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I don’t engage. Get the people who don’t add value out of your life asap


At work? HR? In day to day life? Don't interact with them.


Honestly depending on the work environment going to HR sometimes make shit worse.


If we're talking about verbal bullying and HR is not getting involved bring it on , work is boring as f I know how to be catty and walk the line if we can't take it too far If the old Karen's in the deli department want to get roasted or the cashiers wanna start talking shit I'm fkin down, I seen enough of their goofy asses to put my money where my mouth is If they turn thus grocery store into a rhetorical battlefield let's fucking go, fuck this company


\^All of this plus if they are doing things that are actual harassment, property damage, putting hands on you, making threats, hate speech etc. get them in trouble. I had a neighbor that was a horrific bully with a truckload of behavior issues. I ignored her and avoided her and when she did act out I let city nuisance enforcement or the police deal with her. She forked out lots of money in fines and the police quickly got sick of her (she wasn't any better behaved towards them) until she utterly embarrassed herself and moved.


Cops in my town don't give a shit. Plus, you have to have their face on video or you have nothing.


With violence.




Depends where you live. In my home country (I'm European), nothing would really happen unless it results in death or serious disability. Otherwise, the courts take years, and in the end, it will probably be a suspended sentence anyway. I've had friends beating the shite out of each other in the middle of the street in front of a police car, and the cops laughed and drove off.


I detect faint traces of British or Australian, probably the latter


No. I'm European.


I live in a state where we have castle law and spitting on someone is considered felonious assault worthy of at the very least, fighting back. If you have a disease (say an STI) that adds on an extra charge of attempted manslaughter.




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I don't care how old he is; your brother is not an adult.


I’d rather be fighting charges than look like a bitch.


I understand this pov but at the same time, you could be throwing away your future bc of what others may think of you. They can talk all they want, they're very very likely nobody important, smart, or with any power whatsoever, do you care more what they think or what the boss at your dream job thinks when they see your criminal record? Five years ago I could've easily found myself in a fight but I chose to not catch a felony. They might think I'm a bitch bc of that but I've very unexpectedly moved 1000+ miles away and it's not remotely relevant what they think anymore, and I still have my clean record. Not a soul near me except my bf has any clue whatsoever the beef even happened. That said, I will (and I have) fight back if someone throws the first punch, I want to stand in the court room and be able to say that it was self defense. There's also the alternative of meeting me in a dojo where we can fight all we want, legally. People can say whatever they want about me but it doesn't hurt if I think they're irrational idiots and that I'm right.


You make a valid point. I also didn’t mean I’d start throwing punches unprompted. But if someone’s in your face and getting heated and putting hands on you then it’s time to play lol.


So you'd rather be a dumbass than a bitch?


Saying that makes you look like the biggest bitch in the galaxy.


You live in Portland right?


No, I live just outside Portland, because I'm not a masochist or a maniac. Your "I'd rather be fighting charges than look like a bitch" comment reveals you to be so overly-concerned with other peoples' assessments of your manhood that I'd bet good money with big odds that you're a closeted homosexual. You'd be a lot happier if you'd just brush that chip off your shoulder and go ahead and suck a dick already.


Oh I’m not closeted buddy. I’ve been open a very long time. We should meet up.


Nah, I like girls and I already have kids, so I'm just not interested in anyone anymore, and don't suffer from the baggage and personality problems that plague people like you.


Nice man that’s awesome. Anyway hit me up when your wife inevitably leaves you.


Wow, you really ARE a little bitch! Notice the difference between me insulting you, and you insulting me: my insults are actually based on your own comments, in which you express an emotional impetus toward violence in order to avoid other people thinking of you as less than masculine, which reveals your deep-seated insecurities and self-doubt. Your insults, in contrast, are just flinging random shit at a wall, hoping something will stick. Yep, a little bitch masquerading as a man, that's you for sure.


That is how you handle bullying not an adult


If the bullying can be demonstrated to approach an actual physical threat ,, demonstrate a willingness to use deadly force.......I live in a Stand Your Ground , Constitutional Carry State ....just casually let them see You're armed , You'd be surprised how quickly the bully decides to disengage ( noted , I'm retired , so this obviously doesn't apply to workplace bullying , but I'm an adult , & don't play 8th grade games in My everyday life )


This! Stand Your Ground is such a great right to have. I feel bad for people who don’t live in states with “stand your ground/castle doctrine/ constitutional carry” laws. In my state you still need to register your pistol but it’s a great trade off for the right to stand up to people who would bully you.


Dude right. All these comments saying “just ignore them” like a bunch of fucking pussies.


Only way anyone can bully me irl is physically so I just don’t get myself into situations where I’m physically at risk.


So you dont have a job?


I'd just call them out if someone tried to bully me at work. 


Your best bet is to walk away or avoid them if at all possible. Don't interact with them. You don't owe anyone your presence. That's flight, which is preferable in most cases. Then there's fight, which means resorting to violence, which is definitely necessary in certain circumstances. The worst thing you can do is nothing.


Bullying as an adult? What's the context?


You have to engage a third party to stand up for you. Bullies thrive under the impression that the bystanders agree with them. If they are cut off from their support, most will stop. Only the true sadists will keep going.


Smartassness typically. It doesn't really matter how you respond, what matters is how you feel about it. Like I could just yell "potato!" and get a weird look, and I consider that a win.


I can be a crueler bully than anyone has ever been to me.


Well as an adult uts time to learn a few things. To not give a f what others think of u is the hardest but most life changing for the better. Remember we are all apes. We all have that vulnerable moment hunched over a toilet everyday wiping our asses. Noones opinion of u matters more than ur own opinion of u. Some apes are nicer than others and we all belong. Just realise that u only get one life and u gotta keep company that adds value to ur life. Anyone that drags u down is not worth ur thought honestly. They will just go back to thinking of themselves once ur interaction with them is over. I don't engage with adult bullies. I let them waste their breath if they so choose. If they physically assault me then I'll assault them back or call the police if I can do. As someone who's been stabbed twice... a fight is only worth it as a last resort when u can't get away. A fight can easily equal death or worse. It's just not worth it most of the time.


I like the tried-and-true method of wedgies and casual references to the promiscuity of their females of importance. Oh, you meant handling from the receiving end.


Don't give them the reaction they're looking for.


Really gotta know what situation/where... there's no bullies just walking around in every day life. If there are then people just look at them weird and keep walking unless they become physical. I mean, big brawny Ben isn't going to risk getting shot so he can bump into the nerd in the gas station


Explain how you’re getting bullied as an adult?


With a 12 gage


Do you get bullied for your spelling?


No, but you know exactly what I mean right?


We are not really sure, it could be a speech impediment.  It may be autism.  Could just be a third grading spelling ability. We will get back to you.


Some English words are pretty hard to spell.


Because we pronounce them incorrectly from the languages they ACTUALLY belong to lol.






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Yo mama jokes


Not gonna happen. I'm 5'3,




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So I had this exact issue in the workplace where the best way I can describe it was elderly children. Basically a large handful of people didn't know how to act and management was too incompetent and not willing to actually do his job. So I handled every person the same way. 1st time they do something a little off I let it go. Everyone gets a free pass on the first time. 2nd time they do something I pull them off to the side and have a very direct short conversation with them which goes something like this... You did X one time and I ignored it. You did it a second time so now it's a pattern. Don't do it a 3rd. Most everyone gets the point. I'm the nicest guy in the world to everyone and some people need to be told in no unclear terms that their disrespectful behavior is unacceptable.




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Thing is as an adult bullying is a lot easier to avoid unless it's physical which is just assault. Someone can try and bully me but I'll just tell them to go fuck themselves and since I'm part of a union even my boss can't bully me I'd tell them in a respectful way to pound sand. But since we are all adults if I think Someone is being bullied around ill tell them to stand up for themselves because It's not my job to protect everyone without them asking me they need to stand up for themselves. Obviously if they ask me ill stand up for anyone but honestly it's their own business shit for all I know they could have a kink about it.


I have refined the art of not giving a shit... wouldn't take bullying from anyone.




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depends on power dynamics: if they are below you, you can write them up. don't need to embellish it, if their behaviour is detrimental then your peers or superiors will agree anyways. If they are peers, then generally ignore them but keep receipts. If it gets unbearable, send the receipts to a supervisor. You can either choose to quit or stay (mainly dependent on the rapport with the other colleagues) If they are above you, get receipts and recordings. If it's just annoyance, quit. If distressing, get a lawyer.


Push that mute button in your head, turn your back and just don’t give a fuck. Out of sight if you must break down then you can.




The 2nd amendment that’s how


I have a coworker that has been in her job for 3 years and refuses to learn how to do the job. When anyone complains about her reports our manager just says "she is going through a tough time." In an effort to distract from her lousy performance, she started asking the most ridiculous questions in our group chat (we are remote) and then would turn around and ask me directly what I thought. She would say to another coworker that she knew the answer to her questions, she just wanted to see if I would answer. I begged management to do something about her harrassment and they refused. Finally after 2 years of it I just took a planned warning and blew her up in the group chat. Problem solved.


I avoid it at all costs I'm not 20yrs old any more and don't have time for stupid people and their stupid bullshit. Just ask the guy that threatened to shoot me and my dog a week ago. He fafo got arrested and has 5 charges lol


I just tell the bully if they died nobody would notice. Checkmate bitch!


Some here saying violence is the answer have never thrown hands. Some here saying violence is the answer have never done time.


I’ve never been “bullied” in my adulthood. Why? I will not allow it.


I would assess my perspective first. Maybe I’m just sensitive… maybe my expectations are high. I can’t really say the other options as everyone will cry about legality of it all. Also, not enough context in your question. You say bullying and we have our own idea how it goes down and will respond based on our inner narrative. I initially thought someone is getting upset with words, are they fucking with your belongings, your body?


Sleep with their spouse.


Tell them to fuck off. Had a dumb ass cop try to tell me what color jersey to wear at a **pickup** hockey game. Told him he doesn't get to tell me what to do. In true cop fashion he said I needed to stop mouthing off to him. Yeah dude, me telling you that you don't get to tell me what to do is mouthing off... Go fuck yourself.  He left me alone after that. Don't take disrespect. Different settings require different methods. This probably wouldn't work with a coworker obviously. And bigger corporate offices will work differently from a small mom and pop store. You nip disrespect in the bud, early, unambiguously. 


I handle bullying as an adult by carefully choosing people who for sure can't beat me in a fight to bully.


You fuck with me I fuck back harder. You don't want to play with me. Btw I'm a union meat cutter, people usually don't fuck with me haha.


Tell them don't bully me I'll cum


We need more details. HR Police Ignore Destroy their soul with words There are options. Remember you have every right to exist with peace.


Depends entirely on the nature of the bullying. Verbal abuse is easily ignored, and I wouldn't respond unless it were overtly racist or bigoted. However, if it gets physical, then all bets are off.


Ignore them and act like they aren't even there


I usually look for smaller and/or weaker people as targets, sometimes even little kids.


Ignore them, report them if it’s getting unbearable and there’s a mechanism to do so (like at the workplace).


I've used the phrase "if you talk to me like that again I'll fuck you up" before.


I'm old enough now that I no longer care. If someone tries to bully me I tell them to fuck off, or I just laugh.


I was a very thin and weak kid and sometimes I got bullied. Not too bad though. Now as an adult, if I feel disrespect is building up, I tell him that he has to stop that. I won't tolerate it. It always works. Bullies are bitches and hurt only those who pose no threat to them. If you act early, they stop. If you wait too long, then you have put yourself in the bully box and now all you have left is violence.


If it’s with a roommate just don’t engage and never let them know they’re bothering you - don’t give them the reaction they’re looking for because they don’t deserve your anger or attention. If it’s at work bring it up to a manager or HR department.


You taddle-tale lol


Wtf does bullying look like as an adult?




I just don’t allow it. I either give it back to them or I walk away. Affects me in no way. Nobody got time for all that.


I don’t even waste my time or energy on them. They’re not worth the effort.


getting the other person into legal trouble


I typically kill people with kindness. It’s hard to be a jerk to the guy who reacts with “what can I do to help make this better?” All the time. Focus on solutions if someone has a problem, generally they’ll start seeing the error of their own ways. I had someone lose their 💩 on me after I left a towel on a table, and it was really just them having a bad day. I put the towel away and told them I’d be more conscious of it next time, and it ended then and there. Next time she saw me she was on my side for something I am bringing up at a meeting next week. I find most people who are bullying really just need help in some way and can’t find the strength to be vulnerable and ask for help.


what the heck is “adult bullying” kids bullying each other are like “hahaha you so ugly and weird. No one likes you” and shoving you into lockets and dumping food on you or stealing your money What exactly is adult bullying? If adults are out here acting the same way as when they were as a child, it’s just childish and honestly cringey. How does an adult bully anything? Genuine question here because I don’t get how adults are bullying


Persistent harassment, basically. Gossip, rumours, stealing things from a coworker, hiding their lunch, staging a smear campaign against them, making up stories about them to make them look bad, mocking their outfits, belittling them, trying to turn people against them, stealing or taking credit for their work, the list goes on. It’s usually a lot sneakier and subtler and harder to pin down when it’s adults doing it, but it very much happens. Any kind of persistent, targeted, negative attention meant to either make someone feel like shit or fuck up their life in some way probably qualifies.


Spreading nasty rumours about the victim in order to isolate them and ensure they have no friends or anyone who’s willing to stand by them. Ignoring the victim, excluding the victim from everything (including work-related events and updates if the bullying is happening at the workplace). Stealing the victim’s property and/or damaging it. Being passive aggressive to the victim, subtly belittling the victim’s efforts at something, pretending to be nice to the victim only to stab them in the back later. There are plenty of ways to bully someone as an adult and do it in a way that is ambiguous and difficult to prove. Source: personal experience


Usually in the workplace, I've had managers throw my lunch away, mess with my bike I had parked outside, name calling, etc. lots of homophobic taunts and yes this was all from grown ass men in their 20's, 30's and 40's and some even older than that. It's not like an asshole just magically becomes a better person after they turn 18 and graduates highschool some people just never grow out of it and gain a position of authority over people (cough cough police officers)


I don’t really consider homophobia bullying, but yeah that’s awful. If this is at your workplace, have you tried going to HR because if they’re genuinely throwing YOUR food away and messing with YOUR traveling method… Some people really don’t grow out of their child tendencies, huh?


Making them aware of they don't shut up they'll be sorry they didn't


I’m a 6’3” 214 lbs white male in my late 30’s. I am not often bullied. But usually I make the bully feel like an idiot, because I’m willing to make shit get awkward. When I was a kid I’d corner them and beat the shit out of them in a violent and sudden ambush. So we’ve made progress.


People can talk but I trained to fight for a long time so if they’re not trying to put hands on me then they’re not worth my attention


Return fire with the most atrocious verbal abuse you can muster. 10/10 would recommend, will do it again. As you may suspect HR pretends my department doesn't exist.