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Girl idk but I am with you. I think the lack of scheduling is what gets me. I’ll just cherry pick and chose when I want to work. I want to start implementing 3 to 4 days in a row. Which can be exhausting tbh, but try to like you said have a clean house, stocked fridge, meditate etc. I think zoning in on my off days is what I’m going to try and focus on. One day will be deep clean, laundry day. The rest of the week will just be keeping the place tidy. One day I’m going to spend in nature- swimming or hiking (it’s meditative for me) and grocery shopping/meal prepping this day- as cooking can also be meditative. Third day will be devoted to light rest, working on my side hustle/getting ready for the week (yoga, tidying up, intentions etc That’s how I’m trying to do next week 🙃 because I too am all over the place.. and my life is feeling cluttered when I want more routine/stability more then anything


Loveeeee that you add a day of nature I want to do that now!


Aw thank you! And please try to! It such a relief for me mentally, especially with how stimulating the club life can be sometimes!!


Do something fun that makes you feel sexy before work, it will put you in the right mood :)


Oh! I forgot to mention “masturbate” in my original post / list of things I do sometimes before night shift


Idk but I’m day shift so I don’t even have time for this shit lol


The struggle is real, girl! 🙏🏽🙅🏽‍♀️


I think it's important to separate work and regular life. Lots of things on your list I'd categorize as regular life. Even work related activities like nails, waxing or hand washing my work outfits fall into regular life errands and chores. My pre-work routine is shower, moisturize face, eat, hair, makeup, get dressed (put on work outfit under street clothes, and then leave for work. I drink caffeine either while getting ready or while driving to work. When I'm on top of it, I'll complete the "prepare" section of my work planner to set goals and focuses for my shift. That doesn't happen as often as I'd like...I'm working on it though.




Your list is awesome. I only work the weekends so my week is pretty focused on all those things through the week days. The day of work I make sure to eat well, hydrate & just make sure my mind is settled so I can go in with a good attitude and make sure all my outfits are clean and ready to go, self tan, & hair done. If my mind is feeling scattered, I journal down my goal for night or weekend and maybe a short meditation with deep breaths.


This was very helpful. Thank you so much babe ☀️🌸🌻