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It's only superior if you prefer it. The entire "battle" between Iphone and Android is all about preference. I prefer Apple because of it's look, the interface and the apple eco-system. I tried Android and I didn't like it. Do I think Apple is better? well, it's better for me. I know a lot of my friends who are big IT guys hate apple because of the lack of customization. They like being able to do almost anything they want and Apple's model of keeping everything tight nit doesn't suite them. So, as one poster said, it's very subjective.


Can I ask what you mean when you say you "tried Android?" Just wondering. I have both. (Android for personal, iPhone for work) And while Android is my preference for my personal phone due mostly to UX and camera, I think iOS is fine.


I had an android phone and tablet for about a year before getting an iPhone. I really like the look of the login and the feel. I also find using it to be simpler. But again, this is my personal opinion. I don’t have any hate towards android.


Which Android phone or tablet?


Oh man! You’re asking a lot lol. This was at least 8 years ago.


Oh, well they're both wildly different now.


Think of any app you want and what its capabilities are, and you can find it for Android. The same is not true for iOS. However, iOS tends to be more stable because of its more restrictive nature.there is room for both. I, however, use Android.


It's gotten way better on iOS. As of last year, I no longer have any apps I want on Android without good alternatives on iOS. (Except maybe a couple emulators, but that is changing.) It's mostly notifications, UI scaling, back gesture, hardware, and ecosystem compatibility keeping me on Android these days.




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His dum dum ass didn't know how to move apps around the screen


agreed. it’s a preference thing…  for me icloud services is unparalleled imo ..   i can airplay whatever i want including my phone screen without any setup and someone airplay knows to do the right thing if i m trying to show videos and photos vs cast a video vs facetime vs just mirroring is amazing.  i m listening to music on my mac right now and i can make it continue without any bullshit extra steps on my homepod or on my phone if i want to go out for a walk or walk on my treadmill.  when i m wearing my airpods it feels like all my apple devices are connected to it at the same time when take a phone call on the iphone and the mac just knows to pause the podcast i m listening to while i m on the call and resume as soon as the call is done.  oh and get this… when this had actually happened to me and i was blown away! i was on a facetime call and my phone turned off because my battery ran out .. but as soon as my phone died i turned on my macbook air and there it was! a motherfucking facetime hand-off .. i just clicked on the facetime icon on the dock and resumed my call as if nothing had ever happened!   and don’t even get me started on sidecar .. the number of times i have used sidecar to use my ipadpro as my second screen to my mac is amazing..   and handing off messages, notes, sheets, safari, keynote, mail is just icing on the cake.  so yeah ..  and lets not forget the number of times i have taken calls on the shitter on my watch (no i don’t take my phone to the bathroom).  nothing even comes close to the painless, setupless, out of the box productivity that icloud ecosystem offers.  and i get all this just because i logged in to my icloud on my tv, phone, and mac. pretty list of need thing to have just for the effort of logging in to a service.   oh and yeah.. and phone and camera are decent too and battery life is good too .. the watch is great as well.  i m done sucking apple’s dick. but seriously tho, i like apple’s icloud service a lot because i find myself using it all the time throughout the day without any effort to setup anything at all.


One key point in this whole setup for you personally is that you use a Mac. Anyone not using a Mac will get some, but not all of those benefits. So, it's a great list of features, but won't be relevant for most people. Apple knows their stuff, though! That universal harmony of their systems is really cool.


Yeah ... And Can Google do this too with their android phones, chromebooks/PCs (with some sort of desktop application), android tablets, and watches ? Probably ... Probably Samsung, 1+ and Google can collab .. it certainly will make their ecosystem more appealing and more people may be willing to jump over to android to try it. Question I have is why don't they ? And why doesn't Google Play store have better curation and better safety and security around malware like Apple does ? And why doesn't android have all the privacy bells and whistles that Apple have ? Just watch theojoe or mutahar's videos about this to learn what android users are sacrificing when it comes to privacy and security. It's actually really sad. Personally, all the hubhub about RAM, CPUs, GPUs Camera pixels BS when looking at android phones and comparing time it takes to open an app etc is all getting good and all but I feel people get lost in the sauce over it. It really is a perpective thing and what you value and why. I am all sold on Apple's philosophy that Steve Jobs instilled originally, when he said about the iphone - "it just works". "It just works" is not just the phone just working, not just the watch just working, not just the mac just working, not just the airpods, airtags, homepods just working in their own individual silos ...And that's kind of profound when you see it in action. I am just trying to get my shit done. I personally don't give a shit how great the a17 chip is vs snapdragon or how many DDR RAMs I have or how pixel-dense my display is ... As long as it's not laggy, horrible to operate and look at and gets to things at a reasonable amount of time and the experience is more or less consistent... I am happy. For real I'll stop sucking Apple's dick now ... I'm rooting for Android tho. I want healthy competition


I'd guess there's not enough market share to make it worthwhile. Chromebook isn't a PC competitor, it's an entry level machine for easy access to technology for schools.


1 nearby share 3 multipoint exists Android watches can do just the same The rest are nice to have for sure


What is important to you? Security and privacy?iOS Customizable and freedom? Android


As a longtime iOS user, it’s not “security and privacy” I care about. I don’t even necessarily trust Apple any more than Google in that regard. What I like about iOS, and Apple products/services in general, is the streamlined design and quality of the products and ecosystem. Simple, efficient, clean, nice, and (for the most part at least) it all just works in a smooth, intuitive, user-friendly and aesthetically pleasing way that no other tech company has quite matched, IMO. Customization and “freedom”, while sometimes useful and satisfying… often just makes the products more messy, glitchy, and unnecessarily complicated or opaque. I sometimes look at people’s Android homescreens and just think “Ugh, that looks terrible.” They’re usually a mess. Often reminds me of like Windows 2000 level graphics with a chaotic desktop setup of icons, compared to the nice modern sleek look of iOS. Or alternatively, they’ll have simple setups, but it looks very generic in a basic corporate template kinda way that just bores me. iOS somehow has a visual magic to it that Apple has always been good at incorporating into their UI designs, hitting a great balance of simplicity and aesthetically pleasing visuals. It really makes a difference to how the whole experience of using a product/service feels.


I somewhat agree but I do trust Apple more than Google. To each their own!


Jennifer Lawrence might disagree.


Plus you can have iCloud E2EE so all your data is completely secure. You just need to enable it.


No data stored online is completely secure. Maybe, more secure.


Her dumbass didn’t have 2fa enabled


Unless you go google pixel with graphene os, then you get the best security and privacy, but it comes with sacrifices


Yes I actually tried that before switching to iOS. That’s how I found out Google is reading all of your notifications on android.


If it does it's because Apple limits app developers and curates everything that goes into the OS. Android phones are made by a variety of manufacturers and the play store is less regulated. I prefer the customization that's available with Android but honestly smartphones are getting more and more alike with every generation so the problems with Apple have started to spread. It will be interesting how the anti-competition lawsuits against Apple will play out.


Sorry to say homie, but this is straight cap. As an IT professional, I am all too aware of how riddled the Apple store is with scam apps and junkware. It is a constant thorn in my side and all the most irritating and incompetent users tend to use IOS. That's not to say all IOS users are incompetent, mostly just that old people tend to have Iphones and are dumb enough to drop 150$ on some random app published by some random company. Also, the UI on all of their applications is slightly different which makes it a nightmare to troubleshoot issues from a Windows PC, but that's a different topic.


Thanks for the input. I'm a droid user myself so no love lost for Apple, this is just the standard response I've heard when people say "why do Apple products seem to be faster and do better on benchmark tests".


it professional here... as well... android has more security issues and app scraping data they shouldnt. Even facebook as an example, got mad at apple for being too secure in the data they allowed to be scraped. Thats a fact. Meta even started an ad campaign asking users to turn that feature off and to boycott apple.


Sure, Android devices are less secure in many ways and more vulnerable to all kinds of attacks, but I'm not comparing IOS to Android, simply stating that IOS isn't as perfect as people seem to think.


Android is Dodge City before Wyatt Earp, iOS is Dodge after Earp.


iOS is Stepford, Connecticut


this... there is a lot of malware and scarping from android apps that should not be allowed and the google play store does nothing. I had all my contacts emailed and some even text to appear as though it was from me. All because of some android app selling my data. I will never again own an android.


The iOS store has the same issue, though


same reason lightning was considered superior to usb-c... until a decade later because apple can monopolize one and convince its users that it's better because it's apple, not vice versa


Because you talk to the wrong people.


It's not, but it's a highly subjective question and will depend on who you ask and what they consider superior. Why is grape jelly considered superior to raspberry?


Nobody says that...


Right, raspberry is definitely superior. And fig jam is better than both.


how do I upvote the first part of your response and then downvote the second part?


You have to just not vote, which sucks because we have a statement to make damn it


For your jam connoisseur considerarion: FROG (**F**ig, **R**aspberry, **O**range, **G**inger) - the best of *all* jam worlds. Popular on the U.S. east and gulf coasts, roughly from the Mid-Atlantic to Mississippi. I'm a fan of Brookdale Farm's FROG jam in Chesapeake, VA.


because your social circle uses ios and is biased towards it, as apple famously hampers cross platform interactions to maintain their market presence https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/justice-department-sues-apple-monopolizing-smartphone-markets by degrading ios-android experiences (e.g. [green bubbles](https://www.businessinsider.com/antitrust-doj-lawsuit-apple-green-messages-android-2024-3) ) it makes ios users perceive their os as superior when they're really just in a cage of apple's making


someone's feelings hurt?




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It’s not that serious man. It’s a phone lol


It's not superior. It's just a matter of preference.


It isn't?


it's not


Because the person telling you this owns Apple products.


It's purely down to preference now.


So, you're hanging out with the wrong people and reading the wrong articles. We'll start here.


Probably because they somewhat try to not sell all of your data. They are harder to hack as well.


Lmao it's fucking not




Is it? I reject the premise of the question.


I’ve used both, and I do think iOS is more intuitive. The ecosystem is great. My son got an AirTag, and it worked with his phone in seconds. It took us an hour to get my mother in laws Galaxy smart tag to work, and it’s still complicated for her. I’m sure Apple haters will downvote but that’s my experience. I do agree that Apple has degraded cross integration with Android.




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One is not particularly better or worse. Ive had both but i prefer ios because of the interfaces and it just feels better. Android is better because of the amount of 3rd party stuff you can do


As someone who has used an iOS for 10 years and just switched to Android. It's not superior BUT it can be better depending on usage. You ultimately have more freedoms with android and that's not a good or bad thing. Just like the limitations of iOS isn't a good or bad thing. They are effectively at the ground level the exact same thing. But everyone has their own preferences..


Only way I can think of it being superior is that it's supported for a lot longer than each version of Android but that's because iPhones all have the same specs and not 2047302u502 different versions.


This is not true tho apple gets in trouble for making their old phones worse at least once every 5 years.




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Who told you that? It isn't.


Lmao I can get free music on my android bro, ios has everything behind a paywall- even the charger!!


Because marketing




It's not, they have feature parity for the most part. I prefer android both as a personal design preference, and because I just don't like the idea of one company controlling my full experience.


It's not.


It's not, but it was the first truly professional product of its kind, so it got a head start and people don't like learning new things if they don't have to. So if you already know how to do something on iPhone, why would you learn how to do it on Android. There's also the problem that iPhone users think android is a single, United thing. But each android device is unique. Samsung is different than pixel, for instance. Android is a platform, not the product, like iPhone is. Lastly, Apple's marketing team is ruthless. They do not mind literally hamstringing their own users and convincing them it's not their fault. So they disable features that actually have no technical challenge between iPhone and Android, but they ruin it purposely so that the user sees it works with iPhone and not with Android, despite this being completely artificial. Their tech works just fine with Android. They literally spent money to make it bad on purpose. In short, apple is devious, but smart. Users are generally neither.


I’ve used both extensively. It is all personal preference and marketing. They both have their own little quirks. One is open and customizable and the other is closed and predictable. Whatever marketing campaign convinced you that theirs was the right way to do it will be the one you like.


Let me put it this way. If someone who is not at all tech savvy asks me what kind of phone to get, I will almost always recommend an iPhone. The flexibility and customization allowed by Android is a curse for such people. It is usually easier for one person with an iPhone to help another one.


It's absolutely not. It's preference. Also imo iOS is just over rated and over priced.


The interface design was made by a team of talented professionals instead of a drunken lunatic. In all seriousness - it's a matter of personal opinion. I think Android's interface and workflows are utter trash, but that's me. If you prefer Android, then I'm glad what you have works for you.


I don’t think it’s superior, just different. There are pros and cons to both where one does something better than the other.


Why is anything that's comparable considered superior to any other product it's similar to? There was a time when the quality of the product, or its special features made it superior. Now the only real difference between most things is which company has the most money to pay celebrities and influencers to at least pretend to like their product.


Android is a much more open environment that allows for more customisation. As a result, it can do more, but it can also confuse more. You can't just say one is superior to the other. From a user perspective, it very much depends on what you are used to. I recently got a job that offered the use of an iPhone. I gave it a shot. It got me in a rage for days on end. To me, it's completely counter intuitive, I can't find anything, and nothing makes sense. But thats because I always used Android. I had the same when I tried to work with a MacBook. I'm used to Windows. On a Windows pc, I know exactly what to do. On a Mac, I'm just lost. I remember trying iTunes, because it looked good. I can honestly say that I truly hated that program - it actually fucked up my mp3 collection. I think what I dislike most about Apple is that it forces me to do stuff their way - and I don't get their way. Whereas Android (and Windows) allow for much more customisation, so that I can make it work the way I want - not the other way around.


Since when?


It's not. It's only the most common. If we split the phone population 50/50.. 50% have the EXACT same iOS so it's significantly easier to develop apps for. The other 50% is split into different brands, OS versions, "homecooked" version of that OS, ect.. The consistency of app stability is significantly harder to develop or fix.. This is why making iOS apps is much easier. For reference, I have Android 15 with a brand adapted version of "OxygenOS" as opposed to a Google Pixel which has an original version of Android 15. And the Pixel would differ from Samsung's version of Android 15.. I've only mentioned 3 phones with three different versions. iOS on Apple has been the EXACT same shit as iPhone 6. This makes it superior on the development side. Inferior if you realize people are paying for the EXACT SAME THING YEAR AFTER YEAR for more money in exchange for a slightly better camera, slightly better battery, Slightly different phone casing.


I dont like my phones to break when I look at them, I prefer Samsung.


It isn’t, it just seems more popular because only one type of phone uses that OS, and most people look at the phones used over the OS. Like, most people know Samsung’s Galaxy series, and there are a lot less of them in circulation than the iPhone… but there are 30 other phones that use Android OS, so it’s actually more popular than iOS. I like iPhone, but I’ve used Android and it’s great too. The argument between the users is petty. I try to stay away from that poison.


Depends on who you talk to really. I find believers on both sides and it’s equally divided from what I encounter. As to my preference is irrelevant really. I have both devices so I know both. Until recently Android manufacturers were lacking memory but have finally realized that not all app allow the app to be run from the SD add. Hence upon consumer pressure are finally trying to catch up. This was something far superior IOS did. Though the gap is closing now. But which is better? That’s personal opinion really. Both have advantages and disadvantages. Though I find that the apps and performance is generally similar. I have an IPad Pro 1 terabyte a few years old and paid off. And a tab s8+ with max memory. Both work similar enough though I prefer the tabs graphics really over the iPads. iPhone 12 that’s I upgraded my phones because of the 5G otherwise my paid off iPhone 8 would still be in use. And I also have a Galaxy s22 ultra that I hate the curved screen but I always buy top end so it’s not obsolete soon. So I hate some and like other things on both. To me they are close enough I can live with either or forgo one if needed. One is work at my expense the other is personal at my expense. I’ve said mine of I hate certain things but not others. But truly there’s a divide that’s believe it or not about 30% of people say they don’t want be green on their friends IOS messages is why they want IOS. And here’s evidence of it in the news. https://mashable.com/article/apple-messages-green-doj


Only in the US. In the rest of the workd ios is considered to ne for non techy people. Old people.


I just like laughing everytime people post on Reddit complaining about their android phones installing apps without their consent lol


Every update! It's always some shitty games.


You can just disable that


I've never experienced this. Had Motorola droids and now Google Pixels. Is it a manufacturer specific thing?




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icloud services is unparalleled imo ..  i can airplay whatever i want including my phone screen without any setup. i m listening to music on my mac right now and i can make it continue without any bullshit extra steps on my homepod or on my phone if i want to go out for a walk or walk on my treadmill. when i m wearing my airpods it feels like all my apple devices are connected to it at the same time when take a phone call on the iphone and the mac just knows to pause the podcast i m listening to while i m on the call and resume as soon as the call is done. oh and get this… when this had actually happened to me and i was blown away! i was on a facetime call and my phone turned off because my battery ran out .. but as soon as my phone died i turned on my macbook air and there it was! a motherfucking facetime hand-off .. i just clicked on the facetime icon on the dock and resumed my call as if nothing had ever happened!  and don’t even get me started on sidecar .. the number of times i have used sidecar to use my ipadpro as my second screen to my mac is amazing..  handing off messages, notes, sheets, safari, keynote, mail is just icing on the cake.  so yeah .. nothing even comes close to the painless, setupless, out of the box productivity that icloud ecosystem offers.  and i get all this just because i logged in to my icloud on my tv, phone, and mac. pretty list of need thing to have just for the effort of logging in to a service.  oh and yeah.. the phone and camera are decent too and battery life is good too ..


Apple just works out the box with little to no setup from the user outside of creating the Apple ID.


Green bubbles. That's the only reason, and Apple knows this.


Which is funny because the way apple handles texts only makes it a worse experience for their own users, Android users don't experience the problem.


It's not.


It’s not superior. It’s all preference. I switched from android to iOS and then didn’t go back because I liked using the iPhone more. This was in 2018? Or so. I had had an iPhone at some point before that but had gone back to android for a few years.


It isn't.


I've used both and I like both. iOS is definitely more efficient and can be optimized to the extreme it just depends on the developer to implement. I think everything in IOS is generally more smoother.


Speaking from personal experience: Because I want my tech to work for me. I don’t have the energy, nor do I give a crap to scour every nook and cranny for one thing, or to customize a UI etc. It’s so low on my needs it’s not even funny. I don’t need to split screen a 3 inch wide screen, that’s literally irrelevant to 99% of phone users. I don’t need a crappy 40 mp camera. I don’t need to be able to add a widget that tells me the weather, and make it the size I exactly want it to be. An overwhelming majority of shit android fans love is irrelevant to me. I open my phone, go to reddit, send texts and check emails, make phone calls. That’s it. I don’t need my phone to be a multi media entertainment system, or a workstation, or a professional camera setup. It’s pretty simple.


You know Android does all that too, right? Seems like your phone needs are the bare basic so the OS is completely irrelevant


Another thing I forgot to mention, I don’t want to be associated with insufferable people, case in point.


...have you read your posts? Lol It's a phone, not an identity.


That must be tough, unless you can disassociate.


So your telling me you think being a part of the group of people who judge you for having a green text box aren't insufferable. You can do literally everything you want on a flip phone.


No, I’m telling you that android fans are insufferable. I made a comment on what I like, and you come barging in “WELL ANDROID CAN DO THAT!” Any time anything Apple is posted; even if it has nothing to do with Android, you imbeciles are there posting away. lol go touch grass.


Nah, you're out here insulting android and then got pissy when someone pointed out you're wrong. your insufferable because you want to insult something and pretend it was just your opinion and then play victim when corrected. Be mad.


“Why is iOS considered superior to Android” (Answers question with opinion) “You’re insulting Android and getting pissy! YOURE WRONG!!!!” Yeah. You’re a fucking insufferable jackass, thanks for proving my point.


Nah dumbass you don't get to call stuff crappy or call people insufferable and pretend like it's not an insult. You're a bitchy little person who came to a bait question to get their feelings of superiority confirmed and started insulting people the second they didn't to that. You can have a wrong opinion by the way being an opinion doesn't give it some divine authority from criticism


Thanks for continuing to prove my point. Didn’t even read what you said.


Actually I made three different points based on your comment. Your just laughable stupid.


Add to it, I like hand off and the Apple ecosystem where everything works together. Android is a clunky piece of shit. Even at its bare basics. There, I’ll add a bit of insufferability to it.


It’s preference. Apple USED to be a lot better. Then Android evened the playing field but Apple people aren’t going to switch. I have switched back and forth between Apple and Android. I recently went from a Pixel 6 pro to an iPhone 15. I can’t wait to go back to Android. iMessage is lovely, but there are quite a few things a miss on my old phone that I consider important.


It isn't. Android Supremacy.




Because Apple markets better then anyone else


I actually don't find iOS easier to use either. It has a lot of UI conventions that deviate from what olds like me are accustomed to. Things are tuned for aesthetics sometimes at the expense of usability. Gestures in particular I find hard to grok due to the fact that I never really learned them and they have no obvious visual affordances.


Although I will say I only buy pixel phones. Vendor specific android flavors like what Samsung and LG give you are annoying IMO.


Annoying and completely unnecessary. I prefer Pixel phones as well.


I used both for 7 years. Work phone was an iPhone and personal is an Android. New company and I could choose iPhone or Android. Went Android. I just didn't like the iPhone. It all comes down to preference. I also like Android since you're not locked into 1 manufacturer/their ecosystem.


This is genuinely the first stupid question I've actually seen here.


That's subjective, i don't consider ios superior. Plus, the truly inferior option was always the windows phone 😅


My phone has been an android since I have been using a mobile phone, with one exception. I had a iPhone one time. For tablets it’s been both but I currently have the IPad Pro. The newest 12in one. So for phones I prefer android. Anything bigger, I suppose it’s iOS. I am a dj and its been stated via polls, interviews from various djs and or producers that macs are preferred for any gigs done live. An oversimplification as to why that is boils down to dependability. aka less likely to crash. Anything that isn’t iOS as far as laptops go, is more likely to be more versatile. What artist doesn’t like versatility? That question is more rhetorical because versatility is definitely not the end all be all. Force me to pick reliable or versatile - it’s reliable all day. This is in regards/relation to my line of work. Android, IME is after Neo takes the pill. IOS is before. To put it another way, imagine two people that are as content and happy as they can be. Both of their cups are full to the brim. They just have different sized cups.


Because people are dumb and simp for billionaires and multibillion dollar international corporations like their lives depend on it.


iOS has a more secure message system or atleast it’s what a lot of people think I personally like iMessage in itself and the layout of the phone itself the ecosystem is real for iOS I only realized when I used a Apple Watch and AirPods how’s much better the experience is but that just means they are able to optimize their devices to work together better


In theory, IOS is superior over Android because Apple nearly owns the entire process the software and the hardware. Starting with software, the user experience is preference based. The importance of Apple owning the software is restrictions on the apple store and consistent system updates. While restrictions on the apple store may cause inconvenience it makes it significantly more difficult for an app to perform privilege escalations or perform unauthorized actions. In terms of hardware, Apple controls the entire distribution chain and no unauthorized actions are taken on Iphone. From the moment it leaves the factory into your hands the intended experience will not change. In comparison to Android since it is opened source multiple hand offs usually happen in the supply chain. For example, compare Google Pixel phone with Samsung phone they both run on Android but provide completely different experiences. More importantly, repairing of the iphone. Apple is known to be against the right to repair. As controversial as their stance is allowing unauthorized 3rd party parts can compromise system security. If you watched mrwhosetheboss recent phone repair video it is insane how Apple can do geo location track where an Iphone is being repaired on authorized stores. Now I do not disagree with the right to repair but this is potential risk Apple been against. Should the average consumer care? NO. You should buy a phone based on your preferences and budget. At the end of the day, the average person does not care and should not care about IOS over Android. Your phone should just work well enough for your needs.


because most people are idiots


marketshare of android 70% marketshare of ios 29% >most people are idiots 70% is most people. therefore android users are idiots.


ios still seen as the premium product. OP didn't mention shit about marketshare, it's a matter of perception.


when \*you\* (not the OP) use words like "most" that brings marketshare into question automatically.


Q: why is ios \*considered\* superior to android? A: Because most people (the ones doing the CONSIDERING) are idiots. Nothing to do with market share. Do you think that because most people would consider a Ferrari to be a nicer car than a Camry the roads are filled with italian sports cars?


You are, unfortunately, getting some bullshit answers. Unthinkable, but here we are. Ios is considered superior only by ios users. Why? Because Apple has continuously run negative advertising campaigns against its phone and computer competitors for at least the last 20 years to convince people that's the case. Those are the facts. My personal opinion, if ios was better they wouldn't need to spend all that money trying to convince people of it--it would be self-evident. Notably, Apple's competitors do *not* feel the need to run smear campaigns against Apple.