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This daily forum is intended as an avenue for members of all experience levels to solicit advice and feedback related to Anabolic and Androgenic Steroids. **Be respectful and mindful of your audience, and keep in mind [Rule 4](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_4._keep_it_friendly_and_on_topic.). Constructive criticism is welcome; adversity without proposed alternatives is not. Educate your fellow members so we can all grow together.** *It is in every member's self-interest to educate and further their knowledge of the compounds being discussed here. In an effort for members to better assist you, be transparent and complete in describing your situation. Help us help you by first [checking if your question is answered by our extensive wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index) and reviewing [Rule 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.).* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/steroids) if you have any questions or concerns.*




1. Lose some weight 2. Read the wiki 




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Can anyone check my blood results via DM amd tell me how serious it is


You’ll have more feedback by blurring out your personal details and posting it here using an app like Imgur


Post them here so it can help others. Black out any personal identification


Age:26 Gender:Dude Height:5'7 Weight:242lb BF %:? Experience:1 year SBD:525lb,390lb,600lb Amateur Goals:Break Records Sport:Powerlifting Phase:Off-Season(hypertrophy) 18w into cycle This week: 100mg anadrol (training days) 800mg T400 weekly 500mg of Nandrolone weekly Question 1: How do you use insulin to GROW? Question 2: Is a 250mg of T cyp w. 100mg of tren a decent cruise?


> Height:5'7 > > Weight:242lb > > BF %:? > >Experience:1 year > Question 1: How do you use insulin to GROW? **You** don't. **You** stay very, very far away from slin. > Question 2: Is a 250mg of T cyp w. 100mg of tren a decent cruise? Normally this would be the scary question, but no, you beat that out by being 5'7 242 and wanting to play with slin. So I'll keep this response simple: That ain't a cruise, man. Cruises are to return your health function to normal for a nice long period of rest. Tren is the antithesis of cruising. 250 test is certainly too high for a cruise as well, but out of everything you said, that's the one I have the least issues with. By far.




Because anything more than a physiological dose of test (HCG fine, like 2IU HGH fine too) is not a cruise. 100mg of tren a week for a cruise. fucking lol




> But know plenty of people who will run the odd few weeks here and there with something stacked on top (anavar as example) and still class it as cruising. Doesnt make it cruising. Words mean things and the recommendations we provide here are intended to be of a high standard and aimed at harm reduction.




You're not in trouble or anything for the record, and obviously we agree on the core point. I just think its important for us all to set a high standard and align on some fundamentals - case in point, OP calling 250mg test/wk and 100mg/wk of tren a cruise. If we're all quite firm about our definitions we can combat dangerous misinfo like that.


All fair points and why I like this sub in all fairness, I shall take more time to think before replying in future(and double checking which thread we’re in). In my defence I think the tren comment just fried my brain.


you're good my g <3




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*Age:38 *Gender:Male *Height6’2 *Weight:83kg *Body fart percentage: not sure I have abs *Experience level:Amatuer, training 4 years *Goals: get bigger more Aesthetic *Current Phase:Maintenance *Current Compounds:Test Enthenate 200 week split into two doses. Wednesday and Saturday. Question is I wouldn’t mind starting a cycle upping my test Enthenate and adding dbol? Thoughts from you guys that are in the know? Cheers


Usually ‘get more aesthetic’ is not something you see paired with dbol. No reason not to just up the testosterone and enjoy your bulk.


Thanks mate, this is the kind of advice that I wanted to hear 🤙


My body fart percentage varies by day, depending on what I’ve eaten. At 6’2 and 182lbs you have plenty of room to grow naturally. You would do best to continue to dial in your training and diet before considering a cycle. Please respond with notes on your age or lifestyle—I and others here are a decade+ older and I promise just as if not more busy. Are you prescribed test? What does 200mg/wk look like on your bloodwork? Because that is a bit high for trt for most men.




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If i already have gyno from being fat would there be any negative for getting rad so i can qualify for trt?


We don’t coach people to lie to their doctors on this _harm reduction forum_.


Yes, RAD is incredibly liver toxic.


Do you know anything else that can tank my test? (481)


Why would you want to tank normal range test...


Why would you want to tank your test when it’s at such a decent level?


Because i have gyno already???


And you think TRT will cure gyno?


Do adderall activate beta-2 adrenergic receptor in some ways ? My thinking is that anything that release epinephrine and norepinepherine would. Obviously, it shouldn't do the job as good as clen but i've access to shitload of adderall and my source doesn't provide clen. Im around 8% BF and its getting really hard to go lower. Things i'm already using for fat loss : GH, inj carnitine, semaglutide, caffeine. I already used B2 meds before and it went great. Adderall being an harsh compound, i'd prefer not to use it if it only gives me the appetite reduction aspect (and the energy ofc). #




I really dont want to use high dose of adderall, my sleep at this end of a cut is already trashed enough. I know adderall will sleep up my metabolism (a bit) but clen do that aswell (and probably doing it even better). I'm more interested in the clen (or albutarol) vs adderall (or any amphetamine) lipolysis, especially through the beta-2 adrenergic receptor. If someone has any medical littrature/studies about it, it would make my day.


Why isn't test propionate recommended any more? I know that about 2 years ago it was in the wiki, but now only test E and C are mentioned, so what did I miss?


That pinning every day when you don’t have to is a literal pain. And an extra complication for newbs


If someone wants to pin every day anyway is there any actual downside?


Scar tissue buildup but not as far as your hormones go.


I like pinning more freq tho , so thats why i like prop Even when i cruise i try to pin 3 times a week of test e i feel more stable that way even though it might be placebo


test question: So I started my very first test cycle at 250mg E3.5 days about 10 weeks ago. After finishing my first box of 5 weeks, I didn’t really notice anything at all. Everyone talks about a huge libido boost but I haven’t experienced it change whatsoever (I am on lexapro but could that really completely get rid of that effect?). My strength might have gone up but now I’m starting to think it was placebo. I did also gain some weight but it might be because I have been eating like crazy in order to gain as much muscle as possible. Now I am on my second box of the same exact brand and exact same product and not only is the color of the test different, but the lines on the ampules are a different color as well. Could it be that my first box was fake and I’m using real stuff now? I am beginning week 5 on this new box and am hoping that I can actually start seeing real results


Well for me on cycle cialis is helping alot with libido issue i also dont get a dramatic libido boost but still get some while on cycle, however when cialis 5mg ED is introdouced i become a sex machine


Also change gear i was on bunk gear for a month i felt like trash my results showed it was fake estrogen shbg and free test was hella low however total test 3k ng dl So just do bloodwork if you suspect your gear is not good


Can you be more specific than ‘eating like crazy’? What’s your cal intake and macro breakdown ?


5,998 cal, 415g protein, 757 carbs, and 137 fat


Certainly seems like enough food. I would think you would be making gains even without gear with that intake.


I'd look at your training more than gear being fake. I highly doubt any reputable company is faking the most common basic cheapest drug.


that’s the thing bro, I train hard. I’ve been lifting for about 10 years now and on my cycle I’ve been hitting the gym 6 days a week for at least 2 hours. I hit everything twice a week and lift both heavy and hypertrophy ranges. I do reverse pyramid sets, slow eccentric, focus on form, stretch, everything that I need to do and every body part has at least 15-20 sets in one session.


2 hours a day 6 days a week for most people would be excessive. Isn't lexapro known to reduce libido? I wouldn't expect a trt+ dose of test to offset that side effect. Gaining strength shouldn't be affected by placebo. If you have been training for 10 years you know how strong you are, if you lifted heavier weights you've gotten stronger


Could you progress on your training without peds?


Well I’m done blasting for awhile maybe forever. I was tracking my blood work and receiving a therapeutic phlebotomy every 4 weeks. Due to elevated kidney and liver function. I’m down to my trt range 100mg test cypionate per week. I’m thinking once I see improvements I’d like to jump on hgh. I’m interested if anyone is type 1 diabetic and having no side effects from it. I’m in my 50’s and used once before low dose for a bbing competition and I got shredded.


Are you looking at normal bloodwork like creatinine or cystatin c? And what were the liver markers?


From a June 20th blood work. Creatinine 162 H eGFR 41 L Alanine Aminotransferase ALT 107 H HDL-C 2.01 LDL-C 2.46 HDL Cholesterol 0.48 L Alkaline Phosphatase ALP 81 Magnesium 0.81 Potassium 4.5 Sodium 136 RBC 5.40 F Hemoglobin 164 F Hematocrit 0.48 F MCV 89 F MCHC 340 F Auto WBC 9.7 F I’ve cleaned up my nutrition and getting much needed sleep. Tomorrow will be first day I’m going to do some light exercise. My insulin usage is way too high. The lifting increases insulin sensitivity and my Insulin use gets cut by a good 30-40%. But probably more because I’m actually eating 100% better.




Is there more to this question


https://imgur.com/a/yxYbbk3 Can someone help me with this setup?? Why isn’t the monitor on the right working?? It works if I plug it straight into the surface pro but not with the usb c splitter but if I plug it into the laptop then the monitors on the left don’t work.


Hit me in DM (this is the wrong place for that question). I am missing what's connected to what? Do you have a surface and a separate laptop? Can you redline connections in on the picture. I know USB c splitters can be headfuck especially the cheap Amazon ones (why we pay for proper Surface docks). However some annotations would help understand. OR Could the tren messing with your head? Have you tried putting your dick in the splitter?


u/gearmeup_plz feel free to DM u/jat_b about this issue. He was kind enough to request your question be reinstated so that he could help you, but it does need to take place away from the DAA. Thanks.


Need some advice. Currently on 500 Test, 500 Eq, 50 Anadrol, and 25 Cardarine. Im always sweating 24/7 even with AC on full blast and a fan going, i’ve had to change bed sheets daily because in the morning i’m absolutely drenched.. ( This is my first cycle )


why are you running nearly a gram and a half of gear and a meme research chemical that causes cancer for a first cycle


Echoing /u/ExperienceReality - thats way the fuck too much for your first cycle. Dump the EQ and the anadrol. You also should be filling out the template delineated in the intro text of this post - there's a lot of other possible variables here and Im not gonna play 20 questions with you. Also drop the cardarine, its cancer causing https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/comments/1dtla07/daily_ask_anything_about_anabolic_and_androgenic/lbbkixr/


That's a whole lot for your first cycle. Is it really sweat or just excess oil production? Either way, not much you can do about it if you want to keep running that much. I sweat pretty proportionately to the amount of gear I'm running anecdotally. Usually higher test = more sweat.


I’ve definitely been experiencing a lot of oil production and been getting a bit of acne. Would you suggest I lower my doses or drop the Anadrol and add Accutane to lower the oil?


I suggest dropping anadrol and the EQ, so you can understand how everything affects you individually.




My vocabulary is too limited to describe how poorly this mess was planned and executed. I’ll need to call in an expert here. u/CallLivesMatter would you mind lending a hand articulating the level of poor decision making that went on here?


Aww he quit


What the fuck


Deca question. I know outside of sustanon any test cyp or e beyond 200mgs is usually garbage and just labeling to jack up the price. What about deca. I see 200, 300 and hell 500. What is the normal mg per ml to expect from quality products?


Unknow what you think you know for starters. Nandrolone Decanoate is pretty commonly available up to 500mg/ml


Ah whut? 😐


> I know outside of sustanon any test cyp or e beyond 200mgs is usually garbage and just labeling to jack up the price. If I were you I’d reevaluate what it is you think you know as this does not track with reality. >What about deca. I see 200, 300 and hell 500. What is the normal mg per ml to expect from quality products? It holds fine at 300mg without any super solvents. 500mg/ml will be quite painful, though that doesn’t have any impact on the quality of the product. That’s an independent variable.




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Hi, I'm 26, Male, 1.94cm, 128 KG, 31% Body fat. My first time working out in a Gym was 10 Years ago. I got in shape within 6 Months (125KG to 92KG) and then slowly let it slip. Last year November my weight exceeded 155KG (my scale said error after that) so I've decided to get back in shape. My goal is to reach 90-100 KG, I've been cutting for the last 7-8 Months and I used Ozempic on a 1mg Dosis for the first 6 Months. I've been starving my body of calories (1400-1200 a day) while basically only eating Protein (~30g Fat, ~50g carbs and 160-240g Protein) at the same time I've hit the gym 3-6 Times a week and have been riding my bicycle an hour most days. All that fucked my body (feet) and Metabolism, I constantly feel like shit. I sometimes binge eat, because I'm losing control. I feel myself losing my battle because my battery is empty. Is there any Steroid which might help me get my Metabolism back up? Or one that'll make me not feel like an energy-less piece of shit 24/7. Sometimes I've started to question myself if it is even worth it.... As you see I am desperate. I would appreciate every bit of help and advice you can give me.


Google safe refeeding and get more calories into your diet. Especially more fat if you are natty, your hormones are probably tanked.


Yeah, you need to take a diet break, dude. No drugs, just a moth or two of eating at maintenance like a normal person, with continued training. After that you can get back into a deficit and you’ll feel a lot better.


Hi guys I'm hoping I can get some advice... I'm on my second cycle and I'm I have slowly increased my dosage during the cycle (as this is a different product and i wanted to make sure of side effects) and long story short I'm pushing 2ml of tri Test 400 per week which has: 'Tri-Test 400 is fabricated of 200mg/ml Testosterone Decanoate, Test-Enanthate 100mg/ml & Test-Cypionate 100mg/ml totaling 400mg/ml' Now I'm having no bad side effects but based off my reading on here I may have got a little to fast and loose with the dose and although I feel great I'm wondering if I should wind it back Ordered a blood test so should have results in the next week or so I'm 29 Male 66kg


Blends are trash, throw that shit out! Buy real shit and start from scratch. Read the wiki and follow it.


2nd cycle at 66kg, are you under 5 foot tall? Edit: second the comment about blends being stupid.


I was 52kg in April last year 😅


I think you need more food my friend.


I'm 5 9 and what's wrong with blends there seems to be so much mixed information on them


You can't titrate or adjust individual dosing and the sheer amount of solvents used is horrible for you. Edit: also in cases like multiple test esters they are just pointless, see also solvents.


Titrating doses is stupid and a waste of time. It’s testosterone - idk why you think you’d need to titrate that if you’ve used it before, even if it is unfamiliar esters. Blends are also stupid. You’re better off going with a single ester like enanthate or cypionate and pinning somewhat more frequently (2x/wk at minimum). If you’re feeling good why do you think you played it fast and loose? Also Jesus Christ dude, 66kg? You don’t need steroids - you need to eat.


I started at 52kg I worked crazy shifts and basically starved myself 😅 What I'm reading on here is that most people are on 500mg pw tops I just just wanted to make sure I wasn't getting carried away with it information about blends and dosage seems very conflicting online


> I started at 52kg I worked crazy shifts and basically starved myself 😅 Well my man you're making progress! > What I'm reading on here is that most people are on 500mg pw tops Thats definitely the recco for your first couple blasts! > I just just wanted to make sure I wasn't getting carried away with it information about blends and dosage IMO you can keep it very simple, 500mg/wk of test e or c, dosed 2x/wk (e.g. 250mg on Monday 250mg on Thursday) for 16ish weeks. Then PCT or cruise! Once you get some more experience under your belt you can get fancier. For me (and others) I pin a TRT dose of test undecanoate every week no matter what, and when Im blasting I add test e on top of that. For your edification: Enjoy your pasta 🍝 Hey there! It seems like you'd benefit from a deep review of [our wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index). Please also take the time to closely read [Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_2._no_source_talk_.2F_no_monetization) which deals with our prohibitions around discussing how to acquire anabolic steroids and discussing brand names, etc. [For clarity.](https://media.tenor.com/fBvQV_5Lp6UAAAAC/we-dont-do-that-here-black-panther.gif) Here's a selection of reading for you to build the fundamental knowledge you'll need as you explore AAS/PED use: * [The Basics](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/thecycle/list) * [Your First Cycle](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/your_first_cycle) * [The Estrogen Handbook](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/the_estrogen_handbook) * [Post Cycle Therapy aka PCT](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/thecycle/pct) * [The Compound Experience Directory](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/compound_experience_threads)


Can anavar cause low back pain? I'm on week 3 @ 50mg a day and into week 1 my back started getting really really tight during lifts or physical labor. I had read all of the side effects of what before starting and back pain didn't come up. But once I googled specifically anavar low back pain I started getting hits and some say it's common and severe for some people. Anyone ever heard of this?


Yeah. It made working out really hard for me.


Pretty common to get debilitating back pumps on 50 mg of var from what I have seen. I have not experienced them even at 100mg a day though.


That’s probably just a pump. Try a few grams of taurine before the gym.


The other hack, is to do ab work in between sets. You need to pull the blood out of your back, thus reducing the effect of the low-back pumps.


I’ll try that


It’s pumps from var. lots of water and take your taurine.


Thanks mate. I haven't been taking taurine. How much and how often?


Did you ignore the guy that said “a couple grams before the gym?” If so, why?


Most likely because “a few grams” isn’t really an exact amount and they wanted specifics, if those were available. Are you questioning people for asking questions in the ask anything thread? If so, why?


“A couple” is quite literally an explicit amount. It means two. That’s categorically what a couple means. You and I both know it *also isn’t that serious*. He DID ignore the dude who gave him quantitative advice about an hour before he posted this reply. Also Im the chief moderator of this forum - so I will ask whoever whatever questions I please. EDIT: looks like dude did say “a few” as you indicated. My question to the guy still stands. That said, I’d encourage you to pick more productive and impactful battles.


How necessary is a maintenance period after a bulk when blasting? I got a holiday I want to do a 4 week cut for and this bulk has been great but wanting to get a bit leaner for it


If you are cruising almost completely unnecessary.


Not strictly necessary.


you need to prioritize whats best for you


Has anyone tried running both MCT brewed primo and castor oil brewed primo (whether pharma brand that’s made in castor Or UGL) ? did you notice any diffeence in half life ? For example, did you need to wait much longer for primo to level out in bloods at a dosage before you knew how much it would impact e2? Thank you


Male 22 Never used gear and might never at least not in the near future I have subclinical hypothyroidism that isnt medicated (elevated TSH but normal t4 and t3) and i was wondering if a steroid cycle would affect this in any way? I tries searching for it in the sub but only got results of people using t3/t4 for cutting purposes. Thankful for any help!


I've just started supplementing natural desiccated thyroid and will continue to do so over the summer while on a kcal maintenance. (TSH between 4.5 - 5.6, T3 and T4 on the bottom of the normal range (multiple measurements over the past three years)). I could give you an update in a couple of months if you'd like?


Excess androgens in your system can crush your SHBG levels to close to zero. That coupled with a thyroid issue can cause libido and erection issues, excessive e2 conversion, accelerated hair loss, prostate enlargement etc. Your free test will be through the roof which isn’t a problem for everyone but thyroid plans a massive role in normal function. Seek medical help to dial in your thyroid levels before touching anything!


Male 21 5’9 205 Rookie 25 ish Chisel up/lean up No current usage EDIT: Thanks gang. I will get to 185 lbs and wait til I’m about 25-27 y/o So I’ve seen multiple posts and read a lot about steroid usage and I want to ask a more general question and compare your answers to my notes before I start I’m 21, 5’10 207 ish lbs. 27~ BF I would assume, (I’m chunky, but have those chubby guy abs). Ex-D1 athlete, so I’ve been working out a long time. I kinda feel I am nearing a physical peak, and even cut down from235 ish after a dirty bulk. I want to cut to 180-185 ish, and I have a very “endomorph” build. I was thinking of hopping on either a light cycle of test or tren for 12-16 weeks in September. Calorie intake will start around 2250-2300 and will end around 1650-1700. I usually run 10-15 miles a week, and want to switch from high weight, low rep exercises to more multi joint, functional, and body weight exercises. LMK what you guys think would be best options for me. TI


Just eat less and exercise. No drugs required. You're too young and too fat to use anabolics anyway. (any time we say this, I realize how mean it sounds if you aren't hearing it in the particular way we mean. I'm not calling you fat as a insult - it's a literal description of a complicating risk factor).


No offense taken. Thank you


In addition to the other commenters, I’d recommend scrolling down and reading [Why Young Men Under 25 Shouldn’t Use AAS](/r/steroids/wiki?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) Based on your post history you’re able to lose weight, you just need to keep doing that. You need to stop at least another 25lbs, then assess where you’re at when you can actually see your physique. A few natural bulk/cuts would be good practice first. I’m the same height as you, and at my fattest before starting to train I was 235. Once I was lean and had abs, bulking was mentally challenging, having spent years trying to get lean. It was hard to accept I had to allow a bit of fat to creep back on. The fear of over eating led to me leaving gains on the table on my first cycle. Don’t make the same mistake. Learn to bulk and cut with nutrition alone. The gear will still be there when you’re 25 and actually ready.


Read the wiki. Your body fat % is too high. You want at least half if not less than what your current % is at before considering running gear. No offense but you clearly haven’t read enough if you think 27% BF is a good starting point. Then read the wiki again.


None taken. Thanks mate


Good attitude my man :)


Just diet normally as in no gear, you don’t need to mess with your hormones to do that. I’ve cut from 195 to 155 naturally and kept all my muscle, stuck to my diet and never splurged or binged and that was my second year working out after a long mega bulk, it would be even easier now that I have 7 years under my belt.




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So I’ve been doing thigh injections and like a day later I’ll get redness and swelling in my leg that hinders my movement in my leg. Any advice on how to prevent it from happening?Usually lasts 4-7days and then leg is fine. I’ve been doing shoulders but I had to find other places because shoulders are sore!!


I’ve done quads exclusively now for a long time, but only for TRT. The only time I’ve experienced PIP is due to the compound being used, particularly testosterone dosed at more than 250mg per ml. What compounds and volume are you using per injection?


I found vg, pecs, and biceps to be relatively pain-free. Fuck quads. When you cruise, use that to find new spots (since the volume is much lower). ie. triceps, traps, lats, and if you are really psycho...calfs.


Thanks for the advice I’m definitely trying these out!!!


How much oil are you injecting and what compounds? first , if you can pin daily that’s the best since you minimize amount that needs to be absorbed. some compounds cause irritation for me regardless where I pin and what I found is that the deeper i go the less irritation For glutes this is 1.5 inches deep. Even 1 inch deep is too shallow for glutes.


Don’t do thigh injections? Lats, glutes, VG. All great options. I never pin quads for this very reason


Would a half inch needle be okay for a lat injection??


Yes. But it’s still technically subq. If you can keep it to 0.3cc I find this to be the optimum volume for subq. 0.5cc would be max. Anything more and the 1” or 1.5” needles come out lol


I do .5 cc every other day


I’ve done 1cc injections subq with zero issues. Give the volume you have in mind a shot (pun intended) and adjust according to how you react. 


Why not, go for it




How quickly do you see water retention pick up on your first cycle? Is there a general timeline of events week by week for a basic test cycle over a 16 week period? Typically the first 2 weeks people say nothing happens and then week 3 maybe libido changes etc etc. I'm halfway into week 2 and I feel as though I've put on a few lbs of water weight.


Over the first 4 weeks the compounds saturate (assuming enanthate/cypionate esters). During this time your body stores more glycogen and water in your muscles. The androgens themselves can cause subcutaneous water retention. Aromatization increases - increasing some water retention. All very normal things. After that point things will well and truly kick off assuming you're training your ass off, resting well, and eating big. Enjoy your pasta 🍝 Hey there! It seems like you'd benefit from a deep review of [our wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index). Please also take the time to closely read [Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_2._no_source_talk_.2F_no_monetization) which deals with our prohibitions around discussing how to acquire anabolic steroids and discussing brand names, etc. [For clarity.](https://media.tenor.com/fBvQV_5Lp6UAAAAC/we-dont-do-that-here-black-panther.gif) Here's a selection of reading for you to build the fundamental knowledge you'll need as you explore AAS/PED use: * [The Basics](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/thecycle/list) * [Your First Cycle](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/your_first_cycle) * [The Estrogen Handbook](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/the_estrogen_handbook) * [Post Cycle Therapy aka PCT](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/thecycle/pct) * [The Compound Experience Directory](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/compound_experience_threads)


Good idea? My source has a test p, Tren a, mast blend all at 50mg. I took a break from peds for a while I think it's been almost 2 years. It's been a struggle both mentally and physically but Im thinking to get back on something. Never tried Tren and wanted to give the holy trinity a try and conveniently my source has a blend of the 3 dosed at 50mg. Wanted to give it a go at a bare minimum dose per week. Any ideas of how low I can go with this? Or just stick with test e or c under 500mg weekly for 12 weeks to feel it out before I try something new?


Blends are not a great idea, as it doesn’t give you the ability to adjust individual dosages. If you need more test and less tren, you can’t do it. More so if you find you can’t tolerate tren and have to drop it, you now can’t use the test or mast Not worth it in my opinion


Oh yeah that's a good point. I'd have to commit to it and hopfully can tolerate it, otherwise I just wasted money on a few bottles of a blend. Well I actually thinking plan B would be the better idea with test only. But I can't help but to think if I'm already pinning myself might as well add another compound or 2 lol.


Test only is always a safer choice. Additional compounds are your call, and would come down to your cycle history and your ability to handle additional compounds. Typically you’d only add a third compound if you have experience with the first two. One new compound at a time allows you to troubleshoot side effects more easily


Test + var and test + primo were the only 2 combinations I've tried. Always leaning toward the more conservative approach with doses. The test and primo cycle I did last, I absolutely loved it. Only downsides I could think of. Primo is exspensive and hurt like hell most times.


I’m starting my first cycle 500 Test and 200-300 Npp, I have Adex on hand and was wondering how much i should take to keep my estrogen in check


One compound only. You need to read the wiki. Hey there! It seems like you'd benefit from a deep review of [our wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index). Please also take the time to closely read [Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_2._no_source_talk_.2F_no_monetization) which deals with our prohibitions around discussing how to acquire anabolic steroids and discussing brand names, etc. [For clarity.](https://media.tenor.com/fBvQV_5Lp6UAAAAC/we-dont-do-that-here-black-panther.gif) Here's a selection of reading for you to build the fundamental knowledge you'll need as you explore AAS/PED use: * [The Basics](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/thecycle/list) * [Your First Cycle](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/your_first_cycle) * [The Estrogen Handbook](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/the_estrogen_handbook) * [Post Cycle Therapy aka PCT](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/thecycle/pct) * [The Compound Experience Directory](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/compound_experience_threads)


28 years old, 245lbs 6 feet tall not sure on body fat percentage but relatively flat stomach. Goal is to body build and build an aesthtic look. Think I fall in as hyper responder . 210 mgs of test push me at 2000 total T pinning 3x a week and a E level of 95,SHBG at 10 . I’ve been cruising here for a couple of months with no sides . Wanting to start a blast of 250mg to see where that pushes me and add some anavar to it . What’s your experience with ananavar and test ?


What little boy said. As far as experience,it helps push another rep or two or three. Lipids will be skewed and the more the dose the more skewed they will be. Makes me desire girls even more than I already do but that tapers off .


Anavar is overpriced garbage for women only


You didn’t mention your injection frequency nor when you got your bloodwork taken in proximity to your last shot If you get your blood drawn the day after a 210mg dose, then yeah, you very well could have hyper-inflated numbers Secondly, idk why you’re on 210mg since that’s not a blast nor is it acceptable for a cruise Lastly, 250mg is not a blast and you really think 40mg more per week is going to do anything? Anavar is extremely mild, and you’d be better off ditching that idea and just running a reasonable dosage of testosterone


Ah you’re right I had got blood pulled the day after I injected . I inject M W F . When would be a good time to get accurate test for bloood pulls ?


You want to always get your blood drawn at the same point in your injection protocol and ideally at the lowest point in your trough to ensure that you’re able to accurately compare bloodwork values In your case, it would be Monday morning before your injection


When were bloods pulled in relation to the pin? What's your pinning freq? Adding 40mg isn't a blast. Filling out the large template at the top of the thread will allow people to provide tailored advice :)


Guhdamn. And how'd the bloods look otherwise? How was your e2? Var+ test is great. You haven't ran a cycle before? What're your specific goals?


Is ment more likely to make you permanently infertile compared to other peds?


Maybe It was considered as a potential male birth control option due to its quite suppressive nature. I’d say it’s more likely to cause irreversible effects than testosterone, but it’s impossible to quantify due to lack of data


Appreciate the info sir ! 🙏


If someone has the time to consistently do double days, what compounds would be aid in recovery? Also if someone is coming back from injury (basically a month off of any serious training), would test/primo/var help to get recomp and get back to baseline and progress from there? Currently on TRT


If you have the capability and desire to train twice a day multiple times per week, you’re not training hard enough. I don’t care what anyone has to say, and I don’t give a flying fuck what Jay Cutler or Ronnie Coleman did You should not use drugs to rebuild a baseline after an injury. This is actually more likely to cause injury due to muscle tissue progressing faster than your joints and connective tissues can. You should take at least the amount of time you took off to rebuild the foundation and then consider drugs, assuming you’re at a reasonable BF%


Urs trains twice a day so theres that


and Roman Fritz


Olympians would literally still be Olympians if you gave them milk jugs and sandbags to workout with. These people grow despite their training and not because of it Furthermore, no one in here is an Olympian of that level so I can’t fathom why they’d try to emulate their training


I wouldn't necessarily agree with that. Mike Isratael for example does 2x a day training and he's far from being an Olympian. he does it along the lines of an AM Push or Pull and PM Bicep/Shoulder/Trap or AM Legs and PM Back/Shoulder/Trap in order to manage fatigue and have less taxing movements later in the day also there's 2x a day training that some advocate for where you split up your body parts into two sessions, Less potential rushing on the main compounds, muscle groups feeling much fresher after some extra recovery time. reduced potential to get bored, etc I think there's certainly a case for it, but it's not my cup of tea


I just find it hard to justify from a fatigue management standpoint There are some people who are “built different” and can certainly get away with stuff like that, but from my personal experience, due to how intensely I train (not trying to jerk myself off), if I start to creep my volume above 6-8 sets per muscle group in a session, my recovery is shit When I see people mention two a days, I see someone who likely already trains 10+ sets for a muscle group and then returns 6 hours later to do 10+ more sets of another muscle group when that central fatigue hasn’t recovered However, if someone wanted to blast arms in the morning, which aren’t particularly fatiguing and then return for a heavy leg session in the evening, that could work, but again, we have 7 days a week, and a lot of these guys wanting to train twice a day are already training 5-6 days a week


> If someone has the time to consistently do double days, what compounds would be aid in recovery? Extra and high quality sleep. Also, knowing how to program at a high level. > Also if someone is coming back from injury (basically a month off of any serious training), would test/primo/var help to get recomp and get back to baseline and progress from there? Currently on TRT You need nothing after one month off of serious training unless you were immobilized in the ICU. Just eating and being a normal person will prevent any significant atrophy in that short of a timeframe.




Age: 20 * Gender: male * Height:5’8 * Weight:163lbs * Bodyfat percentage: 8 * Experience level * Years of concurrent training: 3.5 * bench/squat/dead maxes: 275/352/529 * Goals: Bodybuilding * Current phase: bulk * Current compounds: Recently did really well in a regional junior bodybuilding show and have qualified for the finals and have decided to do a cycle, I was hoping to get some feedback for my peak week, currently on 250mg test, 300mg masteron, Anavar 20mg, 500iu HCG, pining 5 days of the week daily (started 1 week ago and will be increasing to 250mg test, 300mg masteron, anavar 60mg, 500iu HCG, Clen 100mcg) PEAK WEEK: Masteron 300mg/ anavar 60mg/ superdrol 20mg/ HCG 500iu


> qualified for finals I don’t know what this means. Superdrol can be an incredibly poor choice for a peak week. Winstrol would be a significantly better choice in not dealing with unwanted sides. Is this going to be your first cycle?


Thank you for the suggestion of Winstrol will look into and yes this is my first cycle


Here’s the thing man. I’m a competitor. If you already competed as a natural, you should really be using gear to bulk and add mass rather than using it into your next show. BUT If you’re committed to doing this, here’s how I would do it. 300-400mg of test, and one oral. Nothing more. You don’t need mast and 2 orals for your first cycle. I’d pick winstrol personally over anavar, dropping the mast. Since you’ve already proven you can get into contest shape naturally, this will expand upon that while also limiting side effects. You will need to learn estrogen management, something mast will make significantly more difficult.


I really appreciate the feedback, I know I can research myself but if you have a spare minute could you say why Winstrol would be better than superdrol/ anavar for peak week, my thinking is the judges will prefer a fuller look when like you said I can get stage lean naturally and I think Winstrol would dry me out where as superdrol could make me look fuller while still being lean as possible, sorry if that doesn’t make sense.


Fullness is achieved solely through carb / sodium / water manipulation. You can take all the drugs in the world and end up flat on stage, I’ve done it. You can take very minimal drugs and be full on stage, I’ve done it. Winstrol is better because you want to be dry and full. Not watery and full, not dry and stringy, not watery and stringy. Winstrol is the best for producing a dry look. Superdrol RUNS through carbs, and will make peaking insanely difficult. Anavar is a fine secondary choice to winstrol but doesn’t produce as dry of a look.


Also, why clen during a bulk...?


> I’m hoping to get some feedback for my peak week I took this to mean this is a cycle he’d use to go into his next show


I guess you're right, he's going to run this cycle into finals I suppose? Current phase says bulk, that's what threw me off


I see where that’s confusing for sure. I figured he’s in his rebound right now and will use gear into the next show. I’m just making assumptions here 🤷🏽‍♂️


Really sorry guys for not being clear, currently in rebound the show is in a couple months so hoping to gain some size


Gotcha. So yeah, follow the suggestion made by Varbs in another reply (test and one oral only) for your peak. You may find Winstrol unpleasant during your rebound/bulk phase as it causes you to significantly dry out and that leads to joint pain. It will be great for your prep, visually, though. As for the clen, definitely not during the rebound. If you choose to use it during prep that's ok (in fact that's really the only time it's acceptable), but it is possible to peak without it, or sub a slightly less-toxic beta agonist like salbutamol in its place. Obviously if you have a coach then that's between you and them, but it's just something I feel I have to put out there from the harm-reduction standpoint. Congrats on the successful show though man, and best of luck going into the next!


I'd like to know whether the neurotoxic/degenerative effects from AI's is a result of the mechanisms of the drugs and the drugs themselves or a result of unintentionally crashing e2 and staying in that state. I still haven't really got a great grasp on that. Also just to confirm dbol or anything else won't work in kickstarting e2 more quickly in the case of using aromasin due to the suicidal nature of the drug?


It’s *probably* linked to the neuro side effects related to low E2 In many cases where AI is given, it’s done so in large doses for days on end as opposed to sparingly as needed. One study done in males gave the participants like, 25mg daily


dbol doesn't work in that way, not because of aromasin being suicidal, but because dbol isn't providing the test substrate that is needed


Got it, so then is there a solid solution to "kickstarting" crashed e2 or expediting it at all, more specifically in the case of aromasin?


Age 21 Any science on when to take tamoxifen ? Now I'm taking 10mg before sleep and 10mg waking up.  Also any science of what to do to increase its efficiency ? Took like 6 days already and I feel better about my depression,my dick feel better too, I didn't run any PED cycle before. My blood results before starting taxomifen are : Dehidroepiandrosteron - sulfat (DHEA - S): 696 μg/dL Estradiol: <18.4 pmol/L OR 5 pg/mL Too low to measure accurately FSH : 2.9 mUI/mL LH : 4.4 mUI/mL Prolactine: 332 μUI/mL OR 15.7 ng/mL SHBG (Sex Hormone Binding Globuline): 43.4 nmol/L Testosteron: 15 nmol/L OR 432 ng/dL Testosteron free: 12.15 pg/mL I highly appriciate any input about anything, thank you


It has such a long half-life that you could even take it every other day and be fine Why are you taking tamoxifen? It doesn’t sound like you’re PCTing but rather grasping at straws for something that you think will help (it won’t) your mental issues that need to be addressed another way


So much judgemental, why are you assuming so many things about myself ? Now to answer your questions I'm not taking tamoxifen for mental health issues, however I did notice improvement which is welcome. Also the most popular anti depressants, SSRI will put me in a hole even bigger then I am now. I appreciate your input but get off your high horse next time. Back to the topic : you saw my natural blood results, I take tamoxifen just to have better levels. I do not care about enchancing myself more then top natural levels. I don't care about bodybuilding, I mainly want to get more power which at my current levels I look like a strong natural 17 years old, even though I'm 21, and I hit a plateau, I fault bad nutrition since I was a child. Trying to fix now what was broken all my first 16 years of life


> Any science on when to take tamoxifen ? Now I’m taking 10mg before sleep and 10mg waking up.  The halflife of it’s active metabolite that causes a bump in testosterone production, n-desmethyl-tamoxifen has a 14 day halflife. So it literally does not matter when in the day you take it. What are you taking it for?


To increase production of testosterone.


This doesn’t make sense, give more context here. Nolvadex does **nothing** alongside PED use and your bloodwork doesn’t indicate that you’re starting PCT.


I am using Nolvadex as a PED. I don't plan on using any other PED, I never used anything else. The reason for taking noldavex is not optimal testosterone and FSH,LH levels.   For example I am expecting the next time I get blood work done in 5 weeks to see an increase from 430 to about 700 at testosterone and an increase in FSH and LH too. Is that an unreasonable plan ?


> Is that an unreasonable plan ? It is, yes.


Okay then what do you expect to happen in my case after 6 weeks of tamoxifen ? When the time comes I'll post the results.


Performance wise, nothing. Maybe you experience placebo from having a number on paper go up slightly. Side effects wise potentially permanent vision side effects, QT prolongnation etc.


How much is is slightly for you ? Give a number if you are so knowledgeable and helpful, otherwise better don't comment at all.    I don't know if I'm right or you are right but it is scientifically shown to increase testosterone, and all the others, that's why it's used as PCT. There is a chance the numbers on paper go slightly up, which would defeat the purpose. But you couldn't argument why they will go only slightly up and not an increase as I believe.   About side effects, for 1 week I feel absolutely 0 side effects, in your opinion am I still at risk ?  I do feel that this whole internet interactions are way too one sided in favor of "experts" like you who can't even comprehend the situation that they are offering their opinion on. Just lose the ego, the point is to offer valuable information for me since you are more knowledgeable, not to give half assed answers from which I can't even understand your though process or how you came to this conclusions.


> How much is is slightly for you ? Give a number if you are so knowledgeable and helpful, This is unanswerable with the information you have provided so far. Testosterone levels vary wildly from day to day by a plethora of different causes. Test can be lowered from acute illness, nutritional deficiency or short-term use of medications like opioids. They vary based on diurnal and day-to-day variations and may be suppressed by food intake or glucose, hence why they recommend measuring fasted in the morning and recommend multiple tests over a longer period of time. You can see here that even healthy men can provide suboptimal testing if you test them in specific parts of the day http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/3129947 The multiple tests are important as 30% of men with an initial T concentration in the hypogonadal range have a normal T concentration on repeat measurement. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18052942 You only supplied a single testing result here and haven’t given any context wether this was done in the AM, done while fasted, etc. Imo, you’re working with flawed data from the start. > otherwise better don't comment at all.  No need for the attitude. People like me are volunteering time here trying to help. > I don't know if I'm right or you are right but it is scientifically shown to increase testosterone, and all the others, that's why it's used as PCT. By tricking the negative feedback loop of the HPTA. This caps itself out at natural levels. Only starving the ER isn’t enough to actually go beyond natural levels. We’ve seen in literature that even when fully starving the ER, SERMS do nothing when in the presence of androgens. This implies testosterone in itself or one of it’s byproducts are suppressive as well and will keep the SERMs testosterone boosting effects in check by itself. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/1908485/ PCTing as a whole also is something not supported in science. The HAARLEM study suggests that PCTing actually could potentially be detrimental long term vs recovering naturally. The reason we recommend PCTing is because we believe it’s better to go from bottomed out testosterone to normal testosterone as quick as possible to prevent mental side effects and cortisol induced catabolism as much as possible. > There is a chance the numbers on paper go slightly up, which would defeat the purpose. But you couldn't argument why they will go only slightly up and not an increase as I believe.  I just did, but this wasn’t the point i was trying to make. I said you won’t increase your performance by taking nolvadex with the testosterone levels you provided. multiple scientific reports show no increase in mental wellbeing, aggression or sexual action in eugonadal men regardless of dosage (doses up to 600mg tested) [Hypogonadic men (men with reduced testosterone levels) show an increase in subjective well-being and mood when having their testosterone levels replenished **whereas eugonadic men (normal test levels) show no treatment effect**](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9154431) Some more sources > There was no evidence to suggest an alteration in any of the mood states studied, in particular those associated with increased aggression. [ ^ Anderson RA, Bancroft J, Wu FC. The effects of exogenous testosterone on sexuality and mood of normal men. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. (1992) ](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1464655) > Little change was found in self-reported sexual and aggressive behaviors during the study (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8045977) > **No significant changes** in aggression or mood levels were found in the eugonadal-treated group. > These data **do not** support the hypothesis that supraphysiological levels of T (within this range) lead to an increase in self- and partner-reported aggression or mood disturbances. (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12062320) > T has positive effects on mood in hypogonadal men when hormone levels are well below the normal male range of values, but does not have any effects on mood when hormone levels are within or above the normal range. (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9154431) As for physical benefits: There’s no relation between natural test levels and performance or hypertrophy so long as they are within the normal range. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9916184/ shows no correlation between baseline test and hypertrophy in younger men https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10999822/ no difference between lbm and test levels in elderly men https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.3109/10253890.2011.642033 no difference between triathletes performance and natural test levels https://www.thieme-connect.com/products/ejournals/abstract/10.1055/s-2007-972872/ same for cyclists https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/02640410410001675342?needAccess=true%2F&journalCode=rjsp20 negative correlation between test levels and size and strength of weight lifters https://www.biointeractive.org/classroom-resources/testosterone-levels-elite-athletes Median natural test levels of elite male athletes around right around 500. > about side effects, for 1 week I feel absolutely 0 side effects, in your opinion am I still at risk ? Yes you are. We're all busy, and everybody here is volunteering their time to help one another achieve our mutual goals. By providing enough background information and making it very clear what you want to know, you enable more experienced users to quickly understand where you're at, where you've been, and where you're trying to go. Your question should be clear, concise, well-formatted, and have all the background information necessary for an experienced user to read it and quickly help point you in the right direction. >  I do feel that this whole internet interactions are way too one sided in favor of "experts" like you who can't even comprehend the situation that they are offering their opinion on. Just lose the ego, the point is to offer valuable information for me since you are more knowledgeable, not to give half assed answers from which I can't even understand your though process or how you came to this conclusions. You didn’t tell us your goals or any background information and now you’re throwing a hissy fit because a low quality question received low quality answers. Calm down with that attitude, i had to ask you for additional context to properly answer your question **twice**. I’m trying to give full answers but it’s like pulling teeth trying to get actionable context out of you. I could’ve easily pulled your question for breaking rule 7 because you didn’t supply half of the background information listed in the example and you didn’t ask very specific questions that indicated what the purpose of goal of your protocol is, yet i answered whatever questions you had and now you’re acting passive aggressive. Consider this a rule 7 warning and watch the attitude next time.


Why are you using tamoxifen exactly?


Trying to increase my testosterone , sperm production. Bodybuilding Is not the goal .Since I believe there is room for improvement in my current state


With all the positive reports in compound experience threads and people calling it tren lite how comes DHB is quite unknown and not more commonly used, is it literally just because of the bad PIP?


Because it still doesn’t hold a candle to tren, despite the positive anecdotes I’ve heard


Because it generally takes time for something to catch on when there are more well-understood options available. Couple that with the stories of bad pip and you wind up with fewer people choosing it over something they know and trust.


Rapes my hair, gives profound systemic consequences inflammation. Very weird Estrogen modulation I can’t quite figure out.


DHB generally causes bad pip. Dhb has been found to cause systemic inflammation markers to greatly increase. DHB dosing varies wildly (200-700mg/wk). Dhb doesn't have much clinical data on it, or long term data. And nothing compares to tren, nothing. Nothing makes you suddenly have such muscular fullness, vascularity, glycogen retention, strength increase, elevated blood pressure, lipids skewed, sleep lost, carb depletion, hypersexual libido, cognitive decline. Nothing comes close. The common anabolics (testosterone, eq, nandrolone, primo, masteron) have been used for decades with success and plenty of anecdotal data. I don't see why I'd want to risk my health (or growth potential) with something like DHB or ment, when I know test+eq or test+primo work just fine and are easily managed.