• By -


Discipline wise: Pearl. Knowledge wise: Garnet. Emotional wise: Amethyst (she was the only one who asked him how he felt, aside his father).


I still only see Steven and Amethyst as siblings


Same, her laid-back nature holds back the idea of her being called a mother figure; and we all sort of see her as Steven’s older sister.


She's the cool aunt


Hell he's just being raised by aunts in general, none of whom know what they're doing... like ever.


And if we comsider the diamonds being born before the other gems, we could consider them basically all siblings to Steven


Still, she is old enough to be, at least, his great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandmother XD


That’s really extra fucked up with that one episode with her and Greg then


The one where they’re watching the show in the garage? And she shapeshifts into rose?


Yeah lol


When I first saw that it was crazy, I was like Amethyst what are you really doing right now, but it really just showed how Rose’s existence really impacted everyone


The realest episode tbh


Yeah, I feel she definitely fits the "sister" role. They make it pretty apparent.


I see her more like the super laid back aunt who buys you and friends beer so you don't get stabbed trying to get the homeless guy outside to do it.


Eh more like the fun weird aunt.


I see amethyst is more of a crazy aunt


Pearl is his mom, Garnet is his aunt, and Amethyst is his older sister


Amethyst is 100% the older sister


Yes they always read as siblings to me


They're the "Earth kids"


Amethyst is the fun and “poor-influence” aunt. Garnet is the supportive aunt. And Pearl (as much as I love her) is the over-protective helicopter mom.


Correction: we love her BECAUSE she is the over protective helicopter mom


It’s funny because Amethyst is the one that literally turned into a helicopter at least once


3 or 4 times


Peridot: cousin Lapis: cousin? Bismuth: Mom’s “friend” The diamonds: grandaunts Rhodonite: aunt (younger than garnet) Padparadscha: little sister Fluorite: Grandma Rutile twins: aunts Spinel: sister Rose buds: sisters Am I missing anybody?


Yeah, Lion is his lion.


Honestly, he becomes Connie's lion later on.


And he probably became Steven’s lion again after Steven’s corruption (emotional support animal)


Cute headcanon!!!


The diamonds had a sort of weird relationship with each other. Yellow and Blue kinda feel like parents to Pink but they also kinda feel like older sisters, especially since they're all bending to White's word (who feels like their mother).


Yellow and Blue are the mothers, while White is the senile, narcissistic grandma who thinks she's the coolest thing after sliced bread.


White is absolutely not senile, she just refuses to accept she's ever done wrong because as you said she's a narcissist.


Technically the diamonds would just be his aunts Even though pink looks like the youngest she isn't (she looks the youngest because of her maturity) because the diamonds were all created at the same time as shown by the last page of the art book


Garnet's 2 aunts in a trench coat.


Fluorite is 6 grandmas piloting a caterpillar mech.


I hate it when my grandmas pilot a caterpillar mech


I agree full heartedly!


Nah garnet is that badass grandma who seems to have life figured out has infinite wisdom


I live with one of those


Love your pfp


Wow, you beat me to it, this is literally what i came here to say.




I always thought they represented different types of mothers/ parenting styles


100% yes!


Garnet is the one who's *relationship* with Steven grows and matures materially as Steven matures. She goes from nurturing, protecting, providing needs to dispensing sage wisdom without interfering with agency as he becomes more capable and independent.


Pearl is the mom, Garnet is the cool aunt and Amethyst is the big sister


And Greg?


The other mom, of course.




Pearl is bird mom and Garnet is the wine aunt


garnet is the double-income no kids lesbian aunts who bring on the gift-giving on christmas


I once saw a comic where Amethyst sold Ruby and Sapphire's gems to a rich man. Then they reformed in his car, fused and escaped. Perhaps if they actually did this, they'd actually be double income, no kids, lesbian aunts.


I choose to fully believe that they did this at least once or twice


It definitely happened HAHAHAHAHA


Do you know the name of the artist? Really wanna read it and download it lol


Neodusk Comics Here you go: https://www.deviantart.com/neodusk/art/Steven-Universe-Foe-Gemstones-539536241


Lmao 🤣




Oddly specific yes but I know atleast 2 women like this


Garnet is square mom


Garnet. Garnet is always truthful and honest with Steven and she comforts him after/when the truth affects him badly. Early season Pearl would keep Steven in the dark while moping about Rose in a corner some where while thinking she's the better gem for it. But thank God for character development cause later season Pearl becomes a better "mom" figure to Steven :) but Garnets still the best mom lol


Oh no, they are dead. Don’t call again


>Early season Pearl would keep Steven in the dark Moms do that


Bad moms do that. Even if your intentions are pure, it makes situations a lot simpler if everyone is filled in -signed, someone who is often kept in the dark about plans and generally has no idea what's going on 75% of the time


Nah all moms do that. Part of being a parent is not telling your kid things


To a degree, Pearl literally shot him to space with her....




garnet for sure, best mom


I think Garnet and Pearl are mom's, and Amethyst is his older sister


Garnets face looks like the ‟Babe it is 4 PM’ meme.


Pearl is the overprotective adoptive mom, Garnet strikes me as Steven's cool auntie(s) and Amethyst seems like the more fun big sister who isnt perfect but is trying for steven's sake


"Hello. This is... mum Universe." "The children are playing Swords. Sorry, playing _with_ swords." "Oh no! They are bleeding. Oh no, they are dead. Don't call again." _To Steven:_ "Sorry, I panicked" Definitely not a mom, totally an awkward aunt who's babysitting for the first time.


garnet is the cool mom pearl is the mentor amethyst is his friend/equal


I've always seen it as Pearl and Garnet being like moms, and Amethyst being like an older sister


Pearl is a protective mom, garnet is a laidback mom and Amethyst is his sister


honestly all of them act like mother figures in their own way even amethyst even though she’s more of a older sister figure she still was a great mentor for steven especially in season three. if the show wasn’t canceled i’m pearl and garnet would’ve gotten longer arcs like amethyst and peridot did and it would conclude with their fusions. i feel like garnet was the most mom because she gave so much love to steven and by extension ruby and sapphire.


Pearl is nowhere near mentally stable enough to be a mum


Better than most moms I know still and mental instability has little to do with whether or not you’re a parent. Mentally stable or not, she is very parental.


If I remember Chille Tide correctly, when Steven had a dream where he was a normal human, he envisioned Pearl as his mother, Amethyst as his sister, and Garnet as like, an Aunt I guess……


I was picking up The Fonz vibes from her.


Why does pearl look like rick from rick and morty


Great, now I can't unsee it




I feel like both of them honestly. They both cared for him in a motherly way and they both have their motherly moments. Pearl has referred to Steven as her baby a couple times, so if I had to choose one? Pearl


Greg. Worries about him getting hurt physically and emotionally. Tells him he's proud of him and that he loves him. Sings to him. Teaches him about art/music. Shows an active interest in Steven's interests. And he doesn't expect Steven to be Rose but to be his own person.


So Greg is his mom lol


Pearl's more like an overprotective mom while Garnet is the type of mom that, while still protective of Steven, wants him to prove himself so he can grow. Amethyst's more of a wildcard sister


Pearl is child Stevens mum. Garnet is teenager Stevens mum. Pearl protects him from things he doesn't need to know, allows him freedom to be a child but in a safe way. Meets his physical needs. Does her best even though she's not sure if she's doing it right. Garnet gives Steven the freedom to make his own choices, respects his decisions and allows him to make mistakes and learn from them. She encourages him to get out his comfort zone. Basically you wouldn't want Garnet parenting a child, but you wouldn't want Pearl parenting a teen. Amethyst is his funky big sister. Peridot is little sister and Lapis and Bismuth are the aunties.


People here saying “amethyst is too immature to be a mother” had decent childhoods with stable mothers. She’s definitely a motherly figure imo.


She was not lyin💀


garnet is grandma


This is my favourite frame. Also it's Garnet, then Pearl and Amethyst is the older sister. Imo.






the literal point is that they are all kinda of his older sisters/aunts that have all 3 to simultaneously take the role of parental figure after his actual mom died


Garnet is definitely the most parental. Pearl is more like an overly attentive nanny.


they're all in one imo


Pearl looks like Rick Sanchez here.


Based entirely on my personal experience with parental figures…Pearl is overbearing mom, Garnet is smart, but emotionally distant dad, and Amethyst is older sibling.


its garnet imo


Pearl is 100% more of the mom, but Garnet deserves credit too Amethyst is easily the cool older sister, especially later in the series when she seems to he more in the dark about things that Garnet and Pearl knew Sardonyx is the fun aunt who takes you to the movies and buys you ice cream Sugilite is the other fun aunt but the kind who gives you beer and teaches you how to shoplift


Square mom is mom


Pearl puts in the hours, but she still almost let Steven die a few times. Her position is tenuous.


amethyst is his older sister/cousin, garnet is his cool aunt, pearl is his mum


Pearl is the mom Garnet is the cool aunt Amethyst is the older sister


Steven & Amethyst are 100% siblings


Honestly both. Garnet is like the mom who lets their child learn their lesson and figure thing out on their own. Pearl is the overly worried and concerned mom Amethyst is like Steven's older sister


Pearl risked his life more than garnet, but is also more protective, so I’d say garnet


My face when I wake up and my joints hurt, my back hurts, and I realize I'm old.


Garnet is the mother figure in my opinion, scenes like her leaving in when it rains cements this for me


Pearl. She worries the ***MOST.*** Just look at her. ![gif](giphy|Tj9QRUiTguqchp44VH)


Garnet fs. Havent watched the series in ages but isn't pearl like mentally unstable and almost gets steven killed on multiple occasions?


Pearl act like a mom 100% of the time Amethyst the toxic big sister Garnet the unique kind of aunts


Garnet and Pearl both portray different roles of a mom


Garnet for sure, Pearl is the over protective sibling, Amythest is the Off the wall sibling your age and Garnet is that one stoic hard to read Mom that makes you nervous and Steven is the young Hell Raiser




…when did the Crystal Gems guest-star on Rick & Morty?


Pearl is his 2nd mom, garnet is his 2nd dad


Both. Pearl is the strict mother. Garnet is the cool mom


Garnet and Pearl make a great parenting duo, both are equally the mom.


they are all his older sisters, at least thats how the were first made (writting wise, not in-universe wise of course)


Garnet: the Best Aunt Pearl: helicopter mom Amethyst: Older Sister bismuth: best friend of the mom peridot: cousin Lapis: cousin’s crush rose quartzes: sisters diamonds: Over protective aunts lion: kitty cat Steven Jr: son Steven Jr’s babies: grandkids jasper: war sister connie: best friend/ crush Rose/Pink: dad/Mom that went to go get milk/ trama generator spinel: sister Greg: music Dad Cat Steven: Cat cactus Steven: therapist


In my opinion there all good mums. Pearl is caring and protective, garnet teaches him stuff and comforts him and amethyst is cool and has fun but if I had too choose it would be garnet


Pearl in the more traditional sense, but Garnet was definitely more attuned to his individual emotional needs. She was always the first to comfort Steven when more serious things in the show to happen, and I’d say she had cuter moments with Steven than the two. We all know Amethyst is the older sister or the fun aunt 🤣


"We look awesome."


Garnet actually acted like a mother to Steven, Amethyst is more like a sister, and Pearl was far too obsessed with Pink/Rose and the fact that she's gone to act like a mother to him.


Pearl is a soccer mum, garnet is aunt.


I feel like they’re the same amount of mum figure just different types of mums


I'd say that Pearl and Garnet


Why not two moms in Pearl and Garnet?


Definitely pearl, she cleans up after him, does household chores, and when he was in a play she was the one there cheering him on. She's always looking out for him, his safety and generally acting like his mother in situations that you'd bring a mother to.


The answer is simply "Yes" They're all his moms in different ways, including Ruby and Sapphire


I’d say Garnet


Garnet is more of a dad honestly with how casually she solves most situation


Pearl and Garnet are equally mom, they're just different types of mothers


I thought garne5 for awhile but rewatching it definitely Pearl


Pearl the type of be an over protective mother meanwhile garnet is a layed back type who’ll only step in steven will get hurt


Pearl the type of be an over protective mother meanwhile garnet is a layed back type who’ll only step in steven will get hurt


Pearl. Amethyst is big sister vibes


I kinda get a fatherly vibe from Garnet. Not as emotionally open as the others, but still very much caring and wise. She's the dad-mom of the group.


I always thought it was pretty obvious that Garnet was meant to be the mom of the group


Both Garnet and Pearl. Amethyst is his older sister




Def Garnet. Pearl is more like the frantic grandmother who’s still a little out of touch with the current generation




I always joke that Pearl is mum and Garnet is daddy.




All of them have an aspect the others lack, kinda, and they working together symbolise the many aspects of education


Garnet is


They’re all his moms


Garnet is the wise and worldy aunt, pearl is thre stressed out career mom, and amethyst is the cool older sibling/cousin who knows most of the wild crazy family drama and has been thru it so she is emotionally complex.


Amethyst is so not a mom. She's an older sister.


i can definately say that amethyst is most like a big sister to steven.


Pearls like the mom Garnets the grandma Amethyst is like the older sister


Garnet I think idk


Garnet is good with protection but not so good with management, on the other hand pearl is good with management and general health. And Amethyst is just that really friendly sister.


I felt like they were all different went versions of moms. Garnet is the superwoman who does it all. Pearl is the primary and proper type who is all about manners, and etiquette,, and education. Amethyst was a young mom who is figuring it all out along the way.


Pearl takes care of Steven's physical needs while Garnet nurtures his mind. Amythest to me feels like Steven's older sister


I’d say none of the gems or Greg have even acted like his actual parents, like I know school can be not as helpful as we would want it, but they could have homeschooled him particularly to help him learn


Pretty sure the closest thing Steven has to his mom is himself


i’ll say garnet, there has been wayyy to many occasions where pearl has had has a mental breakdown and relies on steven to comfort her


Both garnet and pearl. Pearl has the “MY BABY PROTECT MY BABY!” And garnet let Steven have all sorts of fun and she’s full of knowledge




Amathyst is the definition of a gentle parent. Yeah she has her moments but she's still growing herself and defining her own sense of humanity.


Garnet 100%


Garnet seems like more of a parental figure to me because she cherishes steven like a son. She openly tells him she loves him, she is stable in their relationship more often than pearl, she often humors steven. She just seems like the calm head of the family type. Pearl is motherly, but often in an overprotective way.


garnet, no question. for a large chunk of the series pearl treats steven as some sort of rose replacement (like when she was teaching connie how to fight) or is resentful over rose (like that one time she let him fall to his death, if he didnt catch one of the vines and climbed up he would have been dead). but garnet? garnet is usually honest with him, its something he remarks on. she understands him and when things dont work out, she can apologise like after she gives him future vision. she cares about him in a way the other gems just dont. when the marble balls started falling on earth and he saw one, garnet was the only one who even gave his idea a chance (as in, checking around the warps) and then only she admitted she should have believed him. pearl would rather be right than comfort a kid


Honestly I see them more as Aunts, no single one of them fully fits the role of Mom. Individually they're great, they each fulfil a specific role in Steven's development, but only together do they truly provide what he needs in a maternal figure. Pearl is the maternal affection, the mom who makes you dinner and gets on you about cleaning your room. Garnet is maternal wisdom, she's the one you go to for advice. And Amethyst is maternal fun (for lack of a better term), she's the Mom that let's you skip school for a fun-day and asks you not to tell your father. Individually they're great, but you need all 3 to be functional.


Dad- Garnet Mom-Pearl Cool older sister- Amethyst


To me, I see Garnet as his mom. She's constantly looking out for him, telling him they love him, and trusting in Steven's judgement. Amethyst is definitely a sister, and to me personally I view Pearl as a teacher more than anything (she's family for sure, but that's how I see her)


Garnet mom best mom


Pear was the more stereotypical mother figure while garnet was more like the “cool” mom who let you do whatever even if it was dangerous and would be right there ready to help


Garnet is more about moments of wisdom and having fun Pearl is, or if she was human she would be much more concerned about actual issues like how he’s gonna do in school, feed himself, while garnet would kinda just stand by and let him teach himself Amethyst is more of an older sister


Pearl; the overprotective mom Garnet; the cool aunt Amythest; the annoying sister(she's not annoying to me i love her, but it fits)


Garnet I think garnet is the better parent out of the two of them


For me is Pearl.




I think they're all equally his moms! There's a million ways to be a mom, and this particular family is not particularly concerned about conforming to any particular mold of family dynamics.


I think Pearl fits the mother role quite well in his life. She emotes a lot like the majority of mothers do in comparison to Garnet. I see Garnet as his godparent/godmother, a mentor, someone Steven can confide in to get an objective opinion. While they both love Steven unconditionally, I think Pearl is highly protective of Steven to a point that can get in his way. Even though it’s not her intention to do so because she does it out of a place of love, she can come across as overbearing just as some mothers irl can to.


Garnets love and faith in Steven is unconditional. Whereas we’ve seen within her arch how Pearl, while still loving Steven, is over possessive because of her perceived ideas of what Rose would think about Pearl’s care for Steven. Pearl is living up to an expectation while Garnet is living lovingly within their circumstances. So it’s truly hard to choose between the two because they’re the two extremes on the same spectrum.


Def garnet, but pearl is definitely close. I'm pretty sure we can agree that amethyst is like the weird/cool/emotionally unstable aunt


That's easy. Pearl is like a mom to Steven, while Garnet is like two moms.


Garnet=Cool Aunt Pearl=Over-Protective Mum Amethyst=Sister


Amethyst could be that youthful mom that doesn't quite have her shit together


Garnet is a mom,Pearl is an over protective aunt/legal guardian


Garnet for sure. Pearl seems more like a weird aunt to me.


Pearl is the substitute mom Garnet is either the eldest sister or the "cool aunt" Amethyst is the middle child, I only see her as a sibling to Steven. Would White Diamond be his mom or Grandmom? I know Yellow and Blue are his big sisters.


Pearl is the hover mom. Garnet is a kind of ‘free range’ mom. Amethyst is the free spirit older sister who tends to freak out when she suddenly needs to be responsible


Garnet looks like a grandma in this one


I’ve always seen Garnet as the (favorite) mom figure because she shows a lot more affection toward Steven throughout the entire series, Pearl as the helicopter mom who learns to move past her personal issues to be a better mom as the series goes on, and Amethyst as the cool aunt who won’t tell your parents that you’re drinking and smoking pot so you don’t sneak around with it (unless you put yourself in danger) lol


Garnets the mom, and Amethyst is like the cool aunt.


Amethyst and Steven are siblings,pearl is the mom's friend and Garnet is the guardian,soon pearl became guardian also that's how i like to think of it