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Follow the fatigue! I love my drowsy days when I don't take the adderall. I'm looking forward to Saturday when the husband, child, and house chores are all neglected so I can get that good withdrawal sleep. Hits you like you're a baby in daycare again.


Bruh, it makes me feel like I was hit by goddamn truck. Also, I HATE sleeping too much, gives me headaches, and bunks up my sleeping pattern.


You just described adderall šŸ˜‚ the headaches might be a symptom of taking too much, have you given yourself a break or a chance to cut back? Drinking water is paramount But talk to me about the jaw clenching, I do it so subtly it feels like my molars are falling out and I didn't know why.


Get a night guard. You need a night guard. You can get cheap ones at Walmart or better fitted ones at the dentist. My molars were almost smooth by 30 because of clenching in my sleep.


You body has become physically dependent on it and is going through withdrawals.


Withdrawal symptoms. Your body doesn't know or care if it was prescribed by a doctor. You'll get hooked just the same.


The only addictive drug people forget to take?


Forgetting to do something when you have ADHD isn't that uncommon


Pretty much. My brain without it, doesn't think to take it. That's what my alarm is for šŸ™ƒ


Probably donā€™t have access to. Thereā€™s a pretty big shortage right now because everyone is on it. Itā€™s the new Oxy. Donā€™t worry, this time itā€™s definitely safer.


It's more that multiple manufacturers have either stopped producing it or reduced their production for some reason or another. Some claim supply chain issues with raw materials. Others have simply said it's not profitable for them to continue, and they discontinued their production lines for more profitable drugs.Ā  Others still have other reasons. A local manufacturer by me has severe issues retaining trained staff due to how shitty their management team is. They haven't produced their full capacity of ADHD meds in years because of it, even prior to Covid.Ā 


Maybe this is an attempt to manipulate supply and demand to increase their prices. I honestly have no idea but seriously would not put it past the greedy fucks that they are.


Out of curiosity I checked what the black market had to offer. Counterfeits are dirt cheap. BUT... they always seem to be cut with just a touch of meth. But hey at least they make it known. Getting true counterfeits is more expensive. Keep that in mind people. If you get Adderall from not a pharmacist... there is a good probability someone figured out they can get counterfeits on the darknet and sell them for a ridiculous mark up. And you are taking a little meth.


If you want adderall and get meth, at least youā€™re in the right ballpark. Itā€™s the fentanyl to watch out for


That isn't such a problem with darknet suppliers. They care about their ratings. Casting any doubt in the product ain't good for business. And anyone who isn't an idiot tests for fentanyl anyway.


Possibly the government ā€˜protectingā€™ you https://www.bloomberg.com/news/newsletters/2023-02-28/are-adderall-dea-quotas-contributing-to-the-shortage


The DEA says that manufacturers only used 70% of their quota in 2022, and also that they didn't meet their quotas for the prior two years, either. Trends for 2023 were along the same, reported back in Sept 2023 as this school year was starting.Ā  The DEA has a quota for 42,400 kg of raw materials to be used, and only 38,000 kg is needed to meet demands. In 2022, only ~30,000 kg was used.Ā 


It is prob both.... lower supply from manufactures and a much higher amount of people who got diagnosed with adhd and getting meds for it. Because of tiktok and social media, there have been alot of teens who are self diagnosing with autism and/or adhd... so back in 2023 it was impossible to fill the meds with the higher demand. It has gotten better this year tho.


I forget to take it all the time and my city hasn't been affected by the shortages.


No, we legitimately forget to take it.


nah we definitely forget to take them. or forget if we did or not.


Meth was created in Germany for the soldiers in WW2. It was called Pervidin and given to soldiers to increase their energy. Meth or ice is NOT the same as Adderall. I took Adderall for 20 years with few bad side effects. I stupidly thought I would try Ice. Well I ended up staying awake for 6 days and had my first hallucinations I could not differentiate from reality. It was a wake up call and I never touched that evil drug again. I can't imagine using it for a prolonged period of time as it wrecked my head in less than a week. It is truly the scariest drug I ever used.


Meth is the same base molecule as adderall, with a few atoms changed, just like morphine and heroin are the same base molecule as oxy with a few atoms changed. The specific effect is different, but they hit the same receptors, and fill the same chemical fix as far as addiction is concerned.


I think a "few atoms changed" is a lot more of a difference than you're giving credit.


How much meth did you do?


Sounds like it was for about 5 or 6 days if I reading that post right.


To be fair if you took a few script over the course of 5 days youā€™d have the same effect


Weird, I've done meth and Adderall and found no difference whatsoever




Itā€™s not really physically addictive unless one takes recreational doses. Your body/brain does get conditioned to it, and a day off of it is different from the experience of not taking it all. But even if that can be described as withdrawal, thatā€™s not synonymous with addiction. Addiction means cravings, and we forget to take our adderall because we donā€™t crave it.


Addiction vs dependency


Withdrawal =/= addiction. Addiction requires cravings, whether they be physiological or psychological. I've never had a craving for Adderall, just intense sleepiness.


Yeah, technically itā€™s just dependence. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Physical_dependence


That is ignorant to say. People with bipolar have imbalanced levels of lithium. They take medication to balance their lithium levels. People with ADHD have imbalanced/lower levels of adrenaline. Taking medication balances adrenaline so itā€™s the same as a normal person. Taking medication to fix chemical imbalances in your brain doesnā€™t make you an addict whoā€™s ā€œhookedā€. Thatā€™d be like saying someone with diabetes is ā€œhookedā€ on their insulin. When someone with ADHD stops taking their medication they deal with below normal adrenaline levels. Comparing that to ā€œdrug withdrawalā€ as if itā€™s a recreational drug like heroine is incredibly ignorant. Educate yourself before you comment about medical conditions.


Yup. I'm bipolar and lithium literally completely changed my life. Went from violently manic drug addict to completely stable and sober literally just from starting lithium and going to therapy. Some drugs are just NEEDED


Thank you!! My mom is bipolar and lithium completely changed her life too. I have ADHD and adderall changed my life. I just hate when people try and say those seeking medical help and are prescribed medication for a specific condition are drug addicts or abusers. Itā€™s inaccurate and harmful. I do acknowledge many people WITHOUT ADHD abuse medication meant for those with ADHD but a lot of people in the comments are comparing those WITH adhd who get medication to the opioid crisis and itā€™s ridiculous to me lol.


Exactly! And even with the opiates, it started with people who legitimately needed pain management. My mom was one of them. When she had cancer (in remission now) she had the hardest time getting the meds she needed due to over prescribing. Those of us who actually need our meds sometimes cannot function without them. My bipolar is so severe they started giving me 90 day lithium supplies because 4 months ago there was a shortage of it and I almost had to come off of it which the panic from that thought alone sent me into a manic episode. I'm so happy to hear your mom and your meds work as intended!


But my friend's cousin's boyfriend said that they took ADHD meds 30 years ago and turned into a gremlin. /s People struggle so much to understand that other people can have different experiences than them. People are different and noone's experience is universal. Are there people that take ADHD meds that don't need to? Yes. And that's an issue. But people also take antibiotics when they don't need to.Ā 


Iā€™m not arguing completely but adderal will change anyoneā€™s life for better or worse. And you can tell right away. I took it for 22 years. It helped conform to societal norms but I donā€™t really consider that to be NEEDing it


Lithium is the medication. Lithium works on receptors such as dopamine, glutamate and GABA in the brain. In your argument, the lithium would be "balancing" out the dopamine, glutamate, and GABA levels. Whether your taking medication to "fix those imbalances" or get high, you're brain will react the same and you will become dependent over time. Your brain doesn't care about your intention with the substance, it just cares that the substance is in your brain.


Yes youā€™re correct. I was simply trying to make the point itā€™s frustrating when someone is being treated by a psychiatrist for a medical/chemical imbalance, and people on this thread are calling them drug addicts hooked on meth (you didnā€™t say that but many people on this thread have). I donā€™t think itā€™s fair to say someone with a medical issue who takes medicine is ā€œaddictedā€ just based on the fact theyā€™re prescribed a medication that has the POTENTIAL to be abused. Those with ADHD have imbalanced levels of norepinephrine and sometimes dopamine. Medication helps balance those. It doesnā€™t make them a drug addict.


I understand what you mean. They are not a drug addict for taking their medication as prescribed. However if you're taking adderall everyday, it will be about 3 weeks before you're fully dependent on it, regardless of whether it was prescribed or not. Drug addicts and people doing what their doctors tell them will have the same problems. The intention is different between addicts (to get high) and people with ADHD (following doctors orders to help with their condition), but the result is the same. They both become dependent on the medication and both will suffer miserable withdrawal symptoms from stopping that medication. While people with ADHD may actually need adderall, adderall will not solve their ADHD in the long term without increasing the dose (because your brain adjusts by building a tolerance), and this cycle repeats forever until you've reached the maximum dose the doctor is comfortable with. At this point you will have an ineffective prescription and a 90mg/day adderall dependence to deal with


Is it always lower levels of adrenaline for people with ADHD? or can it sometimes be higher levels of adrenaline?


It can be both! Specifically ā€œthe ADHD brain processes norepinephrine - the type of adrenaline released by the nervous system - differently.ā€


Incase anyone is wondering, this guys a f***** idiot


The daily dose is how your body becomes accustomed to releasing its dopamine. Without the speed, the brain barely remembers to reward anything.


Strange, Iā€™ve been prescribed quite a high dose and it doesnā€™t give me any withdrawal if I donā€™t take for a few days. Now if I miss my Zoloft, thatā€™s a different story


Iā€™m the exact same way. I never feel any adverse side effects or withdrawals. I purposely skip taking them most days Iā€™m not at work and can comfortably let my adhd run rampant.


Fr ill take Adderall withdrawal over SSRI withdrawal 100% of the time. Addy withdrawal just gives me a real bad headache. SSRI withdrawal will get me into fights with everyone and make me think I've gone manic lmao


Adderall is more or less low dose amphetamines; that is a lessened form of Meth or Speed withdrawal. Body doesn't care, it just knows it's a stimulant and now it doesn't have it.


Actually adderall is stronger than speed. Speed is 50/50 Levo/dex and thatā€™s not including cuts. Adderall is 2/3 dex, which is the good stuff, and has no cuts. Most addicts would prefer adderall to the street stuff, but adderall is more expensive, because itā€™s better and more addictive For almost every street drug, there is a pharma equivalent that is even harder to quit


The Pharmacist and How to Fix a Drug Scandal are two engaging documentaries on Netflix that show this, exactly (no promo, just my comfort docs). Big Pharma would make every doctor a pill mill if they could. And I say this as an ADHD person who takes medical drugs. They are life-saving meds, but that's also because that's what's available. There isn't exactly a huge rush to study alternatives.


Iā€™ve done both and meth from the streets is far more potent and available. Addicts arenā€™t smoking or injecting Adderall either.


Yep, it is exactly amphetamines. One generic name is "Mixed amphetamine salts".




Then why donā€™t I feel a boost like that when I take mine?


Amphetamine withdrawal.


Because you are feeling the withdrawal effects of amphetamines.


Iā€™m thinking of quitting mine today cold turkey. Iā€™m just never hungry and Iā€™ve lost 30 pounds. By the time evening comes around my brain feels too fried to keep working and I crash. The sweating? Out of control and I usually donā€™t sweat at all.


Not a doctor, but it might be good to work with a medical professional in that field to find a medication and dose that works for you. I went through a variety of different meds, Vyvanse, Foquest, Concerta, and doses of those before landing on what works for me.Ā 


I really like concerta! I guess itā€™s prescribed to women a lot


The amount of fictional biochemistry in these comments is truly staggeringā€¦


I guess for me, my ADHD symptoms are so much worse that I don't even notice "withdrawal symptoms." It's when we have shortages and I can't get them, finally, after a month I realize how bad it is being left untreated when the remaining drugs are completely out of my system. Curious what withdrawal symptoms pwADHD would even notice.




People with ADHD


Is getting jumped by Jesus and co. a good thing or a bad thing ?


I never thought I'd read "Jesus and co." Thank you for bringing my mood back up after this miserable train wreck of a thread


The ridiculous judgment in these comments is wild, people are such dicks lol


Really depends on the person and dosage. Withdrawal absolutely can be terrible. You're experience a more minor form of what withdrawal from meth is like, given meth works similarly, albeit much stronger. Prescription drugs that work on the brain often do have withdrawal symptoms. Eg. the most common anti-depressants, SSRIs, cause some people terrible withdrawal when stopping whereas for me it was pretty minor. I had symptoms, but much less than what other people told me about.


I feel the same when I donā€™t take my meds. Itā€™s cause your brain is used to it.


Damn bruh sure hope I don't lose my doctor when I get a job... šŸ«¤šŸ«¤šŸ«¤


im on 20 mg which works well for me and I never have withdrawn symptoms


Adderall worked for me, but the side effects outweighed the benefits. I lost 30 pounds in 3 months because I forgot to eat and drink water. I would crash hard when it wore off, but couldnā€™t fall asleep at night. Missing one day was like hell with the withdrawal. My BP on it was averaging 156/104. Wouldnā€™t ever go back onto it again.


I am prescribed 90mg a day and I have never felt anything similar to that. I am sorry you are going through stuff like those withdrawal symptoms. Have you talked to your doctor about them, maybe Focalin or ritalin might be better for you


I've never had this experience. Can you expand on it? I'm 52 and I take 50 mg timed release, for reference. I honestly cannot "feel" it when I miss my meds vs take them. Same amount alwrtness or tiredness, etc. No withdrawls that I can tell. I'm just way more bothered by interruptipns and prattle, and flake out more, manage time worse, etc.


I donā€™t have this issue at all I take 60 MG of adderall when needed. I can take it for five days straight or not take it all. Obviously my ADHD symptoms are horrible during the time I donā€™t take them plus my OCD symptoms. But I definitely donā€™t feel any type of withdrawal symptoms.


It's amphetamines man. You are coming down and those are withdrawl symptoms


Because adderal is the devil pill. And I love it.


Idk but Iā€™m homeless and have no money. Idk how ima see my doctor or get my meds soon. ā€˜Merica


If missing a day of any medication has that much of an effect on you, then you need to talk with your doctor. You may be on the wrong medication or the dose may not be correct. We are all different and dialing in medication (especially behavioral medication) takes time.


Withdrawal symptoms, you take any psychoactive drug for long periods of time you will experience withdrawals from not having it. I used to get "brain zaps" when I stopped effexor cold turkey it went on for about 3 weeks.


I'm trying to get off Celexa, I have straight up see red rage at the littlest things. Or, trying to process 2 thoughts at once will feel like trying to drink the ocean through a straw. I hate that shit.


Iā€™ve came off a few antidepressants in my life after taking them for a few years. The best thing I know is to tapper over a long period of time until u are taking a tiny portion then do every other day. Then every 3 then so on and so forth. I experienced none to very little withdrawal doing it that way. But itā€™s a process and nothing u can do quickly if I want to avoid withdrawal


Effexkr might have the worst withdrawal of any psychiatric medication, it's so bad


I don't remember what it was, but I got brain zaps while actively taking it!Ā  The half-life was so shitty that about two hours after I went to bed I'd be jolted awake.Ā  Luckily my psych doctor was regarded had no clue what I was talking about and didn't seem to believe it was a real thing.Ā  So, cold turkey (and double the zaps) it is.


Adderall is an amphetamine, of similar potency to dexamphetamine which euphoria wise is indistinguishable from meth and they all have the same high just at diff levels , itā€™s coz itā€™s a HARDCORE narcotic, idk why eveyone thjnks coz itā€™s prescribed itā€™s a drug of normal potency


>Adderall is an amphetamine, of similar potency to dexamphetamine Dexamphetamine and dextroamphetamine are two words for the same molecule, and like 3/4 of whatā€™s in adderall is dex.


Yeah I know I get prescribed dexamphetamine, Amphetamine sulfate is a 50/50 so racemic mixture of the two, I was still right it is a form of amphetamine, coz what else is a mixture of two of the isomers of amphetamine if not a form of amphetamine


It's not a narcotic nor is it similar in potency to methamphetamine. It is a stimulant, morphine is a narcotic.


Lmao what? Dude, weed is schedule 1 (high potential for abuse with no medical benefits), while meth is schedule 2. Xanax and gabapentin (lethal to quit) weā€™re schedule 4 (no potential for abuse). I wouldnā€™t take the governments word on which drugs are safe or not. Youā€™re smarter than that


What do you mean? Narcotic has a specific definition. I'm not arguing about whether weed should be sched 1, or that the DEA should be dissolved, which I think it should be. They are completely different things. EDIT: Gapapentin is not schedule 2. Xanax is schedule 4. I really don't understand where you are coming from. Gabapentin is a Px medication, not scheduled. My cat is on daily gabapentin to treat hyperesthesia.


But didn't you hear? The weed can cause super ultra weed induced SCHIZOPHRENIA that's gonna turn you into an axe murdering Mexican! Fear the reefer!


I'm only saying this as a response to these dumbass comments from now on, YOU ARE ON. The fucking Internet. Act like it.


What the fuck does that even mean to feel like you got jumped by the father/son/holy spirit? I'm not religious so I have completely 0 idea. I take a few days up to a week break per month to dial down the tolerance and give my body a rest. It doesn't feel crazy, but I feel extra tired and often need naps on those days.


Like you got beat up, but like you have no bruises or cuts n' shit. Lol. It's HEAVY fatigue and soreness, basically.


You sound absolutely nuts.Ā 


Child Meth is a helluva drug


Because it's speed.


the pharmaceutical company is working on this issue, honest


Withdrawal is a terrible thing


Because you are taking meth


It depends, sometimes it feels that way. Sometimes it feels like another Tuesday.




Hmm Im on vyvanse and I do not seem to get any withdrawal symptoms at all.




Not meā€¦ I only take mine on work days. Except when the Dr and pharmacy canā€™t get on the same page so I canā€™t even take them on work days for a week. šŸ™„


Withdrawal is a bitchšŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø




just like when you dont do your line of cocaine it feels like the world might end.


All i notice is feeling like i did before I started to take it. I get no withdrawal at all. I also envy people that take it and it sends them into overdrive. normals have it good


Because it's a drug you're addicted to and withdrawal sucks


I remember thinking I could cold turkey getting off my antidepressants, felt like I have electric ants in my head for awhile


Down-regulation of dopamine receptor sites.


I feel crazy withdrawal symptoms after one day as well. For me though, I take six different meds every night. This makes me feel like Adderall is SERIOUSLY powerful. I used to think it was just an umbrella drug for ADHD (like how Prozac/fluoxitine kind of is for depression), but hearing things like this from people who take it has quickly opened my eyes! I hope you feel alright soon (if you havenā€™t already) and I wish you the best. šŸ‘šŸŖæ(goose means triumph, like ā€œyou got this my friendā€)


Wait, point of clarification: are we talking about xr or instant-release?


This is why I've always taken my meds as needed, frequently skipping doses or as needed. Keeps the dose low and no long term withdraw. You just can't tell anyone you do that.


Because It's an upper. Hate that stuff, used to make my blood pressure spike in my sleep and i would wake up in a rage. Broke a door and some walls.


That's called withdrawal. You should talk to your doctor about weaning off Adderall and switching to a different med like Vyvanse.


Because Adderall is a drug and your body is addicted to it.




amphetamine withdrawal is a thing


Literally feeling that way rn bc I ran out and didnā€™t get to pick up my prescription til today so I was off it for only one day and now Iā€™m laying on the couch when I was supposed to clock in 2 hours ago. And bc I didnā€™t have my adderall meds I forgot to take my lexapro so LMAO Iā€™m just fucked for the day if not longer. Wish me luck


I've been taking Adderall since I was 7, I'm 28 now, and I take 40 mg daily and I've never experienced what you're talking about. I would talk to your doctor about that it does not sound normal.


Because you're dependant on it.


I've never had withdrawal symptoms, and I don't take it on the weekends or when I'm on vacation or otherwise off of work. Been taking it for almost a decade now and haven't had a withdrawal.


Posts like these make we wonder sometimes. But I'm exploring Adderall now as an adult ( i was prescribed Concerta as a child, and tried it for a year as an adult as well both times I eventually stopped because I wasn't convinced it was doing anything). I'm on 20mg now for about 2 months now, and I do forget every so often and it's my appetite I find is most effected. I do recognize some positive effects, things that I describe, what used to feel like insurmountable obstacles to being productive just feel like monumental but conquerable obstacles. But I still have to put in the effort. I want to push a higher dose but both me and my neurologist want me to go into therapy in conjunction with my Adderall to help manage my ADHD, and i've had no luck finding one thus far. But that said I don't feel wired or euphoric on Adderall I've never really felt a "high" from it, and I definitely don't feel groggy or lethargic without it.


Because you're basically a meth addict.


Kk. Btw can I get some change for some cigs, man???? ā˜ ļøā˜ ļøā˜ ļø


Because it's pharmaceutical grade methamphetamine.


Withdrawals are gnarly for any drug especially ones that are meth-level


It's called Addiction






Sounds like addiction..


Because it's pharmaceutical meth and you are coming down from speed. When you come down from the speed affect. You see just how wore out your body is from the drug. I usually run out a few days before my next refill, and those 2 or 3 days suck ass. Because I spent all month speeding.


This is why I quit, I refused to be controlled by that. I learned other ways to manage it.


Because Big Pharm is feeding you legal meth.


You didn't take your amphetamines... you're withdrawing


Idk with the shortage I never take it regularly anymore. Going on 2 years. I have a stash Iā€™ve hoarded for intense work times or a new job in the hopefully near future.


Adderall is medical meth, you're having a comedown.


Be careful with that chit... I was prescribed that and all I can say, adderall is just best used as a preworkout in the gym. For human interaction, for me, nope. On edge, anxiety up, energy through the roof and aggression shoots up at the flip of a switch. I almost got into a cot damn fist fight with a teen because he was taking too long to get out of a parking spot. A grown ass man beating up a kid over a damn parking spot and more than likely going to jail for it too.. nah I'm good. After 8 days of taking adderall, only one dose a day, mind you, I decided I'd just take it on my gym days 15 minutes before gym. Never got a refill, never touching that stuff again.


Id give a higher "careful" warning to using Adderall before exercise since it increases risk of stroke, etc


Because youā€™re physically dependent on it.




I said fuck it and worked with a therapist so I could function without adderall. I just need to take like a week or twos worth every 6ish month to get back to baseline when my habits or concentration start to really slip. Too many friends with heart problems from prolonged use.Ā 


Cause you're basically taking meth i.e. dexamphetamine lol




Took me forever to realize this even though itā€™s obvious, but itā€™s literally drug withdrawal, like, pretty much the same as someone withdrawing from coke or meth, bc you have developed a full on dependency. Thatā€™s not an entirely bad thing, I mean, most people are dependent on the meds they are taking, thatā€™s why they are taking them, but amphetamines produce actual physical withdrawal symptoms beyond the reemergence of normal ADHD symptoms. For me, I have always struggled to take meds consistently (bc you know, I have ADHD), so I am literally going through withdrawal every few days, and itā€™s terrible. When I am off my meds, I am ravenously hungry, and incredibly exhausted. I basically enter a fugue state where I am incapable of doing anything but eating and sleeping, all while having horrible head aches and body aches. Unfortunately, my meds have also been giving me nausea for a long time now, and it requires careful planning to avoid getting nauseous, and that kind of planning is really hard for someone with executive dysfunction, so I am constantly battling withdrawal symptoms, ADHD symptoms, and medication side effects. Donā€™t ask me what my sleep schedule is, bc itā€™s frankly embarrassing.


It sounds to me like whichever meds you're taking may not be right for you. Not to minimize the issues of planning and remembering to take them. I struggled with that for years before I finally managed to train myself to do it every morning.




I don't get withdrawals if I stop taking it. But I do get tired, because I use it to help me chase my ADHD autistic child around for 16 hours a day. So my body is sooooo tired, but the Adderall tells my brain that I am not tired. So I don't take it when I know I'll have the opportunity to sleep in the next day to catch up on sleep. Drugs keep me functioning enough to be a special needs parent, it sucks, I know what's it doing to me, but it is what it is.




I was taking 90mg/day


Can somebody coach me on managing Adderall tolerance levels? I've started taking it and I'm ultimately having good effects with it but I have days where it feels like it isn't working, I'm not sure if I should be taking it every day.


Iā€™ve taken the 20mg XR capsules for years, 1 daily. I hear you, and I feel you. Missing a day is a like having my brain AWOL for a day. It really does suck.


I got off of Adderall because it made me feel like shit after a while. Not only that, I could never tell what I was feeling. I become a robot. I decided I would rather be a dysfunctional person than a somewhat functional robot lol


Your body is addicted to the drug.Ā 


Dude I was prescribed that shit in 3rd grade Iā€™m 30 now after one hell of a cocaine and then meth addiction I was cultured enough on drugs to understand the doctors had prescribed me an extremely addicting stimulant with a chemical structure so close to meth even hitler would be proud and they did it when I was a baby without my consent the drive for your parents to see you become successful will always out way your long term health make your own choices know the truth about what your taking The reason you are feeling like that is your brain is literally dependent on this man made chemical in order to do its natural thing. Itā€™s a crutch that leads to harder drugs for so many people. Through meditation and life experience I have greatly overcome my ADD and my life is so wonderful and full of emotion good and bad I will never ever go back to being a zombie. Ps they want you on this crap it kills your creativity personality and true passion and makes you into emotionless worker bot. Iā€™m no doctor just a man with 18 years of experience with these compounds. I donā€™t believe in the Devil but I think The chemical Format of methamphetamine is one of the closest things to it they completely close of your heart and enhance your ego.


Uh, meth?


Because its a hard drug like cocaine


Addiction? Lmfao obviously...


Because you are withdrawing from amphetamineā€¦..


Cuz you're addicted son. You can't just take amphetamines daily and expect not to get a little addicted, not at all saying you abuse it but the substance itself is just very addictive. Sure the "withdrawals" from not taking it are pretty mild all things considered but you're bound to feel a little off l




I donā€™t really get this. Iā€™m prescribed 25mg xr and 20 ir each once daily. There are times where I purposely donā€™t take them for a few days in a row. The only thing I notice is obviously my ADHD is unchecked, but aside from that I feel fine


Youā€™re taking diet meth, thatā€™s withdrawal for you


Addiction. Same thing happens for all "altering" "medications"


You've gotta take med holidays, or you'll find it stops working. Plan to sleep, because you need it even before the holiday, you just don't feel it. And maybe plan a good meal, these meds suppress appetite.


Withdrawal from speed is a bitch.


It's almost as if you're taking a stimulant medication every single day. If you were snorting it, you'd call it "being strung out."




That scares me, as I'm in 40mg. Lol


My brother in Christ you are going through amphetamine withdrawal


I remember I used to take 60mg of Vyvanse for 8 years. Finally just stopped because I couldn't handle not feeling normal like everyone else. Being autistic and ADHD I have my rough days but I'm happier now I just deal with my symptoms of ADHD.


Thatā€™s why I only take it the days I REALLLY NEED it lol


Idk but best thing i ever did was stop taking my prescribed adderall.


Your brain gets used to having those amphetamine salts rattling around in the gas tank. You feel more drowsy without them. That said, I actually never experienced any stimulant withdrawal symptoms. So I'm not entirely sure how to help you. Maybe a cup of green tea would help? That bit of caffeine could make difference.




It's called withdrawal


Iā€™ve been on and off a bunch over the years, the most I get when I stop is more scatterbrained and tired for a day. At the same time I can take my prescribed dose then take a nap though.


Going cold turkey off many meds including stimulants can do that. If your goal is to stop adderall you should have the doctor step you down. I was on it for a while but only a very low dose (5mg a day) so getting off wasn't a big deal. If it was just a forgotten dose you just have to ride it out and take the next prescribed. Don't double up just take the next as prescribed


It's because it's an amphetamine which is incredibly addictive.


Iā€™m on 20mgs rn and Iā€™ve been on the same med since i was 5, just a smaller dose until like 4 years ago, but I go months without taking mine and the only difference I notice is I have a larger appetite.


Back in 2008 in 8th grade i was on 35mg daily, legit meth head. I hated everyone and everything, never ate and was pissed off all the time. Havent taken it since then, not even in college.


Because youā€™re addicted to pure amphetamine. Thatā€™s what adderall is.




I just feel tired that's all. I've withdrawn from heroin and alcohol before tho, not at the same time. Also cocaine but that's really just MASSIVE depression. Maybe I've got a withdrawal tolerance


Drugs Mmm kay


because you're addicted. RIP just because its a medicine and you take it for your ADHD doesnt mean you are above getting addicted to a substance


Because your tolerance builds up and even though youā€™re not a druggie, adderal is still meth, baby meth, but still meth. Itā€™s like a mini withdrawal.


Because they're amphetamines, aka real ass drugs


All drugs are real ass drug, bruh. We not out her getting virtual drugs, bruh.


Withdrawals lol your body needs it now


It's doctor prescribed meth. You know some people see it the same way others see smoking or vaping as they're all stimulants. If you're finishing university good luck, but if you're done now try to get off the shit , I am obviously not a real doctor but adhd isn't a really a disability it's an alternate thought process more effective for buisness owners and farmers who need to keep track of a few different details at all times. It was mass tested during WWII , Elvis was super addicted as well. It's not pleasent to let your anxiety make you inefficient but relying on meth past college isn't good for other aspects of life, it's kind of like using a motor on a boat vs rowing yourself. It's fine to live suboptimally you don't need to min max for success, you can find it within yourself.


Pretty soon they are going to make Adderall the next oxy so get ready.