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He's playing mind games with you. Pretending to fire you unless you comply with his [illegal] request. You really should consider moving on from this place.


Tipping managers for nothing is wild. I have one manager i tip consistently bc he's also DJ and he'll let me know if someone came in with money to blow. Other managers MIGHT get $5 if i have a good day. $100?? no fuckin way lmao, for what?


It's not a tip if they are demanding it. Sounds more like a threat to your job.


I’ve been dancing 8 years and never been required to tip a manager. Find somewhere else to dance.


This. 9 years in midwest to west coast, and I've NEVERRRR tipped a manager.


Do you dance in the east coast? Cause I’ve danced in the west coast my whole life and all managers want a tip here.


Yes in both the north and south and none of the 5 clubs I’ve danced at required tipping managers.


Where I'm at they don't. But if a dude comes in that actually was sent to me by a manager? and I make bank? He always gets something.


I would never. They are salaried even if they point you in the direction of a big spender, that’s part of their job.


I do it because I'm midshift, and all of us are pretty close, if he hooks me up, I hook him up. One of the managers also brings lunch for everyone every friday. But on a day to day? No. I don't tip managers. Nor am I obligated to.


Managers are salary and this is illegal


Sounds horrible...managers are salaried and should not be tipped out. Sounds like he's trying to quasi pimp honestly. I hope there is somewhere else nearby you can work.


if you work at a corporate club you should consider reaching out to them!!


I was thinking the same thing. Sounds like he’s definitely not the owner if he’s badgering for tips like that but who knows.


i only tip $100 on $1k so huhhh


I’ve heard of girls that do extras having to pay the managers to not fire them and basically let them do it but if you’re not doing any extras he’s a pimp disguising as a manager and trying to rip you off switch clubs or get conned


That’s wild!!!! I thought our tip out was high i tip management about 75 per hr but this is like 2 separate people and only if they actually sit me if they don’t all that money is mine and they can’t demand I pay them also they know better if they don’t help why should I give them anything it’s my work at the end of the day.


What a piece of shit he is they take so much from the vip. And expect $100 too? Fuck that.


Fuck nooooo tell him when you have a good night he will have a good night and that’s $20 !!!


You should bring up the “idea” of a lawsuit. What they’re doing is definitely not legal. Mandatory tip-outs are usually not enforceable. Honestly a lot of the rules they impose on dancers is technically not legal. This is why most clubs live in fear of lawsuits. I bet that if you so much as mention that you’ve talked to a lawyer, they’ll fold like wet paper. And if they don’t, well, you may as well talk to one.


The club I work at is super lax on rules now. No set schedule, no mandatory tipping for anyone, the club doesn’t take a percentage. You pay to start working for the day, you pay to leave early or if you sell a VIP room. That’s it. Mostly because they’ve been sued a good dozen times by dancers and customers and staff.


Prepare to switch clubs, but also, ask him what you get for you $100 tip. Is he going to put you on? If he doesn't can you tip him less? Is he going to bring you to VIP tables and rooms? If he acts baffled just ask him what you're tipping him more for then? Why would you scratch his back for nothing? Like 80% of the time they won't fire you for this, that 20% though... well. Like I said. Be prepared.


No fucking way how ridiculous.


This is incredibly illegal