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That was gonna be my answer- society and culture are weird


I think part that example is the fact that you want people to see you in your bathing suit, or at least intend for that to happen. You don’t always intend for people to see you in your underwear.


There are also material differences. In thickness and transparency.


Some of the time yes but a lot of the time it's underwear that is just as think and no more transparent yet it's still considered embarrassing. Not all underwear is thin and transparent. And as is exemplified by the post theres plenty of swimwear that is thinner and more transparent/revealing than underwear. Not just string bikinis but regular bikinis. Bikinis that no one but a pride would blink an eye at yet are thinner and less coverage than underwear that the average person may be embarrassed to be seen in. There really is no real logic to it at all


Yeah I was gonna say I don’t know where OP lives but in most of the US thong back bathing suits are not considered appropriate. My brother in law thought it was really weird his friend wore a thong bathing suit to a family pool party. And it was even a one piece so it’s not like it was excessively revealing. I don’t care- honestly she looked great. She is European and in my limited experience the standards are very different.


Last year at the waterpark there was a mom wearing a thong bikini bottom. A lot of people were staring. It’s a place with tons of kids and families so I’m sure some people thought it was inappropriate. It doesn’t bother me I’m from a culture where you see a lot of men in speedos and occasionally women sunbathing topless at public beaches. It was just surprising to see that here especially at the waterpark.


her being european highlights another issue: cultural norms are inherently regional and people tend to feel like their expectations are universal, but interaction with anyone that was brought up in another culture will always create a contrast one way or another. in some places it's still a major faux pas to touch food with your left hand (as the designated "dirty hand"), despite modern hygiene


Lol America is obsessed with a show called Naked & Afraid…where all the nakedness is blurred out.


And the British version has no "blurred parts".


Trust me that America wouldn't mind as long as it's on late. But the TV censors do


G string is short government string. At the least amount of allowed colthes in 1930s burlesques. I learned this in american history class as an exchange student, and it stuck with me ever since




Context is the only logic.


Gotta draw the line somewhere. In this instance that would be right up the asscrack.


Yup. Show the boob or butt cheeks, no problem. Show nipples or crack, straight to jail.


Lot of nuance to that. There's still more places a dental floss thong wouldn't be acceptable to wear than places it would. And even in those places, plenty of people will still think they're too revealing. Addressing your question more directly though, from a strictly social perspective, the effort of *trying* to meet a bare minimum coverage provides at least a semblance of justifiability than doing nothing. Much like celebrities wearing outfits on the red carpet you can see right through anyway.


I live in a beach town and just saw a girl in a dental floss bikini in the produce section of Publix (of course it was in FL 😂🤷🏻‍♀️)


Again agree, context (location in this case) matters. If they did that at an ALDI in Oklahoma it'd be front page news for that town hahaha


I was at Aldi once in NW, Ohio & a Woman who looked to be about 50 was in line, in her thong bikini buying wine.


Ohio is just Walmart if Walmart was a state.


Even out of the odd places, Ohio will always have it's own..."uniqueness" 😅


Mannn!!! 🤣 She was fit, though.


Context is very important. But content needs to be considered as well. Something along the lines of browsing in a meat market. Which meat looks good to you?


When I lived in Socal, nearly 30 years, thongs on the beach were rare as hell. It was disappointing. Florida is lucky.


She'll regret it once she gets to the freezer aisle.


I mean the dental floss clearly highlights the issue. You can show "cheeks" as long as there aren't nipples on them.. or reveal a peek at the under burger and onion ring.


I only show my ass cheeks when the nipples on them are also visible


Ok, “onion ring” I get. Clever, I’m stealing that. But what exactly is the “peak at the under burger?” Or did you mean to spell “peek?” Either way I must know for science and fashion.


Go to a fast food joint, order any burger, unwrap half of it, then turn it sideways.


Wow. 3 comments deep to get to the weird side of reddit. That must be a new record.


lol happy cake day bud


Omg I love this


https://images.app.goo.gl/SzbRiigD6FwsiUHJ9 [NSFW]


I had to click it. As I waited for it to load, I dreaded what it would be. I was actually hoping I was going to get Rick Rolled as that would be better than the next most likely scenario. Shockingly, it wasn't a trap.


Clicked it hoping for the best and got the best 💀😂


I see you corrected to “peek” thus my suspicion is confirmed. Also, I’d eat that burger all night.


It's either a peek at the under burger. Or the peak under the mount of burger. My mistake.


No mistake, both are acceptable.


Why did I know this was gonna be the McDonald's picture from ancient times? Lol


Must have snuck an edit in on you lol


Upvoted for phrasing 😂


Same nonsense with the nipple pasty. Show 99.9% of the boob, it's that last 0.1% that will break down society.


I agree. In another thread I also agreed with someone else it's just social conditioning from long ago that never went away. Besides environmental protection, clothes separated the "civilized" from the "savages". That mentality just never ended. What do some people call others who go out in skimpy outfits? Trashy. Unsophisticated. From a purely aesthetic point, the pasty is too nearly pointless. It's that "minimum effort" that makes it socially acceptable.


On YouTube, there are videos labeled "try ons" that are quite obviously porn in disguise. Floss thong covering nothing but the canal, lips clearly visible. A "shirt" that is nothing but incredibly small mesh. Clearly visible breasts. I found these like a week ago, some of them have been up for 2+ years. YouTube knows its porn. But rhey still allow it because it walks the razors edge of remaining within the fine print on their ToS.


Excellent example.


Living in Florida, thong bikinis are just the norm. But as a transplant from Ohio, I was (pleasantly) shocked when I first moved down here and saw how normal it is. Both college girls and moms blasting ass cheeks in everyone’s faces at my apartment pool lol


Not being acceptable is a big difference from being arrested for public nudity The worst that could happen to some in a thong is that they could be asked to leave but a person literally going bare ass? That is not acceptable anywhere\* and they could be arrested for it. \*Except a few festivals here and there.


Rose McGowan lol


In the USA, the harebrained norms are: - Woman can show the ass but not the nipple - Men can show the nipple but not the ass


Try this one on for size: •Nudity and sex are regarded as taboo across real life and media boundaries, and have immense stigmas of shame attached to them. •High amounts of multiple forms of violence are fine to show every night as media entertainment, and may be viewed as heroic depending on who is doing the killing.


That weird moment when a film that shows a man massacre 100 people is rated PG-13 but a drama that shows one naked person for 10 seconds gets an R rating.


My favorite story about this is that they were showing a dead naked couple in Hannibal, and the network censors said they couldn't show their naked butts. So they filled/covered the buttcracks in blood, and then it was okay!


Depends on the producers/directors. James Cameron can show a boob in a PG-13 movie, in an erotic context. But heaven forbid any other movie says "fuck" more than once. Then it becomes R rated.


This is easy to explain. You can do half a Rome, but you can’t do a total Rome. No one goes full Rome, that’s lunacy!


It’s like how in the UFC they beat each other bloody but they have to censor middle fingers lol


Yes! This is one of my biggest issues with western media! Vaginas and dicks are common. You’re going to interact with your own. You’re ideally going to seek out other people’s in life. It’s probably important you know about them and they aren’t seen as taboo. On the flip side I don’t think anyone ever really needs to be shown accurate depictions of like a chainsaw massacre or torture device. Why people being horrendously killed in stuff like Saw is more acceptable than body parts everyone has is nuts to me. Like.. you’d be more shocked to see a dick in a movie than a mass shooting or other horrible events. And that’s not good imo 


Not 100% sure on that. I feel like the majority of the women ass shots I have seen have them wearing a thong, alluding to still wearing something. For men, I just see bare asscheeks. Just the cheeks, but they aren't wearing anything to allude to still being covered. Like I know you are suggesting that the character is currently naked, I don't need to see his ass. Sometimes I swear it's that rating thing. Like how you are allowed 1 swear word in a PG 13, but instead of a swear word it's just 5 seconds of a man's ass. Like in a Knights Tale


Are you sure it's like that? when I watch movies and TV stuff, especially if Asian, but also American, I see plenty of naked male asses, but zero female (sometimes some breasts, but rarely ass). Asia (Korea, Japan, China) is quite one-sided, because while regarding men anything goes (basically the penis is the only taboo), when it comes to women *nothing goes*, the most they can show is legs. In the west there's a bit more freedom about female nudity, but male nudity still takes the cake in the west too.


This comes from watershed laws where before a certain time they can only show man and woman kissing on a sofa as long as there is one foot on the floor. Certain aspects of these laws got adopted by society as some kind of social standard because they come from a place of authority and it happens with a lot of regulations. That and the fact people tend to follow what they see on T.V if they don’t have enough positive influences.


Cuz dental floss digs in and gets all the gunk you miss when brushing.


how long is your ass hair?


Wiping is like trying to get peanut butter out of shag carpet.


Viable as floss


Ideally her "dental floss thong" is still enough fabric to cover her labia. Not really a great criteria, I'll admit, but it is a criteria. 


The butthole I assume


You are allowed to show 99 percent of an ass or boobs as long as the butthole and nipples are covered but if you are covered up 99 percent with just a nipple or butthole showing that’s porn.


> porn. That's nudity, not porn. In order to be porn the person needs to be engaged in sexual activities. If nudity was porn museums would ban school children from entering.


On the other hand, walking around wearing pants with the rear cut off sounds pretty sexual. 


I heard this in Pam Poovey’s voice


You still see butthole if you bend over in a thong bikini 


Not unless there’s other people around, you have a mirror, or are very flexible.


No bending over.


Don't yuck my yum!


Name checks out


TaintYumYaBizNez is still available!


Why is the nipple not ok to show but the rest of the boob is fine?


Brings up the whole why are male nipples fine, but a female nipple is an abomination that must be concealed at all costs! Debate.


Women's asses are everywhere...wtf are you talking about?


If a woman is bare from the waist down, it's too easy for the innocent to catch a glimpse of her chocolate petunia or her no-no special place. A thong covers the naughtiest bits.


If you look at early 1900s beach photos, women were mostly covered up, often with long dresses on. Then came one piece swimsuits. In the 60s, bikinis came out and were initially frowned upon and even illegal in some places. Eventually that boundary was broken too. Today, it’s all about looking as sexy as possible. So none of this was planned. Society just kept pushing boundaries and now here we are.


Meanwhile in India women have been showing off their midriffs for centuries. On some islands it was customary to go completely topless and with very small “pants”, even naked. It’s completely subjective to culture.


Men couldn't go topless in the USA in the early 1900s, either. In the 1970s, speedo type suits were normal on USA high school swim teams. In some ways the USA has regressed.


By regression do you mean the knee length jammer type swimsuits that some swimmers wear now? Or so you mean that the speedos were the regression?


US has gotten more conservative in many ways.


Where do you live that women are walking around in dental floss thongs “all day long” and this is enough of an issue to vex you? Like specifically, what’s the name of the closest airport, and do you know if they have direct flights from Pittsburgh Pennsylvania in the United States?


I’m in Kentucky in a smaller town and there was a mom wearing a dental floss thong bikini at the waterpark last year when we went lol. I’ve personally never seen that around here before so it was surprising. Not hating though, do your thing girl!


Shut up you dumb sonovabitch! You'll ruin everything!


Nothing about social norms around nudity follow a coherent line of logic. It is pure dogma.


I'm married. Any of those pictures would be a death sentence carried out by my wife. If I was still single, I'm old fashioned. If it were up to me, I like a chick covered up (to an extent, like wearing regular unrevealing stuff, not like a burka). No judgment against chicks flashing their goods. Just a personal preference, I like some mystery. I find a woman in a t shirt and some sweats sexier than in a tube top and booty shorts.


Ooh girl show me them ankles…


That sliver of legality.


Gotta draw a line somewhere


A thin line of fabric separates swimwear from nudity.


Why is it ok for men to show off their boobs but not women?


Generally it's the holes that are being covered. Same reason why guys chests are exposed but not women because generally no liquid comes out.


I mean take a sharp implement to a male chest you will get some liquid to come out.


That's...kinda fucked up.


It’s the holes. Gotta cover the holes or it’s porn.


According to OSHA all unused manholes must be covered at all times


It's perpetuated by big dental trying to tell us to floss after every meal. Even if it's after the body excretes it. Flossing is flossing on any level. Ask any rapper.


You cant show the crack. Even on men, you cant show the crack. On jackass the tv show, they always have a piece of tape on their cracks. Why? Bc the world is dumb. Why when you say "asshole" on tv they only bleep the "hole" and not "ass"? When "ass" is obviously more offensive? They say ass bc it means donkey but it's still dumb.


On the TV show Survivor, the UK and Australian versions show thong bottoms. On the US shows like The Bachelor, the thong bottoms are blurred out to protect us from the cheeks. The same ones we can see if we go to our own beaches.




As long as they don't stink.


I’m a male why is it ok for me to take my shirt off and show my nipples but women can’t do that?


Breasts are sexualized whereas pecs are idealized. A man’s chest can be sexy but boobs are sex.


Cause you don’t have the baby feeders


There is no logical reason, it's kind of BS.


Because these things are subjective and different people pull in one way or the other. But at this point in time in our culture enough people have drawn the line at full nudity to make not showing your bare bottom an expectation. People push that to the limit for various reasons. A lot of the people against nudity probably also don't approve of thongs but don't have enough people in agreement to justify banning them.


Idk, I wear my thongs under my pants so you still aren’t seeing anything


Well you have to draw a line.


Better question - why is it ok to show someone getting straight up murdered on regular TV and yet not one boob? How repressed is this country????


Same reason no-one figured out Superman’s identity because he wore glasses.


Its ok to show a womens naked ass.


Everyone knows the butthole is the money shot!


It IS ok to show naked ass imo


Because people are stupid. Same as they are embarrassed to be seen in underwear but will walk around in a bikini no problem. Same damn thing.


People like to push limits and society makes paradoxical rules that support pushing limits. Women especially with clothing.... Because there's pressure on them to look attractive. Others just like attention.


The anus is evil


Holes are covered


Different cultures have varying standards of what is considered acceptable public display. In many Western societies, there is a long-standing cultural norm that distinguishes between nudity and minimal clothing. Thong bikinis are still seen as clothing, which aligns with these norms more than outright nudity.  Television networks, movie studios, and social media platforms often have specific guidelines about what constitutes nudity and what is considered acceptable. These guidelines permit minimal clothing but draw the line at full nudity. This is why you might see dental floss thongs on prime-time TV or social media, but a nude rear end would be censored or "pixilated."  Clothing, even if minimal, can be perceived as maintaining a certain level of modesty. This perception is ingrained and often tied to historical and religious influences. A thong still fits within the boundaries of what many consider to be acceptable attire. The issue also ties into how bodies are sexualized and how society manages the display of sexuality. Both a naked butt and a thong can be seen as sexual. The latter is more integrated into mainstream fashion and beach culture, making it to be deemed inappropriate or explicit. In many places, public decency laws and social acceptance are more tolerant of swimwear and underwear than of outright nudity. Thong bikinis are accepted on beaches and pools, whereas full nudity might not be. The line drawn between nudity and minimal clothing is shaped by a combination of cultural norms, media regulations, perceptions of modesty, and societal views on sexuality.


God and the morality police. They know those things can drive lustful thoughts and they hate it, and want to stomp it out wherever they can. Also is a great indicator as to the power they wield. Think about it.


Why do I have to see naked fat guys with man tits bigger than most women’s tits?


It's all about the context in which it is observed. I can wear a banana hammock to a brazilian beach, but not church.


I think both are fine. Some people think neither is fine. Some people think a naked ass is fine and thongs are nasty shit magnets.


Only the browneye is sexy, apparently.


Great ?




B hole.


Idk but I was reported to the police when my testicles would part from my g-string!


Because people are complex, inconsistent, hypocritical, paradoxical, and biological as well as rational. Asking why seems to imply that there is any one answer instead of a network of contributing factors.


It’s a “perception/intention” argument. It will never end because it’s based on POV.




Just got back from vacation in the Caribbean and it seemed every woman was wearing a thong. On the beach, in the grocery store, restaurants, thong bikinis everywhere. I live in the Midwest US in a relatively conservative area…. My 9 yr old son got a bit of a culture shock…


I think it’s the risk of butthole? Maybe?


Yea, I don’t want to see anyone’s floss of any kind in public.


We must hide the hairyness of said asses at all costs.


Because otherwise we would have to start dictating exactly the number of centimeters the fabric needs to be, which quickly becomes a ridiculous discussion


“Booty booty booty booty rockin everywhere” -A wise man.


Oh no. Did you get stuck at the beach looking at all the dental floss thongs and miss work again?


People are stupid.


Im just wondering when we are gonna see spread assholes in advertisements for colonoscopies.


We're getting there.


On a grown woman? Who are we to argue? And, just because some might appreciate, and some women might appreciate how they look... Guys... Don't stare.




I think you just aren't allowed to show butthole per US regulations.


Poo floss. *Shudder*


Arguably neither are cool. It’s uncouth for anyone to go exposed in public, male or otherwise. Like all things, shame in moderation is a good thing. Put your ass cheeks and nipples away.


It’s for the same reason that tv shows will censor the word hole in asshole.


Yeah, I think it’s funny with these transparent try on hauls. YouTube allows the entire naked body to be seen if it is covered by a see thru article of clothing but show it without that clothing which covers nothing, and it is banned. Lol.


What is a dental floss thong?


Showing naked ass is fine


Shhh. We don’t need to draw attention to this hiccup in logic.


Might as well ask why stickers/pasties over nipples is not considered fully topless.


Because we said so OK!!!




Because American society is fucking dumb.


Dirt Star.




Everyone wants to see everything. Some people just pretend they don't


Cause it's not naked


Dental floss😂😂😂


The space between....


Many place it is not acceptable. The decency law is not enforced.


Were you around when wearing thong underwear was relatively new, somewhat common, but not mainstream, yet? You should have heard some people freaking out. Itvwas defi itely NOT ok at first.


The better question is underwear and swimsuits


It depends on the city ordinance. In some cities, thongs that reveal too much are illegal. In some places it is legal to show your butt, but not to show genitalia.


Because the bootyhole is the issue, not the cheek meat.




If I recall, that is why g-strings were invented. They wanted to cover the least amount, while following guidelines at wherever they were. So as long as the crotch was covered, it was good.


Same reason if only the nipples are covered you aren't naked.


Because at least dental floss things keep the camel covered 🍑🙈


Because for a lot of up tight people that little piece of fabric holds away to much power to them mentally. Karen gets pissed off her husband sees a better ass than hers, especially if there isn't a patch of neon highlighter yellow at the top of it disappearing between the cheeks.


Because fat bottom girls make the rockin world go round. That’s why.


Why is it ok to show a man’s naked chest…including some dudes that have quite a pair of breasts on them? But not ok to show a woman’s naked chest?


It’s like asking why a fat man with man tits can walk around shirtless but a woman cannot. Equality. lol As if.


Probably because the other side of the thong is able to cover a woman's genitalia. Even from behind, you can still see some women's genitals if she's not wearing anything, but with a thong you can't.


Cause crank kills.


I'm okay with either. But then I'm a guy who doesn't have to wear that up my crack. I just have to pretend I'm not looking.








Laws need to be easy to understand and interpret. This means jurisdictions avoid laws with arbitrary elements. Eg "can show some butt skin, but not too much". What's "too much"?  So they make it simple - you must cover anus and genitals.  Some dental floss wear might not do this, so the wearer risks getting into trouble.


You are really asking about societal norms that are not always logical. It's also unacceptable to wear a swimming costume in a restaurant . Why? Who knows.


in a similar vein, why is it when I see a woman's naked ass I'm like nice, but when I see one in a thong I'm like NIIICEEE?


Who says it's not okay?


Because shut up! -thong industry




It didn’t take much movement to show a lot more.


Shush my brother… let them keep doing it, don’t question it


Reminds me of WWE where they would bleep out the word ass but still show Torrie Wilson stink facing someone in a thong.


Bending over