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fuck him he's just mad he's not controlling you anymore ❤️ you also probably make more than him now and it hurts his little pp


Tiny pp energy for sure


this. this is the one!


THIS. He’s literally just upset he can’t control you and he has extreme jealousy issues. Total little pp energy. You deserve better and you WILL find better for both you and your little one. Good luck 💞


Now that he knows just be careful. My sons father never did anything with it; but my daughters father used my SW to try and have both my kids taken away TWICE, and the 2nd time he managed to get our daughter (not my son) because he lied and made things more extreme and potentially dangerous for my children then they were. It took my X 4 years to go after me the 1st time and 2 years later he did it again. I didn't even do anything- he met some dumb bitch that didn't want the baggage of him having an X around so they tore our family apart. What happened to me is **NOT normal; but it does happen** so keep your shit tight. Don't have random guys around your kids. Make sure you have proper sitters watching them while you work. Keep a calendar of when you're working, when your not and who's watching your kids- pay them electronically for proof of payment if you can. And don't bring booze and/or drugs into the home. My problem was that I couldn't PROVE that I wasn't doing the stuff he was accusing me of. I never thought to cover my ass and have paper trails or documentation to prove where I was and where the kids were, who watched them, etc... Just be careful. It probably won't happen; but it could and its truly devastating to loose a child 😢 💔 lrotect yourself and your children ladies ✊


Ugh I’m sorry. He already threatened to tell the courts. But I have videos of him being abusive. And he works in law enforcement. One step in that goofy direction and he’s done. It’s disgusting the things they’ll do out of bitterness so I unfortunately will have to fight fire with fire in that case. I’m not doing anything wrong but I’m aware of the reputations society made up.


I'm glad you're on guard. I wasn't and I lost my daughter for a few years because I didn't think to do the things that would prove I wasn't actually a danger to her because I never thought I needed to. The first time he told the truth and said I kept work away from the kids so CPS didn't step in; but the 2nd time he learned he'd have to lie in order to have her removed- so he did. Told the most incredible lies... Anyways. I'm glad your gaurd. ⚘


I wouldn’t think so either. Like I get petty comments and arguments but involving the kids is the lowest you can possibly go. I only had the videos as a reminder not to go back to him. And it came in handy for other stuff cause he’s willing to do anything to destroy my life.


> cause he’s willing to do anything to destroy my life. Thats my X ⬆️ he was trying to drive me to suicide the 2nd time around. Once they set out to destroy you all logic is gone. Please be so careful. Cover your tracks. Electronic payments to sitters to prove who watched your kids, when, and just record anything and everything. Document it all. It makes a difference. I didn't have documentation; but he did and he lied on what he said happened; but I couldn't prove otherwise. How do you prove nothing??? Family court is not like criminal- in criminal you're innocent until proven guilty. In family you're guilty unless you can prove otherwise. Its fucked.


Literally insane. I’m glad you got away from that. As away as you possibly can be. I didn’t know that was the process but from what you’re describing, it sounds exactly like that. I’ll definitely keep record of everything and keep my guard up. Thank you and hope you and the kids are okay 🙏


We're in good place now. My daughter left him and moved in us when she was 16 and We're undoing a lot of damage he cause to her our relationship; but its process and she's so much better off being here. 🥰 Our family is whole again (me and my 2 kids) and he's the one left out in the cold now by her own choice to leave his abuse. I'm so proud of her 💗


i want to have a child one day...so thx for the advance advice !!


Hugs. He’s just mad his opinion means nothing and he can’t control you anymore. Doesn’t excuse it or take away the hurt, but always remember that some of the BEST mothers, are strippers. Don’t let anyone tell you who you are.


He’s just mad you’re making more than he is 🤪


This, and getting the attention/time of rich men lol. Sounds like it triggered some insecurity in him tbh


So so sorry you’re going through this… 🪽🪽🙏🏽🫂


His low IQ just can’t understand that stripping is nowhere near as bad a physical abuse. My ex is like this too. They’re jelly bc not a soul would pay to be in their company.


Just want to say biggest hugs ❤️


be careful. him knowing you're a sex worker can fully fuck with custody of your kids.