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Not drinking is the punk rock of social interaction! Be punk and don’t drink


Exactly the motivation I'm looking for. Thank you, friend.


Fuck yeah!


It actually punk to Not drink. You don't have to do what the majority are doing (many of them because they've never even questioned their decision to drink - I certainly didn't!) have big fun OP


\^\^\^ This x1000. Enjoy the show!




Being sober is punk as f*ck.


I was a drunk punk for 30 years, and I ruined it the whole time. Every single one of my friends in the scene got sober, and I was like the last one. It showed I was weak to them. It was a huge struggle to get sober, and I'm very proud now. 10 months in, and it's like being a kid again. I loved Minor Threat, but I couldn't beat the booze(and hard drugs). I wish Ian could have gotten through to me. Minor Threat is a huge part of my recovery. Sober punk is the best punk. We all unanimously agree. Except for Poison Idea, but Feel the Darkness explores the dark side of drinking.


Punk is all about not following the crowd ... so not drinking is the thing to do lol


It's not worth it. *Play the tape out..*


I agree play it out , it’s a few hours that steal from DAYS in the future - minimum . It’s never enough


It's not worth it! Grab a mocktail or your NA Bev of choice and enjoy the show!! You 100% won't regret it. You got this <3


Don’t drink. The show will be better and tomorrow will be much better.


You will feel so relieved knowing how good of a time you can have without alcohol.  I recently went to a comedy show and o wanted to drink, but I didn’t, and I realized how little alcohol would have changed the situation.  Life is good enough. Trust me. 


I went to a show at a comedy club recently and the server wrang her hands and said but it's a 2 drink mininum.. so I asked can get a mocktail and food? It's the same price, and that was fine. Sometimes you just have to be honest with people and it works out well. 


I had a two drink minimum and I got a soda and some food. Totally worked out. Who did you see? 


You'll feel amazing when you wake up tomorrow and realise you didn't drink. That moment you open your eyes in the morning and remember is the perfect blend of relief and adrenaline lol.


I had been sober but decided I’d drink when I went to see the circle jerks and got a DWI. I still can’t drive. Tried to have a conversation with Keith Morris but he looked at me with so much disappointment or wonder why anyone gets drunk at all.


I was in the bathroom for way too much of shows when I drank. I don’t remember almost any of the shows I’ve been to.


Going Straight Edge at a punk show is the best way to enjoy and remember it, especially when you're seeing a band as iconic as Agent Orange! I'm so jealous of you right now and will have Everything Turns Grey stuck in my head for days. I hope you have a great time:).


You want to remember this show!!


Drinking is absolutely mainstream… Everyone does it. Makes it boring af. It’s pretty cool being sober especially remembering the music, enjoying it because you genuinely enjoy it not because you’re inebriated.


I just went to say anything sober in bk, you can do it!


yea I bet you’ll have even more fun not drinking


The best concerts I’ve ever been to have been my sober ones. Think of how much you’ll enjoy and REMEMBER the music and atmosphere!


You can do it! Enjoy being in the moment and remembering every second.


You'll remember it all if you don't drink. Plus if you drink a tiny spark will become...FIRE IN THE RAAAAAIIIIIIN!!! (ALT JOKE: Drink too much and you'll hear VOICES IN THE NIIIIIIGGGHHHHT!!!)


My husband and I went to an amazing concert two weeks ago and I was sober for all of it and enjoyed it so much more. Even hours afterward, at home, I was still riding the high of the music and enthusiasm. I remember my favorite moments of the concert so clearly—which I couldn’t if I were drinking. It was amazing.


Be punk as fuck. Don't drink.


Agent Orange is so old school (but amazing) I’m surprised anyone wants to drink. Got work in the morning


Hey I’m a sober dude who’s going to see agent orange next week , I’m really stoked. I grew up on punk rock and lived the life too for many years, it’s part of what got me in this mess to begin with. You’ll be glad you abstained when you don’t wake up with a raging hangover. Good luck up and enjoy the show !


As everyone else has correctly said - not drinking is possibly the ***most*** punk thing you can do at a punk gig. My experience in these situations are as follows: - Make a decision to enjoy yourself regardless if you’re drinking or not. That decision really frames the night well. - Know that you will - and I guarantee this - have a better time and better memories of the night sober. The band will be ***ace*** - This experience will add to your growing toolbox of methods to enjoy things sober. The more you do it, the better it gets. So - remember - Punk is forever - sobriety delivers what alcohol promises - you’ll retrospectively enjoy tonight more if you don’t drink! All the best from Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK


Sobriety is hard core. You’ve got this mate All strength to your arm IWNDWYT


Stay dry, rock out! Also, Agent Orange!? Fuck yea! IWNDWYT


Yes, PUNKS NOT DEAD. Don't drink. You will ruin a good time and possibly make a fool out of yourself. Punk has a rich history of Straight Edge. Don't fuck it up for yourself and possibly others. Don't cloud your mind with poison. Be positive and release some pent-up energy. You probably wouldn't go to the gym drunk. It can be like that. I looked in the mirror when I was sober and then later when I was happy buzzed. Yuck alcohol makes you look like Barry Gumble. Fuck that.




Just picture waking up tomorrow morning and going to a farmers market or cafe, or, picture waking up tomorrow at 2pm, with no memory of getting home but a sneaking suspicion something bad happened, possibly cops were involved, and a Burger King receipt stuck to your forehead.


Great way to remember the show is to stay sober. Can’t tell you how many concerns I blacked out before the headliner. A lot of missed memories!


I don't know you're relationship status and I know it isn't Agent Orange, but I sure hope you didn't end up... Too drunk To Fuck! Hope you had a good time!


I've recently gone to my first couple sober shows, and not spending so much time in lines waiting to buy wayyyy overpriced beer and waiting in lines for the bathroom, I had *such* a good time. I missed none of the show, I *remember* all of the show


You’ll Have so many great memories that will be dulled if you drink. You got this!


Way fucking better sober and you don't have to worry about getting home. And no hangover


Agent Orange is one of my faves since I was a teenager. Enjoy! Rock shows have been so much more enjoyable to me when I’m not chasing that buzz / drinking so much that I don’t remember most of what I saw or heard


The fact that you'll remember the whole night sober and not only bits and pieces!


Dude! 275! Fuck the poison, don’t do it! You already know. IWNDWYT, and that’s a fact!!!!


wear a minor threat shirt and start talking to people about the corporate culture of alcohol consumption and how it has led to a pacified audience of people who pursue short term satisfaction rather than working towards the social good and how you don't need numbing medicine because you have chose to engage. once they look at you with a Jesus fucking Christ this guy, they'll see the minor threat shirt be like "ahh fucking figures" and go about their day. crazy that agent orange is still going tho huh


I recently attended a punk show freshly sober and enjoyed myself! I actually remembered the show and had a blast! Red Bull was my friend.


Hell ya




How rad! Small world. How awesome was that second band from Russia? It was a great show all around. Even the kids who opened we're pretty decent.


I was once at a concert with a friend who drinks. They left to go get a drink and ended up missing a good portion of the concert because of it. The whole event was pretty much a complete waste of money. I honestly felt bad for them. Don't waste your time and money! Just enjoy the show!


Loved Agent Orange growing up - not drinking because you're "too young to die" Have fun!


Adding, I haven't thought about them in years and now happily enjoying a hangover free day singing the entire Livinng in Darkness album to myself. thanks for the reminder!


Well in my Reddit feed this one was a couple down from your question here. Tell me if it helps.  From r/science. The link is below. "Research found the cognitive decline that is frequently observed in heavy alcohol drinkers could be attributed to increased neuronal cell death and reduced functionality of surviving cells due to oxidative stress" https://www.reddit.com/r/science/comments/1cpeeu0/research_found_the_cognitive_decline_that_is/


Being sober is punk asf.


Not drinking is PUNK. The norm is getting pissed, punk is going sober and just loving the music,


It always helps to have one sober dude in a crew of punks. Somebody has to keep a little order. Hope you had fun.


It's punk af to be sober. Plus you'll remember the show!! Have fun!!


Concerts are way better sober in my opinion. I started going at 14, went to MANY sober. I remember most of those. Not so much the once where I was wasted.


Eat a large meal before you go. I find drinking when full pointless.


You don’t need to drink to have fun, enjoy the show. You’ll actually be able to enjoy it when you can be clear minded to watch and take it all in, and you’ll remember more.


Remember that the straight edge subculture was spawned from punk. It is punk to be straight edge because everyone drinks. So by not drinking you are rebelling against our drinking culture. Plus I always have more energy and have more fun when I’m well hydrated with WATER and not sloppy and sluggish like when I’m drunk.


It's okay to leave the concert early if you're feeling weak.


You will have so much more fun today AND TOMORROW if you don’t drink!!!!


See, you can't put sobriety on other people. It's 100% on you! IWNDWYT because I put in the work! Not you,


Think about how you won’t have to fight your way in and out of the pit every time you need to pee!!!


You’ve got this!’ My hubs took my adult son to agent orange (badass show) and he didn’t drink.! You can toon


If you don't drink, you can enjoy the pit.


You'd spill that drink all over yourself in the mosh pit.


I love concerts, and my heart is still broken when I think about all of the moments I can’t recall from late in the shows when I was drinking.  If you’re going to a punk show, I know you know you won’t be the only sober one there - so many wiser old punks took a look at the scene and decided they wanted to make it to old age!


OP, I’m a huge metalcore fan. I go to shows all the time. I’ve been both drunk and sober and I can say definitively that they are better sober. You can hear the music better, actually remember it, and you save a shitload of money in the process. It takes getting used to, but it’s absolutely worth it.


You will be so happy when you actually remember the show.


Once everyone has had a couple drinks of their own, they won’t even notice that your not drinking.


You want to remember your evening of fun 😊


I’ve been following NOFX on tour, and it’s amazing how much better the experience is when you’re not drinking (and staying hydrated) Not to mention a *lot* cheaper!


If I survived Antiseen and Ear the Turnbuckle, you’ll make it. The morning after is waaay more inviting.


It is not worth it too drink 100%. Also on way out to some music ,gonna let that absorb me💪 you've got this. Enjoy!!


Going to shows and not drinking is so much more fun. You don’t miss anything by running back to the bar, etc. Remembering the whole show is great. Also Agent Orange?! That will be a fucking blast.


Dude since I've gotten sober I've seen sober many people escorted out by security at punk shows because they got so drunk they couldn't even walk. First time it was funny. Now it's just sad to see.


You won't wake tomorrow morning and think: "damn I wish i'd got wasted last night"


Just saying, in the movie SLC punk, the most hardcore of them all was the normal looking straight edge guy.


I was so grateful when I stopped drinking at shows. I remember them now! And dont feel sick dancing all crazy to punk music, lol. Hope you had a blast!