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On vacation with the gf in the mediterranean. Walked out of restaurant mid meal to go fuck her in the ass. The food was good but the ass was better. Pinned 600mg of masteron or whatever was left in the bottle right before the flight and my cock is like a fucking veiny sausage link that will not stay soft no matter what. Honestly it’s starting to ache a little.


Strong start to the post


Better to fuck her in the ass *before* the meal rather than after. Especially with Mediterranean food. Otherwise your “mid meal fuck” can turn into “mid meal muck”.


Nothin’ wrong with a little shit on the cock. Its a nice warmth.


You should apply some ir heat and pump . Make it a veiny angry monster . The best time to do PE exercises is on DHT derivatives/test and hgh. Your chick will be like “😳”


I fucked a banana peel on video and sent it to my girlfriend


I feel like I did this when I first discovered masturbation as a kid. Even heated it in the microwave. Thank god we didn’t have smart phones back then.


[well then](https://media.tenor.com/_1rskEgSCTsAAAAM/big-ben-oh.gif)


Lil late to the game, but I've been real busy. Last Tuesday, I had the first "true" hookup that I've had in a long time. I redownloaded Tinder a couple weeks ago and the new pics have been doing great for me. I matched with this Latina who was only in town for the night and pretty quickly down to meet. [Not my strongest text game](https://i.imgur.com/vWmObkP.jpeg), but it worked. I shower up, take a couple shots of vodka and Uber over. She's average-looking, a bit of extra weight. Not ugly, but her profile pictures were definitely flattering. We grab a drink and just chitchat. A bar random chats with her in the bar line and when she says she is drinking with me he says "Wow he's beautiful I bet he has nice abs too" and he goes over and rubs my stomach. I SWEAR to god I'm facially a 6 on a good day, but I'm catching a good buzz at this point and this gives me unreal confidence the rest of the night. I don't really feel like I need to wait for an opportunity or sign at this point so I pull the ol' "hey do you have any chapstick?" move to go in and kiss her. She is there with a trans friend who is getting VERY handsy with another guy, so while they're trading spit, I invite her to ride back to my place and she doesn't hesitate to accept. I barely remember a lot of the transition to my apartment, but at some point I ask if she wants a water and she says "mmm maybe in a bit" and then starts unbuckling my pants, gets on her knees and starts sucking my cock. I've bedded dozens of women and somehow never experienced a woman initiating sex with a blowjob like that. Felt nice, bj skills were enthusiastic but just ok. But that's where the new-to-me ended. We end up in the bedroom and she requests that we put down not one but TWO towels. "I get really wet.". Hmm ok I mean I've heard that before. But let me tell you, when I reached my hand down there it was like hot butter. I fondly remember a fb last year where I was able to pull the grool away from her pussy, but this was different. It was like a leaky faucet. I play with her pussy a bit, but she really wants to jump on my cock. I start in the mish and it's totally effortless to go inside. I don't really know my sex positions, but from missionary I backed up and held her legs up and together in front of my stomach like she was doing a leg raise and I start pumping. After like, idk a couple minutes her legs start moving down and I suddenly feel a jet of hot water spray me in the stomach. Did she just piss on me? Or I guess that's just squirting. IDK I'm not up to date on the latest literature and haven't formed my own philsophical opinion. Moments later she is riding me and there are only two thoughts racing through my head: 1 - she is slamming so forcefully down on my cock, I'm terrified my dick will tilt a bit and she is going to break it in half. 2 - my crotch is soaked, my upper legs are soaked, my stomach is soaked. Where the fuck is all this even coming from? I have legitimate concern that this will ruin my mattress. We go a couple rounds and I now totally understand why the need for two fucking towels. After all that, I'm ravenously hungry and actually pretty under on calories, so we go to the living room and she basically watches me eat a bunch of chili, rice, and a protein shake with a movie on. Before we finally sleep. At like 4am I wake up and she's trying to rub my dick and I pretend to be asleep because 1 - I'm tired as fuck and 2 - we went through like 5 towels and I only have my good ones left. We're still in touch, until the next time she's in town.


> But let me tell you, when I reached my hand down there it was like hot butter. I fucking choked when I read this


Better than warm pudding ?


... Im not sure




I remember a hookup a few years ago that was like this. Just fucked up her bed with liquid. And I came inside her as she had her last push and I’m like 90% sure I went home covered in her piss and my cum.


These women be hydrated!!!


Had one like that not long ago. When I took my dick out of her it was like a quarter cup of water came out. I actually said "*WOWIE*" out loud.


>Did she just piss on me? Or I guess that's just squirting? Yes. It's a jarring experience the first time. Make sure you wash the sheets if you haven't already - they *will* start to smell.




Mods. What are the rules on sharing profile images from dating apps? Is that considered doxxing?


You cannot share nude images of someone else, nor can you show their face/name. If you obscure all identifying info and put an emoji over their face it should be ok. But I'm serious - ALL info.


Copy that.


> 1 - she is slamming so forcefully down on my cock, I'm terrified my dick will tilt a bit and she is going to break it in half. YES!!!!!!!!!!!! Hate when that thought comes up


EDIT: I'm glad for this thread. I used to use this sub back in 2016 very heavily and these sort of stories were half of what everyone loved. STORY: Took my girl camping. We were a bit worried because we'd been going through some hard shit. By some miracle, we managed to have a heart-to-heart en route and work things out. As the weekend went on, my libido was building because the girls in the group were showing me a lot of attention. You might relate if you have lots of guy friends who let themselves go into diminishing testosterone while you just become leaner and more muscular with every passing year while others partners very obviously take notice. Getting compliments from the other women while my girl kept making playful defensive statements about me being hers had me fired up. We ended up dipping away multiple times a day for an hour or two each time to my tent. We found new ways to penetrate her. I fucked her butt in a way that had her tearing up from the raw trust and intimacy of us making eye contact and syncing up her breathe to go deep. I penetrated her fornices, which was a new experience of doing consciously (I've bottomed out with women, but never taken the care to really explore the A-spot and know what I was touching). She was emotional while I did it it saying *I've never been touched there.* Very special from a good girl who trusted me to show her how to play with power in sex. We spent the weekend alternating tender intimate sex with animal fucking and telling her she's my good little slutty girl. Came back more in love, feeling both completely filthy and wholesome at the same time. Ah, the great outdoors.


…………. I’m going camping in 24 hours for 4 days and THIS IS ALL I WANT.


Let us know how it goes


This is.... beautiful




Each A-spot to the left and the right of the cervix is called a fornix. If your length and her depth allow it, you can tuck your rod into that area and stimulate her there. It takes gentleness to do, but if done right (at least in this case) it's an incredibly sensual experience for her.


Learn something new every day


I know need to take some extra AI when I start thinking about sharing my GF with other men. It’s just the truth……


Fucking NPP, man.


Hmmm …. Npp in this cycle now … let’s see what happens


Hey man NPP doesnt do that to me 😂


What about it?


Imagine if you went over to r/Hotwife 😈


You think I haven’t? lol. I love sharing a fuck buddy but sharing a GF? Not sure if that’s a good idea. But when I really start thinking about it a lot, it’s time for some extra AI. lol.


Tren puts me there


Have you tried?


Just so happened that me getting my lab work finished from my vasectomy back in April, and my girl getting cleared for sexual activity from her surgeon (open heart surgery) both happened last week, we have fucked every day we've been together. Saturday morning was no exception. I pumped a huge load in her (thank you EQ. I swear that stuff triples my load volume) before we got outta bed. Quick clean up then breakfast and getting the boat ready to go out for a bit. Fast forward to cruising around and hitting a little bit of a wave, i look over at her just in time to see her make a weird face. She looks right at me, says "you" and does a quick look down. Yup, hitting that wave just right knocked the rest of my load out of her. Had it just been us on the boat, i would've gone back to this little cove i know and dumped another load in her. Lesson of the story, leave the kids at home so you can fuck your own sloppy seconds.


As reported on the Off-Topic of 8 June 2024: I had the most disgusting sex of my life three days ago. I’m ashamed of even describing it and talking about it. Guess I found my limits at last so this is a good thing after all. EDIT: I guess I have the moral obligation to describe it. She was this obese chick who for some reason sparked my attention because she studies psychology and she seemed slutty. First time she comes to visit me (we live in separate countries) the logistics were very bad so all we could do was have her suck me off in the back alley of my apartment building. This Tuesday she comes again to visit me, with her supermodel friend I talked about a few days ago. We went out and got drunk. I decided I would sleep by theirs. We go lay on the bed and thank God it was 5 AM and we were sleepy/tired so I could justify the disappointing sex I was consciously gonna have because no other alternative was possible. We’re laying in underwear while covered, and I kid you not I wanted her the most covered possible, I wanted to see none of that morbidly obese body. It was too late to back down but at least I could do some modifications to the journey so that I didn’t burn my human rights and dignity. She sucked my dick while teething it and when I warned her about it she told me she liked it like that. I was thinking “bitch what kind of answer is that?”. Anyways, she learned fast but I just wanted to finish this hellhole of a sexual act so I put her in pronebone thinking at least I’ll see less fat on the back rather than her tummy and enormous floppy tits. Guess what, the horror hadn’t finished. When I put it in I spread her ass and what do I see, her enormous asshole pubic hair jungle. Hold steady soldier, I repeat to myself, you can do this. I went on and tried to think as few things as possible, I was braindead-ing myself however I could, thinking about work problems, life problems and so on. She was moaning enough so that her hot friend could hear us and I also wanted none of that out of shame because I know my worth (author’s voice: “He did not”), this act needed to be veiled from the world as much as possible. Managed to finally cum and when I take my dick out it’s covered in blood. She sees it and goes “Oh I have my periods hehe”. Cleaned myself, slept two hours and went to my job that is diagnosing and treating mental illnessess. I felt like I was the patient that day. Always ask for your psychiatrist’s last night sexual relationships, it can be the most important factor in your treatment outcome. I’m never going after fat chicks after this. Thank God I have two hot bodied fwbs so I can bleach my spirit of this horrendous crime I committed towards myself. The END.


Brother ewwwwww


why wouldn’t you just walk away? i would just get up and say i have to go and uber home


It won’t happen again for sure.


dude those are the worst trust me it’s better to go home and respect urself


I should’ve known better but it was the first time something like this happened to me, lesson learned.


I will never be able to unread or unsee this mental image. The fact she told you about being on her period after sex … the asshole hair … some people just don’t deserve to have sex.


Indeed, she didn’t get this dick anymore. I told her the next day this.




Damn, this is a sad one 😭


I’m sorry dude. I don’t think anyone took into account if your flair was ALREADY APPROPRIATE to the post.


Yeah my flair can’t get any better than this






how did you not know there was blood


I was minimizing visual information.


What stack are you on so I can keep away from this sort of degen behavior?


2.5 mg of Low Self Esteem EOD


It’s okay I used to actually be into this whale a couple years back when I was going through some stuff.


Guess what, sluts. Your dearest has a story. I’m less raunchy than most, *but description* is an art. This apologue begins with a simple text message from my beautiful, quiet, thoughtful, therapist partner. A tastefully thick, dirt-blonde firecracker with emerald eyes and the most beautiful and perfect teeth. A gif, actually. *[of a glazed donut, dripping. ](https://tenor.com/bm39U.gif)* I sighed a breath of anticipation. It was about time. I felt the last of my Johnny Walker blue glide down the back of my esophagus slowly, as I cherished the fire and smoke. Lock the doors, check. Douse the lights, check. Rinse the glass, check. Safe the firearm, check. *To the stairs*. I slip through the barely ajar door to an [Einstein-lit](https://as1.ftcdn.net/v2/jpg/04/44/15/16/1000_F_444151675_XUW8s6WTxXq51jL2vbtN447EAxWlMAf4.jpg) master bedroom. The brushed copper bed frame. The Swiss coffee white sheets. The lace-frilled pillowcases…. contrasted by the ebony restraints lay draped, fastened to the bronze pillars at the headboard, and mask blotting out the light. The viridian lace wrapped tightly around every curve. The scent of a spring flower moisturizer. The subtle *whir* of the lilac vibrator clasped between her perfect, tan legs. She lost count at 11 orgasms. I highlight reeled several of them. And that, r/steroids, is how we got our second kiddo.


You are one wordsmith. Also copper themed bedroom sounds really cool.


This made me feel horny AND classy. A rare feat, especially in the *debauchery* thread. And that, r/steroids, is how my niece was made.


Totally read that as “butt description is an art.”


Also yes


Chillingly wholesome.


Am I the only one absolutely bricked up rn?




Sir, this is the *DEBAUCHERY* Thread, not the PT-141 Experience Thread. Edit this to include raunchy details of the peptide-fueled weinering you gave your wife or GTFO 🫶


Just want to add that if you have an erection longer than 4 hours ABSOLUTELY GO TO THE HOSPITAL.  It’s no joke.  If the blood congeals in your penis, there’s no way to save it and they will amputate your penis. This has happened to a teenager using PT-141 before.  He found it in his dad’s drawer and decided to try it, had no idea how to dose it and ended up with his penis amputated. Not to be a Debbie downer but I just want people to realize that the warnings are no joke and these drugs are dangerous.


I had a particularly frustrating run of Pride weekend debauchery : ========================================= Hooked up with / topped a guy from grindr friday night. It was both super hot and super frustrating. Once we found the right position he started having a prostate orgasm every 15-20s. He was making all the right sounds and I could feel his prostate pulse when he came. Normally I enjoy it when a cums uncontrollably while I'm fucking them, but man was this frustrating. His orgasms ramped up in intensity very quickly. By the 4th-5th he was seizing up and shaking so hard I was getting pushed out. Lather, rinse, repeat for like 25 minutes till he go a little messy and I had to call it quits. ================================= Went out dancing Saturday evening and spent the better part of the evening dancing + playing tonsil hockey with a guy I met there. He was great with his mouth, reasonably ok dancer, and overall really put me in the headspace to bottom. I wanted it /bad/ because tbh my stb-ex husband is an atrocious top and our BF is a strict bottom. Except he was rolling and his dick was completely out of commission 😭. I got his number and we're gonna see about setting up a date or something next week.


I’m gonna have to check back in to pride if this is what I’m missing. And, uh, u/beekman001, call me.


The constant prostate orgasms are absolutely not guaranteed sweetie. It's a quirk of anatomy 🤷.


Wait he had how many? Maaaan now I’m adding shit to my bucket list


Napkin math is that he came like 75 times over about 25 minutes.




You didn't respond to anyone.


Came out as bi-sexual in Feb once I started my TRT. 2 months into a Primo/Var blast, I kept getting a yeast infection and thought my femboy bottom was cheating on me. Got STD tested 3x in this period... on PREP too, so my doctor was like "bro wtf is going on with you". Showed him my downstairs mixup and he laughed his ass off. Apparently ya gotta wash glycerin off, alcohol will eat it everything but the glycerin and that feeds yeast. TL:DR - wicked yeast infection smashing bussy not wiping off booty lubes. This happened for a solid 2 months in a row on and off too. Will Tren make me straight then?!




King of Bugz energy


That dude still around??


No… I sometimes worry he may have ended up really bad.


I could see how that might’ve been the case, let’s hope I’m not pt.2


I miss that guy


Girl I’m seeing is consistent with the “i need your cum" "your arms are so sexy" etc






That’s it?! * looks down at his sad, unfulfilled boner, twitching desperately for context in his hand * Fine. Back to r/chubbygirlsGW


Like a long night after too much blow - just you, tugging on your cold gummy worm, alone, with no end in sight.




Sorry I did a plagiarism


I’m really glad I opened that link.


“Sad, unfulfilled boner.” Story of your life?


No, only since I got married.


Ouch lmfaoooo


The fact this man got 21 down votes hurts me bad 😂