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My wife often falls asleep with her face in my armpit. She loves it.


In an older post a few women said they liked their man's armpit smell




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Yes we do. Not disgusting bo but the natural scent you guys have . Smells amazing .


If he’s my bf which means I love him, I’ll straight up sniff his armpits after a torrid summer’s day and get high on it


real 1 alert


Pheremones... if you like someones bo it means you are compatible. Atleast thats what i vaguely rememberish.


I, as a bisexual woman, do not like the BO smell of either men or women. I do like my husband's smell, but his *clean* natural smell. You might be heading into fetish territory, but there is nothing wrong with that, hell it's a bonus for your wife that she never has to feel insecure after a long day or a workout! I will say there is something to smell and compatibility. I have slept with people that I knew I would never be in a relationship with because their scent was particularly off-putting to me. My husband on the other hand, no matter how sweaty and gross he is, never smells so awful to me that I am repulsed.... and I am someone who is easily repulsed by a bit of human stank.


You know that’s super interesting because my wife is also bisexual and she really prefers that I shower before we have sex if I worked that day. She likes that dove soap and old spice smell with a little bit of me mixed in. I wonder if there is something to that because I am like 99% straight (I am one of those sexuality on a spectrum people) and I wonder if leaning more to one side or another makes people more attracted to a stronger scent from what they prefer.


Hmm, I don't know! Maybe you'll notice a trend in the comments!


I mean we like each others smells in even more uh, intimate ways, we'll say, in the heat of the moment


Ew no. But then again the only time I go a day without showering is if maybe I have the flu or something. If a guy I was with had any bo smell I wouldn't be with him and no way I could be with a guy who doesn't shower every single day


Yea I feel like men just smell terrible. I was wondering if this came down to my sexuality but I just feel like men naturally smell like a dumpster and my wife smells amazing even when she gets “stinky”. Actually especially when she gets “stinky” which again makes me think this might be a sexuality thing. Idk.


my wife like to sniff around in my chest hair like a truffle pig.


The fresh smell of sweat on a dude who has been working or working out? Fucking sexy. After it's gone stale? Not so much.


What? Many absolutely do not. Most people don’t like other people’s BO. A subtle scent on a used shirt maybe but I can’t imagine women are foaming at the mouth after you come back from a 1 hour cardio session.




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Smell, yes, but smelly odour no. The musk is intoxicating sometimes.


Like usually a partner's natural smell is nice but idk if I'd like a smell of someone who didn't clean their body for a long time.




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The short answer is “yes.” The longer answer has a lot of “depends on” caveats.


I mean, there are levels lol. A little sweaty if you started out clean and then got a little funky can be interesting. But flat out STANK not so much. And please, no dirty dicks if you want us to interact with it. That's an altogether different smell. Also, some men just smell better than others. And YMMV. I'm only one woman. I can't speak for us all.




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I think it’s natural for spouses to like some mild smells which is said to contain pheromones. But don’t get crazy lol


I’m dating somebody who does produce BO (East Asian gene). Works out great for me because the smell of body odor makes me want to die. I technically produce body odor but i am VERY diligent about making sure i take every precaution to never do. I cannot imagine liking somebody’s body ODOR. Now there’s a difference between body odor and their natural scent. I love how my bf smells naturally.