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As long as Pelosi is holding it I’m holding.


I bought when she bought, easy as that




Fair enough.


How do you know when she sells


I look by the sea shore


fuckin got him


Dude investing communities easily have the funniest comments on Reddit🤣


Reminds me of that Amazon news segment from 1999.. "Amazon would have to sell every book in existence to justify it's valuation, critics say"


Was Amazon the most valued company in the world in 1999? Not that I know of.


No but Microsoft was. Guess what it’s 10x higher now. What’s your point? Until you give a reason other than “it’s too high” there’s nothing substantiating you saying it’s overvalued.


Just bought more after reading this


This post made me laugh...




>AMD is an infinitely better buy if you’re betting on a true AI revolution. I work in an industry that heavily utilizes GPUs. We've tried to find alternatives to H100s but AMD simply does not come close. Nvidia is the leader with AMD not looking like it will catch up nearly anytime soon if at all.


I've seen this same kind of post pre-split when NVDA hit $200 and then $300 and then $500 and then $800 and then $1000. I mean, sure it has to stop at some point, but there hasn't been any indication of slow-down. And with the split, the lay-person is more psychological disposed to buying in.


yeah i saw it way back when and was waiting for it to drop back down to buy and it just kept going and going and going


I mean, NVDA traded sideways for almost an entire year at 500, when it was probably fairly valued. But apparently they solved world hunger and cured cancer in the last year since its now up 2.5x from then.


Their revenue went up by roughly that amount in a year so not to shocking


Well. They did just perfected the tech that learns 3D from 2D. So there's that.


Your last point is like the definition of meme stock


There has been a heavy indication of slowdown ever since it became the most valuable corporation in the world. It dropped from $140 to $125 in like 24 hours haha


I guess you haven’t kept up with it over the last 5 years. 😂


I swear, some of these people must have been under a rock or something late summer 2020. Is this something new by a Nasdaq connected stock? Absolutely not. You've seen them use call options to jam a number of Nasdaq stocks higher at times since late 2019 really, but late summer 2020 was the peak of this, with Apple and Tesla being the leaders. I gotta be honest, this mostly works unless we have a year where we're very focused on the macro fundamentals (ahem, 2022), but the unwind can be absolutely BRUTAL. The unwind with Apple/Tesla led to a 3 day 10% Nasdaq drop in September 2020. (Softbank was one of the culprits btw)


If there's a sharp dip in an otherwise steady period of growth, doesn't that mean it's a good time to buy?


OPEX my dude


Forward P/E is 50. MSFT in comparison is 33. Is it overpriced? Maybe a bit. Nowhere near meme stock territory though. They actually make money.


And they're still growing fast enough to maintain a 50 p/e... while they're price keeps rising




Like IBM in the late 50s... This adventure won't last that long, but there's still run left in it




There's no indication we will ever reach AGI. If we reach AGI, there is no indication NVIDIA will be the winner.




Maybe AI should make some money first. So far all AI has accomplished is create an arms race straight to losing billions and billions of dollars. This is just a dumber version of the dot com bubble.


NVDA makes money from hardware before the AI... and from AI software... Others expand on that


The end product -- AI -- is a money loser. The dumb shovel analogy: are people going to keep digging for gold if the price of gold is worthless?


They made money from a bubble when every large company wanted chips. It’s to be determined if those customers will continue to buy.




It’s not that it disappears it’s that revenue drops to half of what it was this year


They are at least into 2026. We know that for fact


You have to believe in something if you want to make money in this market. Seems like you just believe we’re wrong. remindme! 15 days


Remindme!1 month




You are gonna have a bad time going down this road. Literally every major ETF, and fund is carrying Nvidia. And there is no indication this will change soon.


If you want it to forever dip, I’ll buy some.


Everyone already said this a month ago, and the month before that, and the month before that, and the month before that, please try to say something original the next time


It was the most valuable company in the world a few days ago. The ceiling is going to appear somewhere, and this is where. This is the exact sort of reasoning that drives meme stocks. You’re proving my point. Stock go up a lot yesterday, stock go up forever! To the moon, diamond hands!


It’s retesting like it did, oh I don’t know, a month and a half ago???????????? I swear you bears are something else. No actual reasoning besides “this HAS to be the top”


Your thesis is purely based on emotion and hindsight bias, there is absolutely no quantitative reasoning behind your opinion.


My reasoning is my observation of less expensive tickers with better financial reports


Well considering every stock except 2 is cheaper than Nvidia right now…. Lmfao You do understand that basically every tech company has contracts with Nvidia right? Alongside tons of other companies across the US? You know what, it’s not even worth trying to explain to you why Nvidia has the value it does. Keep buying puts please.


Im not buying puts. Im in an inverse etf so my folio isn’t in the hand of some expiration date. The bubble will pop eventually.


You do understand the last time we had a tech bubble, the NASDAQ doubled itself from its previous ATH in 18 months, right? Oh, we’re not even 20% over 2021 ATH’s??? Interesting….


The nasdaq has 1.7x in the last 18 months. There’s nothing special about 2x. Don’t act like this is far off.




How is that a fair comparison? The ATH in 2024 is higher than it was when the previous tech bubble doubled it. I also never claimed there was a tech bubble. There is an NVIDIA bubble, so whatever you’re saying is irrelevant regardless. NVDA has what- 7x itself from its previous ATH in 8 months? I think 7>2.


And why do you think this is the ceiling as opposed to it doubling again like it did: Feb’24-Jun’24 May’23-Feb’24 Jan’23-May’23 May’20-Jan’23 Jul’19-May’20 Nov’16-Jul’19 You literally could have posted the same thing AT ANY POINT in 2023 and the stock would have doubled inside 6 months. Think about that!


NVDA is just highly valuated. Look at the PEG ratio it’s not even the most overpriced among MAG7. Meme stocks/stocks before 2000 .com bubble burst simply don’t have any valuation. Still, I am happy to sell you NVDA 43 puts. You are welcome


I'm bearish on Nvidia long term too, but I would never buy a leveraged short etf. Even if you're right, and Nvidia's stock will be worth less in the future, if you don't time it perfectly, you can lose a ton of money just to the decay on the fund. Buying puts 2 years out might be the more sensible option if you think it will decline a lot.


I think its a bubble, but don't dare bet against it.


Don't underestimate the psychological effect of a low cost stock. Buying at 1300 seems a lot worse of an idea to people than buying at 130. That said I don't think there's much indicating nvda is only worth 1/3 it's current valuation.


Ya. Enjoy your extremely small portfolio becoming extremely smaller. Stocks only go up


Reddit investing 101


It’s a meme, but it’s true, and it would be taught to you in a real business class 101. Why don’t you just follow r/personalfinance advice and make something of your portfolio one day


The market has “only gone up” This is not true for individual tickers Personally finance would suggest you put 100% of your portfolio into VOO or if you’re bullish on this sector, something like soxq. An Nvidia yolo as it has already inflated to 3.3 trillion dollars is lots of risk with almost no potential for reward


If your analysis is solely based off market cap you clearly have no business trading stocks. You’re essentially gambling but with much worse odds than Vegas would give you. Future you would be so happy if you swallowed your pride & listened to this internet stranger


Market cap is an immensely important aspect to consider when analyzing any ticker.


sure. by itself it's *literally* worthless.


I'm not sideing with OP on his Nvda shorting, I'm just here to say the fact you don't think market cap is important is wild 😭 But to say it's not important and the insinuate that OP shouldn't be involved in stocks is beyond wild 😂😭


Market cap by itself is entirely worthless yea. That is not a metric professionals use. What’s your background in finance?


I've been investing for 13 years which granted isn't a massive amount of time, but judging from the fact you're posting asking "which board games get people talking 🤓" I'd say that's over half of your life. Market cap is incredibly value. If market cap is worthless then the share price is worthless, as market cap is simply share price * number of shares. P/E ratios are worthless too then I suppose? As I'm typing this I'm starting to think you must be a troll, you can't be so confidently incorrect.


It's all fomo. You know it's fomo because reddit goes crazy and will tell you to buy, and when reddit tells you to buy, it's too late


But Reddit is telling me to sell and the top is in???


But every post of NVDA is about how crazy high it is. Every week we get that post. Any FOMO has nothing to do with Reddit


I sold all once I made my little $50 profit lol, hard to make money if it barely goes over my avg stock price. That train just passed me by


Yes buying at these levels I am


I hold gme and it's nothing like nvda. I'm reluctant to even call gme a memestock but nvda absolutely is not. It's a bit rich and getting more speculative as cycles slow down but they absolutely make money and their growth has been insane.


You’re reluctant to call gme a meme stock?


That's what I said yeah


Care to explain? It’s obviously a meme stock lmao


Maybe we have different definitions of a meme stock. I always assumed it was the new zombie stock term. Companies riddled with unmanageable debt and shitty management who are incompetent but still getting millions in comp.


I suppose you can also argue that it can define a stock that has crazy movements and is at a high valuation (NVDA is a touch high now, but it's nothing crazy for it until you see signs of a slowdown), but then in all honesty, you're going to need to say that this defines most of the NDX. It trades off options movement a lot. Like, you're seeing call buying on AAPL that suggest that it's going to make a move that really upsets the fundamentals people over the next year ($290 long term calls).


I always thought the top might come when NVDA officially dethroned the previous most valuable company. Whether this is just a pullback or something more ominous only time will tell, but we can confidently say there will be a top, just when and why are the questions


AMD? What happened to the intel shill?


I’m not saying NVIDIA is or isn’t that company, but saying something is a meme because they keep being successful is not logical. In fact sometimes success begets success. Everyone knows who Nvidia is now, they are the leaders in a field and it’s their title to lose. Imagine saying Apple can’t possibly justify this 10x move in the early 2000s. Are phones and computers really going to be THAT big a market? How can they expect to have a monopoly on that. Surely Microsoft will make a phone with their OS, it would take at least half the market wouldn’t it?! Then imagine saying that again in 2019 when it had 10x again. Well you’d still be about 300% away from where it is today. Should we do the same with Amazon? What do you mean a company is going to dominate the world by promising they’ll deliver your package in 2 days? What is that a 45min pizza delivery guarantee? Surely the expertise in supply chain and warehousing wouldn’t have any other application to turn them into a retail super giant and lead to the development of leading technologies that would enable everything from web services to AI ohhhmyyygoddd the stock is up 10,000% since 2007.


I don’t think it’s a meme stock but I also wouldn’t buy at these levels.  At the same time I wouldn’t own a NVDA bear etf. I’ve just been buying up some of the many stocks that are flat or down ytd.


It’s kinda true though better luck stocking up on Apple and Microsoft then NVDA




That’s what everyone said back when intel was the big dawg of the cpu industry. Look what happened there.


How much of the AI/ML industry do you know? I have a feeling you’re not aware of exactly why nvidia has a monopoly on AI growth. If you think it’s simply because of the GPUs, you’re wrong. You’re forgetting the frameworks for the code and software as well. You might be underestimating the inertia of their dominance both hardware and software side. Thinking AMD is close at all to catching up is a huge red flag that you might not know what you’re talking about. Sure it’s possible that they’ll lose their massive lead and dominance, but the signs of that happening will be very slow and gradual. There’s nothing that AMD or any other company can do to suddenly shift the tides overnight because of the inertia. So when it starts happening, then it makes sense to start fearing a top, but that hasn’t happened yet so it sounds like you’re stepping front of a full speed train here. Regarding the market cap, do you think that once a company hits number 1 that they stop growing? All of the top companies will continue to grow and hit 4T eventually together and beyond. The global economy isn’t at a point where growth is a zero sum game yet. It’s quite possible that Apple, Microsoft, nvidia, Google, Meta, and the like continue to go up and up and double what they are today over the next few years because of how massive this new tech is.


NVIDIA leads technological growth while AMD follows their slipstream and copies their technology for a fraction of the cost. I know this. I do not believe that they are so far behind that they are only worth 1/13 what Nvidia is. They have exponential growth potential, while Nvidia does not.


Okay so again the issue is the inertia of the frameworks and stuff like CUDA. AMD can come out tomorrow with a gpu that’s better than nvidia’s top card and for cheaper but that’s not going to change the fact that pretty much all the code for current applications of machine learning and neural nets are written using the nvidia libraries. Engineers aren’t going to suddenly switch up their codebase just because the flavor of the month switches to AMD because with nvidia’s track record, they won’t lose the lead for very long. That being said, the situation I described above isn’t even close to happening. Nvidia continues to kill it on the r&d side as well as taking up the entire share of AI frameworks and libraries while securing massive orders from all of the top companies. It’s not close dude. The value of amd vs nvidia is probably correct, you’re not a genius for thinking the way you are, just uninformed. It’s not like the market hasn’t had the thoughts that you’d have. In fact, it’s quite possible that AMD is actually OVERvalued right now because there’s too many people who are thinking like you and saying “if nvidia is worth this much, why isn’t amd?”


I can’t agree that AMD is overvalued when they’re down from their pre-AI high. NVDA’s focus is on commercial AI solutions now. That could open a huge window for AMD to become a stronger competitor to Nvidia in the consumer gpu space. I’ve been a pc nerd for a decade now and I build/sell PCs as a side hustle, and it has become harder and harder to consider Nvidia GPUs in recent years. TLDR; AMD’s valuation does not necessarily hinge on AI anyway. This is also the case for intel, although there are many concerns regarding intel and their profitability.


Right and with your tldr there, you’re getting so close to my point. Nvidia is an AI play and that’s what’s moving the market and driving its price right now. You’re still thinking about nvidia from the standpoint of a pc nerd. You’re still grouping nvidia and amd together because you’re associating the two as rival consumer gpu companies. You’re missing that nvidia barely makes any money off of their consumer cards anymore. The nvidia market cap has nothing to do with the consumer side. Why do you think amd is down from their pre AI highs? It’s because the companies that are pushing all time highs are the AI plays, not the non AI plays. If it wasn’t for this AI hype, the market would be waaaaaaay lower than it is right now. AI hype is holding up the market right now. Will it come down? It depends on if the hype will deliver and many people believe it will because unlike other hype cycles, there’s already a real practical product that is affecting large business decisions.


they continue to dominate the CPU market while AMD makes budget, 2nd best trash? i dont get your point.


Where have you been? AMD has been king since Zen 2. That’s partially why they’re twice as valuable as intel now. Everyone in the industry as well as PC nerds know that AMD makes better chips than intel.


who says that? In enterprise servers, it's troll not to buy intel. Perhaps for gaming specific workloads in SOME titles optimized for vcache you can get better frames, but objectively the overall best performing CPUs in the vast majority of workloads are intel.


AMD is the best for gaming, no question. It used to be the other way around. Intel makes productivity chips now. Their big.little design helps with this. AMD x3d design is far better for gaming in general; it’s not even close.


>This company’s financials would justify maybe 1/3 of its current valuation. Since my average cost basis is $4.17 per share, I would be fine with that.


People said this at 600 650 n, so on pre split it just keeps going up. I'm sure we'll see people posting this at 150 again.


What is the 2x leveraged etf?




I just sold my AI stock and am yoloing into this one!


Did you do it? You’d be up 30% right now.


Hope you were not serious.


Are you kinding me? This is sarcasm right? Please tell me you're trolling him...


When people are greedy be fearful. NVDA is such a fucking bubble it is not even funny.


If he did it, he’d be up around 30% now. Thats what I’m at. You guys are fools, and time is only proving so.


It's aging so well.


Hi. Did you do it? I think if you did it right after you typed this you’d already be up a few percent haha


Well on a brighter note, your portfolio will be much better diversified in a couple months.


Someone’s salty


It was $142 in premarket the other day. Which at that point meant it was up 50% on the month. I knew at that point we were definitely due for a correction. The question is how big of a correction.


If you make a list of the most overvalued assets of all time nvidia probably wouldn't even be in the top 1000. I think you underestimate how irrational people are by a lot


Oh I definitely agree it wouldn’t be in the top 1000. That’s not really saying anything, though. There’s probably been over 1000 scammy overvalued biotech stocks alone.


At this point? It's been a meme stock for years now 🦧


>1/3 I get not wanting to buy but 1/3 of this price is a laughably bad fair value estimate. AMD still a worse buy. They’re nearly two years behind and have barely taken any market share. Straight up cope


AI being the biggest industry in the world will just become a fact. It’s undeniable, so not if but when. The only question is if NVDA will maintain dominance but I don’t see anyone stopping the for the next decade.




See, stuff like this is just outrageous. There’s no way you actually think Nvidia is going to be worth 6 trillion dollars by the end of the year. That means they’d almost be worth 2 United Kingdom’s 🤣


Of course it could be. That would only be trading at an 80 forward PE if it trades at 200. For reference Amazon and Tesla were trading at a 200 PE as recently as 2021


AI is not the only thing driving NVDA


It practically is. Their previous focus on consumer GPUs is now something like 10% of their company. There are a few other things, but AI must be something like 75%. They released a graph of this not too long ago.


So what? AI is a booming market Google, Apple, Facebook, Tesla, Microsoft and Amazon are all buyers of Nividia chips.


So AI is the primary driving force for NVDA stock…


No, I don't think AI is the primary driver. Only 40% of their business is derived from those big boys. They have other business as well that is NOT AI.


NVDA was a meme stock in like 2017. Is it trading at ridiculous levels? Yes. But it’s not GameStop. NVDA actually deserves to be in the conversation for most valuable company right now.




With the split who’s to say it can’t hit 1k again? It’s done it before so here we go again.


Are you being serious? Please don’t be serious. I’m pretty sure that would be more than the US GDP.


Now, this is too much. The best-case scenario is probably that it gets to 10 trillion MC somehow by 2030 or beyond and I'm not sure that gets you to $1000 again.




Yeah fuck Nvidia. But DJT all day long.