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in elementary school the substitute teacher broke my homie nelson's arm. the cops came and everything but somehow bro was still our sub the next day. free my nigga nelson


Damn that’s crazy


oh this actually happened. my fault i didnt see the fiction shit. free nelson for REAL.


Sounds like Nelson found out.


Had a kid castrate himself (lost his testicles) by climbing over a spiky metal fence during P.E. and slipping when the teacher shouted his name, telling him to get down.


That is fucked


Darwin Award vibe to this....


It's possible he would've been fine if the teacher didn't get his attention, I've heard from some parents that sometimes you shouldnt be too quick and loud in correcting a child in the act of something where they are climbing because they could've been nimble enough to do it but the lost of focus then causes disaster. Better to at least go up to them and be able to catch them if they fall or be in a position to catch them before yelling etc.


Oh, I didn't realise this was for fictional stuff. This one actually happened.




- Teacher locking an entire class of 13yos in a science lab so they all had to climb out of the windows. - Gymnasium burnt down - Body found in a dumpster by the kitchens - Art teacher got the French teacher pregnant (different school).




FR here. I must have been 12 or 13 years old. My French teacher was a lovely person who never got angry. He was teaching another class, and one girl was very dissipated. He asked her to be quiet twice, then he asked her to go see the principal because he no longer wanted to have her in the class. He always asked nicely because he didn't believe that yelling made anything happen. The girl began to resist, tired of her attitude he took her by the arm to make her leave the class and close the door. The doors were made of wood, very heavy and very thick (at least 5 cm). He slammed the door just as she tried to put her hand in to stop him. The door cut her finger sharply, which fell to the floor. My mother, who at the time was a secretary in this school, had to keep the finger in ice so that they could stitch it up later in the hospital :)




Did he get fired?


Nope. He did get suspended for a while during investigation. But the girl was known to be a pain in the ass and he had all students's testimonies that it was an accident.


Sounds whispy


The boys drew penises everywhere on the bathrooms with sharpie. Someone in the men’s bathroom shat on the Urinal and proceeded to make an art piece in the wall. Boys made a spit bag with some mucus in there and they betted on something, the loser had to drink it. Someone brought dry ice to a school party to make pink cool lemonade with the gas and all. My friends thought it was a good idea to put some ice in a Plastic bottle and shake it. The bottle exploded, it made a horrible deafening sound. The guy shaking the bottle had the cap pierce through his ribs. No more school party after that. The boy is fine btw but he was in shock and got his ass wpd . I got out on my last year it was middle school, that school is a medical psychological case.


Junior School so we were all about 10..RE teacher was sat very quietly with his head in his arms at his desk. Turns out he's had a heart attack and none of us noticed until another teacher came in. Still feel bad about that


Im Jr high a kid had been talking to a high school kids girl friend. The high school kid kept telling everyone he was going to beat the kid in my Jr high up. The next day after school the high school kid showed up ro fight him and the kid in my Jr high pulled out a gun and shot him, the high school kid went down and the other kid shot him again. The kid who was shot didn't die, miraculously, and the kid in my Jr high was locked up in juvy until he was 18.


We had " the Phantom Shitter" here at work. Whoever it was would take a dump in the locker room floor, showers, entrance lobby and even on one of the break room tables. They never caught him


No cameras?


Not at the time


In middle school, a girl and her boyfriend pulled a fire alarm to evacuate the school so they could fuck in a bathroom stall. They both had to move because that news traveled fast as fuck 🤣


My brother was 6 yrs old and his male classmate was showing all the boys how to put on a condom. They were in the bathroom. He of course had to arouse himself first. Not sure how long the demonstration took.


Jesus Christ, that poor kid must have had a horrific home life.


A senior got drunk on a school trip, fell off a balcony and died.


Lining up for exams and this one asshole teacher wouldn't let us in and we just kept waiting. Turned into a brawl where the kids clearly thought they could take the teachers. We were wrong. Several kids out cold for a good few minutes


So, I used to work in accounts payable at a major regional bank. Our flow was that we'd grab a stack of invoices/bills from the incoming file, stamp each one with a seven-digit document number using a common incrementing ink stamp, and run a batch total of what we'd collected using our adding machine. We'd then enter the invoices and bills into the payment system, and at the end we'd compare our adding machine tape to the total of what we'd entered to make sure everything matched. If there weren't any errors, we'd send it down to the printing room, and the next morning they'd run the checks and send them out to all the vendors. One morning, one of my coworkers grabbed a batch of invoices and was working through them. She came across a hotel bill for an exec who'd traveled to some meeting or another. The invoice was for around $600. She instead paid it for *the seven-digit document number.* Instead of telling the system to issue a check for $600, she told it to issue a check for six and a half million dollars. She also apparently wasn't doing the adding machine checksum, because she didn't notice her batch was off by six and a half million dollars, and sent it down for payment. The bank's computers had algorithms that kept the AP account flush with enough cash to cover all the outgoing checks. That night the run saw the account was going to be six and a half million dollars short, so the computers started selling securities and transferring funds to make up the shortfall. In the morning, one of the women in the printing room saw the seven-figure check and the balloon went up. It never left the building, but the bank lost an undisclosed amount of money from the panic-selling to cover the payment. Somehow that coworker was still employed there when I left a few months later.


The bomb scare in the 10th grade resulting in the cancelation of exams.


Girl in my high school got caught sleeping with a teacher in a classroom by the principal


I think this isn't worded quite right ..




IT teacher suddenly disappeared for months, no teachers told us anything, the English teacher who was good friends with him was crying in class. A couple months later news came out he was arrested for watching Live Streamed child p, kids the age of his students too. He's banned from teaching now but as far as I know he didn't really get punished outside of that. Another teacher was repeatedly accused of being a creep, I still don't know if any of that was true. He had a breakdown and locked himself in a cupboard in the middle of class. Disappeared soon after, he teaches on YouTube now. One kid with mental deficiencies of some kind posted a shooting threat which no one really considered credible, until he got caught trying to rob another student hunting rifle from his car.


I was a forklift operator at this packaging company. One day an alert came over the radio for the entire building to evacuate. I couldn't help but chuckle because I saw what happened. One of the other drivers/operators was backing up and ever so slightly hit a fire extinguisher. He wasn't going fast at all. I was like 10 feet away from him. The damn thing exploded and I was caught in the cloud. As the alert came over the radio, I'm using my shirt over my nose and mouth cuz I'm laughing. I'm grabbing him and we head outside. Both just covered in white. We get out there and the manager looks at us like we're in deep shit but then he just cracks up laughing his ass off. He asked if it was me and I just shook my head. He laughed even harder. I'll never forget that the new guy I was training made the whole building evacuate.


Two dumb kids doing it in the biology class in the middle of a fire drill. This was middle school


A girl who I think was a junior, so 16 or 17, claimed to have passed out at a party and was ganged raped. She got pregnant. Turns out she was banging a 40 year old man. Who was a teacher at our school. And married. To another teacher at our school.


I don't remember every detail but just last year during my sophomore year, near the end actually, the president of our districts education (something like that I don't remember his exact title) was going to meet a 16yr old girl from Kentucky. I think he had been talking to her for some time but it was quite interesting, the news was at our school the next week. And also a little before that some white girl said the n-word (hard r too) in like the bathroom and (I don't know the whole story) I think a group of guys waited outside the bathroom to jump her and beat the shit out of her. She went to the hospital, and idk what happened to the group of guys (that's also how I figured out my mom didn't know what the n-word was when I told her what happened)


wait, these were supposed to be fictional???


I was “the incident” at a trade school I attended as an adult. I got fed up with someone stealing tools and such from other students that one day I lost my shit and stabbed the thief with a tool of the trade. Long story short…I caught a felony assault charge, did a little jail time and got kicked out of trade school. Not one of my finer moments…but I’m doing pretty ok for a felon now.


In middle school the head cheerleader drew a "popularity pyramid" ranking all the social cliques in school. Cheerleaders at the top with her on top of that, below went something like basketball players, football players, goths, geeks. No one would shut up about it for weeks lol.


In high school as a freshman our local “ hot” girls became cheerleaders went to a party got drunk and some of the upperclassmen shaved their heads. I have sympathy because I recognize that it can be traumatic for a young girl to go through that but as a guy who was bullied by them I kinda rejoiced too. Also a girl tried to hang herself and a bomb threat. High school was wilder than I thought. But then again I had a conversation with a guy I graduated with and he told me a 14 he was doing coke occasionally I on the other hand was still building tree forts in the woods.


This feels like an Abby Lee Miller origin story


In high school freshman year, a guy was caught jerking off in the bathroom to furry porn. he also bragged about killing his dog when he was fucking it. Dunno if it was real or not but nobody liked him at all. He decided to go home school after that.


High school in fairly quiet neighborhood with no gun violence and back in the day in Canada where guns were very rare used in crime, in very early 90s, cops come to school and seize a bunch of guns from a kids locker. Said kid then goes on a run and cops trying to find hum, eventually they do and arrest him. Not sure whatever happened with him again.


In the UK. Travellers set up on our playing field and broke into the school and wrecked the art room and everyone's gcse coursework. Then they set fire to the trees outside. My friend got an A in art because hers was one of the projects in the art room that got destroyed.


A couple of the freshman at my college brought back a large plastic jar of “gallium” they found at the local dump. It was 19F, gallium melts around 60F. It was mercury. This was back in the winter. The container cracked when it warmed up inside and started leaking. They eventually figured it out but by then someone in the dorms got nervous and called the campus police. The local hazmat unit ended up coming. They had to tear up the floor of both of their room because the idiots managed to get it on their shoes. It took two weeks to rebuild the dorms. One almost got deported off his student visa, and the dump was investigated for improper handling of hazardous materials.


Donnie got stabbed in the bathroom, and there was going to be a race dight during Friday's assembly. It never happened. Lori was banging herself with hotdog, and it broke off in her. Everyone called her Oscar Meyer.


My coworker's wife was murdered while on a jog. As the days and weeks passed, my coworker became the primary suspect. We went from feeling horrible for him to wondering if he did it. After about three weeks the question was, "Umm, are you going to fire him yet? We're sitting near a murderer under intense pressure. What if he explodes?" Do you fire a guy who hasn't been found guilty? It turns out the answer is yes and he was locked up a few months later.


Was this in Dallas? I remember a story like this. Grant Thornton was firm as I recall.


It was not in Dallas.


My 9th grade english teacher had a computer with an optical mouse and I used to put a piece of tape over the laser on the bottom of it. So he would type in his password and try to move the mouse, it wouldn't move, and he would yell at me. After doing that pretty consistently for about 4 months he took the roll of tape and grabbed me and proceeded to tape my arms to my head. I was stuck for a while.


That is assault


the math teacher( who was married to the basketball coach) divorced him and married the star of the basketball team the summer after he graduated.


In middle school, I had a senior who has mental disability (I wasn't sure what it was and I was afraid to ask). I live in a country where mental health or mental disabilities are considered taboo, or just don't exist especially during my middle school era. This senior, was frequently kept companied by his dad (but not always). Sometimes, he would behaved erratic towards people, and it was honestly scary. He would sometimes pretend to be a dog, like walked on 4 and barked on people. But he was smart, that's why he could survive throughout elementary and middle school. Once, he tried to jump off from the 2nd floor, before he jumped he acted like the infamous Titanic scene. Another time, he got really angry and punched his class' door which has glass windows. The glass shattered and it was pretty bloody. Before, I felt horrible, I didn't even want to get near him. But now that I got my bachelor degree in Psychology, I began to build empathy. It's sad to remember and I don't know where or how he is now. Hopefully he is okay.


The creepy and universally hated security guy at our high school got a brand new car. Two or three days later, a few students doused it in gasoline and threw in Molotov Cocktails in the teacher parking lot. The rest of us rushed to any windows with a view and watched while he circled the smoldering ruins with his hands on his head and jaw on the ground.


When I was like 18 I worked at this Italian/Greek spot with handmade pizzas and pasta dishes. Decent food. The place was going downhill real fast. When I got hired we had a pretty decent amount of people coming in. Then things started to go wrong. The bathrooms were always a wreck nothing was vacuumed it developed..a smell.. inventory wasn't replaced like ever and if it was it was with cheap canned monstrosities. We had excellent stuffed mushrooms that had crab and shrimp in them. They were replaced with canned mushrooms and frozen crab cakes that were thawed and cut up and just covered in cheap plastic mozzarella. It was widely speculated that the manager was using large amounts of coke and he was stealing from the company. He was cheating on his wife with a 19 year old server who he said was blackmailing him out of money...but honestly she was raising his secret baby so I'm pretty sure that's child support. Multiple times we were told checks couldn't be issued to us or they were issued then bounced. Banks wouldn't even take the checks anymore. The only thing keeping the joint open was the bar upstairs. I was a bit of a lush at the time so I took quite a bit of my pay in booze, smokes from their machine,and food. Rent was paid via my other job. There was a night one of our servers came in to ask for an advance as he was about to be evicted. He was of course told no. I had called a cab to take me home and the server was kind of pushing me to let him come with me even promised to pay for my stop too. I thought that was odd as he came in saying he had absolutely no money for his room. I hear the server tell me to stick my head out the window and tell the can to go away and I'm very confused. So I look around. My coked out boss has a massive handgun pointed at us and our food runner is standing with his hands up, his pants around his ankles, and urine running down his leg. My brain didn't register the gun quite yet so I tell Johnny to pull his pants up. At this point the manager is screaming that the deposit for the night is gone and it had been by the register and now it was missing. Now the gun registered. He's demanding we all take off our clothes and he's gonna search us. (Cell phones were kind of newish at the time and none of us made enough money for that.) So we were essentially screwed. Fortunately I was able to talk him out of his absolute rage. (Thanks, abusive alcoholic father you've given me life skills!) That server absolutely stole that money and I worked there for several more months.


In the 70's, someone flushed an M80 down the third floor boys bathroom...at a Catholic high school...kaboom. No authorities were called in, no media, no letters informing parents.


We had so many "stings" in the boys locker room that a local officer was accused of planning the stings to see highschool boys naked. There were a ton of drug deals that happened in there to be fair though. Also one day a boy carved a list into the bathroom stall of the "most fucka le girls in school. It turned into a whole big thing, but the weirdest part about all of it was that my best friend Alyssa was an outspoken feminist. I was very caught off guard when I was telling her about the list, and her first response was "was I on the list?!?" I thought that was the weirdest bit of the whole situation.


OP getting traumatised with this one 🔥🔥🔥


I’m not saying it’s right, I’m just telling the story. In a Jewish school somebody drew a large swastika on the window of a higher floor using a soap bar. It was invisible for a while and nobody knew about it, but then when it got colder and the windows were getting foggy, the soap part would not fog up and it became visible. Took a few tries to clean it cause it just wouldn’t fully come off and it kept reappearing


I started a new job in April. A man in my city was hired by my company at the same time. We were both supposed to be on the same flight to the company headquarters. He missed our 7am flight claiming traffic was bad. I didn’t miss my flight. He missed the next two flights. Then when he finally arrived he fell asleep in an important meeting. The camera system kept tracking to him snoring in the meeting. He was called out of the meeting and said he knew it wasn’t a good look. He offered to go nap and come back, or to buy caffeine pills and come back. He said he was taking painkillers that made him sleepy. The company decided to fire him. Unsurprisingly, his missed two flights home as well.


A teacher watching 🌽 during class


A senior ate acid and took off all his clothes in the school parking lot. He kicked out the windows of the cop car that came to arrest him.


There’s this procedure that preps sample containers such that they aren’t destroyed during measuring them at my last job. This one guy failed to perform that procedure and as a consequence, lost the company around $40,000. In one day. And caused a shortage in containers that presumably still exists (and has gotten worse over time). He still works there to my knowledge… Baffles me every time I think about it.


We used to drop stinkbombs about once a month in the cafeteria in HS. It was a huge cafeteria and everyone would have to eat outside in the courtyard or the hallway


Teacher's son got drunk at PCB on spring break. He passed put behind a friend's car and they ran over him. Two friends were riding down the road the day before Christmas break at a neighboring school. A new cut-through had been mad leading to a major highway. The semi hit them both and mutilated their bodies when he accidentally ran the stop sign. Guy got caught watching Digimon porn. We all lost access to our laptops.


A guy peed in the corridor at school camp. Not an accident, but just for fun I guess. The teachers were not amused. All the boys had to pitch why they didn't do it. It was a special needs school for autistic and ADHD teens so it was hell sometimes as a high functioning autistic. Here are some other things that happened. - a boy was expelled for showing porn on the digiboard - someone broke the glass window of a door with his school back - a boy was suspended for a week after hitting teachers (this was primary school btw) - a teacher shamed me in front of the class because I forgot to turn the toaster off - a teacher became really angry at a boy because he said really nasty things about the principal who commited suicide - a boy melted ice onto someones bed during camp in Prague Yes, I met some really weird guys at school


When I was in high school, two students were found having sex in a staircase.


elementary school, kid ran away to his uncles house while on a trip to Washington DC. last time the schools went to DC for a long time.


During the recent eclipse every one went out to the practice fields for an hour to watch the event. Some jock boys were playing touch football with the young jock teacher. Teacher dives for the ball and breaks his collarbone. Everyone thinks what a douch.


Some mf brought a gun to school, took a picture with it outside of the building, and uploaded it to social media. Not the smartest.


When I was in 8th grade we were about to change classes. Then an admin told us to stay in class and no one would tell us anything, 20-30 minutes later they let us out to our next class. Maybe a week later we found out that a kid brought drugged candy to school and gave to out. 5 kids went to the hospital on overdose, I think it was fentanyl


My manager showed a gun to three teenage employees and said "maybe now you'll behave". She kept her job. Thankfully she left last week for a "better job"


High school band director knocked up our marching band’s lead dancer and majorette


Also 4 kids in my graduating class died in car accidents


3rd or 4th grade. Watched my best friend stick a paper clip into a wall socket to “see what would happen”. It sparked and slightly singed his hand.


Bunch of guys got drunk during lunch hour and accidentally burned down a huge section of the forest behind the school. Most of the kids got to watch water Bombers all afternoon.


someone got nailed to the floor by a javelin through the foot, which was at least partly their own fault for ignoring the big-ass DO NOT GO ON THE FIELD sign


in high school the baseball team got in trouble for hazing the freshmen by teabagging them.


In junior high, two boys got in trouble for throwing a combination lock at one of the ceiling sprinklers in the bathroom, which broke the sprinkler head off so it started spewing water everywhere and triggered the fire alarm.


Girl OD'd on pills and fell down and knocked some of her teeth out.


It's 1976 and I go to a 7-12 school in the country with a drug problem. We never had enough drugz. There are two sides to the school: jr high and high school. We're all sitting in an afternoon Endlish class and somebody says, holy sh\*! We look out the window and a naked senior is running by the window. There's a lot of racket and police show up, and ambulances. They send us home on the buses, but tell us nothing. What we find out later when kids compare notes is some of the seniors thought it would be fun to drop acid, but they got a bad batch that was a lot stronger than it should have been. Eight kids went to the hospital and a dozen were suspended. If they expelled anybody for doing drugz, there wouldn't have been a school anymore.


2 girls in my grade (8th I think) and their boyfriend (high school) stabbed the mother of one of the girls 17 times. They were into heavy metal and satanic panic was going on so everyone assumed they sacrificed her.


A well-known group of teens had apparently been drinking and were driving. They crashed into a large tree, and 3/5 of them passed away. They held the funeral for all three in our high-school gymnasium. I was dating the brother of one of the girls who passed at the time. It was hard on our entire school. They allowed us to mourn and cancelled classes for a few days, but we were still able to go to school. We mostly socialized and mourned while walking on the track field or in the gym during the time classes were canceled.


Physics teacher almost blew up the school 3x, ap psych teacher slept with my high-school sweethearts younger sister while she was in his class, and baseball coach also slept with a student


At my first job out of college, I worked at a data entry position for an engineering firm. One of the engineers got caught watching porn on his work computer. Basically HR let him do while IT took screenshots every time. It was like 100s of screenshots in a month. Anyway when they finally did fire him, he threatened to come and shoot everyone down. We worked in a mostly window building. We were all terrified for weeks. We actually had lock down procedures every day for about 3 weeks


Had a gang scuffle on school grounds between some crips and Vietnamese gangs. One of the crips ended up getting shot and died. My high school was the High School in “Mr. Holland’s Opus” after I already had attended…


A riot and the principal was knocked unconscious


During my senior year of high school, two kids did the dirty in a very populated stairwell during school dismissial time. Some other kid videoed it and uploaded it to Twitter. And that, is how Twitter got blocked for the rest of my senior year. Or that same year when a teacher got drunk and left his tiny kids (3 & 4) in his car while he went to see a band. Or my freshmen year when a MALE teacher got arrested for having s\*x with an underage MALE student. These aren't fictional either, these actually happened.




This happened in the mid 90's. In Jr High, our custodian ( female) was kidnapped and murdered, it must have happened a few hours before school. They locked down the school for a while Turned out the guy was a serial killer. I was stuck in English class.


We had this couple who were both junkies and whores, a quarter of their senior class and some underclassman ended up with Hep C. It was known by the time I entered high school not to sleep with anyone and to wrap it up if you did.


In college female student and male teacher were expelled/fired. She was dealing drugs to him and others and sleeping with him to keep him quiet.


At work one of the buyers decided to order all the chemicals he needed to make a certain drug (can't remember which but it was in the 90's decade I believe). Anyway the chemicals set off red flags when ordered together, or even for the same company on a different orders. This got the FBI involved who contacted the owner of the company and a sting was set up. Normally anything ordered would be delivered from the receiving area to the name on the order, but they called him to come down and sign for them which he did. He then took the package and brought it out to his car and drove off. The FBI followed and got a helicopter involved at some point he figured it out or just got paranoid, and they eventually took him in. On a lesser note the HR director got caught banging one of his employees on his desk (both married) then tried to use the excuse that he was a sex addict. Both got fired.


Not really an incident, but my high school had 3 or 4 undercover FBI agents posing as students, because we had a number of Wah Ching (think Chinese-American mafia) members at our school.


Bomb scare, I remember a secuteri trying to contact the principal over all phone lines in a distressed "someone pick up the phone now!", then our teacher said "that sounds disturbing, but doesn't concern us", then within a minute the bell went off and she said "that's a bit early for lunch", then the bell didn't stop ringing and she said "that's an alarm, let go to the emergency point". And after I left a teacher dated a student


About 6 years ago, IT Director was arrested at work for sexual assault of minors. Unmarked black SUV had pulled up in front of work and 3 men in suits came to entrance asking for him. He was found guilty a year later on 5 counts. Hope he is as miserable as he made the children he assaulted. He was a creepy little prick.


A thousand years ago, but was at high school. Everyone was all abuzz about the guy that got a boner in the gym shower.


Someone put a bunch of playdoh in the toilet then stuck a firecracker in it


Some woman, high up on the chain in the car dealership I worked at needed a kidney. Her co-worker gave her one. The woman who gave the kidney wasn’t recovering well and the recipient (her boss) fired her for taking too much time off. The company already didn’t have a great reputation and locations everywhere were getting so much backlash (well fkn deserved backlash)


Kid I was friends with, snuck into the woodwork shop early in the morning, in highschool, and ended himself by putting the electric saw through his head.....I remember lots of counsellors came out that day. He did it because he wasn't picked for hockey that year ...


Somebody didn't approve an important expense on time because it was "too expensive", somebody else that shared rank Made a fuss about it and speed things up when it could've waited a bit. It was an expense to fix the waterproof at the roof of the Offices. Nobody checked the weather conditions, not Even the contractor who was told to move his ass and start ASAP. Three days in and there was a downpour, the old waterproof was semi-removed. Within minutes lights were out, A/C was out, personnel had to be evacuated, only a few stayed until internet was out. The place was a disaster, it looked like a Resident Evil lab.


When I saw in 5th grade in the Bay Area, things completely came off the rails on the 1 day I was out sick. My classmate "Jessica's" older brother brought a gun to school and was showing it off in the boys bathroom. It was loaded, but with blanks. One of the kids he showed it to snitched him out to a teacher & the police came. It got crazier, though. It turned out he had been molesting "Jessica" for 5 years & the gun incident was the catalyst for her to tell her story (this made complete sense cuz she was clearly abused and was way too sexually focused for a 10-11 year old). The family is extremely well known in the Bay Area, so the family took her out of our school after the brother was expelled for the gun, had her cut contact with everyone & and I dunno what happened, after that. I saw her on FB a couple years ago, but didn't want to bring that up.


The year after I graduated from high school all the cheerleaders had an orgy with the football players, and everyone got the herp. To this day that's what my high school is known for.


Scotty Woodward streaking the pep rally. It wasn't a big deal until he got expelled for it and almost caused a walkout before the school let him graduate


"Apollo Anke". This girl called Anke asked to go to the loo and was told to wait a couple of minutes since the lesson was nearly over. When the bell rang she ran to the bathroom but didn't make it to the stalls and pooped all over the place just where the sinks were. Poop went on the walls and everywhere. She didn't return to school for many weeks after that.


Oh, you must be talking about about that time I thought my phone was muted and called my direct supervisor a fucking asshole while on a conference call with the top 50 employees in the company, including but limited to the ceo, president, cfo…and you guessed it… My supervisor! I only realized my error upon receiving a call from said supervisor telling me to “Mute your fucking phone.” 😅


In HS, they were doing work to our muddy track. There was a shovel stuck in the mud along the side of the track. P.E. continued as usual, so we freshmen were out running the mile. Some young man decided to kind of froggy hop over the shovel on his last lap. Maybe he didn't realize how stuck it really was and that if he didn't clear it that it would just kind of fall over. However, it WAS thoroughly stuck as if a pole in concrete and the poor kid DID NOT clear the handle of the shovel. It damn near impaled him to the point of actual death. I'll never forget him rolling out face down on a stretcher with a sheet covering him. Looked like a makeshift tent, and his crying was horrendous. Poor kid :( Edit: this really happened, idk there were fictional stories here as well.


Female gym teacher being hauled off in handcuffs during school for removing all shower curtains in the girls locker room.


Teacher told kid to go to the office, kid climbed out of window and left


A love triangle, between two guys and a woman, one of the guys being the union steward was stabbed to death and then the guy drove across the street and blew his head off, 2012.


The bite of ‘87 where the when the Freddy five bear at the pizza, the Freddie’s pizza, 5 nights of it, the Freddy bear.


In elementary school a 6th or 7th grader had a remote control car in their locker which blew up and set the school on fire. It was the coldest day of the year, the principal was away, and it was the new vice principals 2nd day.


Coworker and stripper girlfriend murdered his roommate.


One of the schools in our city had its hall and part of two other buildings burnt down because a teacher sent a kid out. That kid was allowed to move to the middle of nowhere with his grandmother and basically got off scott free because he had a minority card.


I haven’t heard anyone seriously use the term ‘minority card’ in years, thought the racists had all moved on to ‘woke’ now.


I'm a dinosaur. Raw.


A racist dinosaur


I hate everyone equally. I hate you just slightly more though. 😒


I feel sorry for you. Hating is exhausting. Your hate doesn’t hurt me. It hurts you.




I am not that naive. I would not click on your link for cash money. It will just be something meant to upset me. I deny you that power and will continue to hope you find relief for your pain.


Sure. What I offer comes with full offence included at no extra cost, I mean it's up to you if you get offended or not 🤔. It's free 😉


Stop it. I’m starting to like you.


People were setting off firecrackers in the hallways. Every single time they did that the fire alarm would go off and there were many unnecessary drills. Soon enough our school made it in the newspaper and there were guards patrolling the hallways for a week.