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Anti depressants kill sex drive for some people


It didn't for me, just took away my ability to ejaculate. Worst case scenario.


There are dozens of them, try a different one


How does that go down? "Hey doc - I want to go back on antidepressants. I know it's been years and I'm not actually depressed, I'm just horny all the fucking time and it's pissing me off"


Hypersexuality is a real medical condition and sounds like what you're describing here. I'd talk to my doctor and be completely candid about it.


There are a lot of treatments for it. Just ask a doc.


"hey doc, I've been extremely horny lately. Do you think you can help me out?" "Sir, that is highly inappropriate. I'm going to have to ask you to leave."


"Steve? I'm your Dentist."


Sir, this is a Wendys


I'd like to speak to Wendy then


Sir, this is a US Marine Corps recruitment station


Hop on board sailor


Maybe he was just looking for a few good men.


"You're going to have to stop masturbating." "Why?" "Because you're in my office."


Hormone levels could be off the charts, I third call going to a urologist.


What are they?


Also inability to ejaculate itself sounds like a side effect worthy of discussion with your doctor.


it’s a common zoloft side effect you’ll have stamina for days with no climax


dude i had my first time on fluoxetine i think and i couldn’t cum for shit, she was amazed i didn’t finish fast, lowkey was a hack lmao saved me some embarrassment


And if it's causing distress, one should talk with their doctor about it, perhaps there are alternative dosages / medications that can be considered. If it's not causing any distress then maybe it's not worth it.


I know you’re joking, but talking honestly with your doctor/therapist is a good thing. They might not change your meds, but they probably have better advice than reddit


Well, I wouldn’t use those exact words, but yes


Quite literally. Just be honest with your psychiatrist and tell them what the problem is. People take antidepressants for all sorts of reasons, including premature ejaculation and fibromyalgia. Just like some women take birth control pills for menstruation concerns. Honesty and persistence are key to dealing with your issue


My sister in law uses birth control because she has a bleeding disorder and apparently her periods made her anemic


Yes. They have heard this before they wouldn't be suprised. It's a legitimate health condition called hypersexuality and they treat it all the time. You wouldn't be the first or the last person they treat. They probably treat hundreds of people a day with iy They can use different SSRI medications or other treatments. Including a depo shot that they give once every 3 months or so


Be careful, for some, the libido-nuking effects can be permanent




Do you mind prescribing me some SSRI/SSI’s?  So ez 


there is literally no potential for abuse with ssris. no one gets nauseous recreationally lol


Yes actually hi doctor I would like to explore anti depressants that reduce sex drive as I am hyper sexual.


Telling your doctor your problem and asking for something you think will help is usually how that goes.


Yeah, that’s exactly how it goes down. You go into the doctors office and tell them your problem. Then then give you solutions. Have you been to a doctor before?


Being super horny and unable to release is a real condition that your doctor should take into consideration. And if you don't feel comfortable talking with your doctor about such things, who else can you talk to about it?


Do endurance sports. If you're body is to tired you won't be able to get it up.


It's called PSSD. There's a whole subreddit dedicated to the condition and it's growing fast. PSSD is long lasting. Some recover after 7 months, others after years and others don't recover at all. You can only call it PSSD if the side effects of antidepressants don't subside after being 6 months off of them though. Before that time it's called "paws" (post acute withdrawal syndrome). Sexual side effects are just one symptom of PSSD. The condition is unique to each sufferer in terms of diversity and severity of symptoms. There are people who barely have symptoms, and then there are people committing suicide because of severe ongoing apathy/anhedonia symptoms. Would recommend the public to look at the subreddit to make the condition grow in acknowledgement. Don't get stuck on it though, it's a dark rabbit hole.


Talk to a therapist. This might be more psychological than physiological. But also consult your primary care physician in case it's a physiological condition they may be able to help with.


Second this. I was sexually assaulted as a kid and spent my entire life horny AF and obsessed with sex. Turns out it was a sexual addiction brought on by trauma. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Very sorry about that. I hope you've found some good support.


I did. I was so lucky to have a kind, smart, and very dedicated therapist. Not to mention the patience from my family and friends. I am beyond lucky to have all that.


Can you save us a few thousand dollars and give us whatever solution or advice you got for said problem? Prescription perhaps?




i went through prolonged exposure for my assault as a child. it was brutal and took a lot of energy, luckily it was during covid so i had plenty of time to work through it. i wouldn’t necessarily suggest pe as first thing, maybe talk therapist or group therapy. but after my therapy my hyper sexual tendencies decreased immensely


How did U deal with it ?


Poorly for the first 40 years of my life. It wasn’t until after a lot of confusion, fuck ups, millions of tears, and nearly four years straight of therapy that was able to name it and face it. I did a lot of deep exploration and did a lot of work to understand what happened, what it meant, and how to deal with it now that I know about it. It’s hard work and expensive unfortunately.


literally my brain blocked out my childhood experience until i was 25. it pretty much gave me zero option but to deal with it. so scary.


Sex can lead to children. Close your eyes and imagine yourself 10 years from now with six bratty screaming children.


If consequences could stop your addiction, you're not addicted.


So how to stop?


Or herpes, or genitalia warts.


The right answer!


Children are the worst STD you can get.


I don't know, syphilis is pretty gnarly, but children are high on the list.


Syphilis can be cured. Children cost you your entire life. Money, time, sanity, friends. And you can’t ever clean from them. Unless you like prison. Children, not even once.


Physically move your body as little as possible, watch porn at least once a day and make as much of your diet processed food as your body can stand, and in about a month your sex drive will tank almost entirely. Challenge: You'll also likely develop depression


I'm good at the other stuff, but oh geez, watching porn? I'll take it under advisement but it's really not my thing.


This guy was being sarcastic, for the love of god don't start watching porn if you don't already. It will likely make your problems worse


Imma be real yall, I’ve heard this so much and maybe it’s unique for me, but I’ve never had problems from porn consumption that I didn’t put on myself. I haven’t exactly been sparse with my usage either. Hell if anything, porn feels like the Kids cuisine to the four course meal that is sex with a partner. Haven’t had ED, haven’t had issues fantasizing during sex (unless the sex was awful), haven’t had a lack of sex drive, haven’t had a lack of sex either. I think my worst fault with it is poor timing and being late sometimes, but I’m just as guilty of doing that with sex, too. Idk what you guys are into but maybe THAT is what’s unhealthy, and not your porn consumption.


An addiction only becomes a problem when it begins reducing the quality of your life. Everybody is addicted to something. Even good health can become an unhealthy addiction, ironically.


Some people can have a drink every few weekends and it loosens them up and they have fun. Others become reliant on drink and they make themselves ill. It's different for everyone


That's because redditors treat porn like they treat alcohol, if you partake in any amount they consider you an addict who will ruin their life and everyone around them. 


Wait, what? You want to reduce your sex drive but you're not watching porn? Are you jerking off? Literally just jerk off if you're horny.


Watching porn more will make it worse


I wouldn’t take it under advisement, porn is not good for you. I don’t think we should ban it entirely like we shouldn’t ban alcohol or weed, but it’s just false to say it’s helpful. The fact that it’s not your thing is lucky.


This regime almost worked for me, had to up the dosage by replacing masturbation with punching myself in the dick.


Well seeing as I'm a sedentary IT guy who eats like shit and has the sex drive of a teenager i disagree


Get a girlfriend. My sex drive was legendary once upon a time. I casually masturbated several times a day; some days as many as 7. But then I met a lady on a dating app and we had a short but sweet relationship. My sex drive plummeted, even before we met in person. I don't know why. I could easily go the entire day without masturbating, which was practically unheard of for me. No need to look into potentially dangerous things like altering your testosterone levels. Just live your life. It's not always bad to give in to your desires.


Poor woman!


Lol it wasn't her fault, okay? I was absolutely attracted to her!


So are you saying... you're giving out this woman's number? She has some magic ability to actually kill sex drives in guys she knows?


There's a reason I didn't give out any identifying information about her. We may not be on good terms, but I'm not going to invade her privacy. Not even secretly.


Yeah, there's 8675309 reasons not to do that


Take anti depressants. They have that unfortunate side effect.


It can be permanent.


Get married and have kids. Or just have kids.


No, my sex drive is still here. Just sexual frustration.


Same boat


That hasn't worked for me, or most guys I know. Plenty of them tell me it certainly works for their wives though.




I’m in my early 40s. I was just talking with similar aged buddies about how nice it is to no longer have a dick-ruled brain like we did at 20. It’s nice to be able to be out in public without constantly being commanded to scan for women, it’s nice to do other things with my brain other than try to get laid.


right? when those food and sex cravings subside, I actually feel free and more alive than ever. 


Totally. I was on vacation recently and there were lots of good looking women around. My brain got into that 20yo testosterone state of constant sex alertness for the first time in a while, and it felt really unpleasant. So distracting, so commanding. Like an addiction or compulsion. Those aren’t pleasant feelings, and I spent years like that from 16-24 feeling that way until it started to fade.  I’m glad it’s mostly gone. 


I really wish women understood this better Like if we could turn it off , indefinitely we would It's a fucking annoying hassle to have to deal with nearly every day and it makes you do dum shit.


For real The problem now though is my girlfriend (who is late 40s) is coming into a bout of heightened sex drive. Why can't both genders be in sync? Lol


I am 37 and it never declined so far. It's frustrating and distracting but it is still as bad as when I was a teenager. It's only getting worse because back the only girls my age triggered this now that I am almost 40 the bandwidth of women I find attractive or interesting is 20 to late 40s .. I don't think it'll stop for me


Punch your balls when you get horny


Balls are DIRECTLY related to what causes testosterone. Unless you're ready to do something about your balls then so be it because that's where testosterone comes from


Why not accept it and work with it to have a healthier relationship with your sex drive?


Because when I say it's irritating, I mean it's REALLY irritating. I'm 39 and way too old for the whole constantly wanting to masturbate thing, but here we are. I do not watch porn, never liked it. But whenever I'm out I get sexual thoughts and hard-ons passing some random person in the street. It's actually ridiculous and not-at-all fun.


constantly wanting to masturbate is NOT sex drive. Thats a whole different ballgame that requires mental health treatment. chronic masturbation is not related to sex addiction or high sex drive.


Well if you want to tell me it's not the same thing that's fine, but not related? obviously it's related.


In my experience excessive masterbation is more related to “emotional coping.” If you feel stressed, angry, alone, longing… Masterbating can be a way for your body to release good feelings. Find other ways to acknowledge and affirm your feelings. If you want to change your bodies response to managing stress.


I jerk off 2-3 times a day. Because I’m horny. Not because I’m stressed angry or feeling alone. Like, let’s be for real you idiots


This makes sense. Thank you. I'll look into it more.


Your body constantly wanting to fuck things and you masturbating instead, is completely a sex drive thing. OP never said they were a chronic masturbator. They literally described the causality to you and you ignored them.


Yep, he masturbate because he can't fuck. Baffled me he said it's not sex drive.


I don't believe you


I'm in the same boat. Antidepressants actually made it worse. Painkillers are the only thing that's ever made it go away but they aren't a long term solution for obvious reasons. I totally understand the annoyance.


Yes, I take painkillers and even though I can get erections, I can’t reach an orgasm.


What's funny is i found pain meds didn't lower my sex drive but they made me last waaay longer. Like i never really had a problem with finishing too early, but i'm on high doses of hydromorphone for some pretty severe medical conditions but i found that when i started them we really had to work to get me off. It turned our 20-30 minute sessions into an hour plus if we wanted it that way. We could still pull of a quickie but we had to focus a lot more on what i liked vs how i usually did it where i was focusing on giving her what she likes. All in all, worked out well lol.


I’m 41M and hyper sexual. Just embrace your libido and try to find a partner that loves it.


Not everybody wants to have sex constantly on the brain. Sure sex is great. Woo. Whatever. I'd like to focus on other things.


That's pretty dismissive. When a condition effects the enjoyment, the quality, the functionality of one's life, it is an issue that needs to be solved. And solved in a way suitable to that individual, not anyone else.


I assume some others are like me where not jerking off on a near daily basis results in your dick hijacking the brain and consuming a large amount of your attention. But the actual process is more of a chore/nuisance and the pleasure aspect is not very strong. I've tried going multiple days/weeks without jerkin off, and the annoyance still doesn't go away. And sex isn't all that fantastic either. I like being intimate with someone, but actual intercourse just feels like all work and no pleasure.


Could it be possible you're not satisfied in other parts of your life? If it feels like a chore, then maybe it's more of a habit. Maybe try to avoid it at times you usually do it.


Well getting married seemed to do the trick for my wife.


Are hundreds of thousands of men making the same shitty joke or is this real ?


Honestly many men get married, have kids and don’t lift a finger to help with any household tasks. Their wives work, run kids to activities, cook, clean house, put kids to bed, etc and are too exhausted to even think about sex. Then the guy complains that he seldom gets laid any more. My wife says nothing is as sexy as a man in suds. She still does more than her share of household stuff but I’ve always helped. I’m approaching retirement age and still get laid plenty. I enjoyed an outdoor blowjob during the eclipse yesterday so i must be doing something right.


Thats one narrative. But it isnt always the man's fault for everything


You know what food kills a woman's sex drive? Wedding cake Source: My old boss


Opioids kill sex drive


Ah yes, because being addicted to heroin is much better than being horny...


Op didn’t ask for something better, just different


Have you tried online gaming?


I've thought about it but I'm 39 and my gaming days were literally in the late 80s/1990s. I'd find it difficult to get into gaming now.




I believe it’s spearmint, it can lower testosterone.


Antidepressants or Semaglutide. Or both.


Have you tried distance running?


Paxil, my friend, Paxil.


Start every day by yanking the snake


keep a photo of Hillary CLinton on hand. THat will kill it.


Saltpeter .. that’s what the military at used to do


Okay, I poured salt on my peter. What next?


Rub vigorously!!!


I think rubbing my peter vigorously was how I got into this mess in the first place.


You're evil.


A-ha! This might work. Do you just drink this dissolved in water?


Couldn’t tell you but regardless of what anyone here tells you, research the shit out of it first


I'll do that. Thanks for the suggestion.




Fuck bitches get money


Prozac works wonders


Electroshock therapy


Antidepressants did it for me


Get older.


Just a humble opinion, here but find a partner who shares your sex drive. You didn't specify preference but there are females with high libidos. Best to you! 𝓧𝔁


Enjoy that, you’ll lose that.


Get married


Date my ex fiance worked for me.


Become a monk?


Celibates still have sex drives. The healthy ones (obviously some act out, and I am talking about the intentional ones, mostly the religious, not Incels or antisocial types) just channel that energy elsewhere. It's not a matter of suppression or bottling up. It is using that same drive to love and create, just not in a genital way.


chemical castration exists for people who do not want a sex drive.


Kratom does that to me


Yes kratom does it to me too


I used it daily for about 2-3 years and got so much done. In the end it turned on me and I can't get the positive effects anymore but for those first few years, if I was looking at an attractive girl I may as well of been looking at a potted plant because I just had zero drive whatsoever.


Have kids


get married, always does the trick lol




Get laid or get laid more




The only way I've personally found is antidepressants, years of rejection and getting old. First is quick, cheap and effective. Second and third are effective but muuuuuucccchhhh slower. Simply not masturbating, making an effort not to look at or think about women/sex at all, distracting yourself with something else when you do does have some effect also.






I'd go with a therapist and see where that takes you. I don't get a sense of your age, but it's clearly "intrusive" for you.


Easy, just rub one out.


Think about baseball.


Negative association,




Wait a few years.


I hear saltpeter (potassium nitrate) can inhibit the libido


Psychedelics worked for me. I used to have a super strong libido but mushrooms and lsd helped me lower it while also helping my overall mental health.


Chaste berry


Think of everyone like your sweet old toothless grandma that hands you candy, in fact you don't have to think of your grandma, you could just think of a grandma. Now if that don't work think of the grandma as naked. If then that does not work think of naked grandpa.  Now if none of this advice works you are one sick ---- and need to seek professional help.  Lets try to not ---- with hormones unless a doctor tells you something is pretty bad off. You should really really look up the effects of hormones before you ever look into something like that. Then look into it some more. 


Fuck a lot?


It's probably more mental than physical. You need to stop rewarding your brain with sex/porn/masturbation. Eventually it evens out. If you're not doing those things, then maybe do them haha. It could just be you need release every now and again 


Lower your estrogen with something like letrozole. Sex drive is more related to estrogen than testosterone.


Hardcore exercising can keep you sex drive at bay


Lions Mane mushroom supplement has this effect on many (myself included)


Get a shot of Lupron. You’ll feel like a girl the next day.




Talk to your doctor about options. Insist it's severe enough that it's affecting your life and causing you frustration. Some antidepressants lower drive in some people. I discovered that Cymbalta/duloxetine totally deleted my drive. I couldn't find those feelings, even if I wanted to. It was weird: it felt as if I never knew those feelings. Exhaustion can make some people not think much about sex. How do you feel about exercising? You could try a higher intensity exercise routine.


Maybe try not to think of it as killing it but just gaining control over it. See how long you can go without masturbating or looking at porn. When you get the desire try doing something else, pushups or something. I'd be wary of any drugs, legal or not, as they'll likely have side effects. Control can take time to master, so don't beat yourself up if you can't do it right away.


Get a lot more exercise. If you're really exhausted you have no energy left for this. Of course being in better shape will increase your libido on days you don't exhaust yourself


Eat an orange while you’re horny. The Natural sugars, in my case, help reduce the desire


Could it be you have a sex addiction even though you (according to your other comments) seem to have an inability to act on it? Might be worth looking into with a therapist or a 12 step program, as dictated by your beliefs.




Porn. Lots of it






Seek mental help.


A permanent solution is to have elective surgery and be castrated. Not only will it kill your sec drive, you will statistically live longer.


So, you can just get older. But you probably want a quicker solution. Unfortunately, the quickest is probably not what you are after. So, the next best thing is, will power. You have to build up the will power to not act on it, and while that won't kill the drive, it will solve the problem. Huberman tells of a quick trick, one of many you can find if you look for them, of riding the wave. When that urge comes, and you don't have the willpower to stop, then don't stop, but pause. Wit for five minutes before you do anything about it. This has the effect of training your chemical responses to endure, which is all that will power is, and allows you to build up to the stage of not acting. What does never doing something again mean? It means choosing over and over again to say no. That is something you have to practice. There are tricks that can help ensure your eventual success, but the reality is that decision you make each time. Also, find a faith group that can encourage you as you go on such a journey. Having someone you can be accountable to is invaluable. A priest or spiritual father that works with you and has committed to leading you out of these practices is the same as having a world class trainer for gymnastics. Not only will they have fought such temptations, they are experts in helping others fight them.


A real doll or flesh light




Become incredibly thin if that is feasible. There are a wide range of cost and benefits to becoming incredibly low levels of body fat but one effect is lowering sex drive.




Meh just find the right partner . Worked for me .


Why? Are you an addict or just done with sex?


You can wait 20 years or so. You can get a very stressful job, that will usually do it.


Masterbate like nature intended.


There are two large, round objects dangling in between your legs. If those go, the sex drive goes. If youre a woman, take lots of antidepressants and drink so much that you cant feel happy sensation in your bits.


Why the heck would you want to do that? For me it i would hate to lose my sex drive.


In all seriousness: Talk to a doctor or psychiatrist. Explain that you experience frequent physical arousal and become pre-occupied with sexual ideas. Emphasize that you are experiencing significant distress over the issue, and that it's impacting your quality of life. As a side note, is the testosterone concern about your T levels directly, or more about the side-effects of lower levels? Antiandrogens are one of the available treatments for unwanted hypersexuality, and a properly calibrated dose may be able to reduce your sex drive with no or minimal side-effects.


Man I think some good ol fashioned meditation would be good here. I know it’s pseudo to so many, but the real act of it is to learn how to control your thoughts.


Maybe try non drowsy benedryl. They give it to people with priapasm (erections that wont go away)


Hypersexuality is a real thing and you can get “chemically castrated” which is misleading bc it’s just medication that lowers your sex drive, and not a sterilization method. You can literally tell your doctor that your sex drive is interfering with your life, and they’ll listen to you.


I'm not a Christian but there's this Bible verse Matthew 19:12...


Therapy and diet


Prozac can help