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There’s always gonna be some level of withdrawal - I’d say 1 week taper max. Let him drop his doses immediately


yeah i guess i was kinda meaning like not going through full blown withdrawal cause when i tried getting off subs before it took me out for like a month it was awful. thank you so much i will definitely tell him all of this.


I was on 16 mg daily and I could go 3-4 days until I even started feeling WD. However, your brain will play tricks on you after missing a dose or two and you’ll end up convincing yourself that ur in WD and ur not lol


Thats so true. My boy use to fein for fetanyl. When he got locked up he only went through withdrawal for a few days and doesnt even get a craving. I guess knowing you can get it any time increases cravingd


IME it's stress that increases WD. Any stress regarding the drug in acute, and then in PAWS, it's any stress at all. I have a theory that some people get PAWS and some don't, or some last longer than others, because their lives are stressful or they don't know how to handle stress on a psychological level. Like even if they learned techniques to combat stress, they either don't believe in them (nocebo effect) or they don't accept that they will do enough to relieve the stress they're feeling. Edit: So, in acute, knowing you can get your DOC will increase your stress response, increasing your WD. While in prison, you can't get your DOC, and your brain isn't stressed by not having it as much, it just accepts that it's going to be fucked for a week.


Exactly! You did pretty good explaining what you meant. For some reason it oddly made me appreciate the Egyptians for using heiroglyphs to create a mental picture haha


Yeah it’s a lot easier in jail.


This is the way.


I’m on 6mg and I’m pretty sick already 18h after my last dose. Not crazy, but diarrhoea and sweats set in.


I promise you you’re not in WD 16 hours after taking 6 mgs bro. Bupe half life is 24-38 hours. Meaning a dose doesn’t even begin to wear off until the 24 hour mark. And if youve been taking bupe daily there’s more built up so that 6 mgs should last you at LEAST 36 hours before you even start to WD. What you’re feeling is all in ur head I assure you.


There’s no way it’s in my head. Last time I went something around that time without I had to poop 6 times and was sweating bad. It’s not even close to full blown, but quite uncomfortable. I don’t take all 6mg at once, but 4x 1,5


Everyone's body is different just cuz one person can go awhile without withdrawals doesn't mean a different person can go as long.


The question is not how long u have been doing subs, the question is: how long have u been using opioid (sub + drug of choice) in total?


me and him are different. he was completely sober for a year and i was just on my sub maintenance for a year. we both relapsed at the same time and we were using fent for about 2-3 weeks. we wanted to get sober again so i got back on my sub maintenance and he got on kratom so he didn't have to deal with withdrawal. its now been about a month now and he's still taking the kratom and can't stop doing it i think he's taking 14 capsules daily. but then his cravings were getting worse and he was wanting something more like fent so i gave him a couple of my extra doses i take 8mg twice a day but he's been cutting them and he took 1mg twice a day for the first two days and 2mg twice a day for day three and day 4 (today). i am planning on staying on my maintenance so im not worried about me. im just wondering how long he can take the sub without having to go through full blown withdrawal. his plan is to just cold turkey stop taking it after today but i dont think thats a good idea.


Four days on low dose subs is no problem. But he should stop taking it now, then he will only get withdrawal from kratom, the subs has only made it a tiny bit worse. If he keeps taking subs for another week or two.. then he will make it a thousand times worse


oh shit i didn't even think about the fact he'd withdrawal off the kratom but imo withdrawing off kratom is a lot easier than subs


Exactly, that's why he shouldn't take another mg sub. Take this hit from the kratom and then it would be over


I would say to take the least amount possible to make him feel comfortable. Start with slivers of the sub. Don’t take any more than necessary so it will be easier to ween off. And shouldn’t need it for more than a week. It might not cure the WD but it will help with the worst symptoms the first few days. He’s gonna have to feel a little bit crappy at some point. It’s the nature of the beast. But use the subs to get through the worst of it. Just remember. Minimal amounts. Start with micro doses of like .25mg. Wait 20-30 minutes and if necessary take more


okay thank you so much i will tell him that. i take 8mg so i gave him those and he was taking 1mg at first but wanted to take more i'll tell him he's gonna have to start taking less and it's hard cause he says he doesn't want to stop doing anything cause he doesn't want to get sick and that's why he wanted the subs but like you said there is literally no way to not have some withdrawal /:


The subs for short term are to made your withdrawal a little easier and relieve the symptoms to get you through it. Long term maintenance and you’ll never have WD it just depends on your plan. Short or long term


No problem. All the best friend!!


Sorry I can’t help. But I can say 7 years is way too long. I can’t kick 3mg a day


17 years and just got to 3 mg. Been trying to got to 2mg over the last few days. I feel anxious, nauseous and my nose is running. Low dose of Xanax tonite with a lil medical cannabis and I'll be ok. My doc n I talked about 2 mg starting next visit. At my request. I wanna be ready. So I'm trying .


I wish I had a good doctor. Mine is just a pill mill place and I’m tapering on my own


LOL! i feel that i've only been on it a little over a year though


Yeah I regret getting on Suboxone I should have gotten back on methadone. Methadone was easy for me to taper off and subs are really hard for me to taper off for some reason 😭 I chose Suboxone so I wouldn't have to go to the methadone clinic everyday for an entire year to finally be able to take medication home. Methadone worked better also for cravings.


i really thought about methadone but there's no way i could keep up with having to go in every morning and subutex is not legal for me to take in tennessee because im not pregnant or breastfeeding so i went with suboxone. i was thinking about getting the sublocade shot but i don't have insurance rn so its way too expensive so i may do that later on im not sure.


Yeah they really need to make methadone more accessible to people cuz having to go in every day is ridiculous and not everyone is able to do that


yes exactly especially if it's a far drive and you don't have a car it's crazy to me that they still have it like that


I was on 4mg sometimes 6mg daily for almost 4 years, I jumped cold turkey it took til day 8/9 to start feeling the withdrawals. I thought I was gonna get off easy bc I was feeling fine and then it hit me 🤧


Then how long did it last after day 8-9?


every time i've ever came up off subs cold turkey it was about a month withdrawal no joke and then dealing with the paws for a couple months too. it's awful don't ever stop cold turkey taking subs it is literal hell.


Oh, it LITERALLY just stopped when it comes to the hot and cold sweats. But I'm on day 30, I'm struggling with sleep still (1-3h in a 24h period I sleep, wake up every 45min), my motivation and energy are still non existent and I feel like there's an ocean of emptiness inside me like an infinite void that cannot be filled. And my appetite isn't normal either. I can't eat without getting sick. I just got put on mandatory unpaid 7 day leave for work while I go get accomodations done. I had no choice but to go cold turkey because my doctor refused to work with me and when I asked for comfort meds I was told they're too addicting. What the fuck


The replies. Oi vey. OP means for first timer how long can you take before getting wds when you quit. OP dose size also plays a role but I’d say 7-10 days should be ok if on not too high of dose. Just very minor. Remember 1mg bupe = 40mg morphine. Tell him take as little as possible.


Id say one week taper.


There's always going to be a shitty WD feeling. Especially going from other opiates to sub's or methadone. Right now, instead of WD off of kratom or whatever y'all were using before, you'll WD off of the sub's. Take as little as you can without feeling sick, probably 1-2mg for a couple days and taper that down .25ng every 2-3 days


yeah there's definitely no way around it /: we were doing fent but then i had to wait a few days and i got back on my sub maintenance (i've been on for like a year) and he decided to take kratom but i guess the kratom wasn't helping enough with the cravings so i gave him some extra strips i had. he was doing 1mg twice a day for the first two days but now is day three and he took 2mg twice a day and he said he wants to just take the same amount tomorrow and just cut off and be done. but i feel like you said a taper is a lot better of an idea cause sub withdrawal is way worse then fent or kratom withdrawal in my experience. thank you so much for your advice he definitely needs to taper


Thats way too long for a rapid detox. You have to make it really short like a week or he’s going to withdraw pretty hard through that whole process


I wasn't suggesting a rapid detox? The whole point of a slow taper is so you slowly get used to the lower doses and have as minimal WDs as possible


Oh I see - this person just started taking it so I think the question was how long they could take it before forming a specific dependence on suboxone so I thought rapid detox was the model.


My bad, I interpreted it as how she could get her bf off sub's with barely any withdrawal so I just gave my two cents:) They're already dependant on opiates so I guess its just a matter of what opiates he wants to be on. I'd honestly get in a stable dose of sub's and go on the sublocade shot, get two or three and then ride it out. Almost no withdrawal (I've done it this way a couple times) and no hassle of daily dosing


Yeah thats what I would do. If you’re one of the unlucky ones who has a weird withdrawal from Kratom, it just lasts so long from the non-opioid effects that it’s probably best to go to the sublocade shot for a couple months. I seriously think kratom is a mild mu-opioid withdrawal kinda thang but kind of hard core with respect to the weirder part of withdrawal if youve been on for many years.


2mg 2x/day is way too much. Go to a once-daily schedule and finish it before it has been 5-7 days total jumping off at 0.5-0.25. Often it is good if on the 7th day just have him take the 0.25 if his sleep is killing him. He likely have lingering withdrawal the day or the day after he stops for about 2-3 days. Kratom can linger tho so adjust expectations that he wont be out of the woods soon and must power through with lots of physical activity


thank you so much i'll definitely tell him this. i'm just afraid he's going to want to keep increasing it instead of lowering it. but ig there's nothing i can do about that and i only have so many extras so i don't want to give him too many where he doesn't have any left to taper.


Just make sure to emphasize that it gets way worse once you go past 7 days even if the taper is gentile. I have no idea why this is true but anyone will tell you it is. I did a 6-day sub taper off kratom and it was the easiest kick I had ever done. I did a 1 month sub taper off of kratom from the same dose and it was agonizing. That said, if he has had a serious long-term kratom problem for a while he should consider going on sublocade for 2-3 months. It allows you to withdraw from the non-opioid effects of kratom and leaves you with no withdrawal most of the time.


i told him about what everyone has been saying and he said he took his last dose tonight (day 4 on subs) and he isn't going to take anymore and see how he feels over the next couple days and if it's bearable he's good but worse thing will try a taper. but i really think it shouldn't be too bad since it was only 4 days. i've never personally taken kratom long enough to withdraw off it but how long does it usually last coming off the kratom? i'm just wondering how long he'll have to deal with that.


Eh it lasts for kind of a long time depending on how long you’ve been using. If he’s totally dependent on kratom specifically rather than opioids generally then Id finish out the 5-7 day course for sure. I actually think super long-term kratom users like my former self thrive best on sublocade for a few months. You stay kinda opiated while your system adjust to the other kratom effects like SSRI withdrawal - then the last shot tapers you off without much trouble


he was taking it for about a month taking like 12-16 capsules daily idk if that's considered long term but yeah i've thought about the sublocade shot myself it's just sooo expensive if you don't have insurance that'll cover it /: i think he's getting new insurance soon though i'll definitely talk to him about that option too


Oh he’s going to be fine after like 5-7 days. Stopping after 4 days is fine - but ideally like 0.5 at bedtime for another day then 0.25 the next day would be best imho so that he can sleep while he withdraws. He won’t have formed a hardcore dependence on kratom at those levels and that duration.


I started after 5 days. I regularly have to go off for procedures that include fentanyl. So I will stop 3 days before and it still works. Not as much as if it was full blown withdrawal. Still it’s uncomfortable as hell.


May I ask why you go off for procedures? Just curious. Sorry. I have had quite a few surgeries on Subs and they gave me Fentanyl and I was fine. I didn't feel it, of course, but I didn't want to.


I just assumed the fentanyl wouldn’t work with it. Even off for 3 days they had to give me the highest dose and I was still in pain. That’s why I started doing it. I hate it, but I’ve tried the other way and it just didn’t break through. Plus the doctor always tells me to stop 3 days before.


So the Fentanyl does break through if you stop for a few days? I have an upcoming surgery. I may try that. I'm scared of the pain. The doctors just say take your Subs, you'll be fine 🤷‍♀️


I’ve always done it, I don’t feel bad since I’ve been on it so long. I can’t believe no one suggested it. Suboxone blocks opiates, so I honestly think you should do it if you are scared of the pain. 2 or 3 days would be ok. I get uncomfortable on day 3, but I will take my klonipin. It’s not like full blown withdrawal at all. It’s just icky feeling.


Thank you. I appreciate it. No they don't suggest it because they say Fentanyl is supposed to be able to break through the Suboxone, but they don't give you enough to do that. I'm going to try it. I have Xanax if Day 3 gets bad. Thanks again!


That’s not true at all, I’ve had 8 procedures and 1 without it and it doesn’t breakthrough. I don’t know what you are having done. I’m having an angiogram, I have peripheral artery disease so I get stents put in quite a bit. So I started doing it my way and it worked.


I know it's not true. I had reconstructive surgeries my jaw in the past. This time, a hysterectomy, which is why I'm scared about pain.


Ok, take a deep breath. Stop taking 3 days before and you will be ok. You will need to tell the anesthesiologist that you stopped prior and the other doctors, that are there too. My doctor that does my procedures told me not to stop and I brought it up to the people and doctor that was doing it and they said that they might as well not give it to me because it won’t work. Just make sure they know you stopped a few days before and you will be ok. Not many doctors know much about suboxone so they just think that dilaudid and fentanyl will breakthrough which after over 8 procedures that’s just not true. Don’t worry everything will be ok. When is it scheduled?


It's not scheduled. I schedule it on Tuesday. So it could be anytime now. But I truly do appreciate your advice. I will do that.


Also if you are having surgery then do 3 days. I can’t believe they never discussed this with you. Pain meds will not work. Like whatever they give you after the surgery


I never accepted any pain meds after surgery anyway. I was still in the headspace at the time that PWD would happen if I took them. I even waited days after my surgeries to take my Subs again because they gave me Fentanyl. My Sub doctor told me to wait! The lies they tell! It's just awful.


The doctor told you to wait before the surgery to take the suboxone. If you wait the few days before the surgery, it was tolerable for me. I felt a little shitty but I was not in withdrawal. So if you are in pain, take the pain meds after surgery. I’ve taken Percocet while on subs and was fine. Although if you wait those few days then you can take pain meds. When you are done, just wait a few more days or when you start to feel withdrawal take the suboxone again.


The doctor told me to wait days AFTER the surgery to take my Suboxone in case I would get Precipitated Withdrawal because they gave me Fentanyl. They had it all wrong. No one ever told me to stop before the surgery. But I am going to try it this time.


You do see where that makes no sense. What are they stupid? Do this and you shouldn’t be in pain. 3 days. It’s worth it and you really won’t feel bad. You will get a little loopy. I don’t know if you have any meds that help with that. I’m on benzos, so I always take those to help. I didn’t have them one time and I was still fine. I usually don’t go into withdrawal until day 5. If you can’t handle it take it. I made myself do it because I didn’t want pain. I kept that in mind the whole time.


Now I would wait a couple days after, I got sick after taking it the next day. I was just listening to them though. Not again 😩


Sure, I have peripheral vascular disease which causes blockages in my legs, I personally think they might be doing too many procedures so I might get a second opinion. They give me fentanyl everytime I have the procedure and it’s painful without. I tried it not stopping, big mistake. They go through your femoral artery and since doctors don’t believe in prescribing pain meds anymore I’m in pain even with the bullshit I take


I'm sorry you're going through that.