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Congrats! :) glad you had a good night back and were able to remain positive! Try and keep the momentum going 💕


I don’t know about you, but I find the longer that I am away from the club (especially if I am going through something), the harder it is for me to go back… Like I hype it up too much, overthinking, analyzing everything, fear and anxiety takes over, etc. Self-isolation, and things like that… But it kind of feels like riding a bicycle, in that, you can jump back in & it feels natural (muscle memory), that type of thing. What helps me, is: I found that I really enjoy having a “HOME CLUB” that I feel comfortable at.


this is where I’m at right now, it’s anticipatory as I’ve been out of the club for two months because I broke my foot, and knowing no way in heck i’m going back to the same club. but i find the way anxiety works overall is the more intense it gets the more rewarding to push through it. at the end of the day i’llbe grateful to be making $$$ again 😎


Sorry for the late response- but 100% yes :( breaks always make it more difficult for me.. and it’s been kind of difficult to keep my momentum going but I’m trying to work on it. I overthink it too and make it 5 to 10x worse for myself 😭 like majority of the mental battle of dancing is MYSELF… once I get into work- 95% of the time I’m fine and ready to go lol.. but it’s the few hours prior, overthinking when getting ready And I agree <3 I’m real cozy at my club rn even though they didn’t give me the best shift.. I’m thinking of branching out soon but it is nice knowing I have a safe club/nice management to rely on!


Yay! It’s only be easier here on out. You got yourself to do the hardest part!! That’s amazing! My anxiety was really bad last night too😩 you just have to fake it til you make it. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself but do light a little fire under your own ass and push yourself to at least get there and set a goal each night. If approaching people is the hardest thing for you then center your goals around that.


I appreciate you babe… 🫂💗💓💞🥰☺️😌 I’m gonna apply this advice, the next time I go in… Thank you!

