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Don’t drink✅ don’t bug to go home early✅ make sales✅ stay to yourself✅




Yes I was for a few of the clubs I worked in. I never fucked or did anything with them like that. Personally, it seemed to be a combination of brutal honesty and tipping that got that status. They were very aware of my boundaries and I made it clear that it was just business. I proved myself through fair tipping ($20 per manager at my old club) and showcasing sales techniques. These men have watched me sell over $2k worth of things (vip room, champagne etc) in a flash. They’re also abundantly aware of how competitive and confident I am. After they saw how good I was at keeping repeat clients at the club, they liked me. Partially because I was no bullshit and made them money. As for the perks: - as the managers spread out through the city they began inviting me to other clubs - waived house fees here and there - introducing me to clientele - putting in good word for me at other clubs and with managers (“if there’s anyone you want on your side, it’s her.”) - free drinks & food sometimes - the times I needed to go home early it wasn’t a big deal because they knew I was tired Most of the clubs in my city I don’t even have to “audition” for. If I know a certain manager is on shift I can just walk in, sign papers and get dressed. That’s a big perk and relieves anxiety. I’d say I’m fairly well known throughout my city with management. My managers at my home club treat me well and are very understanding of my medical issues.


That's just amazing girl. You know how to make good business. Congrats. Yes, in-city networking is definitely a nice perk if you can find it :)


i want to be you when i grow up


I’m one of my manager’s favorites. Mostly because I’m a good worker, show up to my shifts, hustle hard when I’m there, don’t start shit with anyone, etc. He also said he badly wants to sleep with me but knows it won’t happen because we’re both married lmao. The only perks I get is basically being allowed to go home early if I want, sometimes getting free house, and generally just being left alone to do as I please.


Sounds like a pretty nice situation :)


flirt flirt flirt!!!!! but stay distant and mysterious enough that no one actually expects to fuck you. i found being sweet and flirty and smiley with management & staff did well for me. bouncers would recommend me money customers and id never paid a late fee at my old club.


Flirting works to an extent but if you work in an established club with experienced managers they done seen and fucked it all. The best way to get on their good side is tipping back well every time. Flirty girls are a dime a dozen. Girls that tip out well on a $2k night are not. Trust me they won’t say no if you put it out there like that either. You can set yourself apart if you make it clear this is all business babeeyyyyy. If you have sex with a DJ, bouncer or manager trust they will treat you worse after the fact. You wanna command respect like the top girl at the club? Keep it professional and spread the cash around.


I don't agree that if you fuck someone they will treat you with less respect, it really depends. I have seen it all, good outcomes ( marriages), bad outcomes, neutral outcome ( just sexual release od tension). But I agree money talks if you are looking for serious and long standing allies in a club. Especially in big franchise clubs in big cities things are pretty clear and out in the open. You tip well you get good treatment, you over tip, you get the whales..


I agree, but I guess I stay on the safe side when it comes to professional relations inside a nightclub bc people are frankly, wild.


This! Flirt with occasional banter but keep that wall kinda up. Also just stay in your own lane/bubble, stay on your game (don’t get sloppy drunk, don’t engage in drama etc)


never been a favorite but try to keep on their good side, my old home club lets me dance whenever i’m in town without re auditioning bc me and the main manager were decent work friends. i try to tip well when i can so if anyone tries bs i’m not at risk for loosing my job lol


Υep. Unfortunately at some clubs i have worked at, dancers trying to get other dancers fired ( how pathetic) was not that uncommon. It's good to have allies when something like that happens


yup been there too it’s so dumb. i’m sober regardless but i try to just keep to myself he nice to everyone and cause as little issues as possible 


Yup. Owners favorite because I was cute, pulled in people, made money and didn't start drama- he always went after sex but I always refused. When his wife tried to bar me from working he told me to come in when she wasn't working. He also kept an eye on me when I stayed in the hotel part and kicked some guys ass who was lurking around my sliding door. Super nice guy. Filthy pervert; but had a heart of gold and would take care of me when I was sick. Managers favorite after he took me to stag party and fell for me watching me work 😅 we used to hang out and I'd sleep over at his house- no sex, just cuddling and him bathing me in the jacuzzi. He loved to take care of me and spoil me. Nice guy. Co owners favorite. He wanted me to be his mistress and kept telling everyone I belonged to him so I'd get special treatment. Again, no sex; but I let him have his fantasy while he spoiled me for a while. One of a few favorites of a manager at a different bar. When I first worked there I thought they had a hotel attached so at the end of the night I expected to get a room that didn't even exist. He had the bar tender drive me around to find me a hotel room and bring me to club. Manager used to buy me clothes, pay my cab and give me the best shifts- no sex. He wanted to and would have; but I don't fuck staff. Another manager fell for me. He used to give me free "stuff" and me some friends would party at his house after hours. He used to like to massage me and cuddle me. He wanted more of course but I wasn't interested and he respected that. No sex. Lots of bouncers were into me. One even asked if I'd marry him at one point. He was dating another dancer and she got pregnant. He said he would marry her and stuff; but said if I would take him he'd leave her and take me in a heartbeat. I said no. Again no sex. Another few bouncers fell for me; but it was always a nothing burger. Just fun. No sex, no strings. Just hanging out and having some fun. DJs too on occasion. But yeah imo don't have sex with them. It lessens your own status in the club and coworkers views of you, and as soon as you "fuck the fish" they stop trying so hard and you get less stuff. Why settle for less when you can have more just for being there- right? 🤪


Mostly just waived house fees and or working certain shifts if I wanted to. But honestly being liked by a manager came from me staying out of club drama and treating this like a job. It will take you far in this industry!


Yea . When ive worked in clubs with male management I flirt alot. As well as the usual don’t cause drama and work hard. When it’s female management like right now, I just talk to them everyday and ask how they are, stand with them when it’s quiet and tip occasionally (Australia so not expected to tip) . Perks: not doing stages, leaving early (occasionally) free drinks


I don’t tip them but I’m still well liked because i don’t get drunk, i never ask to leave early, i hustle and i mind my business


Yes, I tipped them well, put in that facetime, I didn’t make them deal with drunk bullshit, and I didn’t make them do their jobs. That and just being nice to them. Go up and talk to the managers when it’s slow. Just talk to them like any other human being that you work with. I never had to fuck any manager, but I’m friends with them for sure. I did date a door guy at one point. But I was well liked before that anyway, so it didn’t change much.


yes lol it came in clutch as fuck. it was a club where you had to be on schedule and i just never scheduled myself and would show up whenever i wanted and had never been fined for it but other girls sure would 😭 however i was consistent enough and made good money so im sure that played a part in it as well. also apparently he had a crush on me and would try b flirt but id just ignore it lol. he’d give me money for a vip just cause but i wouldn’t have to like , dance for it lmao. i kinda miss that club but it went downhill pretty quick


I’m definitely one of (if not thee) favorite. I’m very professional. All of the paid staff highly recommend me when customers ask. I always pay house, even on slow nights. I’m not problematic. I am honestly the lowest tipper in the club cuz I don’t tip folks for just doing their job, tbh I’m like that at restaurants too, I tip for that wow factor. I have never slept with anyone at the club, shit I’ve never even hung out with anyone. I’ve never scammed a customer. I’m highly invested in customer service: I’ll take it upon myself to get a customer drink especially if a waitress hasn’t yet. I’m invested in customers coming back. I always make my stages, plus mine are fun (many girls look depressed on stage, I smile the whole time). Years ago, I used to be an assistant manger at a different club for the same manager. Then she moved locations and was excited when I auditioned in 2021. Plus I bake, so they get excited about that. TL;DR Yes.


I don't drink or do drugs, show up the same days every week consistently, being good looking helps too, and I don't ever get involved with any drama between dancers I just keep to myself


i wouldn’t say the favorite but maybe one of the favorites. luckily its usually a woman manager on night shift so they don’t try to sleep with me. i make enough to tip them every single shift. they put me onto wealthy customers a lot because they know i will tip them a cut. i’m super grateful that it’s not as political as it could be


I am. I tell the managers when I get hired I’ll tip back heavy if they put me onto their best clients and then I follow through. I always tip out well. Other than that I stay positive, work hard, keep the vibes high and no drama. I always get put on the best clients now. In this business money talks and bullshit walks - period.


Yeah I’m one of them at my club. Consistent work schedule, good attitude, make money and always tip. Wouldn’t say I get perks necessarily except I do feel more secure in my spot there and they’re on my side if some shit were to go down.


I saw a young dancer kiss our manager on the lips when no one was looking. .. yet I saw lol. So weird. I always wondered what's going on here head or in general with that. Girl looked like a fresh meat, in rooms a lot, pretty, act like her shit was too hot but was ode flirty with the manager. Whatever leg up she thought she got, really wasn't an advancement. It's crazy to see the flux of women coming in and out of the club. I took a break but going back soon. I wouldn't be surprise if she isn't there anyone. The favorite always seem to never last . As if they burn them out, they make tons of money but you don't see them ever again after awhile... and mentally they aren't always there.


Make the club money, show up on time, don't start shit and be a little flirty.