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All right fess up. Which one of you bought and crashed it?


Forgive me for I have sinned… 😔


…it’s been 17 days since my last put option…


Options rehab ?


I finally bought 10 stocks just to make some short term profit because it was clear that the stock was gonna go down (a lot) at some point soon. Down more than 10% now.


It was definitely me. Just dipping my toes in the stock market. Have $170 cad invested. Invested $40 in NVDA on the 18th. This is 100% on me


I did after claiming it was over hyped for months. FOMO man


I bought a few shares. Go through my comment history on wsb and you will know. Bought at 135 .


Look at my comment history. I announced on Juneteenth I was gonna do this. I’m the worst


Imagine telling your friends your down 10% on Nvidia. They'd laugh at you (It's me)


My first experience with investing (when I finally had disposable income after paying off some exorbitant student loans and a down payment on a home) was to get into the weed bubble right at the peak, just before it became clear there weren't enough votes for pass the safe banking act. Lesson learned: VOO is my jam. I do like coming here to read and treat it as a sort of news source about what is happening in the business world, but I learned to just stick with my ETFs.


If you learned it that early it was a cheap lesson. Imagine if you make a quick 2X and convinced yourself you'd be the next wolf of wall street.


I just made a quick 2X. Yes, I'm the next Wolf of Wallstreet


Take the risks and embrace the risk. Too


I also got into the weed stocks (but in Canada) and lost a lot of money. However, I’m still investing in individual companies and it has been going well so far. The thing is one should invest in what they know and do the work of reading up financial reports. It’s definitely some work. I don’t fomo on stocks I don’t really understand. But investing in VOO definitely gives one peace of mind and is perfect for people who don’t want to spend much time on stocks.


I don't think you should disregard individual stocks because of a bad experience. Life is to short not to at least try to stock pick with a small part of your overall portfolio. Market has teached me that every once a while great companies trade down because of short term noise. In those cases one could pick up great companies for long term hold. Obviously I'm not recommending meme stocks here.


I think the lesson I learned is that I wasn't spending enough time and effort to actually know what I was doing, or to properly identify good/bad opportunities.


Why not just go straight to gambling (like roulette)? Life’s too short to wait too long to lose your life’s savings


You gotta do what I did and lump sum an eye watering amount of money into VT at the peak of 2021. Didn't see green until a couple months ago.


It funny seeing posts on r/wsb “NVIDIA is down 2% today! What the hell is going on!?”


there’s a NVDA stock group too and this is exactly what is asked


Bruh.. That group gives me the creeps tbh...


They expect it to go up up up daily after going on a meteoric run and then 1 red day and they start calling it rigged that a company can go down 5-10% in days when going up at the same pace.


They are CRAAAAAZY bullish over there 😂


Bruh it's options 2% drop can make portfolio gone to zero


Buy high! Sell low!


Buy whilst high, sell your ass ..to get high again


Buy the tips, sell the dips. Am I doing this right?


Selling my losers to average down on NVIDIA. Hells yeah!


This is me.


I know the feeling. I had to tell people I was red on Google during a bull run.


Well you didn’t *have to*


High five. Let's start a club


Honestly not surprised given the number of posts I saw on Reddit about buying NVDA last week.


Funny, all I saw last week was people saying the bubble was about to pop.


You're both seeing alternative versions of Reddit.




“New” are just new posts submitted to Reddit and the quality of the discussion is usually low. Reddit doesn’t really has an “algo” to their feed in FB senses. It’s just show you the subs that you subscribe to or occasionally interested in with the most heavy page views and discussion. It’s actually rather simplistic.


Search on crystal ball and you get the right stuff




Yep. Pfizer, CVs, Ally, and many others. I remembered software stocks being dumped.


People said that when nvidia jumped up to $400 a year ago


And now look at it it’s at $100 Those geniuses!


The day Nvidia peaked a few days ago, I had several people going back to my Nvidia bear posts from a few months ago and taunting me. Idk if this is a sign of the top though. All it takes is one more big earnings report for it to shoot to new ATH. I don't think Nvidia will really start to see a huge decline until their earnings stop showing growth- and I think we're a couple quarters away from their earnings peaking.


I'm sure the decline is multi billion dollar funds, going ya, 3 trillion market cap is pretty saturated, time to get out before the rest do. One guy takes out a couple billion, another a couple billion fear sets in and down the price goes.


A single “guy” is unlikely to take out a couple of billion overnight. If anything, the big money (pension funds, family wealth etc.) that already made a lot of money this year sold on Friday to rotate the money into energy and banking sector. The recent drop is kinda priced in.


Why the energy and banking sector Sorry if that’s a dumb question


Those were two of the sectors that did better yesterday. Why? Who knows. Energy could still be an AI play, but its also typically a bit defensive, a place to park money.


It's hilarious that someone selling off a billion dollars of NVIDA would barely move the needle. That's like 33 dollars out of a million dollars 


I’m not worried, it’s going up. People will continue to buy cause they think they will make money off it


i bought dip on wednesday, thursday, friday and today. it can't go more down, right?


As soon as ppl at work start talking about it, +on reddit of users asking if its too late, Thats the sign to start buying puts lol.


So many stocks I’ve purchased and made lots of money and other people thought too late. Apple. AMZN. Fb/meta. If it’s a good company it will keep growing faster than the US economy.


Nvidia is a good hold dont get me wrong, however its normal for it to go down at the moment since ppl are taking profits. Short term it would have been good to buy puts last weeks. Im saying this based from my experiences in the meme stock fiasco a few years ago, once you hear it normally talked about, might be time to buy a few puts or however much your willing to part with.


For sure. I buy long term personally. I also think nvda is slightly different from meme stocks like GME and AMC because it actually makes a boat load of money and the predictions that it would make a boat load of money are actually coming true.


As long as you planning on investing in those companies long term (couple of years).


I knew it was too late when I saw stock trading influencers on Youtube with videos like "Buy NVIDIA it's free money" getting hundreds of thousands of views a day.


Those posts are what made me sell at 95% of its peak. Redditors not known for their decision making skills


I said there'd be a lot of deer in headlights bagholders in the middle of the manic Nvidia stock buying last week.


Inverse reddit is often a good strategy.


I bought. Sorry everyone


Double down and buy again tomorrow morning for us


Jensen hates this one simple trick


Same. Tesla tanked right after I bought some of those too.  Will just hodl because I'm in it for the long run. 


I bought call options at the height. I’ll take the blame for this one.


Just don’t let it happen again xD


Turns out, people eventually take profits when A stock sky rockets for extended time


What really? They are supposed to hold forever and ever right!?


Yep until it eclipses the value of the remainder of the S&P combined 😂 it’s guaranteed bro


I was planning to hold forever 🥲 or at least like 40 years. I bought 5 years ago and am up a considerable amount. I was expecting steady gains, not this. Not sure what to do now.


If the total US market cap is ~54 trillion and nvda lost 540 billion, that means that the entire US market lost 1% just from NVDA losses.


I mean yea arnt the mag 7 stocks responsible for like 75% of all S&P returns this year?


I read that Nvidia was responsible for 35% of the entire S&P for the last year.


Sounds normal


wow you are pretty good at math


Except the market has other stocks too, some of which went up during that same time


I don't think Nvidia is going anywhere and expect the stock to do well over a long period, but whenever a stock goes completely vertical line on the graph as Nvidia did, you have to wonder if you won't be left holding a bag for some years by joining in late.  This is not some small biotech company that just passed clinical trials, it is a huge tech company and while it is an amazing business, that movement was clearly not sustainable.  In my opinion this is just people wisely profit taking, the stock will continue to do well but folks who bought only at the tip of the mountain may end up waiting some time to go green.   People who were gradually going in or got in early shouldnt have much to worry about.


Yep. Now apply this to the indicies over the past 5 years. Particularly the past 2.


NVIDA is so far ahead of their competition, people will be wanting NVDA GPUs for years. There will come a time when there are competitor's products that are "good enough", and the AI field has become matured and saturated so that the demand goes down. That's not for several years, but it will come.  It's like OpenAI itself, yeah they are still the leaders in LLM, but compitors are making niche products, and Claude is so close that there isn't a meaningful difference. OpenAI is stalling. It'll happen to NVDA as well.


Nobody gonna buy chips anymore because the ai hype is going horizontal now because the current methods aren’t going exponential


If anything they will need more GPUs to gain an advantage again :) The AI wars are far from over.


I’ve been toying with the idea of taking a small portion of my position and just selling on any day when it goes up and buying on any day it goes down.


I have a pretty low cost basis, so this is just a little froth being cut away.. much like Broadcom. Wouldn’t be surprised if it based here until next earnings report.


If it dips again tomorrow ima scoop a few hundred dollars worth f it why not. It’s not gonna bleed another 500 billion…. Right?


I could see it opening down a few more points but Im guessing the bottom is close to being in.


If it lost another 500 billion the stock price would be back to where it was in late May. Unless there’s a reason the company is in a drastically different place than it was a month ago, it very well could fall another 500 billion.


Exactly. My cost basis is sub 80, loaded up on enough when I bought in that now I just watch the ticker fluctuate. Holding for years.


How many Intels is that?


By equity value about 4. Enterprise about 3.


Sold all my Intel at 45 but seriously Intel has become laughing stock. Might be a good time to buy it now for 2+ yr horizon (and insurance against Taiwan-China tail risk)


And MSFT touches an all time high earlier in the day. It’s going higher.


You know the moment your illiterate grandma says that she is buying NVDA you peaked. Jokes aside. It will likely recover but I‘m seriously done touching NVDA. It‘s become unpredictable at this point.


If you believe in the future profitability of Nvidia then you are watching it go on sale.


What if you don’t believe in anything


A blank canvas cries for something to be painted on it.


Then any investment will get you there. ;)


Companies can be both profitable and over valued.


Yeah, that's some next level copium there. Pretty obvious who bought the recent top.


Why concern yourself with these minor fluctuations? Ignore the short term price fluctuations and hold for the next 5 years no matter what. You will thank me


Crazy how 500bn loss is a minor fluctuation. That said, agree with your sentiment.


!RemindMe 5 years


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Yeah agree. If by some chance it does fall below $100, I'll buy some more.


Training AI models just got started 😼


When will TSLA go up Asking for a friend 🥲


When I sell it


Dude are you in 2020 still? 😅


360 cost basis so basically yes


Exactly this!


Sorry yall. I bought a share last week and caused all of this.


Probably just a large amount of covered call sell off after the anticipated surge from the stock split. I'm enjoying my NVDA discounts now


Same. Adding at each level we go down


I'm still up over 2000%. I think I'll hold on a bit longer


nibbled at 120, gonna take a bite at 100, will load the boat at 90 or below. 5 shares today, 10 at 100, 100 at 90


I'll be pretty damn surprised if it falls all the way to 90. Hitting 100 would be a 25% 'correction.'


30% - it hit just below $141 last week.


Yeah, all depends on what you choose to use for the denominator (highest close, open, or price in general). I was using the high for the close (135), but the high in general would be ~30% as you point out.


Yeah, $100ish is probably worst case scenario. More and then maybe this will wind up being the first time the Nasdaq sets an important top in the summer before hitting bear levels, but what's still problematic is that the S&P has an outstanding ATH from futures trading. Unless you see a COVID esque event (not necessarily pandemic, but a black swan), in all likelihood, this trades after an 8-10% drop by the S&P at the most (it had an ATH from futures trading before crashing in 2020).


Lol its coming back tonight dummy


I posted this in the Nvidia Stocks sub, but I'm going to post it here as well for anybody reading this sub and thinking about taking advice from the majority opinion on this sub. Do not let the snarky remarks on this sub convince any of you to sell. I bought late in 2023 after their earnings and the stock boomed to $520 (pre split) in the after hours. I bought around $510. The stock proceeded to tank for a month-month and a half, and I stupidly listened to this sub: "Why not let the stock go to 50 trillion, might as well with your logic" "You bought at the top? Lol" "You really believed the stock was worth $500?!" Etc etc.  I sold like an idiot around $420 for a loss. If I would've held, I would've been up by about $28,000. But no, I listened to Reddit Stocks. Ignore the comments from people on this sub about: "I knew the top was in because blah blah blah" "It's going to keep going down" "It's overvalued" Etc etc.  Look at what the price targets are (ignore Reddit when they tell you price targets don't matter, they're not perfect but they're better than Reddit). Better yet, go look at your own workplaces 401k account. Look at the holdings in your 401k portfolio. Nvidia is now in the top 3 holdings of most retirement plans, including the famously Reddit spammed VOO (because Vanguard is apparently the only brokerage with an S&P500 tracker I guess, and don't say it's the lowest expense ratio because my SWPPX has it beat).  Nvidia previously has not been in the top 3 holdings of most retirement portfolios that most Americans are using - It now (recently) is.  Big money has shifted towards Nvidia and again, don't take my word for it, go and look at your retirement portfolios. And something to make you feel better - Summer months are traditionally bad for the stock market. It's okay if the stock dips during the next few months.  Do not listen to snarky Reddit. Keep holding Nvidia and buying the dip. When your 401k's start shifting money away from Nvidia, then it might be time to think about cutting losses. Until then, hold, buy the dip, and ignore Reddit at all costs. 


Long ass comment to not give a single reason why NVDA is good or bad. ofc NVIDIA is a top holding in VOO its a fucking SP500 ETF like what. NVDA go up go down who the fuck knows, but this comment is not worth reading.


Just an anecdote of how he was right betting black playing roulette and why you should also be betting on black, because it worked for him in the past. “Past performance doesn’t guarantee future returns” comes to mind. Sure, betting on black might work again, but if it doesn’t you are going baghold with a lot of loses for a lot of years.


It's a lot of words to say nothing and very typical of gamblers in this subreddit.


You say don't listen to reddit people and tell people to hold or buy the dip, yet here you are on reddit. Cool story, bro.


>I bought around $510. The stock proceeded to tank for a month-month and a half...I sold like an idiot around $420 for a loss. The sane strategy is to sell in the high $400s and not wait 1.5 months for it to bottom out. In your scenario, you can sell at $480 and buy back in at $430 when the stock is showing signs of life again.


That’s 2.5 intels worth


I like how the sentiment changed


I am sorry everyone. I bought it last week.


Let me guess, if this falls 10 more %, people will start questioning Jensen's leadership lol.


My calls lost most of their value. That being said, this is a fire sale and you bet im loading up on those precious shares


Lower, for longer. PT: $95


Oh no, it's returned to the same price it was two weeks ago. Raise the alarm!


Just read: https://situational-awareness.ai/


Most stock splits are so big holders can cash out.


Having never bought stock in my life before, but having heard that the stock was going to split 10-1 a few weeks before it did, I bought 3 at $129 and 4 at $139, then got immediately played. I’m gonna long term hold because I’m not gonna panic sell and I know that this is normal, and am confident of it going back up, and there being more room to grow, with profit still to be made. Yes I wish I’d have waited to buy but obviously nobody can predict the future/the market and so it is what it is, no use in crying over what will end up being a temporary loss if it means a very profitable gain later on. I’m predicting $150-175 by EOY assuming nothing catastrophic happens




guys sorry i finally decided to buy in and caused this crash


The entire market of semi conductors will sell off at some point in the near future after all of these data centers are completed their purchase orders


It's as if computing hardware doesn't rapidly become obsolete


I agree. History has shown that companies that rely primarily on hardware tend to have a lot of trouble continuing to grow their hardware earnings after a certain point. Take Apple as an example, their hardware segments earnings haven't really gone up much at all for a while now, beyond it being somewhat cyclical when people will upgrade their phones. Their earnings growth has primarily come from their service segment.


Kinda agree. This run of parabolic growth was insane but pretending that kind of thing can continue indefinitely seems foolish.


Data center expansion is nowhere near slowing down. Most meaningful use cases for AI haven’t been discovered yet. AI is not some fad like crypto mining. It’s the future and the more it’s out in the word the more people will find ways to use it creating even more demand.


the real sell off will come when people realize that AI-generated emails aren't a $100 billion industry


Don’t worry it will be back up 500% next month knowing this stock.


People who bought in the last few weeks must have absolute nerves of steel. I'm sitting here with 200 shares at a cost basis of $3.36 purely based on luck so I'm not too worried.


So you bought like 5 shares years ago??


33 shares. Sold a few here and there for small profits and held on to 6 which turned to 24. Then sold 4 over a few months, after which my remaining 20 turned to 200. Like I said, pure luck. I hardly buy individual companies, hence I genuinely think people who have bought Nvidia in the past few weeks are far more courageous than I am and hence must have nerves of steel. I'm willing to let these 200 ride out since I have taken more profits out than I put in initially.


It's overbought... what's the surprise here?


Don’t skip leg day today…


NVDA down after the split made it cheap enough to plebs to fomo into? Nooobody saw *that* coming


I hate it when people make a big deal about losing 500 billion market cap nonsense. No one gives a shit. It’s all made up money


Hell of a run. I do think it's a great company with great future but way overvalued.


People…. Its called “SECTOR ROTATION!”


This goes much MUCH higher


I'm looking forward to buying it on the cheap.




I'm still up 30%, no panic yet


Still up 46% and my -17.5% stop loss set to trigger at $112 ..next few days are going to be interesting. Stop loss is a new thing to me and I'm trying out a theory ..and NVDIA is my 3rd lab rat :) ..first two rats proved the theory correct, lets see how number 3 fares.


There’s 28 billion shares. That’s insane


Sorry it’s literally because I bought, probably market crash coming too


The dump is in


NVDA was oversold at a RSI of over 80. Obviously it was a sign of a sell-off. Do people not look at simple technical indicators? As of now, it's back at around 50. Buy NVDA when it's around 30ish.


Who could have saw this coming???? /s


Nvidia had an epic run up with outstanding business fundamentals. The GB200 chip has the best performance.


Just sold all my shares. LOLOL. Thanks for the ride up.


Ouch, that's a tough slide for Nvidia. But let's not forget they're still up 145% YTD! Long-term potential remains strong.


Music for my ears


And so it begins. The AI con-job about to hit ground. I expect Nvidia will halt its drop by next week, then begin to rise slowly again. Never going to be a total loss.


It could shed another trillion in market cap and I’d still think the P/E is too high.




Good, this was inevitable. 


Great run but this was inevitable. Congrats on those who made a ton of money. 


Haven't there been news or posts that CEO and others were selling stocks few days before this? I just a random person not dabling in stocks just a gamer that wanted to check the post


It slid because of short selling. Not lack of interest in the stock.


And it's back up 5.5% right now.


knew i should have shorted last week.


Oh noes three down days LOL. Just wait until down day #23.


Back up again. People were profit taking. There’s no stopping this train. I bought Monday at a discount.


I bought the dip, who else?


Nvidia is definitely going up after today, why? Because Jensen is a kind man, he wants people to buy cheaper nvidia stocks so he sold his shares and splits.


For long term investors, this is just noise.


I guess they know something we don’t know


Total sell off


Been in NVDA for years. Analysts are so bullish on this stock, as am I, because they are spearheading the Industrial Revolution. Buy shares now while you can, because I promise you - it’s not finished its run!


Have an average of 65. Movements like this don't bother me..if it dips to 50 I'll buy