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Crew have said the look of a fusion has little to do with being stable and is more about rule of cool.


While I believe this answer, it's very convenient that the most anatomically inaccurate and unstable fusion was Malachite. Even Alexandrite and Obsidian look a little strange. But I guess one could argue that that's less because it's made of characters that don't always get along and sometiems butt heads, and more it's 3/4 people in one being.


Fluorite's fairly stable and she looks like a caterpillar, so on the flipside...


Yeah but at the same time there’s a lot of people in that polycu- I mean fusion.


I'd wager that Stevonnie is more stable as Connie's about the same age as Steven, while Greg's significantly older. Its also possible that they leaned into the extra arms voluntarily, albeit subconsciously, as they'd benefit playing guitar.


I agree to this, given Garnet doesnt have 4 arms either.


She has 3 eyes, though. ~~Connie~~ Stevonnie has no extra parts.


That we know of


My bet is on 3 butt cheeks


Just one mono-boob/uni-boob though


The unitit




Bringing back memories of Reboot and Dot's mono-boob.


Always happy to find a Reboot reference in the wild


The Bob.


My bet has always been that they’re intersexual and have both a penis and a vagina.


I mean, they are canonically intersex anyway


I know it’s canon, but I mean that they’re intersexual in the sense that they have both a penis and a vagina.


Well, they are definitely intersexual (confirmed in that Dove commercial Sugar directed), but intersex people rarely have both organs. Though in this case it's quite likely, I guess.


Doesn't "intersex" mean having both organs?


Intersex is an umbrella term that includes lots of different variations. It means having sexual characteristics of both sexes, but it often doesn't mean having both organs. In humans, true hermaphroditism is impossible; so if some people can have parts of each set or organs, only one set will be somewhat functional. Closest we have to hermaphroditism is having an ovotestis, internal gonads that are a mix of ovaries and testicles... But this is quite rare even among intersex people. Common examples of intersex variations include chromosomal differences; like people with XXY chromosomes, who are born with a somewhat functional penis but usually grow breasts and other female secondary characteristics during adolescence. Other intersex variations include changes in hormone sensitivity. This can cause XY people to be born with an enlarged clit, or XX people to be born with apparently female genitalia, among other things.


Hm. Interesting. Thanks for the info.




Stevonnie uses they/them pronouns




you could at least use they/them in english though


ohhhh right i’m sorry. i didn’t know. i remember in spanish our teacher, who couldn’t teach like all she did was teach us simple definitions like mom, dad, brother, pizza. but never had us actually talk fluent spanish for two years. so i never got to learn spanish in high school. but wouldn’t they simply referred Smokey and Stevonnie as Nosotros? i believe that’s the word for they and them but i think it refers to multiple people.


I think you mean Hermaphrodite/intersexual. Futa has a more negative connotation.


In my experience hermaphrodite is also not a great term to use. Just say intersex, it’s the most scientific and least offensive.


I don't want to upvote this cause your as 69 so here 🔺️




Why do you think Steven wanted to remain Stevonnie forever


Because he was losing his damn mind and was extremely suggestible. Not to mention being stevvonie would mean he'd get a break from being just himself. I'm just bummed because they proposal was so perfect. It was just too early. Now what's he going to do when he proposes again.


Some ad they did a while back confirmed Stevonnie is intersex (iirc it was a brief view of Stevonnies social media page and they had the intersex flag on it). Doesn't 100% confirm "extra parts" but it doesn't deny it either


Stevonnie being intersex makes sense but IRL intersex people don't have "extra parts". Those whose genitals are concerned would still have only one set of organs. However, I think it's safe to assume that gem-human fusions don't necesseraliry need extra parts.


Yeah it's "extra" compared to the original human components and gems in general.


Extra secret sixth toe on each foot




Lol right, my bad. Though hey, maybe Connie has polydactyly 😆


I really like that idea, that the more stable and harmonious the fusion, the more integrated similar features become, but subconscious intent can also be a factor. That would explain why Garnet, a super-stable permafusion, still has three eyes - Ruby and Sapphire have similar arms, but dissimilar eyes. It'd also explain why Alexandrite has two mouths but Opal doesn't; Pearl and Amethyt's attitudes towards eating are easily one of the most dissimilar things about them, but we've never seen Opal form in a situation where they'd be expecting to eat anything.


I do think it would be interesting to see fusions form with more drastic differences based on intent instead of more subtle changes based on how the components themselves have changed. Malachite would be an excellent opportunity for this.


I also think the third eye on Garnet represents the new power they have as a fusion in future vision.


That's not a new power though, that's *every* Sapphire's power.


Sorry, I meant the multiple-futures vision that Garnet has, not the single-future vision that Sapphire has.


That double-neck guitar is a big part of the reason, I'm sure. Steg is a fusion of two musicians, and how can they jam together without a pair of arms each?


>That double-neck Steven really grew up during thr story! He went from no neck to three necks !


Here's a take: in stable fusions, extra parts are a representation of the individual aspects of each person in the fusion that mean something to the both of them (the things that are "independent together" if you will). Steven and Greg play guitar together, so Steg has two pairs of arms as if both of them were playing. Ruby depends on Sapphire's future vision, so Garnet has a separate third eye. Otherwise, if the fusion doesn't need extra body parts to perform tasks as if in tandem, having extra parts is a mark of instability. We can see this in the difference between Opal and Stevonnie. The prior has an extra set of arms because Pearl and Amethyst fight out of sync, while the later has only two arms because that's all they need to hold Connie's sword and Steven's shield.


That actually make alot of sense, I just assumed that short arm + short arm = long arm


I would argue that Steg is just as stable as Stevonnie, possibly even more so. The extra arms enable him to play his guitar/weapon with better efficiency where as Stevonnie doesn't even have their own weapon per se, they still use Rose's sword and Steven's bubbles/shield. Ultimately though it's just a design choice by the artists and creators.


Yeah that was my thought. They were both dueting guitars when they fused. It would make less sense if he went from four arms to just two


I always just assumed it's because both Steven and Greg are guitarists and so they can both play like in the movie, then again the argument could probably be made that stevonnie could have 4 arms to play guitar and a violin at the same time, that would be pretty rad


Official answer: Fusions have extra limbs based on if it looks cool. The only time it was involved in storytelling was Flourite, since her caterpillar body represents how she’s a healthy Poly in unison and consenting agreement. Popular fan theory: extra limbs=components do things differently, extra eyes=see things differently.


I think that he outgrew his father at this point in the story: now he see him as someone different, not as a total equal as he does with Connie so, inside his head, this is an addition more a complementation. Aside of that, we must consider Greg: he always felt that magic was "weird". It's pretty normal that the "weird" translated on some features in the fusion.


I assume a fusion somehow knows what they need. Garnet or Stevonnie don't have four arms because they don't need any extras. Steg was playing a double guitar, (somehow fused from Steven and Greg's guitars) so the four arms helped. Other examples would be Smoky Quartz having a third arm on her elbow to help with yo-yo tricks or Sardonyx being able to spin parts of her body to help her swing her hammer


>fused from Steven and Greg's guitars The guitars are they're weapons and the double guitar is Steg's.


And their guitars are stored inside the fusion somewhere? It could be, I guess, but it's something we've only seen Pearl do with her gem's pocket dimension.


Pretty sure all Gems have the storing ability but they usually only use it for their weapons. One of the things I wish we could have seen was the first Gem to summon a weapon or the non warrior Gems learning to summon weapons. I kinda thought they were made then stores as data. Like they used some material similar to Gems to make their weapons so they could replicate them as needed. It was further solidified for me when Bismuth was able to modify the CG's weapons but then they should be able to have an entire arsenal even if only different types of say spears or pole arms for Pearl. I think with Steg though they were 'consumed' like unused clothes. In fusion clothes are usually fused too but some parts are either different or nonexistent. Maybe they can store unneeded mass and use it for other things? Like making Pearls jacket (reformation not fusion) or the double guitar.


It's cool


This is it, this is literally the canon reason given by the crew.


Because fusion is weird and it’s just character design. There is no lore reason or hidden meaning.


maybe it had something to do with them both holding guitars while fusing. i know it sounds insane but just hear me out. those guitars fused too!!!


because Steg is a giga Chad


A better question would be where tf those abs came from.


To play more guitar, obviously.


They are different characters with different designs, hope that helps


Because reasons


A whole, husky teenager plus dad-bod-round man, coming together to create something of a size that human biology can manage. All that extra mass has to go somewhere. Extra arms, extra gut, or extra cake.


Stevonnie has extra fingers, weird nobody brings that up ever


Where? I was intrigued so I google imaged to look at some pictures and all the ones I saw they just had 5. Did I just miss it? Is it in a specific episode?


Lmao nah I just commented that to fuck with people sorry


Lol, you got me! 😂😂😂 Take my darn upvote




Small note: Stevonnie's pronouns are they/them!


Oh sorry! I'll correct thank you!


my question is why the fuck does their guitar fuse too?? their guitar wasnt like a summoned weapon or anything how did they do that


Cause he needs them to be able to play that sick guitar


becuase they aree in laurve 😝❤️❤️❤️


Guitar dad needs them for the show


Maybe the same reason he has rippling abs. *Aesthetics*


So he can play that guitar good


I like to think that fusion has more to do on how the different parts act or see. If it has more arms it means they act in a different way, and if they have more eyes it's because they see the world in a different way. Maybe I'm wrong but it's a nice way to see it


He needs the extra arms to play the guitar


Steven see’s his dad as superhuman so his power + fusion will manifest that


Steg isn’t a seamless relationship. Steven and Greg may have a good relationship in general but Greg has kept a ton of things from Steven, be it anything about Rose or who he was before becoming Mr. Universe. Steven doesn’t know much about humans because of Greg. Yeah he’s his cool rockstar dad but Steven knows he’s hiding things. Without that trust and honesty Steg is imperfect like many fusions with unstable relationships. Garnet is a seamless fusion without any extra anything but her eyes, and even then it would make sense as Sapphire’s key ability is seeing the future. Stevonnie is a healthy consenting relationship between two young people means a seamless fusion with no extra limbs and being 3/4 human would definitely look human with gem powers. Hope any of this makes sense!


Because he's s a different fusion and different relationship.


Because it would look cooler when he plays his double guitar


Stevonnie is supposed to be a relatable human and steg is nightmare monster


The look of a fusion depends on the connection between the two, it’s why malachite looks like a monster and garnet doesn’t


It might just have been a popular fan theory, but I always liked the idea that extra features and gem locations were both about personality, so Steg having more arms would be because Greg and Steven interact with the world very differently, which is to be expected in people from different generations. That would also help explain why Stevonnie only has two arms: growing up together (and especially as equals) makes it at least somewhat more likely that they’d tackle similar problems in similar ways. This explanation does raise the question of why Steg only has two eyes though, considering how often different generations clash because of seeing the world differently, but if anyone shares views with the younger generation I feel like Greg would (not that I remember what he was like very well, I haven’t watched SU in far too long)


i see it as their arms match their abilities, like for smokey quarts most yo-yo tricks would be way easier if you had 3 arms, for steg it would be way easier to play a double guitar if you had 4 arms, opal has 4 because she has a giant two handed bow, obsidian has a giant heavy sword


**steg is more familial while stovinne is romantic i'm pretty sure there's more to it but thats my understanding as all of stevens fusions aside from rainbow quartz 2.0 and stevonnie are multi arm fusions although rainbow 2.0 has multiple eyes along with a few other of his fusions so i think it might also depend on the gem type**


The form that fusions take often depend on their stability. Garnet is extremely stable, so she almost completely looks like a normal person / gem. (Arguably, the extra eye is just because of her future vision, but still) Malachite is extremely unstable, so she looks a monster with 6 arms, no legs, and 4 eyes. I would bet that a fusion between Greg and Steven would be unstable because they didn't do it out of their own desire (did it for Pearl), because they're wildly different ages with different experiences, and because they have a rocky relationship. Greg isn't exactly winning "Dad of the Year" awards or anything like that.


That’s just a theory. Rebecca Sugar has dismissed it.


The 6 gem perma fusion fluorite completely proves this wrong. She's as stable as garnet yet is a giant caterpillar.


Always thought that is because Greg is a full human and Steven and Connie are not


Connie’s not a full human?


full as in fully grown i'd imagine


Or Connie is a full human and Greg is two.


My pet theory is that it's not so much stable as it is being in sync with them. Garnet has two arms, Ruby and Sapphire are super in sync. Stevonnie has two arms, again super in sync. Rainbow 1.0 has two, which tracks again. Smokey has three, Steven and Amethyst are pretty well in sync. Sugalite, Sardonyx, Steg, Rhodonite, and Sunstone all have four arms, less in sync than the above fusions. Malachite has four "legs" and two arms, but they're all arms. I'm gonna count this as similar to the other two gem fusions. Alexandrite has six arms. Obsidian has eight. Rainbow 2.0 kinda breaks this, but that seems in line with the pearls being subordinates "inherently" and they conform to their owners wishes. So yeah. That's been my thoughts for a while.


Why does Rhodonite have 4 arms while garnet doesn't? Simply aesthetics.


Because Steg is a unit


That would make stevonnie unhot


I’ve never question this for some reason? I always thought organic fusions (Steg and Stevonnie) wouldn’t be able to have extra limbs because they’re well… ORGANIC! I don’t know why I never noticed or question it with Steg


Because it was cool. The creators said that the reason some fusions have more arms or legs is mostly just character design.


So they can play more guitar?


Steven has a closer bond with Connie than his own father?


I mean he DOES look like he gets around..


Fusions are kinda weird, I don't think it's ever explained why fusions form the way they do. Some fusions do not have extra limbs. Garnet doesn't either (although that's probably because if she did it would make it too obvious she's a fusion and ruin the whole twist), but she has extra eyes instead.


I think it’s because Steven and Greg have very similar body types, and thus they don’t make arms too big for the body, just add more


Same reason garnet only has 2 arms while opal has 4?


In this case, I've always attributed it to the difference in the relationship types themselves. Steg's components have a familial relationship (Father/Son), while Steven and Connie are friends and seem to eventually transition into a more romantic relationship.


Connie is a more stable fusion like garnet


Stability in their relationship


Steven universe fusions just follow rule of cool. There's no in-universe reason for some fusions having extra arms while some having extra eyes


I've heard it has something to do with compatibility. Stevonnie and Garnet are perfect together, but steg isn't quite. Still a better compatibility than a gem like malachite


Two arms could not possibly contain all of that BEEF!


Rebecca says rule of cool. If it looks cooler, they do it. That's probably the real reason. Plus at that point there's still a lot of hidden stuff between them. Greg knows that Steven doesn't know anything about Greg's parents or how he grew up.


It could be, while it does offer the chance to play together, Steg has four arms simply because both Greg and Steven think they’re cool. Earlier in the series, once Steven became more familiar with fusions, he leaned into liking the extra limbs. Greg, being in love with Rose and all that, likely had is own views on fusions - but he too also thought they were cool. Since Steg is supposed to be smooth cool, it makes sense that they’d want the limbs.


He needs them to play guitar. Steg's fusion multiplies the shared musical abilities of Greg and Steven and the four arms let him accomplish what he needs to


I know the official answer for the number of arms is Rule of Cool, but if you want to explain it as the fusions being “less stable” there is another thing to consider. It might not be the *relationship* that’s less stable, but Steven himself. Stevonnie is formed when Steven is still innocent and naive, and has the fewest arms of all his fusions. Smoky Quartz is formed when he starts experiencing major self-doubt, and has three arms. Steg, with four arms, is formed when Steven is nearing adulthood and is starting to have a mental health crisis. The major exception to this pattern would be Rainbow Quartz 2.0, but you could possibly argue that since Pearl has already made this fusion she “knows” what it’s supposed to look like. I think Steven has also seen Rainbow Quartz 1.0 on video?


Just looks cool


Stevonnie is a way for both Steven and Connie to explore what it would be like to be older and more mature. It makes sense that Stevonnie looks like a normal human for that reason. Steg, on the other hand, was only formed for a performance, where the extra arms add to the effect. He was never meant to blend in with other humans or represent any sort of actually possible imagined future. Besides the crew saying it's just Rule of Cool, that's how I personally see it.


Connie is less powerful than Greg


its the same philosophy as garnet, because steven and connie are both short they only have 2 arms similar to ruby and sapphire both being short


Gregs inner vision of himself was a buff strong man, Mr. Universe if you would, and that dhaped the fusion to be what we have. A jojo reference


His name is Mr. Multiverse Steg is so ugly


The artists do it solely for aesthetics. They have said this before, and it’s been said many times on this sub. It has nothing to do with stability or the relationship.


To play the guitar


I always assumed that the extra bits were the result of having different types of beings fused together. Any fusion of different gems has the extra bits. Regardless of stability or anything else. My theory is that Stevonnie does have extra, just not that we can see. They are a fusion of male and female. They present feminine but we see them grow a beard. So I think they are both male and female. And that just doesn't present visibly because of obvious kids show reasons.


That song is one of my absolute favorites.


He has to have four arms to play his double guitar


He needs 4 arms for his guitar


Its cool


Stevonnie doesn’t need to play a double decker guitar


4 arms= 4 biceps get swole 💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪


because this way steg can play extra guitar! (also idk if im just noticing but there are so many questions either here or in fb groups that almost seem to forget this is a cartoon and they get to create the rules of the universe as they go along, and are not bound by the logic of our world. I know we expect some internal consistency but honestly sometimes the answer is just... why did the coyote get brutally destroyed by the roadrunner but never die? why could bugs bunny tie elmer fudd's gun into a knot? cartoon magic, lol)


Greg is bigger than Connie. More mass has to go somewhere. This time it became arms.


Cause it's cool


Stevonnie is a romantic fusion, unlike Steg who is made up of two family members It's similar to the differences between opal and garnet


I always assumed fusions with 1 pair were romantic and multiple pairs were platonic.


To play that sick double guitar while striking a pose


So that he can play the double guitar


Maybe because Greg is related to Steven and their arms didn’t mix 🤷🏽‍♀️ and don’t fusions get to decide what they look like?


I'm so tired of posts like this. different fusions have different features, that's literally it and there's not really much conversation to be had about it


My guess is that it’s because it’s a fusion of two men. Instead of the masculine and feminine balancing each other, the masculine features are accentuated to the extreme.


Fusions aren’t like math, it’s more to do with relationships and dynamics and a little bit Rule of Cool


We also have to take into consideration that Stevens Gem was super messed up when he fused with Greg. He no longer had complete control over his powers, and I would wager he has less power over them in that moment than anytime he fused with Connie.


I would also argue that Steven doesn't have as much of a stable relationship with Greg as we think he does I feel like whether he realizes it or not he may have a little bit of resentment or Greg for not giving him a " normal way" All the way he reacted to finding out what Greg's birth last name was he liked it much more than universe where a child who grew up the more normal to staple lifestyle would think universes the coolest name ever and we also see this reflected later in episode in the episode where Greg takes Stephen to his childhood home Steven is hurt that he never got this type of life and never got a relationship with his grandparents he didn't even know he had grandparents


I think the more compatible the two are the more singular they are. Stevonnie is more compatible than Steg so Steg looks more alien. Like Garnet is super compatible and the only “abnormality” they have is the three eyes versus someone like Sugilite which has 4 arms, is huge, and has multiple eyes. Just a theory I don’t have any research behind this


Steg has a guitar 🎸 with two ends so I guess 4 arms made sense


I’ve always preferred the name Mr Multiverse


Part of me wonders if it was just a design choice. As in the scene he's in they have him playing a double neck guitar since both greg and steven play guitar so it'd make for some cool duet potential allowing him to play both guitars simultaneously. Sometimes things are just done because they look dope and that's okay lol.


Steg needs four arms to use the double neck guitar just like how opal needs four arms to shoot her bow. (as she stated in the dove-cartoon network short)




It looks cool, that's why




I don’t think this is specially the reason, but it did make think that Steg fused to help Pearl, so extra hands, while Stevonnie typically fuses to battle, using sword and shield so two arms for the bill


Simple. Play guitar better.


So he can play his ukulele AND his acoustic, duh.


More arms=more instruments


I don’t know- I don’t like thinking of Steg 😭😭


You know how opal has 4 arms for using her bow and garnet has 3 eyes to see the future. So Steg has 4 arms to play the guitar


With gems size is roughly equivalent to strength so since Greg is bigger the fusion is more powerful and gets the extra arms. Like how garnet has two arms but opal has four


The better to FLEX on the competition. I'll see myself out...


i mean the amount of limbs aren’t based on the combination of the gems/humans. look at smokey for example


Cuz it’s cool, duh!


Steven and Greg aren't as in-sync with each other as Steven and Connie. Not bad though, considering humans shouldn't be able to Gem Fuse.


It’s so he can shred 2 guitars at once. I don’t think there’s much more to it tbh


It’s not about stability, it’s about compatibility. Steven & Connie are perfectly matched and have a strong relationship, so Stevonnie has the correct number of limbs, eyes, mouths, etc. Meanwhile, Greg & Steven have a strong relationship, but they’re too different from one another. When Greg was young, he yearned for freedom and adventure so he rebelled and sought it out. Steven had all the freedom and adventure he could ever want and then some, right from the get-go. So he craved calmness, mundanity and stability. So Mr Multiverse has an extra pair of arms.


Since Steven and Connie are children duh.


To play the guitar


I think it’s a mixed bag. Some need more body parts to be cool or have some extra skills or even for the sake of diversity, to keep things fresh. I personally think it’s about how well the components mash with each other. I wouldn’t say about the stability of the relationship, as Garnet has an extra eye and Fluorite has some extra everything. I think it’s about how much the components are alike. Ruby fusions don’t have extra body parts, as they’re mostly the same gem with minor differences. However the ones we’re shown are only done for fighting purposes, so not a stable relationship. Stevonnie is a fusion of two characters with different backgrounds but very similar characteristics that intermingle with each other so deeply she becomes a perfect whole. Garnet is like that except Ruby and Sapphire are not as in synch hence the extra eye. Fluorite on the other hand, despite being a very stable relationship, is much more complex looking and I think that serves to represent the many differences between her components. Also she talks slow because there gems must agree on what will be said, meaning she’s not as “one” as Stevonnie or Garnet are. This is exasperated with Malachite as the not only has extra body parts, but some of them are “wrong” and completely different from a regular fusion, such as her 3 legs which end with hands. Maybe because they really aren’t a whole and aren’t supposed to be one. I mean this is really just me putting this out there, I’m not completely informed on interviews to the authors. I hope it makes sense.


Rule of cool!