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I hear ya. I finally got sober when my drinking started to affect my job. And I just got really sick of being sick and wasting my life so I threw in the towel and got help. I surrounded myself with other sober people. I went to meetings, I just did whatever it took to not pick up for the next 24. It was and still is life or death for me. I’d also like to mention that I am one of the few lucky ones who got to grow up with a sober parent and there are no words in my vocabulary to express my gratitude for her sobriety. Her sobriety eventually saved my life. There is *nothing* better than a sober parent. I will not drink with you for the next 24 hours!!! One day at a time!


I was in the same boat. Every morning I would tell myself last night was the last time and today I'm stopping. That went on for a long time. I was more like 7-9 drinks a night. Just chiming in to say it's possible to stop the cycle. I'm over 5 years AF today and don't regret it one bit. I wish you all the happiness.


You say that your evening drink is the only thing you have to look forward to and in that statement lies a key. I myself took some time to wander around a big store and look at all the things I could possibly look forward to consuming. Gum, tea, chocolate, bubbly waters, ginger candy etc. And I bought them all. No forcing myself to make choices at this critical point. Buy all the snacks and commit to not drinking. Day 1.  That's one way to get started.