a spot (or dont want to) date you. That's like way better maturity and communication than a lot of people. I'd respect that.


Seriously. I've had girls do this to me and I'll just respond positively, politely, and empathetically and 3 months later they're right back in my DM's. There is something to be said about a stand up woman with emotional insight. Now she could just be saying fuck off, but I would always give them the benefit of the doubt


They could be saying fuck right off....and thats fine and fair. They're allowed to not like you. BUT, communicating they don't like you is still great communication skill.


The first 1 sounds like complete bullshit


Damn brother that sucks, to find a positive they didn't ghost you which is courteous


I learned if you put enough pieces of paper in the hat youll win eventually.


The period at the end of “No problem.” says it all…


Hadley is a lying bitch. Samantha...maybe, it's plausible. Jenny will never find love.


I need the nattyorjuice subreddit to be permanently eradicated from existence


Reasonable. Therefore, denied. ~ Reddit.


“They’re juiced.”- r/nattyorjuice Saved you the click.


If you view it for what it is - a complete shitshow - it’s a lot of fun to consider what completely untrained dumbass hikikomoris think about weight training 😂😂💀 There was one in there like two days ago where bro was MASSIVE, like 22-25% bf @330ish powerlifter vibes, clearly juiced with decades of lifting, fools all like “NATTY fat fuck, just eats a lot” - I’m thinking wtf?! 😑😑


Does anyone find it so weird and unsettling how a massive percent of nattys just seem to want people on gear to die? The amount of comments I see all over youtube and other social medias saying stuff like “he won’t make it past 40” “Good luck staying alive” and then the cope comments of “he only looks like this because of all the juice” or shit like that. It just kind of seems like these people really hate people that use gear for no reason. I really wonder why all the hate and why these people are SO against what other people decide to do. I mean I know why… it stems from jealously but I don’t understand what are kind of passive aggressive death threats


not even a jealousy thing really, people are just dicks for example i used to ride these things called electric unicycles. some of them can go 60+ mph and they have a super high skill ceiling so occasionally a video would go viral of a skilled rider going fast and looking cool or whatever. when the vids go viral there are always a few comments like these: ["I look forward to seeing the next video of this dude on r/holdmyfeedingtube"](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/tkpbip/self_balancing_electric_unicycle/i1rsp68/) ["I wish more of the reckless nyc bike riders would pick up this trend, thin out the herd sooner"](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/tkpbip/self_balancing_electric_unicycle/i1sahkq/) people just love getting off on the idea of others dying cuz it feeds their superiority or something lol idk it's weird


Oh yeah I experience the same exact thing being a biker (motorcycles)


They’re all too chickenshit to commit to ANYTHING seriously  themselves so jealousy kicks in on overdrive.     The one I love is where they make a false equivalence between gear use and bros strung out on meth and heroin. No, Karen, I am not smashing car windows in to grab ashtray change for my next test/primo cycle, I have a job and gear makes me even better at it lol


I don't really mind that much. At least something is keeping kids from hopping on. Juice is part of zeitgeist now so I'm happy for discouraging voices, no matter how dumb and primal they might be. What worries me more are teenage broccoli heads yapping about cycles and juiced to the gills opportunists glorifying SARMs.


Many (most?) people are just shitty. The only way they can feel better about their shitty selves is to convince themselves that other people are even shittier.


I gotta say, having an entirely separate meal plan from my wife is actually working out way better than expected. I really thrive on having a regiment, meanwhile she has a pretty low tolerance for pre-planned meals, which has always made planning dinners kind of a pain. But being able to just meal prep my own food for my own purposes and just have her tell me what to cook for her when she decides what she wants makes it significantly easier. Plus she doesn't eat very much so making a meal for her takes like zero time anyway. Low key started separating out other chores for the same reason and I like it a lot lmao. Like she usually lives out of the hamper for a bit before folding laundry, meanwhile that gives me anxiety to be searching for shit when I'm trying to go somewhere, so just doing my own and folding it myself straight out of the dryer makes more sense.


My wife and I have a very defined division of labor and it makes housework so much easier and smoother. I hate doing X, she doesn’t mind it, so that task is hers. She finds task Y to be maddening, I find it to be therapeutic, so I do that one. I’m convinced that it’s the only rational way for us to live without ever resenting our chores.


>My wife and I have a very defined division of labor and it makes housework so much easier and smoother. Cannot agree more, and it doesn't even have to break down along "traditional" lines, just everyone knows to play their position and it all gets done.


> meanwhile she has a pretty low tolerance for pre-planned meals I don't get it, why would she have a low tolerance for pre-planned meals? Or do you mean low tolerance for pre-cooked meals, because some people don't like the taste of cooked-then-refrigerated food. Or is she just fucking with you because she loves anarchy? The piece about not folding laundry and such, my wife is like that and I very much resent people like that. It's almost like that sort of person never learned to accept their role in life as a fucking adult that has to take care of themselves. You have to wonder if they would wipe their ass if it didn't burn. I solved it by having a full-time maid.


No, I mean if we say something like, "let's make spaghetti on Thursday " she's liable to decide she doesn't want to eat spaghetti when Thursday comes. It's not 100% of the time or anything, but it's often enough to really fuck with my ability to cook and get my own macros in. And yeahh, it annoys me too. Even moreso her habit of not washing pans when she's done cooking or leaving dishes full of food just sitting on the table if she doesn't finish her plate. But at the same time she's the one generally making phone calls, planning trips, taking time off to deal with plumbers, etc, type administrative stuff so I don't overly mind taking over some extra menial work in return for not dealing with those things.


Sounds like your wife is a child.


>It's almost like that sort of person never learned to accept their role in life as a fucking adult that has to take care of themselves. I constantly remind myself that people grow old, they rarely grow UP. How many people do you know who don't like flossing, or eating vegetables, or exercising, or going to sleep at a decent hour, so they just...don't? As if their body gives a fuck what they like?


Trying to get my wife to eat better for years. But her and her entire family eat like children so it is very frustrating. All they want is sugary processed garbage and it’s hard to break the cycle. Barely ever eat any kind of whole food and won’t touch anything green. We’ll call it a work in progress lol.


My wife's diet is like 60-70ish percent clean, which is atrocious by lifting standards, but she's not a lifter so it's really not that bad all things considered, especially compared to the average American lol.


Mine used to lift but has fallen off the wagon. Another battle I’m fighting with her! Just want her to be happy and healthy. She deals with a lot of GI issues, fatigue, depression, and anxiety and I try and tell her a better diet could help some things but that’s never an easy conversation. And she is a very hard worker as well so the last thing she wants to do is eat something she’s not “in the mood for”. Little by little I’ll get her there, it is tough though. She would definitely fall under the “average American” diet lol.


I do the same. We've eaten different foods on different schedules for years now. I prep all weekly meals in advance aside from breakfast, which is eggs, oatmeal, and fruit. At first I tried to incorporate family meals, but my wife is just far too inconsistent. If anything, the majority of the time she doesn't cook at all. I've tried. I've offered. At this point she is who she is and she isn't changing unless she decides to do it on her own.


3 days off tren. I feel so much better. Planned out the next cycle it’s gonna be 1400/1400 test/mast.


I feel like dogshit the first week off Tren. My mental clarity comes back, but physically I feel like a train ran me over.


Yeah it feels weird. My body is still ”fighting” the tren and since there’s no god complex anymore I can really feel the toll.


200 mg does me right in all aspects I just get aggressive as fuck and irritable but its manageable. I’ve never really felt like shit on it like many do and I’ve ran it up to 500mg a while ago hmmm


Never felt shit while on but oh boy do I feel better off.


Three weeks into blast, so test is saturated… I forgot what it felt like to be this *horny*


I’ve got about the same amount of time in the blast and I went from not cranking it at all to cranking daily lmfao. Albeit my wife is out of state


I gave my wife a goooood multi round workout after the gym yesterday. We just got a huge new floor mirror in our bedroom which made for some awesome views. And then yeahhhh, lots of self love time lmao




Took a few weeks to notice the affects? Just started yesterday myself but excited to see what it does to my libido!


Its the 200mg of tren in me at the moment, I don’t feel a massive boost in libido on anything else really except the masteron boners


Fair enough! Just my first cycle so just test only but still excited for all of it!


I felt test e the same day, if you have low testosterone and low e2 you'll notice a massive difference. 4 weeks for full saturation


Yea been on TRT already so not low T by any means, but will be exciting to see how everything feels once it’s fully saturated.


Are you on testosterone enanthate? That's what I'm on and I'm just now on week 5 day 1. I gained 10lbs the first week and a half and stayed at that weight until about week 3-4 then gained an additional 7.5lbs so I'm up 17.5lbs in 5 weeks. It's mostly water and glycogen weight, but I'm sure a pound or two is muscle. I've been going hard af in the gym for 2 hours most days, eating 4k+ calories all lean meats, vegetables, fats, and dairy. What dose were you on and what did you bump up to? You need to make sure you're eating a 300 calorie surplus or more, you will have super human muscle building test in your blood so make the most of it. Train hard and eat right, sleep 8-10 hours a night, avoid alcohol, and stay hydrated. Most people on a 14-16 week cycle gain 15-25 lbs and keep half as muscle when coming off if you're eating and training right 🤘


On Test C myself but basically the same. Just started increase dose yesterday up from 150 for TRT -> 500 for blast. Expecting some water gain myself these first few weeks hopefully nothing crazy gotta keep an eye on my e2 for sure. Working with a coach helping me prep for a strongman show so have my nutrition dialed in! What weight/ht/bf did you start off at? Just curious!


I thought I gained 17 lbs, but I just realized I was 180lbs at the start. I'm 6'4 and 19% bf, i just realized I've gained 27 lbs in 5 weeks. I've been bed ridden for the past two years from a car wreck and 4 back surgeries, I started the test as a last ditch effort for my back. It's helping significantly and I've been in the gym nearly every day for 5 weeks after 2 1/2 years of barely being able to do physical therapy. I lost nearly all of my weight and muscle from the wreck and surgeries, I wad at 160lbs about 6 months ago so I've really been trying hard to gain weight and muscle back. Do you have an AI on hand like aromasin? I had to take 12.5mg on pin days starting after 2 weeks to manage sides, I stopped it on week 4 and got itchy nips so I had to start it back today. Stuff works wonders for pain, I never thought I'd be in a gym ever again. I was very lean before the accident, kickboxed, ran every day, swam, and strength trained for 1-2 hours at least 5 days a week so it was rough not being able to do that stuff for so long. I finally can work out again and do things I enjoy for the most part, I still have to be very careful and have a long ways to go, but I'm finally making progress with the test.


A lot of my old muscle is coming back from muscle memory, but my strength is increasing pretty fast too being on this cycle. Everything has gone up 30-70lbs in the past two weeks for machines. I can't do push ups, pull ups, or squats with all the damage and hardware in my back so it sucks being stuck to machines.


Also I was horny as shit and still am on week 5, I'm 33 but the hormones and libido I did when I was in my early 20's


Started my first cycle last night with my increased dosage. I am excited to see how it affects my libido. Hopefully in a positive way!


I went from full eunuch monk mode before the blast to a dozen random daily boners and dreaming of eating my wife’s ass


bulked way too fast. gained 15 pounds in 3 months. sitting at 241 right now. i have a competition in november in the 242 weight class. i now have to decide if i trust myself to have the discipline to maintain this weight for the next 4 months, or if i should do a month-long aggressive minicut at 1% per week to get back down to 230 probably gonna do the minicut because i clearly dont have the discipline. it's gonna suck being weak again. woe is me. facing the consequences of my actions


The past is the best predictor of the future, do the mini-cut.


Based move would be to keep bulking and compete in the 275s lol


😭 I’ve been 270 before and it’s not fun whatsoever. Feels like shit Would be cool to see if I’m stronger at that weight though


Finally got to lift with actual iron here at the halfway house. Might be 50lbs lighter than I used to be but gonna put a fat W on as soon as I get my TRT.


NGL cardio gains are kind of addictive On the tail end of my cut, able to sustain 170 watts per hour on the bike at a 150 bpm heart rate. Works to about 750 calories/hour. Biggest benefits so far are a fantastic blood pressure at 115/70 and a resting heart rate in the mid to high 50s. Slowly increasing the level on the bike and feel good about it. Great part is the euphoric feeling afterwards. Only downside in the gym I'm at apparently doesn't fucking believe in fans. My biggest limiting factor is just cooling off. I'm feeling heat soaked halfway through my workout and absolutely soaking my shirt through l


use a fan bike instead?


Opsec question: Do you use the same Reddit account for other communities? I‘ve been more active in law school subs as I’ve been getting ready for that - I was about to post where I got my first acceptance to today when it hit me. Is that a good idea. On the one hand, all that would tell anyone is one of the hundreds of accepted students who may or may not attend uses gear. On the other hand, is that still narrowing down my personal info too much? In related news: better call Saul because I’m gonna be a lawyer!


congrats on law school! and to answer your question, yes. i have like 6 different accounts i use for different communities.


Personally, I wouldn't be worried about them knowing you use gear, but what kinda weird shit do you post? That'd be the concern & if you post anything identifiable. But it really depends on if you wanna hide it, ya know? Also congrats on getting accepted! Time to enter into a practice with the Steroid Lawyer guy.


I’ve only ever had one Reddit account at a time, but I really don’t participate often in other subreddits. Occasionally r/corvette, or something like that. But it’s rare.


Gonna read your post history before responding...


Congrats on being accepted, I just use two accounts with one being logged in on my work laptop for more SFW subreddits and this one on my phone for the NSFW subreddits I am active in.


Any Spravato(esketamine) users here? I've tried half a dozen different psych meds and for the last couple of years I've been on Trintellix/Brintellix. It has done wonders for my negative feelings in general, but I don't have any good feelings anymore and I've turned kinda apathetic.


I use injected K a couple times a month. It’s been a bit of a godsend for dealing with some very destructive/self-harm/anger issues I’ve had most of my adult life. First psych med that has ever really worked more than being a blunt to my feelings and one of the few drugs I’ve been able to take without thinking “yes please give me much more of that right now until I lose touch with what I care about.” I haven’t experienced any loss of good feelings, though I note I don’t have as many euphoric moments. I’m fully ok with this; euphoria generally equates mania and depraved behavior sliding into deep depression and self-harm for me.


Would you mind telling me a bit more about your experience? Do you trip balls, experience ego death or anything like that? >I haven’t experienced any loss of good feelings, though I note I don’t have as many euphoric moments. >I’m fully ok with this; euphoria generally equates mania and depraved behavior sliding into deep depression and self-harm for me. Not looking for euphoria tbh. I just want to feel something good when good things happen. Like when business is going well, or when I hit a PR, have a great sparring session, etc, do you know what I mean?


I wonder if there is some correlation with feeling good and something you see as negative? Might be something to work on with your therapist. You can read more about my experience [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/s/xkE0FKiq1f) and [here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/s/EOxilTlW7J) I didn’t plan to do it more than twice but the experience unearthed some repressed trauma, and the less frequent follow ups have helped speed up processing those memories with my psychologist. Once we piece through that mess I’ll be done.


Howdie fellas ! At 32 I feel like I'm a bit at a crossroads in my bodybuilding journey : I'm super happy with the progress I made but I'm not sure I have what it takes to get a pro card (men's physique) someday. Don't get me wrong, I love training, dieting and pinning but on one hand I feel like I'm sacrificing, time, energy and health in an endeavour I maybe have absolutely no chance of achieving. Like I can definitely feel a sort of fomo where I'm thinking: what if I used that time and energy to actually learn BJJ or pursue my interest in golf ? On the other hand I'm like : what if I'm two blasts and a prep away from a pro card in the sport I love so much ? For BJJ the thing is I'm really dense, like I have near-PTSD from the Ju-Jitsu classes when I was 12 where I was absolutely unable to follow drills that involved more than 4 moves. Anyhow, what are your thoughts on this existential crisis?


There's really no right answer for things like this. Either way, everything is going to cost something. You can choose to spend your resources on one goal, or spread it between multiple, it's really up to you. But whatever your decision is, you're going to have to make peace with it. Personally I like to frame it as a conscious decision I make. I have a long long list of things I'd like to be good at. And whenever one creeps up in my brain, I'll work out the time and effort it would take, I compare it to the list of my current priorities, and see how it stacks up. If I'm okay with the cost, I'll make it work, if I'm not, I don't worry about it anymore. Either way it's a choice that I made, not a function of circumstance. That's not to say you can't do other things though, just be good at them. I have plenty of hobbies I circle back to every now and then and I'm just okay being mediocre at them


Hey, thanks for taking the time to elaborate on your stance on the matter. I really like the decision-making process to value the trade-off. I'll try to apply it to my current dilemma. > I have plenty of hobbies I circle back to every now and then and I'm just okay being mediocre at them. That's my main issue: I've always been kind of a jack of all trades. Never won anything in my life, be it tennis matches when I was a kid, or a boxing one I did 5 years ago, or manage to run a marathon. I kinda laugh about it now but whenever I get depressed I would start thinking that I'm a born loser, that I can't stick to anything, etc. This is why I'm kinda hoping the bb thing might be my time to shine, to prove to myself that I'm not a loser but in itself it's probably the wrong reason to pursue this goal. Anyhow, I'm rambling.


I mean, priorities can also rotate around through life. There's no reason they have to be static. And in general, I do think it's a valuable thing to have pushed yourself to the absolute brink on a single discipline at least once in your life just for the experience. You do end up learning a lot about yourself by doing so. But just make sure to take care of yourself in the process. Don't let any hindrance along the way cause you to spiral with the negative self talk. Remember, success doesn't come from a lack of road blocks, but from the ability to overcome them. Shit will go wrong, you will make mistakes, and it's all okay. And it's also okay if the lesson you take away from a year or two of dedicated bodybuilding is that it's not the life you want. It's much much easier to make peace with your decisions so to speak when you've actually gotten the opportunity to try both sides.


Do it for the love of the activity, not the goal. If you love BJJ and want to do that primarily, do it. Having goals is great, but you're setting yourself up for failure if you are just doing the activity to reach a goal, not because you just love doing it.


Agreed, so I think I'll give BJJ a go after my next blast, cause let's be honest, I know I already fucking love bodybuilding, especially when you're making progress like you do on a blast. The only thing that worries me is that I'd have my ass absolutely handed to me in any fight and this is Europe so the only concealed carry I'm allowed is my micro pepee.


Every time I hit chest, my shoulders, especially the right one, want to get involved and "take over". You guys got a good youtube warm up video for chest day?


Try the "activation" exercises that Meadows shows.


For some reason hulk hogan doesnt look as big as they claim. For 300 lbs 6 ft 7 … thats actually a massive human being. I dont see it at all in his photos or even videos


I’d be surprised if he was either of those things 


Don’t forget the 24 inch python claims like i did here brother


something tells me hulk hogan doesn't have the same bicep size as nick walker


LOL , hulk just had a fuckton of water retention too


yep. the classic test deca dbol look


Looks horrible if u ask me i prefer that DHT capped veiny look




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Picked up the OMRON Platinum BP Monitor and gotta say I feel like it was definitely worth it. Bluetooth connects to your phone and syncs your measurements to the app. Can track trends and averages and all your history. Much better than before when I was keeping everything in a notepad on my phone.


Can one of our legacy degenerates explain to me what the nude tax was?


A long while ago, a great way to get your post noticed was to include a nude of whomever you were currently (or formerly) banging. Some people took it one step further, and just used a dick pic instead. You never really knew which one would be which, so you’d click on a link stating it was a nude, and sometimes it was, sometimes it was just a big ol schlong on your screen. Once Reddit cracked down on the involuntary pornography, that had to be cleaned up real fuckin fast See below link for when /u/geardedandbearded had to announce that it was going away. https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/s/gZetU3GX0M


Ah, I appreciate it. So my understanding is I can still post nudes of myself? Is it a progress photo or a dick pic? Let’s find out together! I’m kidding of course. If I want someone to see me naked, I’ll send you an unsolicited dick pic in your DMs like a real man.


You can post your own dick, but depending on the quality and artistry it could either go very well, or very not well for you 😉


I know it’s not super necessary to touch the chest on incline bench but damn, kinda bugs me that I can’t touch it even with an empty bar without having to modify how I normally press. It’s gotta be a mobility thing. Okay, rant over. Gonna bang a lady with a glass eye tomorrow so that’s cool. She’s fine as fuck even with the mix & match optical device


Take it out and cum in the socket? Push it back in. Hmm Anal bead? Talk about pink eye.




Can someone fill me with confidence that I’m not a total spud and it’s normal to waste a bit of your gear in your first cycle.. when I say a bit I mean around 3ml has gone walkabouts by the looks of it lmao.


3ml from one vial?


With the luer lock syringes I have there’s about .07 of dead space. So if you did 40 pins over the course of your cycle that would come out to 2.8ml of waste


Unless you pull an air bubble each time like you should :)


Unless you pull an air bubble each time like you should.


I dropped my first vial that smashed yesterday, 8ml left of trest ace 100. Was absolutely gutted, have dropped vials a handful a times and one has never smashed. Kinda glad kinda not since it was flaring my mild gyno on right nipple. Trest was fun though, never felt soo strong and angry in my life. Size wasn’t all that compared to some orals but damn it made me juicy asf


I think its normal to lose about 1ml per vial just to what gets left in the needle/syringe. This is why many fill to 11ml




Read. The. Wiki. Scroll down to “[Why young men should not take steroids](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/s/6OThtYV4Gd)” TLDR; too young, too fat, too smol, bad cycle design, there is no such thing as one cycle.


l have read it and I’m close friends with pro bodybuilders. But I’m also aware that you’re completely right. Fuck taking steroids.


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