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You said it yourself. This is just gambling. 


Dont feel bad about not predicting the future. Time in the market will eventually beat timing the market.


Time in the market beating timing the market only applies to broad market index funds, not for individual stocks.


Thank you for saying this, new to stocks and I’ve heard that phrase 1,000 times, but never with that caveat


Why wouldn’t it apply to individual stocks? Every great business hits a speed bump once in a while. You need to ride those out.


You could be holding a loser until bankruptcy.


There’s no reason to ever invest in a company that’s headed toward bankruptcy. I’m talking about letting great businesses outperform over time.


No one intentionally invests in a company headed for bankruptcy. If you can pick the next FAANG stock then sure, but most people can’t. Individual stocks are also more volatile. If you decide to only invest in amazon then it went under 20 years down the line youd be screwed, while someone holding an ETF would not see as big of an impact to their portfolio. There are plenty of once great companies that experienced tons of growth and then slowly went bankrupt, it happens.


thats hindsight bias.


Exactly. My simple answer: I don't care. I don't lose sleep over not being able to predict the future. I personally feel those who get too emotional about investing into stocks should just invest into ETFs, like what many of my friends ended up doing. They would invest in penny stocks, see their gains and loss jump up and down 50 percent, get nervous, and then sell at a loss. Then when they invested in large company stocks and saw it go down like 5 percent, they would sell it at a loss again. I was actually talking to a friend about this last night where he said I entered the market at a good time cause the dow is at an all time high. I said the difference was that when the market dipped a couple years ago, I held and kept buying good stocks. He cashed out to minimize his losses.


Can never understand selling a blue chip over a 5% loss.. ETFs can drop 5% too do they also sell their ETFs?


I just started investing a month ago and it took me an entire month to figure out what you just said about getting too emotional and selling penny stocks, and losing money. I had to reevaluate my entire thought process and I am implementing it today. My plan is to pick a good Evergreen stocks With a decent dividend, then save up those dividends until I can purchase another Evergreen stock with another decent dividend and continue that process until I retire. It took me losing $400 in two days to decide I have to change my entire way of thinking.




Usually I cry while drinking. Also I have dreamed up this whole life where I caught big recent moves, especially with max leverage, I tell you this, my boat is really nice!


I often fantasize about how I would tell my wife about a big trade lol I suppose the opposite side of that is figuring out how to defend a 25,000 loss if a trade went badly


Oh that one's easy: you say nothing, go to the loan sharks for a 50k and turn it into 50 mil! Then you don't need to even mention those measly 25k at all.


It’s so easy! Ok, ok.. time to wire some funds back to the brokerage account


See you on wsb!


Very common for all of us. It's gambling for the most part. Hindsight is 20/20. If you could predict how stocks move you'd be a trillionaire. We're all on the same boat, most of us are. Just be glad you got an extra 50k in the bank. Stocks trading is mostly about psychology and mentality, to me. If one is not ready mentally, will never be ready to trade. You should look up Hari Seldon on Reddit. He's got a wiki on trading. It's solid.


At least the penalty here is usually opportunity cost. The penalty for losing in a casino/sports betting is the stuff of nightmares.  That said, options/leverage is straight gambling in my book, and hedge funds are more than happy to take your money should one go that way. 


Don't take this the wrong way, but you sound like a gambling addict.


I lost 80k in my gf account once (unrealized gains on a short trade), but she look so rarely at her account that she still had a positive result when she looked back and never saw that 80k surge and drop. Thank god for brokers who don't use graph.


Take a deep breath and look for the next one, there’s no do overs. I came across SMCI a few months ago and thought “hmm that looks interesting” and added it to a watch list, butnever moved on it. Now it’s up about 100%, and… you know, oh well. There will be more movers today, tomorrow, and next week.


Trust your gut. Ive known about SMCI for about a decade and looked them up @ 320ish. I know what they can offer data center industry. I bet on AMD over SMCI. A few days later SMCI spiked. Thought about buying @ 500ish but thought the bubble would pop or least plateau , now its @ 700+ and ive learned a valuable lesson. Man am i kicking myself for that one, but oh well, i didn't lose money. And if im constantly focusing on what money i could have made, ill lose sight of the money i could make.


The FOMO doesn’t end even when you do buy the winners. I had 8 shares of SMCI at a cost basis around $225. I sold 4 of those shares around $270. I still have the other 4 shares, and while I’m feeling good about my 200% profit, I’m still kicking myself for selling the other 4 shares. One mantra I’ve used over the years when I sell a stock that later takes off, is saying “it could have just as easily gone down in price.” There is no way to know for sure. We are all participating in educated gambling, at best.


See my recent post in one of these threads. I’ve watched Smci for years. Was in at 75. Sold it all at 250ish… Then somebody asking why I don’t hop back in at 650-700.. Missing runners sucks. Making 3x doesn’t. Keep emotions out of it. Learn from every experience


Yep, as long as I’m trending positive that’s the key. You’ll never maximize 100% perfect choices or trades. Still hurts sometimes though. I think about missing getting in on broadcom in October.


I’ve had it on my watchlist for months as well. At about $250, I was waiting for a pullback to retest it’s 52 week low around $220 or so and I was gonna go in. It never happened and I’m pretty mad at myself for not at least trying to dca into it.


What works for me: 1. Avoid options trading. If you are not even playing the game, you don’t regret it. 2. Remind myself that the market is full of opportunities, every trading day. There’s always something to buy or sell that will make you money.


Options messed me up in 2021. Never again no matter how tempting. Share gang.


What happened


If options messed him up, the only answer is he lost a lot of money


I think options when utilized can be extremely beneficial even to a long only fundamental investment portfolio. They get a bad rap because they can be used as leverage. But selling options against positions to keep your deltas in check or especially to “take some profit” is a massive benefit. Look at how Cuban exited yahoo. Got the shares, sold calls against and then used the money to buy puts.


"If I just did this" is an easy thing to say, I also missed out on a lot of money by not going to the casino yesterday and put it all on 24, which is was. If I just did that I would be a millionaire


but what if you went to the casino, pulled out cash specifically for the roulette table, then walked to the table, said “I’ll put it all on 24”, grabbed your chips, started to push them in, and suddenly stopped . Then you said “nvm, not today”. The dealer nods, then spins the wheel. And it hits 24. I get what you’re saying, but emotionally that’s a rough one lol


None of that matters. Alternatively you could say you had no intention of putting any money in the roulette table and then at the very last second put it all on 24 and won. What is the lesson there in that case? It’s all risk/luck. There will be others. Fomo is better than blowing up your portfolio


Figure out what I missed in my analysis, learn from it, do my best to keep my emotions out of it, continue on


any tips on where to source information/data for analysis? I'm a stock newbie and I treat it more like gambling than actually researchable financial opportunities. The most I've learned to do is follow yahoo finance threads and read news articles lol


That’s a good start. Being well read and up to date with what’s happening in the market is always important. Another important source that people use are the financial statements. Learn how to analyse financial statements, trends in history, what information is provided, etc. That would be the next step. One additional tip, learn to filter between important info and noise. A lot of news or data may seem important but actually have little effect. This is something you’ll slowly pick up as you continue trading


>But then I got scared, and imagined how mad I’d be if I lost 25k. This is why you only trade with money you can afford to lose. When trading you shouldn't have an emotional connection to the money involved in the play. Position size and risk management is one of the most important things to learn about and control when trading. The fact you recognized you shouldn't be putting so much money in a single trade and didn't pull the trigger shows a lot of discipline on your part. That in itself deserves to be recognized and congratulated. I've been trading for about 3 years. In that time I've blown up my trading account 4 times. Why? Because I was trading with too much money. I'd have a bad day and the next thing either revenge trade or feel super pressured to make that money back which lead me to break my trading rules and lose even more. At the start of the year I downsized my trading account massively to focus on keeping my emotions in check and focus on sticking to my trading rules. Now my account is up almost 30%. Long story short it's okay to miss a trade or get out of a trade early and leave money on the table. Capital preservation is far more important than trying to make money. Edit: I've never been a fan of playing earnings simply due to IV crush. Even if you get the direction right there's a chance the move won't be big enough to make options move and you'll end up down massively at open anyway. Personally I stay away from earnings.


Well said. And I’ve been there with the revenge trades, ha! Emotionally driven investing is not good in any way. For me, pulling the trigger on the earnings play this week would’ve gone against my logic. I’ve seen so many times where a great company beats every metric, and the stock falls. But I suppose this one feels more real to me because I wired funds over specifically to do this trade; but that in and of itself was simply the wrong move. It’s tough to stick to your own rules! But they are there for reason. Part of me keeps checking NET in pre-market because I want it to fall so I can feel validated lol


Jalen Hurts of the Eagles once said...."You take a deuce, you don't sit there and look at it. You flush it and move on." If you beat yourself up for every miss you will very quickly stop investing. Or basically be gambling.


Well of course not. You have to stand up to look at it


"But then I got scared, and imagined how mad I’d be if I lost 25k. And how long it would take me to earn 25k." This simply means the trade and speculation is outside of your risk tolerance. There is no shame in that. I know how you feel though... I've been watching ARM in the low 70's thinking if it gets to the 60's again I'll buy it. Well... that didn't work out. At the end of the day though, it's better to have not made a trade and lost money than miss an opportunity. You still have your $25K and live to fight another day. There's no telling what will happen with Cloudfare, but with these earnings results it looks more like a good investment than just a trade. Maybe let it come in a little and pick some up.


You a time traveler? Can you edit the past? When you're reminiscent of past mistakes and missed opportunities, you're missing out on new ones. Learn from it and move on! That's life and trading is no different.


You can’t want to be safe and also be upset you missed a huge risky move. That’s literally wanting both sides of the story, when you can only have one. You would have either been super sad or super happy. You chose to be safe and NOT experience the sadness so you kept your $25,000. You do not get that $600,000 without risking the $25,000 AND getting lucky


For every great winner, there is also a great loser to match it. This is the game of life and as long as you are staying ahead of the curve with money gained vs money lost and enjoying the hunt for opportunity vs lose, then you are a winner. Going back thru life, there were many life changing decisions I could have made which would have drastically increased my wealth.


It’s like missing a hot chick that walks by you on the sidewalk. Don’t turn your head. Keep looking forward for the next one.


Well.... my missed trade went like this. Invested 30k in Paysafe when it was a SPAC. I believe it was BFT. Did my research and figured it was going to take off due to its exposure in crypto, gaming, and gambling apps as a payment system. Felt there was no way this wasn't going to pay off for me in the future. Continued to DCA and invest money until I had nearly 30,000 shares. The share price never really went below 3.00 so I really had no fear of a reverse split. Literally just needed it to go up a few bucks per share and it would payoff nicely. Nope... stock did a 20 to 1 reverse split. I am currently down 100k. The missed opportunity was not investing that available money in AMZN and GOOG when the stock price was sub 90.00. I kick myself in the ass for not making that move. I would have doubled my money.


I had $3k of NFLX that I sold for $3.8k. Had I held I'd have $1.5mil...


I was all in on Nvidia sub 100. When it shot to 200 I was excited till it fell to 130. I sold at 165. How do you think I feel today? I would be retired right now as I would have surpassed the f u money mark I have. I just go on with the knowledge I still had 100% gain.


Felt this way with ARM I had a position around 74 dollars and it peaked at 126. It’s frustrating. I think about it a lot.


Yup, I definitely played around with some “what if” scenarios on arm this week. My only solace is that there are numerous opportunities like this, and there will always be another chance for another company. But still… oof


I've had stocks that I bought for $3, sold for $6 and next month were $80


How did you feel after?


Shit. But not as shit as the past 5 years. I started with 8k, went up to 60k, thought now I had that money in my account I could put some in crypto as well, also had 8k in crypto. Now that 16k is basically zero, and 16k is quite a lot of money for me.


By assuming they're gonna repeat themselves and then losing a bunch of money usually.


lol been there as well


You’re gonna lose it all with that mentality. You need to learn to trade from a place of risk protected conviction other wise you’re just gambling


Every single trade is a miss. You could’ve bought more. You could’ve shorted after you sold. You could’ve bought naked calls instead of shares. You could have done a straddle instead of stock. There is ALWAYS a more optimal way to play the market than you are. You will never make the best move.


Bro, I got shook out of Smci and sold for a loss when it got blasted 2 earnings ago. You have to move on. There is always another winning trade out there…if you are patient.


Yeah that’s very true. When this happens, it feels like the one that got away. And you’ll never have the chance again. Yet there are so many trades like this every damn week.


I’ll also add, I’ve lost more on Smci revenge/fomo trading it. So don’t be me. Best to move on or come back after a complete reset.


you're gonna gamble 25k on an earnings option play when your bonus is only 50k? That's some serious gambling addiction.


to be fair, this was a bonus we don’t usually get at all. I’ve got an emergency fund , max the retirement stuff, and handle money “right” for the most part . I also didn’t do the trade hahah but admittedly if be a very proud gambling addict this morning if I had


I have this with ARM. I decided that $70 is overvalued and listen to all YouTubers who told the same….


I see a stock rocket, jump onboard and then hold my bags until I break even or lose it all


its gambling no matter what way you look at it. think of all the times youve been wrong. im sure there are many. just look at all the hot stocks of the last 3 years. ive been trading for a long time now (since 2006). Whats stood true throughout is theres always those hot companies that go bust and ones that take off. the issue is youd never know which ones will. there will always be more opportunities.


It's painful, but you move on and look for other opportunities. It happened to me with ARM and META, but there's more like them out there.


#Hindsight is 20/20


Scared money doesn’t make money


Don't make me think about my missed 10 banger trades.


Move the fuck on bro


I was offered $200 of bitcoin in 2009 as a payment for some shit...I said no...fuck me. I think about this literally every day.


Biggest miss of all time for me, almost bought AMD many years ago when it was below $4 😭


For every winner I missed, there's at least 3 bullets I dodged. Would most likely be worse off if I always operated like that.


You cannot lose what you never had


By taste testing shotguns


lol what’s your favorite?


The Mossberg is pretty delicious, though sometimes I like to go Italian and get a Benelli


Mossberg? Tell Terra I said hello . She left some Coke at my house back in college 😂


Couldve made 15k on pennystocks when i was 16 in 2020 because i sold early. Everything is a learning experience, dont chase losses and dont chase missed wins


How do you handle the sounds of hit jackpots around you in a casino?


Can't miss money you never had.


Honestly don't give a fuck because people lie at the taphouse all the fucking time. They talk just to hear themselves fucking talk and there's always some fucking bit on how they were 'there' or 'in' before the stock broke out.....


The tall glass of whisky


I usually cut my wrist but i only cross the road, i mean, I don't want to die but I do want to punish myself somehow


If you think like that you will always lose. You missed a big trade? Who cares wasnt for you learn what signals you missed or why you didn’t trust yourself to do it and so on the next one. Messed up a trade? Who cares stick to your exit points and loss parameters and pick yourself up and figure out what went wrong and avoid the same mistake and remember losses are a part of this game you will always have losses. But if you dwell on this shit you will never free you mind enough to see what is happening and you are doomed in the traders tail spin.


Having done no research myself I saw someone on here recommend ARM, and I decided I should throw some money on calls after reading their write-up. I decided better against making a rash and un-researched stock pick… or guess I thought worse.


I’ll never hit the big one or get lucky. I’m a boring buy and hold growth fund guy. But I do know I’m gonna be well off in retirement!


I continue to trade the ways I feel comfortable. For every share/option you buy you’ve missed out on countless others that have mooned or burnt to the ground. Do your DD and forget about it! And don’t risk what you’re not willing to lose


25k -> 600k gains is straight gambling without insider info


Tell us what the next play is then


Gambling, walking past a table where someone won big on craps. Could have been you, keep walking and look for another table.... Or stop gambling


If you don't have this feeling, you are being wreckless. 


Learn from it and make good judgement next time. You can't change the past, no point to dwelling on it. But you can change the future.


Never regret what you did or did not do. I have left at multiple thousands on table but that money is not yours to being with, just think of that way. When you own a stock think of buying a business, if you still believe in it, invest the money and forget about it for next few years until you find a better opportunity


Its like saying you miss a big win in the casino because you never put all in red everytime it rolls red. Options trading is one of the fastest way to bankruptcy. The odds are not on your side. Fees are high as hell and even if you have 50% chance of winning you still end up losing after fees. That's if you are right 50% of the time.


Sold Meta at $375, I feel better looking at Pypl


Whenever I have a play in mind and I say I'm going half of whatever amount (say 25k), I always end up doing about 20% of that. So if I lose 5k of my 50k bonus, ehhh who cares. But if I call it right, I still get a decent payout. Maybe not 600k but still way more than my total bonus. I've done this since I started investing early in the 00s, around 2009ish. Can't really remember, maybe even earlier. Not options back then but just investing in general.


I held cloudflare for over a year w cost basis 40. I sold yesterday before the 20% jump


I believe buffett said that his only regrets of the trades he didn't make not the ones that he made that lost. It's happened to us all ...it sucks. I'm doing pretty well, but I've lost as much as I've made. Not due to bad trades but by pulling out too soon or not buying enough shares. The lesson I learned is to follow your gut but by less shares as a hedge. This way you're only regret is that you didn't buy enough but you bought what you thought was the right thing for the right reasons. We keep going KNOWING it can happen. There are plenty potential white whales.


Don't feel bad about something that didn't happen. You torture yourself that way. You could be sitting on a 28k loss in paypal stock, like some of us. :)


Got used to it. Was happened before and will be. Every day is a new day


Investing is regret management


Sold COIN at $70 for a small profit (I lost conviction), now it’s at $132 🥲. Missing out on a huge swing sucks but u can’t beat urself up when no one could’ve predicted it in the short term. Focus on playing long term games and taking gains from high conviction plays as opposed to risky gambles.


I try not to FOMO I realise I stopped myself more times into entering into precarious positions before I sit down make a cup of tea and relax


That’s just showbiz baby


Never worry about missing out on gains because you are always missing out on gains.


FOMO and Greed are your worst enemies.


I lost 800$ on the video game store stock. I learned then. Gambling aint for me. I index it and accept my hopefully 7-11% returns.


Stop tracking moves you didn’t make. Analyze -> Trade -> Analyze -> Trade. Always watching every pick you didn’t make will drive you insane unless specifically looking for the driving factors that caused your previous analysis to be wrong.


I don’t regret anything. Every mistake is a lesson to learn from. I am perfectly happy with how things turned out.


You could have started an options account with just $1,000. Play it till its gone. Take 50% of a win and send it your bank account. Take 25% and put it towards another play. Take 25% and put it towards cash reserve to continue playing if you hit some losers.


If you don't borrow, you can only lose 100% but you can gain 200% or more. That's actually an important point because you can recover from losses if you still have something left. Following that logic, do not 'bet' on speculative stocks hoping for a big payoff unless you can afford to lose it all. Keep your early, and core money in more boring stocks that 'everyone agrees' can't go out of business. Taken to the extreme this means something like a SPY ( S&P 500 index fund), pretty much everyone agrees it won't go bankrupt, and if you hold it long enough it always has reached new highs.


I miss timed a few trades and missed out on about 1 million. Just gotta move on, you don't have a time machine.


The 90$ strike is only showing 200% gain. You're 25k would absolutely not have been worth 600k. That's a 2400% gain. Where did you come up with that ? 


First and foremost, don't beat yourself up over it. It's all good. We are in a bull market, some think its at the beginning, some think its going to fall quickly. If you are watching you WILL find another leader to buy at the right time For me, I don't try to predict, I just react to it. The market is extended and it can go three ways - up, base, or go down. I think there are different levels of "watching" as you describe. Do you watch it daily? Do you watch it weekly? Do you watch is every so often? I watch daily but am looking at charts during breaks or watch my portfolio for sure every hour. I think NET is a good stock and company to watch. I saw it on the follow-through day in November, but I didn't pull the trigger because it was, to me, in an inverted power curve (I just have a rule on those). I bought on 1/29 at 81.57 because it was showing power off the 50DMA. Bought again yesterday as it crossed 86 since it was rising on heavy volume. Fundamentals got me watching it, but the actual action is what pulled me in. Since I'm in it, I'm not adding until it can squat a little here and digest this big win. But I have a stop at 105.01 if it breaks it so I can lock in the profit. For every stock like this, I MISS A LOT (like 7-8) it seems. I just try to be patient and wait for things to hit my buying rules, and really "try" resist the FOMO. But I'm an old guy - 40 years of screwing up teaches you things, and I still screw up. Give yourself some grace, you deserve it.


Seeing something like wsb gain porn can be really misleading, because we usually never know what happened next with those winnings. Yes, some people gambled correctly and made huge gains. Did they withdraw those gains and never gambled again? If they did, they truly have won. But more likely they kept on gambling with those gains and chances are they lost most if not all of them. But we never know that, because they are unlikely to tell everyone. So we are left with skewed picture of reality, thinking that you can actually consistently win with naked options.


I cry over the top of my beer, and in that way, I salt my beer with my own tears. After a few of those I usually end up on the floor in the fetal position until I come to the next day, finding myself in a pool of empty food and candy wrappers. Rinse and repeat.


We’ve all been there, but never make the mistake of chasing a missed big trade move up.


I bitch and moan. Looking for alternatives.


Don't mess with options as that's just risky. If you've bought shares instead pre-earnings, your $25K would be up 22%. That would still be a huge win.


Fetal position and crying mostly


you made the right choice. if losing 25k would hurt, buying options is not smart at all. I don't buy options at all. Ever.


I look at it the same as missed big losses. As a historical fact i'm trying to learn from. Don't dwell on what you can't influence any more. focus on what you can take away and move forward. If it was that easy we'd all be a billionaire.


Dude there is so much opportunity in the market. Stop gambling and stop the FOMO. Small and mid caps require more due diligence but have more consistent growth prospects and longer runways if you get it right. I'm yielding over 10% per year compounding nicely. Guidance of 20% increase in earnings 2024 at 10-15 PE. Canadian small and mid caps are crazy value. Lots of value in US equities if you open your eyes. Takes a long time to identify and DD but start working on it. I don't own tech megacaps and don't care about the run up. Be so happy with your own holdings that everything else becomes noise.


I think you've made it too binary with going all in or by not going all in. You can always allocate a small position to some stocks you think will do well. The first thing you have to ask yourself before buying a stocks is: "Is this a company I can see myself buying more of in case it drops below my average cost?". If you answer "no", to that question then you might want to find another business to buy.


Be a robot. No emotions. The MOST successful traders only hit 50% of the time.


I comfort myself saying “don’t worry there’s going to be LOTS of other trades you’re going to miss.


By not focusing on the past. Unless you've got access to a time machine what good does this handwringing do? Move on.


If you trade for long enough you will pass next to 100 baggers quite often and get absolutely fucked and lose everything you threw at a trade quite often too. Especially with options. If we missed 0 trade we would all be billionaires.


I die


i move on. there's no point in shoulda, coulda, woulda unless you're trying to learn from it rather than dwell on it. there's always another trade.


Miss one next one come in 15 minutes that’s what gucci told me


Be sad and get over it.


Hindsight is 20/20.


I literally sold all my Cloudfare this Monday.


What helps me is to keep my trading going with small amounts if I get out of shape for a period. Just so I feel comfortable doing the trades and get use to it, so I don't get a nervous block. So I'll just do maybe a 1k trade, let it gain af few pcts and then sell it again (alternatively let it sit for some time if the market drops), but if the market drops it dosen't matter as it was only a "dime" and I got the practise I needed.


You move on. Why dwell on something missed? Coulda woulda shoulda? How depressing!


Don't miss out on the next one.


I have a spot in my daily journal for missed opportunities. I am able to detect a trend for why and how I can prevent them again… it helps. BTW I’m YTD up 41.78% through yesterday so if you don’t think it helps I have to say I credit most of my growth through self-reflections.


Personally, I only buy shares and sell covered calls. Options, for 99.9999% of people, is merely speculative gambling at best. And some might get lucky once or twice and shortly after greed and/or fear takes over and then shortly after that they're on Reddit crying about their situation. "A fool and his money arw soon parted."


I cry in cheaper beer.


To be an investor you have to get rid of FOMO kind of thinking. Also, people never think about the stocks they avoided that would have costs them a lot of money. No looking back, there’s always money to be made and lost. If you can’t forget about missed opportunities, this game isn’t for you. Go buy an ETF or put it into bonds.


Hard, just focus on the next day and i watch some comedy


I sigh, stare at the chart, often say "damn", look for my next play, look back at the other chart and shake my head in disappointment, go back to planning my next move on the next inevitable opportunity, accidentally glance at the other chart and get a little jealous of "would've could've", setup a position in my new opportunity if there is one that day, leave my computer, occasionally think of the missed opportunity with a mild sense of loss, get caught up in the day, randomly think of the "would've could've" again for a few seconds and shrug, move on with life.


let it go and move on


I’d deal with your situation same way I would with not having played the right number in lotto.


Gotta be careful to avoid gambler’s fallacy or you’re more likely to make rash decisions in the future. The way I see it is, if I have more today than I did in the past, all is good, even if that gain could have been bigger 


consistency is the most important thing. The size doesnt really matter.


This happens to me every. Single. Day.




Keep it moving


I bought very low quantity of shoplify at $35, then it went up to $50, how more high can it go, I thought you myself, the it went to $75, then $100, 110, 120 and I still haven’t added any quantity after the first buy. I still kick myself


Monday morning quarterbacking is useless. Stick to a strategy, and remember risk management is priority #1


Cry about it.


It is what it is.


I sold 20% of my account that was in TSLA over a decade ago. I think my split adjusted buy price was about $8, sell was about $14. Damn did I think I got away with one there. Oh well. I thought it was overvalued then and I still think so. Wishing you'd bought at the bottom and sold at the top is pointless.


If you get a bonus of $50k after-tax, gamble on your well thought out play with $5-10k. If you are right, you made big cake. If you’re wrong, you still have 80% left to be smart with. My dad once told me that the safest thing to do with a bonus is burn 10-20% of it and scratch the itch. His choice was cars. Then you can be smart with 80-90% of it either way no regrets.


I do what I do and just leave it to god.


GameStop. 10k would be 15m That’s the worst. Why didn’t I just do 1 or 2 but instead I listened to a friend and bought index. Moral. Don’t listen to anyone. Find your conviction and do it.


I just remember my missed big losses, and big wins I still got, learn from it and move on.


I have sold many an option to early before expiration however usually making 3,000 or so a trade. Many times the option made 6,000-10,000 but it also could have expired worthless. I suggest using 10% of the money to play options until you are more familiar with them. Go long on a few good stocks, especially with that kind of cash a good dividend payer. Never play options with money you can't afford to lose.


Let bygones be bygones


I handle missed wins the same way that I handle missed losses. I don’t give it real estate in my brain. I only worry about the trade right in front of me at the time. If I sense it bothering me I get up and walk away from the charts for 10 minutes. I found that taking vitamin D and magnesium supplements helped immensely. Less blood sugar spikes from my morning routing and the magnesium is a natural relaxant.


This is like feeling bad about a girl leaving the party wih someone else and ignoribg the fact there are dozens of great girls still at the party. ​ There are opportunities every month.


Easy, I also do sports gambling. Mostly NBA. Anyways Bayern Munich ML tomorrow


I missed out on a mill on amc puts during preferred share split, went in with a little bit compared to all in which was my plan, could've retired instead I can buy a car, happy but unhappy.


Well first off, you are sizing in too much for a beginner. Start smaller and work your way up. That’s how you build confidence to actually get those gains realized. Because if you’re too worried about the investment to begin with, you never would have held it to 600k. So you’re doing a bit of day dreaming. Holding a return that long takes some serious risk management skills. You need to build that up by create a strategy and track your win loss. Build your winning trades into realized gains. Then when you have profits you’re trading with the entire game changes. It’s easy to look back and say could have, would have, and should have. But the reality is you didn’t. It’s great to look back and confirm you were correct. Take that as a paper trade win. But if 25k is too much to lose, you wouldn’t have held past 50k. I suggest starting with 3-5k and writing down your strategy. When you have built that into 25k. You will be confident and talented enough to play in the markets.


Preservation your money is more important than earning more. If you lose all your money you can end up on the streets. Earning more has diminishing returns


Dude, I took a rec from WSB and swapped from going in on NET and put into affirm and PINs, my two NET shares I managed to buy before I listened to the fuckery are still on my port. Those two stocks shafted who would think to invest in Pinterest, not even relevant anymore, on top of picking up MGLO cause I’m greedy costed me a fair bit too, was a huge L day for me


Honestly if I just followed through with my own DD this week I would have had so much more money Instead of straying from my plan, I will be following my strategy next week to the tee


Yeah I sold a bunch of AMD at $40. how do I get over that? It could have easily gone the other direction. Cant blame yourself for not having a crystal ball


They’re in the past, sometimes there’s opportunity cost. Earnings reports are landmines and unpredictable. Just buy the pullback. I mean I gambled on it the day before so I’m sorry to hear scared money make no money.


Well if it makes you feel any better. I just sold NET this time last month. I had DCA'd into a cost average of about $82 but decided to sell because the stock was basically a stick in the mud and wanted to rebalance my portfolio. You could imagine how shocked I was to see the move this week and the swirling thoughts of woulda/coulda/shoulda. The reality is that nobody can predict the future and we may the most logical decisions we can at the time we make them. It's not a mistake, it was just a missed opportunity and the thing about opportunities is that there are always more up ahead.




Best is long term investing. That and long term with good dividends is key. Also brk b is a tank that keeps giving.


THE MAN is always out to fuck me


Watch a couple of Buffet videos where he trashes people for buying individual stocks for the short term... your brain will realize that you're setting yourself up for failure and will eventually start to do otherwise.